Advantageous (2015)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Advantageous (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »


In the past 10 years,

the pace of communication and commerce
accelerated astronomically, didn't it?

AMANDA: That lecture was interminable,
I need an espresso.

JULES: Duchess Carrie likes espresso.

GINGER: Who's Duchess Carrie?

Duchess Carrie likes certain things,
but not other things.

Can you figure out what
Duchess Carrie likes?

Caffeinated things?


- Tea?
- AMANDA: Nope.

With the Center's latest
technological innovation,

we are working to empower the average
person with a pragmatic response

to today's unforgiving jun...


Impenetrable job market.

GINGER: Uh, does she eat?

AMANDA: Good question.

She eats croissants and crabapples.

She likes things that begin with "C"?

No. She enjoys espresso.

AMANDA: No collaborating.

JULES: Croissants...

She's French.

You need to play more games, Jules.

Only one of you can be the winner.

If you cheat, then nobody wins.


GWEN: And as a result...
JULES: Adenine...

GWEN: And due to overpopulation...
WOMAN: Cytosine.


GWEN: Today's job market...
WOMAN: Guanine.


GWEN: There's no surprise
that anxiety and depression...

WOMAN: Thiamine.

GWEN: ...have become the norm.
WOMAN: Uracil.


AMANDA: Duchess Carrie likes
looking at the moon.

Duchess Carrie loves feeling cool.

Moon, cool.

[SIGHS] Double letters...

Duchess Carrie likes double letters.

Jules already got it.



JULES: [SIGHS] Not again.



DAVE: Where's your umbrella?

It's not raining.

It is in Cherbourg.


Dave, you're calling me.

Don't you think we should
give this a little more time?

I need to talk to you face to face.

I wasn't calling about us.


It's something much more important.

End call.


This conversation has ended.

That's your mother?


She doesn't even look like a mom.

Holo me when you hear from Arcadia?

Tell her about the Eastern Board luncheon.

I'll make sure my mom holds you a spot.


[GASPS] The pen.

I like it. It's old-looking.

- Who was that with you guys?
- Amanda Malthis.

Oh, you decided you like her?

She has interesting moments.

She wants me to go with her
to this bonding camp for Eastern.

JULES: So they're saying that
all this wacky hormonal stuff,

it's coming from pressure
to be hyperproductive.

We have too many choices and we're
making the same ones over and over again.

And they're the wrong choices, actually,

so it's like natural deselection.

Our DNA is opting out.

Did you know that by the time I'm 20,
I may not have any ova left?

You know, for babies.

You'd think awareness
would help things, but...

Awareness influences things.

It just takes time.

How much time?

GWEN: Jules.


I was going to tell you
when you were a little bit older.

About the eggs.

I can adopt from other regions.

There's always going to be orphans
who aren't as lucky as us,

who need families.


And I've always wanted a big family.

[SIGHS] Crud.


It's an automated message from Arcadia.

I can't listen.

This is Melanie Matthews
from Arcadia Prep Dean's Office.

Although Jules' grades were top-notch
and her test scores were excellent,

there were a record number
of applications this year.

And ultimately, due to capacity issues,

we could not make Jules part of
Arcadia Prep.

MAN: And I see
the workers fill those buildings.

These guys are going
to get our economy moving again

with their innovation and productivity.

There is a bright future ahead.


NEWSCASTER: Rebel group Terra Mamoria

is claiming responsibility for two
of the four nation's explosions today.

That's a beautiful one.

WOMAN: Here at the Center for
Advanced Health and Living,

our procedure provides a solution
for any long-term health concerns.

The experience is akin to a seamless jump
into a disease-free body

of your choosing.

Through a lossless,
relatively painless process.

Would that this process
were more painless.

Let's review Gwen's old test.

It'll remind us of what we're looking for.

Do they know it could take a year
to find someone as uniquely qualified?

Gwen Koh's test, please.


COMPUTER: Username, please.

Isa Cryer, damn it!
We've been here all afternoon.

In fact, the decisions we make
in life define us.

So, shouldn't every woman be defined
by the totality of her choices,

rather than her race, height or health?

These are things she often cannot control.

Here at the Center for
Advanced Health and Living,

we are working to offer you the safest
alternatives to invasive cosmetic surgery

so you'll have every chance to be the you
you were meant to be.

Thanks for taking my call, Dave.

I'm sorry, Mr. Fisher.

I know you're quite busy.

That's all right, what's up?

I've been thinking about
my contract renewal.

I've been working below rate for a while.

Yes. You know,
we've just been talking about that.

You were?

Marketing just submitted a report
showing pretty clearly that

a younger demographic would benefit
from awareness of our technology.

A lot is riding on this launch,

and we simply can't afford to alienate
any potential market.

Of course.

DAVE: The board just realized,
albeit on the late side,

that we're obligated to go a different
direction for the face of the Center.

Have... Have you already
found your younger candidate?

They've started to search.

Isa Cryer is aggressively
reviewing candidates.

Gwen, I did fight for you.

There's no question
that you possess the highest level

of poise, talent and beauty.

I'm sorry.

[VOICE BREAKING] No. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Jules didn't get into Arcadia.

And I don't know why. She's brilliant.

Oh, you know, it's just as likely
you didn't know the right people.

Did she get in anywhere else?


Oh, well, with Eastern on her transcript,
she'll have options.

My daughters went there.

I know, but tuition has doubled
since your daughters.


You're going to land on your feet.

You have to.


Upstairs woman or downstairs woman?




GWEN: Why aren't you at school?

Conservation day. Are you going to Paris?

Mmm-mmm. I have a short day too,
so I could meet you after piano.

Did you have your first taste of the day?


Hello, this is Gwen.

DRAKE: Hello, Gwen. This is Drake
with Dream No More outplacement network.

Oh, hello, Drake.

Uh, just one second, please.

- Sure.
- I have to go. Are you set for today?

Uh, what should we tell Amanda's mom?

- About?
- The Eastern luncheon.

Tell her I'll be there. Get more details.

So I can go to Eastern?

- I got a call yesterday...
- About the raise?

Yes, about the raise.

DRAKE: Gwen, I called to let you know,
that your information,

as of 3:30 a.m. this morning,
is in our system and you're good to go.

I'm actually on my way in to see you.


Well, don't you have a speech to give me
and then we sit down together

and focus on the new days ahead?

Sounds good, but you're already
a noted professional.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

I'll be in touch the moment
we get a response.




DRAKE: There's one space you could fill
right away.

I'm sorry. Yes?

Your recent physical pre-qualifies you
to be a paid egg donor.

An egg donor?

It could offset living costs until
we find you something more permanent.

Many women are not able
to have children anymore.

And due to the great demand,
the donor age threshold has risen.

Miss Koh?

How long does the process take?

Three months.

You'll be paid after the harvest.

That's not soon enough.

Can we just focus on the jobs
that I've outlined on my form?


GIRL: Take what you can get.

Have a lovely day, Miss Koh.

Are you okay?

GIRL: Are you?

COMPUTER: Username, please.

GWEN: Gwen Koh.

That entity does not exist.

- Please try again.
- Gwen Koh.

That entity does not exist.

EVAN: Hello Gwen.

Evan, my ID's not scanning.

What can I do for you?

Is Dave Fisher in?

He's offsite at the lab.

Is that wardrobe?


- Please hold.
- Thank you.



ISA: I found a solution
to our problem, Fisher.


I'm sorry. I'm a bit surprised.

I've rarely seen you over the years.

The dungeon's being renovated.

[CHUCKLES] Yours too?

How's the job search?

Well, there's been interest
in the past, so...

I'm not worried.

You've been pursued?

By companies at our level?

Well, I'm hardly surprised.

People connect to you.

The question that we have to answer is
in this current job market,

with shifting desirability targets,
can they get ahead looking like you?

And at your age?

My position here wasn't only
about being a face.

And the knowledge I've acquired here,
I can carry into other positions.

Teaching, for instance.

You've taught before?

In grad school.

In grad school?

Well, even in the real world,

you won't make close to what
you were making here.

The education profession has gone
pure tech.

There is nothing in our generation's
skill pool that can compete.

Well, there must be something
in a mere human existence that has value.

You and I, in our lifetimes,
will see progress

than the previous century.

But, because we're mere humans,
we won't be able to comprehend it.

Humans can only grasp change
at a rate they've experienced it.

Which is why they are being left behind.

How is your daughter?

I understand she's quite a talent.

She keeps me alive.

As do my girls.

There is nothing fiercer
than a mother's love.

GWEN: Hello, Drake.

DRAKE: Hey, Claire.

Uh, no. This is Gwen Koh.

Hello, Gwen.

I see here you just called me.


Yes, Gwen.

Have you heard something?
Do I have an interview?

There's been some activity
on your account.

You've received several inquiries.

And one counter endorsement.

Counter endorsement?

A flag has been raised about
a detail on your resume.

What part of my resume?

It is currently under investigation.

It's a mistake.
I have verifications for everything.

Drake, can I ask who's filed
this counter endorsement?

[CHUCKLES] Would you like me to tell you
my astrological sign too?

I'm sorry?

Are you sorry?

Drake, are you a human being?

That's a funny question.
How do you define a human being?

Do you have blood running
through your veins?

Do you get thirsty?

That is a definition of a human being?


I didn't know.

That sounds more like a human being.

Not to know.

Account information.

- COMPUTER: Gwen Koh.
- Balance, please.

- Checking or saving...
- Combined.

- a*t*matic payment will be made after...
- Cancel a*t*matic payment.

- Canceled.

How long will you be staying today?

How much is it again?


Did you need company?






Did you hear me? I was terrible.

No, you weren't, where's Ginger?

I told her not to come over.

Holoprof was trying to finish the 20th
and 21st centuries in one class period.

All I remember is the 2033 bubble

and the New York traditionalist movement,
which he said is taking over now.

- Which I challenged.

Are women really going
backwards going forward?

You're not.


Let's get you something to eat.

Mmm. She's not open.

I don't know why I'm alive.

That's a bit extreme.

What happened with Ginger?

There's so much to do.

I need to exercise more, study more,

I need to do more volunteer work in art.

I need to be smarter, nicer,
prettier and classier.

But what's the point?

- Many reasons.
- Like?


And good food.

Being loved by your amazing mother.

None of you know what you're doing.

You all pretend to have a plan for us,

but everyone's just either greedy
or desperate.

Why did you have me?

When you knew the world was so bad
and you had to struggle so much.

You're all alone with no one to help you.

There was a time when I was also confused
why I was alive.

And I guess something
in me thought that...


I mean, I thought having you

might make my life more...


You make me very happy.


COMPUTER: Archived message.

LILY: Hi, this is Lily.

Your one and only cousin?

Happy birthday.

I'm at the restaurant.

I still worry about you.

It must be really hard to be
on your own these days.


I hope you have somebody.

NEWSCASTER: For our next hour,

we'll be discussing the recent rise
in child prostitution in our country.

Its causes, symptoms and...

One week of water left.

NEWSCASTER: A report last week
from the Department of...

I should get paid tomorrow.

...found that 4% of girls and boys
between the ages of 12 and 18,

will have taken part
in a sex work activity...


Where did you get this recipe?

My cousin Lily.

Lily from the picture?

GWEN: Yup. She taught me when
I had to work at her restaurant.


WOMAN: Gwen Koh.



How wonderful you could join us.


My Amanda has told me so much
about you and Jules.

Gwen is the head of the
Center for Advanced Health and Living.

One of the most forward thinking companies
in our midst.

About to reveal the biotech bubble
of the moment.

You're a scientist?

Oh, not exactly.

Olivia's intrigued by any woman making
her way through the job climate today.

Especially with the backlash
we're experiencing.


OLIVIA: I'm sorry.

We would have moved forward a while ago,
but her father has clout.

We do what is best for our children.

We do.

We studied Jules' CV,

it's clear your agenda for your daughter
is as your career, unstoppable.

Gwen, the mission of our bonding camp
is hundreds of years old

and 100 years into the future.

We comingle the finest boys and girls,

in advance
of their prep school experience.

Have them introduce their innate talents
and dreams to one another.

To create a culture
that will cohesify them

through their years together in school.

In our world's history,
even when resources were limited,

there's always been room for an elite.

As there's less room now,

we're putting our brains
and our pocketbooks where it counts.

This all sounds good.



I'm just wondering...

We've put in 30K each,
we would ask you for 10,

to hold the waitlist spot for Jules.

I might need a day or two.

Loosen up Jules' father.


He's not a part of our lives.

And isn't going to be?

Not even Jules' life?

That is a wild card.

Hello, dear.

This is the only time
in your daughter's life

when her choices will make a difference.

Take the help you can get.

SOON YANG: Gwen, look at us.

We're talking again after all these years.

What a blessing.

So let's do this right, okay,
and learn from our mistakes?

I'm truly sorry for leaving you alone
with Jules and turning my back on you.

Mom, thank you for saying that, but...

I have to get something together, now.
Or else...

Or else you'll continue to suffer, I know.

And so will Jules.

So, how much money do you need?


$40,000 would get us
through the next month.

[LAUGHING] $40,000?

Access costs money, Mom. You know that.

So, who does she look like now?

She looks like herself.

Well, send me some pictures, okay?

You know,
it doesn't matter who she looks like.


Your father thinks about you, you know?

He talked about you in his sermon today.

Mom, don't.

Okay, uh, let me call Dad.


If I don't ask your father...

He's not ever going
to meet my daughter, Mom.

I will die before that happens.


[expl*si*n AND RUMBLING]


He's changed.

God has forgiven him.

Your father says I can't help you.

Aren't you still working?

Let's pray for your forgiveness.

- Remember, you used to love to pray?

- I...
- Dear Lord,

please listen to us.

- At this time, we're ready for you...
- I'm hanging up now. take away this sin
that Gwen has committed.

- Goodbye.
- Thank you for your infinite patience...

- ...dear Lord.
- I love you, Mama.

And your infinite mercy
that you have shown Gwen.

Goodbye. End call.


SOON YANG: Please look down on her
now with love and heal her of this sin.

Help her to start a brand new life.

A brand new life with you
at the center of her heart.

And please,

please watch out for Jules

and wrap her in your loving care,
dear Lord.



Sorry, how've you been?

Am I too old?

To be of use?

What're you talking about, Gwen?

So many women are out of work.

Some are in real trouble.

To be frank, there is talk
among recruiters about

letting women stay unemployed and,

well, return to the home.

The perception is it's safer than putting
millions of desperate men on the street.

Safer? For whom?


Make me the younger candidate.

I'm sorry?

The procedure you're launching...

Use it on me.

Put me into a younger body.

You don't want this.

We haven't had any
civilian test subjects yet.

I want to be the face of the Center again.

I've done all the prep work already.

I'd be both an expert and a user.

Your ideal spokesperson.

I'm the best there is at this job.

Can I talk about this later?

I really need to do this later.

I can't get an interview, Dave, not one.

I really have to go.

I have to position Jules now.

If I can get her into a good school,
she'll have a chance.

I can't let her become one of these women,
so desperate that they would do anything.


you would do the same for your own girls,

if you were in my place.

Marketing has a specific
physical type in mind.

They're looking at candidates
that come off as a touch more universal.

So if I could tell them
that you'd be willing to

give them full control over the creation
of your host body,

that might show them
how much you care about

the product's success.


DAVE: You'd be willing to do that?

The point is to push the product, right?

When isn't it?

I'll talk to them.

Thank you.

ISA: Evan?

EVAN: Yes, Miss Cryer.

Make replications of Fisher's last call.

CC the Board.

EVAN: Working on it.

DAVE: Couldn't say this on the record,

but most of our test subjects
develop breathing issues.

They have to get a sh*t
every two hours for a year.

There's recurring pain.

I'll deal with it.


Evan, what's wrong with our filters?

I can barely understand them.

EVAN: There's an error.

Working on it.

The board was expecting
you'd offer yourself up.

You're the logical next step.

After this, the board'll wanna
protect their showpiece,

bring you into the elite.

Jules'll get what she needs.

Are you ready to explain all this to her?

I've been trying not to think about it.

Well, think about it.

This might be a bigger sacrifice
than you imagine.

Gwen, it's not like you're
a consciousness in a jar

that we're dumping into another jar.

The technology is not there yet.

What's the reality then?


EVAN: It's the location.
I don't think there is a fix.

ISA: [SIGHS] What're you trying
to hide from me, Fisher?

Please don't do this.

But this is still Jules'
only chance though, isn't it?

You know it is. You just won't say it.

I'm not going to get another job.

They'll make sure of it.

I want

Christmas with her first.




JULES: What's wrong?


I was thinking about dinner.




GWEN: If I had to go away,

you'd be able to take care
of things here, right?

You'd do okay without me.

JULES: I guess so. How long?

I don't know. A while.

A while sounds too long.

I hope you think you're pretty.


If someone asked you to change something
about the way you look,

what would it be?

My nose skinnier, my shins longer,
my jumps higher.

We did this in class.

And what would you change about me?


We're going through a shift at work.

It comes along with my raise.

What kind of shift?

In my appearance.

They want to appeal to younger audiences.


I guess that makes sense.

It's good that they'll pay for it.


GWEN: They're here.

Goodbye, Miss Koh.

JULES: Hi, Mom.

Everyone's calling their families
before we go tech-free.

But you can still reach me
through the camp office if you need me.

It's super-beautiful out here.

Really quiet.

I think I just heard myself blink.

I love you.

I hope you're not working too hard.

You should go out
and celebrate your big raise.

COMPUTER: New message.


It's Lily, again.


I hope you got my last message.

I wanted to wish you a happy birthday.

You know where to find us.









I remembered the code.

All three of our birthdays.

We never changed it.

Just one minute.

Is Lily out there?

You need to call us first and say exactly
why you wanna see us.


- Han!

Okay, we're not putting her through this.


I'm sorry, okay?

I didn't know that. Okay, I'm coming.

All right, bye.


Okay, she's had a long day.

It's not a good time for this.

- I need to...
- Please.

Go. Please don't do this.

I am begging you.

You need to stop watching
those crime shows.

- What's the matter?
- Nothing.

- Where are the boys?
- They're waiting for you in the car.

- You're taking them to practice, right?
- Yeah.

Thank you, honey.

I'll go pick up menus for dinner.

GWEN: I have to see her now.

Lily! Lily!

HAN: Well, this is a nice surprise.

But we're about to open for dinner.


We have time.

It's fine.

Go get the boys.

You should meet.

Lily, do you remember...

Gwen, we're really busy today.

You know, don't you?


Han told me.

It was a long time ago.

I had a child.



Had a child.

HAN: That's not possible.

She was seeing other guys.

I lied about that.

Well, then you're lying about this.

- No. Her name is Jules.
- HAN: No.

GWEN: She just turned 13.
HAN: No. No.

You can't do it this way.

Lily, I f*cked up.

And so I stayed away as long as I could,

because I didn't want to do
any more damage.

The only reason I'm here is to ask
that you consider helping me,

helping your daughter,
and then we'll be gone.

- HAN: The boys are still in the car.

- Han!
- Am I taking them or not?

You know,
you never believed I was there for you.

Even when we were little.

Why would you be there for me?

I slept with your husband.

And he slept with you.

You must feel so lonely.

I lost my job.

I just need help for a year

or six months,
and I can even pay you interest.

You won't even have to see us.

You can move on and be the same
as you were before.

Why do you do this?

Why do you continually go into things
that will be a disaster?

I've been trying to get you
to help me heal this family.

And when you finally show up,
you just bring more pain.

That's what I do.


The parking lot's filling up.
We need to open now.

- LILY: Okay.
- Hey, you.


I can't talk about this anymore right now.

I wish I had time. But I don't.

We need time.

This is a lot.

Shh, it's okay.

Aren't we going to practice?

As soon as we open the restaurant,


We have kids too.

I know you've always been there for me.

I know.



JULES: We did sitting meditation, too.

But it wasn't as fun.

Sometimes if things got loud or

I couldn't go to my room
I would do the spinning.

I felt energetic afterwards.

Like I could do anything.

I met a ton of fun people.

GWEN: People.

A boy?


But I miss Ginger.

GWEN: Jules?

Do you remember what I said about

having to make a change at work?

It'll be hard for me to
take in oxygen at first,

which will affect
the blood flow to my brain.

You may have to remind me of things.

Especially what's important to you.

This is a big change.

No one will recognize you.

I'll have a special ID.

And as more people get the procedure done,

it'll feel easier to explain.

JULES: She's pretty.

Don't you think so?

Would you feel okay around her

first thing in the morning?

If you were sick?

Imagine if she got frustrated

or even mad.

You keep saying "she."

It's still you, right?


I'm sorry. This whole thing is
kind of weird for me too.



What is this?

Is this me?

You're amazing.

- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.

Listen to me.

It's good to be humble,

but you need to know your value.

The ideas, the wisdom,

and the kindness in you.

That's the secret beauty everyone wants.

Are you okay?




Might be a bit sensitive, emotionally.

The Center's procedure

provides a painless alternative

to invasive cosmetic surgery.

We move you into another body
in a lossless...


The Center's procedure

provides a painless alternative
to invasive cosmetic surgery.

GWEN 2.0: The experience is akin to
a seamless jump into a brand new body,

circumventing the extensive recovery
period of invasive cosmetic surgery.

I can attest to the seamlessness
of this experience,

not only as the head of the
Center for Advanced Health and Living,

but also a very satisfied test subject.


Okay. So who out there thinks
they have an imagination?

[CHUCKLES] Everyone?


Okay, everyone. Close your eyes.

Imagine a world where you were
diagnosed with a terminal illness,

but you live to see
your great-grandkids go to college.

Now let's imagine living 40 years
with a clubfoot.

But on your 50th birthday,

you're a professional ballet dancer.

Now open your eyes.

You don't have to dream up
that world anymore.

That world is here,

and it's yours.


COMPUTER: New recorded hologram message.

I was in shock.

I hope you understand.

The day you visited us

reminded me how much
I hated who I used to be.

We wanna help.

I miss you.

JULES: Did you forget your sh*t?


I forgot my sh*t.




Don't come to meet me anymore.

Not until you feel better.

You think I'm an idiot.

It doesn't matter what I think of you.


Did the operation make you weird?

You seem weird.

MAN: The majority of people
who are down on their luck

are peaceful, law-abiding citizens.

But you know,
there are these people out there

that think the way to solve it is
v*olence and destruction,

bombing and terror.

Look at the success of our city.


New skyscrapers going up all the time,
bigger and better.

These are

majestic, gorgeous works of art

designed by some of the top
internationally-renowned architects.

We live in a great, great city and we are
fortunate to be alive in these times.

GWEN 2.0: Don't get distracted.

I'm not.



Can you turn that off?

I thought you liked it.

Not right now.


Can you cheer up?

- What for?
- How about for your mother?

Because of me,
you might actually get somewhere

instead of dreaming your life away.

I'm not dreaming.

I'm thinking.

Where's my mother?

- Get back to work.
- You're not her.

Where is she?

What happened?

[WHISPERING] Get away.


Well, you were right.

About the pain not going away.

I feel this anger.


something is sitting next to me,
screaming all the time.

It's what we're calling
mnemonic dissonance.

It's your new body's instincts clashing
with your old memories.

It might help you
to concentrate your thoughts

on what's good for your daughter.

For some reason I don't want
to focus on her.

Your animal connection with her
may not feel like it's there,

but it will come back.

I think

she and I need a break from each other.

Jules needs your help with
her transition into prep school.

She hates me.

She'll probably be relieved
to get away from me.

But I don't mind.

[YELLS] Then what was the point
of any of this?

DAVE: Do you remember this place?

Yeah. We met here before Christmas.

Well, we didn't.

Someone's got to straighten out
your priorities

before you squander everything for Jules.

This might be a bigger sacrifice
than you imagine.

Gwen, it's not like
you're a consciousness in a jar

that we're dumping into another jar.

The technology is not there yet.

What do you mean?
My marketing characterizes the procedure

as just that,
a consciousness transplant.

That's marketing.

What's the reality, then?

In order to reproduce your memories,

we have to plant electrodes in your brain,

and in the brain of the new host.

We use a semi-separable feedback loop
between the two of you

to generate a psycho-physiological twin.

New neurons, cloned matter.



She'll be a copy of you.

Same skills, same likes and dislikes,
same personality,

but an entirely separate awareness.

So there'll be two of me then?

Once the electrodes are removed,

the host brain can repair itself
because it's still young.

But your older brain can't.

Your particular awareness
will cease to exist.

You mean, I'm gonna die?

Your cloned brain will wake up
in the new body with all your memories,

and since she knows nothing else,
she'll believe she's you.

But this is still Jules' only chance,
though, isn't it?

Please don't do this.

I want

Christmas with her first.

And, Dave,

Jules can never know.

Why don't I remember any of this?

Gwen needed you to perform
without misgivings.

So I excluded this memory
from the transfer.

She gave away her life with her daughter.

There's nothing inside of you
that knows what that meant?


There's nothing left?


ISA: Sales are through the roof.

Was I someone else before?

ISA: Body donor.

Do you remember my last conversation
with Gwen in the holding room?

Can you feel that part of her reaching
through you towards her little girl?

That part is lost.

Just inform me if you need
any additional changes.




Did you k*ll her?

She did this.

She's gone, Jules.

I'm sorry.

I don't believe you.


She wouldn't do that.


I can't seem to find my


I'm not gonna be here for anyone else.

I'm not gonna be here
for any other reason.

What's wrong?

I don't really know why I'm alive.

Doesn't matter.

Whatever you do will be wonderful
and worthwhile.

How do you know?

I know because you're kind.

People say being kind is being weak.

You're alive because of energy

and empathy.

Your mother had so much of it inside
of her, she needed to get it out.

So she made you.

You're starting to sound like her.


I'm sweating.

I hate sweating.

Are they late?


Let's do the meditation thing
you learned at camp.

That was fun.

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