29x09 - Gettin' to Crunch Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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29x09 - Gettin' to Crunch Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on survivor

After josh recruited

Jaclyn and john

There was a new power alliance

Keith west alec and me.

No one really knows yet

We have john and jaclyn.

Jeremy is the leader of the


Jeff: when jon was sent to

Exile island, jaclyn's new

Alliance showed their true


You want some fish?

It's not a charity now.

After jon left, I saw such a

Difference in the way they

Treated me.

Jeff: at exile island, jon

Found a hidden immunity idol.

That's a game changer.

Jeff: and at the last

Immunity challenge-- jeremy wins

Individual immunity.

Good job, jeremy.

Jeff: jeremy won security

Of his own.

I know that josh and his

Moves was coming after me.

Jeff: facing tribal

Council, jon and jaclyn were

Second guessing their new


I don't like the guys


I don't think we should go with


Jeff: and it came back to

Bite josh's alliance when jon

And jaclyn flipped.

Seventh person voted out, the

First member of our jury, josh.

You need to bring me your torch.

Josh, the tribe has spoken.

10 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Man, that was intense.

I'm furious that josh is


Our game together has now

Officially come to an end.

>>Y all right, man?


So I'm not exactly sure who

To turn to just yet, but right

Now, all I have to do is worry

About me now.

So I need to figure out how to

Moveed for being in the


I know, but that's part of


That's part of the game.

Good to have you.

The brother I never had.

The thing that really pushed

Me over the edge to join the

Alliance with jeremy, was when

Jaclyn felt like she was being

Disrespected by everybody in the

Josh and reed alliance.

I wasn't sure why, but my

Instincts were telling me that

Was not the right thing to do.

All right, all right, I got

Your back.

If there's anything I learned

From watching past "survivor,"

It's trust your instinct.

You two jumped ship quick.

Josh has been lying to me for 15


You haven't lined up.

Missy has been lying to me 17


It didn't go our way tonight.

Jon and jaclyn flipped over

There again with them, and we're

In a bad place.

They can pick us off one at a


As soon as you step back here

The couples deal was over

Because that didn't last long

With you.

Remember the word "couples?

Not when you jumped down with

Your son like that?

My son is my couple.

I have the idol.

The thing about that is playing

It at the right time, to maybe

Get one of them oit.

I think you're trying to pin

It on me when it's really about


I think everything changed

After the merge.

I don't know about all that.

Maybe I can tell them to vote me

Off, they all put my name down,

I play the idol, I've had it

With jon.

I've had it with missy.

That might not be a bad idea.

It's getting to crunch time now.

( Theme song playing )

Jeff: come on in, guys!

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?


Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you're going to

Divide into teams.

On my go you will face off one

On one on a wobbly beam over a

Pit of mud.

Your job-- knock the other

Person off the beam into the


Every time you do, you score a

Point for your team.

First to five wins reward.

You want to know what you're

Playing for.


Jeff: the winning team will

Leave here and board a luxury

Fishing yacht, and crews down

Coast while enjoying sandwiches,

Plus soft drinks for the

Younguns and cocktails and

Champagne for the dahls.

Worth playing for?


Jeff: all right, we'll

Choose teams and get started.

All right, we have our two


It is wes, missy, jon, jaclyn,

And keith.

Taking on alec, baylor, reed,

Jeremy, and natalie.

And right on cue, the rain is


It's going to be a nice muddy


First match-up, guy on guy.

Who you got?

Reed going to go out up against


Getting muddy.

Get in.

Let's go, nate.

You got this, dancer boy.

Hey, wes.



My first freaking meal since the


Jeff: all right.

Are you guys ready?

Come on!

Jeff: here we go.

Survivors ready?


Come oreed!

Jeff: reed goes for it, but

It backfires.

Wesley in the mud first.

And reed fall right on top of


Reed scores first point.

All right, wes, it's all


All good, wes.

Jeff: next match-up, women.

Who you going to put up?

You go.

Jeff: it is natalie taking

On jaclyn.

Let's go.

You got it, jaclyn, let's go,


Come on, miss u.s.a.

Let's go, baby.

Come on, jaclyn, get in


Jeff: here we go.

Survivors, ready?

Let's go, girl.

Jeff: jaclyn has the reach

If she can tiewz to her


Let's go, jackie.

Jeff: jaclyn trying to push

Natalie off now.

Jaclyn goes for it.

Doesn't work.

Jaclyn goes in the mud first.

Yellow scores and leads,


Next round, jon taking on


Here you go!

Jeff: big match-up, two

Strong guys.

Here we go, jon.

Jeff: here we go.

Survivors ready?


Jon trying to reach in there


Jeremy goes for it.

Jon goes for it, knocks jeremy


Blue scores.

It is 2-1, yellow leads.

There you go, babe!

There you go, jon!

Jeff: next match-up, baylor

Taking on her mom.

I'm so hungry.


Jeff: here we go.

Survivors ?raed go.

Baylor defeated her mom last

Time they were in a showdown.

Mom plooking for some sevenge.

Now it's heating up.

You get too risky and you will


Missy goes under it.

Missy's out!

Yellow scores, yellow leads,


Good job, you guys.

Jeff: here we go.

We are playing to five.

Keith versus alec.

Yellow leads 3-1.

Survivors ready?


There gu.

Come on, control it.

Bend your knees.

Bend your knees, alec.

Keep your core tight.

Jeff: alec would like to

Put yellow in a 4-1 lead right


Keith needs to score.

Keith really calm showing


He's bored.

Keith goes for it and he does


Blue scores.

It is 3-2!




Jeff: next round.

Survivors ready?


It's reed versus wes in a


Reed won last time.


Jeff: nice little slap.

I can't see.

Come on.

Jeff: reed has mud in his


That's going to make it tough.

You got it.

Come on.

Jeff: reed goes in!

Blue scores.

We are tied 3-3!

Next round, survivors ready?


Jaclyn versus natalie.

In another rematch.

Let's go, jackie.

You got this, jack.

Jeff: jaclyn looking for


Jaclyn goes for it, it doesn't


Yellow scores and leads, 4-3.

Playing to five.


Jeff: here we go.

Jeremy taking on jon.

It is 4-3, we're playing to


You know you want those

Sandwiches, jon.

Jeff: jon needs to tie it

Up right here.

If he doesn't, yellow wins


Come ojon, get ready.

Jeff: here we go.

Survivors ready?


Feet against the wood.

Balance, that's all it is.

Jeff: jeremy going for it.

Jon trying to push jeremy off.

Jeremy falls in, and we are



It comes down to one final


This is it.

Showdown between mother and


Let's go, baylor.

Jeff: couldn't be more

Fitting in "blood versus water"

To see a mother sp a daughter in

The final match.

Take her out here, miss.

Jeff: does mom have

Anything left in that t*nk?

We're going to find out right


Here we go.

For the win.

Survivors ready?


This is it.

Winner nice reward, losers back

To camp.

Keep it close.

Jeff: with rice.

Come obaylor.

Keep going.

Jeff: nice balance by both


That's it, baylor.

Jeff: missy just looking

For that opportunity.

Wait it out.

Come on.

Finish this off.

Watch out.

Baylor, watch out?

Jeff: missy goes in.

Daughter defeet mom.

Yellow wins reward.

It's all right, missy.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Jeff: all right, yellow,

Nice reward.

Out on the water, sandwiches,

Drinks, nice break from the


Something good in your belly.

I have a question about if we

Can trade positions with a

Member on their.

Jeff: you want to give up

Your reward?

You can give up your reward.

I can choose somebody on that

Team and switch?

Jeff:you can give it to

Whoever you want to.

I want to give my position up

For jon.

Jeff: switch.

I want to give my position


Jeff: to who?

To jack.

Are you guys kidding me.

My gosh!

Jeff: jaclyn, come on over.

Jon, come on over.

Thank you so much, jeremy.

Jeff: wow!

Crazy trade!

Oh, my gosh.

I'm going to cry.

I'm, like, holding back tears

Right now.

I know.

Jeff: jon, jaclyn, take a

Spot over here on the winning

Team's platform.

Join the winners.

I love you guys!

Jeff: natalie, explain this

To me.

That's a massive trade on day 22

When food is so hard to come by.

At tribal council, I was

Really nervous about what was

Going to go down, and when

Somebody shows you that they're

Loyal to you, I feel like the

Only thing to do is show back

Some love and respect.

Thanks so much.

Jeff: natalie and jeremy,

In giving up your spot, before

Deciding on exile, you also gave

The power to decide who is going

To exile.

It can be anybody in this game.

But you five have to decide.

We're going to choose jeremy.

Jeff: jeremy's going to


You go with na?

I'm good with that.

Jeff: all right, jeremy,

Grab your stuff.

Jeremy, thank you so much,


Jeff: I can't remember will

Return in time for the next

Immunity challenge.

Two minutes ago he was on a


Baylor, alec, reed, jon, jaclyn,

Nice afternoon.

Enjoy it.

Grab your stuff.

Head down to the beach.

The boat will pick you up.

Love you guys.

Have fun.

Jeff: keith, wes, missy,

Natalie, got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

We chose jeremy to go to

Exile just because I'm positive

That there is an idol on exile,

And it would be better for our

Alliance to find it.

Oh, my gosh.

We ended up getting the "w" but

I decided I would give up my

Spot to jon.

Jon needs food.

Let's do it.

I just wanted to do this so

He knew I appreciated him siding

With us last night at tribal.

But also just to make sure that

Movinged for, I could always

Count on jaclyn and jon to trust

Me and jeremy and, you know,

This is going to be leverage for

Me down the road.

He was almost crying.

He was.

Him and jaclyn both.

Natalie and jeremy traded

Places for the reward was a

Big-time strategic move.

I mean, jon and jackie ain't

Going to flip now.

I congratulate her for it.

Touche for them.

If me or he is going home,

Let us know.

I don't want to get blind sided.

I want to send reed next.

I just don't want to get

Hashtag blindsided.

Wesley was letting nat know

That he department want to be


I don't know if they took that


It was a small hint, really.

All right, I'm over it.

Me, too.

Are you?


That way we get a little

Heads up on playing the idol or

Passing the idol between us two.

Jon and jaclyn joined our

Alliance, and I appreciate that.

So giving up our reward for

Them, it's the least that I

Could do.

"The path to victory is a rocky


It's hard climbing the ladder of

Success, but with immunity in

Your pocket, you might feel a

Bit less stress."

I came to exile because I want

To find the idol so I can

Protect myself and I can bring

It back to my alliance and say

Look what we have.

And then now everybody feels

Like we can trust him.

So when I make a move, they

Don't expect it.

But at first, I need to find

This idol.

That looks like the yacht that

I'm supposed to be on right now.

Eating sandwiches and drinking


Look at that!

Guys, look at the dolphin!

( Cheers )

I've never seen that!

There they are!

Going on a yacht, seeing

Dolphins jump in, it was really


Being able to share that with

Jaclyn was incredible.

These chips aamazing.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.

It was a good way for jeremy

And natalie to show their


We were very thankful for it.

But you do have to realize this

Is a social game, and that was a

Very big play on their part.

To the best team "survivor's"

Ever seen.


I love food and I love

Rewards but jon and jaclyn were

Not supposed to be on the


Thank you, jeremy and


I know, thank you, jeremy and


Natalie is just trying to

Ingraishate herself to everyone

By "oh, I'm going to give up my

Spot for this.

And I love you, so I'm going to

Give up my spot for that."

It makes meantime to hurl

Because it's so transparent.

Yes, it cements jon and jaclyn

In the alliance but in the end

Does it really mean anything?

Not if I can help that.

I don't have anything to lose

Right now.

I may have to stir up a little

Chaos to stay in the game right


It may end up being the last

Nail in my coffin but it's a

Risk I'm willing to take at this


It's just a long night.

There's no shelter.

You're sleeping on rocks next to

The fire.

It's just not fun.

I stayed up most of the night,

And now I'm feel real lethargic

This morning, like I got hit by

A train.

Not fun.

This time I wanted to find the

Hidden immunity idol, and I

Didn't find it.

Let me go check that out one

More time.

I climbed this all day

Yesterday, and I can't find it.

The only thing I'm thinking is

Jon already found it.

If jon came out and found it,

That would be great.

But he should have told me he it

And then I wouldn't be out here

For two days you know.

I'm dying over here.

I'm tired.

I'm thinking about when jeremy

Comes back, he's going to

Probably have gotten a more

Specific clue.

And if it says, like, anything

About it being on the island,

Then he knows I found the idol.


So either people are anything

To think he's extremely stupid

And is trying to pull off that

He couldn't find it, or they're

Going to think I was lying this

Whole time.

This is one of those times where

I hadn't really considered

What's goings to happen when

Jeremy does come back and says

He can't find the idol.

Thane he's not dumb.

My entire cover would be blown,

And then I could be in very big


Jeff: come on in, guys!

We'll now bring in jeremy,

Returning from exile island.

( Applause )


You look beat up.

Exile kicked your butt?

It was a tough two nights, a

Lot of bugs.

The crabs were real shaky and


Tough to do.

Jeff: all right, you guys

Ready to get to today's immunity



Jeff: first things first,

Jeremy, take back the necklace.

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to unspool a rope,

Dropping blocks into a basket.

First to get their blocks

Stacked, flag in the middle,


Just one twist-- for the first

Time ever, in "survivor" you

Will do the entire challenge

Using only your feet.

How does that work?

Jeff: you'll use your feet

To untie your rope and put your

Puzzle together.

First person to place their flag

Wins immunity.

Safe from the the vote.

Guaranteed a one in nine shot at

Winning this game.

Losers go to tribal council,

Where somebody will be voted out

And become the second member of

Our jury.

We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right, here we go.

Using only your feet, survivors



Making history, and trying to

Win immunity to keep your quest

For the million dollars alive.

Keith drops his pieces.

Jon, natalie drop their pieces.

Wes has his pieces and they go


If a piece drops at any point,

You can pick it up with your

Hand to put it back in the

Basket, but you've got to use

Your feet to do everything else

Involving this challenge.

Everybody has their pieces now.

Now begins the learning curve.

This is not something you

Typically practice at home.

It's going to really test your


Your balance.

Reed off to a fast start.

Keith doing a nice job.

Jeremy off to a quick start.

Jeremy won immunity last

Challenge, would like to win it

Again right here.

Jon struggling.

Missy's moving slowly.

No panic.

No panic.

Jeff: there are 21 pieces

Total, seven on the bottom,

Seven in the middle, seven on


Then you have the flag, which

Will have to go up and over


Reed working on that second


Getting a little tougher now.

Natalie and baylor on their

Second level.

Wes doing a nice job.

Alec struggling.

Jeremy on that second level.

Keith moving very quickly.

Reed moving quickly.

He's on the last piece of that

Second row.

And he's got it.

Reed working on that top row.

Keith working on that top row.

It is keith and reed.


Jeff: you don't want to pan

Nick this challenge because

Anything can happen.

Somebody can knock half their

Stack over and go from first to

Last, like reed just did.

Keith doing a nice job on his

Third row.

Natalie now working on her third


Baylor working on her third row.

Jaclyn still moving slowly.

Missy trying to pick up some


Jeremy getting ready to start on

That top row now.

Wes working on that top row.

The higher this gets, the more

Difficult it gets.

Less wiggle room, requires more

Of your core to lift those

Pieces up and keep them steady.

Keith only a couple of pieces


Reed with only a few pieces


Huge immunity on the line.

Keith on that last piece on the

Final row, disaster.

Reed one piece left on his top


Then it's on to the flag.

Reed knocks one off.

He's got to try it again.

Natalie drops her stack.

Baylor doing a nice job on her

Third row.

Jeremy trying to get back in


Reed drops again.

Gotta try it again.

Baylor very close now.

Get it, bay.

Come obaylor!

Jeff: baylor now with her

Last piece on that top row.

It is baylor and reed.

Baylor drops a piece.

Go slow, baylor.

Jeff: reed trying to put

That last piece, he knocks two


Door is open for baylor.

Baylor has it.

She's now going for the flag.

Come obaylor!

Jeff: reed's got to pick it

Up now.

Okay, calm down, calm down.

Take your time!

Jeff: baylor, can she do


Baylor, go slow.

Jeff: yes!

Baylor wins individual immunity!



That's a girl!

( Applause )

Hey, hey, nice work.

Nice worng.

Oh, dear.

Geez, how tough is that,


That was insane.

Jeff: baylor, come on over.

( Applause )

Jeff: nice job

( Applause )

Baylor safe from the vote

Tonight, guaranteed a

One-in-nine shot at winning the

Million bucks.

As for the rest of you, after 24

Tough days in nicaragua,

Somebody going home tonight,

Will become the second member of

The jury.

Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal.

Zapped me.

If I was 100%, that would make a


I always want to win, but as

Long as one of our alliance

Members won, I'm happy how it

Turned out.

I was close to.

I'm a little bummed about that.

I felt that was a custom-made

Chances for me and I feel my

Chances of being here tomorrow

Are pretty slim.

I may be going home tonight so I

May light this camp on fire on

My way out.

So I was, like, I want to see

What keith has in his back bag.

I want to see what this old coot

Is sitting on.

So I'm going through his bag,

And I'm looking and he's got the

Piece of paper that was folded

Up and creased over there.

It is the directions on what to

Do with the hidden immunity


Keith left a paper trail.

And I was like it's a big rookie


Don't leave stuff in your bag

That you don't want people to


So I did it.

And I always thought I hate when

People go through people's stuff

But desperate times call for

Desperate measures.

So here's the thing, I kind of

Stumbled across something today

That wasn't-- it was kind of


I went to grab what I thought

Was julia's bag, and it was

Keith's bag.

And it had the clue to the

Hidden immunity idol in it.

It's the note that says, "this

Is a hidden immunity idol."


On a piece of paper.

"Immunity idol rules."

Oh, my god.

That means we know where the

Idol is.

Keith has it.

I know reed's scrambling, but

If keith really has an idol,

It's not good at all.

Quite frankly, it may be

Something that we should think


You guys still have the

Numbers and then me, because I'm

Voting with you guys.

So I just wanted to put that out


Keith has an idol?


When is that?

When did he find it?

If what reed says is true,

Freaking keith, out of all

People, has an idol, which is


I would never think keith would

Be the one to find it.

And be able to hide it this


Whons how long he's had it?

So it's about to get crazy.

Somebody broke into my bag.

I've got the idol, but now

Everybody knows I have the idol.

The clue and everything was

Wrapped up with the idol.

The idol was in my blue jeans


The clues and everything was in

That blue bag.

And it's now gone.

There's a thief out here


I mean, that's my stuff.

I don't like-- I don't go

Through your stuff.

I don't expect people to go

Through my stuff, but different

People got different values, I


We're up-- we're up a creek.

So word might be out that

Keith's got the idol, and it

Might come in play sooner than


Keith has an idol reed found



In his bag.

He found the papers that says,

"This is an idol."

What did you do with yours?

I burned them.

They're definitely his and he

Has one.

A lot going on.

Total mayhem now at camp.

Keith has an idol, so he's got a

Very good play in his pocket.

Definitely complicates things.

I'm telling you, jon got that


I'm telling you.

Nat, I looked everywhere.

He definitely has it.

Jon is trying to take control

Of everything.

You're the only one I trust

Here,un what I mean?

You're the only one I 100%


Don't trust nobody else.

Jon is trying to set it up right


I think jon has the idol so my

Plan is I want to try to catch

Him in a lie because jon's,

Like, the worst liar.

This is the clue.

I want you to read it.

And you tell me where you think

It would be on exile.

On the island, right?

I went up both of them.


Nothing there.

So that's why I'm, like, jon had

To have found it.

Because I'm, like, " why o, if

You found it, we don't need to

Go back.

I know.

We could send them, and they

Could die out there.

Jeremy, I would--


He's got to be lying but I have

To trust him a little bit.

We're all in this together.

We're trying to go to the final

Six, and then we'll see what


Somebody got the idol.

I don't think so.

Sending jeremy to exile was a

Great thing at first, but I

Think right now jeremy actually

Does believe that I have the

Idol and just isn't saying that,

So I need to do something and

Change the course of the game.

After thinking about it and

Talking to jaclyn, we both

Realized how much we trust you.


So i-- I found the idol.

Did you?




On exile.


I hope you're not offended.

I would like jeremy out this

Time or next time, because I'm

Thinking if he says he doesn't

Have the idol--

You he will start telling

People do you and everyone will

Start getting--


I just got this information

About the idol, and I'm very

Pleased to know that jon is

Super aligned with me.

But he's got this look in his


Jon is saying jeremy's a threat.

Jeremy's a threat.

Now may be the time to take out


I watch jon and jaclyn barrel

Through people so far and they

Have no problem pissing people

Off, and since I started this

Game, you know, I've been

Aligned with jeremy and natalie

From my old tribe.

Jeremy and I initially were

Together full-fledged.

So for the first time, it's,

Like, a little bit cloudy.

And at the end of the day, it's,

Like, okay, are we making the

Right decision?

I just think maybe a better way

To do it is try to flush the

Idol, take together six strong,

And just because we rock the

Boat too hard, one of us is

Going to fall out.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The first member of our jury.

Josh, voted out at the last

Tribal council.

So, jeremy, how big of a factor

Is trust right now when you have

What appears to be a group of

Six versus a group of four?

Mean, trust is huge.

In this game, it doesn't even

Have to be six versus four.

Trust is huge within an


That's what we've been building

All season.

And hopefully, it lasts all the

Way to the end.

Jeff: what do you do to

Ensure that it does?

I mean, it's little things.

For instance, jaclyn and jon

Joined our alliance.

After the reward nat and myself

Won we gave did to them and

Said, listen, you guys go enjoy


This is the least we could do

For you having trusted us and

Joining us.

Jeff: jaclyn, that was a

Pretty big gesture to give up a

Big reward to you and jon.

Does that complicate the game?

You know, honestly, it


It just reassured to me that

They're both with us, as much as

We're with them.

And thinking back on the

Decision we made, I think we

Made the right one because if we

Went with the other alliance I'm

Not sure anybody would have done

That for me and jon.

Jeff: jeremy, then after

Winning a reward, giving it up,

You get sent to exile island.


Jeff: you're mister dpifg.

But, jeff, it's not exactly


It definitely serveaise purpose.

It cements in trust.

It's, "hey, you scratch my bark

I'll scratch yourself."

So it's self-serving in being



Jeff: which is one of the

Greatest moves you can make this

This game.


Jeff: it's a win-win.


Jeff: so, jeremy, what was

Exile like this time.

Oh, man.

Jeff: because you were out

There a long time.

In this game I've been

Feeling all right, and I'll tell

You I was spent.

Sleeping on rocks with no


It kicked my butt.

I was exhausted when I came


Jeff: missy, when he came

Back, did you see the difference

In the energy?

Oh, yeah.

I mean, he usually cruises in

With a huge smile on his face.

And today, he was completely


He definitely looked like he had

Been in a battle.

It was a different jeremy.

Jeff: has there been any

Talk about idols, missy?

Because we're on day 24, and we

Have not had an idol played yet.

There's certainly speculation

Of who possibly could have it.

But I think people are really


You know, it's like you

Shouldn't be that comfortable in

Your skin this entire game.

You shouldn't.

Because you have no idea.

It can switch on a dime.

Jeff: jon, do you think

Somebody here has one?

I feel extremely confident

That somebody here has one.

Jeff: which, natalie, if

One of those four-- reed, keith,

Wes, or alec--

Alec-- has an idol, and

They play it tonight, the game

Could flip like that.

Yeah, it is scary that maybe

They have one.

And, you know, in turn, it is

Kind of scary one of your

Alliance members are hiding one

With you as well.

Can I just throw something

Out there?

So the four on the other

Alliance, two of them, alec and

Reed, have been really

Forthcoming in talking to all of

Us, but on the other hand, wes

And keith haven't talked to me

Or jon about anything.

So that shows me confidence.

So if I were to take a wild

Guess and say who has an idol, I

Would say wes or keith because

They're not really scrambling.

I haven't talked to you about

Strategy this whole game at all.

And you haven't came to me,




But when you guys were trying

To recruit us to be on your

Side, it probably would have

Helped you.

You told me my loyalty with

Was with you.

I come back from exile and I

Hear you're not even talking


And why would we join you

Guys when you don't take

Consideration of half of us.

She didn't come to me.

You were trying for us.

Why should she come to you.

Could you please vote with us?

By the way, we don't care about

Your girlfriend.

When keith is talk, he says jon,

He doesn't say jon and jaclyn.

We tried early tore get them

Come over here, but once jon


Why don't you guys talk to

The girls more I think is what

She's saying.

I talk to your mom all the



I'm a girl.

She's a girl.

I don't know.

I just don't go around talking

To all the girls, I guess talk

When I pass them or something.

Jeff: reed, great news for



Jeff: any time somebody is

Yelling at somebody else at

Tribal and it's not you,


You have those moment where's

You're like keep gfight with

Each other.

It's one of those things where

From second to second, things


If you can make it into the next

Second you may have a whole new

World of opportunity in front of


Jeff: jeremy, so much of

Tonight's conversation is

Centered around timing.

When is the right time to make

The right move?

Is that something that you think

About all the time out here?

When we knew that jaclyn and

Jon were on the fence, I thought

Timing is everything, especially

When jon was at exile.

I said let me make sure that

Jaclyn is all right.

And prove that-- I have a wife.

If someone takes care of my

Wife, like, that's all that

Matters to me.

I got your back.

Jeff: natalie, what has to

Happen tonight for you?

What has to happen for me is

That my alliance sticks on tower

Plan, and don't let anything

Happen that will allow us to be

Distracted from our long-term

Dpoalz, especially when people

Are desperate and they will say

Anything to you to get what they


Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Missy, you're up.

Happy retirement, buddy.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has the hidden

Immunity idol and you want to

Play it, now would be the time

To do so.

Okay, once the votes are read,

The decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, keith.





That's three votes reed, two

Votes keith.



Two votes jeremy.


That's three votes jeremy, three

Votes reed, two votes keith.

That's four votes jeremy, three

Votes reed, one vote left.

Eighth person voted out and the

Second member of our jury,


Need to bring me your torch.

Jeff: jeremy, the tribe has


Time for you to go.

Tonight's vote is both a brutal

And beautiful example of why you

Should never give up.

Anything can happen.

Grab your torches, head back to

Camp, good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff:next time on


Right now?


Jeff: with jeremy gone,

Natalie is out for revenge.

I want to give jon a taste of

His own medicine.

And jon becomes public enemy

Number one.

Somebody feels comfortable.

He's going home tonight.

You're 100%.

I'm 100% down.

Now we're going to change the


They got me.

They pulled a fast one on me.

I did not see that one coming at


I was so forthcoming with

Everything with my alliance.

I thought we were all set.

If I knew we were going to go

Lobby this, I would have taken

That last award.

I don't have an alliance,


I'm just shocked.

That's all.

Too bad.
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