24 Hours to Live (2018)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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24 Hours to Live (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

ZERA [NARRATING]: I remember the
first time I set foot in Africa.

Thought I'd hate if just
like Iraq, you know?

Figured, it's just more f*cking
sand to k*ll each other over.

But I was wrong.

It was the most beautiful
place I ever seen.

Took my f*cking breath away.

Then I signed with Red
Mountain after my second tour.

You know they offered four
times what the Army paid?

Better equipment,
choose your deployments.

My family's piss-poor,

so I thought I hit the lottery.

You know? Get rich to
make the world safe?

f*ck, yeah.

Yeah, so much for that.


Hey, hey.




Get us out of here!



Oh, sh*t!

MAN: Go, back it up!
Get us out of here!



[g*nshots RICOCHET]

- MAN: f*ck.

- [g*nshots]
- Aah!


Are you alive?

Yeah, I'm alive.




There you go.

I hope that's
not the bait Kn*fe.


The fish hate you, you know.

You think?

Yeah. Fish
like older men.

If you read more, you'd
know about these things.

And because they hate you,
we haven't caught anything.

Now, why is it they
hate me, exactly?

Animals in the natural world
are drawn to the souls of men.

can see the light

that emits from inside us.

Well, is this a theory,

or something you read, or...?

Yeah, in a book in the library.

[LAUGHS] Library.

You've never been
to the f*cking library.

It's called Shamanistic Spirit Animals.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

My point is, you've got no soul.

And there's no light inside,
and they know that.

They see it.
They smell it.

But fish can't smell.


You are drunker than me, Frank.

Are you ready to do this?


I can't believe
it's been a year.

At least they're together.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- FRANK: You know...
- TRAVIS: What?

FRANK: The shortest distance

between two points
is a straight line.


That's brilliant.

Why are we not doing it?



- We made it.
- Oh, sh*t.

We left the couch on the beach.


Where are you going to sleep?


I'll sleep on the floor.

That's because you're
such a hard ass.

No, it's because...
because I love your rug.

Want some water?


All rivers run into the sea

if the sea is not full.

Good night, Frank.

Where are you going?

I'm going to...
go for a walk.


They loved you.

Don't forget that.


Thanks, man.

Do me a favor, don't
do it out here.

Wouldn't dream of it.

STRIPPER: Hey, daddy.

You liking the girls tonight?

I don't go to strip clubs.

I got a wife and kid.


MAN: Hey! The door is jammed.

Somebody open the door!

Hold on a second.
Hold on, I got it, I got it.

Here, take this.

MAN: What the f*ck?



Open this door!

Come on, open it!

Hold on, I got it.

All right, just give me a sec.

Come on, open it!

Open it!


I got it.
Hold on, hold on.

Here you are. Here you go.
Open up...


Can I help you guys?

MAN: We're Red Mountain!

We're supposed to find you.

Jim Morrow sent us.

I told Jim I'm on hiatus.

What the f*ck?

It's some kind of emergency.

It's always an emergency
with you guys.

- Jesus Christ.


MAN 2: Shake them titties.

You know, they
were my best guys.

I'm not impressed.

So, you don't call,

blow off my checks.


You know, I feel like a
prom date the day after.

Well, I told you, I'm
on hiatus, you know?

I know. I know.

So, what do you want?

I want you to have a drink.


Try a peanut.
They're great.

I want you to put a pin in your
vacation for a couple days.

I need you to k*ll
somebody for us.


You do that for me,

zip back here and
resume your reflection.

Just call me on Monday
when I'm back, huh?

It can't wait till Monday.

Then get somebody else.

You really need me
to say it, huh?

You want to hear it?

Red don't want nobody else.
They want you.

They want the best.

How about that?

Still tough sh*t. I
don't work for anybody.

I'm an independent contractor.

- Yeah.
- Like you used to be.

Yeah, they're well aware
of your free agency.


thank you for the drinks.

I'm leaving.

You want to hear me out?

No, I don't.
Say hi to Jasmin.

Wetzler's offering
a million a day.

One million.

That is a suspiciously
high number, even for him.

Yeah, well,

the job comes with a mop.

Somebody else f*cked it up.

How high are you
authorized to go?

One point five.

Wow. And you take
your usual cut.

You know what?

I don't do this for
laughs no more, buddy.

Oh, sh*t.

You get that offer
doubled and I'm in.

There you go.

MORROW: There he is.

There's your target.

His name's Keith Zera.
He's 26 years old.

He's one of their own?

Mm, he was.

He's now scheduled to testify on
camera for a U.N. investigation.

- Against Red Mountain?
- Mm-hmm.

For what?

See, I just got you two
million reasons a day

why the answer to that
question doesn't matter.

Now here's what matters.

Yesterday while in transit
across the Namibian border,

an attempt was made on his life.

And now Interpol, they've
hidden him off grid.

They're sending somebody to take
his deposition in the field,

but the location's unknown.

When's that going to happen?

Sometime Friday afternoon.

So I got 72 hours to find this
whistle blowing do-gooder

somewhere in Africa,
and terminate him.

- There you go.
- What went wrong the first time?

Red Mountain used local militia,

tried to make it look like
a kidnapping gone wrong.

- Numb nuts.
- f*cking stupid.

- You see,

they underestimated one element
of his protection team.

Her name's Lin Bisset.

Now, she's the last
person seen with him...

and the reason
he's still breathing.

Interpol, huh?


Mother of one?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I don't worry about that part.

It's starting to feel
kind of ugly, Jim.

Yeah, well, they're all ugly.

$25 billion corporation

Half the U.S. Senate is
beholden to Red Mountain.

I know. I know. I know.

It's bullshit.

But they want him taken out.

Keep reading, pal.

We're wheels up in 10.

How did you do it?

LIN: I fell at' work.

You know how clumsy I can be.

Are you minding
your grandmother?

Not really.


When are you coming home, Mom?

Tomorrow night.
I promise.

Okay. I can't wait
to see you.


- Yes?
- Hi.

I'm sorry to bother you
so early in the morning.

I'm not even sure if I
have the right address.

I'm looking for an old
friend, Lin Bisset.

We spent a semester abroad
together at Oxford.

VICKY: Uh, yes.

VICKY: That's my daughter.
What's your name, sir?

My name is Dennis Merrick.
I'm from the States.

Is she here? Could I--
Could I speak to her?

Unfortunately, no.
But if you like,

I can tell her you came by.

All right, I appreciate that.

Dennis Merrick, okay?
From Oxford?

- Okay.
- Okay.


actually, if it's not
too much of a bother,

I was really excited about
the chance to surprise her.

And do you know
where she might be?

How I could find her?

She's flying home tonight.

TRAVIS: Is that Lin's son?

We Skyped last night.

She hurt her hand,

so she's coming home early.

Who are you, anyway?

I'm Dennis Merrick.

From Virginia.

Old friend of your mom's.

Never heard of you before.

- Christopher!

It's all right.

He's just watching
his mother's back.

I respect that. I got a son
about the same age as you.

What are you, 10 and a half?


What is that?

Is that a Wolverine bag?

Can I--
Can I see that?

See, I went to the store today

to get one of these for my son,

but all they had was the Hulk.

So I didn't get one.
I don't know why...

Because the Hulk sucks.

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

That's right.
Because the Hulk sucks.

All right, listen, you
two, thank you so much.

And, you know, I hope we get
to meet again sometime.




FEMALE VOICE: Identification.

Yeah, Yankees suck.

What can / do for you,
Mr. Conrad?

Yeah, I need
the passenger manifests

for every flight departing
from Cape Town, South Africa,

inbound for Hong Kong
in the next 30 hours.




Hey, you guys know
an 11-letter word

for "traveling saint"?

I don't know.

TRAVIS: No idea? You didn't
go to Sunday school, huh?

[CHUCKLES]: All right.

Thanks, guys.

MAN 3: Safe travels.

Hey, you know an 11-letter
word for "traveling saint"?


Nothing, huh?
I knew it.

Excuse me, do...

forgive me, but do you
know an 11-letter word

for "traveling saint"?



[IN ENGLISH]: I do a lot of traveling
for work internationally.

I'm trying to learn
a little bit as I go.

Obviously I need to learn more.

[IN ENGLISH]: You have
a nice flight, too.

I'm going to need another beer.

BARTENDER: Here you go.

Thank you.

- No, no, no. f*ck off, man.
- What'd you say?

I said that's
my girlfriend's seat.


I'm sorry.

St. Christopher.

Eleven letters.

Nicely done.
Thank you.

My son's name.

Really? Huh.

What happened?
You miss your flight?


Oh, damn.

I thought I had it bad.

Got about 6 1/2 hours to k*ll.

I know a much better
restaurant than this.

Can I take you out to dinner?


All right.

Let's settle up here.

What happened to your hand?

A work accident.

A work accident?

That sounds suspicious.

What do you do?

I think I'm starting
to like you,

so I don't want to answer that.

So you're a stripper.


No, no.

Let's just say that, um...

my company tries to convince
people to buy things

by persuading them they
can't live without them.

And is that what you're
doing right now?

Trying to convince me to buy?

I don't think of myself
as a product,

and I certainly don't think
of you as a customer.

Don't you have
someone back home?

I did.

I lost my wife and son
a year ago this week.






Hey, Jim.

Yeah, I got the target location.

Hey, salesman!



let me call you back.

I was just leaving
you a message.

Shut up!
On your knees.

All right, Lin,
put the g*n down.

- Everything's all right--
- Knees! Now!

- Now!
- All right--yes, yes, yes!



ADAM: I miss you, Daddy.

When are you coming home?




You're welcome, assh*le.

TRAVIS: Love you, pal.

I'm sorry.

TECHNICIAN: We have a heartbeat.

- Help me!


- What's his name?

Do you want him back or not?

What's his f*cking name?


- Travis. Travis.


My name is Helen.
I'm a doctor.


Just follow the
sound of my voice.

Just stay here with me.

It's all going to be okay.

His pulse is stabilizing.

Just stay here with me, Travis.

There we go.

You're doing well.

Hey, man.

What the hell's going on, huh?

The Interpol agent...

she sh*t you.

Do you remember?

She k*lled you.

And we just brought you back
from the abyss, my friend.

That's impossible.

Well, it's not, actually.

Red Mountain, they've been
developing this procedure

for years now.

And you wouldn't believe

what they've done
to make this work.

Truth is, some of it's
pretty f*cked up,

- and...

...it's classified.

What do you mean
it's classified?

How come you didn't tell me?

WETZLER: Top clearance, Travis.

Or, quite simply,

because you hadn't
been k*lled yet.

Moments prior to your
death, you made a call

stating that you knew the
location of the safe house

where Keith Zera is
making his deposition.

Do you remember the location?

We've less than two hours

before he makes his deposition.

This information is vital.

WETZLER: You're certain of that?



This f*cking procedure
is finally paying off.

This is on you.
k*ll Zera.

- Personally.
- Personally?

I'm sorry, is that a problem?

MORROW: I'm a handler now, sir.

No more wet work.

I gave my word.

To whom?
Your wife?

Jim, this is the
moment, you realize,

that the unseen line between
friendship and profession

is not where you thought it was.

And because Conrad went soft

and let the Interpol agent live,

you'll take care of her as well.

Yes, sir.

Now, this is it, Travis.

You're one hell of a w*apon.


Hey, Jim, get me off this thing.


I can't do that.

What do you mean?

This was always
going to be a patch job.

You're never going
to leave this box.

I'm going to get
the doc in here.

Give you something
to make it go quick.

We've done some
f*cked-up things.

This is how it ends, buddy.

I'm sorry.

Jim? Jim?





It's a very powerful narcotic.

I know what it is.

It's such a waste.

I'm sorry.



What is happening to me?

You're going to die.

- How do I stop it?
- You can't.

- Who knows more than you?
- No one!

I designed the procedure.

Your body will reject
the drug cocktail.

Your mental faculties
will break down.

Even if you survive that,
which no one ever has,

there's a built-in
fail safe.

- The Lazarus unit.
- How long do I have?

How long do I have?!


You have less than



Secure the perimeter!



All right, come on,
move, move, move.


What are you doing here?

You're not supposed to be here.



What's happening to me?

You're hallucinating.

It's a side effect of the dr*gs.

I'd run if I were you.

I made the mistake

of not k*lling a woman
once already today.

Don't make me regret this.

I'm sorry.

FRANK: Travis, you
disappeared on me.

TRAVIS: Believe me,
you have no idea

how much I wish I was there.

FRANK: Well, where are you?

I'm in South Africa.


I'm not coming back, okay?

Not, uh...

not ever.

What's wrong?

I'm in a bad way, Frank.

Bad like what?

[LAUGHS] Well...

oh, um...

let's say bad as it gets.

It all caught up with me, pal.

You were right.

I don't think I do have a soul.

Probably never did.

You were such
a great father-in-law.

You really were.

TRAVIS: I wasn't there for them.

No excuses.

Travis, you meant everything
to Kate and Adam.

Don't give up.

TRAVIS: Hey, taxi.


Give me that cell phone.

All right, now give me the keys.

Give me the keys.

We'd been working security
on a crude pipeline

stretching from interior Congo
to the coast.


And one day we got a
call for reassignment.

INVESTIGATOR: By "we," you
mean who specifically?

ZERA: Rapid-deploy unit.

Red Mountain's top crew.

We'd been...

we'd been all over.

So our orders were to be
in Namibia by next morning.

So tell me about the
events of that morning,

June the 7th last year.

We traveled through the night.

Fifty kilometers
northwest of the border.

It was real remote bush,
you know?

Typically, we'd take in two SU\/s
or maybe even a Blackhawk,

so I was surprised
when I was told

to bring up heavy equipment.

What kind of equipment?

Two loaders, a dozer,
and a dump truck.

ZERA: They took us out to
a remote container yard.

was inside, Mr. Zera?


Everywhere. The place
was packed with them.

Militia bodies?


Men, women, and kids.

Was there indication
of how they d*ed?

No. Not' at' first'.

At least not to us-

And then, yeah,
we started noticing

that each one had scars

and on their wrists.

Turns out they'd been medically
f*cking experimented on.

And how many bodies
would you say?

I'd say at least 70.

By that night, we'd dug a pit

half the size
of a football field,

and we b*rned and buried them.

Each one.
All 70.

All into a single mass grave?


ZERA: Which was when
they reminded us

about our confidentiality

and told us that
we'd each be getting

a $50,000 danger pay bonus.

You know, I took
two tours of Iraq,

so, yeah, I've seen some sh*t.

But I...

I never signed up to burn a dump
truck full of dead civilians.

And that is something
I will never,

ever get out of my head
as long as I live.


INVESTIGATOR: How long have
you worked for Red Mountain?

Get down!

- [g*nf*re]

MAN: Move! Move! Move!


Stay down!

- MAN: Go! Now!
- LIN: Move!

All right, move in.
Take them out.

GUNMAN [OVER RADIO]: Roger that.

- MAN 1: This way. Hug the walls.
- MAN 2: Move, move move!

BLANCHET: Get to that door!


Get down!

Let's go.

Come on.



Get up.

Get in the car.

I should have k*lled you
when I had the chance.


ZERA: Well, look who it is.
The $2 million man.

Do not ever point
a g*n at me again.


All right, all right. Hold your horses.
Here we go.



You seem to be
a pretty popular man.

What do you have
on Red Mountain?

- That's classified.
- I don't give a sh*t.

What do you have on them?

I got enough to bring the
whole f*cking thing down.

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm your assassin. If you don't
stop pointing that g*n at me.

- I'll point the f*cking g*n--
- Hey, calm down!


Oh, sh*t.

Oh, sh*t!


g*dd*mn, what the hell do
you have on these guys?

- Get down!
- Oh, sh*t.

- Wake the f*ck up!

- Oh, sh*t!

Oh, sh*t.

LIN: You're going
to k*ll us all.

You'd be dead already
if it wasn't for me.

You just said you were here
to k*ll the man I'm protecting.

So forgive me
if I don't trust you.

[LAUGHS] Trust you?

You just sh*t me.

Would you two just get
your f*cking sh*t together?



Are you okay?

ZERA: Am I okay?

Yeah, a sh*t of morphine,
a couple stitches,

I'm f*cking golden.

Well, don't go to the
same doctor I did.

- [g*nsh*t]

Oh, sh*t.

Roll out.


Let me see, all right?

ZERA: I don't want
to go like this.

LIN: I'm sorry.

See you in 16 hours.

MORROW: I'm good. I'm good.

Where's the card?

The card?

f*cking memory
card, where is it?

I have no idea.

"I have no idea," huh?

You didn't look,
you didn't check.


Our orders were very clear, sir.

Neutralize the target,
recover the cam--

Get the f*ck out of here.




WETZLER: Status?


This is your third
major f*ck-up.

I don't care what you have to
do or who you have to k*ll,

finish it.

I've spent over
a billion dollars

on this procedure to change
the face of warfare-

- I get it.
- Do you?

Do you realize
what's on the line here...

for me, for you,

for your family?



Give me a secure line.

WOMAN [OVER PHONE]: Identification?

Red Sox suck.

What can I do for you,
Mr. Morrow?

Green-light Hong Kong.


When they find out you
have that deposition,

they're going to come at you
with everything they've got.

LIN: He tried to do
the right thing.

TRAVIS: Yeah, well they should
chisel that on his grave.

- LIN: Now what?
- TRAVIS: Take this car.

Go home. Go back to your life.

Send somebody back
for the bodies.

What do you mean, bodies?

I've only got 16 hours and

That's my personal
"on and off" switch,

compliments of Red Mountain.

This is as far as I go.

It's a f*cked-up
outfit, Lin.

Somebody's got to do
something about it.

Just not me.



speak to Travis, please?

It's someone for you.

- Hello?
- There he is.

My friend, the dead guy.

You have no idea.

And Zera?

TRAVIS: He's even deader.

Congratulations, pal.
You're wet again.

We've got her kid, Travis.

If she wants to see him again...

you'll bring me the card.

That's all I want.

Come on, you know
how this works.

You know what's on
that deposition, hmm?

Just tell her to bring it in.

You're a real charmer, pal.

You got any more secrets
for me, old friend?

Red Mountain...

they've taken Christopher...

in exchange for the deposition.




TRAVIS: Listen to me.

I'm going to help you
get your son back.

I promise.

I promise.

TRAVIS: You know, he's already
on their jet flying here.

They're going to bring him
to their corporate headquarters.

Okay, I know the route
their escort vehicle takes,

so we'll hit them before
they ever get downtown.

How do you know so much?

I know all their
abduction protocols.


Because I've used them.




ADAM: Come with me, Dad.

Come with me, Dad.

I miss you, Daddy.

TRAVIS: I miss you too, buddy.

Are you going to stay this time?

MORROW: Roscoe, Mike, let's go.

- Jones! Conrad!
- TRAVIS: I promise.

TRAVIS: I'll be back to
stay this time, I promise.

All right? Listen, I got to go.

Do you think you can put
Mommy on the phone?

KATE: You can't keep
doing that, Travis-.

Making promises you don't keep.

I'm making more
money this week...

KA TE: We don't need the money.
We need you.

Now you're not home
because of this company.

Kate, please, I can't keep
having this conversation.

- All right? Please?
- MORROW: Travis, let's go!

LIN: Travis!



Let's go.

What's happening?

I'm fine. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Where are you going?

You don't want
to open that door.


You know, I know the team
that's bringing in your son.

They're very good.

We're going to have
to get creative.

Your wife and son?




All right, I've got
somebody we need to go see.


Travis Conrad. At

What can I say?
I missed you, pal.


Yeah, I wish I could
say the same.

Who's your friend?

Amahle, Lin.
Lin, Amahle.

TRAVIS: We met in '94,
back in happier times.

Yes, when we were
both real soldiers.

You know, we call
him Travis the Cat,

because he has nine lives,
he always lands on his feet,

and licks his balls.


And now this stray has
wandered into my home

at this time.

For what?

What do you know
about Red Mountain?

They provide a lot
of assistance here.

Money for sanitation,
training, youth programming.

LIN: Over the past two years,

hundreds of refugees
have gone missing.


My sister, please.

Tell me something I don't know.

They were abducted and
m*rder*d by Red Mountain.

Used for experimental
medical procedures.

Real Mengele-type sh*t,
you know?

Human beings used as lab rats.

You know there are a lot
of people in this township,

people that work for me,

whose families
have gone missing.

Come, let's go for a drive.

MAN: You're late. Call it in.

All right, the rest
of you, let's hustle.

Base, this is Retrieval
team leader.

We're en route on November
two, approaching Mews Way.

We've got what looks like
a car fire on the main road.

Requesting permission
to reroute.

Permission granted.

Just get your passenger
f0 base ASAP.

Units 2 and 3, we're taking
a detour around this mess.



Is that Travis Conrad?

f*ck, man.

Units 2 and 3, dismount,
but let me handle this.

Hey, man,
what's your name again?

You can call me Z.

That's right, Z.
How are you?

Can't complain, Travis.

- How are you?
- I've been better.

I got $318,000 in this bag
here I'd like to give you

in exchange for your passenger.

Well, that's a very
generous offer,

but you know I can't
do that, right?

Yeah? It's worth
your life to you?

What you going to do?

I got you outgunned 12 to 1.



TRAVIS: You see
all these people?

These are the families
and the friends

of those villagers who you
guys somehow made disappear.

Hey, I had nothing
to do with that sh*t.

Yeah, well, I don't
think they give a f*ck.

Well, maybe you do give
a f*ck, all right?

You don't remember me,
but I served under you.

Musizi Bridge, Congo.

I know how you roll, man.

It doesn't have to
go down like that.

What's your name again?

- Z.
- No, your real name.

- What's your name?
- Zack.

All right, Zachary,
listen to me.

I wasted my whole life
learning how to hurt people.

I k*ll people for money,
just like you.

And you know what it got me?


It took my wife, it took my son.

It took everything,
you understand?

So I got a lot of work to do...

before I forgive myself,
all right?

So I'm leaving here
with that boy.

And you can either walk
away with a bag of money,

or I'm going to walk away
over your dead body.










TRAVIS: Come on, let's go!
Let's go!

Let's go!

- He's in the other vehicle.
- How do you know?

Because the passenger never
rides in the rear vehicle.

It's protocol.

Out of the way!
Out of the way!


We can't lose them.


There they are.



Just trust me, all right?

- Christopher!
- CHRISTOPHER: Mom, is that you?


I can't see.
Take this thing off.


How have you been?

Oh, I love you so much.

Get out of here.
Go, go, go, go, go.

KATE: I can't do
this alone, Travis.

TRAVIS: Kate, listen to me.

I talked to them.
This is the last time.

The next time I come
home, it's for good.

I promise.

TRAVIS: I promise.

We need to get you
to a hospital.

It's a little late for that.

You saved my son.

Well... well, no,
you did that.

Come with us.

I still have some work to do.

TRAVIS: And you need
to get that testimony

to the authorities.





Zàijiàn, Wolverine.

Zàijiàn, Hulk.

AMAHLE: Travis.

Is he still alive? Whoa, hey!
That's my ticket downtown.

Okay, guys.

TRAVIS: I hope you know
I know every protocol

for bringing in a passenger.

So if you deviate,

try to expose my position,

I will not hesitate
to eliminate you.

- Okay.
- You got it?

Yes, sir.

So call it in, all right?

Just be calm.

- Just call it in.
- Okay.

Red Mountain base,
this is Retrieval Unit 2.

Inbound with passenger.


Retrieval Unit 2,

this is Red Mountain Base.

Please identify.

DRIVER: Whiskey-foxtrot 9-3-4-2.

WOMAN: Confirmed. Your team missed
your last' mile marker check-in.

What's the status
of the passenger?

Passenger is secure.
Approaching east gate now.

Copy that. Proceed.

- All right, you did a great job.

You can relax.

You know, I just probably
should let you know

that I'm going to be dead
in about 18 minutes.

So the only thing
I give a sh*t about

is f*cking with these
guys long enough

to let this woman
and her child live.

- You got it?
- Yes, sir.

If you'd like to see tomorrow,

you just keep making sh*t work.

MORROW: You saved
my ass back there.

TRAVIS: Semper fi, buddy.

TRAVIS: ls something going on?

We've been through some
crazy sh*t, huh, buddy?

Hell, yeah, we have.

We've always known the risks.


The people that we go after...

can retaliate.

TRAVIS: Something happen?

Something happen to Jasmin?

No, man.

Kate and Adam.



they're gone.

Man, I'm sorry.

What the f*ck?

This is not a kid.

- DRIVER: Please don't sh**t me. I'll do whatever you want.
- Sit up. Sit up!


WOMAN: Excuse me, sir.

There appears to be a disruption

occurring at the north gate.

Loading closed-circuit
video now.


Put us in full lockdown.

Then tell Mr. Morrow
I'd like to see him.

Yes, sir.

Sir, we have a situation
at the front gate.

Yeah. I know.

f*cking Conrad.





Get out of here!

Go home before I change my mind.

All right, Travis.
Now let's get to work.

What are you thinking?

Patch me through to the gate.

WOMAN: Right away, sir.

Let me talk to him.

Travis, it's me.

It's over, buddy.

MORROW: You hear me?

These guys,

they're not like us-

There is no loyalty.

There is no code.

There's only one code
that I live by, Conrad.

WETZLER: And that's for people
to do whatever the f*ck I say.

I just ordered a team
to find and k*ll

your father-in-law.

Give us the memory card.

That's all we want.

Nobody gets hurt.

Oh, Jim, we both know
that's not true.

Patch me through everywhere.

WOMAN: Right away, sir.

Oh, come on, Frank.
Come on, Frank.

- sh*t.

capture the driver of that vehicle.

If he tries to retreat,
resist or advance,

sh**t to k*ll.


Oh, sh*t.


Looks like we're both f*cked.

All right, Travis.

The shortest distance between
two points is a straight line.

This one's for you, Frank.




MAN: Hold. Go, go, go, go.

Secure the vehicle first.


Make sure he's dead.


MAN: One, two, three.

Cover me.
Left side.

Sir, the vehicle
is inaccessible.

The stairwell's totally blocked.

Go around.

MORROW: I want a
team up here now.

Yes, sir.

Echo Team on me.

Send a strike team to
find the Interpol agent

and that f*cking card.

WOMAN: Yes, sir. Right away.



You got the right place.

And the right time.

♪ Tell me, how do you feel? ♪

♪ Well, now I feel
Pretty good ♪

♪ Tell me, how do you feel? ♪


♪ Well, now / feel
Very good ♪

MAN: Strike team, moving out.

Copy that.

I want a status report.
On the target right now.

MAN: Copy that.

Approaching the vehicle now.


What is that?


- MAN: The security gate is down.
- Open it.

WOMAN: Sir, s security system
breech has been defected.

All perimeter gates
are unresponsive.

It's him.

He's still alive.

Sir, there's nobody
in the vehicle.

He's protecting the girl.

He's trying to f*ck with us.

sh*t. Sir, we got C-4
wired to explode here.

- MAN 2: We got another here!

MAN: Watch it, watch it,
watch it, watch the lights.

WETZLER: Secure the room.

No one gets in here.

Tech, you copy?

WOMAN: Yes sir. What
can I do for you?

Send the chopper.

And get me an outside strike
team on that Interpol bitch.

Call me the second you have her.

Stay frosty, boys.

What are you doing?

I'm having a drink.


You want one?


A million dollars to the
man who kills Conrad.

But only if he
f*cking stays dead!











I am so sorry.

It's okay, Dad.

You're almost home.



WETZLER: Come on out, Travis.


WOMAN: Sir, your
transport has arrived.



WETZLER: You don't
want to sh**t him,

because you think
he's your friend.

He had no problem
looking the other way

when I ordered Adam and
Kate to be k*lled.


A man with no family
has nothing to lose.


You knew.

He didn't want you to quit.

He didn't want you to quit.

You could have saved them.

TRAVIS: We could
have saved them.

I was protecting my family.


It was mine or yours.

Do it.

sh**t me.


I don't want to k*ll you.

I want the fish to like me.

WOMAN: Sir, we've located the
Interpol agent and her son.

The local strike team is
being patched through now.

I got eyes on him.

Should I take the sh*t?



MORROW: Stand down.

Let him live.


Semper fi.

You know what this is?

This is the moment
where you realize

that the line between
friendship and profession

is not where you thought it was.

f*ck you.

Drop your w*apon!
Drop your f*cking w*apon!

MAN: Put it down!

Don't do it.




- Come here.
- Dad, Dad, I caught a fish!

What'd you catch?
Show me what you caught.

I caught a fish.

Well, show me what it is.

- Adam!

Adam, show me what you caught!

HELEN: Travis, can you hear me?

Listen to the sound of my voice.

It's all going to be okay.

Stop fighting and stay with
the sound of my voice.

Can you hear me?


You let' me live, remember?



♪ You can run home
For a long time ♪

♪ Run home for a long time ♪

♪ Run home
For a long time ♪

♪ Sooner or later
Gotta out you down ♪

♪ Sooner or later gotta
Cut you down ♪

♪ Go and tell
That long-tongued liar ♪

♪ Go and tell
That midnight rider ♪

♪ Tell the rambler
The gambler, backbiter ♪

♪ Tell them that God 's
Gonna cut them down ♪

♪ Tell them that God's gonna
Cut them down ♪

♪ My goodness gracious
Let me tell you the news ♪

♪ My head's been wet
With the midnight dew ♪

♪ I've been down
On bended knee ♪

♪ Talking to the man
From Galilee ♪

♪ Spoke to me
And his voice so sweet ♪

♪ I thought I heard the shuffle
Of angels ' feet ♪

♪ He called my name
Ana' my heart stood still ♪

♪ When he says
"You go do my will" ♪

♪ Go tell that
Long-tongued liar ♪

♪ Go and tell
That midnight rider ♪

♪ Tell the rambler
The gambler, backbiter ♪

♪ Tell them that God 's
Gonna cut them down ♪

♪ Tell them that God's gonna
Cut them down ♪

♪ You can run home
For a long time ♪

♪ Run home for a long time ♪

♪ Run home
For a long time ♪

♪ Sooner or later
Gotta out you down ♪

♪ Sooner or later gotta
Cut you down ♪

♪ You may throw a rock
And hide your hand ♪

♪ Working in the dark
Against your fellow man ♪

♪ But sure as God
Made black and white ♪

♪ What's done in the dark
Will be brought to the light ♪

♪ What's done in the dark ♪

♪ Will be brought
To the light ♪

♪ You can run home
For a long time ♪

♪ Run home for a long time ♪

♪ Run home
For a long time ♪

♪ Sooner or later
Gotta out you down ♪

♪ Sooner or later gotta
Cut you down ♪

♪ Go and tell
That long-tongued liar ♪

♪ Go and tell
That midnight rider ♪

♪ Tell the rambler
The gambler, backbiter ♪

♪ Tell them that God 's
Gonna cut them down ♪

♪ Tell them that God's gonna
Cut them down ♪

♪ Tell them that God 's
Gonna cut them down ♪
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