01x21 - The Duel Off (Part 1 of 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x21 - The Duel Off (Part 1 of 2)

Post by bunniefuu »

Keep it moving, fellas. Keep it moving.

Booster packs go there, starter decks go there.


Let's go! This isn't break time!

Move it, move it, move it!

There it is--the scoop of a lifetime!

Duel academy.

Now let's go and see what kind of dirt I can dig up

On the story that'll make me my fortune!

Ha ha!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Are you out of your mind?

The school duel between duel academy and north academy is

The biggest match of the year!

We can take no chances!

So it's clear that zane must be our rep!

Zane is our best, but he's a third-year student.

North academy is using a first-year.

Why would they do that?

Who knows? But in the spirit of competition,

I think we should use a first-year student, as well.

You understand, don't you, zane?

Of course, chancellor.

Chancellor: ha ha!

Well, then the only question is who this first year will be.

Jaden yuki.


I agree. Jaden is our best new student.

Don't you think?

[Cat purrs]

Oh, well, if the cat says so.

Chancellor, jaden will make duel academy proud. Trust me.

Well, then that's that

Unless someone has a better idea.

Thinking: jaden yuki.

That slifer slacker!

Every time he does well, it makes me look bad!

There has got to be someone else!

Wait. I have it. Bastion misawa!

He should represent us!

From ra yellow?

Yes, he's far more qualified.

He tested higher than any other first-year.

It's only fair, chancellor.

Well, how about a duel off, then?

I gotta blend in.

For real?!

That's right.

You will duel bastion,

And the victor will represent duel academy

In the school duel against north academy.

I look forward to an exciting match!

All right, jaden!

You might actually be in the school duel!

No slifer's ever been there!

You'd make duel academy history!


Well, bastion, I guess may the best man win, huh?

Best deck.

And I assure you, jaden, that deck will be mine.

You see, I've been formulating a new set of cards

To defeat you and your monsters

Ever since my duel with chazz.

You said you would! So it's finished?

Not yet. But it will be, jaden.

It will be soon.

Well, till then!

Bastion's designed a whole deck just to duel you with?

I don't know if you should be

Really honored or really scared!

Well, guys!

Guess we'll find out when we throw down.

Hey, fellow duelists, what's shakin' around here?

Outta the way, you slifer slime.


But wait, I just--

Yo, how are things?

Beat it, slifer sludge.


Man. Why won't anyone here talk to me?

I don't remember seeing that guy around. He must be new.


Hey, what's up?

[Chuckles nervously]

You're old, really old!

How can you be a slifer?

[Chuckles nervously] i, uh...

Hey, it's cool!

I mean, so it took you awhile to get accepted here.

Don't be ashamed.

Let me show you around, old timer!

Syrus: wait up!

Thinking: not running!


Ya better hurry up and finish,

Or you won't be able to get seconds!

Uh, seconds?


Or thirds!

And sometimes fourths.

They were gonna install a garbage disposal,

But jaden solved that problem.

I see. Well, then...

Syrus: whoa!

Your deck's looking good, jaden.

Still I wonder what kind of deck bastion's going to have.

Don't know, but it sounds like

He put some major time and brain juice into it.


No way. I'm excited!



Yeah, for a sweet challenge!

My cards are up for it!

You never worry!


Thinking: and I'll never get my story

By hanging out with these twerps.


The card that ruined dueling for me.

Hey! You cool, old timer?

Stop it with that! My name is gerard!

Thinking: I told him my real name!

Cool. Gerard it is.

Hey, skyscraper!

You like that card, too?

No way. You'd have to like dueling first.

Syrus: if you don't like dueling, what are you doing here?

Oh, well, uh...i... Just mean

I don't like it 'cause I'm not good at it.

Same here. I mean, it's not that I don't like dueling.

It's just I'm not really all that good at it.

But that's changing!

Sure is!

Yeah, see, once I started hanging out with these guys,

I saw how they dueled, and it totally changed my life!


That's it!

Gerard! Maybe if you watch jaden duel,

You'll start to like dueling more like chumley.

The perfect match is coming up, his duel with bastion!

Sure, we'll see.

Thinking: please. I'm done with dueling.

These kids should just mind their own business.

Wait. Seeing how they like to pry,

Maybe they can help me with my story.

So, you guys, I was just wondering,

Do you know anything about a rumor floating around

Where kids here go missing?

Jaden: does he mean the abandoned dorm?

Thinking: abandoned dorm?

Yeah. See, we kind of wandered inside it once.

A very strange place.

Be at peace, brother, wherever you are.

Take care.


Why, hello there.

Hi. Uh, do I know you?

Yeah, I've seen you around. Look, I've heard some students

Have gone missing here.

You wouldn't, happen to know

Anything about any of them, would ya?

What's it to you, pony tail?

Ya know, I'm just curious is all.

Yeah, well, you can stay curious.

Listen, those missing students aren't for your amusement.

You ought to just mind your own business.

Got it?

Ok, don't know what her problem is,

But I know this: I'm not giving up.

I'm gonna get this story!

Countless equations, a myriad of theorems,

Yet still I haven't quite solved the problem that is jaden's deck.

Ah, the flame wingman. What a specimen.

Whenever he destroys a monster,

That monster's attack points are dealt

To its owner's life points.

In order to stop him, I must stop burstinatrix

And avian so they can't fuse.

Of course, even if I do, there's still the thunder giant.

He can destroy a monster with up to , attack points

As soon as he's summoned.

To stop him, I'll need to take out sparkman and clayman

Before they can fuse.

Think, bastion. Think.

I could assemble my deck to counter each of those monsters,

But that would leave far too much to chance.

There simply must be a better way to neutralize the threat,

Some strategy to stop those fusion monsters.

Wait a moment. That's it! It's so obvious!

Jaden yuki, the code of your cards has just been cracked.


All right, guys! Get your eat on!

This stuff's so good!

The hard part is rememberin' to chew...

[Muffled] before ya swallow!

That explains why we're missing so many forks.

Look, just don't stuff yourself.

What's your prob, syrus?

You're being very anti-licious.

Maybe so, but if jaden's going to win today's match,

He's going to need to be a lean, mean, dueling machine!

After all, bastion's been training weeks for this match-up!

You trained, what, an hour?

More like half.


Minus the time we took for that food run.

Look, sy, bastion has his way to train, and I have mine!

Yeah, I guess you're right.

By the way...

Where'd that guy gerard go?

I haven't seen him.

Don't know, but his lunch is mine!

It's time, duelists, to find out...

Who will represent our most illustrious academy

In the annual school duel!


Introducing first from the ra dorm, bastion misawa!


And then from slifer, some kid.


Here we go! Good luck, pal!

I appreciate the sentiment,

But with the deck I've prepared, I don't need luck.

Yeah, we'll see about that!

Go, jaden!

This is what you trained for...

Or didn't.

It'll be instincts versus intelligence here.

I guess. Who cares?

Huh? Alexis?

Oh. I mean, yeah!

All right, while everyone's distracted with this duel,

I'll be able to get more dirt on those missing kids...

Or thirds!

And get that other kid, jaden,

And this duel of his out of my head!

[Low tone]

[Low tone]

[Low tone]

Now, without any further ado...

Get your game on!

Together: let's duel!

All right!

First move, I summon carboneddon in defense mode!

That's all for now.

A brand-new deck, and carboneddon is all you can bust out?

Hey, whatever works for ya!

Now I play burstinatrix in attack mode!


Thinking: just one turn and already jaden has

Half the equation to create his favorite monster,

The flame wingman.

Off to a good start, there.

Yeah, sure am! And I got news for ya,

It only gets better!

Burstinatrix, attack!

Next I'll throw down a face-down and call it a turn.

You don't waste any time. I like that.

Thinking: here it is, the one card that will win me this duel,

But first...

Bastion: I'm going to summon oxygeddon in attack mode!


And now, oxygeddon, attack!


Think again! I got a trap.

Hero barrier! With this card,

If I have an elemental hero on the field,

I can negate your monster's attack once!

Sorry, bastion, but burstinatrix isn't busted just yet!

Well-played, jaden. Of course, I'd expect no less.

Thinking: still, when I activate this card,

It won't matter how well you play.

I'll go ahead and place this face-down.

And that's all.

All right, then. I summon elemental hero sparkman

In attack mode!

And I activate the equip spell spark blaster

And equip it on sparkman!

Now I can change the battle mode of any monster

On the field and the one I have set in sparkman's sights

Is oxygeddon!

Now he has to switch into defense mode!

And now

Burstinatrix can take him out.

Go, magma comet!


Whoops! Looks like someone has forgotten their chemistry, no?

See, fire and oxygen, they don't mix, jaden.

So when oxygeddon is destroyed in battle

By a pyro-type monster,

It doesn't just take a toll on my life points, but on yours, as well!

Jaden: sweet move. Your monster's ability cost us both there!

But I'd do it all over again, know why?

'Cause now your field is empty, which means

My sparkman can attack you directly!

Zane was right about that boy, he's quite a duelist!

It's true. We teach those slifers well

When they don't ditch class.

Thinking: why did I open my big mouth

And nominate bastion for this match?!

He's getting creamed; I'm getting humiliated;

And worst of all, jaden is looking better than ever!

Hey, sorry there, bastion.

Guess it's back to the drawing board

If you wanna beat my deck!

No, jaden, I think not.

You see, I've already beaten it.

Now, it's simply a matter of showing all of my work.

Thinking: and a matter of getting jaden

To use the card that will let me enact my master plan.

Bastion: now then, let's get back into the fray, shall we?

It's my turn.

And I'm going to summon hydrogeddon in attack mode!

Now, hydrogeddon, attack burstinatrix!



Next I'll activate hydrogeddon's ability!

You see, whenever he destroys a monster in battle,

It allows me to summon another hydrogeddon.

And I happen to have one right here in my deck!

And now I'll play an equip spell from my hand--

Living fossil!

I can now summon one monster from my graveyard

So long as I equip it with this.

And the monster I'll bring back is...


Rise again, old friend!

[Oxygeddon yells]

Of course,

Fossil lowers his attack points

And cancels his special ability, but it's worth it.

Yeah, now he's got three monsters!

And a strange smirk.

Now it gets good.

I activate the spell card---bonding ho!

See, jaden, when I bond two hydrogeddons and one oxygeddon,

They do the exact same thing

That two hydrogen bonded with one oxygen do.

They become water,

Or in this case the all-powerful water dragon!


That's not good.


Where's the bathroom?

That's one impressive monster.

Yes, and one impressive move.

My, this will be tough.

I knew it was a good idea for me to nominate bastion

For this match!


He's looking magnificent; I'm looking brilliant;

And best of all, jaden looks like a complete fool!

It's your move now, jaden.

Thinking: and if you plan to take on my water dragon,

There's only one move you can make.

And it's the one I've been waiting for.

How's jaden going to take down that thing?

His sparkman doesn't have nearly enough attack points!

Well, bastion, it's like they always say,

When the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'!

So here I go! Ha!


All right, you got

One of your best monsters out,

So allow me to summon on up one of mine!

Now I may not know as much chemistry

As you do, but I can still mix it up.

Avian and bubbleman, get ready to merge

With sparkman to create

The one and only elemental hero--tempest!

All rightie. Fuse!

I don't think so, jaden.


Go! Trap card,

Cursed seal of the forbidden spell!

Now, by discarding one spell card from my hand,

I can negate your spell card and destroy it!

And you can no longer use

The card that was destroyed by this effect

For the remainder of the duel.

Wait. I can't use polymerization anymore?

I'm afraid not,

Which essentially means you can't use

Any of your fusion monsters anymore, either.

No flame wingman, no thunder giant, none of them.

No fusions?! But that's how jaden wins all his duels!


Compute it any which way you like,

But the answer will always come out the same.

This duel's over. You can't win.

[Crowd cheering]

♪ ...finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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