08x07 - Restaurant Wars: One Night Only

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Top Chef". Aired: March 8, 2006 – present.*
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Show features chefs competing against each other in culinary challenges.
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08x07 - Restaurant Wars: One Night Only

Post by bunniefuu »

Last challenge
was another win for me.

I'm really proud of myself.

But Tiffani and Jamie
went home.

Bye, guys.


Now there's
only three girls.

We're all
strong female Chefs,

and I'm excited
to be one of them.

Go, girl power.

Why is banana
wrong for nutella?

Banana and nutella
is like tomatoes and basil.

I've only been on the bottom
of an elimination once,

and that was a team.

So I'm kinda looking forward
to individual challenge

because at
the end of the day

my goal is
to win cooking my food.

I asked Carla and Tiffany D.
To move to my room,

and they were like,
"absolutely not."


And then...

In my season, I got
the nickname The Black Hammer

because for some reason,
every person who works on

a team with me
ends up going home.

- Really, really good.
- Thank you.

Nimma, please
pack your knives and go.

Valerie, please
pack your knives and go.

Zoi, please
pack your knives and go.

This season,
it's actually deja vu.

Jen, please
pack your knives and go.

Holy [Bleep].


Please pack
your knives and go.

It's just coincidence.

It's not a legend or
anything, it's pretty true.

I mean, Antonia's like
"drink this kool-aid,

everything will be okay,
and all of a sudden

you're out, man.
You're done.

Ten Chefs remain
to fight it out

for half a million dollars
in cash and prizes--

the most in Top Chef history.

And the grand prize,

a feature in
Food and Wine magazine,

a showcase at the annual
Food and Wine classic in Aspen,

$200,000 to pursue
their culinary dreams--

furnished by Buitoni,

and the title
that's eluded them all...

Top Chef.

[Upbeat music]

Instead of going to
the kitchen for our quickfire,

we arrive at Le Bernardin.
Eric Ripert is the Chef.

A three
Michelin star restaurant,

one of the best in the world.

I'm anticipating something
that's going to be very tough.

you know where you are.

Le Bernardin, the best
seafood restaurant in America.

I don't know
if you've read Medium Raw,

but I spent an entire chapter

on a gentleman called
Justo Thomas, who works here.

Justo comes in here around

and between
that time and 12:00 noon,

he butchers somewhere

between 700 and 1,000
pounds of fish.

I'd heard of Justo.

And he works quickly,
he works clean,

he works efficiently.

He is the man.

When Justo goes
away for a vacation,

it takes three trained
sous Chefs to do his job.

I think I know
where this is going.

I used to
butcher fish everyday,

but I don't really
do butchering anymore.

So I'm not at
the level that I was.

Why don't we go downstairs

and see what Mr. Thomas
does for a living?

Hey, brother.

Chefs, meet Justo Thomas,
the best there is.

Hello, Chefs.
All: Hi.

What's it all about here?

You show us what you do, man.

Seeing Justo clean fish
give me tears.

Very clean, very perfect,
very fast.

It's amazing.

Chef, how
come you don't cut down

just the bone with that fish?

For Justo,

speed is of
the utmost importance.

He cuts two fish in
eight minutes.

It's pretty crazy.

At a restaurant of
this level,

the wrong person
comes in here,

gets one scale in
their piece of fish,

and suddenly, it's a
it-used-to-be-good situation.

Justo, thank you very much.

Chefs, I think
we know what comes next.

Chefs, for this
quickfire challenge,

each of you will portion
one cod and one fluke

into Le Bernardin
quality portions,

or as close to that
standard as you can get.

My comrade Mr. Thomas here
can accomplish this task

in eight minutes.

You will have the relatively
luxurious amount of time

of ten minutes.

So we get
an extra two minutes.

Whoo, whoo, I say to myself.
Whoo, whoo.

Chefs...Get started.

I am the executive Chef of
go fish seafood restaurant,

I definitely
know how to cut fish.

But it's a whole nother thing

to do it nice within
a specific amount of time.

Tre, is this yours?

Sorry, bro.

The first time I
butchered and cleaned a fish,

my hands turned bright red,
and I started to get really hot,

and I had this
crazy allergic reaction.

Fortunate enough for me,
being the Chef that I am,

I just kept on doing it
and ignoring it,

and then eventually,
it just went away.

Carla's right across from me,
and I filleted both fish

and at that point she's
barely finishing one fish.

So I definitely
think Carla's struggling.

Three minutes left.

I don't
have time to bleed.

My Kn*fe went
right through my thumbnail

you're not gonna see me
go home for a finger cut.

I'm not Jamie,
I'll take it like a man.

One minute, oui?

- Okay, Chefs.
- Whoo!

Time is up.

- Hello, Chef.
- Let's see.

Looks good.

- Thank you.
- Move on?



I got everything off
the bone,

I think I tried to do that
a little bit more

than really
paying attention to the cut.

As soon as they come over
and look at the fish,

I'm like, "Chef, I apologize
that you even have

to see me destroy
the fish the way I did."

Justo said
that I did a good job.

So I think
that's a good thing.

I didn't finish.

I spent a lot of time
trying to not waste on the bone.

Another minute I could've

been where I wanted to be,
but I was close.

Thank you.

- Good job.
- Thank you.

Yeah, I should've
took the side off.

Oh, my God,

I just wanna go
crawl underneath the table.

Chefs, one of
the things that I love

about challenges
like this is

everybody knows exactly

how well or
how poorly you did.

On the bottom--
Fabio, Carla, Tiffany, Antonia.

I just went on national TV
and messed up fish,

something that
I'm pretty familiar with.

Just pretty embarrassing.

We had four people
who did pretty well--

Dale, Richard, Mike,
and Marcel.

Excellent work.
Here comes the fun part.

For you guys
at the head of the class,

one of you will win

You're gonna make
a delicious dish in 45 minutes

using the heads, the racks,

the wings,
the fins, the collars.

This is
an amazing challenge.

To be able to take what
a lot of people

throw away
and put in the garbage

and to make
a great meal out of it

represents what
a creative Chef can do.

The rest of you guys can
go relax in the dining room.

As for the top four,

your challenge begins now.

All right, boys.

- Is there chinoise?
- Chinoise are in the back.

On the back?

In the back.

- In the back, where?
- Back there.

- I can use this?
- No, that's mine.

Go get--
go get yourself one, man.

I'm, like, "no, dude,
that's my chinoise."

Can I take
your superbag out?

I'm like, "no.
Like, that is mine too.

Like, go get your own."


Yeah, it's just
Marcel being Marcel.

He's a d*ck sometimes.

I feel fine making
a dish from what's left over.

My family was
doing nose-to-tail cooking

before it was even cool.

My parents
would go to the market

and the butchers were
throwing away pig's heads,

and we would take
them home and roast them.

That's how we ate.

For this quickfire
I'm actually making two dishes.

It's a risk, but if
you win you get immunity.

And that is huge.

Anyone got
an extra stick of lemongrass?

Thank you, baby.
The best flavored meat is

the meat on the bone
and the meat in the head.

That probably takes some
of the longer time to cook

'cause it's inside
the skull of the fish.

So I'll slow-cook that

in some olive oil
and a lot of aromatics.

One of four of us
is gonna win immunity.

I'm not worried about Marcel,

but Dale and Richard,
those guys are top-notch.

So it's gonna be tough.

My first job, actually,

I worked at this restaurant
called McDonald's--

I don't know
if you've heard of it.

And I was the fish cook.

Which is, in McDonald's,
a very prestigious position,

being that they have
only one seafood item.

And actually, I sent my
first batch of filet-o-fish

out without the top bun.

So I was being creative
and avante-garde

way before I knew
that it was my calling.

- Who's got the Roboku?
- I do.

- You done with it?
- Almost.

I try to utilize
every aspect of the fish.

To throw away a life

is just kind of,
like, very wasteful.

Time's up, Chefs.

Chef, what do we have here?

This is a schnitzel of
the cod belly,

ragout of the braised collar,

sort of a play
on southern potato salad

a little bit of grilled,
and then fried skin.

Thank you.

Hey, Chef,
what do we have?

The first thing
I did was hacked up

the skeletons of the fish,

and I caramelized them in a lot
of olive oil to make an oil.

And then I had the collar
charred on the grill.

- Nice work, Chef.
- Thank you.

I made two dishes.

I wanted to
do a sashimi dish,

so the fluke back meat
and the fluke liver sauce

and then I made a bacon dashi
with the cod collar.

Nice touch, the liver.

Thank you
very much, Chef.

I made a little mousseline
out of the cod,

and the yuzu chili oil broth

from the skeleton
of the fluke.

The broth came out amazing.

when Tony tasted it,

he basically
just gets the mousseline

and doesn't really get,
like, a lot of the broth.

Thank you.

Thank you, Chefs.

You can join your comrades
in the dining room

while we discuss the outcome.
Thank you.


How you doing?

How you guys did?

Pretty tight.

Four-way race
if you ask me.

All the dishes
looked tight.

You know, I felt
I got a good reaction.

But so did everybody else.
Honestly, I'm just hoping

that Marcel
doesn't win immunity.

He's a rude,
inconsiderate person.

- We ate well.
- Yeah, very well.

But too little.
All: [Laughing]

Richard, a lot of textures,
a lot of flavors.

You really made the most
of your ingredients.

Mike, beautiful,
light, very vibrant...


Marcel, very creative dish.
Very tasty.

Texturally kind of
monochromatic for me.

Dale, you
really highlighted all

of the wonderful
variety at work here.

And I have to say, really
dug that you used the liver.

Thank you.

Difficult decision,

but I think the person
who really got it...

Would be Dale.
Thank you.


Dale, that means
you've got immunity.

Thank you.
All: [Laughing]

I'll take it.

I feel great
about winning immunity.

But I'm not gonna, like,
sit there and slack off.

All right, guys,
you can head back to

the Top Chef kitchen where
Padma's gonna tell you

what the next challenge is.

The medi is my idea,
and it's up there.

actually listening to me.

And that they're just
gonna do whatever they wanna do.

We walk into
the Top Chef kitchen

and we see Chef Ludo.

He was on Top Chef Masters.

He's famous for his
very colorful personality.

It was here, my beet juice.
Cindy plated it for me.



Chefs, meet Ludo.

Your guest judge
for this round.

Hi, Chefs.

He just finished
Ludobites 5.0,

his pop-up restaurant
in Los Angeles.

A pop-up restaurant
is a new menu,

it's a new staff,
it's a new ambiance.

Everything exists just
for one night or two months.

Wanna know what your
elimination challenge is?

there's one challenge

that everyone
in this competition

has participated in before...

Restaurant wars.

Restaurant wars!

This is, like,
the moment that you wait for.

Because everybody
has their own experience

with this challenge.

To do all the fish over here.
Who cooked the chicken?

- That was me.
- We hated the chicken.

I'm just gonna
send out some love

with this stuff
that I'm giving you.

I think we're all
going home tonight

together as a team.

you were the winning team.

Dale, please
pack your knives and go.

Tre, please
pack your knives and go.


Chefs, for
your elimination challenge

you're opening
your own restaurant,

pop-up style.

you won the quickfire,

so you're one team Captain.

And it's up to you
to decide

the Captain
of the other team.

It's really
about chemistry for me.

It's who I
don't wanna work with.


I know I don't
work well with him,

so I put him
on the other team

to be as far away
from me as possible.

I feel honored.
I feel as though

I have the opportunity
to kind of, like,

take the bull by
the horns.

All right, so now you'll
each get to pick your teammates.

Marcel, you pick first.

[Clears throat]

Marcel gets first pick,

and I kinda
do like what you do

in elementary school
when you don't know the answer

or you don't have your homework,
kinda hide in your chair,

'cause I really don't want
Marcel to pick me.


I'm fine
to work with Marcel.

He's somebody who's very
passionate about food,

and I think
he's super creative.

- Dale.
- Blais.


I I gotta work for Marcel.

Like, [Bleep].




Fabio is the front
of the house master.

Picking Fabio was
the steal of the draft.

- Wanna work together?
- Sure.

Don't seem too excited,

but I wa-wa-want Tiffany.

Carla, that means
you're with Dale.


- You'll be opening
two pop-up restaurants

in 24 hours at
the foundry.

And for the first time
in Top Chef history,

the diners will decide which
restaurant wins.

- Wow.
- Oh, that's awesome.

Pop-up restaurant are
very difficult.

I would focus on the food,
like I do in my restaurant.

Good luck.
We'll see you tomorrow.

All right, guys,
let's go over here.

Restaurant wars
is about assembling

a mother[Bleep] team.

All right.

I tried to assemble a team
with the most talent.

So who's gonna
go on dining room?

Who has strength in here?

- Ready to go, Tiffany?
- You do have the charm.

You are a charmer.

I don't know.
Front of the house people

seem to be
the ones that go home.

- You don't want to?
- I just usually cook.

But it's fine.

So then problem solved.

Dale's come up--
brought up this idea of

a bodega or a market.

It's fun, it's comfy,
but it's also elegant.

That's a good start.

Team captains
aren't about the one voice.

Team captains are about trying
to pull people all together

and get the best out of them.

We can even serve that
in a tuna can.

Uh-huh, that's hilarious.

I'm thinking, like,
modern, global cuisine.

Yeah, I like flavorful,
I like spiced foods,

I like big flavors.
I can do Asian,

I can do mediterranean,
I'm cool with both.

Put our names
in the courses.

Let's put--maybe
we divide our names--

before we
put any names anywhere,

let's hear the dishes.

What was your salad dish?
Let's do it.

- He's doing poached egg--
- so wanna do the cured egg.

How many times do
I have to say

that we're putting down ideas,

nobody's doing anything
until we decide at the end.

We can start
writing shopping lists.

I thought he just scratched it
out completely.

I haven't
scratched out anything.

How many times
do I have to tell you?

I'm not scratching anything out.
Marcel, Marcel.

Try and keep love.
I'm just saying.

We haven't
even agreed to that.

Marcel wants to
do the right thing.

But you know, you have
to know how to talk to people,

you have to have
people respect you,

to wanna work for you,
and work with you.

Baby beets,
regular beets, nuts...

Guys, can
we stay--stay focused?

Stay focused?
Can we do the lamb here?

It's becoming
rapidly apparent

that nobody's
actually listening to me,

and that they're just
gonna do whatever they wanna do.

That's why
I'm not listening.

All right.

That would like
to do front of the house.

One thing you're not gonna
have to worry about

in this kitchen, we're
gonna have food up all the time.

Dale picked a good team
that can run a marathons.

Marcel picked
a team of sprinter.

Cooking is a marathon.

Sorry, dude,
you're going down.

You are going down!

So the name of
the restaurant is bodega.

- Right.
- Bodega's, like, where you

get a sandwich, a bagel,

- And a Selena CD.
- Yeah.

So we're gonna open up
with a bag of chips.

We have this theme
of a bodega.

And I love
that whimsy approach.

But the diners will
be voting,

so hopefully the concept
won't be too far out there.

If your redneck cousin
won the lottery,

what would
he do with his caviar?

He'd dip it in ranch dressing.
[Bleep] On it.


- Talking about names.
- I'm kinda a fan of medi.

'Cause I mean, all our flavors
are, like, mediterranean.

Maybe it's just me

You know, I been working
on concepts and restaurants

and I wanted
everything to make sense

for my restaurant.
As it should.

You're saying that
we don't have a vision?

No, I'm saying
medi and mediterranean

just means
an abbreviation to me.

Okay, medi is my idea.
And it's up there.

You know what I mean?

And until we come up
with a better idea,

it's still there.
Just to be fair,

if one person has one theory,

and there's four other people
that have the same theory,

then we should go with the
four theories, is that fair?

Being the Captain,
I think you have

to be somebody that listens.

And that can extract
greatness from individuals.

And I'm hoping that Marcel

will settle into
these characteristics.

Tell us
about etched again,

and where
you going with it.

When you etch something,

it's just more of,
like, an expression.

And our team, you know,

we're doing

and we're etching our food
together into a tasting venue.

It's hard to work with Marcel
because he's controlling.

People aren't coming together

and I'm just crossing
my fingers at this point.

Get the [Bleep] Away
from me right now.

Dale, don't talk like
that to my server.

Tell these guys to
back the [Bleep] Off of me.

- Just be nice.
- Back...Off.

We arrive at the foundry,

and our kitchen
and restaurant space

consists of
basically everything

that you would
need inside of a kitchen,

but just outside.

That's your side, guys?

We use
one table for plating,

and one table for
mise en place.

We have to go to the
restaurant from start to finish.

And I'm feeling just
a little bit concerned

about being able to motivate,

like, a team full
of strong personalities.

[Indistinct] Over here,

and then pass
over here, yeah?

What about refrigeration
for the raw fish?

Watch behind.

Here we go.

We're gonna start the diners
with a bag of chips.

Dale is doing a dish called
bacon, egg, and cheese,

I'm doing canned tuna,

I'm doing
a fried codfish dish,

Tre's doing some
braised pork shoulder,

Carla's doing a blueberry pie,

and Fabio's
doing a cheesecake.

- [Indistinct]?
- Yes.

- It's great.
- It's delicious.

Coming around,
coming around.

We have water
around here, or no?

Right over there.

The overall concept
of our restaurant

is mediterranean-inspired.

Tiffany is making
a six-minute egg and chorizo,

Angelo is
doing a fluke crudo,

Mikey is
doing an octopus dish,

Marcel is doing
a monkfish and parsley,

Angelo and Mikey
have come together

on a lamb dish
with cauliflower and honey.

And I'm doing fresh
ricotta gnudi with oxtail.

How's the oxtail, Antonia?

- It's--everything's
done for it.

I'm excited that the diners

are gonna be
the ones that vote.

Because it gives us
more of a sense of

we're actually
cooking for the people.

Marcel, what
you got going on here?

I'm actually working
on two dishes.

One of which is kinda like
a reverse amuse, if you will.

Reverse amuse,
explain this.

It's just gonna be a little
sweet treat at the end.

Now I know you're
responsible for your dishes,

but what are
you specifically doing?

Mike and I are
gonna be spearheading the line

doing basically the four,
kinda like, entree courses.

So as the Chef,
if someone's messing up,

you're gonna jump in there--

oh, yeah, of course.
Of course, yeah.

That's actually why
I'm working on the line.

You think
it's more important

to be completely squared away--
- I don't mean to be rude

but I really
gotta get back to work.

- I'll let you go.
- Sorry, Chef.

I mean, we can talk about
how badly I'm in the weeds,

or I can get myself out of it.
Good luck.

Marcel kinda jumping
all over the place,

and just, that energy is--

sometimes people can
thrive on it,

and sometimes
it's a weird energy.

Hey, Dale.
Hey, Chef, how are you?

- I'm good, how's it going?
- Good.

This is
your concept, right?

I'm looking
at, you know, dishes

that I don't see in a bodega.
- It kinda twists--

you know,
twists on bodega food.

I think it still fits
in the theme of New York City.

- Good luck.
- Thanks, Chef.

Team bodega, I don't
understand how the food fits in.

It's, like, a bodega
in someone's fantasy world.

But we'll give him
some poetic license here.

Hey, Chefs.
Listen up.

You have
an hour left to cook.

But more importantly,
there will be only one winner.

And that Chef
will receive $10,000.

- Wow.
- Fantastic.

- Good luck, see you later.
- Thank you.

I'm tasting my dish,

and I'm feeling like
this dish is

definitely worth ten grand.
Mm, they're good.

Before service starts,
everything needs to be done.

Getting the chairs,
packing the blanket,

dishes, glasses...
How are you guys?

- Fine.
- What's your name?

- Juan.
- Fabio, pleasure meeting you.

I've been owning my
own restaurant since I was 18.

We have plenty of time.

We're gonna go over
the menu and the service.

Food will be 50%.

I will deliver the other 50%.

Add another cloth on that one
so it won't be seen.

- Tiffany.
- Yeah?

After they're
all cooked and shocked,

they peel a lot better when
they're ice cold.

- Yes, I know.
- And then after we peel them--

- yes, Chef, teach me
how to cook an egg.

I'm starting to kind
of freak out a little bit.

Fabio's already
in the dining room,

and I should have left by now
and be in front of the house.

But what I have done is
give the servers

a list of things
that need to be done

before I get out there.

How many eggs do
you have peeled so far?

- None.
- She's gonna need a hand here.

I'm peeling right now.
That's what I'm doing.

I don't have any.
Did you check one?

Yeah, these are--
they're not even cooked.

I mean, see how
it's still totally raw.

Yeah, I checked one
and it came out just fine.

I'm feeling disappointed.

I was expecting more
from these other Chefs.

We have to come up with a--
basically a new dish.

We don't have time
to fiddle around,

and we have to think of--
- exactly.

Maybe doing an egg 63?
My hope is that my team

will actually
start listening to me

and taking some of my advice.

just cooked the egg

the way I knew how to
freaking cook the freaking egg.

I can give you

for your egg dish,

but if you can't
cook a six-minute egg,

I don't know
what to tell you.

I think the cured egg
is the way to go.

Let's see how it tastes.

Mikey tells me, you know,
that he does this technique

where he takes the egg yolk

and cures it in
the sugar and salt mixture.

And I'm like,
"okay, well, at least

I'm still
having a soft egg yolk."

This salt, sugar right here,
half and half, right, Mikey?

She has
to get in the dining room.

Okay, see you later, bye.

Tiffany, we will take
care of you, I promise you.

I kinda left Angelo in
charge of my dish.

But at least
everything else is done

with my asparagus salad
and chorizo sauce.

All right, let's meet.
Let's talk.

Where's everybody?

Well, I'd
rather not do the air,

to be honest with you.
You didn't like that?

We're already behind,
you know?

Marcel is so obsessed
with his techniques.

But there's no soul.

He said he was not gonna do
a foam for his dish,

and he ended up
doing it anyway.

Well, it's already done.
That was it.

So what do you mean?
How does that make any sense?

- It means on the pick-up
it's gonna take too long,

that's what that means.
I'm so annoyed

by everything that's
going on.

Everyone needs to
pull together, stop arguing.

Like, let's
just get this done.

Our team dynamic
is really quiet.

Probably a
little bit too quiet.

I'm a little nervous, because
we haven't had any issues.

So...Like, the calm
before the storm.

If you don't know,
if you're not sure,

don't assume.
Ask a question.

Thank you very much.
Good luck to everybody.

- Folks!
- Four minutes.

All right, now
it's showtime, all right?

We gotta pick it up,
we gotta have to some energy,

we gotta smile.

You guys, we got one minute.
One minute left.

It came out decent.

Go team!

Guys, it's
all about the food.

You really don't
know how ready you are

for restaurant wars
until the first ticket comes in.

So I guess we're as ready
as we're ever gonna be.

have a good service.

You guys,
have a good service!

- You have a good service.
- [Kisses]

Get ready, guys.
Here we go.

Hi, how are you?

Good evening,
how are you guys?

Service time, boom.

Good evening.

Welcome to bodega.
Good evening,

how are you guys?
Good, how are you?

Hi, y'all.

I was really surprised
to see Dana Cowin.

She's the editor-in-chief at
Food and Wine magazine.

Take you this way.
Thank you.

So now
we have to worry about

the judges, the diners,
and now miss v.I.P.

Dana, from Food and Wine,
she's out there.


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

I'll have the pork.

Pork sh**t, yes,
and the blueberry pie.

Guys, first table's out.

- First table's out.
- Seven all day.

Seven pigs, heard.

For the first time in
Top Chef history,

the diners are
actually gonna vote

for who wins
restaurant wars.

Very good.

you'd get at a bodega.

Diners are gonna eat
at both restaurants.

After the first service,
they'll switch it around

and go eat at
the other restaurant.

Guys, we have
to write cod and pork.

Cod and pork.
Not chicken, okay?

When service begins,
it was intense.


Expo's tough, man.

Get the [Bleep] Away
from me right now.

Dale is getting upset
with my server.

All right, run it right here.
Rafael, where you at?

- Hold on.
- Grab it.

- Three pork.
- So I have to tell him,

"Dale, don't talk
like that to my server.

You have a problem,
you talk to me."

You all right?
Yes, just tell these guys

to back the [Bleep] off of me.
Just be nice, okay?

I need more plates, please.

We'll see, if
I can't get this food out,

then I will be
totally in the juice.

Relax, it's good.
Everything's good.

Three pork.

I just look over at the other
team where, you know,

they were serving
tuna out of a can.

So if they look
a little nervous,

because they saw the elevated
food that we're doing.

We have, like, you know,
perfectly composed plates.

All we need is
the perfect service,

we have perfect
food right now.

- That's definitely smoked.
- Yeah.

Maybe that's why it
looks undercooked,

because it's smoked.


- Okay.
- What's wrong?

- They want this cooked more.
- Okay.

And they want
this served

at the same time
that this comes out.


I'm like,
"oh, great, here we go."

These are coming
back too rare.

I need two more
lamb fired, please.

Like, really medium rare.

This is garbage.
What table?

It's not appealing
to eat a piece of meat

that doesn't look
like it's cooked.


- I thought that it's
not a well-cooked egg.


It's not balanced in
the way that it's composed.

- Mm-hmm.

And it was also,
like, too salty.

And you just sort of
lost the, kind of, like,

beauty of that
kind of salad.

It was more
like it imploded.

It imploded too much.

Okay, all right.

I'm sorry that you had to
experience it this way.

Oh, my gosh.
This is not good.

Dana is
not happy.

And at this point,
it's like, guys, please.

This needs to get
fixed immediately.

Just keep on
cooking, all right?

Yeah, watch the way
you [Bleep] talk to me.

- Just keep on
coo- Mikey, Mikey.?

Now we will be right back
with you with a drink order,

and I will explain
to you the menu.

In restaurant wars this season,
the diners are gonna choose

which team is gonna
take the crown.

Brussels krauts is
like Brussels sprouts,

treated like Sauerkraut.

Dana Cowan is
here tonight,

we'd better make
sure she's happy.

Dana, you're about to have
a date with me tonight.

Sounds great, Fabio.

We will be right
back taking your order.

Thank you, very much.
Thank you.

Okay, that's just a big
improvement conceptually.

- I know.
- Over the last meal.

What should a pop-up be?

Pop-up should have a feeling
of being modern and fun.

Like, there's fun
all over this menu.


- Good evening.
- Good evening.

Please, this way.
Thank you very much.

We have little homemade chips
with fried herbs and sea salt.

We'll have two
of everything.

Thank you very much, we'll
be right back with your food.


When you do
your restaurant,

do you do it for
one night, two nights?

Depends, Chef.

It's sometimes two months,
some three months.

When I do my pop-up,
I do what I want.

I show the people
the real Ludo.

A little salt,
you have salt on the pass?


Coming in with
a ticket for the judges.

- Yes.
- Two of everything.

Honestly, we started out
a little rocky.

Dale was having
a lot of trouble.

But now it's running like
a well-oiled machine.

Carla, you're
gonna have

a blueberry and
a coffee coming up, okay?

Got it.
I heard.

Oh, the bacon
is delicious.

It was probably
in the dessert.

Just take the last bite.
All yours.

First course, judges.
Runners, I need the big top.

We have a
little comfort food.

We have our tuna fried
chicken skin.

We got a raw tuna belly,
bread and butter marinated.

With little chilies,
a little lime,

crispy chicken
skin on it.

We have bacon,
eggs, and cheese.

We did our own
homemade foccacia.

Maple roast bacon, and
shaved cheddar cheese on it.

Thank you very much.

Dale's egg dish seemed
like such an easy dish.

With eggs and bacon
and toast.

It seemed like it should
be on a brunch menu.

The bacon is divine.

- Yeah.
- It's amazing.

It's confusing to me though,
'cause it's so southern tasting,

but so
techie looking.

Basically, put a runny egg
on anything and I like it.

- Good.
- Yeah.

I love the dish.
It was a lot of flavor.

And I love the little kick
he put inside, too.

But I didn't see any point
for putting it in a can.

It just made it so much
more difficult to eat.

This is spicy...
But good.

We will be right back with
your second course

in a couple of minutes.
Thank you very much.

He was
checking in.

And he's giving total
direction to everybody.

Watch him
work the floor,

he's actually
directing the staff.

Which is
nice to see.

I've never seen
anybody in the

front house direct
staff like this.

Let's sure that we
don't mess this up,

because we do
one mistake,

we're in the [Bleep]
The whole night.

Okay, all right.

- We're good.
- How are we doing over here?

- Great, thank you.
- Good.

Can I try another
bite of yours?

- Mm-hmm.

So y'all have
had good dishes.

Good comments, good.

I'm gonna tell them.

They're gonna be
so stoked out there.

Everything seems
to be flowing.

The food's coming out
a little bit better.

How are we
doing out there?

We're doing good.

It looks like
we're progressing.

Second course
for judges.

Pork and cod, fire please.
Yes, sir.

They're laughing,
they're smiling.

- Be honest with me.
- They eat everything.

- Don't lie to me.
- Richie.

There's nothing
on the plate.

We have the
chicken-fried codfish.

And we do
a Brussels kraut.

Our take on
the Sauerkraut.

Using Brussels sprouts leaf.

The alternative on there
is pork shoulder.

And served over grits with
cheddar cheese on it.

With a sauce of
corona and lime.


I love Tre's
pork shoulder.

Yeah, delicious.

- That had corona sauce.
- Yeah.

Which none of us
have ever had.

I think I liked
that corona sauce

more than I actually
like real corona.

I think the pork is
a little bit on the dry side.

And what's great about
Richard's dish,

the batter on
the cod is great.

There's so much going on,
but it all works.

Over all, I think
it's a great dish.

You have eggs over there.

So far, I'd be very happy
to have this place

pop up in
my neighborhood.

- There was something
with your--

something wrong
with the shoulder.

No, I'm just trying
to pace myself.

The fish
was amazing.

You like
the monkfish?

Oh, good.

And the fluke.

The first one was
the fluke.

- Yeah, yes.
- Very nice.

Can we get more?
Can we get more of that?

Guys, I need two
lamb right away.

And then two pork and
two monkfish, okay?

Fabio, judges.
Two pie, two coffee.

Judge's desserts.

Service, step up, please.

It's gonna be interesting to
see with the desserts, too.

Which traditionally
seem to, kind of,

be the kiss of death
for Top Chef.

Like, who dares
to do a dessert.

- Okay.
- Ah.

We have the
amaretto cake

with a
candied lemon peel.

Made with ricotta
and cream cheese.

We have the
cappuccino mousse,

with dots
of ristretto.


And the blueberry pie,
with milk dry ice cream.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy.

I really [Bleep]
Love Fabio's dessert.


I've been kind of waiting
for this dish from Fabio.

Ludo, what do you think
of Carla's dessert?

I like the execution.
That's good.

If I want to eat something,
I'm going to wake up

every night
to go eat?


This is all
that I want.

Yeah, here's
where's it's at.

Prize dish.

Well, that was delicious.

Let's go see what
etch has to offer.

Your crudo
is very light,

and your chorizo with your egg
is a little more heartier.

This one.

- [Indistinct].
- Yes, please.

- Orders in, guys.
- Oui.

Fire crudo
and an egg.

Ordering one monkfish,
one belly.

What Ian impression,
other than an etch?

You know,
it's something etched,

stamped forever
in your mind.

So we were, like,
"I kinda like it."

[Loud laughing]

So, yeah, we decided
to go with that.

- Hi, how are you?
- Good evening.

- How are you?
- Thank you.

Thank you.

- Welcome to etch.
- We'll have two of everything.

Thank you.

Y'all all right
over here?

All right, guys.
Let's get set up.

Get ready for
the next push.

- Can you do me a favor?
- Yeah.

- Can we talk more?
- Yeah.

'Cause, like, you
should be telling me,

like, when you put
the lamb back there.

Or, like you know what I mean,
let's, like, let's talk.

All right,
I'll talk to you more.

Okay, cool.

We're soul sisters
over here.


Chill out.

This is not
organized at all.

They don't know--see, they
come back with your plate.

They don't know where
they're going, the waiters.

I think Tiffany
thinks that working

the front of the house
is just schmoozing.

Twenty pounds
in one night.

And it makes us sleepy
after we have a good one.

I think she has
a great personality

when she's in
her element.

Outside of her element,
it's forced.

[Loud laughter]

The fact that I hear
the host's laughter

over anyone else's repeatedly,
is a little disconcerting.

How are we
doing over here?

Actually, we're hungry.
We need our next course.

Okay, I got you some
coming real quick now.

Padma just made a comment
saying, "we're hungry."

C'mon, guys.

Push, huh?
Let's go.

Wait, wait.

Let's go.

So this is the frisee and
the asparagus salad.

And have a
little bit of egg.

And a crudo
of fluke,

with grapes and
little pink peppercorns.

And finished with
a little bit of [Indistinct].

Tiffany's egg and asparagus.

I just needed some salty,
smoky in Tiffany's dish.

I thought the asparagus
was way under seasoned.

I would have liked
to taste more chorizo.

I love how it's kind of gooey
but crunchy at the same time.


But watch out
for the dill.


Angelo's fluke.

If you're gonna go crudo,
I want the fish to be the star.

Very smooth taste,
but at the end it's like

a little flavor blast
in your mouth.

It could have been
the perfect dish.

That's good.

- The plate has to be warm.
- Warm.

If the plate is cold,
the puree is cold.

Then everything
is cold.

Okay, all right.


He said the honey is cold,
the lamb is cold.

The puree is cold.

Everything is.

I don't want to make this
mistake for the judges.

So I just want to make sure
I tell you what's going on.

Come on, Marcel.

Guys, we gotta make sure
these [Bleep] Plates are hot.

Let's just the plates right
on the [Bleep] grill, yeah?

Well, not on it.
Might not directly on it.

Keep the
hotel pan like that, yo.

I got it, it's fine.
Just keep on cooking, all right?

Yo, watch the way
you [Bleep] Talk to me.

Mikey, Marcel, stop it.

Stop it.
Grow the [Bleep] Up, bro.

Dude, I'm not
[Bleep] Anything up.

What's the matter, man?

If this was my restaurant
I would just

send Mike home
right there and then.

There would be
no questions asked.

I'm here to support
our Captain, Marcel.

Very hot, guys.

Second course options
is the monkfish by Marcel.

Roasted slightly with a little
bit of that calamata olives.

The second option is Mike's
braised pork belly.

He also braised the octopus
with the cannellini beans.

Marcel's monkfish
was very mushy.

- It was [Bleep] baby food.
- Yeah.

- The monkfish is really good.
- And it was beautiful.

I love the presentation.
Presentation was fantastic.

So the foam doesn't add
anything, just air.

- What was that?
- It's Chef.

I liked Mike's dish.

I like the combination of
octopus and pork belly.

First time I've
ever had pork belly.

It was delicious.

- Pork belly was very--
it was done perfectly.

- Two and three, let's go.
- Probably one dessert.

You were kind of, like,
sandbagging the monkfish.

And just, like, taking
care of your [Indistinct].

I wasn't sandbagging.

All I said was are you
f*ring it too early.

But it's
not sandbagging.

When you two start bickering,
it affects everybody.

Cool, thanks for
the side note.

We've already
figured that out.

And we're
moving forward.

No more [Bleep] comments from
the peanut gallery, all right?

Let's [Bleep]
Move forward,

we're gonna do
what we were doing.

You're cooking
the proteins, right?

And I'm doing
the plating.

Let's just stick
with the plan, no?

Here you go.

We have
the ricotta gnudi.

And this is Antonia,
she made her ricotta today.

We've got braised oxtail,
a little bit of arugula.

And then our lamb chops
with the provencal honey

and cauliflower puree.

This is
Mike and Angelo's.

Antonia's dish is
way too salty for me.

I thought the gnudi
were perfect.


This is the best
dish of the night.

- Save me some, it's good?
- Yeah, try it.

I'm pretty happy with
Mike and Angelo's dish.

- The flavors are good.
- This is delicious.

It took a while,
but it's worth the wait.

Absolutely worth it.

I need two lamb
right behind that, please.

Yes, I've got
four coming all day.

- Okay, thank you.
- It's five all day.

How many desserts--

- can you do me a favor,
and let me expedite, okay?

One person talks at one time.
You guys are driving me crazy.

You gonna answer
my question?

Things change.
We need to adapt, okay.

- It's something steaming.
- Of course it is.

This is a duo of
peaches, coconut foam,

and a little bit
of coconut powder.

This is, I guess you
could say Marcel's.

It's a couple
hands in it, though.

What is that green?
I'm scared of the green.

They're all focused on
the dry ice coming out.

So this is
all presentation.

This is like a perfect storm
of [Bleep] Awfulness.

I loved how it came out
with the dry ice and everything.

A little coconut,
and the foam.

Yeah, it was
very exciting.

It's gonna be interesting to
see what the diners think.

Because they're the ones who
decide who the winning team is.

And who the
losing team is.

I'm afraid this is
going to look very uneven.

Since the
bodega meal was

heads and shoulders
above the etch dinner.

The service on the
bodega side was really good.

But I think the food overall,
I actually preferred etch.

Thank you very much for
the dinner, it was lovely.

You have a great night,
thank you so much.

Pleasure, ma'am.
Lovely, thank you.

Glad you
enjoyed the tuna.

Food was tasty,
looking good, and fun.

Good, I like
when you're confident.

Wait, it's not
that I'm confident.

Last time you
were confident,

you and me ended up
on the bottom.

I think we've
done okay.

But there were things
that we didn't do well.

We didn't open up a perfect
restaurant in five hours.

So it's
anyone's game.

I think that
we're all, like,

proud of the food
that we put out.

It's hard for me to sit here
and say, let's totally discount

the [Bleep], like,
[Bleep] ] Show we just put on.

Debbie downer over there,
Jesus [Bleep] Christ.

[Bleep] Kidding me?
Excuse me.

What, we were quiet
about it or something?

Oh, my God, what the [Bleep's]
Her problem, [Bleep] Psycho?

Marcel is, like,
"guys, we did such a great job."

I'm, like,
"you are on dr*gs."

All right,
let's go.

Fabio, he knew exactly what
he was gonna do two weeks ago.

I thought you were gonna pull
a white truffle out somewhere

and be, like,
[Scraping noise], just for you.

[Bleep] Fabio,
you're an animal, bro.


And we were in the juice,
as you would say,

for a
hot minute there.


Good evening.

Can we please see
the members of team etch?

Thank you.

All right, guys, let's go.
I hope it's good.

I'm very upset.
Talk to me now, maestro.

'Cause I need you
to talk to me now.

That's a boy, rich.
It's all good.

You wanna chastise me
for lack of leadership?

Let's not go there.

You did
a poor job,

no one wants to say anything
because you're a time b*mb.

Restaurant wars is crazy.

I got eliminated on
restaurant wars on my season.

My restaurant wars
was, like,

the service that
would never end.

I [Bleep] Up, all the [Bleep].
[Bleep] Idiot.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Get that food out!


I don't ever really want
to think about it again.

Restaurant wars.
God, if I love this challenge.

How about that?
Not bad at all, eh?

Charming, thick accent.
Can I light your candle?

Woman are, kind of,
"oh, you're Italian, ha ha.

How much money did you
make in tips last night?

I'm sure you made
a couple hundred.

Got like
seven, eight phone number.

All: [Laughing]

I love it.

♪ ♪


The diners picked your team,
restaurant etch,

as their least favorite
in restaurant wars.

Only 17 out of 76 diners
favored your restaurant.

Marcel, what happened?

We had a couple
bumps in the road.

There was kind of,
like, some issues

with last-minute
tweaks on dishes.

Pick-ups were laborious.

It's complicated.

Clearly, you guys
didn't have a plan

to execute this
complicated food.

I mean, that's kind of
the real art to what we do.

I think it was
a lack of calmness,

and a lack
of togetherness.

Maybe somebody
should have

broken off and started
organizing the kitchen.

Who should have
played that role?


The silence
is deafening.

Let's talk
about food.

Let's start
with you, Angelo.

How was that dish

Uh, pink peppercorns,
I mean, you'll find it

in the
South of France.

Not really.

I think your crudo
was too complicated.

Too much flavor
for a crudo.


I just wish the pork belly
had a little more flavor to it.

I hit it with
some sea salt

at the end,
it probably wasn't enough.

You know,
I'm sorry.

Maybe some char on the octopus
would have been nice.

A little more salt,
a little more savory in there.

Should have
been great.


Just very, very sad.
Just about your sauce.

I know you can do an oxtail
ragout standing on your head.

It was too salty.
And a little sticky.

So it was
a crushing blow.


Why foam?
Why now?

I wanted to, like,
reinforce that, you know,

parsley flavor to kind of, like,
cut through the roasted peppers.

Is this the best way to give
parsley flavor to the dish?

I would say no.

Because you're not left
with a lot of flavor.

Your dish was
missing texture.

I mean,
everything was mushy.

I want to talk about
your surprise dessert.

Did anybody up here
like this one?

It was a thumb in the eye
at the end of the meal.

It was really, you know,
thanks for coming, bing!


The asparagus,
you slice it in,

and put it in water

because you're
trying to make it curl?

Neat little trick,
but you're pulling out

all the flavor
from this asparagus.

We were looking for more
flavor from the chorizo, too.

Well, let's talk about
front of the house.

There were moments when
no one was on the floor.

I remember at one point,
looking around, going,

"there's not
a waiter here."

When you're having
arguments on the line,

it's a lot,
and it's hard.

It's hard
to control.

on the line?

Yeah, what was
the argument about?

- Oh, uh-oh.

It was just a miscommunication
with me and Marcel on the line.

We got into
an argument.

I didn't like the way
he was talking to me.

And then he was mad

because he felt like I wasn't
doing the fish right.

He's, like,
"I'm just gonna cook my dish."

And Antonia
stepped in, like,

"no, no, no, no, we're sticking
to the game plan.

This is what
we're doing."

And then
that was that.

I would
repeatedly ask Mike.

I'd be, like,
"how long on something?"

And you were, like,
"oh, well, I have to do this.

I have to do that.
And then I gotta do this."

And I'm, like,
"look, bro, I just need

to know four minutes, five
minutes, three minutes."

You wanna pull
everyone's cards out?

You wanna pull
everyone's cards out.

'Cause that's what
you're doing right now.

- I'm just--
- you're trying to pull my card.

You wanna go there?
I kept my mouth shut.

You're trying to plate desserts
in the middle of our pick-up.

What do
you think?

Why do you think
everything's messed up?

Because you weren't strong
enough to do two things at once.

That's why.
I wasn't strong enough?

You haven't worked
the line in, like, years.

And we're moving
at a snail's pace.

You did
a poor job.

No one wants
to say anything

because you're
a time b*mb, okay?

- You want to chastise?
- Let's not go there.

You want to chastise me
for lack of leadership?

Okay, I said,
"don't put the asparagus

in water, you're gonna
leach out all the flavor."

I said, "you know,
this is a little bit salty."

You can lead a horse to water,
but you can't make them drink.

Well, with
that being said.

Marcel is our
team Captain.

He needed to step up,
and he needed to say

this is what
we were doing.

There was
none of that.

Sometimes people don't
listen to what you say.

And that's fine,
and I feel like--

- well, a suggestion
is one thing.

But when
you say,

"you need to do this,
you need to do that."

You can't do this.

I'm embarrassed to be here.
We acted like children.

We were not
professionals, you know.

It was a [Bleep] Show.


Tiffany, what went on
in the kitchen

doesn't seem
funny at all.

Whatever happens
back there

does leak out onto
the dinner service.

you're right.

That'll be all.
Please send back the other team.

So I think it's no surprise
that you guys are on the top.

Blais, you can
stop worrying.

Good job, guys.

Congrats, congrats.


Let's go,
let's go.

I knew we weren't
going in there for the win.

We just needed one person
to be, like, I'm in charge.

This is what's
gonna happen.

You can't physically force
somebody to do something.

Chefs, bodega was the best
restaurant of the night.

So congratulations.

You guys k*lled it.

Richie, you heard that?


Guys, in 24 hours,
pretty amazing.

Was there a leader
in the kitchen?

I was
executive Chef.

- I was a technical advisor.
- Yes.

Whose idea was
the potato chips in the bag?

So smart.

A perfect note at the
beginning of the meal,

to set the stage
for the rest.

He helped everybody
elevate their dishes.

Rich, your food.
I love the way you twist it.

You get a can, but it's
not really a tuna can.

I love it.

Fabio, your service
was fantastic.

Personality on the floor,
plus directing the staff.

And your
dessert was great.

I mean, I liked your
little bombshell of coffee.

Really brings
life to the plate.

Thank you.

Dale, I thought your egg dish
was stoner food at its finest.

And I mean that in
the best possible way.

Tre, you have so
many things you hit on,

but everything was
very balanced very well.

You developed a lot of
flavor from the braise.

You had a good
amount of spice.

It was
just delicious.

Carla's dessert,
like every other course,

worked perfectly
with the others.

Ludo, as our guest judge,
you have the honor

of announcing our winner
for this challenge.

It was a very
difficult decision.

But the winner...

Is Richard.


Thank you, Chef.
Thank you so much.

It's a surprise to win
restaurant wars.

Because usually it's
the executive Chef.

Richard, congratulations.

You win $10,000,
furnished by Buitoni.

Thank you.

An hour ago, I thought
I was going home, so...

You can exhale.


I worry.
I over analyze all the time.

So I mean, I did not
stand up and say

I'm the leader
of this team.

But to be recognized as it,
is a good feeling.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Richie.
- La Professor.

- I called that one.
- Congratulations.

Richie, now would you trust me
when I say these things?

Now I trust
everything you say.

It's obvious,
we agree 100% with the diners

that etch was the worst
restaurant of the night.

teamwork, service.

Let me count the ways
that this team screwed up.

Antonia, her dish
was really salty.

You have no excuse
to send a dish too salty.

Cooking is
about tasting.

It's all about
that, cooking.

Marcel, I thought the peach
dessert, coconut, whatever...

Was terrible.

I think Marcel forgot
what is the job as a Chef.

It's not just to cook,
it's about managing.

Let's talk about
Mike for a minute.

He made that lamb dish, that a
couple people sent it back.

And the
pork belly.

It was missing
a little salt.

I was very,
very, disappointed.

That dish of Angelo's
was so boring.

It wasn't
about the fish.

I think he was too
heavy-handed with the garnish.

And that was
the mistake.

Angelo's part in this
is kind of a mystery to me.

My impression would be that he
identified a problem early on

and kept his
head down.

Tiffany's service
was not very good.

I don't think
she spent time

giving her front
of house direction.

She was lost out there
from the beginning.

We sensed it.

And the asparagus
had zero flavor.

Also, I did not
taste any chorizo.

The dish
have no flavor.

Should Tiffany go home
for making one unsuccessful dish

and very
bad service?

It was every cook
out for themselves.

Prison breaks are organized with
more efficiency and teamwork.

There's no
excuse for it.

Well, I think
we have our answer.



Okay, let's get
them back out here.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


You were asked to make
a pop-up restaurant

that created a
lasting impression,

and a once-in-a-lifetime
experience for the diners.

And you guys failed
miserably at doing that.

Antonia, you
gave us a dish--

the sauce was
over-reduced and salty

and just
not very good.

Michael, you had
your hand in two dishes,

they were
both okay.

But I think you
could have done more

to sort of bail
your team out.

Tiffany, the front of the house
was very disorganized.

And your egg dish
really didn't work.

It wasn't
very good.

Marcel, you were
the team leader,

you set the pace,
and somehow

you just let this
whole thing fall apart.

Angelo, you know,
you know better.

I think you just decided
to take a back seat

and just say, "you know what?
My dish is fine."

I really wish you had
jumped in and done more.

Not your
best days.

one of you will go home for it.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Marcel, please pack
your knives and go.

That's the first time I've
heard you say those words.

I was hoping I'd never
have to hear that.

I'm pretty
shocked that

I'm going out this early
in the competition.

I had high
expectations for myself.

And I didn't actually really
ma any mistakes, per se.

I guess the only mistake
that I made was, you know,

picking the
wrong team.

Well, it's been
a pleasure, guys.

Wanna pack my knives, go home.
It's been fun cooking with you.

Marcel's a good guy.

He doesn't know
how to talk to people.

And that has to come
with experience and age.

It's something that
he'll eventually get.

It's just gonna
take some time.

- Good luck.
- See you soon.

I'm probably known
as the most notorious,

diabolical contestant
of Top Chef history.

But also the
most misunderstood.

I'm actually
a nice guy,

and I'm a personable,
likeable person.


Good luck, guys.

I didn't do anything that I
probably wouldn't do again.

I'm sure this
isn't going to be

the last time
you're gonna see me.
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