Infamous (2020)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Infamous (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

I believe in fate.

I believe the universe
has a plan for me.

For... For you,
for everybody.

Doesn't it, really?

So, my question is...

is this my destiny?

Is this what
I've been fighting for?


My name is Arielle.

And for as long
as I can remember...

I knew I was going
to be famous.


What is he doing here?

Hey. Club called me,
and some of the girls didn't show again.

Bobby's gonna stick around
until I get back.

So what, he just got
locked out

- out of his f*cking trailer again?
- Quit your bitching, Ariel.

- f*ckin' assholes.
- Ma, I don't need a babysitter,

and he's got
his own place.

- This is our house.
- It is my house.

You start paying rent,
you can tell me who gets to stay here.

Leftover KFC in the fridge.

She's way too f*cking good
for you, you know that?

But you ain't.

- You're a real piece of shit.
- Got any pot?

Yeah, I... I do,

and guess
who's not f*cking getting any.


What the f*ck?


Hit that b*tch.

Maybe if you weren't
such a sl*t.

She's a c**t.

The video is everywhere.

Yeah. Even and my cousin
and his friends said they saw it.

I can't believe Jeremy
hasn't liked any of my f*cking photos.

You gonna say somethin'?

I, uh... I've never really
seen you around here before.

You saw me yesterday.

Well, I meant before that.

What are you doing?

Cylinder's misfiring.


I'm staying with my dad.

So, are you gonna be staying
around for a while, then?

For a time, at least.

What's your name?

It's Dean.

Dean Taylor.


You gotta earn
my name first, grease monkey.

Well, see you around,
Dean Taylor.

Two first names.

I'll have the Cobb salad
and an iced tea.


I swear to God,
Jason told you.

Your cousin's the
biggest bullshit artist alive.

- He's not.
- He lies about everything, even stupid stuff.

- That's true.
- Whatever.

'Cause he was
totally in prison.

- Wait, who went to prison?
- Dean Taylor.

Hid dad owns that shitty
mechanic shop over on 2nd.

Hmm. Half the f*cking town's
in prison.

I mean,
seems pretty all right.

Wait. I thought he was, like, living
with his mom in Kentucky or something.

- No, his mom is dead.
- She didn't die. She's just insane.

Did you f*ck him?


But I did put his d*ck
in my mouth.

- f*ck you, Stacey.
- Not all that surprising.

- God.
- Hmm?

I mean, he's like,
totally fuckable.

Prison fuckable.

I'd still do him.




Get lost.


You're a little firecracker, aren't ya?

So what are you doing here?

I'm gonna say that information
is at least worth a name.

I'm not Ariel, okay?

My mom, she f*cking
named me after a mermaid,

but ain't nobody
ever gonna call me Ariel.

Arielle, then.

What about your old man?
He around?


Daddy called me
an accident and then...

Last time I ever saw him.

I got one like that, too.

Except you're
staying with yours.

I don't got a choice.

They say you were in prison.



It's such a small town,
and juicy piece of gossip like that

would not fly under the radar.


is it true?

Yeah, it's true.

So what did they
put you in prison for?

Armed robbery...

and as*ault.

Oh, that's exciting.

It is what it is.

My parole requires
I be with a parent,

and my mom's dead.
So I'm with my dad.


I'm sorry
about your momma.

So what's your dad's
problem, then?

He's a f*cking lousy drunk,
and he's...

bigger than me.


Do you...

believe in, like, um...

like, faith and cosmic
coincidences and all that?

Nah, not really.


you know, there is a lot

to the universe that is way
beyond our understanding.

Have you ever heard
of the idea of, like...

if your put out

what you want into the universe,
that it'll give it to you?

What do you ask
the universe for?


Maybe if I'm worth it...

you'll have the chance
to find out.

I don't know, I just...

I do know that first

I need to get the f*ck out of
Florida, because...

f*ck this place. Seriously.

And I've just...

I've been saving up
a bunch of money,

and I'm just gonna leave.

All alone?


Maybe somebody will, um...

wanna come with me.

I like to think
about getting famous,

'cause people
around here, you know,

all they see is what's literally
right in front of them.

But not me.

'Cause the world
is so much bigger...

and vast, and...
And beautiful.

'Cause right now,
nobody gives a f*ck about me. Nobody...


who I am.

But that's all gonna change.

People are gonna be
following me,

wondering what I'm doing,
where I'm going.

- How?
- I don't know yet.

I do know that...

the first stop is Hollywood.

Us going to Hollywood.

Yeah, not sure my PO
would approve of that.

Now, uh...

life's got a really...

funny way of working itself out.
So we just gotta...

put it out there.

You wanna see something?

You gotta keep it a secret.


It's a .45.

It's big.

It'll stop anyone
coming your way.

You look sexy doing that.

All right.

Two hands. Two hands.


Just aim and squeeze.

Hold it firm.
Watch the recoil.



Try again.


Ah, close.



Oh, yeah.

- Go again.
- Okay.

We're not
attacking you.

We've just heard things,
and we're worried about you.

Why? 'Cause of some shit
her stupid dipshit cousin said?


You're getting mad.

Because... Why are you all
attacking me?

- He k*lled somebody.
- He did not k*ll anybody.

See, this is why you guys
need to get your panties

out of Dean's problems
and in your own.

Because all you
give a f*ck about

is prom or who f*cked who.

Yeah, and how does this
end for you?

We're just telling you
to watch out.

It ends with me getting the
f*ck out of this place, okay?

Because I ain't spending
the rest of my life

in some stupid speech hometown.

And what, you're gonna go off and
get famous or some shit like that?


That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

And what are you gonna
get famous for?

People are talking.

Like I give a flying f*ck
what anybody else thinks!

f*ck you guys!



Hey, f*ck-face!
Where is it?

- Damn it!
- Get the f*ck out of here!

- Calm down, Ma. Everyone's already seen your tits.
- Get the f*ck out!

- Oh, my God!
- Where the f*ck is it?

- Ariel, what the f*ck are you doing here?
- A-ri-elle!

- For the last time, Mom. God!
- Shut your mouth!

Where is it, huh?
Where is it, you piece of shit?

- He stole my money, Ma.
- Baby, I'm so sorry.

- Ma, he stole my f*cking money!
- Oh, my God.

Nobody stole... What the f*ck
are you talking about?

You piece of shit!
Where is it?

He stole my money, Ma!

I didn't take
your f*cking money, Ariel!

You should die! God!

Oh, my God!

- What other sick poor loser mooches off my mom, huh?
- Stop it!

Who else would've done it?

You're such a c**t.


I saved up

every dime I could

working in that
f*cking sh*thole!

Get off him!

You f*cking b*tch!

I will f*cking k*ll you.

What did you just say?

Jesus Christ.

Bobby said he didn't do it,
he didn't f*cking do it!

f*ck you both!


Come on. Come on.

Hey, it's Dean.
Leave a message.





f*ck off! You...

- What the f*ck are you doing?
- You piece of shit!

- You f*cking worthless piece of...
- What the f*ck are you doing?

- Get off him! f*cking get off him!
- What the...

f*cking b*tch!

- Hey!
- Huh?



f*ck! Oh, shit!

Is he...

Is he...

- Yeah.
- f*ck!

f*ck, you, uh...

It was an accident. I...
I didn't...

Yeah. It was an accident.

It was an accident.

You were defending yourself.

Arielle, they're gonna f*cking...
They're gonna f*cking find him like this,

they're gonna put this on me.
They're gonna bring me back.

No. No, no, no. You're not
going anywhere, okay?

- You're... You'll...
- No.

- Hey!
- No, no. Look, they're gonna...

It's fine. It's fine, okay?

You're not going back.
We'll leave.

That's what we'll do,
and they'll never find us.

You know what?

Arielle, I'm f*cked.

- It doesn't matter.
- I'm f*cked.

Hey, it's done now, okay?

The only thing that matters
is you and me.

So we'll leave.


- Right now.
- Okay.


Do you have any money?

Well, not anymore.

I'm sorry about that.

Yeah, well...

We're gonna need
some f*cking cash.

Did you bring the g*n?

All right, I'm gonna drive up,
hop out, run inside quick.

And you wait outside
with the car.


Just keep the car ready.

I'm not waiting outside.

- Look, baby doll...
- Baby, I will...

stay by the door,
I'll keep an eye on the car.

We'll keep it running.

But I'm coming in.
I'm not staying outside.

Hope you like green.

You're in luck.

Get under the f*cking...

Everything in the bag right
now or I'll f*cking k*ll you!

All the f*cking cash!
Let's go!

Don't f*cking look at her.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Now the f*cking safe.
The f*cking safe.

- It's on a timer.
- Bullshit! It's not on f*cking timer!

This isn't 7-Eleven.
Open the f*cking safe

before I crack
your f*cking skull!


- Jesus, f*ck!
- You look so scared.

You are a stupid m*therf*cker.

How we looking
out there, baby doll?

Yeah, we're good, baby.

Hey! Hey!

What the f*ck
are you staring at?

You may think
I'm sweet and innocent,

but you better finish
putting the g*dd*mn money

in the m*therf*cking bag,

or the last thing
you'll ever remember

is just how wrong you were.

- Move, b*tch!
- f*ck, yeah! Let's go!

Cell phone.

- Give me your f*cking cell phone!
- Okay, okay.

Baby doll, get the car ready.

Get on
the f*cking floor, now!

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

- Holy shit!
- Whoo!

Baby, how much money do you
think is in this f*cking bag?

Oh, my good Lord, babe!


Dead presidents, m*therf*cker!


I love you to pieces,
Dean Taylor.

The way I figure it,
we got about 2,000 miles to cover,

and gas is gonna
run us about, uh...


- Listening?
- Yeah.

Sorry, my phone's been
blowing up all morning.


- Now the f*cking safe...
- How?

God, what?

I posted it.

You posted... Why...
Why the f*ck would you post that?

Bec... Because I thought
it would be something

people wanna see,
and they do.

So I took some other photos,
too, of the money and stuff.

They're cool. And I created a new account.

Last night, zero followers.
This morning...

three thousand followers.

Three thousand people...

- uh, like what we do.
- People are watching that shit?

Yes! They... Look...
They're liking, they're sharing it.

There's a few pretty
fine comments.

I don't get it.


something like this...

- could make us famous.
- No.

You can't go posting about
our exploits on the Internet,

'cause the cops are gonna
f*cking figure us out, Arielle.

No. I am not gonna
get us caught, okay?

I have an IP blocker. Easy.

I'll never show our faces.

Look, fame equals money,

equals getting out of this
shitty, f*cked-up town,

which is what we're
trying to do anyway.


I told you I wanted
to be famous.

And nobody cares
about, like...

some random girl
from the Redneck Riviera, okay?

Now, a couple of teenagers

robbing their way
across America,

that's worth following.

I don't know.

Feels like an easy way
to get ourselves arrested.

I already said...

I'm not showing our faces.

Well, like I was saying...

we're gonna need
more money, all right?

We're almost out of
what we got last night,

and liquor stores
are paying shit.

- So?
- Well...

I was thinking...

when I was in prison,
they brought in this guy named Chester.

It turns out he was arrested for
trying to rip off a dispensary.

- Like, stealing weed?
- No.

That's the thing he was
going for, the money.

So, I looked into it,

and apparently dispensaries are
having trouble getting bank accounts.

Credit card companies don't
wanna handle their transactions,

- so it's...
- Cash.

Yes, and lots of it.

Plus, the way I see it,
security is light,

and local police and FBI aren't gonna give a
f*ck about a weed store getting ripped off.


Okay, I like it.

I like it, but...

I ain't no getaway driver.

Baby needs a g*n.

It can't be this easy.

How do you think I got mine?

Private g*n sales in Florida
don't require a background check.

We just gotta find
the right one.


Ooh, yeah, Mommy like it.

Gotta love America.

Do you feel it?

Feel what?

The power.

Like, knowing what
we did last night...

and, uh...

we could do anything.


Realistically, we could rob

anyone on this beach and turn them
all into whimpering little b*tches.

I know that it was just last night,
but, like, it really feels...

like a long time ago.

In a weird way.

I just keep thinking
about how all...

my friends, like,
woke up this morning and went to school

and did uh, the same shit
that they usually do.

And it's just
all the same, but...

now it's all gone, and it's so weird.

Now it's just
you and me, baby.

God, those lips.

Ooh. Look, babe,
we're going up followers.

Oh. Shit.

Baby, the g*n guy, he...
He agreed.

f*ck, yeah.

Can we do it?

Let's go get some money.

All right.

Your turn.


You wanna do this?


Let me taste
those lips first.

All yours.

Can you do me
the honors?

f*ck, I'll try.



Now I'm feeling kinda nervous.

That's okay.
You'll be fine.

And I just ask him
where the safe is, right?

That's where
all the money is.

Hands up, you piece of shit!

Hands up!

That's right.
Hey, I've got a question.

- You got a safe?
- Yeah, it's in the back.

- Okay, show it to me. Show it to me.
- f*ck, Yes.

Yeah, stop looking at
him, you f*cking idiot, all right?

Eyes on the prize.

Let's go.
Let's go!

- But I don't know the combo.
- What?

What, he...

- He doesn't know the combo.
- He's f*cking lying.

Get down. Get f*cking down.

Please, man.

Hey, you think I'm an idiot?

You think I'm illiterate?

You think that I don't know
that you know the f*cking combo?

Put in the f*cking combo, now!

Don't wanna
f*cking mess with her, man.

That's right.

Come on, faster. Faster.

What's taking you
so damn long?

Oh, what, you wanna die
alone a little p*ssy virgin?

Because of a
couple hundred bucks?

Wow! I mean, be my guest.

Be my f*cking guest
and open the goddam safe!


Good. Let's put it in.

Let's go.

- Let's go.
- Quick, quick.

Looks good, babe.

- Don't forget the phone.
- All right, all right.

Cell phone.

On the floor.

Watch it.

Oh! Oh, my God!

Okay, that's it.

f*ck, yeah!

Oh, my God.



I put a few rounds
through her.

She's all right.

Trigger pull?

Uh, about five pounds.

It's got a nice load
on it, too. Sticks up fine.


I got two in addition to the
one that's currently in the g*n.

What do you think, baby?
You like it?


You like it?


- You want her?
- Yes, sir.

Hands up, m*therf*cker!

Get on the f*cking ground!

Get on the f*cking ground
right now!

You got it,
.45 and nine.

You know
that shit's good, man.

Ooh, yeah, baby,
let's haul with this g*n.

Some magazines up here.

You know...

anyone comes, asks you about this
g*n, what are you gonna say?


Tell them that the Bay State florist
is none of your g*dd*mn business.

Let's go, babe.

g*dd*mn, I'm gonna miss...

Let's go have some fun.

That sounds like
one fine idea, baby.


Well, the universe answered.

The videos captured during
the robberies and uploaded to social media

are the work of Arielle
Summers and Dean Taylor,

a Florida couple
wanted in connection

with a slate of dispensary
robberies across the South.

They're also wanted
for questioning

in the death of
Taylor's father.

The couple, followed by millions
of people on social media,

have been called a
modern-day Bonnie and Clyde.

Arielle, this is
not f*cking good.

They have our names and they
have our pictures. We are f*cked.

We're not f*cked.

We're famous.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Do you not see this is
a big, big f*cking problem?

There's a lot of land
between us and Hollywood,

which means a lot of
f*cking cops to avoid,

so your social media game
is f*cking over.

- Dean.
- Look, I told you to be careful, okay?

Not get us f*cking caught.

Baby, the videos didn't
get us caught,

the robberies did.

And they were gonna
figure that out eventually.

The video is just...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just f*cking evidence for them.

Also, now they have everything
that they f*cking need.

Which is irrelevant
if we don't get arrested.

How the f*ck
do you think this ends?

You think being, uh,
famous for this f*cking shit

is just gonna absolve you
of the crime?

How many celebrities
have you seen get off easy?

It's not gonna f*cking
work like that, all right?


Plus, I already told you
what I wanted.

Yeah, and I told you.

You f*cking kidding me?


We can outrun him.

Speed up.

Baby, speed up.


Just shut up.

You better watch
your f*cking mouth.

Don't start nothin'.

Is there a problem,

License and registration.

Um, I'm sorry, Officer,

we... We're just
a little bit lost.

You see, we're, um...

We're road-tripping
up to Austin,

uh, to...
To see my mama, and...

Funny, I... I don't know why we
can't seems to find it.

You know how fast
you were going?

Oh, that's...
That's my bad.

Actually, I, uh...
I do love to go fast.

My... My boyfriend here loves to
indulge me from time to time.

Uh, we just didn't think we
would hurt anybody out this late.

Just stay in the car.

He's gonna f*cking
figure it out.


- God!
- Arielle, wait.

No. Um, excuse me, Officer.

I know we were
driving a little fast...

Miss, get back
in the vehicle.

We're just gonna try
and be on our way now.

Miss you need to get
back in the vehicle.


- Get back in the car now.
- Officer, she just had a bad day.

Let's us just
get out of here.

Sir, I need you to get back
in your vehicle right now.

- I have every right...
- Arielle, shut the f*ck up!

I told you to f*cking
watch your mouth!

Both of you, get in
your vehicle right now!

Officer, please. We can...

- Get down.
- Whoa...

Get on the ground, both of you, now.
On the ground.


Hands on your head!
Hands on your head!

- Officer, let's just...
- Shut up.



- Uh...
- f*ck.

Okay, okay.

Okay. Okay.

We should leave.

We should f*cking leave.

Dean, get in the car.

Dean, get in the f*cking
car, now! God!


Can I help you?

Hello. Miss?

Do you need some help
with something?

No. Uh, I'm all right.

You sure? You've just been staring
off there for the last few minutes.

When are we
gonna leave here?

- Baby?
- I don't know.


I'm gonna have to post
something soon.

'Cause fans are
leaving comments, angry ones,

and we're losing followers.
That's not good.

I don't f*cking care. They're not
the ones facing the death penalty.


we can't stay here forever.

You promised me
Hollywood, baby.

Arielle, you k*lled
a f*cking cop.

You understand that?

Do you know what
that f*cking means?

You wanna talk to me
like I'm f*cking illiterate?

I know what I did.

I mean, you know that k*lling
people, much less f*cking cops,

was not part of the plan.

Well, you'd be
in jail right now.

No, we'd be in jail.

And you don't know that, 'cause we
could have f*ckin' knocked him out

or done something else.

He had
a f*cking g*n on you.

What... What was
I supposed to do,

just wait around
and see what happens?

I don't f*ckin' know, but k*lling that
cop has landed us in a world of f*cking shit.

I did that for us, baby.

I love you.

And... And I want us to
always be together.

Of course I'm not gonna
let you go back to jail.

Arielle, shut the f*ck up.
You did that for you

or whatever bullshit f*cking
fame game you're chasing.

We're staying put
till I say so.

You better f*cking say so 'cause
I ain't meant to be no housewife.

The world needs us.

The world needs you.

Hands up,
you stupid little b*tch!

That's right. You're gonna listen to
me, okay, because if you don't,

oh, I don't know,
it could be your last day.

Do you even know
how to use that, little lady?

Oh, shit!

Now you're gonna
listen to me good.

You're gonna put all the money
from the register in there, now.

Go on. Come on,
I don't got all f*cking day.

You're her, aren't you?

- I knew it. I knew that it was you the other day.
- Faster! Come on, b*tch!

You were just standing over
there, staring off into space.

And now you're in
over your head.


Shit! Shit!

No, motherfuck...



f*ck you!

f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!

f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!

Dean. Dean, I f*cked up!

- What?
- I f*cked up. We gotta go.

Jesus Christ,
what the f*ck happened to your arm?

- I got shot.
- You got f*cking shot?

We gotta wrap that right now.

Come here.

- What the f*ck did you do?
- He saw me. He saw me.

- Who?
- He recognized the car. He knew it was me.

- We need to f*cking go.
- What the f*ck happened?

What the f*ck.

I tried to...
To rip off this...

The moron on
Highway 2, right, and...

The guy... This guy walked in,
so I got distracted, and the clerk...

f*cking Christ!
Why would you do that?

We have enough f*ckin' money!

This is not about
the f*cking money, Dean!


But you know,
he saw me before, and...

And he recognized me.

And so, maybe this time he
won't actually call the cops.

Are you f*cking nuts?

Don't you call me
f*cking nuts!

There's a huge f*cking
rewards on our heads!

You don't think he's gonna
f*cking cash in on that?

Let's get the f*ck out of here
before they set up road blocks!

All right, get in the back
and stay down.


f*ck. This is bleeding a lot.

- Like, a lot.
- f*ck!

Hold on.

- I'm gonna need your help, babe.
- Okay.


Ahhh! Okay, I can't hold it
for long.

Not yet.

- Dean, tell me when.
- Now!

Get 'em, baby!

Oh, shit.

Well, the whole f*cking state
of Texas knows we're here.

Oh, my God.

It's starting to burn.
What do I do?

Jesus, uh, there's gotta be
something in one of the bags.

Gauze or whatever.


Where did you put the bag?

What bag?

The bag with all
the f*cking money in it.

I thought that
you grabbed it.

No! I thought
you grabbed it!

I got the bag
with the f*cking g*ns!

- Check again!
- Oh, shit.

I think I f*cking see it.

It's a huge duffel bag
filled with money,

and I think it's hiding in
the g*dd*mn glove compartment.

Jesus f*cking Christ!

We gotta go back.

We can't go back. Are you crazy?
There's cops everywhere.

Arielle, that money was
everything that we f*ckin' had!

Well, you shouldn't have f*cking
rushed me out of the house!


Ow, f*ck! Babe, watch it.

Oh, my God.

Mmm, this hurts so much more
than I thought it would.


- That's getting shot.
- Yeah, I know.

You ever been shot?


Well, then, baby,
I guess I got you beat.

- There.
- Thanks.

Oh. Okay, wait.

Real quick,
take a photo of me.

You're f*cking unbelievable.


Okay, I'll take it myself.

What's your problem?

My problem?

You're taking a picture of
your f*cking g*nsh*t wound.

So? You know how many
likes this is gonna get?

Who f*cking cares
about likes?

I do.

This ain't worth it.

You don't f*cking get it.

- You don't f*cking get it.
- Guess not.


Hey, why is this so hard
for you to understand, huh?

What don't you get
about this?

Why can't you see it?

I guess I can't see it

'cause I'm not on my
f*cking phone all the time.

You don't know
what this could do for us.

- For us?
- Yeah.

For us? This hasn't brought us
anything but f*cking trouble!

You and your f*ckin' followers or
whatever the f*ck you call it...

I don't even know
what the f*ck it is anymore.

Look. We are on a road heading
straight for a cliff, and it scares me

that you're too f*ckin' dumb
to see that!

The universe put us here
for a reason!

- I don't know what that reason is, but the univ...
- Yeah. The universe...

Did the... Did the f*cking
universe get you shot?

- Yes.
- Did the f*cking universe make you k*ll that cop?

f*ck your universe!
f*ck your fate and all that shit!

What has it
f*cking done for me, huh?


I didn't make you
come with me.

No? What about my dad?

What about your dad?

- He was a piece of shit.
- That's besides the point.

I could not
f*cking stay there.

You f*ckin' put this on me.

- I was trying to help you.
- Yeah?

It's not my fault you're a p*ssy
who can't stand up for himself.

Well, f*ck your help!

f*ck your fame!

Don't you f*ckin'...

- I said...
- Try me!

f*cking try me, Dean!

Huh? Huh?

We're not gonna stop.

Yeah. I know.

We need money.

I got a buddy
up in Oklahoma City.

Kyle. I met him while
I was in prison in Florida.

Told me to look him up
if I was ever in town.


Maybe he can
find us something.

It's out of our way, though.


They've made sure every county
in the state knows we're here.

We gotta ditch this car and
find somewhere to hide.

Get the f*ck out of Texas.

- Hi.
- Hello.

You need help?

Oh, good Lord,
you're a lifesaver.

I am at death's door
over here.

Yeah, my... My car is all jacked
up, and my phone died.

Well, I can give you a lift.

Oh, great.

Um, random question. You... You don't
got a boyfriend or a roommate or...

Or a girlfriend. I mean,
I don't wanna assume,

at home or anything,
do you?


- No. Why?
- Oh!

Great, 'cause I was wondering
if I could stay for a night.

With him.

Yes, no, maybe so?

- Uh, yeah.
- Yeah?

Great! Come on, baby.

You don't have to keep
that thing out.

You know, there's only one person
in the whole world that I trust.

He's right there.

I know who you are.


I mean...

I follow you online.

I knew who you were
when I pulled up.

No shit.

But you...
You pulled up anyway.

Yeah, I guess.

They said that, um...

you k*lled a cop?

Yeah, well...

sometimes you gotta
protect the shit you love.

You don't got any beer?

Uh, I don't really drink.


I mean, every chick's got a
bottle of vodka in her freezer.


Well, at least you got food.

Authorities are
revealing that the couple was living

in a foreclosed development

for what could have been weeks.

They made regular trips to local
convenience and grocery stores.

We are also told a bag
was found inside the house

containing very large
sums of money.

Money allegedly obtained
from the many robberies

the couple staged
across the Southland.

Authorities believe,
in the rush to leave,

it may have accidentally
been left behind.

Police are now worried
that low on funds,

the couple could attempt
additional robberies.

After this morning's fatal
sh**t with the police,

they're believed to be armed and extremely dangerous.

Oh, wow.

Now we're extremely
dangerous, Dean.

Oh, we're really
getting up there.

Do you think we're dangerous?


I don't know,
y'all seem nice.

You got Wi-Fi?

Yeah. The, um,

networking password
is on the fridge.

Can I smoke?

Arielle tells me
that you're, uh, a fan or...

follower, or whatever
the f*ck you want to call it.

Mmm. Yeah, I guess so.


Never met a fan before.

Let me ask you something.

Why do you follow us?


Okay, I...

I feel like there is...

very little I can change...

You know, I work for
a telemarketing firm.

You know, you get a call about
a special offer during dinner.

That's me.

I studied art in college.

Couldn't get a job doing that.

And now they're talking
about closing the firm

and moving it overseas
because it's cheaper.

And I have student loans.

I don't know...

I just...

feel like I'm stuck.

And then there's you guys.

You stopped taking it
and started giving it.

I think people
find that exciting...


I think people...

are just looking to waste time.

And we're it.

You know, it's' just, uh...

It's a fantasy.

Everything about it.

I mean, it ain't
no way to live.

I don't care
who the f*ck you are.

You're luckier
than you think.

It doesn't really matter.

Um, can I
go to the bathroom?

I see something up ahead.

Here we go.

Get ready, baby!


It's cool.

Morning, ma'am.

Can we have you two
step out the car?

Everything all right, troopers?

You boys sure are carrying
a lot of firepower.

Where you all headed today?

Um, OSU.

Just getting back
from break.


- And you?
- What?


I ain't driving.

You don't have an ID?

Like I said, I ain't driving.

Uh, yeah, funny story, actually.

I, uh, left my ID
in... In my dorm,

and that's why I've got my, uh,
sister here driving me back.

She's your sister?

Um, sorority sister.


We'd like for you
to open the trunk.

Don't you need a warrant
or something?

You law students?

Year one. I don't know,
maybe I'm just itching

for some extra credit.

Well, you're right.

We either need a warrant
or your permission.

Now, we'd like for you
to be on your way.

But if you'd rather wait while we get
a warrant and tear this car apart...

- No.
- ...we can do that.

It's fine. It's fine.

See anything you like?

Thank you, ma'am,
for your cooperation.

You ride safe.

Well, you troopers
have a nice day, now.

Jesus Christ,
it's hot as f*ck in there.

Welcome to Oklahoma, baby.

End of the line, darling.

What are you gonna do to me?


Well, we gave you
our word. Doesn't that...

Doesn't that count
for something?

So, you saw that gas
station couple of miles back, right?

- Yeah.
- Which way are we headed, if anyone asks?


- Attagirl.
- I like 'em smart.

- All right. Baby, can you close the trunk for me?
- Wait.

Maybe I can, um...

Maybe I can come with you.

Nope. Nope.
That ain't the deal.

- Well, hold on. Hold on.
- No, no, she's not coming.

Come on,
are you f*cking crazy?

I mean... I can help.



this just isn't your path.
That's the problem.

Now, there's definitely something that
you need to take from this experience.

There is some big change

that Jesus wants you to make.

Coming with us,
I'm sorry, it just ain't it.

Elle, just remember to report
your car stolen.

Insurance company
will take care of it, okay?

Oh, you know what?

What's your user name?

Bunny Robes 26.

That's cute.

Oh, that's cute. We're hot.

I'd date us. Okay.

Oh, and Elle...

people are really
gonna wanna

talk to you after this.

Tell them something
worth hearing.

f*ck it, tell them whatever you want.
I don't care.

All right. Good day, now.

She could have come with.

Yeah, right.

We would have
gotten that girl k*lled.

She was nice.

She didn't put up a fuss
or anything.

It's 'cause she's living
in a f*ckin' fantasy world.

Where the f*ck
is this place?

What was this guy doing
in a prison in Florida?

Well, he was rolling
through Miami on a big score.

Day before, some rookie cop
pulls him over...

finds a g*n on him and sends
him upstate on a weapons charge.


In the f*cking state of Florida.
Can you believe that?


- It's been a minute.
- Hola.

This must be the missus.

Arielle, Kyle.
Kyle, Arielle.

- Pleasure.
- Charmed.

Well, get the f*ck in here.
Come on.

- I'd love a beer.
- Yeah?

Well, have a seat.

Welcome the f*ck home,
you two.

Beer, coming up.

You want any weed,
coke, nothing?

- I like the place.
- Thank you.

We're in the middle
of redecorating.

I was expecting y'all later.

Kind of all f*cked up at the
moment, but...

Well, little fun to keep your foot to the floor, right?

They sure as shit do.

They do.

You guys have been busy.

I've been seeing you all over the place
with your little f*cking adventures.

Interesting approach.

Being so public about it.

We've got five million
followers now.

Five million followers.


You should ask all of 'em
for a dollar.

You won't have to rip off
weed dealers.

Where is the fun in that?

You got a problem
having fans?


Brother, I'm a fan.

And you got a great eye.

I'm gonna need you
to do me a favor.

Keep this place...

everything in it,
off your little...


You feel me?


how do you guys find robbin'?

We like it just fine.

Yeah, I just... I can't get a novel
approach, hitting those dispensaries.

You have much crowd control
in those places?

Depends on
the time of day.

We generally avoid 4:20 p.m.

You need help
with crowd control?

We got something coming up.

But I can't have
any loose cannons.

Well, you ain't gotta
worry about me.

Is that what
you told the cop?

"You don't gotta
worry about me"?

He didn't really
leave me a choice.

Look, she's good, man,
all right?

Better than me
most of the time.

What's the deal?

I need a couple triggermen.
Trigger... women.

- Whatever.
- Cute.

Its's a big job.

A lot of real estate.

It's a bank downtown.

A bank?

A bank.

Easy six figures.


I won't even make you two
split it.

Well, truth is...

you know, we are short
on good help these days.

And frankly,
anyone who made it through Texas

without a scratch in their ass
is okay in my book.

But, this ain't some
bullshit, pot-head picnic.

This is the real deal.

Think you can handle
an as*ault r*fle?

I got one in the back of the
truck with my name on it.

I don't like it.

It's a lot of money.

More than we ever made
this whole time.

Well, I thought
you didn't care about money.

Well, I don't.
Not really, anyway.

What's wrong?
You don't trust Kyle?

Do you?

Big score, less risk.

You said that.
That's exactly what this is.

- Banks are different.
- Well, how do you know?

Because it is f*cking common sense.
We have never done this before.

We have never worked
with Kyle before.

We don't know what the
f*ck we're walking into.

Taking a bank would be huge.

- Think about what people will...
- This isn't bullshit

f*cking Twitter, Arielle!

It's not f*cking bullshit
to me, Dean!


People care about me.
They care about what I say,

they care about what I
think, and I like that!

Yeah, what about me? Huh?

Does that matter to you?


Let's just go.

Lets' just f*cking get out of here.
We'll go to Mexico. Disappear.

- I can't. I'm not running from this.
- Why?

Why? Because of...
Of fate?

You can choose.

You know, I've...

If we do this, we do...
We do the bank...

will you leave with me after?



What the f*ck you doing?

f*ck Kyle. I'm not missing this.

Everybody get the f*ck down!

Move! Move!

Kyle, why don't you
just pull the f*cking alarm?

Just having
a little fun, brother.

Okay, people,
here we go!

Nothing like a good
old-fashioned bank robbery

- to light a fire under everybody's ass.
- On the ground. On the ground.

The keys.

Wait, we don't have any...

Let's try that again.


Let's avoid
being a hero today, folks.

Nothin' in it for you.

- You just need to believe in your families...
- Say hi to the camera. wonder why you bothered to give
a flying shit when you didn't have to.

Check that out.

Oh, shit.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

- Hey.
- Yeah.

Watch him.

Play it cool.
Play it cool.

f*cking shit!

You're really
pissing me off, man.

- Where's the f*cking money?
- What money?

It alternates on a three-week schedule.

It came in yesterday morning,
went out yesterday afternoon.

- Kyle, let's get the f*ck out of here.
- No! The money is here.

- Where the f*ck are you hiding it, man?
- We don't hide it.

Why would we hide it if we
didn't know you were coming?

- It's not here.
- Kyle, let's go!

- Shut the f*ck up!
- I don't know who told you it would be here,

- but it's not.
- f*ck!

- What the f*ck!
- Shut the f*ck up!

Shut it, shut it, shut it. Calm down.
Calm down. DEAN: We got the main door, man.

- Let's f*cking go, all right? There's nothing...
- What?

- Nothing's here, man.
- What?

- If we f*ckin' wait, we're going to f*cking jail.
- Everybody, go.

Everybody, go!
Move! Move out!

Face down on the ground,
now. Now.

Let's go. Go, go! Come on!

- You are f*cking up.
- Shut the f*ck up.

Show us your f*cking hands!

What the f*ck's that?

What the f*ck
is that?

It's the cops.


- What?
- Cops. f*cking everywhere.



What the f*ck did you do?

What? Nothing.

Just give me this shit!

You f*cked me.

- You both f*cked me.
- Put the f*cking g*n down, Kyle!

We've got ourselves a
bit of a Mexican stand-off, huh?

Where is all the money
you promised us, Kyle?

Shut the f*ck up,
you f*cking b*tch!

Huh? Where are the f*cking six
figures you promised us, Kyle?


You guys want to go down
like this?

f*ck it.




Oh. Oh.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck. Baby.

Okay, we can get you
to a hospital

because the police
are right outside.

- What?
- No.

Now we both get what we want.

No, no, no, no, no. This is not what I want.

This is not what I want.


Baby doll.

Let me taste those lips.


f*ck. f*ck.

I believe in fate.

I believe...

that the universe
has a plan for me.

Well, for you, for everybody.

Doesn't it, really?

So, um...

my question is, uh...

is this my destiny?

Is this...

what I've been fighting for?
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