A Very Merry Mix-Up (2013)

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A Very Merry Mix-Up (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

Have a merry,
merry Christmas!

Buh bye,
Merry Christmas!


(on phone)
Yeah, great.

I'll arrange the inspection
and I'll get those papers

over to you
within the hour.

All right.

Talk to you then.

Wow, a Christmas tree!


It's beautiful!

Well, it's fake.


But, I did buy
a bottle

of blue spruce scented
deodorizing spray.

Don't you just
think of everything?


It's perfect!

It's just a little too perfect
don't you think?

You're the expert.

Maybe if I just cut a
few of the branches off?

What do we got here?


That's a late eighteenth
century replica

of the Burn Castle
Christmas Clock.

This must be worth
a small fortune.

Did you see?

Look at all the little
hand-painted pictograms.

What does something
like this sell for?

Oh I can't - I don't think
I could ever sell this.

This is beautiful.

Remember asking me
to tell you

to stop doing that
thing you do?

I know, I know -
but this is different.

This is very special.


I know, you're right.

Being right doesn't
mean that I'm not sorry.



Hey did, um,

that developer
ever call you?



Have I ever
told you the story

of the Burn Castle
Christmas Clock?

No...but I think
you're going to.


Well, sometime in the
late eighteenth century,

a young clock maker
and a peasant girl

fell madly in love
with each other.

She was the most beautiful
woman in the village

but her parents had already
promised her to someone else.

So the clock maker decided
that if he were to make

the most magnificent
clock ever known to man,

her parents
would reconsider

and break the
arranged engagement.

When the young woman's suitor
got wind of these plans

he whisked her off to a
villa far, far away.

And then the day before
Christmas, a gift arrived

for the young woman
and when she opened it

she found the most beautiful
clock she had ever seen.

So beautiful, thst she secretly
carried it with her

wherever she went from
that day forward.

On her wedding day,
she wept over the clock -

praying for a miracle.

And just as she walked
down the aisle,

the clock stopped.

Everyone and everything
in the church stopped;

frozen in time and she
ran out of the church,

bursting through the doors
in to the Town Square

and runs into the clock maker,
who's rushing towards her

past all the town's folk
who are frozen in time.

And they ran off together and
they lived happily ever after,

never to be seen again...
or so the story goes.


Oh, you know,
I've been meaning

to organize that
shelf for weeks.

Yeah, well, we
make a great team.

We make the best.

The best.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey, do you have the
store's books ready?

I haven't gotten
around to it yet.


I know it's important;
I will do it. I promise.

Hey, uh, what's the square
footage of this place again?

I don't know.

I think it's, like, ,
or something, why?

(phone ringing)


It's all right.

Oh, man.
It's Mike Harper.

Meeting him for
squash, I gotta go.


I'll see you later.

Don't forget: :
tonight, Earth Works.

Got it!

Will Mitchum here.

You ready
to do this?

Hey! Guess who just
sold the Weston condo

for two hundred
K over asking?

That's amazing!

we have to celebrate!


You know, you have to
try the tofu plate here.

You'll swear it's
just like kobe beef.


Did you ever call
that developer?


I told him I'm not interested
in selling the shop.

That's smart.

He's not offering
nearly enough.

Antiques may have
relative value

but commercial real estate
in Brooklyn does not.

Oh, this is lovely.

Isn't it?

I just don't think I could
ever sell my father's store

for any amount
of money.

I mean, it's all
I have left of him.


Thank you.

Well, just as long
as you know

you can get money
out of that store.

That's all I'm saying.



Thank you.

That was nice.

Thank you.



I have something
to ask you.

Oh, what?


Um, what's this,
after dinner salad?


If you could just
move your chair -

just move in to the light,
just a little bit?

That is perfect.


(tapping on glass)

Ladies and gentlemen,

may I have your
attention please?


My name is Will Mitchum
and I am madly in love

with Alice Chapman.

Will, what
are you doing?

It's true.
It's so true.

And I know this is
going to sound corny,

but, love is corny so I'm
going to say it anyways.

You told me that your
favorite jelly belly flavor

was toasted marshmallow
because you love the taste

of the charred skin
on the outside

and totally got the melt
in your mouth middle

and that's because
that's you, Alice.

Indomitable exterior.

Yet tender
on the inside.

Will this is crazy,
what are you doing?

Love is crazy, baby.


You are my sun,
my rain, my life.

Will you marry me?


Wow, I-I don't
know what to say.

I mean--



Of course, yes.



Two carrots - get it?

I arranged that
with the restaurant.

Yeah, yeah,
I get it.



Thank you.
Thank you so much.


Oh, that's okay.

We'll get it
sized tomorrow.

Yeah, no, I don't
think we have time.

Well, see, I have
another proposal.

I thought that, well;
my parents would love

to meet their future

so why don't we spend
Christmas at their house?

Your parents?!

Oh, I'd love to get
to meet them finally!

Maybe we can go chop down
a Christmas tree together?

Or - well, they probably
already have one of those.

I hope we're not too late
to decorate it at least -

or maybe we could
make some decorations?

Or, cookies!

Yes, we've got
to make cookies.

My Dad and I
used to make

the most amazing
Christmas cookies.

They were cherrios and
marshmallows shaped

in the form of a Christmas
tree with this green,

sugar glaze on the outside.
They were to die for!

My mother's macrobiotic.



What about
Christmas stockings?

Do you have one?

I could make
you one if not,

it's not that hard
at all.

It's just some felt,
some glue...

What about Christmas
peanut butter fudge?

Think your parents
would like that?

I have this new recipe
I'm dying to try.

Oh, wait.
It's not microbiotic.



Oh - whoa,
whoa, whoa!

This is amazing!
I can't believe this!


I finally got an offer
on the Harris estate!

Oh, that's great!

I gotta make a counter offer
ASAP - gimme your phone.

My phone?


Thank you.

So this is my parents'
address in Beresford.

You go--

And I'll be there
as soon as I can.

What - you're
not coming?

But - but I don't
even know your parents!

I can't, what--
I mean...?

Don't worry about it!
It's not like they bite.

Just take a cab
from the airport

and I'll be on the next
flight right behind you.

I just can't
barge in and say

"Hi, nice to meet you.
I'm gonna marry your son."

What if they
don't like me?

How could anyone
not like you?

And just wait until you
tell them how I proposed.

They are going
to LOVE it!

See you in Beresford.


I love you!

Love you too!

Hey, Will, it's me.


Sir, can I help you?

I'm at the Beresford
airport. I just landed,

and you're not going
to believe this,

but they've lost
my luggage.

Sir, can I help you?

Uh, I hope so.

Maybe if you get this
message you could let

your parents know I'm going
to be running a little late

'cause I have to file a claim
now and there's a big line.

Um, ok, I'm going to check
the carousel one more time

but nothing's come down the
shute in twenty minutes

so I don't have a lot of hope.
I'm rambling...all right.

I'll let you go.

If you get this
message, call me.

Okay, have
a good flight.


I paid an extra fee
when I checked in.

They wrapped it up
in fragile tape

how do you lose
something like that?

Sir, it's not lost,
simply misplaced.

But, that's
the same thing!

I am trying
to help you, sir.

I'm trying to tell you
that if it's not here

by Christmas then
it's a total loss.

It is our policy
to compensate you

for the value of your package
if it's not recovered.

It's priceless.

Was it insured?

I made it.


I spent six
months making it,

working on every little
detail until it was perfect.

Ok, sir, please
fill out this form.

If it's not recovered
the airline will assess

the monetary value
of your package -

It's not about
the money.

It's a special gift
for my Grandfather.

Would you like
to borrow a pen?



Thank you for flying
with us and Happy Holidays.

I feel like I'm
writing my memoirs.


This form... it's huge.

It's not enough that
they lose your valuables.

Now you have
to write an essay

in order to maybe
get them back.

Insult to injury.


I'm really sorry
they lost your package.

Me too.

I mean, I'm sorry
they lost your bag.


Mine was just clothes.
Nothing important.


Hey, I'll see you around.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

"See you around?"
Come on, Matt.

That's like,
amateur hour.

Come up with
something clever.

Something witty...


Hey, would you
like to--?

(both screaming)

I'm so sorry!


Please tell me this is
just a little tiny stain

that's barely

And can just be dabbed out
with a tissue?

It would have to be
a pretty big tissue.

I am so sorry!

I'm about to meet
my future family!

This is the only
outfit I have!

This is totally
my fault.

it kind of is.

What can I do
to fix things?

Do you own
a dry cleaners?

No. But I could
take you to one?

No wait! I know.

I'll buy you a new shirt -
I know the perfect store!

Is it on the way
to Beresford?



That's where
I'm going!


You can ride
with me!


We'll stop and
buy you a new shirt,

you can be
at your...

Future in-laws.

You're engaged.

That makes sense.

So, only fifteen or
twenty minutes away.

No, you know what?
It's fine.

Just bad timing.
Don't worry about it.

So where is he?


Your fiancé?

Oh, he had a meeting.
He'll be on the next flight.

Oh, I'm sorry.


It was an important meeting.
He had to close a deal.

A big deal.

Oh, no!

Oh, please tell me
this is not happening!

It's just a phone.
I'll get it fixed.

No, I have no idea
where I'm going!

My address was
in here!

I don't know where I'm
supposed to go right now.

Take my phone, call your
fiancé, get the address.

Oh, I feel so stupid.

Don't, just - this kind of
thing could happen to anybody.

Hi, you've reached Will
Mi Please leave me a message.

Hey, Will,
it's me again.

You're going right
to voicemail.

Um, well,
I'm kind of lost.

They didn't find my bag and my
phone is out of commission.

So, I'm going to try you
again in a few minutes,

if a strange number
pops up please answer it.

It might just be the
future Mrs. Mitchum.


Did you say "Mitchum"?


You're kidding.

No, why?

I'm a Mitchum.

What's your
fiancé's name?

Will Mitchum.

You're engaged
to Billy Mitchum?

Billy's my brother.

Will's your brother?!

We never called him Will.

You know, I bet he changed it
to sound more grown up.

Oh, Will is very
grown up.

This - this is freaky!

He never told me
he had a brother!

He never mentioned
he had a fiancée.

Well, we were gonna wait
to tell everybody together.


I guess the cat's
out of the bag.

I'm Matt.


You know what, Alice?

This here is fate.


So, how did you
and Billy meet?


Will and I met
on "mates.com".



Can't imagine Billy -
Willy - Will going

for internet
match making.

Well, believe me
I didn't either.

I mean, you know, it was a
kind of a weird time for me.

My Dad d*ed
a few years ago

and my Mom decided
to move to Florida

to spend time
with her sister, so.

Anyway, all my friends
are doing Internet dating

and I thought I'd give
it a try and bingo!

There - there was
Will and we had

a seventy-five percent
compatibility rating so...

Seventy-five percent?


So that's a going rate
for a husband online.

Pretty scientific.

Yeah, well.

It seems to work,
believe it or not.

I mean -
no, Will is great!

He's - he's
practical and, uh,

level-headed and he,
as you know,

he's very smart
with business.

Just like Juliet
described Romeo.

Not so much.

Will is very romantic!

I'll have you know
he sends me

a dozen red roses
every Friday.



Well, you know, I guess
Billy and I just have

different ideas
of what romance is.

To me, romance is doing
the dishes with somebody

or doing the laundry
together where like,

the simplest thing
is amazing.

Let's see that ring
of yours!

Oh, yeah!

It's in my
pocket here.

Here it is.


It's a little big, that's
why I don't have it on.

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

Can I see?


Oh! Oh!


I'll find it.

No, no. I got it.
It's right here.



Oh, good.
You're awake.

You were beginning
to have me worried.

Who hit me in the head
with a sledgehammer?

Close enough.

We hit a tree.

Oh, gosh,
now I remember.

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

You're both lucky.

It looks like both
of you have nothing

but a few scrapes
and bruises.

Just gonna keep you here a bit
to check for internal bleeding.

That doesn't
sound good.

It's just precaution,
nothing to worry about.

We'll notify
your family.


You have
clean fingernails.

As opposed to...?

Your fingernails
are very clean.



Thank you, I think.

My father always told me
if I didn't know what

to say to a girl,
just compliment her.


I should know not
to listen to him.

I went to prom in a
powder blue leisure suit

because he told me
it looked sophisticated.

In .



Billy was always
better with the ladies.

Are you kidding me?

Our first date
was a disaster.

He spent the whole
time interviewing me.


"Do you want kids?",
"Do you like opera?",

"Would you be willing to
drop everything and be my

partner if my business
picks up in another state?".




I don't know.

It was kind of
endearing, I guess.

It was refreshing that he
actually knew what he wanted.


I should have taken that
approach with my fiancée.

Oh, you're engaged?

I was.

Oh. Sorry.

Last summer.

She just up and
moved to Paris.

You know, I would do
nice things for her,

and she would tell me
I was smothering her

so I stopped and suddenly
I was cold and uncaring.

She sounds confused.

She confused
the heck out of me.

You know what
the worst was?

I had this important
business presentation.

I was dressed in a suit,
had to get up in front

of a few hundred people at
this annual conference

and it was raining.

Don't get me wrong, I love
the rain but we forgot

the umbrella and I was
driving and so I asked

if I could get out at the front
door and if she could

get street parking,
you know, so I wouldn't look

like a drown rat on
stage and she refused.

She said she didn't
want to get all wet

and I thought,

she wouldn't even walk
through the rain for me.

I don't know about you,
but where I come from,

love walks through
the rain.


It should.

It has to.

I sure hope it does.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

Breaking it off was the best
thing I could have done.

Still hurts
a little, huh?

Just a little
around the holidays.

Oh, Matt!

Matty, Matty, Matty.

Oh, Matty!

Hey, Mom--

We came as soon as
the hospital called.

Mom, I can't breathe!

Easy, honey.


Give him some air.

Sorry, sweetie.
Are you okay?

It only hurts
when I laugh.


Just like now.

Oh, hi!


We're his parents.

It's so nice
to meet you.

I've heard so much
about you both.

Oh Mom, Dad,
this is Alice.

You didn't tell me
you're bringing

a girlfriend home
for Christmas!

You didn't even tell us
you had a girlfriend!

No no, I'm not his --

Alice is
Billy's fiancée



He didn't tell us
anything about --

Well, we wanted
to surprise you.


Oh well --

She's surprised.

You certainly did that,
didn't she, Joe?


We never heard a word
from him, I mean --

So, where's
Billy now?

He had a work
thing come up

so he wasn't able
to fly in with me.

He was laid up
but he's coming.

I asked the nurse
to call him.

This is the most wonderful
Christmas surprise!

It's so nice
to meet you.

And you!

You both got pretty
good knocks on the head.

I want you both under
constant surveillance

for the next twenty-four
hours just to be sure.

No sleeping until the
observation period is over.

I think we can do that,
can't we, Joe?

thanks Doc.


You know, it is so
perfect that you're here

because with Billy
being late we needed

an extra pairs of hands
to help trim the tree.

Oh, I love trimming
the tree!

Have you made your
Christmas cookies yet?

Not yet.

Oh! 'Cause I have all these
recipes that I brought

that I'm dying to try and
they're macrobiotic.

What's macrobiotic?


This looks like it
would have been

an amazing place
to grow up.

You like it?

I love it.

Mom and Dad always go
all out for Christmas.

Come on in!

I know it's not much,
but we call it home.

It's beautiful!



You know
your antiques!

Matt took me to a road
show for my birthday

and that was
my favorite.

I didn't know you
liked antiques!

I do.

This one is part
of a set,

I have some of the other
pieces in my store.

You have a store?

Well, it was my
father's store.

I practically
grew up there.


I'd love to see
it some time!

Only after I confiscate
your credit cards!

Oh stop!


Thank you.

Hey, hey--


Tell me what
you think, huh?



Am I tasting --

(together) Allspice?


I like this
gal already!


All right, Matt in the
living room, please.

Alice, you come on
upstairs with me.

I'm gonna get you in to
something a little more cozy.

Oh, thank you.

These will
keep you warm.

There we go.


You sit right
down here.

Why can't we lie down
in the bedrooms?

Because A) that's where the
Christmas presents are--

--that's a girl, dear--

--and B) I have to keep
an eye on you two

and make sure you
don't fall asleep.

I'm gonna make you
some tea.

I don't want
to be any trouble.

No no, I'm gonna make
you some chamomile.

It will help you relax.

You might as well give up
and let her mother you.

I don't want
to be a bother.

Are you kidding?

She loves this
sort of thing.

How are you feeling
by the way?

Oh, I feel fine.

Just a little antsy;
I really want to help

with the Christmas

Tomorrow there'll be
plenty to do, I promise.

Mom won't stop preparing
for Christmas until you

physically pry the hot
glue g*n out of her hands

and force her to have
a glass of eggnog

and actually relax
and enjoy the holiday.

This is
so comfortable.


You two aren't
sleeping are ya?



Remember what
the doctor said.

Oh, and Grandpa
Charles just called;

said he cut down the best
tree in Redmond just for us.

I missed
the tree cutting??

You snooze you lose!

I love picking out
the tree!

So do I!

You know, Will actually
just bought a fake tree

for the shop.



Living in the city's
really changing him.

I know. Well, no,
I don't think so.

It's just
the tree's fine,

it's just a little too
perfect that's all.

It's missing--


Yeah! Exactly.


Here we are!

I thought something
light might be better

because of
your conditions.

Here you go honey --
careful, it's hot.

Thank you.

Here you go, Matt.

Thanks, Mom.

Thanks, Mrs. Mitchum.

Oh please, call me Penny!
We're almost family!

Thank you, Penny.

Ok, I'm still baking
cookies in the kitchen

so that's where I'll
be and I want you two

to keep an eye
on each other.

If one of
you falls asleep,

I want the other to
give me a holler

and I'll come
right in.


Copy that.

Are you sure
I can't help?

No, you have to wait out
your twenty-four hours.

But enjoy this down
time because -- hoo hoo!

-- when Grandpa
gets here...


When Grandpa gets here,
we'll have the tree

to put up
and decorate

and there are only two days
left before Christmas.

How long does it take
to decorate a tree?

A very long time.

You'll find out.

Should I be scared?

Be scared.


Three big deals
in two days.

Didn't anybody tell you
there's a recession going on?

You're the man now.


And the man needs
another round.

Well, you have
the luck.

Word on the street
is that your fiancée

owns that shop
on rd,

in the block Grant
Lockley wants to buy.

Yeah, but I thought those
are just rumors about Lockley.


I mean, he always
uses Winters anyway,

so what's it matter?

He's desperate.

He wants to buy
that block, raise it,

and put up
a condo tower.

Winters can't
close the deal.

But I can.

Alice'd do anything
I tell her to do.

And speaking of Alice,

she's probably at my
parents' by now.

Just gonna
give her a call.


Hey, it's Alice.

I'm either away
from my phone

or lost reception
so leave a message.

Hey, darlin', I'm so sorry
I didn't make it up tonight

but I closed this
huge deal and,

well, look I'll tell you
all about it tomorrow.

Um, hope my parents
are treating you well.

Have a great
sleep, beautiful.

I love you.

Message: Hello, Mr. Mitchum,
this is Doctor Stark.

I'm calling from
Beresford County...

Well, if it's not
Mr. Mitchum.

Mr. Lockley!

Well, how good
to see you, sir.

And, um, congratulations
on the new condos.


Yeah, I hear you're
on your way up.

Yeah, well, I'm, uh,
not doing too bad.

You know, I heard you
were having a little bit

of trouble on that
rd street deal.

Yeah, it's not going to
work out, I'm moving on.

Oh, that's a pity.

That could have been
a lot of money.

Well, you know what?

Sometimes deals
just don't work out.

And you will understand
that when you,

um, get a little
more experience.


What if I told you
that I have a line

on the owner for
the antique shop?

She won't sell it.

She will to me.

And why is that?

Why is that?

What, you got some
mystical power over women?


She's my fiancée.

Well, like I said.
I've moved on.

And like I said
- what a pity.

I mean, now that
something could happen.

I'm going to my parents'
over Christmas and,

I know it's a long sh*t,
but on the off chance

that you revisit the
rd street project --

give me a call
after the holidays.

Merry Christmas.

(TV sounds)

There's absolutely
nothing on.


No sleeping!

I can't keep
my eyes open.

This reminds
of when I was a kid.

Billy and I would
have competitions

to see who could
stay awake the longest...

I always lost.


We used to build these
elaborate forts out of pillows

and blankets and TV trays
-- everything we could

get our hands on
would go in to it.

Then we'd go get our
G.I. JOE flashlights,

and go on a mission
for cookies.

A mission?

You feel like
some cookies?

Let's go
on a mission.

Okay! Let's do it!




Help me up.


Eggs and butter
are in there.

Copy that.

And I think the
bowls are in there.











What are you doing??


You'd probably be
a lot quieter

if you just turned
the light on.


Sorry, Mom.

These look amazing.

Should we let them cool
before we ice them?

Well, you're
supposed to.

Want some milk
with that?

Yes, please.

Wow, it's five-thirty
in the morning.

Only fourteen thousand
more hours to stay awake.

I blame the airline
completely for this.

Yeah, but, you never would have
triple icing Christmas cookies.


That's true.

Hey, you never told me what
it was they lost of yours.


I spent months recreating
this Victorian music box

my Grandmother
used to have.

All in-laid wood with
a lithograph graph

of Victorian cherubs
on the inside

and I figured out how
to get it to play

the song that was playing
at the school dance

when they first met.

Oh, that's
so romantic!

Isn't it?

Grandpa will deny
it up and down,

but he's a pretty
romantic guy.

Just mention
: to him.

What's that?

The moment he first
saw my Grandmother.

He saw her then took out his
watch to see what time it was

because he knew his life would
never be the same after that.

Oh, I think
I'm going to cry!


Whenever he talks about it
he always says

"I took one look
at her and I knew

I would love her forever."

That's so beautiful.


Dropped one.

I can't wait to meet
your Grandfather.

You've got a little
icing right --

Right here?

On the other side.


I've got it all over
my face, right?


I got it.


There we go.

So what else do you do,

besides building
Victorian music boxes?

I crochet for a living.

I don't believe you!


I make furniture.



See this table?


I built it.

You built this??

Actually I had to,

after I accidently set
the old one on fire.


But it turned out I love
working with wood

and I was good at it.

Good thing I got my Masters
degree in finance, huh?


Wasn't my thing.

I hate wearing suits
and that dreaded thing

of actually having
to talk to people.


Well, you're very charming.
I'm sure you did great.


But I think the last
thing this world needs

is more bankers and
real estate agents.

That's funny.

If only Will
could hear you now.

I think he'd agree
with me.

Yeah, probably would--
less competition.

My Grandfather --
he built things.

for forty years.

I think the only time
he wore a tux'

was when he was
at his wedding

and that was because
of my Grandmother.


You should see
them together.

Like Bogart and Bacall
or Tracy and Hepburn.

I can't wait.

Look at this one.

Oh! They look
so happy together.

I know! My Grandma
was such a fox.

She really was.

This is my favorite
one right here.


Isn't she beautiful?

She's gorgeous.


Was different
then, hey?

You have her smile.

Do I?



Good morning.


we were sleeping.

We're okay,
we survived.

We weren't
supposed to.



Looks like we just about made
it through the toddler years.


What are you doing?

Um --

We're just looking
over some pictures.

Just considering

No you were
sleeping, weren't you?



I have half a mind to
smack you up side the head!

Brain injury, Mom!

Doctor says you
can't slap me!

Come here, let me see.
Look at me.

All right.

How are you,

I think I'm okay.
I'm just tired.

I know, I know
but no sleeping yet!

Matt get up and
clean up this mess

before Grandpa
gets here.


Now Matt!

Okay, okay!

You're so busted.

Follow the finger.
Follow the finger.

Got it...
there we go.

Don't drop the needles!

Oh, it's okay!

Any one here want
a Christmas tree?

Very expensive!


Let me help you.

It's beautiful!

Oh, I got it.
Don't worry about it.

Go sit!
You're injured.

We got this.

There we are.


That's it.


Oh, look at that.

a beauty, huh?

You must be Alice.


Joe told me all about
your secret engagement.

I have to say,
guys --

our Billy boy has
very good taste.

Awwww, thank you.

They were giving these out
at the Christmas tree farm --

Thanks, Grandpa.

And for this
special occasion,

welcoming our new
addition to the family.


Alice -- the
red-nosed fiancée.



It goes
with your hair!


Come on, Joe.

I can't hold
this up all day.

Well, stop wobbling
the thing

and maybe I'll be able
to get the screws in!

All right.

All right, they're in;
you can let go.


All right, decorators,
start your engines!

Beautiful tree.

Huh? Yeah.

I think it's
a perfect one.

The tree is... okay.

Uh oh, look out!
We're in trouble.

Our Matty only
likes those pathetic,

Charlie Brown trees.

Hey, hey, hey!
Don't knock it,

Alice happens
to like them too.

Is that so?

Yeah, I've always
been a sucker

for the loser on the
Christmas tree lot.

I mean, I feel like if you
have a tree as beautiful

as that one you're
already half way there.

But if you can take a tree
that's dropping its needles

and missing half its branches
and growing sideways

and all of that --
Then by the time

you decorate it,
and it looks so beautiful;

it's sort of
a Christmas miracle.

You know, I think Matt said
the same thing last year.

Did you?


Every ornament has a story
and Grandpa's going

to tell them all,
right Grandpa?

Who's that little guy?

This is "Bo",
my first dog.

I got this
when I was a boy.

"Bo" always gets a
prime spot on the tree,

right Grandpa?

That's a good
spot right there.


Dad -- this one.

My Debra gave me this
at a Christmas formal.

That's where they met.

That's right.

There was a dinner
before the dance...

and there she was.

I took one look
at her

and I knew I would
love her forever.

You knew all that
from just one look?

It worked for me,

She had come
with another fella.

He got
food poisoning--

Oh, Dad!

--and he had to leave
so I got to dance

with her all night.

You smoothie!

If it hadn't been
for a little bad egg salad,

I may never
have met her.

It was fate!



You tell that story
every year, Grandpa,

when you put up
that ornament.

Get outta here!

You do.


Well, it's true.
It was fate.

And it found me at--



You too?

Matt told me the
story last night;

I thought it
was so beautiful.

Read what's
written on the star.

"Eternity is where
true love exists."

She had a way
with words, didn't she?

You know what
I think we need?

I think we need some of Alice
and Matt's Christmas cookies.


Good idea!

Be right back!


I'm sorry they're
not macrobiotic.

Wait... is that
a bad thing?

Will told me
you were macrobiotic.

I don't even
know what that is.

Neither do I.

Billy doesn't know
what that means.

Well, why would
Billy say that?!

I don't know.

He's probably just
messing with ya.

Is that funny?

I don't get it.

Well, we'll ask him
when he gets here.

She's not

Hey, it's Alice.

I'm either away
from my phone

or I lost reception
so leave a message.

Alice, I know you're probably
furious with me but,

listen, I will be there
first thing in the morning

with some very, very good news
that I think will make you

totally forgive me
for being so late.

Tell Mother to buy some
champagne and put it on ice

because we are gonna
want to celebrate.

All right, I'll talk
to you soon.

Message: Hello, Mr. Mitchum.
This is Doctor Stark.

I am calling from
Beresford County hospital

on behalf
of Alice Chapman.

There's been
an accident --

Driver, change of plans -
take me to the airport.


He's on an airplane!
He's coming!

What? You actually
talked to him?

No, he sent me
twelve emails though.

Oh, my God.

He's worried sick.

I don't understand why
he doesn't just call me here.

Because that's the
logical thing to do

and when a man
is in love -

he thinks only
with his heart!


This is so cute; look
at the two of them!

Oh, I know,
I know...

Okay, let me guess.

This one is Will,

No, no, no.


That is Billy,
that is Matt.

I would never
have guessed.

I know.

Look it; they were so
close when they were young.


Their little faces!

I know!

Did they have a falling
out or something?


The weird thing is he never
mentioned he had a brother.

Oh, no, no, they just
grew up, that's all.

They both went down
very different paths

but they're still really
close in their own way.

Aren't you?
Yes, you are!


Your parents have so many
beautiful antiques;

I'd love for you guys
to come see my store.

I'm definitely coming by the
next time I'm in the city.

I think you'll
really love it.

It was
my father's store.

I worked there as a
teenager; I loved it.

After he passed away my Mom
tried running it for a while

but it wasn't really her
thing so she gave it to me.

That's quite a gift.

I know.

It really is,
but it's a lot harder

than I thought
it would be.

I mean, I'm
barely holding on.

I thought it was an
established business?

Well, it is.

But it's a lot more than
just running the store;

it's buying merchandise
and going to auctions

and checking out
estate sales.

When my father was around
I stayed at the store

while he did all that
but now it's just me.

Well, can't you hire
somebody to help?

No, I can't afford it.

I worked
for pocket change.

Regular employees
won't do that.


I just keep praying something
will happen to change things.

Something will happen.



Don't move.

There's shards

Wait, I'll go get
a broom.

No, I'll get it.

Let's get you
to higher ground.


I'll take care of it.

What happened?

What are you doing??

Alice broke your
favorite dish.

That was your
favorite dish?!

I'm so sorry!

It was totally her favorite
and you broke it!

He's just messing
with you.

That's not nice.

Matt, help me
clean this up.

It's almost time to play
Christmas messages.

You're going
to play, right?

I'll just stay here.
You guys play.

I'm gonna stay
and clean up.

No! No, no, no!
You have to.

It's Christmas; a time when
families love and give

and share with each other.
And you are part of that.

I've never heard
of this game.

That's because Mom
made it up.

I did not make it
up, smarty-pants,

my Grandfather did and
then he passed it down to me

and then I passed it
down to you

and then to you.

Dad, would you
take that for me?

Now, how this goes is
everybody writes out

something nice about
everybody in the room.

And then that person
has to try and figure out

who said what
about whom.

That sounds like fun.

Yeah, it is.

Here we go.

There we go--


Are we ready?

You go first!

All right.

Pass me the cup.

This one?

That one, yeah--

"Is a trouble maker."


...and damn proud
of it!


Nailed that one!

Such a troublemaker.


"Taught me
everything I know."

...darn right I did - and
she turned out beautifully!


"Knows the best stories."

...you got it
for yourself!

That's right!

And last but not...

"is young at heart."

It's true.

Okay, okay, okay -
who's next?

Alice - you.

Really? Okay.

We're all family.

All right.

"Loves Christmas traditions
and has a Debra spirit."

It's true and she is.

Thank you.

Aww, that's
really sweet.

"Appreciates the
value of old treasures."

Well, it's true.



Thank you.

"Is kind of amazing."


That must be Billy!

Ha ha!

Oh, Billy!
Welcome home!

Will Mitchum!


Who are you?

You're not Will!

Who's Will?

Alice, what--

My fiancé.

What's going
on here?

Where is he?

What's going on?

This is not funny.

Who are you?

I'm Billy Mitchum.

So you're not
engaged to Billy?

This is--

I've made a
really big mistake.

I'm at the wrong house.
I don't know this person.

You're Will?
You're Billy?

I'm Billy, I've never
been called "Will".

But my fiancé
is Will Mitchum.

I-I don't know...

Uh, well.

They are the same
name; Will, Billy.

You can see how they
could get confused.

Oh, what have
I done?


This is-- I've made
a really big mistake.

That's okay.

I have to go.

No, no!

Alice, what
are you doing?

I, well, I can't
stay here if I don't...

Alice, wait, wait--

Alice, don't be silly.

We love having you here.

Grandpa's right;
you fit right in.

It's a pleasure.


Does anyone have a phone
that I could use?

Sure, honey,
pass me that.

Alice, what are
you going to do?

I don't know.

I'm really sorry.


This is weird.



I'll see you soon.



Hot chocolate always makes
everything a little better.

Thank you.


He'll be here
in a few minutes.

Your Will?

I am so embarrassed.

Don't be.

How could I have made
such a colossal mistake?

It's one for the books,
that's for sure.


The whole family's
sorry you're not

gonna spend Christmas
with us.

Especially me.

I'm sorry too.

I don't suppose there's
some way you could,

I don't know, come
visit us on Christmas

or maybe I could
go to your place?

Well, I don't know.

It's probably not
a very good idea.


No, I guess
you're right.

I meant what
I wrote you.

Oh, the note game.

It was kind
of a letter.


There's Will!




Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

My parents had no
idea where you were,

we were worried sick,

I left you, like,
fifteen messages.

Why didn't you
call me back?

I left you a message!

I told you my
phone got ruined,

I didn't get
the messages!

Matt spilled coffee
on it. Well --

Who's Matt?


He's this great guy who offered
me a ride into Beresford.

He overheard me say that
I was the future Mrs. Mitchum

- his last name
is Mitchum!

He has a brother
named Billy, so...


You went
to the wrong house!

Well, Mitchum's a
really common name.

And so is William
or Will, or Billy.

I thought that I was
at your family's house.

Could you imagine me growing
up in a place like this?

Wait, Alice!


No one leaves
without a parting gift!

You're so sweet!
Thank you.

Penny, Joe, Grandpa,

this is my... Will.

Nice to meet you,


You're a lucky man.

Oh, well,
thank you.

Yeah. It's nice
to meet you folks too.

I apologize if there's
been any inconvenience

Alice has caused you.

Are you kidding?

She's been an absolute joy
to have around!

Look, I uh...

Well, I think--

Well, I think
this should cover

any expenses you
might have incurred.

Oh, no, no!

We loved
having Alice here.

Huh. Okay.

Alice, there are shortbreads
and pecans in there.

Just for the rest of the
holidays, you know?

Now don't eat them all in
the car on the way home!

Okay, we won't!

Thank you.

Um, thank you
so much!

Oh sweetie,
thank you, darling.

And letting me decorate
the Christmas tree

and including me
in the notes game.

Thank you.


Come on, we really
got to get going.



Hang on!

Um, I'll be right back.
I forgot something!

Lovely home.


What'd you forget?


Merry Christmas.

(car doors closing)

(car alarm setting)



This is where
it all began.



She's around
here somewhere.



Oh, Mother?


Please don't
touch that.




Will, my love.

I have missed
you terribly.

Alice, this is my
Mother, Judith.

Mother, this is
Alice - my fiancée.



Sorry I meant
to tell you

that Mother's cleaning
her chakras.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Did I track
something in?

Oh, no, Alice.

Chakras are the spiritual
portals on our body

which allow us to tap into
the wellspring of prana;

the universal life force.

And they need cleaning
once in a while?



Too much contact
with other peoples'

auras can cause
them to, um...

Clog up?

Close down.

Mother's studying
under a guru.

Oh, wow.

I've never even
met a guru.

Oh, Alice.

Open your mind to the
universal consciousness

and a teacher
will be provided.

That's handy.


Let's leave metaphysics
aside for the moment.

We're just very happy
that you are here

and that you're safe.

We were awfully
worried about you.


Let's have a drink
to celebrate.

Oh, a drink...


Yeah, that
sounds good.

I was absolutely amazed when
Will told me what happened.

I mean, how does one end up
at the wrong house?

(blender whirring)

But then I remembered:
there are no accidents.

Everything happens
for a reason.

Well, it's a funny
story actually.

I, um, I had my phone
ruined at the airport

because somebody accidentally
spilled coffee on it

and then I went to check
what the address was

of the house I was supposed
to go to and I, um, --

Is this one of those
energy smoothies?


Oh, no.

It removes all the, um,
clogged, undigestive matter

and the bacteria that gets
into your intestines

and clogs them up.

It's just like
your chakras, huh?

No, not really.

Happy holidays to the
newest member of our family;

welcome, Alice.

Thank you so much.


It's my own recipe.

It's a blend
of yeast extract,

root vegetables,
and fermented bran.

That's... that's very...

Oh, thank you
so much!

I'm so glad you like it.
There's plenty more.


Who left the suitcase right in
front of the front door?!

We're in here, Roy!

Yes, yes, yes.


Will, my boy!

Good to see you.

Good to see you too.

This is Alice.

Hello, Mr. Mitchum.
It is so nice to meet you.


Well, please,
call me Roy.



Here you go.


One more.


(cell phone ringing)

Oh, uh,
is that mine?



That's you.


It's mine?

Oh yup,
here we go.

Uh, Roy Mitchum?

It's me.

Yeah, yeah.

No, no - now's
a good time.

Yeah, no, your
timing's great.

Yeah, no, I'm just putting
the proposal together now.

Like father, like son.

That's incredible.


Drink up.


I'll have it by
the end of the night.

Ahhh, my old room.


Had a lot of good
memories here.

Oh, wow!

I never took you for
the sporting type!


Hey, that is my very
first sales award.

I sold two hundred
pounds of fertilizer

and I wasn't even
a Weebalow yet.

A weebalow?


It's the highest you
can go as a Cub Scout

before you get
to Boy Scouts.

I was a Bear Cub, which
is one before Weebalow.

That's so sweet.

You know, I was learning

and accounting from
a very early age.

Maybe if you'd been
a Weebalow

your store would
be in the black.

Sometimes in life
you just gotta sell.

I'm going to go
take a shower.




Alice, come on.



Listen, um,

I think you might have taken
all that the wrong way.

And what way
would that be?

Alice. I'm a salesman.
I sell - that's what I do.

And I'm good at it.

Well, I'm great
at it actually.

You are a collector -
a buyer, if you will.

And you hold on to things
just a little too tightly.

Sometimes, you
just gotta let go.

And you'll get there.

Hey, with my help, you
could be one of the best.

Now, why don't you let me
make it up to you, hmm?

Do you want to go
for a walk with me?

A walk?



There's this beautiful
tree all lit up

in that park
over there.

Never been.

Isn't this the house
you grew up in?


Yeah, look, it's just -

It's way too cold
tonight, hmm?

Maybe we'll go tomorrow.


All right.
Good night.





What are you
doing here?

My sleep schedule's
totally messed up.

Yeah, staying up
for twenty-four hours

will do that to you.

I know, I feel like I'm on
Tokyo time, or something.


How did you find me?

I followed you.

You did?



There's only three
Mitchum's in this town.

The other two Mitchum's
are on vacation.


At least that's what
the police officer told me

when he thought I was
breaking into their house.

Oh, no!

Maybe it was the flashlight
in the window that did it.

I think so.

You wanna go for
a walk or something?


First time I came here
at night, I was ten.

I snuck out; my parents
would have k*lled me

if they ever
found out.


So, it's a tradition?

Not really.

Just had some
things on my mind.

I wanted to get
out of the house.

Me too.

What are these?

Blocks of snow.


Tomorrow's the
barefoot Christmas festival.

By then these will be
beautiful snow sculptures.



That's neat.


That tree
is beautiful!

Isn't it?



And peaceful.

As a kid I could just
look at it for hours;

get lost in
my own world.

That's lovely.

Then I thought, "What'd
make this better but--?"

A bench?

A place
to watch it from.

The wood's from an old
ship, the bolts are

from a church that
b*rned down in a fire.

Wait, you built this?

It's just a bench.

"Here we will sit
and let the sounds

of music creep
in our ears."

"Soft stillness
and the night,

become the touches
of sweet harmony."


Merchant of Venice.

The lady knows
her Shakespeare.

Aw, this isn't
just a bench.

Sit, please.

You know, I would love
to have these in my store.

I'm sure
I could sell these.



Good eye.

This bench -
this, I got right.

I'd say you get
a lot right.

I mean, you're
doing what you love;

you're good at it.
It's working for you.

You're kinda
living the dream.


Do I really
make you laugh?


I once ran for student
council just so I could

put up signs:
"They will wear hair nets"

for the cafeteria
staff 'cause, like,

who wants a hair
in their tater-tots?

It's just gross.


Well, personal hygiene
is very important.

It really is.

So I'm amazing, huh?


Especially after
I spilt coffee on you,

wrecked your blouse -
not to mention your phone,

almost k*lled you
in a car accident.


Amazing doesn't even
begin to sum it up.

Hey, you know what came
into my store the other day?

A replica of the Burn
Castle Christmas clock.

Are you serious?

You're familiar
with it?

Of course.

Uh, the clock maker who fell
in love with a woman

who was already
promised to another.

And everyone was
frozen in time.

Yeah, that's
the one.


Listen, uh, I'm probably going
to regret saying this but,

uh, I'm just going
to say it.

I think you're about
to make a huge mistake.

Listen, I think you
are an amazing guy --

Don't throw that word
around loosely.

I'm not.
I promise.

I wish the world were the same
as the clock maker's but --

Well, why?
Why can't it be?

All I know is that Will
and I have a life together,

we make a great team --

You don't believe that.

You don't know
what I believe.

So much for fate.

Well, maybe fate's just
something people make up

to explain the way
things worked out.

I have to go.

There you are.

Hey, Grandpa.

Couldn't sleep
either, huh?

"Eternity is where
true love exists."

Matty, I want you to do
your grandfather a favour,

read this over and over then
put it back where it belongs.

I love you, son.

(phone ringing)



Who is it?

Are you?



Oh, Alice, honey!
Is that you?

I just wanted to call

and wish you guys
a Merry Christmas.

Oh, thank you.
Same to you.

Oh, I just wish
there was some way

you could spend it
with us.

I know, well.

I'll be thinking
of you guys anyway.

Hey, is Matt there?


Um, you know what, hon'?
I just sent him out

to do a little last minute
grocery shopping for me.

You know, Christmas Eve -
I always forget something.

But I can get him to call
you when he gets in?

No, no.
That's okay.

Just tell him to have
a Merry Christmas.


Okay, hon', I will.

And if by any chance you find
yourself a little free time

and you can come by...
the door's always open.

Okay, thanks.




I owe you an
apology for yesterday.

Oh, no. That's fine,
you were right.

Just forget it.

Are you sure?


You're still my girl?

Of course.

Hey! Did you get
my email?

Well, it's Christmas
Eve everyone.

That coffee? I could
use some more coffee.

This will give you more
energy than coffee, honey.

Okay, if you say so.

Will, please tell your Father
that he should give his body

the nourishment
that it needs.

Let's play
a Christmas game!

Oh, Alice.

I don't think anybody's
in the mood -

It's Christmas Eve; time
for families to love,

to share, and to give.

We're playing.

There can be a new Mitchum
Christmas Eve tradition.

Judith, where do you keep
your pens and paper?

Please get some,
thank you.


Now the other
Mitchums taught me this,

it's very simple.

All you need to do is
write down something

that you like about
everybody around the table.

Really? Well, I'm just
going to finish this memo.

And pop it
in their glass.

And then you have to
guess who said what.

Here you go.


Oh, lovely.
Thank you.

It's really lots
of fun.

It'll put everyone in
the Christmas spirit.

Thank you.

Oh, Alice --



Now, you wanna
go first, Roy?

All right--

Now remember,

the object is you have
to guess who said what.

"Is very charming."

Oh, that must be
you Alice.


Huh? Huh?
Uh huh.

Okay, I think I like this game
better already.

Go again.

"Knows all the loop
holes in the tax code."


Actually, I wish
I did, there's a couple

that I missed
over the years.

You're the best, Dad.

Thank you, son.
Thank you.

That's so sweet.

"Makes good money."

Yeah, well.

A love letter that gushing
could only come from my wife.

Well you're only
supposed to write one thing,

there are other things
that I could have said.

Yeah, but you chose
to write that, so--

Okay, your turn;
go ahead.

"She's very low

What is that
supposed to mean?

How'd you know
it was me?

Maintenance is misspelled.

Uh, well.

You know, I just
feel that, you know,

you fill in your time
on your own you don't seem

to need anybody
around so...

Maybe I haven't
had a choice.

Uh huh--

Well, I go in to work everyday
so I can make the good money.

Okay, my turn.

Let's see what
we have here.

"Is very easy
on the eyes."


Thank you, Roy.

Very welcome.
Ha ha.


"Loves my son."

Yup, that's-
that's true.

And last,
but not least,

"is a multi-millionaire?"


I don't understand?


Excuse me, Dad.

Mom. Dad. Alice.

Uh, you know, I was going
to wait until Christmas

but I guess I can give you your
present a little bit early.

You may noticed I've been
doing a lot of texting

and phone calling.

Well, I haven't exactly
been wasting my time here.

I closed a huge deal
with Grant Lockley.


As you know, he's been
trying to develop

the entire block that
your store is on.

He's got all the other
property owners on board -

YOU are the only
hold out.


And I used that as leverage to
get him to pay top dollar.

Your little store--

How does
. million sound?



well done!

Chip off
the old block, son!

Thanks, Dad!


I, uh, wow-- I don't
know what to say.

I'm speechless.

Well, you can say 'yes?'


You know, I think I
need some alone time

to-to process this.
It's a really big decision.

You know, the store's been
in my family for a long time.

Hey, I totally understand.

I mean, I-I appreciate and
respect the fact that

you want to respond
and not react.

That is the responsible
thing to do.

Hey, just remember:
you and I are going

to have our own new
family memories, hmm?

And when the
old store's gone,

you'll still have
your old memories.

I'm gonna just
take a walk.

What's with
the walking?

She's a city girl.

Hey - I know you'll make
the right decision!



I mean what, what
do I call you now?

"Grandpa" works
just fine.

What are you
doing here?

I brought you

Something Matt
wanted you to have.


I didn't think he would ever
want to speak to me again.

In time, kiddo,
in time.

You know what,

I really feel like I have
screwed everything up.

Big time.

Why, what
have you done?

I just feel like I met the
most wonderful person

in the world and
the timing's all wrong.

I mean, I'm engaged.

Okay, so what are you
going to do about it?


Is everything okay?

I'll be in
in a minute.

Alice, I don't know how
the universe works.

I don't know if we make
our own fates

or if it's written
down somewhere,

years before
we're born.

Maybe a little
of both.

I do know one thing
for sure--

life is about timing.

And timing is everything
in love and loss.

Thank you.

Thank you for coming.

Oh, Alice!


Young at heart.


Merry Christmas.

Who was that?

Grandpa Mitchum.
The other Mitchum.

He was just in
the neighborhood.

Oh, well, uh.

I know you've had a
big day, but before

you give me your answer,
if you'll just come with me.

I have another
gift for you.

I really don't know how
many more surprises

I can take
from one day.

I think you're going
to like this one.

It's okay; sit.


Now, I know we don't normally
do the present thing

in my family but I
thought because this

is a very special holiday that
I would make an exception.

But before you open it,

I want to apologize.

That was just
so stupid of me

to present the offer
without any warning.

I mean, uh, especially
in front of my parents.

It put a lot of
pressure on you.

And it's perfectly

that you'd get upset.

It's just...
well, you know

I always want to
take care of you.

You know that, right?

Go ahead.
Open it.

What is this?

It's a lease for store that's
just three blocks away.

It-It's bigger and has way
more street traffic flow.

And with the money that
you get from the old store

you can buy lots
of additional stock,

you can hire a
few people to help.

Alice - it would
be a real store.

A "real" store?

One that would turn
over a steady profit.

You could have your own
cafe - with your own theme;

no fifties style
Jane knockoff.

But, it wouldn't be
my Father's store.

But it would be a darn good
compromise, wouldn't it?

It would definitely
be a compromise.

Come on.

Be logical.

You can't tempt fate.

I think
I'm gonna be sick.


Alice, come on.

(clock ticking)


(clock ticking/
heart b*ating)

Life is about timing,

and timing is everything

in love and loss.

What's going on
with you, Alice?

I can't...

I can't do this.

We don't have to
do the new store.

I mean--

It was just an idea.

I mean...us.


I'm sorry.

I knew this was coming.

You did?


Ever since you left--

It's like everything's
been off.

You know, uh,
our rhythm.




(clock ticking)

What's that in your hand?

Is that a clock?

(clock ticking/
heart b*ating)

I have to go.

I'm so sorry.





You came
in this snow.

It was raining.

I know.

I've been ever here since
I gave the clock Grandpa

to give to you.

You were here?
I was here!

Well, we must have
just missed each other!

Well, someone once told
me timing is everything.

I've heard that
somewhere before.

Matt, I've spent so much
time lately pretending

to be something I'm not
because I thought it was

what I was supposed to be.
I almost forgot who I am.

I mean, I did forget
who I am.

I'm the girl
who loves family.

I'm the girl who
loves romance,

and antiques,
and history.

And most importantly
I'm the girl who loves you,

Matthew Mitchum.

I love you,
Alice Chapman.

Merry Christmas!


You have to tell me how you got
the clock to stop working.

Wait, it stopped working?!


Are you serious,
let me see it!


You know what time
this is, don't you?

Yeah, it's a couple of
minutes before midnight.

Eleven fifty-eight?

Do you remember what happened
at eleven fifty-eight?

Oh my goodness!

The moment we met,
just a couple of days ago.

You are my destiny.


We have to go,

your parents are gonna
be here any minute

and I have to pick up
my Mom at the airport.

You think they'll
like each other?

Of course they will--

Relax, we have
a couple more minutes.

We really don't,
we're going to be late.

Come here!

we have to go.

Let me just inventory
this crate.

Oh, where'd
you get it from?

Just another estate sale; it
was a blind bid that I won.

Well, this is cute.



What is that?

It's, uh...

Is that what
I think it is?

I think so...

It's a Civil w*r
era wedding ring.

Do you have any idea
how much this is worth?

I do.

I just don't know
if I could sell it.


I love you.

(clocks chiming)


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