Device, The (2014)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Device, The (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

Can you take a break from
your phone for a second?

Sorry. Vinny wanted me to
show a house this weekend.

Calvin, you can't.
We're going up to the cabin.

I know. That's what
I'm telling him. See?


Listen, honey. I... I know you're
nervous about seeing her again

but you don't have to worry.
I'm here for you.

And I'm sure it'll be fine.
Just like old times.

That's what I'm afraid of.

So, tell me what she's like.

I don't really know.
I don't even talk to her that much.

I mean, when you were younger.

Well, we were both kind of rebellious.

You? Rebellious?

- In my own way.
- Yeah, sure.

I will believe when I see it.

Oh, my God! That's her.

- Rebecca, are you all right?
- Yeah, it's just...

Not much has changed.

How old were you last
time you were here?

- I don't know. Maybe...
- 16.

So, what's the plan?

Maybe we should get unpacked.
And settled.

No. I wanna do this first.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

You sure you want me here?

You can go first if you want.

No. It's okay.

You were closer to her.


I've never had to deal
with life without you.

Every memory I have,
you're there with me.

When dad d*ed, you were the
one who rocked me to sleep.

I know how much this place meant to you.

To us.

Here, you say something.

This is the closest I've
been to mom in 12 years.

Can you believe this is the first time
I've been up here? After all this time.

It's a nice place.
I always wanted a cabin growing up,

my family was poor as dirt.
I was lucky if I got to go camping.

So, you're in real estate?

I'm... still fairly new at it.
But I... I think I've got what it takes.

There's... It's good money in it.

- And Abby?
- She's in marketing for a record company.

Indie bands, small label. Very hip.

She's... she's good at it too.

So, what do you do?

Hey, how was your shower, babe?

Amazing, as long as you
don't like water pressure.

- Who does?
- What you got there?

It's my old Kn*fe. From Girl Scouts.
I thought I had lost it.

So, what have you been telling
your fiance about me?

- Why? What were you two talking about?
- We were just chatting.

Actually, Abby told me you two were a
couple of hell raisers back in the day.

- I never said that.
- Yes, you did. You told me this morning.

Yeah, Abby was a real rebel.
Remember you got a B- in Algebra?

- She cried for two days.
- That didn't happen.

Yes, it did. You thought Mr. Zolinsky
was disappointed in you.

Okay, so I should have
punched him in the face

like you did and punish
him for my bad grade.

- Okay, you remember that.
- Yeah.

- You punched a teacher in the face?
- No, not exactly.

Yeah, it was more like,
just his right eye.

Wow, that's bad ass.

- I never punched a teacher in the face.
- Don't worry. There's still time.

Honey, you look a little empty handed.

- How about some wine?
- Yes. Thank you.


How are things in Louisville?
How's Aunt Linda doing these days?

She's okay. Do you talk her much?

No, not in long time.
I was getting sick of her lectures.

- She's still a little off?
- Yeah.

It's getting worse as she gets older.
She was there for us though,

when mom got sick. So, that's something.

Well, we're glad you're here.
Feels weird though. Doesn't it?

Yeah. It's... I don't know.
I don't know what to think.

Are you doing okay? You seem okay.

If you ever feel like you wanna leave,
just let us know.

No, this is good.

I should be here.

My therapist in Louisville told me I
should come back and face this place,

if I had any hope of putting
what happened behind me.

Well, we're here for you.

You were acting a
little strange tonight.

Was I?

Come on, Calvin.
You seemed pretty uptight around her.

I still remember when you were afraid
that corner store guy didn't like you.

Yeah, he was a tough nut to cr*ck.


What's going on?

You know, you never talk about it.

About what happened to Rebecca.

We're going to get married next year.
And you have to trust me.

It's not that.


It's just a messed up situation.
I don't like to talk about it.

I understand.

But she's here now. So maybe,
you should let me in on this.


You know, she was kidnapped. And...

Yeah, I remember all that.

- Her boyfriend, right?
- Chuck.

- And she tried to k*ll herself?
- No.

Not right away.

There was something else.

They never reported. Mom kept it quiet.

When they found her,

she was pregnant.

Mom made her get a... abortion.

Oh, my God.

I am so sorry.

We don't have to talk about this if you
don't want to. I'm sorry I brought it up.

No, it's not that. It's just...

Calvin, it was my fault.


No, Abby, that is not true.

We were up here for the weekend.
We were close, then.

Then, we had this huge
fight about Chuck.

I knew he was a scumbag and I...

I wouldn't leave it alone.
And we were screaming at each other,

and then she ran off
into the woods and I...

I didn't see again until after
the search party found her.

Abby, it's not your fault.
You couldn't have known.

If I hadn't chased her away,
it wouldn't have happened.

Abby, that's not true.

Chuck was obviously a psychopath.

If it didn't happen then, it could
have happened another time.

Great. That makes me
feel so much better.

I didn't mean it like that.

You're a great motivational speaker.

I... I know this is a
horrible situation,


At least, Rebecca is here now.

With us.

We'll do everything we can, for her.

We'll make it work.

The worst is behind her.

We can be a family.

How are you, happy camper?

City slickers won't leave me be. They know
not the meaning of a true vacation.

Speaking of which, thought you said you
wouldn't work while we were up here?


No. I'll get her.

- Sure?
- Yeah. Go back to work.






Rebecca? What is the matter?

Sorry. I just...

Something about this place
reminds me of that night.

What did your doctor tell you?
To take a tour down memory lane?

Doesn't he understand
what you went through?

You don't understand.
It's not that simple.

Then lay it out for me.

I had to come up here.
I can't explain it.

Don't you worry about anything.

What happened is in the past. I'm here now
and we're gonna get through this together.

I know you wanna help me,
but you don't know what I've seen.

What is that?

- What happened here?
- Let's go back.

It's really light.
There must have been a plane crash.

- Abby, I don't know...
- Looks like it happened recently.

We shouldn't be here.



- Did you see it?
- Yeah, it's definitely a crash.

Not sure about this, though.

Do you think it was a bad
idea we came up here?

It's too late to worry about that now.

We just have to deal with
the situation as it stands.

Yeah. I guess so.

I just wish I knew why she freaked out.

What she went through was traumatic.
I don't think she was ready to face it.

Calvin, just because you took
those online psychology courses,

doesn't mean that you can
cross-analyze everyone.

Jesus, Abby. Calm down.


It's just...

- It's been a stressful day.
- How's Rebecca doing?

I gave her something to help her sleep.

Rest is probably the
best thing right now.

How are you feeling?


Are you hungry? Do you wanna
get up and stretch your legs?

We shouldn't have gone up there.

- Becca, what's bothering you?
- We weren't meant to find that.

You brought that back?

- We have to get rid of that, right now.
- Becca, calm down.

What's the big deal?

- I don't want it around me.
- Calvin, get it out of here.

- Get it away from me.
- Calvin, now.


It's okay. It's gone.
Now, what's gotten into you?

We shouldn't have come back here.
This was a mistake.

Becca, I don't understand why you're acting
like this. Nothing happened up there.

Everything happened up there.

It's beautiful out here.


It's okay, honey.

She's gonna be fine.
It's just a transition period.

You think so?

After what she's been through?

Plus your mom sheltered her after
everything that happened, right?

That's what I used to think, but...

Or maybe mom was just
trying to protect her.

No. Abby, don't start thinking that way.

It's better that Rebecca faces this now and
learns how to stand on her own two feet.

We can help her do that.

Maybe you're right.

I like hearing that.

Don't hear it too often.

That's because it's not
true all that often.

I really appreciate you being
here for me. And Rebecca.

Of course.

I love you.


Becca, is that you?

What do you want?

We have to leave this place.


- Rebecca, Good Morning.
- Good morning. Where's Abby?

She's... She's out at the car.

- You feeling any better?
- Organizing?

Yeah, we packed up our stuff
this morning. We're going home.


Oh, sweetie. How're you feeling?

- Okay, I guess.
- Good.

I know you packed light, so I
figured we'd just eat on the road.

Why are you in such a rush?

Last night, you were the
one who was in a rush.

What are you talking about?

You came into my room
and said we had to leave.

What do you mean?
I slept the whole night.

No, I... I walked you
out my room, and...

And then...

Okay. Whatever. Sounds like you
had the most boring dream ever.

I'll go get my bag.

- This is such a nice place, Abby.
- We just bought it.

It was our first act as a
soon-to-be-married couple.

Looks expensive.

Well, it was a little bit of a stretch.
But Calvin got us a really good deal.

The guest room is all set up for you.

Yeah. I... I'll show it to you.
You'll be really comfortable there.

Thank you so much, you two. I really
appreciate how welcoming you've been.

Don't mention it. You're family.

Hey, what's going on down here?

Calvin? Oh, my God,
you brought that home?

Abby, you've...
You've got to check this out.

The table's uneven, right?

Lift the edge of the table.

- Why?
- Just... grab the edge. Lift it.

Hey, what are you guys doing?

Is that what I think it is?

I'm sorry, sweetie. I didn't know.

It was... It was totally me.
This thing is...

I have never seen anything like it.

- Well, what do you think it is?
- I don't know.

But that was a crash out there, right?

Well, every plane has
to have a black box.

A black box?

Yeah. They're indestructible.

They record everything
that happens to a plane.

They come in handy when one goes down.

The engineers study it. Find out what
happened that caused the accident.

So, it's a black box?

I don't know.

Shouldn't it look like a box?

I... I don't know.
It could be some new model.

Why did you want me to lift the table?

I was just doing some tests,

but... If it's gonna bother anyone...

you know, we don't have to.

- Do what you were gonna do.
- All right, Abby.

Grab the edge of the table
and lift it to make an incline.

Little higher.

What the f*ck?

That is not a black box.
You shouldn't have brought that here.

It's just a f*cking black ball.
Who knows what it is?

That is exactly why you
shouldn't have taken it.

What if it is a m*llitary thing?

Absolutely. It could be something
experimental. A prototype.

So, why do we want that?

- What if it's worth something?
- So it's about the money?

I don't know but it
could be worth a lot.

And if it isn't, I just
wanna know what it is.

What if it's dangerous?

Dangerous how?
That you might step on it and slip?

What if it's radioactive or something?

- Are you kidding me right now?
- I don't know.

Listen, it's fine. I promise.

If at any time, it seems like it might
be dangerous, we'll contact the authorities.

- The authorities?
- The police.

The f*cking army. Whatever.
We'll hand it right off.

But it might be worth something
and how will we know unless

we find out what it is first?

This could be good for us.

Help pay for this house
that you love so much.

Okay. If it seems dangerous
at any point, it's gone.

- Abby.
- It's fine.

Now, I'm not scared of...
Whatever it is.

Neither am I.


Calvin? Calvin? Calvin!

Honey, what's wrong?


My God... I had a nightmare.

It's okay.

You're awake now.

So, nobody knocked these over?

Honey, I swear.

As much as I like to avoid
incurring the wrath of Abby,

I would not lie about this one.

I didn't do it.

Oh, my God. I'm really gonna be late.
Vinny's gonna k*ll me.

- Have a good day at work, honey.
- You too. Love you.

Oh, Rebecca, feel free to dig into the
books or movies if you get bored.

Thanks. See you later.

I gotta go too. I'm sorry
it's so busy this morning.

I didn't sleep well last night,
I lost track of time.

- It's fine.
- If you need anything, call me.

And if you can't get a hold of me,
Calvin's number is on the fridge.

All right.

Just make yourself at home.

- Thank you.
- Yup.



Wow! Hi, Aunt Linda.

Been a while since we've spoken.
What's up?

I was checking in on Rebecca.
She hasn't been answering her phone.

Well, she's been doing great.

Really great. I love having her here.

- It's just like old...
- And your mother's ashes?

We took care of that right away.
Rebecca and I did it together.


We took them up to the old cabin
and we spread them out on the...

You did what?

We poured them into
the lake at the cabin.

- Aunt Linda?
- What did you think you were doing?

- I don't understand?
- Send Rebecca home, on the next bus.

You have done enough,
don't cause her any more pain.

What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?

You should never have
taken her up there.

- What are you...
- Send her back home before it's too late.

- What are you talking about?
- Abby, send her home.

Hey! What was that about?
Sounded serious.

It was nothing. A solicitor.

Yeah, mom used to curse
those guys out too.

How was work?

- It was good.
- Good.

When do you have to
get back to Louisville?

I don't know. I bought a one-way ticket.

- Check this out!
- Calvin!

Not a scratch on it.

And that tells us what?

- That should've taken a chunk out of it.
- But it didn't.

Calvin, it's almost time for dinner.
Can we please go upstairs?

Oh, Jesus!

Sorry, I thought you heard
me coming down the stairs.

What are you doing?

I couldn't sleep.
Is everything all right?

I just...

Had another weird dream.

What was it?

I don't know. Just weird.

I haven't been feeling too well, lately.

Yeah, I'm gonna call
Dr. Lieberman in the morning,

see if he will squeeze
me in for a checkup.

Yeah, I bet he'd like to squeeze you in.

Calvin, shut up.

You are the only woman I know
that can get a doctor's appointment

on the same day she calls.
Why do you think that is?

You have a headache?

Yeah, my head has been hurting
me the past couple of days.

What if it's that thing?

Nah, that doesn't make any sense.

You've been spending a lot
of time down here lately,

maybe it has something to do with it.

No, not my...

My head's been bugging me for a
couple of weeks, before the cabin.

You just said it was
only a couple of days.

I know.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I didn't want to worry you.

Calvin, you have to
tell me these things.

I do worry about you.

I'm gonna get you an appointment
with the doctor tomorrow, too.


Come to bed soon, please.

Okay, Abby. Looked at your charts.

- Any good news, doctor?
- Maybe.

So you say you've been feeling
sick the past week or so.

Yeah, sort of nauseated.

Does it tend to come on
stronger in the morning?

Like a morning sickness?

I suppose.

Wait, are you saying what
I think you are saying?

We're sorry, your call...

- Wow! That was a waste of time.
- What?


Apparently the medical community is fairly
impotent when it comes to headaches.

They told me to take two aspirin,
like I don't know that.

They didn't say anything else?

There wasn't much to say.
I took a full physical instead.

They said it was overdue.
How was your appointment dear?

The good doctor was happy
to see you, I'm sure.

He said I was pregnant.


- Really?
- Yeah.

Honey, that's great.

- Really?
- Oh, my God. Yeah!

Okay, I can see you are
excited but what about work?

What about work?
They have maternity leave, right?

I'll put in some more hours...

Push some more properties,
I can make enough for both of us.

Calvin, I like where I am
at with my job right now.

What if months of maternity
leave jeopardizes my position?

Listen, honey, I know how important
landing that job was to you.

But this, is a baby we're
talking about here.

Our baby.

And with everything that's happened lately,
your mother passing away,

and your sister coming to stay with us.
Hasn't it made you think?

- Think about what?
- Just about family.

About how important it is,
and how little of it we have left.

I'm excited about starting
a family with you.

Just feel lucky you don't have to carry
our family around in your uterus.

I don't have a uterus.

But, I will carry you wherever you want.

What the f*ck?

Oh, God! What are you doing?

Sorry. Are you okay?

Where were you?
Don't you know how late it is?

What's wrong?

Why did you put that
thing under the bed?

What are you talking about?

This stupid sphere.
Why did you put it under the bed?

- Calvin, I want it gone.
- Don't be ridiculous.

What did you just say to me?

Look, I...

I just mean, that this thing is harmless.
We still don't know what it is.

Calvin, are you even
listening to yourself?

You just said we don't know what it is,
so how can you know that it's harmless.

What's going on?
Why are you acting like this?

I'm having nightmares.

Yeah, I know.

They say that can happen in
the early stages of pregnancy.

Like the ones I've been having?
I don't think so.

No. Really.

Vivid dreams or nightmares

can be the product of all the
hormones from the baby.

How do you know this?

Well... You know all those
pamphlets Dr. Lieberman gave us?

I've been reading them.


Yeah. Honey, I know that you're scared.

But you don't have to
go through this alone.

I may not be experiencing exactly
what you are, but I can help you.

I still want that thing gone.

I don't like it.


I promise.

You're quite the cook?

What is that supposed to mean?

Nothing. It's just nice to know
that some things never change.

I am sorry for taking the time
of cooking you breakfast.

Relax, Abby. I was just kidding.

Yeah. You and Calvin are always kidding.

Maybe I'm not in the mood
for anymore f*cking jokes.

Jesus! Sorry.

Next time, give me a heads up
when you're in a bad mood.

You know, my therapist says it's not healthy
to take out your frustrations on others.

Well, we all don't have the luxury
of running away to Kentucky,

every time something goes wrong.

Is that what you think happened?

You think we left it all behind
and everything got better?

It must have helped,
or you wouldn't have done it.

I'm sorry, Becca.

I understand... I guess.

If my boyfriend did to me
what Chuck did to you,

- I would have run away, too.
- Abby, none of that happened.

- What are you saying?
- Chuck didn't r*pe me.

Of course, it happened.
You were pregnant.

I didn't know what happened
during the time I was missing.

I didn't remember. Not at first.

Becca, what's going on?

You made me so angry that night...

telling me what I could and couldn't do.
I ran away wishing you weren't my sister.

I walked through the woods,

to Sal's gas station
out on the main road.

Called Chuck to come and get me.

He showed up a little
while later and... we talked.

Parked by the side of the road.

He was sorry that you and
I were fighting about him.

He really wasn't such a bad guy.

But then something happened.

And the lights in the dashboard d*ed.

I thought maybe we had been sitting
on the side of the road too long.

k*lled the battery, you know?
But, Chuck wasn't so sure.

When the lights came back on,
he started up the car.

It seemed like he wanted to get
us back into town in a hurry.

We took McLusky Road, as a shortcut.

We were so close to the cabin.
I thought you might see us.

There was no light out there.

Just what we could
see in the headlights.

We went up this incline, and when we
came down the other side, there was...


Abby, there were three...

Three what?

I'm sorry. Maybe we shouldn't
talk about this right now.

Becca, we've been not talking
about this for 12 years.

I think it's way past time when
we started talking about it.

Abby, there were three UFOs.


- Like, flying saucers?
- I know you know what UFOs are.

You used to love the X Files.

Yeah, but I didn't believe.

We saw them. Chuck hit the brakes
hard and then the car just, d*ed.

I started screaming.

I couldn't stop.

I've never been so
scared in my whole life.

No, I don't know what to do with this.

I can't... I can't think
about this right now.

- Abby...
- That is just a lot to take in.

I'm not really sure I...

You should sit down.

Why didn't anybody tell me this before?

It took a lot of time.

A lot of therapy to start remembering.

So what did mom think?

She knew about this?

Apparently, I was babbling about
this sh*t when she found me.

When Chuck never showed back up,
everyone else said I was out of my head.

And that what really happened is
that he kidnapped and r*ped me.

But mom believed me.

Even when I didn't fully
remember what happened.

She trusted what she had seen in my
eyes when they first found me.

What about the baby?

I'd been with Chuck before.

I didn't even know I was pregnant until
after they found me and ran tests.

After everything happened, I was...

I just couldn't think straight.

I guess I believed what
they said was true and...

I let mom convince me to...

Get the...

What happened after the car d*ed?

There were these horrible creatures.

Not little green men at all.

They came out of their
ships and they took us.

We couldn't fight back. We were frozen.

What happened to Chuck?

They took Chuck away.

I heard him screaming,
but I never saw him again.

Abby, I'm so sorry.

I wish I had had the
guts to tell you sooner.

Mom said we should never
talk about it with anyone.

It's just the baby.

I'm gonna go lay down for a while.

You don't wanna talk about this anymore?

Becca, just let me go and lay down.

Who's running away, now?

- Hey, you're finally home.
- Where's Abby?

She's been resting most of the day.
She hasn't been feeling well.

Thanks for taking care of her.
I'll be in the basement.

So, what are you doing down there?

No, no, no, no.

I can't.

They're family. We have a family.
It's our family.

I can't do it.

I won't.

What test?

Well, if, but, If...

If I can't, then, then who? Who?

It's not mine?

No. Okay. Yeah.




Abby? What's wrong?

Where's Calvin?

I don't know. I haven't seen
him since I went to sleep.

Is he in the house?

Let me check.

It looks like his car is gone.

He's always gone when I need him.

Okay. Well, I'm here.
Can you talk to me?

I had another nightmare.


I've been having them ever
since we were up at the cabin.

There's bright lights, and then horrible
creatures and then they grab me, and...

I knew something was wrong.
We should have never gone up to the cabin.

What are you talking about?

Mom told me that grandma
used to tell her stories

about weird things happening in
the woods by the cabin, I just...

Stop trying to put horrible things into
my head. The only reason I had the dream

is because you've filled my mind
with a bunch of sci-fi bullshit.

I can't handle this.
I feel like I'm going crazy.

No. Abby?

You're not going crazy.
Don't think that for a second.

That's what they want you to think.

I don't need this, Rebecca.

This isn't helping. I just want Calvin.
Where is he?

Last I saw, he was heading
for the basement.

Abby, wait.

He said he'd get rid of it.


Abby, what are you doing?

If he won't get rid of it, I will.

- Good. I'll go with you.
- Stay away from me, Rebecca.

My life has been nothing but a
disaster since this thing showed up.

You mean since I showed up.

Well, I never would have found it,
if you didn't go crying off into the woods.

I only ever do that when you are around.



Where's the sphere, Abby?

f*ck you. Where have you been all night?

Where is it?

I got rid of it.

Just like you said you
were going to. It's gone.


Where is it? Abby, that...


Could make us rich.

It's time to stop
f*cking around, Calvin.

There are more important
things to be worrying about,

like all the time you're spending at work.
And in the basement.

You told me that family was the
most important thing to you,

but you're never around. And even when
you're here, you're not really here.

How dare you talk to me about family?

What's that supposed to mean?

I got a call from Dr. Lieberman's
office this morning.

Yeah, so? What did they say?


I'm sterile.

- What are you saying?
- I'm f*cking sterile.


I can't have kids.

It's not my baby, you f*cking bitch.

That's not possible.

It is possible. It's more than possible.
It's a f*cking fact.

It's science. I'm sterile.
It's not my baby.


You wanna talk?

You wanna talk about family?

Come on. Let's talk.

Whose is it?

- It's yours.
- Yeah. Right.

Whose is it? Somebody from
your f*cking office? Who, Abby?


I've only been with you.


Of course.

Immaculate conception, I suppose.

I am so honored.

This baby, is really going
to be something special.

This is Linda Wallace.

- I'm not here right now.
- sh*t!

Please leave a message after the beep.

Aunt Linda...

It's me, again.


I need to talk to you.

I don't know what's happening, and...

Rebecca is gone.

I think I'm going crazy.

Hello. Abby?

Aunt Linda, yeah. I'm here.

Where's Rebecca?

I don't know.

I told you to send her home.
I knew something might happen.

She told me what happened.

And... I've been having these...

- dreams.
- Abby, stop. I don't wanna hear it.


Our family has dealt with a lot
of weird sh*t over the years.

There's only way that we've been able
to cope. You don't talk about it.

- That's crazy.
- Don't start with me, Abby.

It's not my fault you were too good
to see things for what they were.

You were always too
good for the rest of us.

You want answers?
I'm not going to give them to you.

I don't know where Rebecca is.
So could you just give me something?

Dr. Sydney Mora.

He's the one who performed the abortion.
Go ahead and talk to him.

Well, what can I tell you
about my most famous patient?

Rebecca... told me a story.

I don't know what to believe, though.

What, you don't believe your own sister?

She's unwell.

All these things tend to...
run in the family.

I can't find her and I thought if you
told me about what happened then,

it may help me now.

Well, frankly, I'm not
surprised that she's missing.

I always thought they'd come back.

With all the things
these visitors can do,

I'm sure finding an old test
subject isn't very difficult.

You're saying you believe in aliens?

Well, you'd have to be a fool to not
believe that in this gigantic universe,

there's no other intelligent life.

Believing there's life elsewhere
in the universe is a lot different

- than believing your sister was abducted.
- Believe what you like.

So, when you saw Rebecca, your first
instinct was she had been abducted?

No. Of course, not.

Your mother brought her to me

because she knew I would do what
needed to be done. I was discreet.

When she first walked
in here, she did tell me

what your sister had said
upon being discovered.

She obviously believed her.

I had my doubts.

That is until I saw Rebecca.

- What did you find?
- She had bruises on her arms and legs.

As though she had been held
down with great force.

Now, in a kidnapping situation,
this would not seem out of the ordinary.

But then I saw the cuts.

She had an incision on her torso that was
nearly healed when they brought her to me.

But with the depth of the cut...

Why, that would be impossible for,
for someone only missing a week.

- I've never seen a cut.
- She also had a small incision on her palm.

Looked as though she'd
been scratching it.

I did a scan and discovered a
piece of metal under the skin.

What was it?


Tracking device. Who knows?

So the implant is why you
believed my mother's story?

It wasn't until after I performed the
operation and I removed the fetus from her,

that I realized your mother was
not as crazy as she sounded.

- What was wrong with it?
- It was quite...


Deformities that I had never seen in
all my years practicing medicine.

You see, in my line of work,
we build a healthy constitution towards

the things that make other
people uncomfortable.

But seeing that...


That is something that still
wakes me in the night.

You're with a child.

It is... my fiance's.

I know what you're carrying.
And you brought that into my house.

Please leave now.


What am I supposed to do?

Jesus, Calvin!

Where's Abby?


is not home.

Where is she?

- I was hoping you could tell me.
- I don't know. I haven't been here.

We got into an argument.

Just like old times?

So, what was the fight about?

Did she tell you about the baby?

What about the baby?

It's not mine.

Yeah, that's how I felt.

I might have taken it a little
better than you, actually.

This can't be happening.


Where's the sphere?

I don't know.

Is it with Abby? Does she have it?

I don't know, Calvin.
I haven't been here.

You know more than you're telling me.

I don't know where
that f*cking thing is.

Abby got rid of it. It's gone.
You'll never see it again.

I doubt that.

We'll see Abby and the sphere soon.

We just have to make them come to us.

What are you...

I warned you, Abby.
You should have listened to me.

f*ck this.


Rebecca? Just tell me where you are,
and I'll be right there.

- Rebecca can't really talk right now.
- Calvin?


What the hell is going on?

I know about the baby.

And I know you have the device.

I need you to bring them both to me.

- Where's Rebecca?
- She's right here.

Let me get her for you.

Say hi to your big sister.

You son of a bitch!
What are you doing to her?

If you don't bring what
they want up to this cabin,

I'm gonna k*ll her.

You wouldn't.

You have no idea what
I'm going through,

or what I would do to make it stop.

Okay. I'll leave right now.

Good Girl.


don't call the cops.

They'll know.

She's on her way.

You know, this isn't what I wanted.

I love Abby.

I was...

so excited when she told me the news...

about the baby.

But now it looks like the joke's on me.

I've seen things.



I know what you've been through.
And I've seen pieces.

I don't want to see anymore.

I don't know how you made
it through all these years.

But they'll come back.

For the device.

For Abby.

Getting you back will just be a bonus.

Maybe then... they'll leave me alone.

Get out of my head!

Oh, my God! Rebecca, I'm so...

That's a good girl, Abby.

- Calvin, what the f*ck are you doing?
- It's what I have to do.

We shouldn't have to wait long.

- For what?
- They're coming now.

- They'll take what's theirs.
- And then what?


you love me.

Is this what you want?

I wanted a family with you.

Our family.

Calvin, it's your baby.


How did you find out you were sterile?

The doctor...


Did he really call?

I don't remember.

I think so...

How would they know
you were sterile, Calvin?

It's yours.

You want to get rid of it,
is that what you want?

It's not about what I
want anymore. I need...

The voices, the pictures, in my mind...

to stop. There's only one
way that happens and I...

I can't control it.
I'm sorry. But it's true.



Let's go home.

Let's go home.

Don't you f*cking
touch me, I'll k*ll you.

I'm so sorry.


Oh, God.

Where are you? Where?

No, no, no.

You're here.

You found it.

I brought it for you.

I brought them.

In case he comes back.

Did you hear those screams?
He's not coming back.

Well then it's for his friends.

I don't think that'll work.

Do you have any other suggestions?
Because I feel a lot safer going with a g*n.

I don't think we can stop them.

There has to be some way.
How come they didn't find me after I left?


Oh, sh*t.

I think they're already here.

Not this time, you f*ckers.

You didn't load it?

Oh, we gotta go get the shells.

Your baby is healthy, Ms. Powell.
Would you like to see him?


Why is he so quiet?
Why isn't he crying?

He doesn't cry, Ms. Powell.
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