01x10 - Tag Team Trial (Part 1 of 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x10 - Tag Team Trial (Part 1 of 2)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Thinking] just look at them!

Pathetic slifers littering the campus like vermin!

The hallowed halls of my duel academy

Are for the elite; not the lame!

Not jaden yuki!

That slifer slacker's made a fool of me long enough!


Ha ha ha!

But soon he will pay most dearly for it!

Soon, with what I have planned, he will be the fool!

Chazz: dr.crowler! Huh?

Ah, chazz, how may I be of service?

You can put me in that tag team duel

Against jaden and syrus, that's how.


That's right, this time I know I can beat him

And send him packing!

Sorry, but you'll be sitting this duel out, chazz.


Don't get me wrong, your skills are admirable,

But I'm afraid I'm not taking any chances on this one!

If jaden loses here, he'll be expelled from the duel academy

Once and for all!

Which is why he'll be facing...

The greatest tag duelists in the world!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

How can you guys be so calm?

Ha! What's not to be calm about?

It's just 'nother duel, 'nother day, no problem!

Right, sy?

But, duh, jaden-- it's not just another duel!

It's a tag duel, and if you lose it,

You'll be on the next bus outta here!

Hello, chumley!

That's totally why we're not gonna lose!

And, uh, chumley, we're on an island.


Ya still oughta give me your meal cards

Just in case.

Thanks for the vote a' confidence.

Well, someone's gotta eat

Your grilled cheeses if you go!

[Thinking] chumley may have a point.

The last time I dueled, I was awful!

Just like my big brother always told me I was.

If we're gonna win this, I'm just gonna have to do

Better and not let anything get in my head!

Especially zane.

After all, the last time I let him get to me,

Jaden really let me have it!

Sy, that's your brother talkin'!

Come on, pal!

Ya gotta believe in yourself!

[Thinking] believe in myself.

That's exactly what I'm going to do!

Believe in myself! Believe in myself! Believe in myself!

I believe in myself, jaden!

Hey, uh, that's great.

Well, good luck guys, I really want you to win the match!

More than you want the grilled cheeses?

I'd rather have you as friends

Than extra grilled cheeses.

I think I might just cry!

See ya soon! Ha!

[Thinking] yeah...i hope so.

Arena master: the tag duel will begin in just a few moments.

And remember: these are test conditions!

This is a sudden-expulsion match!

A tad harsh, I'd say.

Alexis: no joke. Huh?

You're bastion misawa,

A friend of jaden's, right?

I suppose you could say that.

And you're alexis rhodes, yes?

Yeah, I'm also why they're in this mess.

They were helping me at that abandoned dorm.

I see.

But now, if there's anyone

In need of help, it's them.

Have you heard? Rumor is crowler arranged

For professionals to duel them.

Tag team legends!

Duelists that worked with the creator

Of duel monsters himself!

Arena master: send in the accused!

Syrus truesdale and jaden yuki!


Whoa, the acoustics in here are great!

Yeah, ya think maybe they'd count

Your echo as your tag partner?

For the last time, you're my partner!

Doesn't hurt to ask though!

You slifer slackers!

It should be me taking you out,

But I guess as long as someone does it.

Hey, look! Chumley made it here!

Just barely.

I thought running... Was healthy!

Ha ha!

[Thinking] well, little brother,

Time to see if you belong here...

Or on the next plane outta here.

[Thinking] zane!

Gotta believe in myself, gotta believe in myself,

Gotta believe in myself, gotta believe in myself...

Now, without further ado, allow me to introduce

Our guest tag team duo...


Both: what is this?!

Crowler: the paradox brothers!

Salutations, you fools!

Hope you're ready to duel!

I've never heard 'a these guys.

Me neither-- maybe this tag match won't be so bad.

Perhaps, after all...

They haven't dueled in ages

And their last opponent was a child!

I believe he went by the name yugi-something.

The king of games?!

I've studied these guys!

They're some kind of dueling mercenaries,

Not to mention the best tag duelists

In the world!

This is hardly fair!

I think that was crowler's point.

Statistically speaking, I'd put jaden's odds

At winning this to be one in fifty.

Heh heh heh! Hey, chump-ley,

Looks like your going to have

A whole lot more room in your dorm now.

Your friends are toast!

Aw, not lishus.

Enough with the pleasantries...

And now on with the duel!

We didn't come here to talk...

We came...

To destroy you!

Ha ha ha!

Crowler! Don't you think

This is a bit much?!

No, not at all!

Jaden and syrus broke a big time rule

So they should face big time opponents!

Besides, we can't send the brothers back now,

They've come so far!

What's that matter?

You're paying their travel costs!

Jaden, I'll leave it up to you, son.

Aw, these guys couldn't even beat

Male pattern baldness,

So there's no way they're gonna be able to beat us!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, how wonderfully clever.

Duelists, prepare to battle!


Breathe, sy!

We can do this!

The rules for this tag team duel

Are really quite simple.

There is no sharing of strategy.

No sharing of advice and no sharing

Of any card that is not yet in play.

But you may use what's on your partner's field.

Understood?all: yeah!

Then duel!

Get your games on!

Here goes! Ha!

First I'm gonna summon,

Gyroid in attack mode!

You must be joking!

I am surprised that thing even has an attack mode!

This on the other hand...jirai gumo!

What, an overgrown bug?

That's nothin' that my deck can't squash!

Elemental hero burstinatrix--

Defense mode!


The best defense, you fool...

Is a strong offense!

Kaiser seahorse-- attack mode!


[Thinking] alright, if I know dueling

Like I think I know dueling,

These guys are sure to attack next.

I choose to play a spell card from my hand!

Tribute doll!

To activate it I must sacrifice one monster

From our side of the field.

Good thing my brother is so generous with his.

Farewell, jirai gumo.


Now I am allowed to summon a level monster this turn!

And I choose to summon...kazejin!


He sacrificed his brother's monster to summon a better one

For the team-- now that's tag dueling.

Would you mind trying not to sound

Quite so impressed with them?

Do you two actually think you know anything of this game?

You're losers, you're jokes!

In other words you're lame!

And if they think this is starting to get grueling...

Wait 'til I draw and give them a true schooling!

I play dark designator!

This powerful spell card allows me

To call out any monster

That I can think of...

And if it's anywhere in my brother's deck,

It's added immediately to his hand.

Now let me see here... Sanga of the thunder?!

Ha ha ha! What do you know!

It's right here ready to tear them asunder!

[Thinking] you gotta be kidding me.

Another level seven monster?!

The duel's just started...

And yet it is almost done!

For your demise has already begun!


Don't worry, sy!

They're only sayin' that

Cuz it makes for an easy rhyme!

[Thinking] now, I just hope we don't make

For an easy match!

Jaden, thinking: ok, monster roll call.

I got my burstinatrix chillin' in defense mode,

And sy's got...

Well, he's got his little helicopter thing.

Not bad, but not good when we're starin' down

At some serious opposition...

Including some level green thing

I've never seen before!

Whadaya think, jaden? If we just quit right now,

We'll have some extra time to pack up all of our stuff,

So, uh...shall we?

The only thing we're packin'

Is some serious duelin' punch!

I'm tellin' ya, we'll beat these guys, sy!

You know what, jaden? You're right!

[Thinking] we are we are packing some serious dueling punch!

Not only am I gonna show the paradox brothers,

But I'm gonna show my brother as well!

And I'm gonna do it right here,

Right now on this turn!

All aboard! Ha!

I summon steamroid in attack mode!

And I also play this!


Check it out!

I'm taking my gyroid and steamroid

And fusing them together

To create the ultimate engine that could...

Steam gyroid!

Now, that's locomotion!

See, you guys made a mistake in all that teamwork!

When you sacrificed jirai gumo,

You left your brother completely defenseless,

Leaving the door wide open for an attack!

Uh, sy?

And now I'm coming in!

Steam gyroid, attack para!

Huh? An attack?!

Got that right!

Ha ha ha!


If you please, brother.

It'd be my pleasure, indeed, brother!

Kazejin, defend with squall barricade.


Our monster's special ability. Do you like?

It reduces your damage to zero without even a fight!

So I goofed?

Heh heh heh.

Do these two actually think they have a chance

Of beating para and dox?

They stink worse than dirty socks! Ha!

Now they have even me doing it!

Hoo hoo ha ha!

Forget it, sy. No biggie.

Yeah, right.

Hey, I'm serious, pal!

Just keep goin'!

All righty, then...

I play one card facedown and end my turn.

At last, a smart move! My draw!

I play monster reborn!

And bring back the frightful...jirai gumo!


And I'll also activate another spell card!

Tribute doll!

Not again!

Yes, again, and again I will use it to sacrifice jirai

So that I can summon yet another level monster--




And I am not done yet.

Mind if I borrow a monster, brother?

Please, that's why he's there!

I sacrifice kaiser seahorse!

In case you did not know,

When you are summoning a light attribute monster,

Kaiser seahorse's sacrifice counts as two instead of one,

Which means I am now able to summon sanga of the thunder!


Now I'd place those odds at to .

What are the odds of you being quiet?


Para: monsters on our side. What could be better?

Dox: I know what, brother, when they come together!

Prepare yourselves!

I sacrifice suijin, kazejin, and sanga of the thunder

So that I can now summon the ultimate monster--

Gate guardian!

Gate guardian?!

He's gi-normous!

Just wait until you see his attack!

Go! Destroy steam gyroid!

Tidal surge attack!


This isn't a duel.

It's target practice for the paradox brothers,

And sy's the bull's-eye.

He's just made a few bad moves, that's all.

He'll turn things around.

At least, I hope he does.

Jaden's good, but he's not good enough

To win this thing by himself.

I know--it hurts!

And the bad news is it only gets worse!

If it gets as bad as this rhyming,

Then we'll be in serious trouble.

[Thinking] these two are dueling perfectly!

They know just what to do and are doing it!

After all, in a tag duel, once you destroy the weakest link,

The whole chain comes crumbling apart!

And they've certainly found just that.

Little syrus. Poor little syrus!

He would be the weakest link on a plate of sausages!

Heh heh heh.

[Thinking] aw, man.

I hope jaden's got somethin' special in that deck 'a his,

Or this match is over

And so are our lives at the academy!

Well, the bigger they are, the harder they fall!

Let's take this thing down!

Para: I can't wait to see you try,

So I will end my turn with a facedown card.

Then it's time to go to work!

Here goes...



All right, you're gettin' called up, big guy!

First, I'm gonna summon the elemental hero--clayman!

And next, I play polymerization.


Now I'll fuse the clayman and burstinatrix

To create the elemental hero--

Rampart blaster!

He's bad!

Yeah, he's bad, but not as bad as that gate guardian!

He only has , defense points!

That guardian's attack points are ,!

Blaster will get blasted!

Don't sweat it. That's what his special ability is for, sy.

See, when he's in defense mode,

The rampart blaster can attack an opponent directly!

Our life points!

Now go, rampart blaster!

Blast 'em with rampart barrage!


Sure, it's only half the points you'd normally lose,

But hey, it's a special effect.

Whadaya gonna do?

A lucky move.

All right! We're back in this thing!

Sy! We were never out of it!

[Thinking] yeah! Jaden's right.

We can win this!

It's my draw now!

I'm activating the equip spell card's fairy meteor crush,

And I'm equipping it to the gate guardian!

Now when the guardian att*cks a monster in defense mode,

The difference between his attack points

And your monster's defense points

Are dealt straight to your life points!

Not so fast!

You're forgetting that I have a facedown card out!

I'm activating mystical space typhoon!

It destroys one spell or trap card,

And I'm gonna use it on the one that you just played--

Fairy meteor crush!

Right into my trap!

I activate judgment of anubis!


Foolish boy.

This lets me stop your little spell

Simply by discarding one card.

Your typhoon has just been downgraded

To a cool summer breeze.


But wait!

That's not all it does.

Anubis also destroys one of your creatures.

Dox: and then its attack points are dealt back to you.

Pretty cool special feature!


I know it feels like we have your backs to the wall,

But in fact, the wall's right in front of you!

I play this to end my turn!

It's called defense wall,

And as long as it's on the field in defense mode,

All the monsters you have can only attack him!

The gate guardian on offense and that wall on defense?

Almost flawless.

I get it!

Now are you going to be quiet, or should I move?

It's your turn. What are you waiting for?

Uh, to be honest, a miracle.


I summon cycroid...

In, uh, defense mode!

[Thinking] aw, jaden's looking at me.

I can feel it.

I know it was a weak monster,

But it was the best I could do.

You summon a bike?! Ha!

Well, it's in for a major flat!

Gate guardian!

Tidal surge attack!

And don't forget the effects of the fairy meteor crash I have him equipped for.

Uhh! Aah!

The difference between my attack points

And your defense points you take as damage!



Your life points are falling!

Your game play's appalling!

Both: there is nothing to be done except give up

And start bawling!


Arena master: attention--jaden yuki.

It is your turn.

You must make a move, or you will be disqualified.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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