10x09 - I Will Not Give Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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10x09 - I Will Not Give Up

Post by bunniefuu »

JEFF PROBST: Previously on

Survivor: Ulong was down to

>> It's hard; it's, like, we're

halfway through, but I feel like

we're at, like, a dead end.

>> PROBST: And at Koror, Coby

was fed up.

>> Janu is on her eighth

straight day of "Boo-hoo, I want

to go home."

Would you quit already?

I want to take all three

of those girls and push them in

that fire.


>> PROBST: At the reward

challenge, tribes ate balute,

a partially developed duck egg.


...and in the final

round between Bobby Jon and Tom,

Bobby Jon came up short.

Tom's got it!

Koror won 55 gallons of shower

water, and some much appreciated

bath products.

Back at Koror...

>> Maybe we should take off

that shower head and fill the

canteens right out of that


>> PROBST: ...Tom insisted

the shower water be used only

for drinking.

>> It's 55 gallons of water.

Come on, you can't let us use,

like, a gallon or two...?

>> PROBST: At Ulong, Stephenie

and Bobby Jon hung on to hope.

>> We are really kind of down

right now, but we're just gonna

keep trying and trying.

You know, we don't give up.

>> PROBST: And at the immunity

challenge, Ulong took the


>> There you go, Stephenie.

Take your time, baby, come on.

>> PROBST: No trouble with the

balance beams.

... but Coby helped lead Koror

to a comeback.

Koror wins immunity again.

Ulong, because there are only

two of you, there will be an

individual immunity challenge.

Loser goes home.

At Tribal Council...

First person to build a fire

with a flame high enough to

light their torch wins immunity,

stays in the game.

The competition was close,

but it was Stephenie

who lit her torch first...

Steph's torch is lit.

Just like that, this challenge

is over.

... making her the final

remaining member of Ulong.

Bobby Jon, the tribe definitely

did not speak tonight.

Nine are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

(theme song playing)

♪ ♪

>> It was exciting

being the last Ulong member.

At the same time,

it was really scary,

because it's just me now.

Damn, where are those fronds?

I learned how to light a fire,

how to keep a fire, how to tend

a fire from Bobby.

I kind of feel bad, because he

taught me so well I beat him

tonight in the challenge.

I'm not sure I want to go to bed

tonight, because I don't want

to lose this fire.

I'm so scared, when it goes

out, I won't be able to get it


This is scary.

This is scary as hell.

This is the scariest thing

and hardest thing that I'll...

I'll ever do.

But I'll never give up.

I'm not a quitter.

Day 22.

I made it.

I was hoping I made it to this


All right.

22 down...

(sighs): ... 17 to go.

It's a huge shock, now that I'm

here by myself.

I mean, like, everything's

on my shoulders.



I have to do everything on my


I have to get water, I have to

keep the fire going, I have to

prepare everything.

I keep thinking, like, am I

gonna be able to do this?

I feel like I'm gonna, like,

starve to death.

>> What day is it?

It's day 22?

So we're on our way into the

final portion of the game,

and, uh, we're all feeling it.

We're hungry, we're tired.

We're getting skinnier.

But I think one of the reasons

everybody becomes so lethargic

is we get kinda drug down by

each other.

Coby and Janu have been pains

in the asses for the past three

or four days.

Janu does nothing.

She lays in the hammock all day,

just like the dysfunctional

aunt that lives in the attic.

Coby got, kind of, this

attitude to him, and really he's

become the pouter of the tribe

and it's really getting


>> I'm sick of the tribe, sick

of their attitude.

You know, Ian gets a piece of

fruit, or Tom gets a clam,

everybody throws a party,

and everybody sat on their ass

for 20 days except for, you

know, who works and who doesn't.

>> Mm-hmm.

>> So day 22, I decided, screw

it, I'm not gonna bust my butt

to keep these people in line.

Let us run out of firewood,

let us run out of food, I don't


I am very cranky, and everybody

knows it, so I'm trying

desperately to control my


I could sit here all day, which

is probably what I

plan to do for a while-- stay

here for an hour or two, so I

can stay away from the boys who

are pretend-fishing right now.

They're all looking at the

sizes of their hooks

and imagining all the fish

they're gonna catch.

It's a waste of time, if you

ask me.

You don't get food unless you go

get it.

I don't know what the hell

they're daydreaming about.

>> There's not many fish down

there, and I don't see any


Gonna have to go, maybe, get

coconut or something.

I have to get them somehow.

(grunting): Come on.


No, no, no, no.



One coconut.

It's a big one, at least.

(heavy sigh)

I'm done.

Went fishing, no fish.

Went clamming, no clams.

Tried to do that bamboo thing,

almost dislocated my shoulder.

I don't know what else to do.

It's tough.

But if I win...

(voice breaking): ... it'll be

worth it.

That's for damn sure.

That would be awesome.

"Do not open.

Give to Koror tribe.


It's a map.

"Dirty, hungry and all alone;

"This is no way to be.

"Pack your canoe with all you


(crying): And paddle out..."

"Pack your canoe with all you

want, and paddle out to sea."


"The lone Ulong... Survivor.

"You're the only to endure.

"The next phase of your

adventure starts with a trip to


(crying): That's awesome.

Oh, my God.

It's a merge.

I'm gonna have friends.

And food.

Oh, thank God.


I'm getting the hell out of


I hope I don't cry when I see


It'll be, like, "What is wrong

with this lunatic psycho?"


All right, see you later, Ulong.

I'm ready... for a new camp.

>> Oh, there-- here she comes.

>> It's Stephenie.

>> Guys, it's Stephenie.

>> It is. It is.

>> Uh-huh.

>> No way.

>> Hey-hey!

What's up?!


My boat is like a mile back.

Oh, my God. I have friends.

>> I thought you'd be back.

>> You did?

I'm so happy to be here.

>> Good to see you.

>> All of a sudden, Stephenie

shows up from Ulong, which was a

sight for sore eyes.

Having somebody new in town was

like, it was like, it was

like... a guest, you know.

>> I missed you.

>> My God, that's so cool.

I missed you guys, too.

I was all alone; I almost had a

nervous breakdown.

>> You're gonna have to tell us

all about that.

>> Oh, my God.

This is for you guys.

>> Great. Thank you.

>> "Do not open.

Give to Koror."

>> I'm so glad to leave that

camp, what a nightmare.

>> Okay, let him read it.

>> "Ulong has been conquered,

so enjoy the spoils of w*r.

The blue buff gets retired

and one more now joins Koror."

"In honor of your victory,

you deserve some help at least.

"Visitors will be arriving

shortly, but you'll have

to work to get a feast."


>> Give her a buff, give her a


>> I was so quick to give up

that damn Ulong buff, and it's

not anything against Ulong.

It's just, I'm so done with


This is a new chapter in my

life, I feel like.

I'm ready to start winning with


This is our shelter.

Here's a hammock,

in case you want to get in it.

>> Look at the clothing line.

I love this camp.

It's so much better than ours.

There are places to sit.

Oh, my God.

There's a roof.

There's a toilet that's working.

There's clean water.

You just use it to drink?

>> Yeah. We just drink it.

>> That's smart.

It's amazing.

This is like heaven compared to

where I came from.

>> Sharks come right up here.

>> Sharks?

>> Yeah.

>> Hi, Jenn.

>> Hi, baby!

>>... out of the shower.

>> Oh, I love you so much.

Every time, I'm like

"Oh, she belongs on our side."

>> And everyone loves you here.

>> Do you see my face?

>> Every time there's a

challenge, we're like,

"Everyone but Stephenie's okay."

>> Stephenie, the new girl.

I met Stephenie and hit it off

with her the very first day.

But that was before I knew

that she was such a stiff


I'm really worried that the

longer she's with us, the more

she's going to make friends

and she's going to weasel her

way in.

>> Like, I had no connection

with anybody.

>> Yeah, it didn't seem like it.

>> No one. Kim wanted to leave.

Just, every time.

>> As much as I'd like to have

her around, I think she needs

to go really fast.

>> She was just not in a good

mood, her and Jeff hooked up.

>> Eww!

I often wondered about that.

>> They kissed.

>> Jeff and Kim hooked up?!

>> Jeff and Kim hooked up.

>> Everybody started kissing

Stephenie's butt the second she

got into camp.

That was hilarious.

I wasn't expecting that.

Katie shot up Stephenie's

butt the second she got here,

and she's like, "Remember the

first day, when we landed?

Remember the first..."

We get it.

We all saw each other the first

day, Katie.

You don't have a special bond

with Stephenie.

Here's water, by the way.

I can't wait to get Stephenie

alone, 'cause the second

I get Stephenie alone, I'm

telling her every alliance,

every plan.

She's going to know it all

and she can see just how tight

we are as Koror.

We're so "tight" and "sweet" and


Yeah, right, whatever.

(all talking at once)

>> Here comes our visitors.

>> Wait, wait.

>> Oh. Oh.

>> Oh, my God.

What do they have?

>> Hello.

>> Hi.

>> Do you want some help?

>> Hold the shoulder.

>> I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

How are you?

>> I'm Joe. Hi.

>> Thanks for coming.

>> Joe.

>> Gregg.

>> Joe.

>> Nice to meet you, Joe.

>> Nice to meet you. Gregg.

(everyone gasps happily)

>> Well, we, uh... we just got

some visitors who look to be

traditional Palauans and it

looks like our feast is going to

be learning how to fish Palauan

style, and I'm so excited.

The fish hooks...

>> Hang your hooks together.

>> Now we're going to catch our


>> All right.

>> This style of fishing is...

>> Oh, wow.

>> Give a man a fish and you

feed him for a day; teach

a man to fish and you feed him

for the rest of our time here

on Rat Island so, uh...

this is what we need, and we

need to learn how to get these

fish, how to get the bait

and it looks like we've got

the guides to do that now, so...

>> Well, that was worthless.

>> You have to catch your bait,

otherwise you cannot go out


You cannot go out without bait.

>> I agree.

>> So, some of you guys stay


I'll show you, and I'm going to

get some of the group to show

them how to catch the fish.

>> Well, there's four of us.

Two do bait, two go fish.

>> Okay.

>> I'll stay and do bait.

>> Tom, you and I want to go

out and catch fish?

>> I'll go catch fish.

>> With the mask?

>> Okay.

>> Two people stay do bait,

two people leave.

>> Joe said that he needed

two people to stay and keep

working on the bait.

Coby jumped up immediately and

said, "I'll work on the bait,"

which was fine, and then he

started suggesting that Ian also

stay and do the bait.

Would one of the ladies like to

try the bait catching, too?

Three of us will go.

Can you take three?

>> The three of us, too?

>> Okay.

>> I want to go out there.

>> I'm the one to be left out

again as usual. That's fine.

I'll stay with the girls.

>> You just said you'd like

to stay and do that.

>> Because I thought we were

halfing it.

But whatever. That's fine.

>> I'd like to go fishing-- I

made the poles; I'd like to go


Ian's been out there with the


We've been making fishing


We've been trying different

things, and Ian didn't belong

back on the beach trying to

catch bait, at this point.

He belonged out there learning

how to fish and I spoke up.

>> Do you want me to stay...?

>> No, y'all go fish.

Seriously. Learn.

>> Okay.

>> Coby!

It's cool with Coby.

You want to come and learn to


Coby got kind of huffy about

the whole thing and you know,

complained that he was getting

split off from the group again.

It was just, he was being a pain

in the ass, like, come on.

Anyone want to catch fish?

>> Yeah.

>> Yeah.

>> Yeah, a lot of the girls.

>> If it gets caught on the

bottom, just kind of loosen it,

don't snap it...

You don't have to throw it that


You can almost stand out here...

>> I can show them, Tom.

I'm in charge of the bait thing.

"Tom, shut up, I'm bait man,

you're fish man.

"Get out of here.

Leave me alone.

I can do it myself."

So I walked off with the girls,

stomped off, and tried to do

bait and I just don't want

to see him again today.

I hope he stays out there

fishing for the rest of the

night, 'cause I don't want to

see his face anymore for the

rest of the day.

Good luck, you guys!

Even you, you ass, Tom.

>> Oh, man!

What is it?

>> It's a... pretty fish.

(men laughing)

Striped... fish.

>> Did it strike because of the

movement, as you bring it

back in?

That's what makes them go for


>> No.

You have to move so they can


>> So they can see.

>> Where's my bait?

Where's my bait?

>> Hey! Oh, man...

>> Hey!

>> Fishing in the boat was

great, man.

It was an awesome experience

to be out there with these two

Palauans in their, in their home


What kind of fish is that?

>> Grouper.

>> A big one.

>> Grouper?

Ah, you know, experts at-at-at



>> Another red snapper.


Joe, I think he hit like, seven

in a row, just kept reeling them


>> Got that right?

>> That's right?

>> That's good.

>> Nibbling.

>> You start to pull it away...

Fish on.

Oh, he's heavy.




>> One, two...


>> We caught about 13 fish.

>> Shut up!

>> Lobster.

>> Oh, my God, look at the


>> Good day, huh?

>> The guys caught about 13

fish and a lobster.

And big ones.

Like, some were small but some

were like this. It was amazing.

>> Oh, my God.

>> Don't mind if I do!

>> What is it?

>> A little rum.

>> Nice.

>> Liquor?

>> Yeah.

>> It's good.

>> I'm staying.

>> There was this big

celebratory mood, you know.

We were so happy, we actually

have dinner on the table

when they hand over

these bottles of rum.

They open up some coconuts,

and they poor the rum into the


It was so good.

>> Where's Tom?

>> Drinking from the bottle.

>> Drinking it straight up.

(laughter and indistinct

conversation continues)

>> Hey, Steph!

I'd love to tell you it's been

like this every night here,

but the party came with you.


Let's hear it for Koror.

>> The fish is ready.

Let's have dinner.

>> Okay.

>> Okay.

>> Best meal ever!

>> Jenn, pass that little...

>> Man, oh, man.

>> Let's put this kind of food

on the table every night.

Steph, what, you thought

you were going to come in

as the stranger to this tribe?

>> I knew if I came here,

I would be welcome.

>> Oh, I love you.

>> We love you.

>> Obviously, we need new...

we need new... new legs.

What have you got for us?

>> Tom, you're not driving

tonight, okay?

Tom kinda looked to be a

lightweight, though.

What's going on with the

strongest guy in our camp

getting wasted?

It was weird.

Tom's draggin'.


>> You all right?

>> Yeah, I'm good.

>> Sit.

Go sit down on the...

>> All right. I'm good.

>> We slept in a cave for 22


>> Right. Welcome to our

version of hell.

>> Thank God.

This is not hell-- it's like

being better prepared.


>> Tom, are you okay?

>> Yes.

>> All right, Tom, let me put

this bed thing down.

>> I like everybody in this


Originally, I really connected

with Tom, Katie, and Ian,

but it's been a long time.

It's been 22 days.

I don't know

how they're feeling.

I don't know if they still feel

the same.

I know it's tough.

I mean, I'm coming into a tribe

of eight and I'm the outcast,

so I'm a little nervous.

>> Good night, John Edwin.

>> I could be the next to go.

You know, you always have that

in the back of your mind, you

could be going.

You're stupid if you don't,

in this game.

(Joe shouting)

>> Ah, feeling good, you know.

We're just raring to get out

there, get a couple of fish.

It was a big party last night.

Uh, a lot of fun.

I'm missing a few gaps in it.

Uh, 21 days without food.

A couple of sh*ts of rum.

It was lights out for Tom, so,

uh, today, I'm ready to go, you


I'm first one up, trying to

catch some bait and whatever Joe

and Edwin could impart in one

day and share with us, I think

we got.

Thanks for coming and helping


We appreciate it.

>> Thank you so much.

>> All right.

If you pass by this island

in the next few days, stop by

and see if we're doing okay, all


Joe, thank you so much.

It was a touching thing to meet

these Palauans, them impart

their knowledge, which I imagine

was passed down from their

father and their grandfather

before them.

And they got to show a couple

of greenhorns from New York

and Ohio and Dallas and all

over the place,

how they do it here in Palau,

and now we're going to get to go

out there and see if we can keep

it going, so it is a good


>> That was really, really cool.

Having these guys come and show

us how to get a meal.

I was talking about watching you

get drunk last night.

>> (laughing): Oh, that was

cool, too?

(laughing): Oh, man.

>> Today, when the two Palauans

were leaving, Tom would not stop

kissing their butt and just

laughing at everything they


He has this fake laugh he

brings out, and he would say,

"If you're ever around our camp


(mocking Tom's laugh)

>> Mm!

That is just like

chicken soup.

>> That's what I'm sick about my

tribe-- act like we're so honest

and sweet and nobody's

playing the game.

>> There you go.

>> Wow.

>> Stephenie's going to add

a whole new layer to the game,

even though nobody thought she


I will work Stephenie into this

game as hard as I can because I

want Stephenie in.

Stephenie's a true survivor,

she lasted the longest in her

tribe and she deserves

to be in the top.

>> Stephenie.

>> What?

>> Come here.

I need you for a sec.

>> I was going to wash my face.

>> Well, you can wait, sweetie,

because I've waited two days

to get you alone.

>> Oh, geez.

>> What's on your mind, hottie?

>> ... like, "Let's talk about


Like, dude-- and it's so obvious

what he's doing right now.

>> Yeah.

>> They're all going to be so


I don't give a...

I really don't care.

>> That you're talking to me?

>> Yeah, because they know

what I'm doing, because I was so

bold about it.

I did it on purpose, in front of

Katie, 'cause I'm sick,

whatever, I'm so tired of their


Okay, so here's the main


Ian, Tom, Katie, Jennifer,

Gregg, the five of them.

>> Okay.

>> Caryn, Janu and I are on the

outskirts 'cause Willard was in

our group and then he was off.

>> Okay.

>> But here's the secret part...

>> Okay.

>> ... that you get to hear.

Jennifer and Gregg really want

to turn against Tom and Ian.

>> And Janu won't just

quit now, especially right,

like, they're going to vote me


>> I don't know if it's you or


I know that Jennifer is your

main foe right now because

Jennifer is so jealous

of you.

>> Is she?

>> Yeah, because, you know,

every challenge we ever did

y'all were pitted against each

other and you kicked her ass...

>> Oh, stop.

>> ... and she's kind of bitter

over it.

>> Yeah.

>> The team's mentality, of

course, was to pick whoever

it was to come over, off.

>> Keep it all Koror.

>> And keep it all Koror,

but you're very well liked.

>> Aw...

>> And so that's going to help

and hurt you 'cause I think Tom

and Ian really like you,

but Jennifer and them are

threatened, so I don't know

which way they're going to go.

>> Yeah.

>> Me and Stephenie have

always gotten along

and I think she really

appreciated the fact that I was

talking to her strategy first.

I knew that it would almost

be like claiming land;

whoever got to her first

would make a bigger impact,

so I did it first.

The second I got through talking

to Stephenie,

Katie and Jennifer grabbed her--

the second she walked back to

camp-- and they went and talked

to her.

That's all right.

I talked to her first.

>> And he said, uh, it's Janu or

me are going.

But he wants to keep me around

as long as possible because he

thinks I deserve to stay in the

game, but you guys are all

jealous of me.


>> That's great.

>> Do you know what I'm talking

about now? Like, where...

>> Right, right.

>> Where does he come up with


>> And you guys want me to go

and, um...

>> No.

>> So Steph talked to Coby

and immediately came back over

to me and told me everything

that he said.

She's, like, I want to make sure

that I'm okay with you guys

'cause we told her when we were

on the other tribe we're all


We're going to try and stick

with that as much as possible,

but Jenn thinks she's a very

big threat.

Coby has also told Steph

that Jenn wants to kick her out,

which isn't good.

>> I mean, not that you're dead

man walking, there's other

people who are leaving here

before you, and, uh, you know...

>> Means a lot.

>> Yeah.

You know, I mean,

I wanted you to look, I wanted

you to still know that we're

thinking of you and there's four

of us...

>> I'm so excited to be back


Do they still feel the same way?

Oh, my God.

>> We'll look out for you as far

down the road as we can.

>> I would not...

>> I can't tell you

the order of the vote or that I

know what's going to happen in

the future...

>> Right.

>> ... with the immunity.

I'm just telling you you've got

friends on this tribe that are

going to keep you alive.

>> That's so awesome.

I come into this new tribe,

um, you know, one Ulong person

going in this whole Koror tribe

that's stuck together this

entire time, and they tell me,

you know, "Your head's not on

the chopping block, so don't

worry, you're not going to be

voted out."

So I don't know what's going on.

I don't know who to believe.

I don't know who to trust and I

don't know who to talk to.

I almost don't want to talk

to anybody, but then I might

sh**t myself in the foot,

so I've got to figure some

things out.

>> PROBST: All right, you guys

ready to get to today's


>> Oh, yeah.

>> PROBST: First things first.


>> Oh, good-bye.

>> Last time.

>> I never even touched him.

>> PROBST: Steph, you want to

get one hand on this?

>> Thanks, Jeff.

>> PROBST: There you go.

It's the last chance you'll have

because tribal immunity

is no more.

Individual immunity is what you


From now on, all immunity

challenges will be individual.

That means everybody's going

to compete, and for some of you

on Koror, that's going to be a

real shock because a lot of you

have not competed in a lot of

these challenges.

Immunity necklace around your

neck, you are safe at Tribal


You cannot be voted out of this


Ready for today's challenge?

>> Yeah.

>> PROBST: Very simple:

It is willpower.

That's it.

Each of you are going to be

standing on a perch in the


If you fall off that perch,

if you jump off of that perch,

or if you sit down on that perch

at any time, you're out.

Last person left standing on

their perch wins immunity.

Immediately following this

challenge, we will go directly

to Tribal Council, and we will

vote out the tenth person from

this tribe.

That person will become the

first member of the jury, so the

game is shifting right now.

You're now going to be voting

out people who are going

to have to come back and vote

for you to win.

Ready to get started?

>> Yeah.

>> PROBST: Head over.

This could go awhile.

Tom, you had to look at Steph's

arrival-- it's a free vote.

Koror can stay intact and you

can vote off the new person.

>> Sure, you could look at it

that way.

I guess we'll see tonight.

>> But I mean, let's not all be


All these people are playing

a game, there's already

alliances built.

They want Stephenie as a vote.

They know they can't control

certain people and we're going

to pick each other off-- it's a


>> PROBST: You've been out here

one hour.

>> Doughnuts.

>> No, you didn't.

>> Damn!

>> Do we have to decide in a

group or is it the first one in

or what?

>> PROBST: I've got a few more


What are you, what are you


>> If I jump in right now, I

want every one on the plate.

>> You add a glass of milk to

that, and I'm your man.

>> That may be the best thing.

>> No way I'm turning down a


>> This is really hard.

I really could wet myself.

I don't know what to do.

>> PROBST: I can definitely do

two doughnuts each.

Coby's coming in for the


And giving up immunity in the


>> I'm going, too.

>> PROBST: Janu going to join


>> 'Cause my back is k*lling me.

>> PROBST: Two are for you,

two for Janu.

>> Okay.

>> Oh, man.

>> Damn!

>> Cob, save me a bite?


>> Damn.

>> Let me rip it apart.

See how fresh the...


>> They suck right now, so bad.

>> Oh, stop.

>> Don't give it...

>> Cheers.

>> Cheers, woman.

>> PROBST: What does it say when

two people voluntarily give up

immunity for a couple of


>> Either they want to go home

or they don't think they're

in danger of going home.

>> What are you going to jump

for, Jenn?

>> Chocolate sundae.

>> Oh, ho, peanut butter.

>> I would take my clothes off

for some chocolate and peanut

butter right now.

>> PROBST: Nobody wants to see

that, Ian.

>> Got any baluts?

>> I'd jump for a couple

of baluts.

>> Absolutely.

>> PROBST: No baluts.

>> Good job, you guys.

Stay strong.


>> PROBST: Listen up.

15 chocolate chip

cookies in 15 seconds.

>> I'm going for it.

>> Oh, my God.

>> PROBST: Four people in.


That just changed the whole



>> Holy cow!

I didn't see that coming.


You pressed the button, Jeff,

you pressed the button there.

>> PROBST: I'll let you be in


There are 15 cookies, one glass

of milk, four people.

Oh, my God.

(indistinct conversation)

>> PROBST: And then there were


Individual immunity on the line.

Way more important than 15

chocolate chip cookies.

>> How were they, Ian?

>> Totally worth it.

They were so good.

Oh, my God...

>> You think you could stay


>> I could stay, yeah.

>> You could?

>> I'm a stubborn Irishman.

>> PROBST: Okay, here's the


When I take this off, you will

have five seconds to get in the

water or not.

If nobody takes this, these guys

get it.

(Jenn gasps)

Here we go.


Five seconds.

>> Oh, my God!

>> PROBST: Steph is in, Caryn's


Just like that, Tom wins the

first individual immunity.


>> All right, Tom!

>> PROBST: Sorry, there's no


It's Caryn and Steph's.

Turn around here.

>> Nice job.

Good job.


>> PROBST: Tom, the only person

safe at tonight's Tribal

Council, and for everybody else

who was so eager to get off for

food-- for somebody, it will be

your last meal in this game.

Somebody going home immediately.

We're heading over to Tribal


>> PROBST: Welcome to Tribal


Steph, we've done this a lot.

Koror, we've done it just once.

So, at today's first individual

immunity challenge, eight out of

the nine of you got down off of

the perch, gave up immunity

for either doughnuts, chocolate

chip cookies or pizza.

For one of you, that was a

million-dollar meal.

Steph, I'm sure you were

relieved to just not be alone.

On the flip side, you were

walking into a tribe that is

very tight, and you are a free


>> I absolutely am, and I was

thrilled to, uh, join Koror, and

they totally welcomed me with

open arms-- but I understand it

is a game and I know that I'm

adding another person to their


And I'd be stupid to think

they wouldn't vote for me.

They could just get me out

and keep their tribe together.

>> PROBST: Jenn, you two have

squared off in almost every

physical challenge we've had.

Had to be a little competitive

animosity seeing your rival

come into your camp.

>> You know, from the very first

moment I met her, I knew I liked


But I'm not gonna lie-- I mean,

yeah, we have that... a little

bit of a competitiveness.

But she just seems to be good

at everything, so...

She stands out a lot, you know?

That does make her

more of a target.

>> PROBST: Coby.

>> Steph shows up, Steph's


Everybody likes her.

This is a game of popularity,

and this is a game that changes

every day.

Steph's a target.

But, uh, you know, there's other

targets to be had, too, so...

>> PROBST: Janu, 24 days in, you

guys have built a pretty good


Now you know how to fish;

everything's going all right.

Who's not pulling their weight

at this point?

>> Honestly, Jeff, in the last

probably two, three days,

I have not pulled my weight

except but making coconut.

I have just kind of laid around


You know?

Like a dead fish.

>> PROBST: So it wouldn't

surprise you if it was you


>> Honest assessment...

I think it's me tonight.

You know?

But it doesn't worry me.

>> PROBST: Steph, scale of one

to ten, how worried are you

that it might be you?

>> About an eight or a nine.

>> PROBST: So if you're really

concerned, why would you get off

of the perch only three hours

in, for a few slices of pizza?

>> Well, my thing was, I knew

Tom wasn't giving up, and I'm

not so good with temptation,

and it was a huge chance.

So even though there was, like,

a good chance in my mind

that I'm going tonight,

I still have a positive outlook,

and I hope I'll have a chance

to continue on in this game.

>> PROBST: If it is your time

to go tonight, what will you

think about that pizza?

>> I'll be so mad at myself.

I'll be so mad at myself.

It'll probably be one of

the biggest regrets of my life.

>> PROBST: All right, let's get

to the vote.

Tom, you have individual


As always, you can assign that

immunity to somebody else.

>> I'm gonna hang on to it

tonight, Jeff; thank you.

>> PROBST: All right, Tom is the

only person you cannot vote for.

Everybody else is fair game.

It is time to vote: Tom.

You're up.

>> Buddy, it's like being in the

Mafia-- it's business, not


It's just your time to get


You're bad for business.

>> PROBST: I'll go tally the


Once the votes are read, the

decision is final.

The person voted out will be

asked to leave the Tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote...



One vote Steph,

one vote Janu.


One vote Coby,

one vote Steph, one vote Janu.


That's two votes Coby,

one vote Steph, one vote Janu.


Three votes Coby.

That's four votes-- Coby.

Tenth person voted out of

Survivor: Palau, first member


That's five.

That's enough-- you need to

bring me your torch.

>> Great game, you guys.

>> PROBST: Coby, the tribe has


It's time for you to go.

>> That was a great compliment.

Thank you.

>> Bye, Coby.

>> Bye, Coby.

>> PROBST: Well, I know tonight

was an unusual experience for a

lot of you, having to vote

somebody out.

Get used to it-- you'll be

coming to Tribal from here on

out, and the game has changed.

You are no longer one big happy


You are a group of individuals

fighting for a million dollars.

Grab your torches, go back to


Good night.

Stay tuned for scenes from our

next episode.

Next time on Survivor:


>> PROBST: Janu reaches her

breaking point.

>> If I had something to say

about you, I swear to God I

would come up and say it to your


>> PROBST: A reward to

remember... and the tribe can't

believe their ears.

The first person to bail will be

abandoned to live on your own.

>> God, what a group of...

wonderful, smart people.

They did give me the chance to

be a part of a team and helped

push me.

And, uh, you're very smart to

get rid of me.

Gosh, you're smart.

What a total compliment that

you didn't get rid of me

because I was lazy, you didn't

get rid of me because I wasn't

good in challenges.

Every single one of you said

you got rid of me

because I was a threat.
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