05x09 - An Ill Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power". Aired: November 13, 2018 – May 15, 2020.*
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A reboot, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power tells the tale of Adora, an adolescent who can transform into the heroine She-Ra and leads a group of other magical princesses in a rebellion against the evil Lord Hordak and his Horde.
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05x09 - An Ill Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

[Glimmer cheers]

Oh! I missed this.

Really? 'Cause I could stand
to never do it again.

[gasps] This place is a true blessing.

What is this tingling sensation?

That's warmth, buddy.

Welcome to a living planet.

Hey, I think you guys
should take a look at this.


[Glimmer] No.

Where is everyone?

- There was a fight.
- Makes sense.

Perfuma said
the Rebellion was compromised.

If someone in camp got chipped
and went after the rest,

it would've been chaos.

Adora, what if...?
What if there's no one left?

We don't know that.
They might have just moved camp.

Wherever they are, we need to find them.

Maybe they went back to Bright Moon?

Or maybe my dad took them to hide out
in Mystacor?

We can't just traipse
into your old hangouts

and play nice with your pals.
We don't know who's chipped.

Wow, you don't trust the Princesses?

I am shocked.

Huh, it seems very in character for her.

Catra's right.

We should gather intel first
so we don't fall into a trap.

Erelandia is the closest village to camp.
Maybe someone there knows what happened.

- I'm on it.
- [Bow & Adora yelp]

How about a warning next time?

[chuckles] Sorry.

Welcome to...


♪ We're on the edge of greatness
Turning darkness to light ♪

♪ We're right beside you ready to fight ♪

♪ We're gonna win in the end
We must be strong ♪

♪ And we must be brave
We must be brave ♪

♪ We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have ♪

- ♪ And never let it go ♪
- ♪ Oh ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪

[protesters shouting]

How many now?

At least a dozen occupied planets.

We are stamping out the dissidents,
but their message is spreading.

They say they are revolting
against the Horde in the name of...

the Rebellion... and...

of She-Ra.

My heart aches
for these misguided children.

Now more than ever,

I am assured of my plan
to use the Heart of Etheria

to bring peace to all the universe.

But without She-Ra,
we must find another way to activate it.

Find the dissenters
and make an example of them.

It is time to crush
this spark of rebellion for good.

Send word to our dear sister on Etheria.

The townspeople might be able to tell us
what happened,

but we need to keep a low profile.

We should be able to avoid detection
as long as we stick with Wrong Hordak.

Let's go.

Brother, uh, I hope you, too,
are full only of love for Horde Prime

and have no crippling doubt
eating at your soul.

Glory be to Horde Prime.


Nice job, Wrong Hordak.

You blend right in.

You appear to have a facial tic.

Is it cause for concern?

Huh? Oh, I'm winking.

It signals unspoken intent
behind my words.

In this case,
our mutual deception of the Horde.

Now you try.

Oh, expressing facial emotion
is a privilege reserved only for Prime.

Which is exactly why you should do it.


Oh. [giggles]

Now you've got it.


Oh, there's a local.
I'm gonna go talk to him.

Um, hi there. I was just wondering if...

I don't know anything.

Please, just let me go.

I was just trying to get home.

We're not going to hurt you. We just...

[whimpers] Glory be to Horde Prime.
Glory be to Horde Prime.



Hmm. No chip.

But something is making the locals
real skittish.

You think?

[Catra] If these people are scared,
they're more likely

to sell us out to Prime
than tell us anything useful.

[locals whispering]

We should just go.

Not until we find out if there's any sign
of the Princesses here.

Leave this to me.

You may all have magical powers
and alien pets,

but what we need now
is the team's resident regular guy.

They'll talk to me.

Hey there.

I'm just your average traveler
passing through.

Would you mind if I asked you
a few questions about your lovely town?

Uh... what is it you want to know?

Have you seen any Princesses
around these parts?

Princesses? Where?!

[yelps, then grunts]

So, obviously, at least some
of our friends were here recently

and made an... impression.

A town that hates Princesses?

Should I buy property here?

Is what I would have said,
before I joined you.

Go, team.

We should split up and look around.

Whoever it was could still be close.

Catra, you take Entrapta and Melog.

Keep them safe, okay?


Let's move out.

[Bow] After everything
the Rebellion's done for Etheria,

how can people
be afraid of the Princesses?

We've been gone a while, Bow.
Things are worse here than when we left.

You can't blame people
for being scared of...

[whispers]...suspicious dissenters.
They're over there.


Cover for us, okay?

Yes, brother.

Did you just...? Did you just wink at me?


There is nothing to see here.

Please move along.

[clones] Glory be to Horde Prime.

Oh, no. I don't want any part of this.

You're wearing hooded cloaks.
It's highly suspicious.

Are you hiding from the Horde?
I'll call for help.

No need for that.
We're just, uh... browsing.

So... it's seems like things have been
pretty bad around here lately.

Things are bad everywhere.
We're all just trying

to get through the day
without any trouble.

So, what, you're all just giving up
and letting Prime take over?

- Well, what else are we supposed to do?
- Bow, be cool.

Undercover, remember?

Well, I'm just a completely objective
third-party observer.

But Erelandia should join the Rebellion
and fight back.

Oh, yeah. That's nice.

[scoffs] The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is on the Horde's side now.

If it's not clones attacking us,
it's Princesses.

No. No, it's not their fault.

- It's Prime's chips controlling them...
- Do you think it makes a difference to us?

Well, there are still some Princesses
fighting for Etheria.

Okay, well, there she is.

[gasps] Queen Glimmer, I... I... I'm sorry.

- Please, I don't want any trouble.
- We're not with the Horde.

Someone is coming, brothers.


That's not how winking works.
Is someone coming or not?

[Adora screams]

Once I get these samples analyzed,
we'll know if Princesses were here

in approximately four to six weeks.

- [Spinnerella grunts]
- [gasps]

Found them.

[Bow, Glimmer & Adora yelling]

That's the windy one, right?

Isn't she with us?

Not anymore.

Spinnerella, this isn't you.

You have to fight the chip.

My fight is over.

Lord Prime has given me peace.

It's time for you to join us.

Not... today.


[all scream]

Prime really did it.

How...? How are we supposed to fight
our own friends?

It never stopped you before.

Hey, guys, welcome back.

Hello, beloved.




Spinny, don't.

- We've gotta go.
- No. Wait.


Yes, Lord Prime?

Come with me.

[Horde Prime sighs]

There is something I am forgetting.

It plays at the edges of my mind.


Long ago, I heard that name before,
though it fell on different ears.

Prepare the vessel.

I must access the memories
stored in this version.

The First Ones sought
a new source of power on ancient worlds.


Why bend themselves
to the whims of magic and myth?

The fools took their secrets
with them when they died.

But I will find another way.

Is there something wrong, little brother?

It is an honor to bask in the glory
of your former selves, Lord Prime.

What were you thinking?

Netossa, I'm so glad you're okay.

Why'd you do that?

I've been tracking Spinny for days.

I almost had her.

Looked more like she almost had you.

Catra? Stand back. I'll handle this one.

What one? [yelps]


Netossa, it's a long story,
but she's with us now.


[Catra hisses]



- Watch out, a clone.
- Uh...

He's, uh... He's actually on our side, too.

So, the only person
I'm fighting here is... my own wife?

Netossa, what happened to everyone else?

They got Spinny first.

And she got to the others.

She chipped them.

Mermista, Scorpia... King Micah.

Prime is forcing them to attack
the people of Etheria, to attack us.

The other Princesses are in hiding,
trying to figure out what to do next,

but I can't wait for them.

All I know is,
I have to get Spinnerella back.

Whatever it takes.

We were gone.

We weren't here to help our friends.

And the people
we were supposed to be fighting for

have lost all hope in us.

Horde Prime tore our home apart.

He took our friends.

He's not gonna stop
until he's taken everything from us.

Netossa... I'm sorry.

We should've been there.

But we're here now
and we're not giving up.

We've never faced greater odds than this.

But for everything Prime has thrown at us,

he still hasn't managed to stop us.

We're going back for Spinnerella
and for the people of Erelandia

and to show Prime
that Etheria's not done fighting yet.

We'll need everyone's help
to pull this off.

- So?
- We won't let Prime win this one.

I'm in.

I am honored to fight beside you,

Sure. Why not?

I have some experience
taking out Princesses.

Thank you.

I swear I wasn't helping She-Ra.
I didn't even know it was her.

Prime rewards honesty from his children.

Tell us where she is
and you will be absolved.

[Wrong Hordak] The rebels have been
sighted in the outskirts of the woods.

Come at once.

Where are the rebels?

Right beside you. Ah?

[both gasp]



You're clear.

You go deal with Spinnerella.
We'll take care of the bots.

Be careful.

Always am.

Please, I have nothing to do with her.
You have to believe me.

The shopkeeper.

No wonder she didn't trust us.

Adora, what if...
she can't come back from this?

She's still in there.

She needs you to remind her who she is.

And we need to remind Prime who we are.

For the honor of Grayskull!


New look?


Welcome back, beloved.



Queen Glimmer?

We won't abandon Erelandia.



What are you doing?

I'm trying not to hurt her.

Stop holding back. She won't.


That's more like it.

Spinny, stop.

It's me, Netossa.

Please. I love you.

Come back to me.



Is that you?





She's still in there. I saw her.

We can get her back, I know it.

[screams] Huh?

[locals cheering]

It's good to have you guys back.

She'll, um... She'll be okay.

Spinnerella. After the chip, I mean.

I, uh, have some experience.

[shopkeeper] Princesses.

- Well, technically, I'm not actually...
- I still think you sort are trouble,

but thank you for freeing our town.

I don't know what we can do,
but if the Rebellion ever needs it,

you can always find a friendly face
in Erelandia.

Oh! Ah.

I think Horde Prime is going to know
She-Ra's back.



Set coordinates for Etheria.

Clearly, I am going to have to
handle this embarrassment myself.


This is where the Rebellion is hiding out?

Yep. Why? Have you been here?

[Bow laughs]

Oh, I can't wait to see every... [yells]


Show us your necks!

Perfuma, they're good.

Your necks!

She's clear.

- [grunts]
- Oh, Bow!

Bow, it's really you!

- Ah, Glimmer!
- Frosta!

It's so nice to see you guys.

And we're so sorry we took so long.

But we're back
and we're gonna help you fight.


Swift Wind!



Wrong Hordak, meet Emily.

[Wrong Hordak whimpering]


- [sobbing]
- All right, let... Let it out.

I don't wanna be in charge anymore!

I think he'll never let me go back there.

Hey, come here.

It's time for you
to officially meet everyone.

You sure?

Are you serious?

Deadly serious, Horde scum.

Frosta! It's... It's a long story,
but Catra's with us now.


[grunts] Fine.
But I still don't like her face.

She can live with that.

Did you find her?

I did, but...

Spinnerella got away,
but we'll get her back.

We'll get all of our friends back.

There's still a chance to save them.

This w*r has only just begun.
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