18x06 - The Tooth Will Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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18x06 - The Tooth Will Out

Post by bunniefuu »



Get out!


What happened?

We just got fired.
We did?

Hey, I don't like
that guy's attitude.

All I did was pick up
one little box.

And it had ten other
boxes full of dishes

right on top of it.
You nitwit!

What are we going to do now?

Find another job.
We gotta eat, don't we?

Yes, that's true, yes.
We gotta...

All right, all right.
We can take a hint.

Yes, here.
Let's go.

Just on account of a buck!

Wait a minute.

See that sign?
Who's smokin'?

What do you think of this
lad as a dishwasher?

I can recommend him very highly.

Come on!


How stupid can you be?

Get out! Get out!


Moe, I think we got fired again.

Brilliant! We...



I'll k*ll you!
I'll m*rder you!

Come on! Come on!

Out of the way!


Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey! Up here!

I'll m*rder you,
you little tramps!

How do you do, gentlemen?

Oh, uh, how do you do?
I'm so glad to see you.

You came in answer to my
advertisement, of course?

Huh? What?

Why, of course.

Good. When do you want
to commence?

Why, why, anytime.

This way, please.

Oh, well.

Gentlemen, this is your
instructor, Miss Beebe.

Hi, Miss Buckshot.
MAN: And now then,

there will be a small tuition
fee of $ apiece.

Ha! Not interested.



What's the matter?
George Washington...

Oh, uh, on second thought,

I'm quite interested.
What was that fee?

Five dollars apiece
or three for .

A rare bargain.
We'll take the three.

How much money have you got?
I've only got two bucks.

Good. How much money
have you got?

Well, I left the house
this morning I didn't...

There. You got
two dollars.

We only have $ .
I'll take it!

Uh, gentlemen,
if you study very hard,

you'll receive
your diplomas in one week.

Pardon me. He said diplomas.
For what?


For what?
That's a good one.

That's a good one.

You're going to be dentists.


Oh, hi, doc.

Hi, doc.
Congratulations, doctor.

How are you, doctor?

I see it all. Say, doc.
Can you see that tooth?

That's funny, I can't.


Here, I'll show it to you.
Wait a minute,

I was only kidding.
Wait, no wait!

Please, gentlemen!

Gentlemen, please!

You haven't got
your diplomas yet!

Oh, lucky guy.

Hey, ain't those choppers
done yet?

No, they gotta cook
a little longer.

Twenty minutes
to the pound, you know.

Well, today's graduation day.

Are you ready for your diploma?

Oh, sure, sure. We gotta
set of uppers and lowers

in there that'll knock
the doc's eye out.

And when he sees 'em,
he'll graduate us with honors.

The other students turned
theirs in yesterday.

I wouldn't want you to fail,
you know, sweet.


Ain't she gorgeous?

What's the matter with him?

He's been standing
too close to that oven.

Come on, are those
choppers done yet?

I'll see.

They're done.

All right.
Put 'em down.


Ain't it beautiful?


It's alive.

You're crazy. It can't be
alive. Go on, pick it up.

I don't want to...
Go on, pick it up.

I told you it's alive.
What's going on here?


That's all.
Wait a minute.

You made that monster,
now pick it up.

But, Moe, I'm afraid to.
You heard me. Pick it up!


Moe, I can't do a thing with it.


Hey, teeth, look.

Hey, we'll all sneak up
on him together.

♪ Bum, bum, bum, bum ♪

♪ I made a lucky strike
When I found you ♪

♪ Bum, bum, bum, bum ♪

♪ The girl of my dreams ♪

Hey, hey. One of you
guys is flat.

It's him.


Come here, you.
I said pick that thing up!

It's your baby.
No, I don't want to, Moe.

Go on!
Ow! Ow! Ow, let go!

Ow! Ow, let go!

He made that freak thing.
Let him suffer.

Ow! Ow! Let go!

Let go of me!


Let... Ow! Moe!

Oh! Help! Help! Hey, fellas!

Help! Hey, fellas! Oh!

Wait a minute.
Hold him here.

I'll get it, Shemp, watch him.


Wait a minute.
I'll knock it off.

No, no, no, no!
Hold him, Larry that's it.

Hold it!

Boy, did I knock that thing off,

or did I knock it off?
I'll say!


Yeah, and you knocked it off.
Why, you!

Moe, Moe, Moe, no, no!
Ow! Ow!

Moe, don't!


Ah, gentlemen.

You are just in time
to receive your diplomas!

Did you bring
your sample denture?

Oh, about the sample
dentures, doc...

It's a mighty long story.

And I was tellin' the lads
"Boys, you better..."

Well, in fact,

here they are now, doc.

Why, they're beautiful.

Oh, thank you.
Sorry we're a little late.

Better late than never.
Oh, thank you.

And now, gentlemen, it is time
to take you out into the world.

Most of you have done well here.

Others, I'm sorry to say,
have not done quite so well.

In fact, in this class,

there have been some
who have been so clumsy,

so lazy and so stupid,

I will not embarrass them
by mentioning their names!

Oh, gee, thanks, doc.

You're a great guy.

Some day we'll do
something big for you, doc.

Boys, will you just
do me a favor?

ALL: Yes.
Go somewhere far away

to practice. Remember
what Horace Greeley said?

"Don't give up the ship."

He said "Go west,
young man, go west."

That's a hint, go west.




Boy, this is a lot
of work moving in.

All right, you guys.
Come on, step on it.

We haven't got all day.
Here, Larry,

put this sign up and put it
where people will see it.

Come on. Let's get
straightened up around here.

Moe, I hope everything
goes all right.

What do you mean,
"goes all right?"

You went to dental school.

That whole week
wasn't wasted, was it?

And you got a diploma.

That's right, it cost me
four bits extra.

So what's all the...
LARRY: Step right this way.

I have a patient for you.

Be with you in a minute.
That'll be $ , please.


Oh, doctor, the patient.
Yes, I'm right here.

Right here.
Well, sit right down.

Sit right down.
Hey, hey, hey.

That's the patient.
Come here.

Now, make yourself
nice and comfortable.

That's it, right back
like that. There we are.

Easy now. Just put it around...
Open your mouth, please.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

There's the patient.

Oh, he's got a filling.

Up here.

Open your mouth.

There's the mouth.

Oh, yeah, he's got that



Save that for later,
pal. You'll need it.

Doctor, here's your drill.

Doc. There, there.
Yes? Oh, yes.

Are you comfortable?


MOE: Who asked you?

All right, we'll go
to work now on him.



Hey, the head's up there.

Oh, yeah.


Easy now. The mouth
is in the front.

Oh, they moved it, huh?


Hold steady, kid.
Hold steady.

Hold steady. Where's
the handle to the thing?

Oh, I got it.
All right, kid.

Hold it! Hold it!

Where is that thing?
There you are.

All right.
Now, wait a minute.



Easy, that's it.

All right, I'll just wipe
it off. It's just a little...

What are you...
Are you wearing gloves?

Hold your hand down here, kid.


Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait, doc.

Easy, easy, easy.
All right.

There you are.
There you are.

Here, here, here.
Over here.


I hear a noise.



What is he? A flounder?
I don't know what he is.

Wait a minute.
Who recommended this patient?

Get a drill, get a drill, doc.

Here he is, doc.
All right.

That didn't hurt a bit, did it?

I thought not.

This won't hurt either.

Easy now.
Easy, kid. Easy.

Hey, hold still now.

Here, come back here.


Where is he?

Here he is, right here.

What happened here?

Please, relax.
Please, you're fighting me.

Hold it, let go of me.


That's got it.

Let's see what's next.

Here you are.
Oh, yes.

Page .

What do you know.

After you drill a tooth,
you're supposed to fill it.


Where's the dentist?
There he is.

Oh, I gotta tooth
that's k*lling me,

and you gotta take it out.

Sorry, but this gentleman
was here first.

Oh, he was, was he?


Now I'm first.

Take it out.
Yes, if you'll just...

Just a minute.

Do you know what happened

to the last dentist
that worked on me?

No, sir.
He struck a nerve.

That's him there.
Notch number nine. Hold it.

Where are you going?

I'm just taking
a shortcut to the bowl.

You can sit
right down in the chair.

Yeah, sit right down here.

You'd better be darn sure
you're right with this bird,

or you'll be notch number ten.
Yeah. Yeah.

What's the matter? You nervous?
Just in the left arm.

"A good tooth will give off
a clear ringing sound

when struck
by a metal object."

There you are.
That's very simple.

Metal object.
Metal object.

Metal object.
Metal object.

LARRY: Ammerhay.


All right.

The patient's yours, doctor.
Yes, sir.

Open, please.





I think he found it.

I think we'd better give him
a whiff of gas.



Pardon me.

Now, count to .


What's next?
Now, let's see.

Page , it says,

"The next step
is to sandpaper the chest."

Wait a minute.
Let me see that.

"The next step
is to sandpaper the chest."

Must be something new
in dentistry. Okay, doc.



Hey, be careful of his tattoo.

He had a tattoo?

Hey fellows, listen to this.

It says,
"Then you varnish the lid."

Varnish? Lid?


"You take one nail and put it
through the one by two,

"drive it in, and then make sure

"it's a finishing nail
so you can put putty

"on the head of it.

Then you take a hasp and you..."

Pardon me, what's the name
of this book you're reading?

You know, The Amateur Carpenter.

Moe, I'm sorry.

That's all right.

It's a very understandable
mistake, my dear chap.

What are you doing?

Now, don't make
anymore mistakes.

I'm gonna look.
I can't...

Pliers, yes.

All right, open his mouth.



I got it.
I got it!

You got the wrong tooth!


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