07x13 - Funeral

Episode Transcripts for the TV show "Young Sheldon." Aired September 2017 - current.*
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It's 1989, Sheldon Cooper is nine years old, living in East Texas and going to high school after skipping 4 grade levels. Spin-off prequel to The Big Bang Theory
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07x13 - Funeral

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Young Sheldon...

Where's George?

He had a heart att*ck.

He... he's okay, right?

He's gone.

always as emotionally intelligent

as I am today.

For example, when my father d*ed,

I was flummoxed by
all the different ways

people expressed grief.

My mother threw herself into religion.

My meemaw turned to
a different kind of spirit.

My brother tried to fill the vacuum

created by my father's passing.


You do realize we're talking
about the beloved head coach

of a winning football team?
There's an argument...

there's all the friends and neighbors

who expressed their grief with food.

I made you a casserole.

I made you a casserole.

- I made you a casserole.
- I bought you a casserole.

ADULT SHELDON: And of course,
I thought about
Star Trek II:

The Wrath of Khan...

I have been, and always shall be,

your friend.

... and how upset I was
over the death of Spock.

Live long...

and prosper.

- What are you doing?
- Thinking about Star Trek.

What is wrong with you?
Our dad just d*ed.

ADULT SHELDON: And some people
express their grief by lashing out.

♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪

♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪

♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪

♪ I am a mighty little man ♪

I am a mighty little man.

If there's any pictures of George

you'd like to display at the ceremony,

I'll need to get those.

Oh, um...

Don't worry, Mom, I'll take care of it.

Did George have a favorite hymn

or song that might be played?

He did always play "Born to Be Wild"

when the team ran out on the field.

Not sure our organist knows that one.

I can bring a boom box.

We'll call that plan B.

GEORGE SR.: What's happening?

MARY: We are leaving for the
bluebonnet picture at 4:00.

- Don't be late.
- Wouldn't miss it.

You want a ride to school?

Nah, I'll take the bus.

Suit yourself.

See y'all later.

See y'all later.

- Dad, wait.
- Yeah?

I have been, and always
shall be, your friend.

Live long and prosper.

See y'all later.

- Dad, wait.
- Yeah?


Bye, son.

MARY: Shelly?

You okay?

He's probably thinking about
stupid Star Trek stuff.

I was thinking about alternate realities

branching off from a
single decision point.

Only one of them was about Star Trek.

We're talking about Dad's funeral.
Why don't you care?

The details of the
funeral are irrelevant.

- They won't change anything.
- I can't wait for yours.

Hey, that's enough out of you two.

You're not Dad. You don't
tell us what to do.

Well, I will, and that's enough!

It's okay. It's healthy for everyone

to let their feelings out.

Oh, shut up, Jeff.

Missy! Go to your room.

How about I just go?



I'm sorry about her.

No need to apologize.

Now, which of you might...

- See y'all later.
- 4:00.

- Dad, wait.
- Yeah?

I love you.

I love you, too, son.

Hey, Missy.


I brought you food.

Thanks, but I'm not hungry.

I'm real sorry.

Your dad was always nice to me.

He liked you.

Now you and I have something in common.

- What's that?
- My dad's gone, too.

Your dad's in New Jersey.

Yeah, but he's not coming back.


Want a hug?


- Want a kiss?
- No.

Yeah, me neither.


How you doing, sweetheart?

All right.

♪ Impossible not to do, impossible... ♪

What the hell are you doing?

- Sitting?
- Not there.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Here okay?


♪ Totally amazing mind... ♪

That's my spot.

Oh, sorry.

Here, have a seat.

I don't want to sit there,
that's just my spot.


Hey, Mary.

Hi, Wayne. Come on in.

I cleaned out George's desk.

Uh, thought you might like his stuff.


I just wanted you to know

that if there's anything that
you or the kids need...

[CRYING]: ... I'm here for y'all.

- Oh, Wayne.
- I mean it.

Anything that you need.

- Thank you. I appreciate that.
- [SOBS]

- You doing okay?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

Don't worry about me.


Okay. Let me get you a tissue.

Okay, okay.


I just miss him, you know?


I do.

I used to... I used to mess with him

by telling him he was my
best white friend, you know.

But... but the truth is that
he was my best friend.

And you were his.

Oh, that's nice to know.

I'm not helping, am I?

That's okay.

Are you hungry? We've got lots of food.

Yeah, I-I could eat.

Hope you like casserole.

I do like casserole.

♪ ♪

realized there was a better way

to deal with grief:

avoid it completely.

- Sheldon.
- Oh, hello.

I just wanted to tell you

- how sorry...
- No, thank you.

Well, if there's anything you need...


I'm here to pick up a suit for Cooper.

Oh, sure.

George Cooper?

Yes, ma'am.

Looks a little big for you.

[CHUCKLES] It's my dad's.

Nice of you to pick it up for him.

That'll be eight dollars.


What you doing?

Trying to write my
speech for the funeral.

Mmm. Not easy, is it?


Where's Dale?

Oh, he was wandering around,

afraid to sit anywhere,
so I sent him home.

Anyway, you want to
read me what you got?

[EXHALES]: Uh...


George was a good husband,

a good father and a good coach.

Keep going.

- No, that's all I got.
- Oh.

Short and sweet.

Leave 'em wanting more.

I don't know how to do this.

Oh, honey, why would you?

How did you get through Dad's funeral?

You're gonna think less of me.

I won't.

I drank tequila and smoked
a marijuana cigarette.

Oh, Mom.

Don't knock it till you try it.

I'll have you know

that I took a couple of puffs
my senior year of high school.

The devil's lettuce?

George gave it to me.

I knew he was a bad influence.


It was the night before he
shipped out to Vietnam.

And we snuck into my bedroom
and we... you know.

- Mary Tucker.

I wanted to make sure he knew
what he was fighting for.

See, that's a story you
should tell at the service.

In my church, in front of my children?

It's patriotic.

I can't help feeling like
something's wrong with me.

What are you talking about?


I know it doesn't make sense,

but... I am mad at him for leaving me.

Yeah, I get that.

You do?

I was mad at your daddy when he passed.

How did you get over it?


And Dale helps. Don't tell him, please.


I'm happy you found each other.

You're still young, honey.



That's it for me. I'm done.

I'll leave you to it.


And listen, if you can't think of
anything complimentary to say,

just make stuff up.

Nobody's gonna call you on it.

Sheldon will.


Sheldon will.


GEORGE SR.: You want a ride to school?

MISSY: Nah, I'll take the bus.

GEORGE SR.: Suit yourself.

- See y'all later.
- 4:00.

- Dad, wait.
- Yeah?

Can I go with you?


Maybe we could play some of them
car games you love on the way.

I'd like that.


Mary. We're so sorry.

Thank you.

Well, I didn't know him long,
but, uh, I loved that guy.

He felt like y'all were
long-lost friends.

[VOICE BREAKING]: Oh, here we go.

Come on, let's get you some Kleenex.

Aren't y'all sweet to come?

Of course.

I saw Sheldon the other day.
He wouldn't speak to me.

Is he okay?

He's not really talking to anybody.

- We'll keep him company.
- I'll, uh, try to distract him

by telling him the latest
news about leptons.

He'll like that.

He's crazy about the leptons.

- Who isn't?

How'd you know George?

Next-door neighbor.


So, you knew him well?

A little.

How about you?

I taught Sheldon science.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Thank you.

- I'm single. Mm-hmm.
- Same.

Missy, if you want a minute with Dad

before they close the
casket, now's the time.

It's okay if you don't.

I have to.

let me help you with that.


Holy moly.

It's good, huh?


- I'll leave you to it.
- No, sit with me.


[CRYING]: Thank you for that.

Thank you for everything.

I love you.


You don't need to worry.

I've got everything under control.


Won't let you down, Dad.


Sheldon, they're gonna close the casket.

If you want to say
goodbye to your dad...

You really didn't want to take
that family portrait, did you?

See you later.


When I quit the football team,

I thought my dad was gonna k*ll me.

And then, when I quit high school,

I really thought he was gonna k*ll me.

Then, when I got my
girlfriend pregnant...

I was sure he was gonna k*ll me.

But as you can see, he didn't.

No matter what I did,

he always had my back.

I love you, Dad.

And now George's loving wife Mary

would like to say a few words.


MARY: Thank you, Pastor Jeff.


I met George in high school.

Well, I was in high school.

He was an older man

- with a motorcycle.

I'd like to tell you he caught my eye,

but actually it was the motorcycle.


I'm sorry, I can't... do this.

I am... so angry.


George and I had our ups and downs,

but we were finally in
such a good place,

and then he... left.

[CRYING]: He left all of us.

How-how could you do that?

I am so mad at him. I'm mad at God,

I'm mad at myself

for not trying harder while he was here.

This wasn't supposed to happen. [CRYING]

Okay. Oh.

Thank you, thank you,
darling, thank you.

Jeff, could you... ?

Very heartfelt.

I know this is hard for everyone.

It's certainly hard for me.

But no one... is more upset

with George's passing

than the Lone Star Beer company.

That flag is at half-mast.


On the other hand, there's
a lot of cows out there

that are breathing a sigh of relief.

As the king of brisket
has put down his fork

and ridden off into the sunset.


- And, uh, I'll tell you something...
- Why are they laughing at Dad?

- 'Cause they love him.
- ... that I always kind of kept to myself,

but... I wasn't always a big supporter

of George and Mary being an item.

As a matter of fact,

whenever he came to visit,

I would always invite Mary's
slutty friend Janice over,

hoping to catch his interest.


Hey, Janice. Thanks for
coming. You're a doll.


George only had eyes for Mary.

And of course brisket.


And over the years,

he surely earned my respect.

♪ ♪

He was a good man.

And I will always be proud...

to call him my son.


Okay. Okay.

Uh, what Wayne here is trying to say,

uh, is, uh, George
was a hell of a coach.

He was a hell of a friend.

And we're gonna miss
him a hell of a lot.

Thank you.

Before our final prayer,

would anyone else like
to say a few words?

- Missy?



I've been thinking a lot

about the last moments
I had with my dad.

It was morning, and he
was leaving for work.

He said, "See y'all later."

And I said nothing.

I regret that.

I could have said "Bye"
or asked him for a ride.

Or told him that I loved him.

But I didn't.

I barely noticed he left.

So many times that I
didn't notice my father.

I hope he knew how much I loved him.

ADULT SHELDON: I wish I could
tell you I said all those things.

But I didn't.


Let's bow our heads in prayer.

ALL: Our Father, who is in heaven,

hallowed be Your name...

ADULT SHELDON: For a long time,

I focused on my father's shortcomings.

Now that I'm his age and
have kids of my own,

I realize he was just a person
doing the best he could,

and he did a lot.

I didn't say it at his funeral,
but I can say it now.

I loved my father.

I will miss him forever.
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