30x09 - Master Plan

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x09 - Master Plan

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme music playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space
Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away
Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[birds singing]

[Billy] So, every time you use
these powers, some of the magic

the Morphin Masters gave you is drained.

And when it runs out,
you return to the Grid.

Is that correct?

[Solon] Exactly.

We've been researching methods
to reverse or at least slow it down.

But we've only hit dead ends.

I can't lose you again.

The only option is for you
not to use magic anymore.

The Morphin Masters brought me back
to help in the battle against Zedd.

I have to do that.

[Solon] But there are alternatives
to magic, right?

I promise.

I'm only going to do
what's right for the team.

[alert beeping]

[Solon] Javi, who is that?

-[Javi] Everyone, get in here.
-Are we expecting a video call?

Weird. It's not encrypted,
and it's from Eltar.

Maybe it's Slyther and Mucus.
If their plan worked.

Wait, what's happening?

Let's see.

[Zedd] Hi, kids. We need to talk
about the Tricera Statue.

Now, you must've believed
destroying it would fix your friend.

So it gives me
great pleasure to announce... [cackles]

...it didn't.

[Amelia sighs]

Oh man. I'm sorry, Amelia.

I thought the theory
to cure him would work.

[Zedd] Sure, these circus freaks
cut him off from his powers,

but now we get to punish them. As a treat.

[Mucus] I don't think
he knows what treats are.

[Zedd] And I've even got
an extra pair of hands back to help.

Well, not hands, but...

[Bajillia] Tentacles.

Bajillia? I thought we sautéed that squid.

[Bajillia] Well, you tried.

Even though I had to regrow
from the tiniest sliver,

I am back at Lord Zedd's side.

Now I will make sure he gets
all the power he deserves.

[Zedd] Honestly, if you fools
knew what was coming,

you'd surrender now.

-And I'd laugh at your fate.
-[Ollie grunts]

Lord Zedd is developing tech
to turn himself into a Morphin Master!

-He's what? How?
-Ollie, are you...

-Look out!
-[Zedd grunts]

So a trickster and a fool.

Chain him up and cut the feed.

-[Amelia] Ollie's good.
-Slyther and Mucus pulled it off.

Mucus seems to be slime in a jar.
Guess they don't want her escaping.

Their success is good, but the rest isn't.
Your friends are in grave danger.

If Zedd finds a way to become
a Morphin Master, the whole universe is.

Then what? Could he mess with
the Morphin Grid or obliterate it?

It doesn't work that way.
The Morphin Grid can't be destroyed,

but our link to it can be.

That's why the Morphin Masters
do all they can to keep it in balance.

But it's unguarded now.

It would be a disaster
if Zedd got anywhere near it.

We gotta get the Master Captivator,
Ollie, and the others back.

They'll have intel on Zedd's plan.
Ollie put himself on the line for us.

We can do the same for him.
We're gonna rescue them today.

Yes, thinking positive. Love it.

Solon, we're going to Eltar.

[Solon] Let's get this ship ready to fly.
Amelia, fire up the engines.

-On it.
-[buttons clacking]

Hey, Jones. I have some thoughts.

[Amelia] Hit me with them.

Here's the thing.
Eltar was the home of my mentor Zordon.

Zedd will be proud
to have conquered his enemy's planet.

He's not gonna give it up easily.

And now he knows you're comin'.
I'm certain he'll be setting a trap.

Mm. We've faced big problems before,
and this time we have you on our side.

Your team just liberated
the rest of Earth.

But we're not finished.
I came here to tell you where we're at.

We have Ranger teams all over
the universe fighting Zedd's forces.

Alien civilians caught
in the battle are losing their homes.

Our forces are having to take them
to New Tech City back on Earth.

That's great, but what are you leading to?

With refugees to defend
and monsters to fight,

I'm afraid all the Ranger teams
are tied up.

I have to go, and I have to fight too.

If you wait and you go to Eltar
when more Ranger teams are available,

I'm certain we can hit Zedd
with an overwhelming force.

But if you choose to go right now...
I'm afraid you're gonna be on your own.

I get what you're saying,

but this rescue mission
is the right thing for my team to do.

Without intel on Zedd's plan
to become a Morphin Master,

how else can we stop it?

It's a dangerous bet.

I think we have to risk it.

You have an impressive team,
and they have an amazing leader.


As my mentor Zordon would say,
"May the power protect you."

-All right, g*ng. Let's hit the sky.
-[energetic music playing]

[Amelia] Okay, we're approaching
the source of their transmission now.

Zedd has unique taste in architecture.

I believe it's called art wreck-o.

Uh-oh. They spotted us.

[Inkworth] As a loyal butler,
I simply cannot abide trespassers.

That fish is gonna get battered.
Time for us to go big too.

[epic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Fury
and Dragon Fury Megazords, ready!

[Fern] As distractions go, he's big.

[Inkworth] Today's refreshments,
ink rain with a jazzy jolt.

[Aiyon] Does this have
an umbrella function?

[Amelia] Yeah, visibility's bad.

But we can't let this stop us
from getting to Ollie.

[Inkworth grunts]

[Zayto] Can anyone see through this rain?

[Inkworth] When they ask
who destroyed you,

tell them the butler did it.

[Amelia] Whoa, system's overloaded.

[Inkworth] If you hate the rain,
you'll loathe the lightning.

[electricity crackles]

[Izzy] There goes our formation.

[Amelia] Another jolt like that,
and our Zords are history.

We gotta stop the storm!

[Zayto] I'll remote-link us
a gold, silver, and pink special.

Cosmic Blast!

[Inkworth] Rain or shine,
the fisticuffs continue.

[Zayto] Let's go mega. Zords combine!

[Izzy] Maybe a new formation
will do the job.

[epic music playing]

[Amelia] If we're gonna
shut this down fast, we can't just go new.

We gotta go ultra!

[Zayto] That's how I know
you're Rafkonian.

'Cause you read my mind.

[Amelia] Megazords combine!

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Ultrazord, ready.

[Amelia] Now's your chance to surrender.

[Inkworth] Never.

[Amelia] Take out the tentacles.

[Inkworth] Ink-conceivable.

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Ultrazord!

Cosmic Ultra Blast!

[Inkworth screaming]

[groans] Inkworth, you fool!

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Victory!

[Amelia] Grilling that squid
took too long.

Let's get to the fortress.

[tense music playing]

[Slyther] That's it, Ollie,
keep grinding those restraints.

You're almost free.

[Copyguard] Oh.
That's definitely going to work.

If you keep going for another year.

[Slyther] I mean, to be fair,
it is a long-term goal.

It feels wrong doing nothing
at a time like this.

[Mucus] But look on the bright side.
You're a good guy again.

Yeah, a good guy who helped
Lord Zedd with his evil plans

and nearly took out his Ranger teammates.

[Slyther] Maybe there's
an even brighter side to look at?


What's Amelia gonna think of me?

After everything I've done.

[Slyther] Whoa, slow your roll.
You may have a brain made of meat...

[Mucus] Hey, we're nice now.

[Slyther] Uh, good meat, of course.

But you can't know
how your lady is feeling.

-[Slyther] Please.

We're having a heart-to-heart.

[Copyguard] Alert.
Power Rangers have entered the bay.

Power Rangers... [screams]


[Amelia] Ollie! Where are you? [grunts]

[Copyguard] You'll never get past me!

[Amelia grunts]

-You sure about that?
-[Zayto] Excuse us.

[Ollie gasps]

-[group grunting]
-[Amelia] Two to go.

[Javi] Serve up
the old hack-and-smash combo.

[both grunt]

[Slyther laughs]

[Ollie gasps]

[Amelia] Can't forget Mucus.

[grunts, yells]

[Mucus cheers]

There wasn't mush room in that jar.

[group laughs]

[Zayto] Nice one, Mucus.
This level's clear.

[Amelia] Power down.

[Amelia gasps]

[calming music playing]

I always knew that wasn't you.
The real Ollie is back. We're back.

-We are?
-Of course, babe.

-I've missed you so much.
-She's not the only one.

It wasn't your fault you were evil.

We're glad the plan worked.
Zedd's in trouble now.

-I knew you two had it in you.
-[Slyther] Well, we're very talented.

[Mucus] Especially me.

Zedd left with the Master Captivator.

And it's ready to go.

He's gonna use the energy
to turn himself into a Morphin Master.

That's how he's gonna do it.
Of course. We have to...


[Izzy grunts]

-[Bajillia] You're not going anywhere.
-[Aiyon] Bajillia?

[Bajillia] This fortress
is rigged to blow.

Not even Ranger suits can protect you now.

Teleportation's blocked.

[Bajillia] Of course it is.
Planned it all myself.

You have 20 seconds
to think about your fate, starting now.

[Slyther] A countdown. To destruction?

Ollie, we need a genius plan, okay?

I got nothin'. There's no way out.

We're running out of time.

-[Mucus] Thirteen, 12!
-[Slyther] Please.

There's only one solution.

Aiyon, I promised you that I was going
to do what's best for the team.

I have to keep that promise.

[Aiyon] No! You can't!

[tense music playing]

[Aiyon] No!

Zayto. Zayto. Wake up. Please.

-Is there anything that we can do to...
-[energy thrums]

The Grid.



[Mucus] Oh. What?

He's going back.

No. No. No, you're not.
Zayto, you can't leave us.

Goodbye, Zayto.

[dramatic music playing]

[Aiyon grunts]


What just happened?

He's stable... but unresponsive.

[Javi] You think we can use that?

Zayto's morpher and stuff?
What's the plan?

We still have a mission.

Let's get Aiyon back to the base ship.
Maybe Solon can help him.

We'll get through this.

[Mucus] Well, Dr. Sly?

[Slyther] Hmm.
There's lots of brain activity.

He could be dreaming, or something.

I'm a doctor of circus, not medicine.

That could be it. A huge energy surge.

[Solon] Deep in the mountains.
A good place to hide.

-What kind of energy are we talking?
-I'll give you one guess.

Zedd's Master Captivator.

If he started his power transfer,
we've got to get there ASAP.

We've gone through a lot,
and time is definitely tight,

but we need to focus, think this through.

[Ollie] She's right.

And with all the Morphin Master energy
that he's gonna pull,

Zedd is gonna be strong.

Like... Nemesis Beast times 100 strong.

If max firepower won't cut it, what will?

We aren't going to be able
to ask Lord Zedd nicely, are we?

No one knows we survived that blast,
do they?

The element of surprise will help.

Hang on.

What if all this could be something?

[Solon] What's your idea, boy genius?

It'll be trickier
than popping a balloon with a hyper arrow.

Let's hear it. We're with you.

First, we need the weapons,
including the Mosa Razor.

I know Aiyon can't use it right now,
but maybe we can.

If I can help you put this together,
you have a real sh*t at taking Zedd down.

[Solon] Well, look at you.

[Zedd] The peace, the serenity,

the unbridled power within me!

Soon, my ascension will be complete.

Tubes, t*nk, big chair.

Did I guess right? Oh, yep. Real original.

[Zedd] You can't ruin my moment.

In fact, I'm impressed
you escaped Bajillia's trap.

Although seems like
not all of you made it out.


-Watch it.
-[Zedd] Why?

My apotheosis throne has done its work.

The energy of every Morphin Master
now resides within me!

[energy blasts]

[cackles menacingly]

Now let's see what this power can do!


A giant "N"?

[Zedd] What? No. It's a "Z." "Z" for Zedd.

But if you look at it this way...

[Zedd] The point is, I am supreme.

Well, we've stopped the unstoppable
and beaten the unbeatable,

so you don't scare us, Lord Zedd.

[Zedd] It's Master Zedd.

All thanks to your now useless boyfriend.

How cruel of you to drag him along.

He can't even morph.

You sure about that?

It's Morphin' Time!

[energetic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Orb!

[creatures screech]

Link to Morphin Grid!

[creatures screech]

[all] Cosmic Fury Power!

[Ollie] I've always been
about the upgrades.

[Zedd] Oh no.
I'm shaking in my shiny boots.

[Ollie] You should be. Weapons Combine!

[epic music playing]

[Amelia] Okay, let's go.

[Rangers] Cosmic Blaster!
Unleash the fury!

[Zedd] How gracious.

But I'm afraid your kind offering
must be returned.

[group grunts]

[Javi] Okay. No choice. Time to escalate.

Zord Power, now!

[epic music playing]

[Izzy] Light him up.

[Zedd] No! Lights out!


If Dark Specter could see me now.


[Ollie] Not even the Zords are safe.

[Amelia] Scratch this, team.
We need a new strategy.

[Zedd cackles]

Hey, ninnies.

Guess who's next. [shouts]

[Fern] Oh sh**t. [grunts]

[Izzy and Zedd grunting]

[Fern] Keep moving.

[Amelia] Good. Distract him
while we fine-tune our strategy.

[Ollie] Fine-tune?
We don't even have the start of one.

[Rangers grunting]

[Zedd cackles]

Can't blame you for trying. [shouts]

[Fern yelps]

[Amelia] Okay, the Cosmic Blaster's out.
Even the Zords.

[Ollie] 'Cause Zedd's a Morphin Master.
I won't say it's impossible, but...

[Amelia] Nothing's impossible.

[Ollie] So how do you stop a...

[both] The Master Captivator!

[Ollie] It can't destroy him...

[Amelia] But he'll be trapped.

[Ollie] Only two Zentinals.
I won't say it'll be easy, but...

[Scrozzle grunts]

-[Bajillia] Now!
-[Ollie] What?

[Bajillia] Roll camera.

[Scrozzle] Get it into position
before Zedd can't.

[Zedd] What is the media doing here?

And, Scrozzle, I don't need your help.

[Scrozzle] I've got the sh*t.

[Bajillia] We're live? Good.


[Zedd] Fire? Wait, how dare you!

[Scrozzle] He's in the can.

[Javi] Whoa, what just happened?

[Bajillia] Let's wrap up. Zentinals.

-[Izzy] They can't use that, can they?
-[Amelia] No. No way.

[Rangers groan]

They totally used it.

[tense music playing]

[Javi] Now what?

[Bajillia] Make sure they behave.
We're on TV.

If you're just joining us,
we're with multi-talented

and multi-tentacled Bajillia Naire.

Bajillia, you just managed
to trap an incredibly powerful being

in a tiny machine.

How does it feel?

[Bajillia] He must be
pretty uncomfortable.

Probably regrets trusting me.

She played Zedd this whole time?
That's cruel, even for a monster.

[Scrozzle] Talk about canned meat.

Completely helpless.


Your company stock is at a record high.

Any messages for your investors?

[Bajillia] Strap in, because
what comes next is a tour de force.

And Master Zedd is the key.

Wow. Very intriguing.

[Scrozzle] It is. With Master Zedd's
evil energy crammed in that tube,

it won't take much for us to set it off.

When it blows, a wave of pure evil
will sweep the universe,

purging the cosmos of all that is good.

Only the wicked will remain.

This sound familiar to anyone else?

[Bajillia] And, yes, this will be bad
for workers' rights,

but those of us
in the arms trade will make bank.

With no heroes,
eternal w*r is finally possible.

[Solon] Utterly ghastly.

Any comment on the similarity
between this wave

and Zordon's famous energy wave

that took down
the United Alliance of Evil?

[Bajillia] Lies, slander.

This energy wave
is intellectual property of Squid Ink Inc.

It destroys good, not evil.
There's no similarity.

[Mucus] Oh, shush.

Oh, what now?
We can't let that energy wave happen.

[Slyther] We'll do what we can.

Please call every ally you have,
dear friend.

This is the fight of our lives.

[Bajillia] When I found Lord Zedd
trapped in that crystal,

I knew I could exploit his power.

[Scrozzle] The first step

was using the famous Scrozzle razzmatazz
to free him.

[Bajillia] Then to get Lord Zedd's trust,
I gave him something he really wanted.

Revenge on the Morphin Masters.

[Solon] Attention, Power Ranger teams,
if you read me, we need your help.

[Bajillia] With the Masters captured,
Zedd's invasion began.

When the time was right,
Scrozzle approached him with an idea.

[Scrozzle] "Lord Zedd, what if we pump
all that Morphin Master energy into you?"

[imitating Zedd] "Yes, I'd be
the most powerful being in the universe

and crush those Rangers."

[cackles, in normal voice] And scene.

You have a real talent for voices.

[Scrozzle] Thanks.

[Bajillia] Of course, Zedd took the bait.
Next thing you know,

he's in the tube, ready to blow.

And the Rangers are helpless.

I'm not lovin' this.

-Shall we count down together?
-[both exclaim]

Seriously, a countdown?

[interviewer] Ready?

[group] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,

five, four, three, two...

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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