02x10 - The Tooth Is Out There

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "So Help Me Todd". Aired: September 29, 2022 – present.*
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Follows Todd, who has good instincts as a private investigator, but lacks direction and is the black sheep of his family.
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02x10 - The Tooth Is Out There

Post by bunniefuu »


Merritt Folding... my partner...

was bribing a judge,

and selling verdicts
to the highest bidder

and using our law firm
as some sort of front?

TODD: Yes.

[STAMMERS] And this whole thing was

under investigation by
Lyle's girlfriend Alex,

who is actually FBI Agent Ariel?

Yes. Look, I know it sounds crazy

and the FBI has
back-burnered Ariel's case,

but I have just opened mine

and I am sure, I am
certain, and I am right.

All signs point to Merritt.

Ooh, Todd.

When you told me about
the man being m*rder*d

in your hospital room,
I didn't believe you.

And that was a mistake.

- Well...
- So...

I will believe you now, but...

- these are very serious allegations.
- No, I know.

- And they could destroy everything.
- Yes, absolutely.

- Yes, you're right.
- And you're not to go back to the FBI...

- No, I'm not going anywhere at all...
- or to the police

- until you have some proof...
- until I have some proof.


What are we doing in this box?

How did you get them
to even let you in here?

Well, I told the lady
it was urgent and she...

BARB: And how are we feeling?

Refreshed? Revitalized? Relaxed?

- No.
- Actually, yeah.

BARB: But we look fantastic.

These herbal relaxation chambers

infuse our skin with a
dewy moisture that helps...

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

But when does Reese's
presentation begin?

We only did the demo so that we could
get passes to the beauty lecture.

Reese Walters will take
the stage at any moment now.

- Okay, great.
- Isn't it exciting?

- Yeah.
- Right over there.

Thank you.

Wait, so you're here... or we're here...

to see Reese Walters live, in person?

"America's Mom"? Really?

Yes, I got a hot tip.

La Brillance is the
new "it" cosmetics line

since they acquired Reese
Walters'... excuse me...

"America's Mom" influencer brand,

and I've heard that
they need a new attorney

for a case starting today.

- Oh.

La Brillance.

Landing this account could put an end

to all of our firm's troubles.

Well, except for the ones
I just told you about.

"Everyday Glamour for Everyday Moms."


It is genius marketing.

They are raking in the cash. Excuse me.

And I am supposed to meet a
La Brillance executive, Eve,

around here somewhere.

Who hooked you up with
this client anyway?

- Why, we did!
- Margaret dear.

MARGARET: Oh, girls!

Oh, I can't tell you how thankful I am

for making this introduction.

BOTH: Anything for you, Margaret.

We heard about this case
from our friend Ruthie

who heard about it from Nicola...

- or was it Alex?
- Oh. Oh!

But we just heard

that this Eve person
can't make it here today.

MILDRED: Eve would rather meet you

later today, at the courthouse?

Oh. But the pretrial
hearings start today.

Oh... It's okay.

I can make it work. It'll be fine.

TILLIE: Oh, here she comes!


Oh, oh.


Hello, moms of America.

Oh, you all look beautiful.

Now, who wants a makeover

and to take home my full line
of easy, breezy cosmetics?

BOTH: Oh, she's lovely!

And she is going to save our firm.

Yeah, if there's anything left.

Crest, Folding and Song.

Barrett. You know, I met him years ago.

And Yamaguchi? I mean, who is he?

But what does all this prove, Todd?

- What does it mean?
- What does it mean?

Why are these signs here?

Why are Merritt's gum wrappers here?

And what is he doing with
this whole empty 28th floor

- right above us?
- I have no idea.

- Who even leases the 28th floor?
- Good question.

And approx three minutes after
we get our mail down on 27th,

the answer should be here...

- now.

Oh, hi.

- 28th floor?
- Yep, that's us.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Have a good one.

I knew it. Somebody is
getting mail up here.

And it's all addressed to...

Wait, the Portland
Philanthropic Society? What?

I think it's a charity.

Yeah, they actually,
they get a lot of mail.

Oh. Uh...

And... who picks it up?

Nobody. Ever. I just,
I just recycle it all.

Hi, I am so sorry. I'm Judy.

Yeah, sorry, I was in the
shower when you guys...

In the shower? What?

Oh, I actually have a thing.

I am Margaret, Todd's mother.

And you were the one

who was urban harvesting
those bagels, weren't you?

[LAUGHING] Yes, I was.

And I'm dating your son.


Yeah. I mean, yeah,

we just started. And it's great.

- Great.
- But, uh,

this is my mom. Mom,
Judy, you already did that.

- We did.
- You know, this actually doesn't seem

like the greatest time to...

we're actually in the middle of, like,

two cases right now
and you have wet hair.

So we're gonna go, but, um, s-sorry...

We're still seeing Akira at Cinema 21

- tomorrow night, right?

Yeah, probably. Yes. I mean, why not?

Sure. Um...

I'll talk to you later.

- Okay?
- Okay.

Oh, sh**t. I hit the lobby.

- We're going all the way down.
- There's a lot going on.

Merritt, the FBI...

- America's Mom, saving the firm...
- It's a lot.

So, does that girl live up there?

- I know, it... it's weird.
- So, what is she?

- Some sort of a mole person living inside the walls?
- I don't know.

She's a freegan?

Living in empty office
spaces around the city.

But I really like her.

- Don't I?
- [CHUCKLES] It wasn't that long ago

that you were living in a garage.

Well, I'm not a mole person.

Am I? We don't have time for this.

I need to focus on that
new La Brillance account.

And saving the firm.

And you should focus on Merritt Folding.

Yes, I will find proof
and root him out. Yes.

We can do this.

Together. Remember.

We're a team.



What is going on? Where is everybody?

They're all "out sick."

Every single assistant,
paralegal, receptionist...

- It's a sick-out?
- All of them?

Ugh. Unbelievable.

Well, they were promised overtime

for working all last weekend

and somebody didn't pay.

But I will, Francey.

I will make everyone whole again,

- including you.
- I've heard all that before, Margaret.

Can we talk? Privately? In your office?

Unfortunately, I am rushing off to court

right now. Wh... ?

Has someone told
Beverly what is going on?

I mean, someone has
to answer these phones.


- Huh?
- Go sit down at reception.

What? Are you kidding?

I'm about to crack a
career-defining case

and you want me to answer the phone?

Just until I'm able
to get a temp in here.

Those phones have to be answered, Todd.

It could be Eve Parsons
calling from La Brillance,

or Reese Waltersherself.

We have to keep up appearances.

Todd, sit down. Answer the phone.


Sit down.

Crest, Folding and Todd Wright...

I can't believe I'm doing this... What?

You what? Who am I? Who are you?

- Um, Beverly.
- Margaret.

Seems like our staff are
staging a grand mutiny.

W-We have to find the
funds to pay their overtime.

Until then, I will hire
someone to answer the phones...

No use rearranging the deck
chairs on the Titanic.

It's over, Margaret.

This ship is going down.

I just spoke to the accountant.

We have enough money to
limp through the summer,

and then, I suppose we'll
start selling off the furniture.

No, Beverly, wait.

I have a lead on a new client.

La Brillance. And Reese Walters.

- This is the beginning of our recovery.
- Margaret,

let me take this chance
to apologize to you.


I threw you into an
impossible situation.

To be perfectly frank,

I was testing you.

- Testing me? What for?
- I wanted to make sure

that my chosen ally was strong.

Strong enough to face what
we're really up against.

What are we up against?

Beverly, what do you know about
Merritt Folding and the 28th floor?

TODD: Mom? Mom!

Get out here!


- Hold, please. Mom?
- What?

Okay. No calls from your client

but this lady wants legal advice

about a big puddle in her backyard,

and this guy needs a quickie divorce,

as if there were such a thing.

- Shame on you, sir, shame on you.
- Todd,

these are potential
clients. Be professional.

I am being professional.
Goodbye forever.

Oh, and also,

- Susan needs to speak with you.
- What?

Margaret. Listen,
this is really awkward,

but I have been asked to...

I really don't know how to put
this, but you've been served.

What? Served? By whom?

By me. I want payment in full

for every single case for which

I have provided free medical expertise.

You can't be serious.

The puppet case,

the slip-and-fall, the stabby teacher,

the bank robbery girl,

the poisoned juror... the list goes on.

I would like a framed
certificate of participation

- and $87,000.
- What? And you're her lawyer?

Well, no. I only agreed
to serve someone for you

before I knew it was you.

Oh, my God!

- Todd!
- Huh?

Susan, Allison,

pull yourselves together

and hold down this fort.

I have to get to court right away

- to meet a potential new client.
- TODD: Wait, wait, wait.

You can't leave me
here with these phones.

This is crazy. I've got a case to solve,

things to do, a charity to investigate.

Todd, do you know what
happens to the tapeworm

when the body dies?

- Huh?
- The tapeworm dies, too.

Wait, wait, wait,
wait. Am I the tapeworm

or am I the body in this situation?

You keep this place
alive until I return.

Crest, Folding and
tapeworm, what do you want?

Eve Parsons?

- Hello. Finally.
- Yes. Margaret Wright?

Thank you so much for meeting me.

- I can't tell you how thankful I am.
- The pleasure is all mine.

I have been a devotee
of La Brillance Cosmetics

since my grandmothergave me

my first pink blush lipstick.

Oh. Um, that is nice.

I-I was a devotee, too. Until...

Until... ? Until what?

Until Reese Walters
slammed my hand in a door

because she was "angry."

I have permanent nerve damage

- and I can't work as a cosmetologist anymore.
- A cosm... ?

I'm sorry, that-that's
awful, but are you

an executive at La Brillance?

No, no, no, no, no.

I'm hiring you to sue La Brillance.

To sue La Brillance?

All right. Representing La
Brillance? From Granger Zisk?

And the new attorney for the plaintiff

is Margaret Wright?

♪ ♪

Eve, I'm so sorry, there's been
a terrible miscommunication,

but I am not able to
represent you at this time.

No, no, please, please... [STAMMERS]

I-I can't lose another lawyer.

You have to help me.

- I understand...

One second. Hello?

TODD: Oh, Mom? I
didn't mean to call you.

- Wait, what does this button do?
- Sorry.


I'm a widow. [STAMMERS]

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I have three children.

And-and no way to support them.

I understand.

Perhaps more than...

you even know, but I'm just not

able to take a pro
bono case at this time.

No, this-this isn't pro bono.

I-I have your full retainer here.

Um, $30,000, right?

Oh, yes, but h... ?

But this is signed by a
Jordana Jecko? Who is that?

She's my benefactor, um...

- My angel.
- I see.

But I-I would still
have to meet this person.

And then I would hand you
over to another lawyer.

- Because I am not able to...
- COOPER: Ms. Wright?

Just so you know, we'll be
requesting a competency exam

- for your client.
- Really? On what grounds?

Someone who makes claims
Reece Walters did this

and can't keep a lawyer
is clearly delusional.

Excuse me!

She is not delusional.

She is a mother

who has been wronged by your client.

And I am her lawyer.

No, Cheryl is... sick?

Uh-huh, yes, tell me more.

- Mm-hmm, and you want a lawyer because... ?
- LYLE: Crest, Folding & Wright.

- She's not available. Can I take a message?
- Oh, she's mean to you, huh?

Maybe you should call her dad then.

LYLE: Okay, thank you, bye now.

- Uh-huh.
- Crest, Folding & Wright.

TODD: Oh, my God, the green ducts.

That's the 28th floor.

No, sorry, talking to
somebody else, hold please.

Lyle, look. Hold on.

"The International Mouths
of Joy charity provides free

dental care worldwide with
state-of-the-art mobile units."

That's what the 28th floor is for.

Folding's just keeping up appearances.

- Folding?
- Yes!

For all anybody knows, there
is a real charity up there.

And that's how they're
taking in the money.

Bad guys donate to the charity,

but really they're just buying verdicts.

- Hey, um, about your sister?

What? Hello? Hold, please. Yeah?

I really don't want to get in the middle

of a fight between her and your mother.

Smart, it's awful. Hello. Hold.

Gosh! How am I supposed
to look into this charity,

when I am handcuffed to the front desk?

Just forward all the calls to your cell.

- You can do that?
- Yeah.

Remember when I was a
receptionist the summer

- after freshman year?
- Uh-huh.

All right, look.

Just dial pound, four,
three, two, transfer.

And then the number you
want to transfer the call to.

Crest, Folding and Dental.

Thank you for agreeing
to come in and speak

with me, uh, Ms. Jecko.



Well, let me cut to the chase.

Behind the scenes,

Reese Walters, America's Mom,

has anger issues.

She's abusing her staff
and ruining their lives.

Well, that is certainly
not the America's Mom

we've come to adore.

It's very ugly, but let
me ask you something.

What's in it for you?

Why would an outrageously
successful venture capitalist...

yes, I looked you up...
bankroll a case like this?

I represent a sisterhood
of powerful women

seeking to protect other women like Eve

who don't have the resources
to defend themselves.

A sisterhood.

We call ourselves "The Roses."

And if you win this
case, you can join us.

And I will bring all 23
of our businesses to you.

- Oh.
- We should've come to you sooner.

You have a solid reputation for looking

beyond the paycheck,
protecting the little guy.

We can't let monsters
like Reese get away

with destroying one
more hardworking mother.


I'll do it.



But let me warn you.

- Hmm?
- Billions are at stake.

And they will stop at nothing
to protect their brand.

They will come after you
in every possible way.

Exploit every skeleton in your closet.

It's going to be very dirty.

- And very personal.

Hey there, I'm sorry to interrupt.

Are you on this La Brillance case?

I saw your name on the paperwork.

They signed me as outside
counsel this morning.


Good luck.

- Oh, I'm sorry, I...
- Thank you.

I just, I-I couldn't believe
my eyes when I saw it.

You're working for La Brillance?

Yes, and you're suing us.

But don't worry about it, I'm-I'm not

even at the table.
I'm just deposing a few

key assets, and look at
this, you got me talking.

- I can't be sharing any of this with you.
- Mm-hmm.

What, is this gonna be awkward?

Should one of us maybe
step off the case?

I'm not stepping off the case. And, Gus,

they're only throwing you a
bone so that they can rattle me.

Throwing me a bone?

- I'm Gus Easton.
- Exactly.

- And what they want...
- Hang on,

- hang on, hang on, let, let's...
- What?

... let's relax here a second.

Oh, don't tell me to relax.

I meant both of us, okay?

So we can maybe figure out
some rules of engagement?


Maybe we start with: we
don't talk about the case

- outside of court and... and...
- I would never discuss a case outside court.

... we don't keep score.

We don't holdgrudges.

We go easy on each other, huh?

We keep our mutual happiness and...

our future in mind at all times.

I'm only outside counsel.

- Eh, nothing.
- Which is really too bad

'cause I would love a chance
to whup that butt in court.

Please. You'd lose again.

Are you really suing America's Mom?

Magpie, this case is un-winnable.

They have endless resources.

They're gonna stretch this out forever.

They're gonna bury you.

And I'm Margaret Wright.

- Okay, now you two sneak in there...
- Okay.

- ... to La Brillance corporate headquarters.

- And I... [GROANS]
- Will do. Understood.

- Crest, Folding & Wright. Please hold.
- Here, give it to me.

I will answer the calls myself
while you two get in there

and find proof that Reese
Walters abuses her employees.

Yes, and you're gonna
stay right here, right?

- You're the getaway driver.
- No.

I can't be discovered on the campus

of the company that I'm suing.

Well, don't worry about that.

I've got a mask for you in my go bag.

- Here. Yes.
- A mask?

Okay, so I think we should pretend

to be a married couple
or something like that?

- Well, then fine.
- You understand your assignment?

- Yes, I understand.
- Okay.

I can see changing your outfit one time,

but three times before we
leave the apartment, that...

Okay, well, let's not talk about
you calling for the car service

- five minutes late.
- Miles?

We are in public. Hi. We are so sorry

we're late for our
appointment. It was his fault.

Don't you blame me, Jesse.

I told you we were going to be tardy.

You know, I hate that you
have to see him like this.

He's usually so gentle with
his words. So where do we go?

- Up?
- You're here for the photo sh**t, manscara?


And we're late.

Colin? Some more normy
models have arrived.

- Hmm?
- For the "Of the People" campaign.

Yeah, they're perfect. Super dorky.

Super dorky?

Thank you. Tell Colin we'll be right...


You see how he leaves me in the dust?

[CHUCKLES] Miles Elizabeth Curtain.

I'll walk out on you next.

TODD: "Of the People."

I'm not "of these people."

I mean, maybe you are.

And what the heck is "manscara" anyway?

Mascara for men.

Can you tell I'm wearing it?


Also, did you get any dirt on Reese?

The cosmetologist who created
this charismatic pirate look

thinks Reese is lovely.

Hi, you're next.

Just follow me.

Oh, gosh, this is so exciting.

I'm such a big fan of Reese.

- What's she like?
- She's lovely.

- She's America's Mom.
- Ah.

Oh, hi there. Hi.

I heard Reese Walters
is a total monster.

Have you heard that?

She's lovely. She's America's Mom.

Right, hmm, great. [COUGHS]

Sorry, ca... ? Uh, wait.

Becky, with the nametag
and the brown hair.

Oh, my God, hi.

My friend Eve Parsons wanted
me to say hello to you.

- Eve?
- Uh-huh.

What happened to her?

- Wait, are you talking about Eve?
- Yeah, Eve.

And what about Diana,
how is she? Is she okay?

Oh, yes, Diana.

Oh, good question.

REESE: Good morning!

Hello, everyone. Great
day for a photo sh**t.

Am I right? Wow.

Who is this?

I think we've found our cover boy.

- Grab him.
- Wha... ? Oh, oh, okay!

Lanie, Becky, come.

Cover boy? Me?

Have fun. You're gonna be famous.


Hi again. Hi.

Oh, my God.

Uh, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me!

Pound, four, three, two, transfer.


Oh, God.

- You told me to wear this.
- Sorry.

I forgot. Okay, go.

- Where's Lyle?
- He's not coming.

He's the new manscara cover boy.

It's a long story.

Would you just go, please?

And take that mask off, my God!

Okay, so they're all afraid of Reese.

And there's another woman, like Eve,

who is no longer there.
Her name is Diana.

Maybe this Diana is another victim.

And if we can locate her, our case

is much stronger case.

TODD: Wait, is that... ?

Todd, what-what are you looking at?

TODD: "Mouths of Joy."

Mom, follow that molar.





Dentist! Dentist!


This is nothing like
the mobile dental unit

on the website. This is so beat-up.

It's sepsis on wheels.

Okay, so follow my lead.

I ask a few questions, let
him glance at my pearlies,

and try to suss out his
connection to Folding.

Todd, I'm the lawyer, I
should be asking the questions.

No, you back me up.

- I answered your little phones.
- Thank you.

And now you're my wing-mom, so...

Whatever happens, you go along with it.

It's like improv. "Yes, and."

- Okay?
- Yes.


Hey, there. You need some dental work?

- Yes.
- And I'd like to watch.

Cool, yeah, whatever.

Come on in.

Yes, and you go first.

- Well, we'll start with a basic exam.
- Uh-huh.

Can't do X-rays though,

- the machine kind of melted.
- Okay.

DEXTER: Ooh, and I can give you
a brush and floss if you want.

Oh, that sounds refreshing.

- And-and this is all free?
- Yeah.

Wow, what a wonderful,
charitable service.

Yes, and...

who's behind all of this?

No idea. Never met them.

But who pays you for your services?

Some organization. They fund all this.

Not too shabby for a guy

who flunked out of dental school, huh?

Hey, wait, what? You
flunked out of dental school?

- Open up and say, "Ah."
- What do you mean, you flunked...


Oh, honey, smile. You look so cute.


- Yes. Good.
- DEXTER: Whoa,

- you got a lot of teeth in there.
- Ah.

- Good for you.
- Thank you.

- Oh, that tooth looks like a cavity.
- Hmm.

You want me to open it
up and have a better look?

Yes. And... ?

And? Well, I could pull it.

- Yes.

Yes, and... ?

- Full root canal?
- Oh, my God.

Yes, a-and... ?

Let me get drill and we'll start it up.

- Oh, no!

- DEXTER: Okay, appointment's over.
- Oh, God.

DEXTER: Sorry about that.

But I'll be back by
here in a month or so.

And, hey, uh, I'm not
really supposed to do this,

but if you want to leave me a tip,

here's my CashDown link.

- Ah, uh, "Dexter Snodgrass."
- You can call me "Dex."

Ugh. You were gonna let him drill on me?

You told me the "yes, and" thing.

Yeah, but not to the
point of a root canal.



LYLE: These are all La
Brillance phone lines?

TODD: Uh-huh.

You get anything interesting yet?

Well, Yvonne in sales
is mad at Jenny in HR,

who's bogged down with Kiersten's

bronzer etiquette complaints,

whatever that means.

- Meanwhile, Katherine's... oh.

Hi, Katherine.

Did David from maintenance
change that bulb yet?

Not yet. Who is this again?

Oh, um, Ish Shmer... Ge... ka...

can't hear you... thank you.

They're gonna figure this out very soon.

Well, until then, we keep going.

Meanwhile, what have you got?

Your dentist friend Dexter Snodgrass

forgot to make his history
private on the CashDown app.

And he takes in $400 a
month from "Donate PPS."

PPS. The Portland Philanthropic Society.

I tried to send Donate PPS a dollar,

and CashDown converted that
dollar into Swiss francs.

Swiss bank accounts.

That's how Folding is hiding the money.

Crooks donate in, Folding
pays out to the judge

and the whole thing is hidden behind

this fake charity and that
janky-ass nightmare dental caboose.

Okay. W... uh, well,
with this information,

- and the charity license your mother sent a photo of...

I reached out to my
friend back at the NSA.

- Uh-huh.
- He's gonna get whatever information he can

about who owns that Swiss bank account.

- Great.

Oh, I stopped answering that one.

It's just somebody yelling
in a foreign language.

ALLISON [DISTANT]: ... for years,
soliciting medical expertise,

- with no contract, no remuneration...
- Speaking of yelling.

- ALLISON: ... and no recognition whatsoever.
- Allison?

Y-Yeah... okay, I see your point,

and I definitely hear the
frustration in your voice.

Oh, my God. Good job on the
sensitivity training, Susan.

That rocks. Oh, great,

you're gonna saunter in
here with some witty quips

and try and calm me down
and then get me to barf up

some magical medical fix-all info?

It's not happening, okay? It's over.

I'm not doing it again.

And I want him on my witness list

or my-my contingent
list or whatever list

that people who are suing
have, I want him on it.

Hey, Al, I think you need to...

No, I don't. And I'm leaving.

And do not FaceTime me,

asking for, "Hey, Al,
what's the blood type

of a serial k*ller with red hair?"

Wait, is that a thing? They
all have the same blood type?

- No.
- Huh.

You know,

I was like that when I was 16,

but my mother was not having it.

Yeah, I think she's just
dealing with a lot right now.


SUSAN: Ooh. Judy.

- How's that going?
- Oh, um,

I don't know, uh...

I mean, she's great,
but... she's different

than me... or not different than me,

she's just... her
living situation is odd,

and I-I guess I'm just not
sure where she's headed in life.

Or-or where I'm headed.

Or what a future with
her might look like.

So now you know how I
felt when I was dating you.

- Hmm.

What is with that phone?

MARGARET: Your Honor,
Eve Parsons' journals

would corroborate the abuse
she endured from Reese Walters.

And we object.

These journals amount to nothing more

than a silly teenage girl's diary.

[CHUCKLES] Your Honor,

I've sent the pages out for testing

to authenticate the
date, the handwriting,

- the legitimacy of...
- LANSDELL: I'm afraid I agree.

You haven't met your
burden, Attorney Wright.

Motion denied.

We'll take a 15-minute recess.


- We're gonna lose, aren't we?
- Uh, uh, no, no.

It's a setback, not a loss.

Will you excuse me for
just one second, please?

I have been trying to reach you all day.

I know, I'm sorry, I've been busy.

Look, I know we're not
supposed to talk about the case

but there's been a big,
weird development, they've...

they've added a new expert,

and I've been trying to let you know...

Who is the new expert?


Hello, Margaret.



- What is he doing here?
- I love your blouse.

- Oh, my God, stop, Harry.
- Margaret, no, no, no.

You cannot speak to him.

Listen, Harry McDonald is privy

to privileged
attorney-client information.

Information that he cannot share

- and you cannot hear.
- Oh, what information could you possibly have?

Margaret, they're gonna
see you talking to him

and they're gonna
bump you off this case.

It-it may be a dirty tactic,

but you got to cool it.

I still love you, Margaret.

Oh, my God.

And you should cool it, too.

Hey, Easton, need you a second.

Be right there. Listen, Harry,
go back to our prep room.

- Wait. But I...
- Come on, go. No, no.

Do not say one more word
to her. And Margaret?

Same applies to you.

Both of you, no more talking.

- Margaret.
- Oh, God.


I know something.

I can help you win this case.

Shut up and go away. God.


- Oh.
- Weird. Hi.

I was gonna say you've
been avoiding my calls,

but it seems like you
actually have a lot

- of calls coming in.
- No, I'm not avoiding your calls, I'm just...

Look, I get it,
you're-you're freaked out

that I am squatting in the building.

Uh... it's weird.

And I'm weird, to you.

No, no, I guess... look,
I'm weird, if anything,

- I'm just...

- Oh, whoa.
- No, no, no, don't... don't get that.

- Oh.

It's Portuguese.

Wait, he's looking for a paper?

No, no, no, he's looking for a check.

Someone owes him some money? Yeah.


- You speak Portuguese?

Okay. It's not for him.

It's a reimbursement
for someone named Diana.

- Diana? Wait, no, no, no.

They're all turning off.

- They must've shut down the phone transfer.
- Oh, no.

They're onto me. Ugh!

If only we had just one
minute with that guy.

Where is my...

I've got it. Well, partially.

I... oh, hello.

- Hi.
- Wow, you look so much younger without the...

I was thinking about growing it back...

- Lyle? What are you doing?
- Okay.

Swiss bank accounts are anonymous,

but my friend at the NSA Shannet...

- "Shannet"?
- Like Janet with a "shh."

- Oh.
- He was able to locate an application

for an international funds transfer.

And while most of the data was redacted,

he was able to pull a photo

of the PPS Swiss bank account holder.

No way.

- Weird photo.
- It's encrypted.

And it's gonna take
about 24 hours to decrypt.

Well, wait-wait-wait,
what does this mean, guys?

Okay, this is a photo of a guy

who runs the fake charity upstairs,

and this guy Merritt takes in
money and buys off the judge,

but by tomorrow at this time
we'll have a photo of him.

- Hard, fast evidence that we can take to the FBI.
- Okay.

We did it. We cracked
the case. We beat Folding.

- Oh, my God.
- Yep.

- Now all we have to do is...
- Wait?

- We need to talk.
- I know.

I know, I've been meaning to, but...

It-It's too late for all that now.

I've been offered a job,
and I'm gonna take it.

Oh... Francey, no, no, no, no.

No, please, please understand...

It's triple my current salary,

reasonable hours, room for advancement

and six weeks paid vacation.

Triple your current salary?

Who's offering you this?

- La Brillance Cosmetics.
- Oh, no, Francey.

No, they-they are a miserable company.

This is not a real offer.
They are just trying to...

I don't care what they're trying to do.

They gave me a solid contract.

I had Susan look it over,
and I'm taking the job.

I am. I'm taking it.

There's just one thing.


You have to fire me.

You have to fire me.

They won't take me on
until I'm formally released

from my contract here, so...

you need to fire me.

No. I won't do it.


I have taken on more responsibility

than any person alive could handle,

and I did it all for you.

So, please, Margaret,
do this one thing for me.

Fire me.

Say it.

♪ ♪


You're fired.





♪ ♪

Well, I'm not coming to you.

Ah, yes, of course.

Of course. Sorry. I knew you'd come.

Did they put you up to this?

[LAUGHS] Oh, they must
be really afraid of me

to have sunk so low.

No, no, no, nothing like
that, honestly, I just...

I came to help you.


So that you'd forgive me.

When they approached me about
being an expert on the case,

I knew it was all malarkey.

They asked me more questions about you

than about my qualifications.

I'm just a tactic, to hurt you.

And you've been hurt so much already.

So why did you say yes?

I need the money.

I can't find a job. I-I
need health insurance.

When I went in to meet La
Brillance at Granger Zisk,

- you know, the attorney's...
- Yes, I know who they are.

- They have gorgeous offices.
- Get to the point.

Well, there were so many
people, so much going on,

experts and witnesses,

and this woman who was sitting near me

left this on her chair.

It's marked "confidential."

It's got all sorts of
information about the case.

I didn't understand most of it,

but I thought maybe...

maybe it could help you.

Help you to win.


Hey, there's gotta be something

useful in here, Marg... Margaret.

Margaret, look. Wait,
you can't just take off.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
There's something...

There's some woman, some
woman from Cape Verde.

She's, uh, she's sick or something.

With Grenfell syndrome?
Grenfell syndrome!

- Allison, please be reasonable.
- Come on, get on board, Alison.

- I could lose the firm.
- We're your family.


Okay. Allison,

I value you.

I don't have a favorite
child, but if I did,

you would be in the top two.

Allison, I am so grateful for
all of the medical expertise

- that you have very...
- I've heard it all before.

Why don't you just
search Grenfell syndrome?

The Internet is free, but I am not.

I did search it, and I got nothing,

and then I searched it with Cape Verde,

where they speak Portuguese, by the way,

and anyone ever named Diana,

and still got nothing.

Who gave you this tip anyway?

It befell me against my will.

That's all you need to know.

Okay, Allison. Okay, okay.

What do you want?

- A helipad.
- Hey, if she gets one, I get one.

And $87,000.

The firm is out of money. What else?

I've always admired that bracelet.

Your grandmother gave that to me.

Her silver then.

What are you going to do
with that in this hovel?

- Hey!
- Melt it down and make a sword.

Allison, this is nonsense.

Okay, okay, you can have the bracelet,

and you can have the silver.

And when the firm recovers,

you can have exactly what
you are owed. Okay? Deal?

- Oh!
- No deal.

I'm not dropping the lawsuit.
I want my day in court.

Well, if this isn't about the money,

the bracelet and the silver,

then what... Oh, oh.

We're back to solving
the mystery of your life.

The mystery of my life?

I didn't ask for help solving
the mystery of my life.

What does that even mean?

Hey, don't look at
me, I've already solved

the mystery of my life.

That is right, Todd. You have.

And I am so proud of you.

But you didn't do it alone.

I have been there for you and helped,

Allison helped, and, Allison,

Todd and I will be there for you

as you are figuring it
out, okay? Right, Todd?

TODD: Yeah, of course we will.

But right now, there is
a very desperate woman

who needs our help, so, please,

tell us, what is Grenfell syndrome?


Okay, you couldn't find
Grenfell syndrome online

because the name is actually
Granfeldt syndrome...

Whoever tipped you off is a real idiot.

Oh, you have no idea.

... and it is a very rare
and late-stage complication

affecting people recovering
from serious burns.

- Burns? Like skin burns?
- ALLISON: Mm-hmm.

And, occasionally, there
are complications that arise

which require endless follow-up
surgeries at great cost.

Costs that they would
need to be reimbursed for.

So, this Diana was burned,

and they sent her away to Cape Verde.

TODD: Is this enough
for you to win the case?

I am going to make it enough.

Now, you need to get back to the office

- and downcrypt that...
- Decrypt.

Decrypt that NSA photo.

Okay. This is so Mission: Impossible.

I can't even... Wait, are you good?

Yes, I'm fine. I need a minute.

- Yes!
- MARGARET: Great. Very grateful.

- This is great. Wait, Mom.
- Yes, okay.

- Seriously, we're on it.
- Oh, sorry.

- Make contact.
- No, I'm doing it...

- Line it up with the elbow.
- Ah!

- There you go.
- Yes, great.

Oh, thank you.


Your Honor, we would like to recall

our witness Lanie Friedbook.



Lanie, what is your
opinion of Reese Walters?

She's lovely.

She's America's Mom.

[CHUCKLES] Were you coached to say that?

Because don't you think
it's a little bit funny

that every single cosmetologist,

every employee, in fact,

at La Brillance says the exact

same thing about Reese Walters?

"She's lovely, she's America's Mom."

Well, no, because she is lovely.

And she's America's Mom.

And do you think that Diana

would also say she was lovely?

- Diana who?
- That's a good question,

because when you asked my
investigator about Diana,

I cross-referenced all of the
employee records at La Brillance

with Social Security
records, and it appears

that Diana's been scrubbed
from the system, but...

why would that be?

I don't know anything.


But do you think that it's possible

that Diana also had a run-in with Reese

where she was left hurt?

And burned.

You... you know about the burns?

MARGARET: Yes, I do.

Was she burnt so badly

that she was sent away to Cape Verde?

No, it wasn't Diana.

Diana wasn't burned.

Oh. No, no, I...

I mean...

Am I protected by being up here?

They made us sign all these NDAs,

and I'll lose my job and
they threatened us with fines.

Lainie, I will protect you,

and you are under oath.

If it wasn't Diana, then
who was it? Who got hurt?

What did Reese do?

Reese was so mad at Diana,

and they were arguing and...

and-and Reese threw a cup of
hot, scalding coffee at her.


But it... it landed,

it splashed all over
on Diana's daughter.

A baby.


She threw hot coffee
all over Diana's baby.


Thank you.

Here we go.



How's it going?

We're almost there. 98%.

All right. Good work,

Portland's best number
one private detective.

[CHUCKLES] Hey, uh,

I brought some cake to celebrate.

- Somebody had a birthday down on 14.
- You know what?

What? [GASPS]


♪ Fish in the sea ♪

- ♪ You know how I feel ♪


♪ River running free ♪

♪ You know how I feel ♪

♪ Blossom on the tree,
you know how I feel ♪

Thank you.

♪ It's a new dawn, it's a new day ♪

- Oh, um...

- This...
- Yeah, you can. Yes.

♪ For me ♪

♪ And I'm feeling good ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Dragonfly out in the sun ♪

♪ You know what I
mean, don't you know? ♪

Here we go.

♪ Is a new world ♪

♪ And a bold world ♪

♪ For me ♪

♪ Stars when you shine ♪

♪ You know how I feel ♪

♪ Scent of the pine ♪

- ♪ You know how I feel ♪
- _

♪ Oh, freedom is mine... ♪

Francey, I have news.
You have to call me

as soon as you get this message.

I need to talk to you.

It's urgent. Call me.


Thank you.




- Susan.
- Hmm?

Susan, I am promoting you

to senior associate
effective immediately.

The promotion is yours.

- What?
- Yeah.

Oh, here.

- Congratulations.
- Okay.

♪ I'm feeling good. ♪

Um, I am so sorry,

but I, uh, I may need to call you back.

But thank you.

Thank you for the offer.

Todd, I did it.


I won. I won.

And, Todd, I signed 23 new clients. 23.

In a day.

That must be a new record.

But, Todd,

I did it. I saved the firm.

Ha-ha. Things are looking up. [LAUGHS]

Well, not everything.

What? Didn't you-you get that photo?

Do you have proof that
Merritt is a criminal?

Well, I have proof
that the criminal is...

... you.

Oh, my God. That's my passport photo.


This photo says that

the owner of the fake charity upstairs

is you.

Oh, my God.

All of those checks
that I've been signing.

Those duplicate vendor bills.

Sam's Bagels?

Who have I been paying?

Maybe Alistair Song didn't
actually embezzle from the firm.

Maybe by making you name partner,

- Merritt Folding...
- Is setting me up to take the fall for his crimes.

He's framing me.


this is going to be hard.

And-and complicated.

But we will figure it out together.


- we're a team.
- We're a team.

- Oh, Merritt Folding.
- BEVERLY: Speak of the devil.

He's on his way up.

Wait, Merritt Folding is here?

Gird your loins.

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