3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[cheering and applause]

Ladies and gentlemen,

can I have everyones

attention, please?

For our beautiful daughter,

Ruby, on her 25th birthday.

[guests applaud]

[man] Would you look at that?

What a surprise.

Thank you.

Ill just be a minute.

I know its not much,

but... happy birthday, Ruby.

Charlie, Ive always loved you.

And I will always love you

til the day I die and beyond.


We come from different worlds

and my father will never accept

us and its just too hard.

Im sorry.


Please, just go.

[melancholy music]

[cheerful music]

Oh no, youre moving out?

I was wondering why

I havent seen you.

Yeah, Elliot and I dissolved

our business a few months ago

and our lease ends today.

Ive been putting off

this part.

Im sorry to hear.

Me too.

And Im not trying to add salt

to the wound,

but really, what a shame.

This town has so many historic

buildings that need restoration.

I cant tell you how many

of my clients have updated

their original Tudors

into McMansions.

Oh, stop, youre breaking

my heart.

Oh, well, Ill miss being

work neighbors.

Me too.

But hey, Im in real estate now

so maybe our paths will cross.

Please, if any of your clients

are looking for a designer

keep me in mind.


And keep in touch.

Maybe we can finally

grab that coffee.

Yes, yes.

And also, if you see Elliot,

do you mind asking him-

You could ask him yourself.




Text me about that coffee.

I will, thanks.

Hey. Um, I thought you were

in Boston.

I am or I was.

Im working with my brothers

construction company there.

Well, I also joined

the family business.

You got your real estate


I did.

Your dad must be very proud.

Hes... hes something.

Well, congrats.

I have no doubt

that youll do great.

You can succeed at anything

you put your mind to.

Except us, of course.

So, whatve you got here?

Oh, I was just clearing

out the office.


May I?

Yeah, of course.

Oh, is this...?

Do you wanna keep that?

You drew it for me.

And besides, if I decide

I dont want it

I can always just use this

as kindling.


[laughs] Thats a good one.

Well, best of luck

in real estate.

Thank you.

And best of luck with um...


[small laugh]



Mi querida. Its your

first day of work

and youre already late.

Im sorry, I was uh,

packing up the office

and then I- I bumped

into Elliot.

Honey, I know this is tough

but you made the right choice.

Coming off an engagement

is hard.

But enough about the past, ok?

Lets focus on the future.

You were running Elliots

business for years.

It was our business.

Ok, but you were stifled there

with no creative outlet.

Real estate offers one.

You can stage, decorate,

work with buyers to

envision renovations...

I guess I never looked at it

that way.

Heres an opportunity

for a new career.

This truly is gorgeous.

Whos the seller?

Real estate trust

controlled by the family of

the original owners.

Its been care-taken but sat

empty for nearly 70 years.

Ill email you what Ive got

so you can prepare.

Prepare for what?

Anna, this is your listing.


Dad, I just got my real estate

license last week,

and Terrence wont be happy

about this.

Ill handle Terrence.

You handle this.

If youre ready.

Im ready.

Open house is in two weeks.

Fall is the end of buying season

and then winter is crickets.

Cant sit on this til spring.

Got it.

I know you do.

[cheerful music]

[curious music]


[gust of wind blows]




Welcome to the wild world

of real estate.

I just came by to wish you

good luck.

Youll need it.

This house is jinxed.

Oh, is it?

Your dad didnt tell you?

Its been listed five times

and never sold.

Though Im sure this time

with you will be different.

Although you did just get

your license

and this is... a big project.

Hmm, thanks for your vote

of confidence.

Ive got all the confidence

in the world.

In yourself.

[both laugh]

Im just saying, if youre ready

to admit

youre not quite cut out

for this

Id be happy to co-list

the property together.

Im just looking out

for you.

Of course you are, Terrence.

Let me show you the best part

of the house.

Arent the grounds so lovely?

Thanks for stopping by.

[slams door]

I will sell this house,

jinx or not.


[mysterious music]


[mysterious music]

[electricity buzzing]

[door slams]


[door slams]



Oooh, so youre a ghost?

Wow, you are so competitive.

Well, nice try, Terrence.

This is ridiculous,

even for you.

Wait, who are you?


Are- are you talking to me?

Can- can you see me?

Yes, of course I can see you.

That cant be.

Whatre you doing here?



And stay out!

[slams door]


[car engine]

And stay out!

A flat white,

like your ghost.

Oh, are you gonna play dumb?

Whats going on here?

Terrence here played a little

prank on me, didnt you?

He had someone pretend to be

a ghost at the Baker house

so you can get the listing.

No, I didnt.

Oh, like you didnt rehang

the painting?

Im lost here.

Seriously, I have no idea

what youre talking about.

Hes telling the truth.

Believe me, after 15 years

of working with him

I can tell when hes lying.

[laughs] Ha! Thats-

thats funny.

But you know, Anna,

if the Baker property

is too much pressure-

No. No, no, no, it is not

too much pressure.

Ive got it all under control.

Here you go.

If theres someone here,

Im gonna call the police.



What are you doing?

What, you can still see me?

Now, the question is what

are you doing, toots?

This is my house.

I live here.

You do?

Since when?

Since 1921.

Well, Im not quite sure

what to say.

Im a real estate agent.

Im selling this house.

Over my dead body.

Get it?

Because Im dead.

No, youre not.

Yes, I am.

Im a ghost.

Im sorry, but youre not

a ghost.

You walk, you talk, you smell.

Kinda like moth balls, actually.

So youre definitely

not a ghost.

Then Ill prove it.



Everything looks great.

Youre as healthy as can be.

But Im not, believe me.

Well, ok, we can take a CT scan

or blood test if youd like.

But you had a full work up

last month

and everything looked fine.

But I saw something.

Something that could not have

been there.

Like what?

Like... a ghost.

Anna, I have known you

since you were a toddler.

Youre like family.

And I know the breakup

with Elliot was tough.

Stress can manifest itself

in strange ways.

Like seeing a ghost?

Maybe you should talk

to someone.

I dont think I need

a therapist.

Well, then what do you need?

An exorcist?

[mysterious music]

You, again?

[slams door]


Sorry for the awkward drop-by.

Oh, no, its not awkward.

No, of course not.

Theres nothing awkward here

at all.

You left this in the office

storage space

and Josephine said this was

your listing

so, well, I just thought

Id leave it for you.

Oh, thank you.

I appreciate that.

So, this is your listing, huh?


Ive always admired

this beauty.

Oh, its stunning inside.

You should see the woodwork.

I could show it to you quickly.

If- if you have a minute.

Yeah, I have a minute.

-Yeah? Ok.


Im still here, toots.

Jeepers, whos the Valentino?

So? Do you see this?

The woodwork?

Um... why dont you go inside?

You know, take a closer look.


Why cant he see you?

The question is,

why can you see me?

Whoever you are,

tell your broad to scram.

[whispers] Im not his broad.

Hey, do you ever feel like

this house has a...

strange energy?

Like its haunted?


Well, I cant say that I believe

in paranormal activity

but this house has

an interesting vibe to it.


Interesting isnt the word

Id use.

Anna, are you ok?


You just seem a little out

of it, distracted or distant.

Hey, maybe its me being here.

No, no, no, no.

Its not you, its me.

Im just um...

Im just a little overwhelmed.

Theres- theres a lot of

things to do:

Painters and floors, cleaning,

staging, decorating...

and the open house

is in 12 days.

I have no doubt

that youll do great.

Oh, that makes one of us.

Good luck, Anna.

Thank you.

[door opens, closes]

So... youre a ghost?

Yeah, and this is my house.

Famed architect, Arthur Salkin,

built this house

for my parents in 1919,

completed in 1921.

My folks lived in it until the

50s, and its been empty since,

thanks to my ingenuity

and flair for drama.


And how long have you been

a ghost?

Oh, you can say dead.

Since 1923.

Then why are you still here?

Think I want to be here?

Do you know how boring

the last century has been?

I cant figure out

how to leave.


And Im the first person

to ever see you?

First and only.

Well, then maybe thats why

I can see you.

So you can help me sell the

house and then you can move on.

Or maybe I dont move on

and then Im saddled with

annoying tenants for eternity.

Nope, Ruby doesnt share

a room.

Whos Ruby?

Im Ruby, obviously.


Ok, well, listen Ruby,

I know that you are attached

to this house, literally,

but Im new to this job

and my dad is counting on me.

And I really need this sale.

I really need a win.

I can see you need a win,


But youre not going

to win here.

And you dont want

to fight me.

Im as unsinkable

as the stock market.

Hmm. Youre not making the case

you think you are.

Ruby, this house is going.

And youre going with it.

Over my dead body.

[pleasant music]

Good morning.


I was hoping you could help me.

Im looking for anything

you have on this.

Ruby Baker,

the Baker estate.

Its a house over on Viscano.

Ruby lived there with

her parents in the 1920s.

Oh, well since theyre local

there might be something

about them in the Bugle.

Weve got it on microfilm.


Anything specific

youre looking for?

Local history?

Interesting tidbits.

Hopefully an obituary,

especially for Ruby.

Alright, just give me

a few minutes

and I will pull up

the microfilm.

Great, thank you.

[exhales] This Ruby seems like

quite the character.

She certainly is...

or was.

So Ive heard.

Shes all over the society

column from 1917 to 1923.

Shes at every gala.

She wins every dance contest.

She pals around with Fitzgerald

and Hemingway.

And her obituary.

She d*ed in a car crash late

at night on her 25th birthday.

Thats tragic.

Well, Ill leave you to it.

Let me know if you need

anything else,

and feel free to print whatever

youd like to take home.

Thank you.





Whatre you doing here?

Oh, uh, just some...

some research.

Research? What for?

Well, uh, I know someone

whos stuck

and Im just trying

to help them move on.

That sounds purposely vague.

Should we change the subject?

Yes, please.

What about you?

Whatre you doing here?

You know, I uh, I thought

we could use

another awkward interaction.



Um, Im on a break

from the historical preservation

society next door.


A year later theyre hearing

my case for the third time.

For the Fletcher building.

You know me, the king

of lost causes.

They can reject me twice,

but wait until they hear

my new plans.

Thats actually why

Im back in town,

to finish the hearing.

Oh, right.


Well, good luck.

Thank you.

And uh, good luck

with this "person"

whos trying to get unstuck.

Wait, why did you just

put person in air quotes?

Because I thought you were

referring to yourself.

But you werent.


Im really sorry.

I didnt mean to offend you.

No, its fine, really.

No, its ok.

Uh, well, were back so

I should get next door.

Ill see you around.

Yeah, ok.

[buzzing noise]

Ruby Baker, you were quite

the socialite.

So youve been snooping on me.

No need to snoop.

Ill happily tell you myself.

I was the life of every party.

I made Zelda look like

a wallflower.

I was a legend.

And then you d*ed.


Oh, boo-hoo.

So you know all about me,

shouldnt I know about you, too?

Better do your research.

Also, did you change outfits?

Its high fashion, darling.

You should try it sometime.


Oh, that must be the painters.

Thanks for coming by.

But before we get started do you

mind helping me with something?

Can you move

this chaise outside?

Im throwing it away.

Oh, no youre not!

This is a family heirloom.

Its threadbare.

No! Stop it!

Stop right there!

How come you can move objects

and not people?

I dont know sweetheart.

Cruel irony?

Stop right there!

Wait, you cant go outside?

Good detective work, Sherlock.

Youve got some real brains

on you.

Wow. Im sorry.

Well, that must be so tough.

All these years just

staring out the window

watching the world pass you by.

[sighs] What a perfect fall day.

[mischievous music]


Ooh, you waxed the floors.

Looks sticky.

Oh, you wouldnt.


Anna Vazquez...

Looks like we can both do

some snooping.

So you know my name.

You could have just asked me.

Then Ill ask you this.

Looks like you were his dame.

So what happened?

Did he break your heart?

Did your chauffeur break yours?

What do you know about Charlie?

I know that you two are making

googly eyes at each other

in nearly every photo

I found of you.

So who was this Charlie?

Who is this fella to you?

Thats none of your business.

No! You wouldnt!


As much as I dislike being held

emotionally hostage

by a specter, thats Elliot.

He was my former fianc.

And whos this Charlie?

Also my former fianc.

It looks like weve got

something in common,

which means you must have blood

running through you, after all.

Oh, well, that makes one of us.


Bring my chaise back in.



No! No!

No, no, no, no, no, no!



The upstairs has been painted.

I am working on the floors.

There was a little... mishap.

But Im ahead of schedule.

I still have nine days

til the open house.

About that, I have sneak peek

buyers coming by this afternoon.

This afternoon?

Theyve been trying to get

into the neighborhood for months

and are willing to pay

top dollar.

But the house isnt ready yet.

It doesnt matter.

Theyre looking to renovate

so they just want to know

the bones are there.

Oh, the bones are there.

Skeletons in the closet.

What was that?

[bell dings]

Elliot, whatre you doing here?

I heard you were in Boston.

Yeah, Ive been splitting

my time working up there

and coming back here for the

Fletcher historical designation.

I thought that got rejected.

Hopefully third times a charm.

I should be going and Anna,

you should, too.

-You have buyers coming.


I see your dad missed

me terribly.

Well, you know my dad.

Nothing and no one is ever

good enough for his princess.

Its not personal.

Oh no, of course not.

[chuckles] Theres nothing

personal at all

about being disliked by your

ex future father-in-law.

Its fine.

Well, we should really stop

bumping into each other

like this.

Yeah, right?

I mean, we should start avoiding

each other like good exes, ok?







Whats with all the hollering?

Ruby, youre not gonna

be happy about this

but there are buyers coming

to look at the house today.

Over my dead body.

Weve already done that one.

But look, people are coming

so I need us to make a truce.

Look, the reality is,

this house is gonna get sold

one way or another but

at least I can promise you

I will sell to the right people.

And, who knows, maybe a little

company will be nice.

And look, for a hundred years no

one could see you and now I can,

so maybe this is happening

for a reason.

Maybe if I sell the house

you can move on.


Very tentative truce.

Are you trying to butter up

the buyers?

This is an old sales trick.

Fresh baked cookies make

a house smell like a home.

By the way... I got

you something.

Dried up grass?

Gee, thanks.

Its sage.

Its supposed to rid a space

of lingering spirits.

And yet youre still here.

Wow. I think

its working already.

Yes, I see a tunnel

and theres a heavenly light

calling my name.

Yes, oh, its happening!

Im heading to the great escrow

in the sky!

Youre supposed

to burn it first.

No thanks, sister.


Thats them.

Best behavior, ok?

Oh, Im always

on my best behavior.

This home is truly

one of a kind.

It combines history,

tradition, homeyness,

all in one breathtaking space.

And you can see the meticulous

attention to the woodwork.

Porticos, crown molding,

the mantle,

all can be restored.

Oh, were just gonna rip it out.

And replace the library

with a gym.

[piano music begins]

Whats that music?

Its a player piano.

[Ruby singing]

Sunny days are here again,

the skies above

are clear again,

let us sing a song

of cheer again,

happy days are here again!

[piano continues to play]

Did I mention the house comes

with an antique player piano?

Oh, you can just toss it.

Were not big music people.

[abruptly stops playing]

Uh, um... Im sorry, I hate

to say this but uh,

I... I dont think this house

is for you.

Im sorry, I really am,

but thank you for coming.

Ill show you out.

Excuse me, I-

-This way.


[Anna] Bye-bye.

Id say that went well.

Ruby, I need this sale.

My dad trusted me with this

and I have no other

career prospects.

And honestly, nothing

going right in my life.

And plus, Im trying

to help you.

And jeepers, thats mighty

kind of you.

But ever think that maybe

its the other way around?

That maybe Im here to help you?

Help me with what?

Oh, lets see.

You pine for your fella,

take daddys orders,

and mope around

like a little ghost.

Maybe were brought together

so that I could bring some

life back into you.

Should I keep going?

Nope. Nope, that was sufficient,

thank you.


Then you help me

and Ill help you.

But this house has to go.

I need this.

[buzzing sounds]

What is that?

Why are you always tapping

at that little box?

Its a cell phone.

Its like a computer meets

a land line.

Ok, its like um,

the postal service

combined with a telephone.

Oh, so you can send someone

a post?


Then send a post to Elliot.

Why would I do that?

Because I was thinking

about ways I could help you.

After all, Ive always

loved charity work.

And I realized I could help you

by doing what I always did best.

Making smarmy and outdated digs?

By matchmaking.

Except youre not matchmaking

Elliot and me,

because were done.

You two sure dont seem done.

Fine, then maybe this is about

you two being friends.

Mending broken hearts.

Letting bygones be bygones.

I wish I had gotten to do that

with my Charlie.

Yeah. Yeah, youre right.

Theres a lot left unsaid.

So ask him for dinner.

Oh, no. Dinner is a date.

This is making peace.

Peace is coffee at best.

Fine. Then write him,

"My dearest Elliot,

"it is with great excitement

and trepidation that..."

You sent him a cartoon

of a cup of Joe?

Yeah. It means coffee.

Why would anyone want

to meet someone

just to have a cup

of coffee?

[notification alert]

Whats that little hand mean?

Its a thumbs up.

It means yes.

So thats how people

communicate now?

Ugh, tell me exactly what do you

do with all the time you save?


Alright, lets get

you presentable.

[chuckles] Oh, no.

This is not a date.

Im not gonna dress up.

You dont dress up for him,


You dress up for yourself.

[curious music]

Wow. What is this place?

These are my things.

This is where I spend

most of my time.

May I?

Knock yourself out.

Charlie was handsome.

Yeah, a real Valentino.

And a good man.

Honest, chivalrous.


He kinda reminds me of Elliot.

Well... no more distractions.

Do you have any makeup?

So, tell me about your Elliot.

Howd you two meet?

My senior year of college.

I was living off campus and he

was my buildings handyman.

I met him and I immediately

fell for him.

Yeah? Why?

He was hilarious.

And passionate, and he seemed

to know his place in the world.

And Id spent my whole life

feeling like I was floating,

never really sure of who I am

or what I want.

But with him I felt... anchored.


How about Charlie?

How did you meet?

Oh, he was my chauffeur.

The help.

Obviously, my father

never approved

but Charlie could

have been anyone.

A pauper, a prince...

I would have fallen in love with

him at first sight all the same.

Oh, I know that feeling well.

See? Your Elliot aint the only

restoration specialist.


Dont forget this.

Oh, thanks.

You really cant go outside?

And what have you been doing

for the past hundred years?

Oh, brush my hair.

Look out the window.

Re-read Gatsby.

You start to notice new things

on the 12,000th read.

And what happens

if you go outside?

Imagine the cosmic equivalent of

being hit by a giant frying pan.

Oh yeah, I remember that.

Lets try again.

Ive tried a million times.

I cant.

Yes, but you also thought

that no one could see you

and now I can.

So maybe this is

like the house.

Maybe you can go outside

if youre with me.

No, I cant.

Hmm, you cant or youre

scared to?

Ruby Baker isnt scared

of anything!

Oh, but I think she is.

I think this whole bravado

is just for show.


Im an icon.

I am a legend.

You should be grateful

Im gracing you with my time!

Oh, Im eternally grateful.

But you should be, too.

Why is that?

Because youre outside.

So I am.

Ive spent a hundred years

dreaming of feeling the sun

on my face.

And, how does it feel?

Ruby, do you wanna go

for a drive?

Meet the 2020s?

As long as its still a joyous

era of packed dance halls

celebrating national unity

and drinking from a collective

punch bowl, Im in.

Ok. Lets go.

That lady is really crazy.

Look at all the women

wearing pants in public.

These days women can wear

whatever they want.

Do whatever they want,

be whatever they want.

Lawyers, doctors-

President of the United States?

Not quite that yet.

What a strange

and beautiful world.

[door bell chimes]

Take a breath.


You got this.




You uh, youve changed

your hair.

Yeah, its a bit much.

I think it looks great.

Youre welcome.

Dont eavesdrop.

-Whats that?


Oh, Im just um...

well, I was scatting.

Bee bop dop, dont eavesdrop.

Are you sure youre ok?

No, to be honest I- I am a

little nervous about seeing you.

Yeah. [laughs]


Black coffee.

Thank you.

Pumpkin spice with extra whip.

Thank you.

I knew you wanted it.

-Well, I-

-So I-

...you go ahead.

I wanted to tell you

that Im sorry.

For what, exactly?

For not communicating better.

For quitting us.

Hurting you.

Its just...

you were my best friend.

And despite everything I-

I hope that someday

we can be friends again.

I hope that, too.

Anna, theres something that

I should have told you earlier.

Um, Ive decided to move

to Boston full time.

You what?


Its just theres a lot

of work there

so Im just in town waiting

for the historical designation

to come through and then

Im heading out.

What happens if the Fletcher

building gets approved?

Oh, Ill pop back in for it.

But maybe this is a good thing.

Maybe we both need

a fresh start.

Im sorry.

No, Anna, dont let

this be goodbye.

You dont want it to end

this way.

Believe me.

Dont go.

Dont leave her.

You dont want this

to be goodbye.

By the way, hows

your listing going?

Oh, um... yeah,

its going pretty good.

Im just asking cause when

I dropped by the other day

I saw there was some damage

on the cherry wood mantle.

Yeah, it could use

some restoring.

Maybe if youre not busy you

can come by and take a look?

One last job before you leave.

I uh, cant promise

that Ill have time

but I will come take

a closer look.

Great. Thank you.


Matchmaker Ruby strikes again.


What about what just happened

makes you think that?

Elliot said hes moving away.

So? Well have to find

a way to stop him.

Do you want to stop him?

Yeah, I do.

Because I dont just want

to be his friend.

I wanna spend my life

with him.

Because I love him

and Ill always love him.

Then lets get him back.

Ruby, why are you so invested

in this?

Is it boredom?

No, of course not, toots.

This is something

far more important.

Pure self-interest.

Of course.

Call it sixth sense

but I have the feeling--

no, a knowing deep in my bones.

I mean, you get

what Im saying.

That if you get back

with Elliot

I can get back to my Charlie.

[cheerful music]

-Hola, mi querida.


Hows my star realtor doing?

Ah. Living the dream.

And hows the house looking?

I still dont understand why you

didnt sell to that nice couple.

I told you, it wasnt

the right fit.

I want our clients to be happy.

Anyway, the house looks great,

but I was wondering

if I could just have a few

more days to fix it up.

But were not fixing it up,

were flipping it.

I know, I know, but if I just

had a few more days

I could restore the wood

and it would-

But were not restoring.

Were selling it and moving on.


This is a fresh start, Anna.

And the open house is in a week

or, to be more exact, six days.

Show me you can do this

and the skys the limit

for you here.

Youll be running the whole

business soon.

Thanks, Dad.

[mysterious music]

[jazz music playing]

Why are you always winking?


Why are you sneaking up on me?

Im sorry, I didnt know

ghosts got spooked.

[both laugh]

A wink says it all.

Playfulness, flirtation,


It says youre in on the joke

but dont forget

Im the one telling it.

Thats a lot to say

with one gesture.

And sadly I cant wink.

Oh, everyone can wink.

Oh, you cant wink.

But I can teach you.


Oh, ok. That must be Elliot.

Im still working on

the historical designation

and the renovation plans so Ill

have to schedule around that

but I can take care of this.



Great, thanks.



What a surprise.

Nice to see you and Anna

worked it out.

Or maybe this isnt a purely

personal visit.

Terrence, is there something

we can help you with?

I was just checking in on Anna.

Offering to lend a helping hand

again in case you need it.

Oh, well, how thoughtful.

But uh, Im all good.

Anna, Ive been working day

and night for your dad

for the last 15 years.

Im not just gonna let you

swoop in here

and take whats rightfully mine.

So what youre trying to say

is youre not actually here

to help.

Ill see myself out.

Have a great day, Terrence.

Youre a prince.

Dont I know it.

Um, do you want a drink?

I have a package of delicious

apple cider mix.


How could I resist?

Ill be back.

Its all going according

to plan.

Well make some gin gimlets,

cook a ham souffl,

turn up the romance...

whats the problem?

Its just... we didnt work

the first time.

What makes you think

were gonna work this time?

And what if I get cold feet?

Or what if you dont?

What if you dont take

another sh*t with him

and you spend eternity

wishing you had?

Anna, you dont want to spend

your life like me.

Full of wasted love for someone

you pushed away.

So... do you believe

in ghosts?


Like... like do I believe

that there are ghosts

just hanging around my apartment

watching me burn toast?

Misplace my keys?


No, I dont think so.

Anna, I do accept your apology,

and I also need to say

Im sorry, too.

Because it wasnt just you.

I let our business collapse.

Oh, that wasnt your fault.

It felt like it was.

And also I let your dad

get to me.

Make me feel like I was never

going to be good enough for you

just because I... I dont have

a college degree or a fancy job.

Im sorry about that.

And yeah, you broke off

the engagement,

but Id pulled back

long before then.

Because I was trying

to connect with you

but I just felt like you kept

getting more and more distant

until it was like I was

trying to love--

A ghost?

Well, actually yeah.

But hey, were trying to learn

from it and grow, right?

Yeah, yeah. Definitely.

Because I wouldnt want

to be someone whos stuck

and couldnt move on.

Im really sorry I said that.

No, its fine. Really.

Anyways, I really should

be going.

Thank you for this.

Oh, yeah.

But... Ill see you tomorrow?



Hey, by the way, I think the

camellia tree needs some love.

Its yellowing and browning

at the tips.

You might want to call in

an arborist.

Oh, yeah. Will do.

Anna, this was nice.

Yes, it was.

Despite of all our history

and drama...

well, you know, failed

engagement, no big deal.

You are my best friend.

And I dont want to imagine

a life where...

I dont want a life

where were not friends.

Me neither.



[jazz music playing]

Oh, this was New

Years Eve 1923.

Charlie took me to the top of

Pikes Peak and we danced

under the moonlight and

then well... he asked me

to marry him.


Im sure he missed you terribly.

Oh, he better have.


What do you think his life

was like after you?

I dont know.

I always thought hed be

a great teacher

but he worried he wasnt

smart enough.

I suppose youll find out soon

enough when youre reunited.

Oh, wow. Your whole house

was so gorgeous.

Wait a minute, is this furniture

still here?

Yeah, in the basement.

What if we staged the rooms

similar to this

for the open house?

Oh, Id love that.

And before you start asking me

for help moving furniture,

consider Elliots got

some mighty big muscles.


And also, we can frame

some photos of you

and hang them around the house.

Oh, raise the property value?

And, if its ok with you, I

could frame a photo of Charlie.

Id like that.

Lets uh, group the armchairs

together here,

make your hard work on the

fireplace the focal point.


I think theres a rug upstairs

that will tie this all together.

What? What is it?


I just uh, I like seeing

this passionate side of you.

Youre very creative.


I like feeling this way.

Well, that mantle is not gonna

fix itself, so...


Valentino is doing quite

the job.

And jeepers, Im blind by the

torches you two are carrying.

You have to tell him

how you feel.

No, Ill scare him away.

Plus, Im not even sure

how I feel.

Oh, youre not? Really?

Whats with you, sister?

Its like every time you start

to feel something

you shut it down.

Well, I guess Im not the best

at expressing my emotions.

Well, if you cant express it

then write it down.

Ive got boxes of love letters

to and from Charlie.

Oh, Im not much of a writer.

Dont I know it.

Your love letter

would probably be

a cartoon of a heart followed by

a question mark.



If you were to write Elliot,

what would you say?

Mmm, uh...

Id say that hes both

the most normal person

and the most extraordinary

person Ive ever met.

Id say that hes the first

person I ever felt seen by.

And that I love seeing him.

Id say that I was worried

that hed get tired of me,

bored with me.

Worried that I somehow

would ruin us like I did before.

Ill get a pen and paper.


Im not writing that.

Hey, Im just about done.

Maybe a half day or so

left here.

But I wanted to give you

a sneak peek.

Oh. Yeah, it looks beautiful.

Thank you.

Thanks. Its a labor of love.

Hey, do you need any more help

with the, you know, furniture?


Oh, thank you, but no,

I think Im good.

I just uh, I need to go

pick up a few key items

to bring the whole

room together.

You know, the antique shop

on the boardwalk,

they might have all that.

Oh, yeah. Good suggestion.

Ill check it out.

[Ruby] Hes asking you out,


Is he?

Whatd you say?

I said... um, well, I was going

to say that I uh, well,

youre probably busy

but would you like to go

antiquing with me?

Yeah, sure. I think

that would be great.

Great. Ill go clean up.

[cheerful music]

This place is amazing.

Oh, this doorknob would be

perfect for the parlor.

And this vase.

I mean, this would be great

in the hall

under the painting

of whats her name.

Ruby, you bozo.

Its Ruby.


That whole foyer area

is just a dream.

If I had time I would restore

all of the antique wainscoting.

[Anna] But you have to get

to Boston.

Yeah. [clears throat]

I uh... I guess.

But the historical designation

is taking forever.

But you think itll pass?

Im not sure.

Im fighting hard but I might

be just the king of lost causes.


Hows it going?

Oh, I honestly dont know.

Well, what about you?

Do you see anything

you like in here?

Are you kidding?

I see my whole life,

the silverware,

the perfume bottles.

they even have a typewriter

like the one Charlie bought me.

It cost him two weeks salary,


He wanted me to take

my writing seriously.

He wanted me to take

myself seriously.


Are we done here?


Yeah, were done.

Yeah, were done.



I love the fall season.

Nothing like a stroll

on the boardwalk, huh?

Charlie and I used to come here.

Hey, do you remember when

we used to come here?

Ferris wheel and funnel cake?

That feels like

another lifetime.

Some things never change.

We were so young.

Hey, were still young!

Im 125.

[Boothkeep] Step right up.

Step right up.

Try your luck at

the Pumpkin House.

Enough with the phone already.


You know how I never did win you

that giant panda

you had your heart set on?

Its never too late.

[fireworks explode]

Here you go, sir.

Thank you.

Ok, youve got this.

Alright, come on, come on,

come on, come on.





One more!

Last one.

Are you ready?


Ill take that one

right there, please.

Thank you.

Here you are.

At long last.

Well, how could I ever

repay you?

Are you hungry?

Are you thinking funnel cake?

I was thinking more like...

The Carlyle.

The Carlyle it is.

[jazz music plays]

Im just a fool, a fool

[clears throat]

Oh, Im sorry.

Old habits die hard.

Thats ok, you know?

You can steal my French fries

just like you did

when we came here on

our very first date.

And like you have every

single time

weve gone out to eat

since then.

Well, thank you.

Youre welcome.

But I just dont understand

why, if you want fries,

you dont just order them.

Because I- I dont want

my own fries.

I just want to share yours.


Um... hey, would you excuse me

for a minute?


Ill be right back.

Whats happening?

I dont know.

Hes hot, then hes cold, but

he flirts, then he pulls away...

Maybe hes just playing

hard to get.

Or maybe hes just

not interested.

Whats that?

Its a charge card.

Its like money.

So youre gonna pay

for dinner

and then sulk out of here

all forlorn.

No, we wont leave

here defeated.

Ask him to dance.


Dont look at me like that.

Whatre you doing?

Getting you to the dance floor.

Ruby, whatre you- come back!

[whispers] You...

Whatre you doing?

Oh, um... Im just...

Go on, ask him to dance.

Ask her to dance.

Come on. Make this a moment

to remember.

Take her in your arms-

Would you like to dance?

You know, for old times sake?

Id love to.

And I swear I will share

all my heart with you.

I want you to see,

I cant.

I cant. Im sorry.

-I think we should go.

-Im just a fool...

[upbeat music]

Is it going to be ok?

Is it going to be ok?

Its old, its nearing

the end of its life.

Well, is there anything

we can do for it?

Theres nothing to do.

Thats the cycle of life.

We all have to let go

at some point.

Thank you for coming.

Hey, no problem.

[melancholy music]

Ruby, Im sorry.

Ill plant a new tree.

I dont want a new tree.

I want this tree.

Charlies tree.

The last time I saw him

he brought me flowers

but I didnt take them.

He dropped them here.

And they grew into this tree?

Ruby, its gonna be ok--

No, its not ok.

I broke a good mans heart

and I never got the chance

to say Im sorry.

I hurt him and I was selfish.

I was always selfish,

and Charlie was the one person

who saw more in me.

Who saw good in me.

I see good in you, too.

Thank you.

So the open house is tomorrow.

Anything else we need to do?

Just buy some water bottles

and candy to have around.

Water bottles and candy?

What kind of sad shindig

is this?

Well, it isnt a shindig.

But it could be one.

Youre selling a house

designed to entertain in.

So entertain!

[gasps] Everythings already

decorated 20s

so what if we made it

a 20s-themed event?

A real Gatsby affair.

There isnt enough time.

Oh, come on.

Ive thrown bigger parties

with less notice.

Well, I already have

so much to do.

Oh, but you wont do a thing.

I can work your phone,

Ill take care of everything.

Tinkling jazz,

speakeasy drinks...

Ooh, shrimp toast.

A party for the ages.

Except its not a party.

Its an open house.

Its quiet, simple...

Ok, a quiet simple-themed

open house

with a few drinks and noshes.

And you wont go overboard?

Why, me? Oh, Id never.


[phone dings]


Ugh, I have to go meet my dad.

Hes been texting me all day

about why Terrence saw Elliot

at the house.

Ooh, family drama?

Can I come?

[bell dings]

Have a great day.



Whats this I hear about Elliot

working on the house?

And nice to meet you, too.

Well, I- I just couldnt let

that beautiful mantle piece

remain damaged.

Im paying Elliot

out of my fee.

Well, this isnt about

the money, Anna.

This is about you

turning over a new page,

but instead you keep turning

back to an old one.

Because theres something...


I... theres still

something between us.

I understand its hard

to let go,

and you and Elliot were together

a long time,

but honey, you cant renovate

a tear down.

Dad, look, everythings

under control.

The open house is gonna be

one of a kind.

A 1920s-themed shindig.


Creative. I like it.

I knew you had it in you.


Alright, querida.

Ive gotta run.

Wait, I thought we were

having coffee.

Im sorry, clients are waiting.

Well, thats my dad.

What do you think?

I think if reincarnation exists

I know where my dad

ended up.


Hey. Sorry Im late.

I was stuck at the Historical

Society all day.

Oh, its ok.

Did they make a decision?

No. No, theyre busy distracted

with some big retail centre

thats taking top billing.

But tomorrow is my day.

Well, I hope it goes well.

Thank you.

Also, I just want to clear

the air immediately.

I read your letter.

What letter?

This letter.

It was beautiful.

And Ive never seen you write

in cursive before.

Uh... well, I uh...

I wanted to make it special.

Well, thank you

for sharing it.

I didnt know a lot of this.

And when I was reading it

I realized

I didnt know what

I meant to you.


Well, that breaks my heart.

Because you meant everything

to me,

and I should have told you

a long time ago.

Because Ive thought it

all these years.

I still do.

So it kind of sounds like

maybe you...

you want to give us

another sh*t?


I do.

I want that, too.

A part of me does.

There is another part of me

thats worried.

I know, and youre moving

to Boston soon.

I guess I just need some time

to think.

Of course.




Well, Im pretty much done.

I just want to come back

and double check

everything in the daylight.

Great. Well, thank you.

How much do I owe you?


No, this is on me.

This is a very special place

and I feel like its the house

from your drawing

come to life, so...

Yeah, me too.

Well, good luck tomorrow

at the hearing.

What time is it?


Oh, then can I come?

I have my open house at noon

but Id love to be there

to support you.

Yeah, Id love that.

You can comfort me when Im

rejected for the third time.


Just kidding.

I think its a win.

Anna, you understand why

Im hesitant about us.

I do.

But Im also hopeful.


Oh, goodnight.

[door closes]

[hopeful music]

Its all happening!

Nothings for sure.

Yes, it is.

I saw his eyes

and I can feel it.

Somethings shifting in me.

Somethings unsticking.

Well, maybe youll be

with Charlie soon.

Whats wrong?

Oh, just...

I always wanted to believe

Charlie waited for me

but I also wanted him

to be happy.

To have love.

Part of me wanted him to have

found someone else and moved on.

Move on from you? Impossible.


Right answer, sweetheart.

But the truth is...

Im afraid that Ill cross over

and I wont find him waiting.

Maybe I havent wanted to cross

over for that very reason.


Oh, Anna, Im ready to go.

I dont want to be

alone anymore.

As much as youve made this

house feel like a home again.

I dont belong here.

Im also scared.

I wish I could hug you.

Me too.

A hundred years is a long time

without a hug.

Well, how about we dance?


Yeah. You can teach me

the Charleston.

Absolutely! Oh, one second.

-Alright. Are you ready?


[The Charleston playing]

So, you go backwards

with your left foot.


Left. Oh, youve got it!

Now, add in the arms.


Get free with it.

Get weird.

[Ruby] Isnt this a ball?

I just love it.

Ok, so right, back.

Shes lost it.

[typing message]

Wait til you see

this shindig later.

Youre gonna plop.


Terrence is having his open

house the same time as ours.

And hes doing champagne

and hors doeuvres.

Oh, that weasel.

My dad must have told him

about our plans

and hes trying to outdo us.

So well just have to make our

open house bigger and better.

Well, not bigger.

Maybe not even better.

We cant go overboard.

By the way, I got your photos

back from the framer.

I was thinking we should put it

near your portrait.

Oh, its beautiful.

Alright, I gotta get going.

I gotta get to the hearing.

But I feel like I should stay

and help prep.

No, go. Everythings taken

care of here.

Youre gonna be astounded.

Oh, well, no, dont astound me

too much.

I mean it, Ruby.

This needs to go well.


As for the location of

the proposed retail centre

the plans are still

under review

pending the environmental

impact report.

Sorry, these meetings drag.

Oh, no worries.

And our next agenda item is

whether the Fletcher Building

is of significant historical

merit to warrant preservation.

Now, we have thoroughly debated

this proposal

and are prepared

to take a vote...

right after a short recess.

[phone dings]

Will you excuse me?


Dad, whats going on?

Anna, where are you?

Im downtown.

Well Im at your listing.

Ill be there at 11:30.

Everything is under control.


Then why did I get a call saying

your company credit card

has been maxed out?

And then I come here

to find chaos.

Two caterers fighting

over the kitchen,

a whole bar and bartending crew

hired, a six-piece jazz band?

And whats with this video

of you dancing and-

dancing and talking to yourself?

What video?

Terrence came by your listing

last night,

saw you acting out of sorts, was

concerned and reached out to me.

Yeah, I bet he did.

Ok, Im coming right now.

[uneventful music]


I took care of it.

I sent everyone home and

cancelled the open house.

Cancelled, why?

Because my reputation

is on the line,

and Im not gonna have people

show up for a disaster.

Im sorry, Dad.

No, Im sorry.

This- this was too much.

I should have started you

off smaller.

So whatre you gonna do?

Im giving it to Terrence.

And as for you, maybe you should

shadow me a while.

Get a better feel for the job.

Hey, what happened?

Did you get approved?

Yeah, we got approved.

What happened to you?

You just left.

This was important to me

and I thought you said

you wanted to be supportive.

No, I- I do. I did.

I... I sent you a text.

Uh... "gotta get to the house".

Thats not super communicative,


I know, Im sorry, but there

was an emergency here.

I... I botched

the open house.

Or, it wasnt me but it...

But- but what?

But nothing.

Anna, theres clearly been

something going on with you

and whatever it is

you can tell me.

Except I cant.

Why not?

Because I just cant, Im sorry.

This is really complicated.

Its complicated?

This is like Im having

a flashback.

Youre- you disappear.

You pull away from me.

Youre distant.

Its not that.

It feels like that.

It feels exactly like

it used to feel.

It feels like you dont know

what you want.

It feels like nothings changed.

So, what?

Youre just gonna leave?

Youre just gonna quit?

No, Im not the one

who quits, Anna.

You quit.

And maybe thats for the best

because maybe were something

that should be quit.

Maybe were just two people

who love each other dearly

and are always going to be

a lost cause.




Ruby. Why?

You knew how much

this meant to me.

You knew how much

I needed this.

I knew how much you thought

you needed this,

but did you even

want this job?

I wanted to get

my life together.

I just wanted something

in a time

where it feels like

I have nothing.

Anna, Im sorry.

No, Im sorry

for trusting you.

I was really just trying

to help.

Were you?

Or were you just trying to throw

yourself one last big hurrah?

Youre saying I did this for me?

Im saying its in character.

After all, you did describe

yourself as selfish.

Well, I might be selfish

but youre stingy.

Stingy? Do tell.

Yeah, youre stingy.

Stingy with love,

stingy with life.

You float through living

because youre so scared

to get attached to anything.

And youre attached

too much, Ruby!

You should let go.

You should go, because nobody

wants you here anymore.

[melancholy music]

Ruby, wait.

Charlie, Ive been so afraid

all these years

that you wont be there with me

when I cross over.

I cant stay here anymore.

Theres nothing here for me.

So whatever happens

itll need to be enough that

I love you and always will.

Even if Ill never get to be

with you again.

[Anna] Ruby, where are you?

Ruby, are you here?

Please come out,

lets talk this through.

Ruby, Im snooping through your

things so come out and stop me.

Ruby pie, you believe that

there are people

"you only meet on stage

or screen

"or in the pages of a book

that can never exist in life.

"Then with all her wit

and sprit, Ruby Baker

proves that wrong."

F. Scott Fitzgerald.

You have a letter

from Fitzgerald?


And one from

Josephine Baker.

Ruby, as always your notes

are the finest prose I know.

"Why are you wasting time

scribbling to me

"instead of working on your

novel? Hemingway.

This is from Hemingway.

[phone rings]

Hey, Dad.

I have good news for you.

Ive decided to give you

another sh*t

and Ive found you

a condo to sell.

New construction,

turn key.

Ok. And what about

the house?

Terrence already found a buyer.


Some shell company is buying it

as a tear-down.

They sign tomorrow.

No, Dad, please-

Im sorry.

You cant get attached.

Check your email

for the condo listing.

I love you.

No, Dad--

[melancholy music]

Ruby, please come out!

The house is gonna get torn down

and I dont know what to do.

[teary] Please tell me

what to do.

[hopeful music]


Are you buying

the Baker home?

Yes. Anna,

whatre you doing?

Im making sure weve disclosed

any encumbrances a buyer

might take on.

Whatre you talking about?

There are no encumbrances.

Except for the property

potentially being declared

a historical site.


I stopped by

the historical preservation

society this morning

and I filed to have

the Baker house

declared a historical landmark.

On what grounds?

On the grounds of the house

being the Baker estate

designed by famed architect

Arthur Salkin

for the Baker family,

including Ruby Baker,

a 1920s socialite.

In that house she hosted

Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Chaplin.

And since I presented letters

of said people to prove that,

the application is now pending.


Pending doesnt mean anything.

These applications get rejected

all the time.

True, but it takes time

to reject or approve them.

And in that time no work

can be done on the property.

And if it does pass then

any work on the Baker house

has to be done under strict

historical guidelines.

Luckily I know a great restorer.

Anna, what was that?

I gave you a sh*t and you

turned it against me.

Im sorry, but I did

what I think is right here.

And I know its easier

to just tear it down

and build something new

in its place.

To not get attached.

Thats not how I wanna

live my life.

I finally know what I want,

and thats to pour myself

into something,

even if its a lost cause

because who knows?

Dad, I love you so much

but Im not you and I

dont wanna be you.

I wanna be me.

I dont want your company.

Give it to Terrence.

What I do want is a relationship

with you.

A real one.

One that were both heard.

And Elliot is gone,

and I highly doubt

that hes coming back

but if he did... Id like

your support.

Mi amor, vente paca.

[emotional music]





Anna? Are you here?

I just came to get my tools

before I head to Boston.

What? No, no.

You cant.

No, Elliot!


Dont go.

No, you and Anna are meant

to be together.

You dont want to make

this mistake, believe me.


He was the love of my life.

Just like Anna is the love

of yours.


Whatre you doing here?

I forgot my tools.

Fletchers been approved

so I came to get them

before heading to Boston but-

No, but-

Can you tell me why you have

a picture of my great uncle?

Your what?

Charlie Ward.

I never met him but

Ive seen old photos.

This is him.

Supposedly he was

the best of men.

A chauffeur, a w*r hero.

He lost the love of his life

and he remained a bachelor

after that.

But he became a teacher.

He lived well.

He touched a lot

of peoples lives.


Can you please excuse me

for just one minute?

Please dont leave, ok?

Just... please.

[door slams]

He waited for me.

Of course he did.

And now Ill be with him again.

Just like youll be

with Elliot.


Whats happening?

Dont you see, Anna?

Its all connected.

Me and Charlie,

you and Elliot.

Its your fate- our fate,

that has brought us together.

This is what Ive been

waiting for.

But what will I do

without you?

Oh, Ive taught you

the steps, sister.

Now its up to you

to dance them.

And thank you.

For what?

For being my friend.

Everybody needs a friend.

And youll always have me

in spirit.


I feel that.

Me too.


My sweet Charlie.

That was Charlie.

That was my uncle Charlie.


How is this even possible?

Well, I told you it was gonna

be hard to explain.

But Ill explain it all

if you give me a chance.

If you give us

one more chance.

Because I love you,

and Ill always love you.

Ok, well that was-

that was my speech,

if you have any thoughts.

Yes, I do.

I liked your speech,

and I know we have

a lot of history,

and we have a lot of work to do

but I wanna do the work.

Because we dont quit.

We restore.

So lets just restore us.

[romantic music]
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