13x12 - Official Story

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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13x12 - Official Story

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Hey, Rand, how do you sleep at night?

I'm serving my country, my friend.

I sleep just fine.

Welcome back to The Business Report.

My guest is William Rand, CEO of Battle Tested Security, the largest private m*llitary contractor in the world.

Another great quarter for Battle Tested Security.

The troop draw-down's been very good for us.

We've got 50,000 people worldwide doing the Army's job more cheaply and efficiently.

I told you I've got a surprise for you, right?


Mommy! Mommy!

Ooh... hi, sweetheart!

Oh, I missed you so much.

Welcome home.

Long day, sir?

They're all long, pal.

Hey, why are we going uptown?

We're supposed to be going to the heliport.

Relax, Mr. Rand.

There's tunnel traffic.

All right, you guys, come on up this way.

This is a memorial to soldiers and sailors who sacrificed their lives.

What is it, Tommy?


Give me just a second.

Get the kids out of here.

Um, I'll call 911.

I still don't know what happened.

Well, we think that you may have been drugged.

Can you tell us the last thing you remember?

The driver...

I was in a limousine...

He was sent by the TV studio.

We'll need the name of your contact.

Ginnie can get that for you.

Virginia Pell, detectives.

General counsel.

Emailing it now.

Great. This driver, did he give you anything to drink, any water?

Anything else in the limo?

Yes, I did have some bottled water.


So when the tox screen comes back, it'll show whether or not they gave you rohypnol or any other sedative.

Don't you need my permission to look at those records?

Mr. Rand... we're here to help you.

Beth, can you see where that nurse is?

These bandages are on too tight.

Of course, honey.

What, do you think I was r*ped?

Mr. Rand, you were found drugged, beaten, and with your clothes ripped off.

I wasn't r*ped!

I was att*cked by an enemy trying to humiliate me because of the work I do.

Mr. Rand has been through a lot.

He needs to rest now.


I appreciate your concern, detectives, but we'll take it from here.

We have our own team of investigators.

We don't subcontract our investigations.

You do understand the delicacy of the situation.

We need to control the publicity here.

And all of our cases are sensitive.

We need your cooperation, unless you want us to start issuing subpoenas.

All right.

I'll be in touch, detectives.

Thank you.

Well, the driver that was supposed to pick up Rand got a call two hours prior telling him that the job was cancelled.

From who?

Rand's office.

Whoever made the call spoofed the number.

I just got off the phone with the mayor's office.

That was fast.

Well, in case you hadn't noticed, CEOs are a priority for his team.

They want to be kept in the loop.

So where are we?

The fake caller ID was set up by someone using Orange Box software.

Okay. And Rand is ex-m*llitary.

He's a former Army Ranger.

Built up his company guarding diplomats in m*llitary bases with private security.

Could be a t*rror1st target.

They wrote "payback is a bitch" on his leg.

Doesn't sound like Al-Qaeda.

It sounds personal.



No bimbo eruptions.

He's got a stable marriage.

Stays out of the headlines.

Except when he's hyping his company.

This is him going into the TV studio right before he was abducted.

"Occupy Wall Street" got in his face.

Hey, Rand, how do you sleep at night?

I'm serving my country, my friend.

I sleep just fine.

Yeah, that's me.

It's about time someone called that goon out.

Well, you got pretty chesty with him, didn't you?

He's a w*r criminal.

He wants to go on TV and brag about the profits, I'll get in his face.

Does that include kidnapping?

What are you talking about?

So where were you at 6:00 last night?

Uptown at a drum circle outside the mayor's house.

Look, something happened yesterday that could tarnish your movement's image.

You want to know who's most aggressive toward Rand?

One of the guys you planted.

How do you know he was our guy?

m*llitary build, 50...

Saw him getting into a pickup after a protest last week.

He hadn't even bothered to take the "Special Forces" sticker off the back window.

All right, so here's your black pickup.

It's from police video two months ago.

It's outside Rand's condo.

Then a month later, there's our guy outside a Soho benefit.

And last week, near Battle Tested's headquarters.

Let me guess-- the pickup's registered to a dead nun.

Not unless her name is Donald O'Keeffe.

Lives in White Plains.

He's a former Marine, Special Operations.

That's not too stealth for a kidnapper.

Or Black Ops guy.

Rand's people know him?

Oh, they're dragging their feet about turning over the phone records and emails.

They don't want us to find out who kidnapped him?

Or why he'd take it this far.

O'Keeffe's retired.

We got a day job for him?

He's been doing security for oil tankers.

A lot of travel to Somalia.

Okay, handle with care.

This is a man who sh**t pirates for a living.


We need a word with you.

This about William Rand?

Okay, take it easy, man.

Donald, don't make this harder.

What took you so long?

After what they did to my little girl...

Rand got what he deserved.

So, you cancelled the pickup, posed as Rand's driver, then roofied him.


But it all comes back to my daughter.

You take care of her case, I'll take care of yours.

Look, dude, we're not here to play let's make a deal with you.

Just tell us what you did.

Just... hang on.

What about your daughter?

What's her connection to Rand?

She worked for his company in Basra.

A month after she started... four of those animals drugged and r*ped her.

Men she worked with?

Did she report it?

To the nearest base commander.

He said they weren't m*llitary.

Four years we've been trying.

The State Department, the Justice Department.

Four years, and no charges have ever been filed?

DOJ caved like everyone else.

No one wants to take these guys on.

So a r*pe for another r*pe.

That makes it okay to you.

I gave him just enough of the baton to make him think about it...

Every time he sits down.

He's not making it up-- the part about the daughter.

It doesn't mitigate.

as*ault, kidnapping...

We're not here to make deals with vigilantes.

There are legal avenues for settling scores.

All of which he tried, cap.

We're not Basra PD.

Let's just stick to our job.

Rand has decided to work with us.

He wants to come in and make the ID.

Take your time.


The drug must have wiped my memory that night.

You sure you don't want a longer look?

Appreciate all you're doing.

He called, asked to come in, then tanked the ID?

Well, he got out of there fast enough once he saw Donald.

He could have just been eyeballing Donald so his guys could take care of him later.

Maybe Rand doesn't want us looking into what happened over there.

Neither do I.

It's not our concern.

Hold on, captain.

Let us at least talk to his daughter.

All due respect, this speaks to O'Keeffe's motive.

It's part of this case too.

Just remember which crime you're investigating here.


I've been waiting four years for justice.

Then my dad loses it, and you guys show up.

He's a good man.

He doesn't deserve to be in jail.

Help us understand why your father snapped.

Look, we want to hear your story.


To prosecute my dad?

That's why you're here, isn't it?

Officially, yes.

We're here investigating your father's case.

But unofficially, Cory, we're here because what happened to you is wrong.

The first month, the guys weren't friendly, but they were professionals.

Then one night, they had a party.

Were there other women invited?

I guess they knew not to go.

Ian Kent, one of the deputies of the recon team, he gave me a drink.

He said I needed to loosen up.

A few minutes later, I couldn't feel my legs.

Ian carried me into his room.

Three of them were in there.

How much of this do you remember?

I was in and out, but they were raping me.

They were brutal.

Crushing me.

I couldn't breathe.

I asked them to give me a break.

Just a second.

They just laughed.

Cory, how long did this go on?

I don't know.

When I came to, I realized I was in an interrogation room with two armed guards.

Did anyone talk to you?

Joe Marshall, their supervisor, told me I was in the room for my protection.

Then he asked me if I was gonna sue the company.

How long were you held?

72 hours.

Then one of the guards finally gave me his cell phone to call my dad.

That's when they released me, let me see a female Army doctor.

Okay. Did they do a r*pe kit?


But by the time the DOJ started the investigation, it had disappeared.

It's not just what these guys did to me.

It's that they knew they could get away with it.

Donald O'Keeffe was just arraigned.

Even without Rand's ID, he's still getting one to eight.

What'd you get from the daughter?

She and the father went through a nightmare.

So he goes to prison, but the guys who r*ped her-- nothing.

Benson, Amaro.

This is David Haden, our new Executive Assistant District Attorney.

Mr. Haden, detectives Benson and Amaro.



Last I heard, you were head of rackets.

Well, they kicked me upstairs.

Mr. Haden is here about the Rand case.

Number two in the DA's office handling a sex crime?

Officially, this isn't just a sex crime.

It's the kidnapping of a high-profile figure.

The DA has asked me to take a personal interest.

Personal interest... in protecting Rand's image.


Fair enough, detective.

I'm a second-generation DA.

I'm used to cops giving me the stink eye.

Forgive our suspicion, counselor, but Rand is not cooperating.

And our suspect's daughter was g*ng r*ped by his employees.

In Basra.

And Justice dropped the case.

I'm guessing you know why.

No, but I'd like to.

I'll set up a meeting.

I can expect both of you to join me?

Thanks for your time, captain.

What was that?

Let's watch our step here until we know his agenda.

Your office hasn't overreached enough?

Now you want to pursue cases in lraq.

Why didn't the feds stay on this?

Well, for starters, there were problems with this case.

Spotty memory.

No r*pe kit.

We were told there was one.

If there was, it got lost in lraq.

It's a w*r zone.

Look, I appreciate your concern, but the US government has to look at the bigger picture.

You mean now that we're privatizing w*r, these companies are above the law?

You know as well as I do contractors aren't m*llitary.

They can't be court-martialed.

And order 17 put them above lraqi law.

They can still be prosecuted by DOJ. at our discretion.

Oh, I see.

You're saying they can do whatever they want.

Even g*ng r*pe female employees without any fear of reprisal.

These guys have a lot of juice in Washington.

I'm telling you that as a friend, David.

Well, that was a profile in courage.

You can tell they've got their marching orders.

Now you know why Cory's dad snapped.

These guys are untouchable.

Maybe not.

Rand's headquarters are in New York, right?

If we can prove there's been a cover-up of the r*pe directed from here, we'd have jurisdiction.

What would you need from us?

How 'bout a real investigation?

Let's start with the r*pe kit.

Hey, how much do you deal with these civilian contractors over there?

As little as possible.

They're cowboys.

What's going on with your case?

You know Cory?


She says she had a r*pe kit done by an Army doctor, but the kit's gone missing.

Do you want me to make some calls?

I know people who were in Basra.

You can trust 'em?

I mean, these people have reach, M.

I know.

I can handle myself.

I know, but...

Can we let this go for now?

I'm only here for a few more days.



Dr. Rausch, you worked all the hot spots.

First Basra, now the Bronx VA.

I'm not sure how much I can help you.

But you remember Cory Green?


I remember Cory.

I was about to be deposed about it three years ago.

I was told the case has been settled.

How did you end up doing a r*pe kit?

Her father called the base.

She wasn't m*llitary, but I was the closest doctor available.

And what, exactly, did the exam show?

Dr. Rausch...

They tore her apart.

It was a violent, sustained g*ng r*pe.

It was all documented in the r*pe kit?

Photos, swabs, notes.

Plus her clothing, complete with semen stains from multiple donors.

No traces of dr*gs in her system because they held her for 72 hours.

What can you tell us about the kit's chain of custody?

I gave it to my superior officers.

But I heard they had no jurisdiction, so they turned it over to Battle Tested.

Do you remember how you heard that?

One of my COs--

I'm not saying who-- was complaining that Battle Tested had the run of the base.

Would you be willing to testify before a Grand Jury?

I have to admit, we were not sure about you at first.

You can trust me. I'm an attorney.

A little secret... I can be a little testy when I work with new people.

I can be somewhat testy around my kids.

You have kids.

Boy and a girl.

They live with my ex-wife in Cobble Hill.



I'm just getting over something.

Isn't everyone.

Can you stay for another round?

You know, um... why don't we call it a night?

You need a clear head in front of that Grand Jury tomorrow.

Rain check?

I'd like that.

So as chief medical officer in Basra, you examined m*llitary personnel and Americans working in the area.

Yes, sir.

Including Cory Green.

That's correct.

Dr. Rausch, you examined Ms. Green 72 hours after she had been assaulted.

I can't speak to the length of time.

But you do recall the details of your r*pe exam?

We're talking about events that happened four years ago, and I examined thousands of patients when I was in lraq.

Dr. Rausch, you were in my office yesterday.

You told me you recall the exam.

You recounted specific details of the r*pe kit.

Isn't that true?

Yes, sir.

But I have since realized that I might have been confusing the details with facts from other cases.

You do realize you're under oath here?

Yes, I do.

Rand works fast.

Dr. Rausch isn't just ducking our calls.

She gave notice at the VA this morning.

Well, we're sitting on the house.

She comes out, we bring her in.

Okay, get your team started on tracking down the other witnesses.

Already on it.

Who's the guy on the right?

Ian Kent.

He brought me the drink with the drug in it.

Where is he now?

The Battle Tested security zone, along with these two.

The company claims that location's classified.

Of course they do.

What about the last one?

Wally Barton.

I thought he was my friend.

So we have four rapists.

Who's Joe Marshall?

Joe Marshall, the head of detail.

He had them isolate me afterwards.

And he's a company man.

He just got promoted to Senior VP under Rand.

Okay, so we need somebody under him.

Cory, tell me about the guards.

That one never made eye contact.

But George Coleman... he didn't r*pe me.

He's the one who gave me his cell phone to call home.

The thing is, he's dropped out of sight.

He left the company three years ago.

Well, we better find him before they do.

Dr. Rausch recanted?


Rand can intimidate a witness. No consequences.

Well, we're trying to find out how he got to her.

You know, all my life I've tried to do the right thing.

I signed up for the Marines as soon as I got out of school.

When my country asked me to fight, I went.

And I confessed and was ready to do my time... because I trusted you people to get justice for my daughter.

I know how you feel, Mr. O'Keeffe.

I have a daughter too.


Does your daughter flinch... when you try to hug her?

Wake up... screaming in the night?

Was your daughter r*ped... so brutally... that she'll never be able to have children?

We're gonna get these guys, Mr. O'Keeffe.

Prove it.

You're gonna make me miss my flight.

So you're heading back overseas again, huh?

I just realized that I could make a difference in that part of the world.

The Royal Bahrain Surgical College...

Where Rand is a trustee, right?

So you took their call and lost your memory?

We can subpoena your phone records.

Look, it's gonna be very difficult for you to make it to Bahrain when you're stuck here fighting a perjury charge.

Then charge me.

You don't know what they're like.

Well, Cory Green does.

We get it.

But if you don't give us something, you're not getting on that plane.

They had me run tests... on four men...

For STDs.


She had a meltdown after one of the men in my detail broke up with her.

I never wanted her on my team.

She was unstable from the get.

One of the men?

Now, is that why you had four of them tested for STDs?

Those medical records are confidential.

There is no subpoena.

Virginia, it's immaterial.


After Cory was diagnosed with chlamydia, the rest of the team just happened to get tested?

Were you tested too?

Let me tell you something, Miss.

I never touched that girl.

I got a wife and three daughters.

But she went buck-wild when she got to Basra.

Yeah, 'cause lraq has that effect on women.

Some girls get turned on being in a w*r zone.

And they'll go for the dude with the big g*ns.

Not some r*pe crisis counselor.

So it was all consensual.

Her and four guys?

And they're all willing to hang together.

No one's gonna talk to you.

This company is built on loyalty.

George Coleman feel that way?

Because he doesn't even work for the team anymore.

George... has been in every drunk t*nk between here and Florida the last three years.

No one takes his word over ours.

Fishing trip's over.

Nice job.

Let's make some calls to Florida.

I think I can handle that one. Okay?

You expect me to be grateful.

You drag me back up to New York in winter.

Nobody wants to dry out in a drunk t*nk.

Not even in Florida.

I got nowhere else to be.

My wife took off with my kids and my money.

Was that before or after you started drinking?

Look, you're not the only one to come home with a problem.

It's another world over there.

What would you know about it?

I was in lraq.

Working interrogations after 9/11.

I mean the... the stress, the... the choices you have to make.

People don't know.

Then you come home, and you can't talk about it.

So you drink.

So you drink.

Was Cory Green one of the things that you can't talk about?

It bothered you what happened to Cory, didn't it?

We know that you let her borrow your cell phone.

You watched out for her.

Two armed guards on a bleeding, half-conscious 110-pound girl.

Is that why you got into this, George?


That wasn't my call.


Well, then, whose call was it?

Joe Marshall.

He's Rand's bitch.

Why do you say that?

I saw all the faxes.

The orders came straight from Rand's office.

Couple of days to clean up, he'll be good to go.

My office can put him up in a motel.

Somebody's gonna have to keep an eye on him.

But we have company.

Mr. Rand and the deputy mayor were just heading to a city Youth Corps event downtown.

The commissioner asked me to stick my head in and say hello to your captain.

David Haden, Executive Assistant to the District Attorney.

William, I need to run on ahead.

You'll let me know if you need anything else.



I was surprised to learn that you're using O'Keeffe's as*ault as a pretext to open an old discredited case.

We just follow the leads where they take us, Mr. Rand.

To a mentally unstable young woman who's been in and out of psychiatric care the last four years?

So it's like that, huh?

Don't look so caught out.

I have my own Intelligence Division.

Everyone has skeletons.

I'm gonna pretend that's not a thr*at.

Just ask yourself something, counselor.

Is this the battle you want?

Because w*r is my business.

And business is good.

Have a nice evening.

That was subtle.

So right about now you're asking yourself, "what have we gotten ourselves into?"

You kidding?

I live for this.

Looking for bugs... or bottles?

To be honest, George, both.

We've all got a lot riding on this.

It's the Grand Jury tomorrow.

Get off me!

Get off me!

Uh... uh!

Hey, what's going on?

Hey! Hey!

The uni said no one came in after I left.

All these bottles.

Did you search the room?

Top to bottom.

We just made George Coleman collateral damage.

What's the damage report?

Cory's got a broken wrist, and the shiv missed her dad's kidney by 1/8th of an inch.

Everybody here okay?

I was gonna move that coffee table anyway.

CSU is there now.

ME says George Coleman's cause of death was alcohol poisoning.

Had five times the legal limit in his blood.

That's not Black Ops.

That's Houdini.

Okay, we're dealing with a private army here operating without legal restraints.

Even so, taking on NYPD?

The r*pe of Cory has gotta be just the tip of the iceberg.

Well, let's not underestimate what they're capable of.

Put on your vests, carry your radios and sidearms at all times.

Nick, you know what these guys are like.

We can help protect your family.

I'm all-in.

Yes, sir.

Come on, cap, let's do the job.

Okay, somebody got that booze into George Coleman's motel room.

Find out who knew he was even there.

George's last call... was to a land line... in Rockaway, Queens.

That's where he's from.

Call was to James Pell.

Rand's general counsel.

Virginia Pell.

Where does she live?

Upper East, but...

I got a DOB here.

The guy is 70 years old.

So... Virginia's dad?

Ms. Pell.

Do you have a moment for us?

I'm with my father.

You can try me at work.

You might not want to discuss this at the office.

George Coleman is dead.

Yes, I know.

I'm arranging the funeral.

And he'd still be alive if it wasn't for you people putting him on the spot.


You think he was m*rder*d?

Georgie drank on a good day.

And if he was under pressure-- there was no alcohol in his room when we left, Virginia.

A few hours later, there was five times the legal limit in his system.

Excuse me.

My father needs his meds.

Okay, that should start some chatter.

Five times the legal the limit, William?

I thought the plan was just to talk to him.

I can't talk about this.

I'm in a meeting.

Okay, but now they're gonna be all over us.

Do you want me to make a run out to the mountain?

I'll speak to Joe at the funeral, he'll make the hike.

But, baby, let's not talk business on this line, all right?


I guess I got a little rattled.

I knew Georgie a long time.

"Baby" we understand.

"Mountain's" what we're working on.

You have a lot of nerve.

George was our witness.

But you knew that already, didn't you?

What's the charge?

No charge.

Material witness and a flight risk.

This won't stick.

Where are you taking him?

If you're arresting Joe, I'm his lawyer.

With all due respect, we may subpoena you to testify in front of the Grand Jury as well.

So he's gonna need outside counsel.

My condolences.

Yes, my mommy is home.

Yes. And my daddy is home too.


Zara, honey, who is it?


Give me the phone, please.

Who is this?

Zara, go to your room.


They know your next assignment.

That you're leaving in the morning.

You talked to my daughter!

You threatened my wife?


Don't be naive.

You started a w*r.

So you think what happened to George won't happen to you?

No one ever played this for you.

Marshall never got out to the mountain.

It's okay.

I took care of it myself.

So we're good.

Yes and no.

It turns out Joe kept a few keys on his chain.

I think he might be going to Barbados soon.

And taking the family.

Planning a Caribbean vacation?

You doctored it.

I can hear--

That's not our game.

That's yours.

I need to make a call.

It's too late, Joe.

They're already figuring out how to make your wife and kids disappear.

They won't do that.

And why not?

You got something.

Look, we know the mountain is lron Mountain, the storage facility.

Rand had something there as an insurance policy.

The r*pe kit.

Rand held onto it to make sure that nobody else would flip on him.

It's not there anymore.

You heard the man.

Rand didn't get everything.

You kept a few keys on your chain.

But like, what?

Semen-stained clothing?

STD tests on her rapists?

You're smart.

You kept your own insurance policy.

But guess what, Joe.

It's time to cash it in.


Call your DA.

But I'm not going to Rikers.

I get the full ride.

Yes, sir.

I was tasked to take control of the situation.

What does that mean?

I was told to put Cory in a controlled area and also to secure the r*pe kit.

You mean make it disappear.

I removed it from Army custody and transferred it to corporate headquarters.

And who gave you those orders?

The CEO of Battle Tested Security, Mr. William Rand.

Turn around!

William Rand, you're under arrest.

Let's go.

His yacht was waiting to take him out of our jurisdiction.

So much for serving America.

He won't get away?

Oh, none of 'em will.

George's m*rder, multiple assaults.


Witness tampering.

Not to mention the underlying crimes.

They're gonna be in there a lot longer than 72 hours.


Hold on, sir.

It's your father.

They got 'em, daddy.

They got 'em all.

We did it.

I love you too.

Hey. Hey, how was your flight?

You okay?

No, it's done.

Listen, you just-- you be safe over there.

Yeah, I love you too.

And I miss you.

And just for the record...

I haven't worked that well with anyone in a very long time.

Well, that makes two of us.


Well, I have a 7:00 AM meeting with the deputy mayor.



Well, you know what they say.

You can never find a taxi or a police officer when you need one.
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