05x06 - Playmates Bring the Drama

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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05x06 - Playmates Bring the Drama

Post by bunniefuu »

(Lauren) Previously on"The Hills..."

Heidi caught Spencer red-handed with Stacie the bartender.

What the *** are you doing?

But she hoped things would get better

when she took him to therapy.

You've been emotionally checked out for--

(Jordana) 'Okay, hang on, if you feel like he's checked out'

what are you doing with him?

Audrina was trying to get over Justin.

You make me feel like the fool, like it's my fault.

- Not even. - I'm crazy.

You are crazy.

So in Hawaii, she decided to pursue her crush on Brody.

- Feelings are feelings. - Really?

Problem is, Brody has a girlfriend.

I messed up.

- I cheated on my girlfriend. - Oh!


Jayde's gonna die. It would be like World w*r III.

Well, let her come after me, start a w*r. Like whatever.

And now Brody and Audrina both

are going to have to face the consequences.

I really like that. Oh, I'm so into it.

'Are you gonna go to the barbecue that Frankie's doing?'

Doug's out of town, but Frankie's gonna throw it.

I don't know.

Have you talked to Brody since Hawaii?

- No. - 'I guess he told Jayde.'

And they've been fighting for days about it

and she's like, she's mad about it.

So now, it's actually, like...it's an issue.

Um, he said that she's also, like, kind of bummed on you.

I mean, I can understand where she would be coming from.

'I thought me and Justin fought a lot, but after, like'

talking to Brody, like they fight a lot.

And they're like, off and on way more than we were.

I think you, honestly, though, you have to, like--

And I'm single and allowed to date, you know what I mean?

Yeah, no, I know. I think that...

Didn't seem like anything bad or wrong at the time, like...

Yeah, it's not fun when vacation baggage follows you home.

* Hey little one night stand *

* Don't you wanna get one step closer to me *

* I can see it in your eyes girl *

* Oh tonight you're letting me in **

(Kimberly) You seem so stressed out.

I mean, I found this text message on Spencer's phone

from Stacie, being like, "Are you coming to H Wood tonight?"

- Whoa. - 'I know.'

I thought we'd been through this.

- Like, we went to therapy. - Yeah.

'You know, he said he wasn't even'

'hanging out with her talking to her.'

(Kimberly) Something's up.

(Heidi) So I was thinking maybe I should go tonight

and see if he shows up.

I don't know, I think to get the honest truth

you're gonna have to show up.

I mean, if she's there tonight, things are going down.

* Can you love me all the way *

* Every night and every day *

* Even more than words can say *

* Can you love me all the way **

- 'Hey!' - 'Hey.'

- What up? - 'Hey.'


- Hi, sweetie. - Hey.

- Good. How are you? - Good.

- Hello, beautiful. - Hello.

- How you doing? - Good.

(Frankie) 'Audrina just texted me and said, "I'm on my way."'

Who's she coming with? Do you know?

- Audrina? - 'Yeah.'

What's the matter? Come here.

- Relax. - You relax.

- You relax. - You relax.

I'm relaxed.

* My time is running out *

* My youth depleting *

* With every smoke I smoke *

* And every drink I drink *

Let's sit here.

[both sighs]

Well, I guess, uh, nobody's here yet, huh?

When I got that text message this morning, my heart--

You didn't get it. Spencer got it.

- No, but I read it. - What did the text say?

Well, the text just said, like, "Hey, are you coming to

H Wood tonight?"

- What? - Okay, so we went to therapy.

Everything's been fine, and now, all of a sudden

Stacie's texting him again.

It's like, what is she doing texting him?

No way.

(Heidi) 'When I talked to her before any of this'

'I just thought it was a big misunderstanding'

and now, I know that she's deliberately trying to do this.

Deliberately. Malicious, deliberate. Skankily.

(Heidi) 'I don't want to be, like, a crazy girlfriend'

but I just want to know the truth.

* With me when you get *

- Oh, my God. - 'What?'

- 'It's them.' - 'Is that her?'

Oh, they're all over here. They just saw us.

* When you get... **

No, she did not just wave at you.

- Yeah, she just waved at me. - What the hell is her problem?

It's, like, a smirk, like

"I just texted your boyfriend, and he's coming."

Should I go say hello?

There's a million guys out there.

Go find one.

Hey, guys. What's going on?

- 'Hi, ladies.' - How nice of you.

Where's Spencer?

He's not my boyfriend. I don't know.

I thought you texted him earlier and asked him to come here.

I go where I go, and if he's there, that's his own thing.

It's not really mine.

But did he tell you, like, "Don't text me.

I'm trying to work things out with my girlfriend?"

No. Nothing like that.

I just don't understand why you get mad at me for that

like when it's like, it's your boyfriend.

It's like, I didn't do anything wrong.

If he sits down with me, I don't wanna have to see you out

and get like, bitched at every single time.

Why, all of a sudden, do you have

such an interest in my boyfriend?

Every single time I've seen him, I've been there first.

I wish this upon you.

I hope you know one day how this feels and how

it feels to have a conniving girl come into your life--

Honestly, how does it feel to have a conniving boyfriend?

I'm just saying good luck, because when I'm gone

there's gonna be another girl that's gonna do the same

there could be another Stacie.

There's always gonna be another Stacie.

Good luck with your boyfriend. I'm gonna go.

Have a great girls' night, you guys.

Nice to meet you guys.

* ...I'm sure I won't break down and cry *

Oh, my God, that was gnarly.

* My heart feels so dead inside *

* Close the windows lock the door *

* We're going for a ride *

My heart is beating, like, miles per hour right now.

I want to see her show up right now.

- I really want her to fight. - No.

I would like to see you fight her.

* This color changed from love to gray *

* Watch me start a fire *

Get it, get it, get it, get it!

* In the middle of the day *

- 'Hi!' - 'I didn't even see you.'

- Hey. - Hey.

- Don't. - Sorry.

I know you're upset. Alright.

I know.

- Don't pet me. - What?

- Don't pet me. - 'Let's drop it, please.'

I made a mistake, but you have to understand--

If I was to fly on a girls' trip, and I ended up sleeping

in a bed with another guy...

- It wasn't like that. - What would happen?

It wasn't like that. He fell asleep, and she left.

She didn't really sleep with him.

- Frankie, are you *** Ret*rded? - 'No.'

'You think I don't know what happened?'

Listen, don't put me in the middle, please.

I'm not putting you in the middle at all.

At all.

[upbeat music]

(Brody) 'What up? How you doing?'

- 'Good, how are you?' - Good to see you.


But the thing is, I didn't do anything like, what did I--

This is a conversation between Jayde and Audrina.

- If it's gonna be one-- - No, no, no, yeah, exactly.

'So you don't have to be here.'

Hey, well, then you guys have this conversation.

You talk to him...

It's like, honestly, like, he knows that he *** up

and he knows not to do it again.

Jayde, I want you to know I would never go there

and I will never go there.

Like, we stayed up talking about you and Justin.

Bull ***.

When you sleep in my boyfriend's bed, something happened.

Do you know what I mean? Like, that's *** up.

It's like seriously, Jayde

I don't even want to get into this.

I don't want, honestly, I don't want to talk to you.

Okay. Go have fun.

- 'Good?' - 'Yeah.'

(Brody) I'm sorry that you have to deal with that.

- Sorry. I'm sorry. - Bye.

I'm gonna go. Clearly, I cannot be here.

- Alright. - Okay, bye.

Taking this away from you.

You don't have to just hug goodbye.

Was it one of those, like, emotional hugs?

It was like, "Alright, see you later."

- Like, "Are you okay?" - I don't care. I don't care.

I asked her if she's okay.

I don't give a *** if she's okay

and you shouldn't care if she's okay either.

- Okay, sorry. - Exactly.

* There's nothing to say *

Keep swigging that Jager bottle.

* Just a little too late *

* Don't try to say you're sorry **

* Scream out loud * * Scream out loud *

* If you want anyone to hear you *

* If you want anyone **

Okay, so trust is not...there?

Well, it was there, and I really, uh

I really did trust him until he got a text message

'from Stacie again, asking him to come to the club.'

I went to the club to see if he was gonna meet up with her, to--

Could we could talk about the fact that she shouldn't

be going through my text messages, and that--

I would think you should be able to look at a phone

and it shouldn't have anything incriminating in it, like--

What I would then be concerned with is

is he responding to these messages?

- Yes or no? - Well, I deleted that one.

(Spencer) 'I never got the text, so, you know--'

'But why, why does she think you're still interested?'

Why is she still calling you? You know, like--

You two are on completely different pages today.

Different books, actually.

'So where does this lead us?'

Well, the question is, why-why are you even

looking in my phone? Like, how--

Okay, so the point is

you already stated that to her once.

I think we're totally missing the point here

that Stacie's still texting him.

Or that you're going through my phone.

Well, yeah, because you have secrets

and shady stuff in your phone.

See the, the thing about relationships is--

Can we talk about something really important here, really

that we just skimmed right over?

Okay, do you feel like you were able to tell him

what you wanted to tell him?

Yes, 'cause I didn't tell him that before.

Do you feel like you got accomplished what you wanted to?

I mean, since I've been doing therapy

like, she's annoyed how much I bring up my feelings, almost.

I told you, ad nauseam at first, then we back off.

- I'm doing it, you know? - I'm nauseous.

[rock music]

(Stephanie) 'I cannot believe all of her'

'friends came and picked you up off the couch.'

- That was so mean! - I know, then Brody comes up.

He's like, "Hey, hey, this is between

Jayde and Audrina, back off."

Yeah, that was cool Brody cared about your feelings.

I'm sure it was the alcohol too

that made her a little crazy.

'She was drinking a lot.'

She probably, like, sleeps in, like, her makeup.

By the way, at that time they were fighting

and they haven't even been together that long.

- Yeah, you have, like-- - 'I feel like...'

'I feel like Jayde was afraid, you know what I mean?'

I've known Brody for years

like, way longer than she's known him.

- Don't tell her that. - Well, it's like--

Like, I'm sure that might make her really insecure.

'But it's like, I know a lot about Brody'

and they've barely dated for, like, a couple months.

So, who knows what's gonna happen?

'You know what I mean?'


'Well, I think tonight--'

You think she's gonna be there?

If Brody's going, I don't think

she's ever gonna, like, leave him.

I mean, let's still go and have fun

and if anything happens, I'm sure Brody will have my back.

I'm worried.

* Da-da da da da da da da-da *

* Here we go * * Da-da da *

* Oh oh *

* Here we go *

* Oh oh masquerade masquerade *

* Why is it every time you come around *

* You're wearing your mask *

* The scene inside you's overrated boy *

* What more can you ask *

* You're beautiful... **

(Frankie) 'What is it? Hey!'

- You know what? - Hey, stop!

Stop. Hey, stop.



'Oh, my God.'

I am not kidding.

Let's go.

[instrumental music]

* Now I'm wide awake *

* My eyes are open I watched you as you fell away **

- Hi! - Hi.

- 'How are you?' - Good.

- You look cute. - Hello, how are you?

- Oh, my gosh, you guys. - What?

- Do I have a story for you. - We love stories.

I wanted to call you guys so bad last night, but it was too late.

I went with, um, Stephanie and Sleazy T...

- 'To My House, right?' - To My House, yeah.

- Was it fun, though? - 'It was just drama.'

Like, Jayde brought, like, her group of playmate friends

who sat there and gave me dirty looks the whole time.

- Like, at the table? - 'Yes, at the table.'

- Ah, Playmates bring the drama. - 'And Brody just sat there.'

What is it with the playmates?

And Brody just sat there and didn't say anything.

He, like, didn't try to mediate

and wasn't like, "Jayde, stop it?"

'No, Brody just sat there the whole time.'

It's like he's not sticking up for--

Here's the thing. I feel like Brody's in a weird position.

He's like, "This is the first girl I've ever really loved"

and like...

I think it's the wrong girl.

That girl is crazy.

Honestly, I feel like Brody maybe owes you a little bit of

an apology, and I feel like that you just need to be, like

"This is between you guys," and just back out.

* I say say say say *

* Just give them what they want *

* I'll die for you **

[knock on door]

- Hello. - 'Hi again.'

It's a pleasure to see you again.

(Jordana) 'Please come on in.'


- I'm glad you came back. - 'Well, I'm here.'

I'm willing to keep trying, you know, 'cause then

if it's over after this, then it's like I-I did my--

'You did your best.'

Because I don't wanna be hurting somebody I love.

Heidi is the sweetest thing on the planet.

Do you think that the relationship

is too isolating for both of you

and that's causing the problem?

Yeah, like, when we met, we were such different people

'cause we had that, you know, freedom and, you know

it's just become one person versus two individuals.

That's very insightful, because that's what happens

to a lot of people is sometimes, um, you grasp on to someone

you don't realize you're doing it

and they become your security blanket.

'And then anything outside of that seems to be a threat'

and that's what we don't want to have happen.

See, like, I ruined it from the jump, so now I, I got to build

back a level of trust that, you know, that we did have.

How do you foresee yourself fixing this?

I feel like just not going out as

or not trying to go out, you know?

Is gonna be the best thing right now for you?

Yeah, right now, let it, like it's, it's too sensitive

right now for me to, like, you know...

- 'Yeah, I agree.' - I need to bring it back.

Do you think you can go forward with that?

That's the problem. I-I don't know.


* You might deny it *

* But you're tied to your desires *

* And you're selfish *

* Yeah you're selfish just like everyone else *

* You might deny it *

* But you're tied to your desires *

* And you're selfish **



I can't believe you missed all the, uh, the drama.

When I talked to Audrina, I actually felt bad

'cause I felt like she kind of felt like

she was getting att*cked

and there was no one really there for her.

I mean, I was literally just like this.

I didn't know what to do. It's like, Jayde's upset.

She has a reason to be upset.

I totally agree that she does.

You know, and I made a mistake.

I should have kicked Audrina out of the room

'is what I should have done.'

I think the main reason she's mad at Audrina

and she has a right to be mad at her is that I was in my room.

Audrina had the option either to go back to her room

or to sleep in my bed, and she slept in my bed.

Did I say, "Audrina, sleep here?"

Audrina doesn't have, she's not in a relationship.

- I understand that. - 'You don't think...'

You don't think that was your call?

Me and Jayde already talked about it.

I've been going through hell

trying to talk to Jayde about this.

I don't agree with you that that's Audrina's fault.

- I really don't. - What am I supposed to do?

- You know how many times-- - You're supposed to...

I think you're supposed to stand up for your friend.

There's nothing I can do, or say because all it's doing is

causing stress on Jayde and I's relationship.

Did Audrina tell you that night that she had a crush on you?

Ah, I mean--

I don't think it would hurt to take a few minutes to talk

to Audrina and just be like, "Sorry about this mess."

Well, maybe down the line, when it's not so fresh in both

of their minds, then maybe that can happen.

But for now, you know where my feelings lie, and my feelings

lie with Jayde, no matter what.

Sometimes we sacrifice friendship for the one we love.

It wouldn't be the first time.

* Well I wish that I could change *

* You make the same mistakes *

* You always made *

* Over *

* And over again *

* Keep going all this way *

* Slow down **
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