Dodge City (1939)

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Dodge City (1939)

Post by bunniefuu »

There's the 23rd marker, sir.

Twenty-three miles in

one hour and 14 minutes.

Gentlemen, that is moving.

Our engineer is trying to

set a record on the first run.

But I doubt if we can maintain

this speed on our regular schedule.

Why not? If this train can

do it, the rest of them can.

Providing Col. Dodge's new

town is worth speeding to reach.

Worth it? You wait and see.

Now it's just the end of the

line, but in a few years...

it'll give your railroad more

business than any town west of Chicago.

I hope you're right, Colonel. You've

stuck to that argument for five years.

Why shouldn't I?

I've raised that town from two

hog pens and a buffalo waller.

How big is it now, Colonel?

Well, at the last census, gentlemen,

they had three buffalo wallers.

Look, there goes the

stagecoach from Wichita.

We'll be carrying the mail from now on.

Listen to that snorting

teapot. She's already winded.

By Jove, we'll run her into the ground.

Better put your whip to them.

- Willie?

- Yes, sir, boss?

You go up and tell our engineer...

if that stagecoach beats us to

the end of the line, he's fired.

Yes, sir. And if this

train go any faster...

I'm gonna get off and walk...

'cause I don't like

this zest of the Lord.

By George, he's making a

good showing, you know it.

- We'll get him.

- We'd better get up some speed here.

- There he goes.

- We've got him.

Gentlemen, that's a symbol

of America's future: progress.

Iron men and iron horses.

You can't b*at them.

Lucky devils. Nothing

to do, but eat and sleep.

That's right, hardhead.

The only difference between

you and them is a pair of horns.


Say, Wade, let's cut

out a couple of them.

No. We've k*lled our last buffalo, boys.

The railroad's finished

and so is our contract.

Besides, we've a little

appointment to keep, you know.

Come on.

Here comes our meal ticket

for the last six months.

So that's what a steam engine

looks like: a coffeepot on wheels.

Come on, let's pay our

respects to the Colonel.

- Hello, Colonel. How are you?

- Fine, son. See you soon.

We'll be there.

By golly, Dodge, you

know everybody in Kansas.

Not quite. Those boys

have been working for us...

hunting buffalo to feed

our construction g*ng.

The young Irishman is Wade

Hatton. I met him during the w*r.

He fought for the rebels

in Jeb Stuart's cavalry.

Been everywhere, done

everything. Sort of a rover.

Well, it takes all sorts

of men to build a railroad.

No, sir. Just a couple of us Irishmen.

On your toes, men!

We're gonna start moving.

Watch those hides they don't slip.

Keep on your toes.

We're gonna start moving.

You drivers keep close together.

Ready to start whenever you say, Jeff.

All right, let's move fast!

- Which one of you men is Jeff Surrett?

- I am. Why?

I'm John Barlow, Commissioner

of Indian Affairs, from Kansas.

- You're under arrest. All three of you.

- For what?

For the illegal k*lling of

buffalo and selling their hides.

We got those buffalo on free

land, just the same as he did.

He has a government permit to k*ll

buffalo for the railroad workers.

- You got any such permit?

- No.

- Is this some of your business, Hatton?

- I made it my business.

As soon as I found out you were

sh**ting buffalo on Indian territory...

stealing the hides, and

letting the meat rot in the sun.

When any Indians protested, you

sh*t them down in cold blood.

This has been going on all winter.

It took you till now

to catch up with us?

We didn't want to. We just watched

you and counted the animals you k*lled.

You're lying. You'd have made them

stop us before, if you'd known.

Why? It seemed a better idea to let

you and your pals work your head off...

packing and curing those

hides until they caught you.

So that's why you waited so long?

The Indians might just as well get

the hides in good salable condition.

All right, Hatton.

But I hope you stick around

Kansas for a long time...

because we're gonna collect for

every one of those hides in full.

Right. If you're ever

around our way, look us up.

All right, boys.

- Congratulations, Colonel.

- Thanks, Rusty.

Wade, you've been a great

help in building this railroad.

Now the real work begins.

We've got to make it pay.

That's up to you.

No, it isn't. I've got other work to

do. We're looking further westward.

I want you to take charge

here, help build up this town.

- Organize trade for our road.

- No, thanks, sir.

We're on our way back to Texas. We'll

drive cattle up to meet your railroad.

If we keep hanging around here, these

two galoots are gonna get civilized.

We better leave here before old fog

head starts eating with a Kn*fe and fork.

A Kn*fe, anyway.

You couldn't keep Wade here, Colonel.

He's the most moving-on

man you ever saw.

First off, he was in the

English Army over in India.

Then he got mixed up in some kind of

a hooray revolution down in Cuba way.

Then he started punching cattle in Texas.

That was before he enlisted in the w*r.

So he's either the greatest

traveler ever lived...

or else he is the biggest liar.

And now, it gives me great

pleasure to introduce to you...

the man who made this

progress possible: Col. Dodge.

Ladies and gentlemen...

today a great chapter of

history has been written...

and we take justifiable pride...

in bringing this railroad to the

terminal furthest west in this country.

Someday, and I believe it

will be in the near future...

a great city will spring from this

very spot upon which we now stand.

A city which will represent

all that the West stands for:

honesty, courage, morality, and culture.

For all the noble

virtues of civilization.

I can see a great metropolis

of homes, churches, schools.

A fine, decent city, which will

become the flower of the prairie.

A city whose name...

Yeah, Colonel. Just what do you aim

to call this here perfect metropolis?

What are we going to call it?

Why not call it after the man

who made it possible? Dodge City.

That's right. Dodge City it is.

Be sure to give those

cattle plenty of salt.

The more water, the more weight.

Cattle is sure some business.

They must come to Dodge City from

all over the world, don't they, Pop?

Almost, son. Hold my horse.

Wait, Surrett. You can't ship

those cattle. Where's my money?

You'll get it, Cole. Why

don't you stop worrying?

You've got no right to ship

those cattle until I'm paid.

$15,000 dollars, cash in hand.

Those were the terms we agreed on.

Take it easy. I can't be running to

the bank every time a train leaves town.

If you don't trust me,

other cattle brokers will.

Maybe they used to, Surrett...

but not since what happened

to Sam Chapin and Kit Sproull.

They trusted you, too,

didn't they? But not me.

I'm coming to your place tonight

to collect for these steers.

You have the money waiting for me,

or I'm slapping a warrant on you.

You gotta get what's yours

when dealing with men like that.

They're no good.

Sure, Pop, but we can handle them.

Hold my horse, son. I

won't be but a minute.

Take your time, Pop, but

get all that's coming to us.

- Come along, boys, this is the place.

- Here's the Texan!

You look great tonight, Ruby.

I sure like that new dress.

- Thanks, darling.

- Just for luck.

You don't need any more luck.

That's right, I don't, not

as long as I've got you.

That's me.

- Hello, Surrett, I was looking for you.

- Hello, Matt.

You ready to see me?

- I was on my way up to get your money.

- I'll go with you.

Mind waiting a few minutes?

I got some business first.

I don't mind. But don't

try and run out on me.

This is the last chance I'm giving you.

Don't worry. I'm gonna take

care of you in a minute.

Come on over and wet your whistle.

- Hey, Jack.

- Yes, sir?

Give Mr. Cole anything

he wants, on the house.

Yes, sir. What'll it be, Mr. Cole?

- A glass of beer, please.

- Yes, sir.

Nice-looking bunch of steers

we shipped today, Cole.

Yeah. They'd look a lot better

if I'd been paid for them.

What do you mean?

Haven't we always paid?

Not from what I've heard.

Maybe you've been

listening to too much talk.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Are you calling me a liar?

I'm not calling you anything, Yancey. In

fact, I'd rather not talk to you at all.

- Keep your hand off that g*n!

- Why, I...

"... in sure and certain hope

of the resurrection of the dead.

"Our Father which art in

heaven, hallowed be thy name.

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be

done, as in heaven, so in earth.

"Give us day by day our daily

bread, and forgive us our debts...

"as we also forgive everyone

that is indebted to us.

"And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen. "

To have him go this way.

It's so cruel, so useless.

You promised you wouldn't cry, Mom.

John, will you look after Mrs. Cole?

You don't have to, Mr.

Orth. I can take care of her.

That's right, Harry. You're

the man of the family now.

Funeral's over.

There's your man, Marshal.

Serve your warrant.

It's about time those

guerrillas were taken in hand.

What are you waiting for? Go on.

Don't push me. I know my duties.

Hello, Marshal.

Yancey, I've got a warrant here

to arrest you for the m*rder of...

Matt Cole.

Why don't you go ahead and serve

it? What are you waiting for?

- Mind riding back into town with me?

- Yeah.

That's all right, Yancey. You go

ahead and ride in with the Marshal.

Why, sure, Marshal. Come along.

Come on, boys. Come on, Al.

After all, the law's the law.

Now, just a minute, Marshal.

- This is your...

- Now, hold on there, boys.

- Wait a minute.

- Get him in there, boys. Hurry up.

Come on, boys. We'll ride

him out of town in style.

What's the use of trying to make

an honest town of Dodge City?

Surrett's crowd scares off the

honest, law-abiding settlers.

They're all going on to

Wichita and Kansas City.

I tell you, Ellen, we're the

public disgrace of America.

You know what the New

York newspapers are saying?

There's no law west of Chicago,

and west of Dodge City, no God.

I'm afraid they're not far wrong.

It's becoming unsafe for a woman

to walk on the streets in this town.

And as for children...

I almost wish Lee and Abbie

weren't coming to live with us.

They'll be all right, unless they're

as bullheaded as their father was.

We haven't had a word from

them since they reached Texas.

When do you suppose

they're gonna get here?

I kept a record somewhere.

- I always used to...

- They're on the table.

Yeah, the dates.

They left Fort Worth three weeks

ago with a cattle-drive party.

Now, let's see.

Yeah, they must have crossed

the Red River about here...

then on up the Chisholm Trail

into the Indian territory.

I'd say they'd be about

Broad Plain by now.


- Have you seen my brother?

- Yes'm.

He's over yonder somewhere

hotfooting it around.

He swiped one of the boss's horses

and I reckon he sure is drunk again.

I consider that a very

impertinent remark.

Yes'm, I guess maybe I

shouldn't have said he's drunk...

even if he is drunk.

I don't know what I'm

going to do about you.

Broad Plain, huh?

This is where the Indians

are supposed to be?

Yes. If you keep up the

fuss you're making...

you'll have them right on our doorstep.

I wish they would att*ck us.

It's dull plugging along

like this day in and day out.

It's dull, but that's no reason

for you to act like a lunatic.

Maybe they don't even know

we're here. Let's tell them.

Stop it!

Was that you who fired

those sh*ts, Mr. Irving?

- Sure it was him.

- Sure it was. What about it?

Nothing, except it seems like

a silly waste of amm*nit*on.

He won't do it again. He was just bored.

Faith, now, that's a great shame.

- So am I.

- Really? Well, I'm sorry.

Perhaps things will get enlivened for

you if that sh**ting stampedes the cattle.

Since you seem to know

what troubles him...

I'd suggest you see he drinks less.

Them two youngsters is more

trouble than they're worth.

I'll certainly be glad to hand

them over to their uncle in Dodge.

She sure is pretty, though.

Yes. I'd still trade the two

of them for one good cigar.

All right, this is it! Tex! Rusty!

Tex, get the steers watered.

Rusty, line up the wagons

at the bottom of that slope.

- Get moving, flat neck.

- Hush, I'll get moving.

All right, folks, we're bedding down.

Watch your cook fires,

now. The grass is awful dry.

- Don't you wander off.

- Ma, I'm hungry.

All right, get your teams

hooked up. We're pulling out.

- Move as soon as you're ready.

- Tex, get the herd started.

Wade, you better watch

old b*llet head here.

I caught him riding

in the wagon yesterday.

- Hush. I was...

- Hush up.

Good morning, Mrs.

Harper. Did you rest well?

- Thank you. Fine.

- Good.

Be sure you boil that

water before you drink it.

I'll bet two minutes after you were born,

you were telling the doctor what to do.

Think so? I'm sorry, Miss Irving.

You know, it's really

no fun playing boss...

but someone's gotta say what's

to be done, haven't they?

You know, out here...

a trail boss has sometimes got

to take the law into his hands.

Yes. "Pioneering," I believe

you call it, don't you?

That's right. You don't

seem to be enjoying it much.

Enjoying it?

Can anyone enjoy being jolted

along week in and week out...

through a nightmare of heat and dust...

with sand in your teeth, eyes, and hair?

Faith, now. If you didn't like sand,

maybe you shouldn't have left home.

I wouldn't have.

But we didn't have much

choice after Father d*ed.

I see. I'm sorry.

Here, can I take that?

It looks heavy for you.

No, thanks. I can manage it.

I'm sure you can manage a bigger

one in each hand, if you wanted to.

But why should you?

- Because I happen to be in a hurry.

- We'll wait for you.

There. See?

If everyone in the camp obeyed orders

as willingly and charmingly as that...

we wouldn't have any trouble at all.

My brother and I seem to be causing

you a great deal of trouble, Mr. Hatton.

No, just your brother.

You know, I think you spoil

him by mothering him, don't you?

Maybe I do.

May I make a suggestion?

Why don't you go...

Look here, Mr. Irving! This

ain't no picnic grounds.

Put up that g*n before

you stampede them cattle.

Get down off your high

horse, will you, cowboy?

Watch me sh**t the handle

right off of this one.

- Are you out of your mind?

- Hiya, Abbie.

You're just in time to witness an

exhibition of some real fancy sh**ting.

Put up that g*n before

somebody takes it away from you.

Who's gonna take it away from me?

You're drunk, you don't

know what you're doing.

Don't start to lecture me.

I've had enough of that for now.

Lee, don't!

It's a run!

Tex, head in those leaders

and keep them milling.

See what you've done.

I hope you're satisfied.

I've been waiting to see some

action since this trip started.

You crazy galoot! You

saw what nearly happened.

What? Just gave you lazy cowhands

a little exercise, that's all.

Irving, you're giving us

a great deal of trouble.

- You're gonna force me to be unpleasant.

- Let me alone.

I'm not on your payroll,

and I'll do as I please.

No, you'll do as I please.

You people in the wagons

came to us for protection.

You paid for it, and you're getting it.

You'll obey orders until

we reach Dodge City.

You may not realize it,

but the Civil w*r is over...

and you're no longer

in the Army, Mr. Hatton.

I'm not gonna argue with you.

Sober up and stay sober, or

I'll confiscate your liquor.

If you lay a hand inside

our wagon, I'll blow it off.

Look, Irving...

we've got a very special treatment

for bad little boys like you.

You behave yourself or you'll ride

into Dodge City backwards on a mule.

You'll look very silly.

Now we're moving. You

better get started.

- Lee, be sensible.

- Let me alone.

I can hardly wait to see you on

that mule. You sure will look funny.

Take that stupid grin off

your face, you big hyena.

Drop that g*n, Irving!

Drop it, I tell you!

You've k*lled him.

Here you are, Tex.

That's for Dr. Irving.

Take the shortcut into Twin Forks.

Bear left from there. It's

three hours to Dodge. Understand?

Sure I do, Wade.

I tried to explain in it. Tell him

I'll call on him when we get there.

I sure hope that doctor is more

understanding than his niece.

- Good luck. Get going, Tex.

- Goodbye.

Miss Irving.

I know how you must

feel about all this...

and I know how you must

feel about my part in it.

My sh*t was unavoidable.

I'd never have fired it

except to defend myself.

I've no words to tell you

how badly I feel about it all.

Will you leave me alone, please?

Well, so this is Dodge City, huh?

It sort of smells like

Fort Worth, don't it?

That's not the city

you smell. That's you.

We'd better get you to a bathtub before

somebody sh**t you for a buffalo.

Gentlemen, can I hold your horse?

Lady, can I carry your basket?

Gentlemen, can I hold your horse?

Gentlemen, can I hold your horses?

I'll watch them real careful.

- What's the idea, sonny?

- I'm in business.

I'm the man of the family now.

You're certainly making an

early start. What do you charge?

A quarter just for keeping

an eye on your horses.

50 cents for watching them extra good.

All right, then. We'll take

$1 worth of the extra good.

Didn't Shakespeare

begin by holding horses?

- Who?

- Hey, stranger, where's the money?

So you don't get any

credit here, either?

Here you are.

- Thanks, mister. Much obliged.

- You're welcome.

William Shakespeare.

I never heard of him. What

part of Texas is he from?


- Good morning, boys.

- Good morning.

- You fellows look pretty dusty.

- We certainly are.

It's on us about an inch thick

for each state in the country.

What's the news in Dodge?

Just about the same as always:

gambling, drinking, and

k*lling. Mostly k*lling.

Had one here just the other night.

Coldest-blooded thing I ever heard of.

Man named Yancey sh*t Matt

Cole over at the Gay Lady.

Matt Cole? I used to know him

in Texas. What was the trouble?

What was the trouble? How

long since you been in Dodge?

Quite some time. We always

ship up through Wichita.

This town is run by a

man named Jeff Surrett.

Cole was trying to collect

for some cattle he sold.

$15,000, Surrett owed him.

Good morning, gentlemen.

How long before you'll be

through with this fellow?

In about 10 minutes, Mr. Surrett.

All right, hurry it up. I'm

gonna take a bath. Yancey.

I'm sorry, there's

somebody in there already.

Hey, shut that door!

There's a draft in here.

What's the idea, Charlie?

You know I always take a

bath on Saturday mornings.

Get that fellow out of there.

I'm sorry, I can't do that, Mr. Surrett.

He ain't been in there half an hour.

He's been in there long enough.

You tell him to get his clothes on.

All right.

- Wait a minute.

- What did you say?

My friend in there paid for that tub.

Much as you undoubtedly need

a wash, he needs it even more.

If it ain't our old friend Hatton.

Right. Quite a coincidence, isn't it?

You figuring on being

around Dodge City long?

No, just as long as it

takes me to finish my job.

Maybe longer, if I find it

interesting. Any objections?

No, I think we can make it

pretty interesting for you.

Yes, I'm sure you might.

I hear you made it pretty interesting

for Matt Cole the other night.

You always did hear a little too much.

It's possible you boys were

always a little too noisy.

Come on there, Charlie. Finish me up.

Put some of that green stuff on.

Make me smell like a geranium.

- Say, Wade.

- What?

You know, it just come

to me who that fellow was.

It did? Marvelous.

Naturally, our nephew's

death was a great blow to us.

But now, since your explanation,

I can understand how it happened.

There's no sense in holding

any grudge against you.

Thank you, sir.

We're used to death here

in Dodge City, Mr. Hatton.

Even of the people we love.

That's hard to say, but it's true.

Yes, I suppose so.

Thanks again, Doctor.

I wonder if I might pay my respects

to Mrs. and Miss Irving on my way out?

No, my boy. I wouldn't advise that.

Walter, Mr. Evans wants you

to come as soon as you can.

- Excuse me.

- Ellen, this is Mr. Hatton.

- How do you do, Mrs. Irving?

- He's come to tell us about Lee.

It's regrettable that we have to meet

under these circumstances, Mrs. Irving.

I'm sorry, my boy.

But, you see, we never had

any children of our own.

And to my wife, Lee was...

Well, you can understand

how she feels about it.

Yes, of course.

Anyhow, it was very gracious

of you to receive me, sir.

Don't bother about that

thing, sir. I can...

Miss Irving.

I'll not be troubling you

with any further apologies.

But I would like you to know that if

ever I can be of any service to you...

- I shall be only too happy.

- Thank you.

The only way you can be of service

to me is to keep out of my sight.

I wouldn't take that

too seriously, my boy.

Women's logic and emotions

are often very confusing.

I think I've heard my

father say the same thing.

I'm sure that Miss Abbie

has a more biting tongue...

than my mother ever had.

All right, gentlemen,

let's begin the auction.

One thousand six hundred and

nineteen head of prime Texas steer.

Grass-fed, fat, frisky,

fresh off the Chisholm Trail.

Is that correct, sir?

Go ahead. But don't make

any sale until I tell you.

Right. The agent reserves

his right to refuse all bids.

Now then, who'll start

us off? What am I offered?

$25 a head.

$25 from Mr. Surrett. I'm going to $28.

$28 for the finest herd of steers

that ever come out of Texas.

- Who'll say $28? Mr. Cagle?

- No, sir.

Mr. Orth?

Here's a cash profit of

$50,000 begging to be picked up.

- All right, $28.

- Thank you, sir.

$28 is bid. Who'll say $30?

- Nobody will raise it?

- $30.

$30 from Mr. Surrett. Anybody

raise that? Anybody say $32?

How about you, Mr. Orth?

Going to Mr. Surrett for

$30. Once. Going twice.

Hold on.

Will Mr. Surrett and Mr. Orth

be kind enough to step up here?

Mr. Surrett, Mr. Orth, will

you come over here, please?

You offered $30. Was that cash?

What's that to you? Do

you own those cattle?

I'm the agent for them. I'm

protecting the owner's interest.

I see.

I'll give you part of it in cash

tonight and the balance in 30 days.

I see. How about you, sir?

I could've paid the full

amount in cash today.

- You could have? Right. They're yours.

- Mine?

- But he offered...

- I said, sold.

What are you trying to do? I

made the high bid on those steers.

I heard you. But I prefer to

make my deal with cash buyers...

who don't pay off in the

back rooms of saloons.

I'm at the Drovers Hotel, Mr. Orth.

If you care to meet me at 3:00 in

Room 15, we can close this deal.

- I'll be there.

- Right.

Deal is made, Mr.

Auctioneer. Thanks. Good day.

Sold to Mr. Orth.

- Joe, did you hear that?

- I'll put it right on the front page.

- Who's that fellow?

- I don't know.

But you can bet I'm gonna find out.

- How are you, Harry?

- Hello, Mr. Orth.

- I'll hold your horse for you.

- Good.

- For a quarter.

- Well, that's fair enough.

- Here.

- Thanks.

How are you, Frank?

- Fine. How are you, Mr. Orth?

- Just fine.

- Howdy, Mr. Orth.

- Howdy.

Stick 'em up.

Rusty, we're done for.

It's Dangerous Ambrose, the terror of

the prairie. He's got us in his power.

Yes, sir. I'm a pretty

desperate character.

I can see that.

Would you take ransom

if we offered it to you?

Try it and see.

How's that?

Thanks, mister.

I'll watch your horses better

than they were ever watched before.

That's fair enough.

I sure hope you stay

in town a long time.

I'll bet you do at that.

Mr. Orth come in yet?

He went upstairs a few

minutes ago, Mr. Hatton.

My name is Joe Clemens.

I'm editor of the Star.

I'd like to publish your impressions

of Dodge City, if you don't mind.

Jack Orth. Somebody sh*t him. He's

laying right outside of Room 15.

That's too bad, Hatton.

I don't think your deal

with Orth will go through.

But I'm still offering you

$30 a head for those cattle.

Listen, Surrett. Those cattle

aren't for sale to you at any price.

It's a shame about Jack

Orth being k*lled, isn't it?

Must have been a big surprise to you.

Excuse me.

Another m*rder. Four or five a day.

Surrett's getting to be the

undertaker's best friend.

It's sure getting dangerous

to live around here.

Why don't you get out?

Clemens, I see by that bulletin that

you're looking for trouble again.

What's the matter? We're

just printing the plain facts.

We've put up with you and your paper

long enough. Now we mean business.

Yancey, you're not scared of

that fellow from Texas, are you?

We'll take care of him.

But I'm warning you, don't print no

story about Surrett. Is that clear?

I'm waiting for an answer.

I reckon you get the general idea now.

Rusty, I don't like the

look of those clothes.

They look like you're up to no good.

I ain't had store clothes

on for a long time.

I kind of felt like

I wanted to clean up.

I got a call to make down

here, so you're on your own.

Just try and keep sober

and stay out of trouble.

You know I signed the temperance

pledge before we left Texas.

Sure, I know that. You were

blind drunk when you signed it.

No, you're confusing the

issue. I'm a reformed man.

Even a reformed man can get into

trouble when the boys get paid off.

No, I ain't gonna touch a drop.

I'm just gonna mosey around

and take in the sights.

Look out you don't become one of them.

Wade, don't you worry none about it.

You don't think after me

getting store clothes...

that I'll have anything like

that happen to me, do you?

Hey, mister.

Please help me over,

will you, young man?

Come closer.

There you are, ma'am.

Glad to be of help.

- Hi, Rusty. Come on, have a drink.

- Hi, Rusty.

Come with us and get your feet wet.

- Sorry, Tex. I'm just leaving.

- What do you mean, leaving?

We got a lot of Kansas

dust to wash down. Come on.

Waste my pay on liquor and gambling?

Not me, boys. I'm on the pledge.

You ain't serious, Rusty?

I tell you, boys, I've saw the light.

I'm through with your sinful

ways and your riotous living.

He must be crazy with the heat.

Hey, you old walrus, you!

I don't want that. Give me one of those.

That's more like it.

My gracious!

Howdy, young man. Are

you a stranger in town?

Yes, ma'am. But I sure didn't

know this was just for women folks.

But it isn't. Not at all.

We're mighty glad to have you.

But first of all, let me introduce

our beloved president, Mrs. McCoy.

So delighted to meet you in

this charitable institution.

Ma'am, my name is Hart. Algernon Hart.

Mr. Algernon Hart.

Well, Mr. Hart, you're just

in time for the meeting.

But first, come and have

a cup of tea, Mr. Harvey.

Hart, ma'am.

I'm so sorry. Mr. Hart.

Come, girls. Help me.

Now, here's your tea.

I hope you like it.

- One or two?

- Three, ma'am.

Are you married?

- Hey, Joe!

- Yeah?

How about that Dixie?

That's for the Fifth Kansas Infantry.

He chased those fellows so

far from Fredericksburg...

they ain't stopped running yet.

Yeah? They must have stopped running

long enough to get their picture took.

Nobody ever chased the

Fifth Kansas, mister.

- Do you belong to it?

- All of us do.

So is that a fact?

You must have had to run a

long way to get back to Kansas.

Well, it's gonna be a

longer run back to Texas.

It's that dreadful saloon next door.

Mabel, please close the shutters.

I'm so sorry, Mr. Hart.

And there I was, a poor

orphan, no ma, no pa.

Brung up by Comanche Indians.

No matter where you

go, fighting ain't good.

It ain't no use to fight.

Fighting is a thing I... I don't

like it myself. And now I want...

That's a present from U. S. Grant.

That's for Robert E. Lee.

Yes, sir. And I want to

say to you, sisters...

that when righteousness

flows from the...

It was smooth.

Who's next?

Come get these fleas out of my hair.

Stop it, you fools!

Stop it, I say! Stop it!

Thanks, Rusty. Just in time.

Stop it, you fools!

All right, boys. Looks like we

dusted this place out pretty good.

That's one fight you Yanks didn't win.

But take it easy. We'll

send a veterinary right over.

Come on!

Somebody's gonna pay for this

and it ain't gonna be with money.

When I seen the light, it

come to me sort of vision-like.

And I was saved.

Hey, Jeff, there's one of

them Texas heroes left behind.

- Let me take a sock at him.

- No, I'll handle this.

You boys had a lot of fun, didn't you?

- We sure did.

- That's fine.

I've been waiting a long time for

you and your pal to make a move...

- and this looks like it.

- What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna have some fun now paying

back an old debt with interest.

Come on, boys. Let's

take him out to the plaza.

Bring him along.

- Hey, Doc! Mr. Hatton!

- What's wrong, Joe?

Your men just wrecked

the Gay Lady saloon.

- Anybody hurt?

- I don't know.

They're gonna hang one of your boys.

- Where are the rest?

- They've ridden back to camp.

- Where's the hanging party?

- Right in the middle of the plaza.

You're plum loco.

- I ain't done nothing to be strung up for.

- Shut up.

Hold on, boys.

Be careful, Mr. Hatton. Take it easy.

That rope is strong

enough for both of them.

What do you think of that?

I've no wish to spoil your fun, Surrett.

But would you be kind enough

to tell those men to let him go?

Sure. We'll let him go just as quick as

he gets through dancing around up there.

You heard what I said, I

think. Tell them to let him go.

All right. String him up, boys.

Put 'em up! Stick 'em up!

Keep reaching high, boys, or

you know what happens to Surrett.

Get over here, Rusty. Get his g*n.

We may never be this

close again, Surrett.

I'm anxious to hear what the sheriff

has to say about this hanging.

Start walking.

- What are you gonna do with him?

- No warrant for his arrest.

Did he have a warrant to hang this man?

You can't jail him

without a sheriff's order.

That's where we're going.

To get a sheriff's order.

Wait a bit. What's this?

Where's the sheriff?

Somebody ran him out of town.

Mr. Surrett's the law in Dodge now.

I see.

Why don't you make him sheriff then?

Yeah. That's not a bad idea.

Why not?

And if I can be of any service

to you gents, just let me know.

That's the first jail I've

ever seen you couldn't get in.

Come on. Good day, gentlemen.

- It was all a mistake.

- A mistake?

I thought you promised me you

weren't going to get into trouble.

Shucks, Wade, I really

wasn't in trouble.

I see. You're the sort who

doesn't really get into trouble...

until they start nailing

the lid down on your coffin.

What's that?

"Pure Prairie League of Dodge City. "

Wait till I tell Tex about this.

Don't tell Tex.

Well, gentlemen, what's this all about?

You all look as though you

lost a dollar and found a dime.

All right. Go ahead and

tell him, Doctor. Thank you.

Mr. Hatton, we've invited you here

this afternoon with a special purpose.

We want you to help

us clean up our city.

Up to date, our police officers

have not been equal to the job.

They've either got

k*lled or run out of town.

Won't you take the job?

Gentlemen, I certainly

appreciate your confidence in me.

But I'm afraid a position like

that isn't quite in my line.

You're asking me to turn policeman.

I have about as much qualifications

for that as I have teaching the ballet.

You seemed to be well-qualified

the other day in the plaza.

I had to get that big

hardhead out of that somehow.

Any one of you would

have done the same. No.

We know what we're asking of you

and the chances you'd be taking.

But it's finally come to a showdown.

Who's gonna run Dodge: we or Surrett?

We're inviting peaceful emigration

here, family men with women and children.

And we meet them with what's

come to be called Hell Street.

I can certainly appreciate

everything you say.

But as far as I'm

concerned, it can't be done.

I'm in the cattle business. That

demands all my time and attention.

I'm sorry.

I wish you'd think it

over, my boy. We need you.

You're asking the

wrong man, Uncle Walter.

He isn't interested in the

lives of innocent people.

Why should he care what happens

to you and your families?

Your struggle to make a

living in a decent city?

What Dodge City needs is a man

with a sense of public pride...

and the courage to back it up by

sh**ting it out with men of equal skill.

But Mr. Hatton's bravery consists

of gunfights with impulsive boys.

Abbie, stop it.

Well, gentlemen, I don't

think much remains to be said.

Mrs. Irving, thank

you. Goodbye, gentlemen.

Quickly as you can. Come along.

Harry, keep out of that lunch basket.

I can't seem to get my mind

off those pies, Miss Abbie.

- How long before we eat?

- Not till we get to Sycamore Springs.

- Come along.

- I'll do my best to wait.

Everybody in?

Here we go. Come along.

Cross the river here, Russ,

and bear due west on Wichita.

When are you fixing to get started?

First thing in the morning.

I'm sick of this town.

Good morning.

I know that man.

Hello, stranger.

Hello there, Shakespeare.

- Here.

- Thanks.

You'd better watch that riverbed,

too. It's probably gonna be dry.


I'll help you! Give me

those reins. Let me drive.

Let me through. Darling!

He was trying to help me.

Get a doctor, quick.

I'm afraid a doctor won't be any use.

Even children.

This has got to stop.

Oh, my darling. My little baby.

Go on.

You're all under arrest.

Take them out, boys.

Get in there.

I wanted to be sure

you'd seen this, Surrett.

So I paid you a special visit.

I've already seen it.

It looks like you're trying to

run everybody out of Dodge City.

No, not everybody. Just

the undesirable element.

There's no law in Kansas that

prevents a man from carrying a g*n...

- or coming or going where he pleases.

- There's going to be one.

Sit down, Hatton.

The merchants are not

gonna stand for this.

Yes, I think they will. The

merchants helped me draw this law up.

They're willing to take their chances.

I just wanted to be

certain about you, though.

- Let's get down to cases, Hatton.

- Right.

What cases?

You and I have had a couple of run-ins.

But I'll forget them if you do,

and see if we can't work together.

If you really mean that,

that'll make my job easier.

- Your job is just what you make it.

- So I hear.

The last few sheriffs here

didn't do so well, did they?

They weren't your type. Just a

bunch of dumb sheep wearing badges.

I never even bothered to talk to them.

I'll bet if you had, you'd

have told them a thing or two.

Not what I'm gonna tell you anyway.

Now listen, Hatton.

There's no reason that Dodge

City can't be run properly.

Just so long as you don't

try to change things too much.

Because this is a cattle

town, the biggest one on earth.

And that's what it's always gonna be.

There's more than $20 million

worth of beef and hides...

comes through here every year.

You know that because you bring them up.

You've been holding the

wrong end of the sack...

because the real money ain't

working for those Texas breeders.

No, sir. It's right here in Dodge City

because this is where they pay off.

You mean, on your roulette tables.

Sure, coming and going.

If not for the Gay Lady, that

money would go out of Dodge City...

and the trade would

move right on to Wichita.

You know that cattle crowd.

After months of backbreaking

work getting the cattle here...

they want a little fun and freedom.

If it's not here, they'll

go where they can get it.

- And you'd go broke.

- Sure. But I ain't aiming to.

You see, I make $100,000

a year one way or another.

Frankly, I don't need that much money.

Naturally, I'd be willing to

make a deal with anybody...

that would sort of see things my way.

Make a mighty good deal for both of us.

You mean, a little friendly bribery?

You can catch more flies with

molasses than you can with vinegar.

True enough. I hope

you'll not be offended...

but I don't like the

smell of your molasses.

You'd better get rid of that g*n by

Monday. You're north of Front Street...

and that jail's apt

to be a little crowded.

What's the matter? Didn't it work?

He wouldn't listen to reason?

No, he wouldn't.

All right, Russ, let's

go. We've a lot to do.

Don't ever do nothing like

that unless I tell you to.

This ain't the time.

We gotta wait a while.

They sure make a fella

feel at home around here.

Yes. They'll even dig you a

home, if you're nice to them.

One at a time here, fellas. Line up.

There you are.

- Will I get this stuff back again?

- You sure will.

- Disarm me? Not for no man.

- Nobody gets my g*n.

- What a leery idea.

- Who does he think he is?

- Bet two.

- I'll call it.

- Raise it five.

- Call five.

- I'm dead.

- Kings up.

- I guess we better quit, boys.

- Quitting because you're winning?

- You read that sign, didn't you?

- We don't believe in signs.

That sheriff's a big four-flusher and

that sign's been bad luck to me all night.

Guess that'll show you

Hatton ain't bluffing.

That's right, gentlemen.

Hatton's not bluffing.

- You're all under arrest.

- For what?

For not believing in signs.

All right, deputies, take them.

- Come on.

- Let go, now.

I tried to warn them, but I guess

they gotta learn through experience.

I don't know what you're

warning people about.

- What do you mean?

- You're north of Front Street, aren't you?

- And you're carrying a g*n, aren't you?

- Yeah.

- Right. You're under arrest.

- What?

Come on.

But I'd feel undressed without my g*n.

Where you're going, you won't

need any clothes for a few days.

If I was you, I'd rather

arrest my brother than me.

Hey, Rusty, you are a traitor...

I'm sorry, boys, I can't

do anything about it.

Wade, you ain't gonna

keep me in here, are you?

Sorry, Tex. You read that

notice the same as anyone else.

Three days in there won't

do you a bit of harm.

You can't do this to me after

all we've been through together.

We fought the w*r together,

built the railroad...

we ate, drank, slept,

lived, and d*ed together.

Now we're gonna be in jail together:

you in there and me out here.

Isn't that wonderful? That makes seven

families that have moved in this week.

That does my heart good.

There's the Turner family,

moving back from Wichita.

And after she said she'd

never set foot in Dodge again.

Welcome home, Mr. Turner!

- How do you do, Mr. Clemens?

- Hello, Joe.

Isn't that the sweetest bonnet

she's got on? It's brown moir.

Moir. How do you spell

"moir"? M-O-I-R-E?

Who in tarnation gives a hoot

what Mrs. Turner's wearing?

Just about every blessed

woman in town, that's all.

What happened in this fight

between the Indian and Jim Kendall?

I went into that pretty

thorough. There wasn't no fight.

They called each other names, the

Indian throwed a Kn*fe at Kendall.

Kendall sort of fired a couple

of sh*ts. Nobody got hurt.

Nobody got... I see.

It wasn't a real fight,

it was just a sort of friendly argument.

- Hello, Tex.

- Hi, fellas.

Come on in and sit down.

What are you doing with that

secondhand store around your neck?

Where've you been? We

ain't saw you for days.

Around. Been doing a

lot of thinking lately.


I hope you're gonna take

that job I offered you.

We need another good deputy around here.

That's what I've been thinking about.

I've decided to go back to Texas.

- What for?

- I don't know.

This place is getting too big,

and calm, and peaceful-like.

You mean, Rusty and I

have stopped all the fun?

It's all right for women and children,

but I've decided to go back to Texas.

If you've made up

your mind, that's that.

There's nothing we can

do to keep you here?

- No.

- So long, Tex.

- So long, Wade.

- Give him back his g*n. Number 27.

If you're ever around here, that

job will still be waiting for you.

No, sir. I just don't fit

in a sissy town like this.

I certainly hate to see you go.

I'll miss you fellas, too, a

lot. We had a lot of fun together.

So long, knot head.

If I hung around here much longer,

I'd be riding a side saddle.

Yes, I suppose so.

All right, Rusty. Arrest that man.

- Who? Me?

- What for?

He's carrying a g*n, isn't he?

Give him back his old room.

- Morning, Joe.

- Hello, Wade. What's the news?

You ought to know. Haven't

you read your paper?

Got those tax notices ready?

- Hack's just running them off.

- Fine.

- Come on in.

- All right.

Have a chair.

You look as though you're pretty busy...

- Fred?

- Yes, ma'am.

- Would you set this in my copy, please?

- I will, ma'am.

- Joe...

- Good morning.

Did you want something?

I'd like to have my curiosity

satisfied. What are you doing here?

Obviously, I'm working.

Obviously. But at what and why?

The town is growing by leaps and

bounds, and the paper needed somebody...

who would write things that

would interest its women readers.

I see. Tell me, what are the vital

interests of your women readers?

What other women are wearing...

how to make Lady Baltimore

cake with two eggs...

who invited the minister to tea...

and whose baby is going

to be born and when.

- Fascinating.

- Is there anything else you'd like to know?

What do the doctor and

Mrs. Irving think about it?

They made the same stupid objections

that you're making mentally now.

But when I decide on a thing, I

usually manage to carry it through.

Yes, I've noticed that.

You realize that people are inclined

to think that a newspaper office...

is an odd place for a charming lady

like you to be working, don't you?

Are you the delegation

sent to tell me that?


I stop trouble around

here. I don't start it.

- What's wrong with my working here?

- It's undignified. It's unladylike.

You ought to be home doing

needlework. Things like that.

Sewing buttons on for

some man, I suppose.

Buttons come off.

Someone's gotta sew them on.

That's a fine career

for an intelligent woman.

- Here are your tax notices, Wade.

- Thanks.

There will be wailing and gnashing

of teeth when these go out.

Abbie, I know this isn't in your line...

but as long as you

insisted on the job...

will you stop calling them

"cows in the stockyard"?

They're steers. Steers.

I don't see any difference.

"A rise is expected this season

in the price of longhorn cows. "

Never mind. I'll

correct this copy myself.

"Longhorn cows. " I

must be running along.

By the way, may I let

you into a little secret?


You've got a smudge of ink on your nose.

Goodbye. Goodbye, Joe.

Goodbye, Wade...

I'm sorry. Abbie.

Is this showing proper

respect for the law?

I never saw the law

fall on its face before.

I didn't fall on my face.

There's an old saying

in the British Army:

"The law must always save its

face in front of the natives. "

And what if the natives

object to its face?

We just put them across our knee...

and spank them soundly.

You're not suggesting that I'm a native?

No. The only real native

of Kansas is the buffalo.

He's got a very hard head,

a very uncertain temper...

and a very lonely future.

Apart from that, there's hardly

any comparison between you.

- Goodbye, Joe.

- Goodbye, Wade.


I like that fella.

"Cows in the stockyard. "

Of course, I ain't a man

who believes in taxes.

But I can see they're a necessary evil.

Somebody's gotta pay for schools

and churches and such things.

Especially now that the

town's getting so darn big.

Yes, sir.

They do say there's nothing

certain except taxes and death.

Get up, Hatton.

What for?

A couple of the boys are waiting

outside to have a little talk with you.

I see.

You know, I'm really

surprised at Surrett.

I thought he had more intelligence than

to send you here on a silly deal like this.

- You haven't got a chance...

- Shut up and get out of that chair quick.

About 10 days for this customer. Five

to cool off and five to think it over.

You bet. I'll take

care of it personally.

Come on, sonny boy.

I'll buy you some candy.

- What were you saying about taxes?

- What taxes?

I don't remember. Shall

I trim your mustache?

No, thanks. I think I can manage.

See that big herd of buffalo grazing

away so peacefully down there?

The trouble with the buffalo is they

had things too easy at the start.

It works the other way around,

too. Take us, for example.

We had such a bad beginning.

We'll have a wonderful future.

That's typical Irish

logic: totally unconnected.

You think so?

It may be Irish, but it's not

unconnected, and I can prove it.

Thirty years ago, my father met

my mother at the Londonderry fair.

He'd come down to sell some prize

pigs. Big, fat, lovely pigs they were.

Mother was down there after winning

the grand prize for her roses.

Roses of Sharon, enormous, big things, as

big as your face and nearly as beautiful.

I don't suppose there were ever roses

like that in the whole of Ireland.

What must happen? The very

last day of the fair...

Father's pigs get out and eat up every

single one of Mother's prize roses.

Root, stem, flower and all.

Did any two people ever get

off to a worse start than that?

Look at them now: six big lusty

sons, a score or so of prize pigs...

and the most beautiful rose

garden in the whole of Antrim.

I envy you people who have

kissed the Blarney Stone.

You do?

It's cold on the lips.

I think we'd better be getting back.

I'm afraid it'll be

dark before we get there.

- Are you sure it's the dark you're

afraid of? -What do you mean?

- Maybe you're afraid I might kiss you.

- You wouldn't dare.

I wish I were as sure

of that as you are.

May I?

Thank you.

You know, I was just thinking...

the buffalo wouldn't be so badly off if

the buffalo didn't have a one-track mind.

But then the buffalo wouldn't

be a buffalo, would it?

I suppose not.

You wouldn't be you unless you

thought you might like that kiss.

- You seem very sure of my reactions.

- Oh, no.

That's something you can never be

sure about until you've tried it.

Can you?

Good morning, Abbie.

Good morning, Mrs. Cole. How are you?


Won't you come in and sit down?

There. Is there anything

I can do for you?

Yes, I'd like to run this

advertisement in your paper.

That is, if it doesn't

cost too much money.

Our advertising rates are very

low. I'm sure we'll be able to.

You want to sell your house?

No, I don't want to. I have to, Abbie.

Let's get a new lead line

on this church bazaar story.

How do, Mrs. Cole? How are you today?

- Good morning, Joe.

- How much will you charge on this?

One, two, three, four...

You're selling your house?

You're not leaving town, are you?

No, I just... Joe, I

can't afford to keep it up.

I can't even begin to meet

the taxes on it these days.

I can't understand that.

Matt always made good money.

Just the day he d*ed...

he collected $15,000

from Surrett. Didn't he?

That's what I thought, too, but

I've never seen a penny of it.

Well, what have you done about it?

I've spoken to Jeff Surrett

about it several times...

but he'll never give

me a straight answer.

It looks to me like Mrs. Cole needs

help, and we might be able to help her.

Yeah, it does look that way.

Mrs. Cole, would you mind if

we kind of looked into this?

Mind? I'd consider

it a very great favor.

There are a lot of accounts in this

town to be settled. Now, let's see.

How's the best way to tackle this?

There you are. The entry, the

date, and the figures. $15,000.

What Matt Cole did with his money

after that is his business, not mine.

He had $10 on his body when he was

found. He never left the saloon.

I make it a point not to discuss

the affairs of my customers.

But as long as you force my

hand, I'll give you the facts.

Matt Cole lost that

$15,000 playing roulette.

Playing roulette? I'd like

you to remember that, Abbie.

Don't worry, I'll remember.

As a matter of fact, we'll all remember it.

He never went near those roulette tables.

He went straight to the bar

and Yancey k*lled him there.

- According to who?

- You'll find that out in court.

If you've got such a clear case,

why don't you arrest me now?

I think we'll wait a few days.

I want to talk to a few more people...

before we start giving you board

and room at the state's expense.

You're bluffing, Hatton.

You're holding a pair of

deuces. You're bluffing.

Am I?

Munger k*lled Orth because he

spoiled a cattle deal for you.

Yancey k*lled Cole because he tried

to collect $15,000 you owed him.

And more citizens in this town have been

k*lled trying to do business with you.

That's what the three of us

are going to prove in court.

We'll see if the jury

thinks we're bluffing.

Take that book, Joe. I

want to look at it again.

I can hardly wait to

start writing this story.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is going

to be the most important article...

that's ever appeared

in the Dodge City Star.

There it is. We'll have

it out by noon tomorrow.

How did you find out all these

other things about Surrett?

Abbie, a good newspaperman has two jobs.

One is to write the news

as it happens, day by day.

The other is to be ready

for it, and write it first...

all but the end.

This is Jeff Surrett's morgue.

I must be an optimist at heart.

I've been getting it

ready for a long time.

You two, haven't you got any

homes to go to? It's past midnight.

You'd better be running along,

Abbie. The Doc will skin me alive.

We've got Surrett by

the scruff of the neck.

You have? Why not let it go tonight

and resume your grip in the morning?

You two realize what kind of a

target you'd make from out there?

I'm gonna take you home before your

uncle gets after Joe with a shotgun.

Here's your cloak. I'll come back

and stay till you finish, Joe.

The story's all written. You

don't have to worry about me.

I'm just gonna mark it for the

printer, then call it a day. Italics.

Don't hang around, or Surrett

might come in and mark it for you.

They wouldn't try anything

at this stage of the game.

You think not? I hope you're right.

Good night, Abbie.

See you in the morning.

- Good night, Joe.

- Good night, Wade.

Lock this door after us when we go out.

Mr. Hatton, I am accustomed

to being up after dark.

- Lock it.

- All right.

- Good night.

- Good night.

"The laws of Dodge City

must be respected...

"not only by one group of citizens...

"but by all groups. "

Paragraph. I like that.

What was that?

Whoever k*lled Joe Clemens

ought to be strung up.

And, by golly, I'll furnish the rope.

If he's got enough neck

left to put a rope on.

They sneaked up on him.

Never even gave him a chance.

The b*llet went through his heart.

I can only blame myself for this.

But it's one thing they

won't get away with.

Little fella sure was

aces. It's too bad.

I can't understand it.

Everybody knows that Joe didn't have

any enemies except Surrett and his g*ng.

Who else could have done it?

Isn't it sufficient proof that Joe's story

is gone and the whole file on Surrett?

This door was locked. I know

that because I tried it myself.

It's an old lock. Any key will fit it.

- There's nothing here. You're sure?

- He always left his copy here on top...

so we could set it up

first thing in the morning.

I'm sorry, Sheriff, that's printer's ink.

You can't wash it. It has to wear off.

Did you ever read the contents

of Joe's files on Surrett?

I certainly did, and there

was enough in it to hang him.

Keep that to yourself. I

think you ought to go now.

You're looking tired. Good night.

See the doctor and Miss

Irving home, will you?


- What's the next move, Wade?

- I suppose we're going to...

Are you sure he isn't

in his office upstairs?

I tell you, Surrett left town

on the 4:30 train this afternoon.

If you don't believe us,

go ask the station agent.

Jeff was halfway to Wichita

when the sh**ting occurred.

You're barking up the

wrong tree, mister.


Your bet.

- Your bet.

- $3.

I call.

Who's winning all the money?

Been playing long?

Ask the bartender. He's got a watch.

What do you know about

Joe Clemens, Yancey?

No more than you, except that he's dead.

How did you know he was dead?

I heard some of the boys talking.

People keep dropping in and

out of here all the time.

Bet you $5.

I call.

Three fives.

- You're under arrest, Yancey.

- For what?

For the m*rder of Joe Clemens.

Keep my stack, Bud. I'll

be back in half an hour.

I wouldn't count on that if I

were you. Take him along, Rusty.

What's the matter,

Taylor? Are you nervous?

Go ahead. Deal them.

Yancey seemed a little

vague about this game.

Suppose you tell me what happened.

How should I know?

- Why don't you ask one of them?

- I'm asking you.

Did Yancey ever leave this

table after the game started?

No. He never left the room.

I told you a hundred times,

he never went out of the place.

Come on, you're wasting valuable time.

- Answer my question.

- No, he never left the table.

Stop lying. You're bad at it.

Yancey left that room between

midnight and 1:00, didn't he?

- No.

- What time was it, then?

He didn't leave.

Let me work on him,

Wade. I can make him talk.

If you can't, I can.

Let him alone. Listen, if

you're too stupid to realize...

you're facing a charge of m*rder,

you deserve what's coming to you.

What do you mean?

I'm gonna have you indicted for

m*rder as an accessory after the fact.

I had nothing to do with it.

You're gonna be dancing in

thin air the same as Yancey.

Do you wanna swing, or you

wanna tell me and save your neck?

All right. I'll tell you.

Come on.

He went out about 12:30. Came

back in about half an hour.

That's better.

I'll do you a favor, Taylor.

Lock him up.

- Good morning, Mrs. Irving.

- Good morning.

Morning. Did you get

anything out of Taylor?

I did. Where's the doctor?

- In there. What's wrong?

- What'd he say?

Morning, Mr. Hatton. Won't you join us?

No, thanks. I came to tell you...

it's imperative you get Miss Abbie

out of town as soon as possible.

Why, for heaven's sake?

Because only two people beside

myself heard Surrett tell that lie...

that he saw Matt Cole lose

his money playing roulette.

One of those people was Joe Clemens.

That's why Surrett k*lled him.

You're the only other person

who can bear me out in court.

Without you, he can deny it

and the jury might believe him.

That's all the more

reason why I should stay.

I started this, and I'm

going to see it through.

Will you not be a little idiot?

You're life isn't worth a nickel as

long as Surrett stays out of jail.

You're the key to our

case and he knows it.

We can't go to trial for two weeks.

Your life's gonna be in danger till then.

Even in this house, on

the street, everywhere.

I know Surrett and I know what he'd do.

You know I'm right, Doctor. I

want you to get her out of town.

And stay out till I send for you.

- You're right.

- I see what you mean.

Abbie must take the

next train for Wichita.

She can stay with the Merrills.

I'll pack a valise at once.

Come and help me get

it down off the shelf.

I'd never forgive myself

if anything happened to her.

- I won't go. You can't boss me around.

- Can I not, now?

I'm the law in this town

and you'll do as I say.

I don't care what you

are, I'm staying here.

Aunt Ellen, don't pack...

You are the most stubborn

female I ever met in my life.

Can't you understand I'm

doing this because I love you?

All right, you two. Stop arguing.

Don't worry, Mrs. Irving. We've stopped.

What he needs is a rope.

He don't deserve a trial.

Hand him over to us.

We'll give him a trial.

This is more like it.

The last time I saw a mob

like that was in Texas...

when they gave Curley

Hawks a necktie party.

Mr. Grant, I want to talk to you.

There's your man. You got 10 minutes.

- Hello, Yancey.

- Hello.

What's going on here?

What's the mob doing...

Now, take it easy, Yancey.

You might as well

know this now as later.

They wormed it out of Taylor

that you left for a half hour.

They can't hang me on that.

I might have gone anywhere.

Maybe a jury wouldn't hang you...

if you ever get to a jury.

What do you mean by that?

What're you trying to say?

Joe Clemens was a mighty

well-liked man, Yancey.

He had a lot of friends.

Half the city is planning

to break in here tonight...

and take things in their own hands.

Where's Jeff? He's

gotta get me out of here.

I telegraphed him an hour ago. He

got off the train at Spearville.

He got off? For what?

Jeff's smart enough to know this

town's gonna be warm for a few days.

So he's just laying low until

the excitement blows over.

Too warm for him?

So I stay here and get

hung for doing his job.

- If you think that I...

- Shut up, you fool!

- You want to tell the whole town?

- You bet I'll tell them.

I'll tell them who paid me to

sh**t Joe Clemens and Matt Cole.

Let them hang me, sure. But

if I go, Jeff's going with me.

You rustle him up and

telegraph him that.

He has to get me out by tonight or

I'm giving the whole story to Hatton.

But how can Jeff get you out of here?

I don't know. That's his problem.

Keep your shirt on, Yancey.

I got an idea how Jeff

and I can handle this.

First I'll see Hatton.

You got the right man, Hatton.

What are you waiting for?

Yeah, what are we waiting for?

If you don't know what

to do with Yancey, we do.

- You bet we do.

- Will you give us some action?

If he won't, we will

give him some action.

What are you stalling for?

You know he k*lled him.

If you don't turn him over to

us, we'll come get him tonight.

Listen, men, you fellas put me

in this office to enforce the law.

And I'm going to enforce it.

That means a fair trial

for any and all prisoners.

Including Yancey.

And understand this:

There is going to be no mob rule around

this town as long as I am sheriff.

They're bringing up a

pole for a battering ram.

You see? They're right at

the door. Listen to them.

You're in charge, Sheriff.

What are you gonna do?

Wade, what are we gonna do? The

whole town's set on getting him out.

You can't stop them, the

five of you against the town.

They'd burn down the

building to get in here.

We'd save a lot of trouble

if we'd feed him to the mob.

You want to throw my client

to that pack of hungry wolves?

Listen, no one's gonna

get your client but a jury.

- I promise you that.

- There's only one way to protect him.

Yancey's gotta be taken out

of Dodge City before night.

Fat chance we'd have of

getting him to the station.

You can hire a closed carriage,

drive him to Spearville...

and catch the train for Wichita.

Keep him in jail there till

he can be tried legally.

- Yes, that might work.

- It will work.

My client's entitled to a fair trial...

and it's both our jobs

to see that he gets it.

You want me to rustle a carriage, Wade?

Wait a minute. I got a better idea.

But you agree we got to

get him out in a hurry?

Yes, but we'll do it my way.

- This is a sample of your future.

- Get in, Russ. Get in.

Hold them off as long as you

can. I'll send word from Wichita.

- Say, what the... -Keep calm,

it's official business. Come on.

I'm Sheriff Hatton of Dodge City.

I've got a prisoner here for Wichita.

- Is it all right if we ride with you?

- All right, Sheriff.

- Mind shutting and locking this door?

- Not a bit.

Get over there.

You can sit there and

rest your face and hands.

How many stops do you make

between here and Wichita?

- None.

- Good.

Keep going. I'll tell you what to do.

Put 'em up.

- But, gentlemen...

- Take him away, Joe.

Get in there.

Get your hands up.

Get them up, I said!

Now unlock those cuffs.

We've gotta stop. The train's on fire.

Don't slow down till the water tower.

Hold it, Jeff! We're all gonna burn.

Got a friend of yours here,

Hatton. Take a good look.

Throw me those g*ns!

Pick them up.

Unlock those handcuffs!

Come on! Hurry up!

Close that door.

Rusty, this end.

Look out!

Hurry up!

So the lamb k*lled the butcher.

Now, listen to that. Singing

hymns and it ain't even Sunday.

No one in sight even friendly drunk.

Doggone, if this place ain't getting so

pure and noble it ain't fit to live in.

I'm sure enough going back to Texas now.

Imagine asking me to lead

the Pure Prairie League.

Why not? You're one of the

leading lights in it, I hear.

First thing you know, they'll be

starting a chamber of commerce.

- Faith, it's not possible.

- What?

Look, Col. Dodge.

- Hello, Colonel.

- How're you, Colonel?

Hi, Colonel.

How are you, boys?

By golly, Wade, it's

good to see you alive.

- It's good to be alive.

- Come on up.

- Hello, Colonel.

- Wade. By golly, son, it's good to see you.

Hello, Tex. How are you, Rusty?

I couldn't complain,

Colonel. Wouldn't do no good.

Sit down over there, sir.

I've come all the way from Virginia

City, Nevada, just to see you.

I'm building a railroad

there from San Francisco.

It's the richest square mile on earth.

Gold, silver, copper. We've got

a solid mountain of the stuff.

But it's a bad town, Wade.

A wild, murderous town.

Worse than Dodge City ever

was before you cleaned it up.

And that's saying a good deal.

- I want you to come back with me.

- I knowed our luck had changed.

We've got 4,000 people out there.

Decent men and women with

families who are living in terror.

Think of them 4,000 poor people.

There might be more by

the time we get there.

We need you, son.

The city is teeming with

crime and corruption.

What law we've tried has failed...

because the men behind it hadn't

the brains and courage to back it up.

You can get plenty of men for

that job out here, Colonel.

I'm getting married next

week. Got tickets for New York.

Shucks, you can get married anytime.

We'll even go on your honeymoon

with you to Virginia City.


Getting married has

ruined a lot of good men.

Doesn't it mean anything

to you to know...

that someplace there's terror and

death that you could put a stop to?

Yes, it does, Colonel. But the

decision isn't as simple as that.

If I were free, it might be different.

I'll soon have a wife to take care of.

Abbie doesn't want to

go pioneering anymore.

We're planning on coming back here

from New York and settling down.

There's a wagon train leaving here

the middle of next week for Nevada.

It'd be a great trip, wouldn't it?

Hello, darling. I was just telling the

boys how we're going to settle down...

- Lemonade?

- Thank you.

- Lemonade?

- Thank you, ma'am.

Darling, I was just telling Col.

Dodge about our honeymoon in New York.

How we're going to see all the shops,

theatres, and Niagara Falls, and things.

Col. Dodge, when do we

start for Virginia City?

Wade, it looks like you're

marrying the right girl.

Virginia City!
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