02x15 - The Mumbler

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "T.J. Hooker". Aired: March 13, 1982 – May 28, 1986.*
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Adventures of veteran police officer Sgt. T.J. Hooker, who rides the beat with his rookie partner Vince Romano.
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02x15 - The Mumbler

Post by bunniefuu »

You got a real
stake in this, larry.

You better be cool.

Let's go.

Units in the vicinity
and 4-adam-30,

A possible expl*si*n
in glenview park.

4-Adam-30, handle
the call, code 3.

30, Roger.

What about the guys in front?

You put the second charge in
the wrong place, it hit the gas t*nk!

Cops! They'll be
here in a minute.

We've picked up a
black and white, karl.

4-Adam-30 in pursuit
of 211 suspects

Driving a tan 4-wheel
drive, north on park drive.

Oh, no.

2 Freeways, 4 surface streets
over the top of that hill.

Call dispatch,
tell 'em we lost 'em.

4-Adam-30, lost 211 suspects.

What've you got there, hooker?

Something I haven't
seen in years.

A pigeon's leg band.

This road's been
swept this morning,

It could've been
dropped by a witness.

Or one of the suspects.

Those numbers on
it mean anything?


And I have a friend who
can tell us exactly what.

Then why don't you check it out?

The detectives are
up to their necks.


Captain, we haven't
seen anything

Planned with this
kind of detail in years.

Phony detour, expl*sives,
4-wheel drive for the getaway.

Trust me, hooker.

I'll be here and I'll make sure
nothing's overlooked, ok?

I feel better already.

Now, look, there's a
storm drain near my house.

I'll dump the bag in
there, it'll never turn up.

No, larry, the bag goes back
to where you've been hidin' it,

So it's not connected with us.

And I'll put together
another score

Because you cost us this one.

Karl, I can't risk another
one. We were lucky this time.

It wasn't luck, you
punk, it was planning.

Linda, I'll handle this.

Now, larry, we're goin' again,

And you go back inside that
armored-car yard the same way.

And this time, you
do a better job

Of hookin' up those expl*sives.

Or I pick up the phone

And you find yourself
back on the inside.

You understand?



Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
hold it down, will ya, hooker?

I got 3 nuns in there
feedin' their babies.

What? Don't be shocked.

He's probably got some
kings, tumblers, and fantails

Feedin' the babies, too.

When hank's not rolling
around under cars,

He's breeding pigeons.

Hank carmichael, my
partner, vince romano.

It's quite a place
you got here, hank.

Yeah, I got my home, my work,
my hobby all rolled into one.

I checked on that leg
band registry number

You asked me about, hooker.

It belongs to larry coates.

I've seen him and his kid sister

Over at the pigeon
exchange a couple of times.

The kid's cute,
really into birds.

Him, I don't know. You ask me,
he's a little on the twitchy side.

I owe you, hank.

I'm gonna call you "starchaser."

You're gonna be the
fastest-racing homer in the valley.

We're gonna train every day.

Hi, katie.

How's your pride and joy doing?

That bag's full of trouble
for us, isn't it, larry?

I saw those 2 people who
picked you up this morning.

You're gonna have to forget
you saw them, or this bag.

What happened, larry?

Everything was so neat.

The birds, the
house, you working.

I'm sorry, katie.

Don't make us get messed
up again, larry. Please.

It was a fluke.

Karl spotted me a few weeks ago

While he was scouting a score.

I knew him in prison,
and he knows our secret.

Now if I don't help
him, he'll turn me in.

Just a few days, katie.

And then they'll be gone
and everything'll be ok again.

Beautiful, huh?

I had a small flock
of 'em when I was a kid.


Well, you wouldn't
feel that way about 'em

If you'd spent the whole summer

Scrubbing park statues
like I did in south philly.

It must've been for the birds.

The coop is around back.


Hello in the coop! Police.

We wanna talk to
you for a minute.

Romano, behind the coop.

You in the coop, come
on out, hands first!

Whoever it was is long gone.

Well, hello.

I'm sgt. Hooker. You can
put your hands down.

What's your name?

Katie. Katie coates.

Katie, was that your
brother larry who just left?

Where're your parents?

Well, my folks died 2 years ago.

I'm sorry.

We wanna talk to your brother.

Where was he goin'?

Where does he work?

Katie, if you don't tell
me what I wanna know,

We're gonna have to take
you down to the precinct.

We'll wait while you bring 'em
down and feed 'em if you want.

I'll bet you're a mumbler.

That's what they call you

If you have more to say to
your pigeons than to people.

How do you know that?

Sometimes, mumblers
grow up and become cops.

We'll feed 'em together.

Roll it, roll it, roll it.

Left, left. Left, right, left.

Left, right. Left, right, left.

Your parents are dead?

That's right.

I told you that already.


Where'd you get that?

Your house.

Is that your father and mother?

I don't know who
those people are.

Hmm, sorry, I must've
made a mistake.

I'll just take it right
back and just rip...

No, don't!

Well, now that that's settled,

You said that your parents
died in a traffic accident.

They did.

But you said it happened here.

On the freeway.

It didn't.

There's no record of
mr. And mrs. Coates dying

In a freeway accident.

Unless your parents' name
is different from yours,

Or unless your name
isn't katie coates.

It is! They are!

Oh, I don't know,
you're confusing me!

I'm sorry, katie.

I don't wanna scare
you or confuse you.

I just gotta do my job.

And the hard part of my
job isn't catching the bad guy,

It's protecting innocent people.

And your brother may have
hurt some innocent people,

And he may be plannin'
to hurt some others.

You don't want that
to happen, do you?


Now will you help
me find your brother?

She is totally committed
to protecting her brother.

And jacobs came up with
zip for any kind of history

On either one of them before
they rented that house a year ago.

This might lead somewhere. I
think it's katie's mother and father.

There's a photographer's
stamp on the back. Salt lake city.

Good morning, stacy.

How'd it go last night?


There was milk and cookies
and hours of girl-talk.

Katie's a super kid.

Really bright for
her age, and fun.

We both got the giggles.

Just girl-talk?

Sorry, hooker, nothing
else that you wanted to know.


Well, this should
help open her up.

It came in last night from utah.

It answers a lot of
questions about katie.

She's up in her coop,
crazy about those birds.

It's easy to understand why.

That little girl deserves
all the help we can give her.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Stacy tells me that
you were up hours ago.

I just like to spend as much
time as I can with my birds.

Katie, this came in from
salt lake city this morning.

It says your real
family name is porter,

And that when your brother
was serving time for burglary,

Your parents were k*lled
in an automobile accident.

And it also says

That you ran away from a foster
home you were in several times,

And that when your
brother was paroled,

They wouldn't let you
live with him, in his custody.

Is that when you and your
brother ran away and came out here?

Look, I know what you think
about larry with prison and all.

He's not like that.

And I love him a lot.

And he loves me.

I'm not gonna tell you
anything about larry, sergeant.

So I guess I'm going to
that juvenile hall place.

Well, we'll see.

But if you do,

It won't be because you wouldn't
tell me about your brother.

Well, she's ready
to work tonight.

We'll put her out at
ward's armored car.

They're pretty
nervous over there.

Someone planted expl*sives
on one of their cars.

It sure wouldn't have happened
if our dogs were on duty.

You're right about that.

It didn't happen while
our dogs were there.

You guys look around.

I'll go find hank.


That's impossible, hooker.

The station and my birds take up
all my time. I got no room for a kid.

Hank, after all these years,
first time I've been in here.

I gotta tell you, lookin'
around, it tells me one thing.

A lonely guy lives here.

All I'm asking you to do is to
move out some of the stuff,

And let in a girl who
could really use your help.

It'll do you both some good.

It's just not that
simple, hooker.

Forget "simple," hank.

What's simple about the way

You run your life and your
business from that chair?

I'll tell you what's simple.

Katie, her problem,
that's simple.

Either I find her
a place to stay,

Or I watch her being warehoused

Into some place
that can harm her.

Kids and school, what
do I know about that?

Hank, you know about people.

Hey, katie is special and she
needs someone right now.

If you can't do more, just let
her stay here this afternoon

While I find her
some other place.

Mornin', hank.

Katie coates.

This is hank carmichael.

The two of you must know each
other from the pigeon exchange.

It's lightning. Where
did you find him?

I saw him just lying
up on top of the coop.

I took him out for a run 3 days
ago and he never made it back.

He's lost some feathers.

Looks like he's
been hit by a hawk.

Oh, lightning.

You're my best homer.

He's gonna need a lot
of rest and quiet to mend.

There's no way he's
gonna rest at your coop.

It's way too busy.

My coop'd be perfect.

Besides, I'd like
you to see my birds.

Yours are terrific.

Why, thanks.

I'd like that.

What do you say we
jump into the truck

And take this guy
right on over there?

Let me give you a hand.


Vince and I are gonna
spend every minute we can

Trying to find you
a place to stay.

There is no way that you're gonna
spend the night at juvenile hall.

Katie, um,

I got a small bedroom

Buried under a pile of
books back there somewhere.

If you wanna help me dig it out,

You're welcome to
crash here for a few days.


What a good idea.

I'll notify child welfare.

Ciao, mumblers.

The old-timers catch
these weekend guard shifts.

Now, this one's nodded out in
front of his security office t.v.

Well, let's do it.


It's only gonna take a dime
to put you back in the slammer,

And your kid sister back wherever
they put orphans these days.


That's all we need. Just
enough for 2 shape charges.

Linda, you go back inside and make sure
everything looks like it's been untouched.

Let's just split.

You know, being sloppy'll get you
in the same place that my dime will.

If they find this stuff missing,

We'll just let 'em think
the day crew's been liftin' it.

Hold it!

No! Hold! Hold, hold!

Hey, old-timer, hold it there.

We're from the emergency crew.

God, why did you do that?

He did it because it
was necessary! Karl!

Be quiet. Be quiet!

All right, come on,
we're still all right.

We'll leave him outside the fence.
They'll find him in the morning.

With the gate locked
and the dogs loose,

It'll look like he got it when he
surprised somebody breaking in.

Larry, give me a hand!

4-Adam-30, 4-adam-30, citizen
reports hearing sh*ts

Fired in the vicinity of
espo's construction company,

10-80 South central. 4-Adam-30,
handle the call, code 3.

Put a roger on that.

4-Adam-30, roger.

Scuff marks on the
back of the shoes.

This man has been
dragged out of here.

Remember that phony
armored car detour?

I wonder if anything's
missing in there.

You could steal a hardhat
and a "road closed" sign

From almost any construction
site in town, hooker.

Or from where
they won't be missed.

I almost violated a
squad room commandment.

"Thou shalt not reject
a hooker suggestion."

When the day shift comes on,
I'll have the yard inventoried.

And I'm getting an employees list
comin' from ward's armored car.

We could sure use a
lead on larry coates.

You can count on
one thing, jacobs.

It's there,

Like the scuff on
the back of his shoes.

If you look long enough
and hard enough, you'll see it.


Anything come in yet
on the armored car m.o.?




2 Years ago, 2
armored car robberies

In salt lake city with m.os like
the attempt here yesterday.

And they used expl*sives. Ha!

They nail anyone
behind the robberies?


But a few weeks
after the last one,

A guy blew himself up
assembling a b*mb in his garage.

The same type used
in the robberies.

Perhaps if the
b*mb was a gimmick,

He was burned by his partners.

Sgt. Hooker, can
we speak privately?


See that jacobs
gets a copy of that.


I respect your
feelings, sergeant,

But I have no intention of
losing my job over katie coates.

After your phone call, I rushed
right over to meet mr. Carmichael.

You know he'd be totally unsuitable
as a guardian in this situation.


Because he's a warm, loving
person who shares katie's interests?

Or because he's lonely himself,

And we could actually help 2 human
beings by bringing them together?

Or is it his wheelchair?

I don't make the rules, hooker.

No, but you're a professional.

And you care. And you know that
katie's only guilty of loving her brother.

Considering that, isn't hank a
better alternative than juvenile hall?

The minute my supervisor
sees my report...

Then delay it!

Lose it.

You know that katie
deserves a break.

You can forget it, kid. I took
every shortcut I know gettin' here.

There's no way that bird
could've beat us this time.

Wow! He's here, hank.

I don't believe it.

That's the 3rd time he's
beat us here from my coop.

He might even be
faster than lightning.

By the way, how is
lightning? How's he doin'?

He seemed to be much
better this morning.

Um, I better make sure
he has enough food.

Don't scream, katie, it's me.

Are you all right, larry?
I've been so worried.

I'm ok, I'm ok. I've only
got a minute. So listen.

We've gotta run away again.

I'll be back to get you
at 5:00. Can you be here?

Larry, I don't
wanna run anymore.

The birds and the house.

Maybe there's another way.

Sgt. Hooker, the cop who came...

Katie, you don't understand.

I'm caught in the
middle. We both are.

One phone call from karl
and it's jail time in utah,

And you go back to
another foster home.

Look, babe, I'll do
this last one with karl,

Then we'll take the money
and go someplace new.

Katie, come on, let's go!

It's hank. He's a
real nice guy, larry.

I just wish you could
get to know him.

5:00, Katie.

I know that face. I
know that face, uh...

Sure, it's the guy that delivers
and picks up the guard dogs.

I'll bet you that guard
dog protection outfit

Services ward's
armored cars as well.

Well, let's find out.

Thank you.


Turn around.

Try and get him.
I'll get the car.

Hold it! Hold it!

All right, move over.

Get over!

This is 4-adam-30 in pursuit of a
211 kidnap suspect with hostage.

4-Adam-30, now
northbound in the riverbed.

You know, it's getting harder
and harder to think of larry coates

As katie's brother.

I'm sorry, hooker, the
paperwork just wouldn't stay lost.

I've gotta bring katie in.

Now, wait a minute. You
don't have to do that. I mean...

Please, hooker, for katie's
sake, don't prolong this.

She's not going
to juvenile hall.

I've arranged for a
temporary foster home

And I've told mr. Carmichael
how to appeal his status.

Miss campbell will push,

And I'll see the judge.

Well, there's a good chance you
could be back here by tomorrow.

That is, if you want to.


Katie, please try to understand.

A man was k*lled,

Perhaps by the people
your brother's involved with.

Larry wouldn't be
part of k*lling anyone.

He couldn't.

Come here.

Come here.

Sit down.


You know what happens
to a renegade pigeon.

They disrupt the coop,

It starts to hurt
the other birds,

And no matter how much
you love that pigeon,

You've got to do
something to stop it

From destroying the others.

Know it isn't easy, but you've
gotta help me stop larry

From doing something
worse than he's already done.

I won't tell on larry.

I can't.

But thanks for being nice
and trying for me, sgt. Hooker.

Goodbye, hank.

Goodbye, baby.

Left, left, left, right, left.

Left, left.

Larry was the way
past the guard dogs

At the armored car and at
the construction company.

We've got an a.p.b. Out on him.

He had been hidin'
at the kennel,

We found his motorcycle nearby.

But he won't stay hidden long.

Hooker, here's an answer
to the follow-up call

You made to salt lake.

Karl hines, larry's cellmate,

Has an expl*sives background,

But salt lake could
never get enough on him

To tie him into the
armored car robberies.

Linda teller, his girlfriend,

She's been locked up
for armed robbery, too.

Sounds like all the players.

When larry gets home, lightning,

We're going away.

And you're going back to hank
where you can get all better.

All right, where is it?

Hey, karl, let me have that
cash now, and I'll get you the bag.

You get your share
after we hit the truck.

Karl, you can't be serious.

The cops know
about me, I told you!

We're very serious, larry.

Now just be a good boy
and do what karl asked.

The cops must know by now.

If we make a move at that
armored truck, we're dead.

Not the way I
worked it out, buster.

Now we follow the plan.

Outside the amusement
park, we wait at wilson road.

If the cops figured it out,

They would've taken the
charges off the truck.

If not, we blow it.

No, it's crazy. It's too risky.

You loser, you
never had a choice.

How far do you
think we'd let you go

With the kind of
cold feet you've got?

Let's get the stuff out, larry.

Go home, lightning, go to hank.

Where is it, larry?

I'm not gonna tell you.

Stop it! Leave him alone!

It's all right, katie.

No, it's not all right, katie.

Now if you wanna
save your brother,

You tell me where that
bag is he hides in here.

Don't tell him.

I was crazy.

I should've run the
minute you spotted me.

Too late now, kid.

You and your sister
are comin' along.

Or you're stayin' here... Dead.

You've got 5 seconds.




It's in the feed bin.

4-W-90 to 4-adam-30.

4-Adam-30, go ahead, stacy.

We just received a call
from sarah campbell.

Katie ran away from her
foster home 2 hours ago.

She checked their house and
she didn't go back to her birds.

There's only one
place she could go.

To hank's.

Hey, guys, what's happening?

Have you seen katie?

No. Not since she left
with the social worker.


Hank, isn't that one of your
pigeons? The bird that was hurt?

Yeah, it's lightning.

Come here, lightning.

Katie had him.

Come here, lightning.
Come here, lightning.

There's a note.

It's from katie.

"Armored car
robbery on wilson road

Near amusement park."

Let's contact ward's,

It must be one of their trucks.

4-W-90 to 4-adam-30.

Go, 90.

Jacobs confirms that
ward's has an armored car

That just left its pickup
at the amusement park.

Thanks, stacy, that's our
target. We're on our way.

Perfect. Just like I said.

Nothin' around that
looks like trouble.

I've been a real turkey, katie.

Maybe it'll be all right.

How touching.

Larry, this time those charges,

They better be on right.


Run, katie, run!

Get out of here!

I can take care of
larry. You go get them.

We'll call the paramedics.

4-Adam-30, requesting
an r.o. Unit.

Man down at the wilson road
entrance to the amusement park.

Hand on your head.

I did this.

I didn't understand what
you were warning me about.

No, katie.

I'm the one who
made all the mistakes.

Well, that's the
understatement of the year.

Well, let's just hope it was
the last of your mistakes.

And the beginning of something
a whole lot better for katie.

How's larry? Better.

He'll be out of
the hospital soon,

And a lawyer-friend of
hank's is gonna handle his case.

Isn't that great?

A buddy of mine from the
pigeon breeders association.

He says because of
the circumstances,

The judge may give larry
some special consideration.

That's the toughest
judge I've ever dealt with.

But h**ker's very moving
deposition did the trick.

Hank's been granted
temporary guardianship of katie.

All right.

All these good things
because of you, hooker.

No, sweetheart,
really because of you.
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