01x10 - Mikoto Misaka (Sissy)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "A Certain Magical Index". Aired: October 4, 2008 - April 5, 2019.*
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Follows the adventures of Toma Kamijo, a high school student in the scientific-advanced Academy City whose right hand contains a unique power called "Imagine Breaker", and Index, a young nun from the Church of England whose mind has been implanted with 103,000 grimoires of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
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01x10 - Mikoto Misaka (Sissy)

Post by bunniefuu »

Strong crosswind...

Correcting sights.

Adjusting three clicks left.

Strong gust...

Vortices from three sides...

Now readjusting sights one click to the right.

Target code...



Here in Academy City,

if they find your coursework lacking,

you get to take remedial classes during the summer.

Those classes are held in late July.

Yet here I am on August th,

still stuck taking summer classes...

Apparently, I made the brilliant decision

to skip the first remedial session.

Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea

why I missed those classes...

My memory doesn't go back any further than July th.

So now I'm stuck paying tuition for courses

I don't even remember skipping in the first place...

What else could go wrong?

I don't have any change.

My rotten luck.

Are you done?

You just gonna stand there like an idiot?

If you're not buying anything, move it.

That's a Tokiwadai Middle School uniform...

Who is this girl?

Geez... you're one rude chick.

Chick...? I have... a name!

When will you get it through your thick skull?!

My name is Mikoto Misaka!

I guess I know her.

You're wasting your time...

That vending machine is just gonna eat your money.

Yeah, I know that.

There's a trick to it...

I can get a drink out of this thing

without spending any money at all.

What kind of trick?

Nice shorts.

This is an old machine.

The springs that hold the drinks in place are loose,

so you just have to jiggle them...

The only catch is

you can't choose what you get this way.

Hey what are you staring at?

Are all the girls who go to Tokiwadai

as violent as you are?

Life's tough at an all-girls school

despite whatever daydreams you might have.

You know, the machine's probably broken in the first place

because people like you kick it all the time.

What is with you...?

It's not like I'm doing anything to you.

Oh, I see.

So how much cash did the machine take you for?

Two thousand.

Seriously?! You put that big a bill into this old thing?

It's not like I had a choice!

No wonder the machine kept it!

What an idiot!

Why not just burn your money?

I can get it back for you.

Oh yeah? How?

Easy. Like this.

Whoa... That's a lotta drinks.

You didn't get your cash back,

but I bet even more drinks'll come out of here

than you paid for with that bill...

That okay with you?

Why are you running like a scared little girl?!


Here, catch.

You need to pull your weight...

I think you should start by carrying some of these drinks...

This is your portion of the total haul.

You realize by accepting these,

I'm graduating from innocent bystander to accomplice.

That's not a role I want to take on...


Hey... if you don't want this one,

I'll take it off your hands.

There's something I still don't get about you...

You've got power but no confidence to back it up,

so you end up walking around

looking like a complete idiot...

You bested Mikoto Misaka.

That's not something a lotta people can say.

At the very least, I would hope you'd accept your victory

with some kind of grace and dignity.

Bested? I beat her at something...?

Sports, maybe...?

It would be a lot easier to be a gracious victor

if I knew what the heck she was talking about...

but this lecture doesn't make any sense to me...!

Please, let her stop talking!

Are you having some kind of mental breakdown?

Come on... Just relax and drink your soda...

You're lucky to be getting a present from Master Mikoto...

plenty of girls would k*ll to be in your position.

Oh really, would they...?

Are you some kind of celebrity?

It's not something I chose,

but yeah, I am a celebrity.

I'm surprised you don't already know

what they call me at Tokiwadai Middle School.

Is that you Sissy?

Oh, it is you...!

I thought I was seeing things for a second...!

It didn't make sense for you to be in a remedial class,

but it was all just a pretense for this, huh?

What...? I don't know what you're talking about...

A pretense for what, exactly?

Don't be coy, Sissy...

I'm talking about this secret assignation.

Pleased to meet you...

The name's Shirai Kuroko,

and I have the honor of being Mikoto's right hand gal.

I don't know if you were planning

to put the moves on her...

but if that is the intention,

you'll have to clear it with me first.


Are you kidding me?!

Do you really think this moron is my boyfriend?!

No, of course not!

I know you'd have better taste than that...

I'm going... I'm sure I can trust you

not to embarrass yourself here, Sissy...

Isn't that right?


If you start spreading rumors, you will pay!


Hello, sister.

Another one?!

I'm confused.

She has a twin?

"Not exactly...

I'm her younger sister," Misaka quickly replies.

Okay, you're her sister...

but why are you talking about yourself

in the third person like that...?

You both have the same last name.

Doesn't it get kind of confusing around the house?

"Misaka's name is Misaka,"

Misaka replies in some confusion.

More importantly... what are you doing here in the first place?

"You want to know the reason

for my presence here at this point in time...

I am in training," Misaka answers.

Oh... training...

Hey, little sister...

could I talk to you for a second...?

We've got some catching up to do.

Quite a bit.

"Unfortunately, Misaka has a schedule to keep,

so she cannot take the time...

It's okay!

Come with me.

Well, we have to get going now...

You probably should, too.

You don't want to miss curfew.

That was weird...

What an interesting family.

Hot day...

Cold drinks...

So heavy...

Least I didn't trip.


That's not fair...!


Damn it...! What'd I do to deserve this?

You're back.

I thought you and your sister

were going off somewhere to talk.

Hold on.

I could've sworn she was wearing shorts earlier.

"You've fallen. Do you need help getting up?"

Misaka is forced to ask, somewhat reluctantly.


You aren't her. You're the kid sister...

You know... you sure look a lot like Mikoto.

"Who's 'Mikoto'"...

Misaka inquires with polite curiosity...

Ah, yes... You're speaking of my sister.

So, why're you carrying around those military goggles?

"Unlike her sister, Misaka lacks the ability

to follow electron beams and magnetic field lines

by eyesight...

She requires a device like this to make them visible.

"Misaka patiently explains to the ignorant young boy.


So, why are you here...?

I thought you and your sister were off bonding.

"Misaka was there before, and now she is here."...

Misaka says.

"Where should we take these beverages?"

Misaka enquires, politely picking up one of the cans

that are strewn about.

Oh, no... It's okay.

I can handle this by myself.

"These beverages do not belong here.

Where should we take them?"

Misaka repeats.

Huh...? No... honestly, it'll be okay...

You're not obligated to help me.

We should act swiftly.


Hey...! Mister Toma Kamijo!

My air conditioner's busted...!

I'm staying here with my brother for the night.

It's like an old-fashioned slumber party!

Oh that's cool...

Is he home?

Nope... No idea where he is.

This is Maika...

My classmate Tsuchimikado is her stepbrother...

Apparently... she's in training to become a maid.

Maid school must be rough, huh...

You don't get summers off, right?

According to our school motto

a successful maid doesn't need to take time off for herself...

You have a lot of drinks there...

Where'd you get so many cans of soda...?

Did you rob a vending machine?

I paid for them all...

and because you asked so politely...

would you like to have one?

Well... since you offered...

One more thing... you have to be more careful

hiding girls in your place...

If I were you, I would make sure

the refrigerator is always kept well-stocked,

because an appetite like that little one has

is pretty memorable.

How did you know about that?

Let's just say that I never would've guessed

that a nun could be so noisy.

"Is that the type of thing you're interested in?"

Misaka asks with a note of disdain in her voice.

You have no idea.

What are they up to now?

Hey... what's going on...?

What're you doing here?

Are you locked out of the apartment or something?

Huh...? Oh, it's Toma!

No, we're not locked out...

Wait a second!

Why did you bring a strange girl home?

The welcome wagon.

It seems you're a person who requires many options...

If no one woman is enough to satisfy you,

perhaps you should look somewhere else.

Seriously, just tell me...

What are you two doing?

Poor Sphinx is covered in fleas.

We're just trying to get rid of them.

So is my place crawling with fleas now, too...?

Damn it! I knew I'd been feeling itchy lately.

We've got it under control...

Calm down.

What is that...? Some kind of fern?

It's an herb called sage.

It's medicinal...

I'm going to burn it,

and the smoke it produces will make the fleas go away

and leave Sphinx alone.

Medicinal... sure...

Sounds more like a recipe for stewed cat to me...

What's that, Himegami...?

Does that go in the stew?

Or what?

This is a magic spray for removing fleas.

A magic spray...? Really?

You simply aim the spray at the fleas

and it eradicates them.

You're more likely to eradicate the cat!

That's a can of high-strength pesticide!

"What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?"

"You simply wish to remove the fleas

without using a toxic substance, is that correct?"

Misaka asks for confirmation.

I think that about covers it...

Do you have a plan?

"Yes, I do...

Watch this," Misaka instructs.

"I used a specific frequency to exterminate only the fleas,"

Misaka reports helpfully.

"I believe you can use a normal insecticide to k*ll the fleas

that may have infested your place of residence.

"Though Misaka does suggest you use it carefully.

Oh... Yeah.

All right, then.

My errand is now complete.

The standard cards used to test for ESP

were changed after an experiment done

in the United States in .

Because of the material from which they were made,

the cards were easily distinguished

by the fingerprints left upon them

by the test administrators...

In order to assure the integrity of the experiment

the cards were...

Hey...! Toma Kamijo...!

Are you paying attention to me?

Yeah, I'm listening...

but is hearing all this history

going to increase my power at all?

Really... He's still a Level Zero.

You can't make something out of nothing, can you?

Be quiet...!

Everything in this world starts out as nothing.

But without time and effort,

it will remain that way.

Miss Misaka of Tokiwadai Middle School is ranked third

out of all Academy City espers...

She began as Level

and through tireless work and dedication

she was able to advance all the way to Level .

She's ranked third...?

That girl?!

What, Kamijo...?

Are you and Miss Misaka acquaintances?

No... Well, not really.

Oh, hey!

You finishing remedial lessons also?

Oh... it's you again.

Stupid things...

I really can't stand those blimps.

Yeah? Why's that?

Because they're nothing but big computers.

Programmed by the machine to control us.

The machine...?

Wait... that does sound familiar...

Gimme a second...

I remember! Tree Diagram, was it?

Yep, that's what they called it...

The most powerful supercomputer ever to exist,

loaded aboard the great satellite Orihime-,

which was launched by Academy City

in order to analyze data regarding the world's climate.

Well, that's what they tell us...

but what d'you suppose the chances are

that such a thing actually exists?


Ow...! Geez...! What the hell was that for?!

Eh... forget it.

I was just rambling.


Well... I'm headed this way, so...

That's Mikoto... isn't it?

It's the younger sister...

Man... if you lose the goggles,

there's no way to tell 'em apart.

Hi again...

Thanks for helping with the drinks and the fleas yesterday.

"I do not require any words of gratitude,"

Misaka informs the boy.

What's up...? Is that for him?

"Misaka would like to feed the cat,

but unfortunately, she cannot do so,"

Misaka concludes sadly.

"She has a critical defect...

one that prevents her from feeding animals,"

Misaka further explains.

What defect?

"Misaka's body constantly emits a weak magnetic field,"

Misaka explains.

"It's not strong enough for people to detect...

but it is a different matter for animals."

"Unless something else is done,

the cat will be taken to the pound,"

Misaka has unfortunately observed.

Well, yeah...

I guess that's true...

"That is not a kind fate.

Do you know how animals are treated in such facilities?"

Misaka pointedly enquires.

You're the one who found him.

So shouldn't you be the one who gets to give him a name?

-It's "Dog." -Huh?

"The black cat will be named Dog,"

Misaka unequivocally declares...

He is a cat... named dog.

Yeah, I get it...

but I dunno...

maybe he should have a more dignified name?

"Perhaps we should call him Nelson Mandela,"

Misaka suggests.

That's overdoing it!

How about Schroödinger?

No... You cannot name a cat Schrodinger.

I'll just be a second.

You can wait out here, right?

"I believe I understand.

Are you looking for a book on how to care for cats?"

Misaka asks him, seeking confirmation.

It's pretty clear I have a lot to learn in that department.

You remember the flea situation yesterday, right?

"That was indeed a regrettable scene...

I'm impelled to tell you, the improper treatment of cats

is a blatant violation of animal protection laws,"

Misaka warns him very sternly.

Hey... come on... that wasn't me.

"You are just splitting hairs...

Though you may not have been directly involved,

the incident did occur at your place of residence,"

Misaka replies, her patience now wearing thin.


I'm guessing they're not going to appreciate it

if I come into the store carrying a cat.

"I have previously informed you of my limitations...

I cannot safely interact with the cat,"

Misaka says for...

You said cats don't like you

'cause of the magnetic field, right...?

Well maybe the two of you can change that...

Could be the start of a beautiful friendship!

"Honestly... That is unacceptable.

What kind of person would

so thoughtlessly throw a kitten around?"

Misaka asks incredulously.

We are all dying to find out.

Who is the strongest Level esper in Academy City?

We should know soon... huh?


Apparently in Academy City,

they butcher innocents and call it experimentation...

Hey, Misaka, how much do you know about this?

Next time, "Sisters."

When science and magic cross paths,

a story is born.
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