04x01 - When I Get Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Power". Aired: June 2014 to February 2020.*
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"Power" follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", a wealthy New York night club owner who has it all. In addition, he lives a double life as a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks. He struggles to balance these two lives, and the balance topples when he realizes he wants to leave the drug ring in order to support his legitimate business, and commit to his mistress.
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04x01 - When I Get Out

Post by bunniefuu »

GHOST: Previously on Power.

You made the right choice paying me instead of Karen.


Who the f*ck is Milan?


He might be the most dangerous man I ever met.

I went to see Tasha.

She was afraid, but more for her friend than herself.

- TOMMY: What friend?

- MILAN: LaKeisha.

WOMAN: At the sound of the beep, leave a message.

Damn, 'Keisha.

Where you at?

This is your revenge?

- It's not personal, Milan.

- Just business.


[cartridges clatter]

Did you tell Ghost we're still going to sell dr*gs in his clubs?

Nah, he'll know soon enough.

What did Ghost really take away from you?

My name's Slim.

You mind if we sh**t a few?

Yeah, sure.

TASHA: Where's your brother?

He went to hang out with that new friend of his, Slim.


Who's Slim?

Ransom his ass.

You get Ghost's money, k*ll his kid, you ride off into the sunset.

You were covering your tracks.

I gotta take you in.


MJ: Looks like Greg Knox was your leak.

This case is closed.

[suspenseful music]

GHOST: Angie, I told you that I needed to protect you from Greg.

I'd do anything to protect you.

You are under arrest for the m*rder of Special Agent Gregory Knox.

GHOST: I can't believe you're doing this to me.

ANGELA: It's the right decision.

JOE: They say this is a big, rich town I just come from the poorest part Bright lights, city life I gotta make it, this is where it goes down I just happen to come up hard Legal or illegal, baby, I gotta make it

50 CENT: I never took a straight path nowhere Life's full of twists and turns, bumps and bruises I live, I learn I'm from that city full of yellow cabs and skyscrapers It's hard to get a start in these parts without paper Homey, I grew up in hell, a block away from heaven That corner every 15 minutes, they moving seven Pure snow, bag it, then watch it go Occupational options, get some blow or some hos sh**t the ball or the strap, learn to rap or to jack f*ck it, man, in the meantime Go head and pump a pack This my regal, royal flow, my James Bond bounce That 007, that's 62 on my count I'm an undercover liar, I lie under the covers Look a b*tch in the eyes and tell her, baby, I love ya You're my inspiration, you're my motivation You're the reason that I'm moving with no hesitation JOE: They say this is a big, rich town Yeah, I just come from the poorest part Bright lights, city life I gotta make it, this is where it goes down Legal or illegal, baby, I gotta make it

["Monster" by Jacob Banks]

MACEDON: Take off your watch.

This b*tch you brought into our lives is a f*cking cop?

MACEDON: Cufflinks.

MAN: Oh-aye-oh-ay Don't you get it?

When are you gonna realize you ain't in control of this situation no more?

MACEDON: Empty your pockets.

JACOB BANKS: They made a monster out of me They put a shot in my back They did me to the count of three What did you do last night, Jamie?

JACOB BANKS: They set the hounds on my tracks [phone vibrating]

Pick up, pick up, pick up.

- RAINA: Mom, are you okay?

- Go back to your room!

[phone vibrating]

JACOB BANKS: They put a bounty out on me It's my wife.

You'll get your phone call in a minute.

JACOB BANKS: But they would see me when I'm coming Get a blood sample.

[phone vibrating]

It could be an emergency.

We can send an NYPD cruiser by your place right now, if you'd like.

DONOVAN: Go home.

I got him.

JACOB BANKS: I'll be that monster you've been wanting Oh, no MAN: Oh-aye-oh-ay, oh-aye-oh-ay

JACOB BANKS: They made a demon out of me Then they put a cross through my flesh They put a search out for me [phone ringing]

JACOB BANKS: 'Cause I got some blood on my hands But they would see me when I'm coming What's up, Coop?

COOPER: Sandoval, James St.

Patrick was just arrested.

James St.


COOPER: Yeah, Valdes grabbed him at his club.

Angela arrested him?

COOPER: Yeah, for Greg's m*rder.

Get in here.

Okay, okay, I'm I'm on my way.

MAN: Oh-aye-oh-ay, oh-aye-oh-ay Oh-aye-oh-ay, oh-aye-oh-ay JACOB BANKS: I'll be that monster you've been wanting Oh, no MAN: Oh-aye-oh-ay, oh-aye-oh-ay JACOB BANKS: They made a story out of me They laugh and joke about my name They put a bounty out on me They all excited by my shame But they would see me when I'm coming I'll be laughing, why you running, oh Oh, you won't see me when I'm coming

LAKEISHA: Who's there?

It's me.



You and Cash can go back to your place.

So The whole thing with Milan is over.

You saved my life.

Stop it.

[phone vibrating]


- It's Tasha.

- [scoffs]

Remember, you can't tell her that I hid you from Milan, okay?


Give me a second?

[phone vibrating]

Yo, T.

Slow down.

Slow slow down, slow down.

Well, what do you mean Tariq is missing?

What are we gonna do?

We gonna close down?

I saw the Bassetts walked out.

No, we gotta keep the party going.

Just do whatever it takes, all right?

Look, I'll call Karen to smooth this over.


Karen, it's Andre.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Before you hang up, please, just Let me just talk to you, let me explain what hap He'll call you back.

The f*ck are you doing here, man?

You shouldn't be here!

I shouldn't be here.

I gotta find Tariq, but Raina said you know some of these people he'd been f*cking with.

[distant chatter, laughter]

Some m*therf*cker named Slim?

DRE: Shit.

[indistinct chatter]

Hey, wait, what do you mean, "find Tariq"?

He's missing, Dre.

They asked Tasha for money.

So you tell me: who is Slim?

WOMAN: Whoo!

I told you to have a closer eye on the kid.

You told me it was family business.

You told me to fall back.

Do you know where he is or not?

I could find out.


I'm coming with you.

Where's Ghost?

Wait, wait, wait You don't know?

I thought he would have called you.

Tommy, Ghost just got arrested tonight.

His girlfriend, Angela, just dragged him out of here in some handcuffs, man.

You'd better tell his wife.

[party music blares]

What the f*ck?

[door closes]

[melancholy music]

[cork clatters]

PROCTOR: You said you were in outpatient.

You said you were gonna kick.

I know.

I f*cked up.

Don't you think I feel bad enough?

You come in here I know you think you're better than me, you f*cking assh*le.

All right, that's enough.

I'm taking Elisa Marie to my place.

She's not safe with you.

LINDSAY: It's my weekend, Joey!

The court said so!

PROCTOR: And it's gonna be your last f*ckin' weekend.

LINDSAY: Don't try doing anything, Joey!

I'm warning you!


I don't want you up there.

PROCTOR: Such a f*ckin' mess.

LINDSAY: Stay away from her!

I'm warning you, stay away from her.

If you try to take her, I'm calling the cops.

I'll tell them you're the one who got me hooked on coke in the first place

- Mr.Officer of the Court!

- I gotta take this.

You shut the f*ck up a second?


Procter, it's James St.


Listen, man, Angela arrested me.

She thinks I k*lled Greg Knox.

The Fed?

Her boyfriend?

She arrested me tonight at Truth.

But I didn't do it.

Shh, stop talking.

All right, don't talk to anyone at all about this or about anything else, do you understand me?

Keep your mouth and your sphincter shut.

I'll be there first thing in the morning.

I will get you out of there.

LINDSAY: Don't believe him.

He's a f*cking liar.

GHOST: Okay, okay, uh, listen, make sure you tell Tasha I will.

I will.

Get off the phone, man.

I gotta move you to your cell.

- All right, all right, all right.

- Just stay strong.

LANGSTON: Williams, it's lights-out.

Get off the phone, n*gga.

James, you're gonna be okay.

All right, man, okay.

Talk to you later.

[phone ringing]


Who is this?

Tasha, it's Joseph Proctor, you husband's attorney.

James was arrested tonight.

He's in custody downtown at the Manhattan Correctional Center.

W-wait a minute.

I don't understand.

Wh is is he all right?

What happened?

It's a homicide charge.

TASHA: Homicide?

Who are they saying PROCTOR: I don't have any other details.

The most important thing you could do to help right now is to remain calm and keep your kids calm too.

Tariq is missing.

I've been trying to reach James all night to tell him.

PROCTOR: What kind of missing?

Is he with some friends, or - They asked for ransom.

- Shit!

That's the last thing James needs to hear right now.

- Dad!

- Turn your headphones up, baby.

PROCTOR: If James calls you, you do not tell him that.

- Do you understand?

- I don't even know you.

You can't tell me not to tell my husband I can't find his son.

PROCTOR: Listen to me very carefully.

Your husband has just been through the most humiliating process a man ever faces, all because of his girlfriend.



Are you f*cking kidding me?

Angela arrested him?

PROCTOR: Yes, so right now is not the best time to tell him that on top of all that, his son is missing at the precise moment he can do absolutely nothing about it.

He will not be able to function, and I need him to function to help me get him out of there.

Do you understand?


I understand.

He's out cold.

We haven't heard from his mother yet?

- Nothing.

- Nothing on the scanner either.

She ain't called the police.

[knock at door]

[suspenseful music]

It's cool.

Yo, you got Tariq?

What the f*ck you doin' here?

Yo, who are they?

You walkin' up in our spot.

I think the question is, who the f*ck are you?

This is Dre.

He works for Ghost.

He used to work for me.

I still work for you.

And I need to take Tariq home before Tommy k*ll you and me both, man.

- Is he here?

- He ain't going home tonight.

I got different plans for the kid.

Oh, I know about your plan.

Hey, you asked Tasha for money?

You ain't getting shit from Ghost tonight, man.

He got arrested a few hours ago.

[Kanan laughs]

That clean m*therf*cker finally got got?

For what?

I don't know, man.

JUKEBOX: I don't see why that should change the plan.

That just puts more pressure on the wife.

And when Ghost finds out you got his kid and he's in jail


That's a level of pain you ain't even planned on.

Plus the money.

Well, if it's money you want, I'm in a better position to give it to you than Ghost.

I'm back working for Tommy moving weight.

Um, uh, I can get you back in.


You gettin' back in the drug game ain't got shit to do with our paper.

KANAN: I hear that, but with the cops around Ghost, now how long before they start looking for his kid?

All the questions they gonna be asking Too many ways this shit could play out.


I don't give a f*ck.

But you can't afford to get caught.

- Neither of you.

- Look, if it's money you want, I can cut you in right now, 10K a week, easy.

- Each.

- 15.


That's almost 50K a week, man.

And if you do your job right, they won't even miss it.

TOMMY: If it was something about Milan or about the business TASHA: They would have come for both of us by now.

- Yeah.

- I mean, Proctor said Angela arrested him, and you know that b*tch would have been right here if it was about us, right?


He also said we can't call the police about Tariq.

He's right, Tash.

No f*ckin' cops.

There's no way this could be Kanan, right?

Kanan is dead, Tasha.

I mean, look.

Him and Ghost walked into that warehouse.

There ain't no way that Ghost walks out of there if Kanan's still breathing.

Yeah, you're right about that shit.

Besides, if he was still alive, he would've shot us all by now.

I mean, unless he found Jesus and got a complete personality transplant.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Kanan is dead.

TARIQ: Yo, what happened?

You fell asleep like a little kid.

Think you had too much lean.

Yeah, my bad.

Yo, my mom probably bugging out right now.

About that, Ray Ray thought he had jokes and shit.

Took a picture of you asleep, sent it to Tasha.

Told her she needed to pay for you, like you was kidnapped or some shit.


Why would he do that?

He's a f*ckin' idiot.

We 'bout to take you home, but you gonna have to explain to your mom about what happened.

She can't know nothing about us all, what goes on here.

Yeah, I already know.

When you get there, she gon' be upset.

Somethin' else happened tonight.

Look, man, you ain't gotta tell him that.

Let his mom handle it.

n*gga, he deserve the truth.

Your father got arrested tonight.


Now you see, I was right about Ghost.

I'm sorry the cops seem to know it too.

What are they sayin' he did?

Whatever they sayin' he did, he did that shit.

Mm, take this.

There's gon' be cops around asking questions and shit like that.

Don't call me from your regular phone, use that.

- All right.

- All right, man.

I'ma take you home now, all right?

Wait, we gotta figure out what you gon' tell Tasha about tonight.

No, I already know what to say.

I got you.

[elevator bell dings]


Come here, Tariq.

Where was he?

Where were you?

Ma, I'm sorry.

I-I was just hanging out with some friends.

I fell asleep, and he thought it would be funny to send you that picture.

It was just a big joke.

- [scoffs]

- You think this is a joke?


Where was he?

How'd you know here to go?

He was in Brooklyn.

I texted him and he hit me back.

Hey, Tariq.

Yo, man, you scared us.


You was still hanging with your boy, Slim, though, right?

Who's Slim?

Do I know him?

Uh, I just made him up.

I met some friends at, uh, Basketball City.

You know, Raina, she kept asking me questions, and I didn't wanna answer 'cause I wanna hang out with my friends, you know.

We drink and stuff, and I didn't want her to tell Mom.

- TOMMY: Oh.

- Excuse me, what?

That's why I fell asleep.


Who are these friends you're hanging with, 'Riq?

I'm not a snitch, Mom.

I'm not gonna let them get in trouble because I fell asleep like a little kid and they sent the picture.

- TASHA: Mm.

- Yeah, in that text, whose arm is in that picture?

That was my friend's uncle.

- Okay.

- TASHA: You look at me, boy.

I thought you were kidnapped.

I thought you could've been k*lled.

All right, I'm sorry.

I won't hang out with them anymore.

- I promise.

- Yeah, I hope not.

I gotta apologize to Dad.

Um, where is he?

Is he here?

No, 'Riq.

Sit down, please.

Look, I need to talk to you about your father.

Something happened tonight.

I mean, he he's not hurt.

He's okay, but he's not here.

What happened to Daddy?

TOMMY: Raina.

Hey, T, I'ma, um TASHA: Come here, baby girl.

He's okay.

Hey, Dre, hold up.

Yo, man.

How'd you find him?

For real.

Look, Tommy, I'm not lying to you.

I hit the kid and told him that you and his moms was losin' it and he hit me back.

I picked him up on a corner in Bushwick, man.

All right, I seen the kids, but I don't know their names.

[Tasha speaking indistinctly]

Why do I think you're bullshitting me?


What about a g*dd*mn thank you?

If the kid didn't trust me, he wouldn't be back.


Did he answer your call?

[elevator bell dings]


I'm outta here, man.

[tense music]

TOMMY: Yo, Dre.

Good lookin' out.



Oh, shit.

You back in that shit?

Best way to protect myself from being f*cked with on the highway.

Keep them Tariq payments on time, okay?

Dre ain't gon' cross me.

Hell of a night, huh?


You ain't stop smilin' since you heard about Ghost.

Thinkin' about my first night in jail.

You're away from everything that comforts you, everything that makes you feel at home.

KANAN: You have no idea what's gon' happen to you.

You have no control over what you're doin', when you're movin', how you eatin'.

For the first time in your life, you realize the choices aren't yours.

[dark music]

f*ck a g*n or a knife being pointed at you.

That shit, that first night in jail?

That's real fear.

[door buzzes]

[keys jingle]

[handcuffs clink]

[indistinct chatter]

[lock latches]

Hey, Joe.

You okay?

GHOST: Are you sure it's safe for us to talk in here?

If they bug this shit, it's a Constitutional violation.

So, yeah, we better be.

Are you all right?

How the f*ck could I be all right, huh, Proctor?

Can't believe Angela did this bullshit to me.

- [exhales]

- All because I hurt her?

This is revenge, man.

Revenge doesn't make fingerprints or DNA.

I got a copy of the arrest warrant.

[both sigh]

They're saying they found your DNA on Greg Knox's body.

- Under his fingernails.

- It's a lie.

They're also saying they found your fingerprints at the apartment, the crime scene.

Look, man, I was there, okay?

I was inside the apartment, but I wore gloves.

On the outside window.

Fire escape.

- m*therf*cker.

- [sighs]

Look, Proctor, you told me I needed to get that recording, the button Mic, off of Ruiz.

You said that Tommy and I You said we'd go down.

Yeah, I didn't tell you to break into an FBI agent's apartment to get it.

And I didn't tell you to k*ll him.

I didn't k*ll him.

I'm innocent.

Your little story of "I broke into his apartment, but I didn't k*ll him," that's not gonna get us anywhere.

I need my kids to know I didn't do this.

Tell them when you get home.

Bail is my first priority.

I'm gonna blow this warrant apart.

I'm gonna say you should've never been arrested in the first place.

But in order for me to do what I need to do here, we need to make sure that every single person you meet here, every guard, every inmate, every lawyer, that they believe you are legit club owner James St.


And you wouldn't know what to do with a g*n if if it fell in your lap.

What about Angela?

She knows me.

She knows what I've done.

It's not about what she knows.

It's about what she can prove.

And if she talks, we're gonna make it a "He said, she said.

" But we can only do that if people believe that you're a citizen.

You gotta be James St.

Patrick, not Ghost.

It's the performance of your life.

Don't f*ck it up.

[phone ringing]


Tariq is fine.

He was with his friends.

How's James?

Should I come see him today?

There's something else I need you to do now.

Get bail money.


How much and how fast?

The government will be tracing the money.

It needs to be clean.

Like stand-up business owner clean.

Bags of untraceable cash won't cut it.

How much do you know about us?

Enough so I know that I need to tell you that.

You need to have about two million on hand, just in case.

$2 million?

Clean money?

He's accused of murdering a federal agent, Tasha.

TASHA: They're saying he shot a cop.

James would never sh**t a cop.

How much of this has to do with Angela?

She's a distraction, Tasha.

We need to stay on task.

Please, get the money together.

Yo, it's all over the news.

The f*ck happened, Tommy?

They're saying nightclub owner James St.

Patrick k*lled an FBI agent.

Yeah, well, it ain't your problem.

You're still safe from Milan, so you can go home.

Now grab your shit.

Let's go.

- No.

- Oh, my God.

LAKEISHA: I'm not going.

Ghost is in jail, you runnin' drug money through my shop.

So what if the cops come for you next, Tommy?

And then Tasha.

And then me.

Guess what?

I don't feel safe.

Ghost ain't got nothin' to do with mine and Tasha's business.

Yeah, but I do, 'cause you all got me twisted up in this bullshit.

So what happens if the cops come for me, Tommy?

We can prep you to answer their questions if that happens.

But it ain't gonna happen.

But if the Feds do come sniffin' around, you goin' missin' don't look too good.

All right, look, 'Keisha, you're innocent, right?


So act innocent.

Go home.

[phone buzzes]

Come on.

We gotta go, for real.

I got you.

James doesn't have to cosign to sell the stocks, Alex.

Right, but that's not really the problem, though.

He already sold the stocks, so your portfolio is empty.

[keypad beeping]

[tense music]

[keypad beeping]

[lock clicks]

I'll give you some privacy.

[door closes]




[indistinct chatter]

[tray clatters]

Hey, we gon' need the janitor over here.

Sorry about that cop-k*ller.

[elevator bell dings]


Come here.

Where did you go?

Why didn't you answer any of my calls?

Look, I needed time to think.

All right, Tasha?

You came into my shop, you blew up my life.

I didn't think I owed you an answer.

You didn't give me a choice, Tasha.

You're right, 'Keisha.

I'm sorry, okay?

I didn't mean for all this to happen.

I was so scared, I thought Milan was gonna k*ll us.

LAKEISHA: Well, you don't have to worry about Milan now.

What we gotta figure out is how you gon' get through this thing with Ghost.

TASHA: [sighs]

Have you went to see him yet?


Not yet.

I did it with Kadeem.

When you go visit him in prison, all that's gotta be covered up.

All of it.

He didn't do it.

Did he?


A cop?


No way.


I mean, at least the Ghost I always knew wouldn't.

'Keisha, it's like it's like I'm living in a nightmare, and I can't wake up.

[elevator bell dings]

[ominous music]

[distorted speech]

You Tasha St.


This is your home?


What is this?

DONOVAN: We have a warrant to search the premises.

Are there any minor children present?

They're not home, and but you you can't just barge in here like this.

But that's actually what this paper says, so please.

Stay out of our way, ma'am.

[indistinct chatter]

LAKEISHA: The f*ck is going, Tasha?

[police radio chatter]



This b*tch got some f*ckin' nerve.

[camera shutters clicking]

Just give me the word, T, and I will beat her ass.

No, no, you're not going to jail on my watch.

- Oh, f*ck that b*tch.

- No.

Okay, just stay here, please?

And keep your fool mouth shut.

What the hell are you doing here?

Executing a search warrant on the home of a m*rder suspect.

This isn't personal.

The hell it isn't.

You know he wouldn't k*ll a cop.

When it comes to Jamie, Tasha, the only thing I know for certain is that he's capable of anything.

We both need to stop being so surprised.

Is there a w*apon in the house?

[indistinct chatter]

He was sleeping in here?

I was worried he might transfer bedbugs from your place.

Put in the combination.

Let him open the door.

- [safe beeping]

- TASHA: [sighs]

Is it loaded?

No, I wouldn't keep a loaded w*apon around children.

It's it's not the m*rder w*apon.

- Wrong caliber.

- Okay.

Bag and tag anyway.

Take it all.

I don't know how you think you have the right to come up in my mother Jamie's actions give me the right, and anything you say can be used against you.

Call Proctor.

Tell him to get over here.

It'll protect us both.

[tense music]

[door opens]

- PETAR: Mm.

- Oh, look at you.

- PETAR: Huh?

What you think?

- You lost a f*ckin' bet or something?

PETAR: Haha, that's very funny guy.

You look like a f*ckin' ferret.

What's ferret?

Is a type of rodent, yes?

- Yes, it's like a rat.

- You're hilarious.


What's happening with Ghost?

Situation's under control.

Ghost gettin' pinched had nothing to do with our organization, and he ain't k*lled some Fed.

All right, listen, I-I'll tell everybody what's up with Ghost, and that we're the new connect at the meet tonight.

- Okay.

- Weren't you and Bratwurst Were supposed to go home?

What are you even doing here?

It was recommended I stay and oversee things until Ghost's legal woes pass.



- PETAR: Hey.

- Hey!

I don't need a f*ckin' babysitter.

All right, everybody just gots to chill.

This shit with Ghost is gonna be over in a f*ckin' blip.

But they knew about it, huh?

That fast?

Tommy, I told them.

Okay, we can't be partners if you're gonna be a f*ckin' snitch.

Look, keeping secrets from our employers is how you get k*lled.

Keep the product moving.

That's the most important thing for both of us to keep our jobs and our lives, do you understand?

[elevator bell dings]

[indistinct chatter]



[tense music]

RAINA: You said you loved my dad.

You said you wanted us to live with you.

What happened?

Why are you doing this?

- Raina, let me explain - No, don't touch me.

TASHA: Raina!

[indistinct chatter]

ROMANO: Front of your cells.

Shut the f*ck up for headcount.

[tense music]

Move it, Teresi, or I'll put you in a wheelchair.

You put a hand on me, it's the last time you'll see it.

[Teresi chuckles]


Patrick, night-night.

It's a good count.

Lights out.

[doors buzz, rumble]


[music intensifies]

All right, everybody, listen up.

All right, I know y'all heard about Ghost, okay?

But him gettin' busted ain't got nothin' to do with this work.

Saw something about he shot a cop.

- CALLAHAN: I read that in the paper.

- PONCHO: That's what I heard too.

No, no, no, no, no, Ghost not stupid enough to k*ll no cop, man, no matter what the f*ck y'all heard.

That's true.

It's bullshit.

And more importantly, it ain't nothin' to do with our business, so take a breath, let your nuts drop.

- We all good.

- [chuckles]

Now how do we know that?

That could just be what the Feds are saying.


Loco could be ratting us out right now.

- MAN: Damn straight.

- Well, he's not.

'Cause he's Ghost and he didn't do it.

And you snitch up, not down.

Now come on, have a seat.

So, wait, if he gives up Milan, then we're all SOL.

Ghost ain't no snitch-ass punk.

Trust me, with the lawyer he's got, he'll probably be out buying cashmere socks by breakfast.

And he couldn't give up Milan anyway, because Milan is gone.

I'm the new connect now.

I handled that shit.

So what's the guy who stabbed Shin doing here if Milan's out of the picture?

TOMMY: I'm still working with Petar and the rest of the Serbs.

But Julio is the distro now.

He'll keep you in weight, like I always did.

JULIO: That's right.

We gonna keep this motherfuckin' pipeline rolling, all right?

We just gonna move a couple pick-up and drop-off spots as a precaution, but other But other than that, we ain't changin' f*ck-all.

Keep your crews on point.

It's business as usual.

[suspenseful music]

Come on, let's go.

MAK: Tony Teresi, 68.

One count manslaughter, one count second-degree m*rder.

51-year sentence.

It's not the first time you've served.

1986: as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

Charges reduced to two months, battery.

Well, a menorah is not a deadly w*apon.


Then there's Roberto Solletti.

TERESI: I was never charged with Solletti.

[tape recorder beeps]

What do you want, John?

There are at least a dozen bodies linked to Bell Boulevard that we don't have a k*ller for.

And I know you can give us a name for each of those murders.

Do that, and we'll see to it that the parole board grants an early release.


Now I never talked before.

So what makes you think I'm gonna snitch now?

Because your wife is running out of time.

Her doctors gave Connie how long?

A year?

18 months?

Her medical records are confidential.


I'm glad that recorder's off, or I'd be in a lot of trouble.

[cell phone quacks and vibrates]

You wouldn't believe what aggressive chemotherapy can do.

There are a lot of new treatments out there, Tony.

[phone quacks, buzzes]

Things you can get for her on the outside.

At least, you know, you could be there for her at the end.

Let me see if I got this straight.

So I talk, I come out, she dies anyway, and now I'm a rat for the rest of my life?

Well, at least you won't miss the funeral.


Hey, boss, you got a minute?

f*ckin' piece of work.

[door shuts and locks]

No, that is what I said.

Dissolving the trust fund.

What would the tax penalty be?

Even if it's just temporary?

I could put it back in a few months, just as a loan against it.

["Good To Love" by FKA Twigs]

Yes, I understand.

I'll call you back.

Thank you.

[phone beeps]

FKA Twigs: I'll pray for you Okay.

FKA Twigs: If you give me time I've had a thousand hearts Now you're after mine It's not your fault That I'm loved to my limit I've had plenty so I know you're mine If only a prayer would make your touch so I'd feel it But I'd be wasting time It's good to love, it's good to love It's good to love I've got a right to give, it's good to love It's good to love So good to love, so good to love So good to love [scanner beeps]

[indistinct chatter]

Joe Proctor.

Why am I not surprised to see you?

You know he didn't do this.

You're just angry because he left you to go back with his wife.

This is revenge.

You're trying to ruin his life.

That's reductive.

James ruined his own life.

PROCTOR: If you testify against him, your career is over, you know that?

I can't prove anything I suspect about Jamie's criminal activity.

He took great care to make sure I never saw anything I wasn't meant to see.

There was never any proof until now.

MAK: Joe Proctor!

Hey, John.

I'd say it's nice to see you, but I'd be lying.

And that's different for you how?


Angela Valdes, this is John Mak from Eastern District.

- Nice to meet you.

- Valdes works upstairs.

Yeah, I'm sure Proctor here is trying to weasel a deal out of you for one of his many guilty clients, huh?

He's representing James St.

Patrick in the Greg Knox m*rder trial.

MAK: Mm, of course he is.

And he's not guilty.

Oh, of course he is.

He hired you.

Nice to meet you, Valdes.

Proctor, I'll see you in hell.

Yeah, saving you a seat on the bus, John.

[elevator bell dings]

[door slams]

[somber music]


[door buzzes, opens]

[handcuffs jingling]

[door closes, buzzes]

[phones rattling]

GHOST: Hey, Tasha.


GHOST: How are the kids holding up?

Angela served a search warrant on the apartment.

Raina was she was pretty upset.


Angela was there?


The cops were in their rooms.

Went through their things.

When I get out, I'll make it up to them, okay?

When I get out, I'll make it up to all of you.

There's nothing you could do to make this up to me.


Tasha, I didn't do this.

TASHA: [sighs]

Look, Proctor asked me to get the bail money.

I went to the bank.


- GHOST: There's nothing there.

- Yeah.

- You didn't tell me.

- GHOST: Uh, look, sorry, okay?

I thought I'd have time to put the money back in.

You know what?

I found a necklace.

Is that something I should sell?

It wouldn't be enough.


There's nothing to put up for collateral, James.

I mean, I looked into dissolving the trust, but the penalty We rent the apartment.

And you don't own the building at Truth.


We could get the money from Dean.

- TASHA: Dean?

- Mm-hmm.

Go get my money back from Dean.

Dean, okay?

Talk to him as soon as you can, Tash.

Go now.

- Wait I don't understand.

- GHOST: You gotta go right now.

There's a service he didn't render, so ask Dean for my money back.

[door buzzes, opens]

MIKE: I'm sure Proctor will ask for bail.

Well, I don't think he'll get it.

The guy k*lled a federal agent.

The judge could consent to an ankle bracelet.

It's not the strongest arrest warrant I've ever seen.

But fingerprints and DNA are pretty good, as far as a jury is concerned.

A local business owner with no record.

His first crime is murdering an FBI agent in cold blood?

You don't think he did it?

I think he did it.

I also think we're going to have a high bar.

You'll sit second chair to me and we'll make sure Angela's not a dis traction.


You may be sitting second chair for appearances, but this is my case.

Hm, if it's about appearances, then you shouldn't even be in this room.

You were f*cking the defendant and the victim.

I'd say that makes you a little compromised.

We wouldn't even have a suspect if it weren't for me.


What are you doing here?

Just got a new assignment.

I'll be sitting first chair on the St.

Patrick case.

COOPER: [chuckles]

No, no f*cking way.

No offense, John, but this is our case.

You know, Collins and my boss had a little chat about the appearance of impartiality in this case.

I mean, between Lobos' death and the subsequent Main Justice investigation, I'd say you guys are a little compromised.

Yeah, you moved pretty fast.

I heard you were on Teresi.

MAK: Yeah, I was.

But you know me.

I go where the work is.

You go where the cameras are.

Yeah, they're often in the same place.

Look, I want a conviction as much as you do.

After today, we'll be working out of my offices.

Sandoval, you'll sit as my second chair.

Hey, we have a detention hearing tomorrow, right?

Let's get to work.

Angela, your office?

MAK: I've been going over the case files.

Very detailed, professional.

Smart work.

You know, despite your conflict of interest, they would have never gotten this far without you.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

I'm gonna need you to be an integral part of this case, Angela.

Now, we both know this isn't just about convicting St.

Patrick over Greg Knox's m*rder.

The reputation of the entire office is on the line.

Where do you want to start?

Let's go backwards.

Now, you knew both St.

Patrick and Knox, but did they know each other personally?

They only met once.


And Greg was following a lead at St.

Patrick's nightclub.

It was official FBI work.

Any history of antagonism between them?

Greg was very focused on St.

Patrick as a narcotics suspect, but their direct contact was limited.

Except the day Greg died, St.

Patrick told me that Greg pulled him over.

There's some motive right there.

Do you have Knox's log?

Greg didn't log the stop.

- It seems it was off the books.

- Or it didn't happen.

Why would St.

Patrick lie to me about that?

Why wouldn't he lie to you?

From what I hear, he lied to you quite a bit.

Now, before we continue, I'm gonna need you to go over your timeline and separate truth from fact.

Names, dates, explanations.

After you do that, we can reconvene.

So, does that mean I'm third chair, then?

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

I guess I was unclear.

You know, as much as I need your help on this, Angela, I mean, you do know you can't be on it officially.

We don't even know if Proctor's gonna call you up as his witness.

I mean, your conflict of interest is pretty clear.

Now, we don't want to hand Proctor an appellate issue on a platter, do we?


[tense music]

When you're done, go wipe down the bar over there, all right?

MAN: You got it.

JULIO: Yo, yo.

What's good, Dre?

- DRE: What up, what up?

- This is Sue.


Nice to meet you.

Mama, do me a favor.

Go, uh go wait for me over there.

You know we can communicate through text, right?

You shouldn't be here on the regular, man.

I don't want my staff knowin' your face.

I don't need your girl knowin' mine.

Oh, I ain't stayin' long.

And that's not my girl, bro.

I mean, she looks like a pro.


Yeah, well, not anymore.

No, she works here now.

Oh, so you're doin' the hiring on the legit side, huh?

Okay does she even know how to mix a drink?

You can teach her, right?

Someone taught you.


I'm, um Ghost put me in charge of this shit.

And Tommy left me in charge of everything.

I'll talk to Ghost about it when he gets out.

But for now, dude, just get her a uniform.



He said we could get the money from Dean.

But that's Milan, right, and Milan is dead, so how are we gonna get the money back from him?

Are you sure that's what he said?


His exact words were, "We can get the money back from Dean. " The money back Wait.

Get the money back?


He means the money that we paid to the security firm.

Wait a minute.

That was for Milan?

You never told me that.

You weren't supposed to know about Milan.

Ghost didn't want to scare you.

Yeah, well, I'm f*ckin' scared now.


I don't get it.


I mean, how are gonna get the money back from him?

From Petar but there's no reason for him to do it.

It's not his problem, Ghost's not part of the business no more.

As long as I move his weight, he good.


If Ghost goes to jail, it's gonna be way harder to move that weight, Tommy.

Make Petar understand this is his problem now.

[dark music]

It's not about what I want to do, Tommy.

When we decided to be partners, I told you we have people to answer to in Chicago and Belgrade.

How do I explain giving the money back, especially to help Ghost, who is not part of our business?

Helping Ghost helps everyone.

Ghost fires Dean and asked for his money back.

That explains Dean's disappearance.

If the Feds start asking about Milan, we got a ready-made bedtime story for them.

I mean, you're an accomplice in Milan's m*rder, Petar.

So are the people in Chicago, since they signed off before we pulled the trigger.

You help Ghost, you're protecting everybody.

I will get you the money.

Oh, nice.

And you're sure this is clean?

Petar wired it from the security company, so on paper, it looks like reimbursement.

Yo, so, Julio has this girl that he wants me to hire as a waitress.

She was turning tricks for Dylan up in his spot before Ghost clipped him.

- Yeah.

- I gotta hire her?

Yeah, he's distro now.

Do what he says.

DRE: Yo, why him over me?

I held you down with taking care of Ruiz and knocking off Milan.

Dre, J's been in the game with us for years.

You show up a couple of months ago, you think you ready to be a distro?


I am ready.

Look, Tommy, I've been real with you since day one, man.


In that case, who the hell is Slim?

For real.


All right, look, like 'Riq said, he made it up.

And besides, man, we found the kid.

He's back.

You know, that's all that matters, right?


Well, when Ghost gets out tomorrow, we'll all have a little chat about it.

[melancholy music]

WOMAN: Mm-mm-mm Mm-mm-mm [keys jingling]

Mm-mm-mm Mm-mm-mm JUDGE CROSS: Case number 6794545-DM-184.

United States of America versus James St.


I'm informed there are two counts on the pre-indictment criminal complaints.

Are you prepared to enter a plea at this time?

PROCTOR: Yes, Your Honor.


Patrick, on the count of first-degree m*rder in the death of Gregory Knox, and the count of carrying a firearm in the commission of a crime - How do you plead?

- Not guilty, Your Honor.

JUDGE CROSS: Would the Government like to be heard on the matter of detention?

MAK: Yes, Your Honor.

The defendant k*lled Special Agent Greg Knox with full knowledge of his law enforcement status.

We request detention of the defendant.

PROCTOR: Your Honor, this whole proceeding is laughable.

Their evidence against my client for the Knox m*rder is thin, at best.

Well, I admit it's not the thickest warrant application I've ever read, Mr. Mak.

I'd hardly call St. Patrick's DNA under Agent Knox's fingernails thin evidence.

His fingerprints were also found at the scene.

On the exterior of a window, Your Honor.

No physical evidence my client was ever inside the apartment.

No witnesses, no record of his vehicle in the area, no g*nsh*t residue or blood on the clothes he wore that night.

What did he wear to do it?

A tear-away Hazmat suit?

Your Honor, would you please remind Mr.

Proctor that evidence is not an issue for setting bail?


With a case this flimsy, my client has no motive to flee.

We'll beat this without breaking a sweat.

Electronic monitoring, then?

Split the baby.

Your Honor, no condition or combination of conditions can protect the public here.

Mr. St. Patrick is a wealthy man with unlimited resources for escape.

And a wife and three children.

Is he gonna take them on the run too?

He k*lled a federal agent.

He's capable of anything.

JUDGE CROSS: While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Mr.

Mak, Mr.


Patrick doesn't appear to be much of a flight risk.

House arrest seems appropriate.

Even the pre-trial services report suggests strong ties to the community.

Children in private school, lifelong residence in New York City.

MAK: Your Honor, there is no greater danger to the community than a man who enters the home of a trained armed member of law enforcement and executes him efficiently, with malice aforethought.

No ordinary citizen is safe with a man like James St.

Patrick on the street.

PROCTOR: A man like James St.


You mean an African-American father and husband with a successful business?

He is an ordinary citizen.

He shouldn't be treated better or worse than anyone else.

It is an egregious crime, Mr. Proctor.

And there has to be some remedy in the courts, some deterrent, to convince people that k*lling a member of law enforcement has grave consequences.

Yeah, Your Honor Bail is denied, Mr. Proctor.

Your client is remanded into custody to await trial.

[gavel bangs]

[indistinct chatter]

PROCTOR: Sorry, James.

Listen, you stay cool, no matter what happens in there.

I'm gonna get you out.

[tense music]

What just happened?

It means I'm not coming home, okay?

You got this, okay?

- Nice work, man.

- Excellent.

We'll get him.

[handcuffs jingle]

You can't really think I did this.

You're right, Jamie.

I know you did it.

JACOB BANKS: They made a monster out of me They put a shot in my back They did me to the count of three They set the hounds on my tracks [whistles]

They made a demon out of me Then they put a cross through my flesh DRE: It's all there.

Look, man, you ain't gotta count that shit.

Yeah, but you ain't giving me this money out the goodness of your heart.

And speaking of which, I hope you're staying away from Tariq now.


Look, man, he went missing.

I'm sure Tasha's suspicious.

She might be watching him Where he goes, who he spends time with.

Yo, if she catches him with you, this whole thing is over.

Ghost and Tommy gon' try to k*ll us both, man.

Ghost inside.

He ain't killin' shit.

And Tommy?

He ain't gon' come looking for me.

He is if you keep f*ckin' with Tariq.

Look, man.

I'm giving you as much money as I can.

Just stay away from the kid.


JACOB BANK: They made a demon out of me Then they put a cross through my flesh They put a search out for me 'Cause I got some blood on my hands But they would see me when I'm coming [phone vibrating]

I'll be laughing, why you running, oh I'll be that monster you've been wanting Oh, no JACOB BANKS: I'll be that monster you've been wanting Oh, no

MAN: Oh-aye-oh-ay Oh-aye-oh-ay, oh-aye-oh-ay You know, Ghost on trial ain't gonna be good for any of us.

I mean, we definitely gonna have eyes all over us now, T.

Yeah, well, we gotta move this product.

Just gotta be smart about it.

Now get going.

You got shit to distro, Distro.

Let's go.

Yeah, Proctor.

We need to talk.

MAN: Oh-aye-oh-ay


JACOB BANK: Oh, ah I'll be laughing, why you running, oh Oh, you won't see me when I'm coming I'll be that monster you've been wanting Oh, no

[cell door slams]

Why you walkin' so slow, Cop k*ller?

You tired?

You say something to me?

You resisting?

We got a resister.

I'm not resisting.

[buzzer blares]

MAN: All right, let's go.

WILLIAMS: Keep that line moving.

MAN: Keep walking.

Keep walking.

[cell door slams]


[grunting, thwacking]

JACOB BANKS: They made a monster out of me
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