06x08 - Hit and Run

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x08 - Hit and Run

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry ♪

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Whenever you fear ♪

♪ Oh, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here ♪

[Piano solo]

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Whenever you fear ♪

♪ Oh, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here. ♪

♪ I want to dance, I want to laugh ♪

♪ With you under the stars ♪

♪ I want to see, I want to feel ♪

♪ The whole world in your arms ♪

♪ I want to stay, I want to wake up ♪
♪ with you in the sun ♪

♪ I could be all you need ♪
♪ 'cause you know I'm the one ♪

♪ [Here with me] every day, on my mind ♪

♪ [Here with me] ♪
♪ I know that we'll be all right ♪

♪ [Here with me] I want you here tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause I want to be ♪
♪ the one that you want ♪

♪ The one that you call ♪
♪ your only girl ♪

♪ All that I need ♪
♪ is you here with me ♪

♪ 'Cause I want to be your only girl ♪

♪ Your only girl ♪

♪ Your only girl ♪

♪ Your only girl ♪

♪ Your only girl ♪


-Hey, nice wave,
little brother.

-Thanks, jim.

One more wave, let's eat.

-Who's the val?

-I've never seen him before.


-I never wanna see him again.


Hey, outside, waves.

-All right, let's go!

-Let's go!

-Mitch, I need you!

-What's up?

-The locals are getting
territorial again.

-b*at it, kook.






-You nailed him, man!

-Hey, what do you
think you're doin'?




[Siren blaring]


-You ok?


-Come on! Come on!

Let's go! Come on!

-This beach
belongs to everybody,

So share it or get out!


-Take him to the hospital
for some x-rays, huh?

-Hey, hey, hey, hey,

Where do you guys think
you're going, huh?

-Hey, man,
we didn't do anything.

We're just defending ourselves.

-Yeah, he dropped down on us.

-That's bull and you know it.

You're grounded.

The beach is off
limits from now on.

That's bogus, man!

This is public property, you
can't tell us where to surf.

-Wrong, pal.
You endangered lives.

It's my call, you're outta here.
Go on, get outta here.

-Boy: that jerk's
just started...

-Do me a favor, huh?
Walk away next time.

Catch you fighting on the beach,
I have to throw you off, too.

-Man: all right.
Let's go.

-Nasty little runts.
Think they own the beach.

-Thanks for the backup.

Speaking of backup,
I'm gonna ask you a huge favor.


-I have a dinner tonight

With a major clothing
manufacturer from hong kong

And my car's in the shop.

I don't suppose
there's any chance

I can borrow yours?

-Yeah, two chances.

Slim and none.

Garner and I are on a
stakeout tonight, sorry.

-No worries.

I'm sure somebody
will lend me theirs.

[Seal barking]

-Oh, you poor thing.

That's ok, it's ok,

I'll get that off you.


It's ok. Stay.

It's ok, I won't hurt you.

There you go, there you go.

It's ok. I got you.

I'm c.j.

Right here.

Aww, it's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, yes.

I'll look after you. Oh!


-Hobie: oh, cool!

-Terri: you sure
it doesn't hurt?


Pellets are plastic,
paint's non-toxic,

Washes out of your clothes.

It's all pretty safe.

You know what?
Connor, get up, man.


-Hey, yeah, all it does
is sting a little bit.

-All right, let's get started.

-All right, get
your stuff together,

Get your goggles on, let's go.

[Phone ringing]

-It's my mother.

She's a bit on the
overprotective side.

Hello, mother.

Yes, I've already
put on my sunscreen

Even though I'm
covered head to toe.

No, it's not dangerous.

It's just a game.

-Mother [on phone]:
ok, now don't forget,

I want you to call me
at nine on time.

I don't want you to be late, ok?


Haven't seen you slide
down that pole in years.

Nice job out there.

Like more of it.

-Sliding down that pole?

-No, working.

You cut my hours in half
the last couple of weeks.

-You're the one who
wanted to be a recurrent.

What's the matter?

Detective business
a little slow these days?

-Now, wait a minute.

Just because I have
a second career

Doesn't mean that lifeguarding
isn't important to me.


I'll see if I can work you
back into the rotation.

-You'll see if you can work
me back into the rotation.

Thank you.


[Paintball sh**ting]

-Girl: open fire!

-All right, now j.b.'S
our main priority.

We gotta take him out first.

I'm gonna create a diversion,
you go around back, all right?

-Got it.

One more thing.

Walk quietly,
then hit and run.

-Yes, sir!


-whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!

Stop, stop, something's
wrong with terri.



-What happened?

-I got stung by a bee.
-Let me see where he got you.

Oh, man. Are you allergic
to bee stings?

-I don't know.
I've never been stung before.

All I know is it really hurts.

-Oh man, it's
starting to swell up,

We better get the stinger out.

Are you getting the chills?


-Oh man, you better lie down.

You could be having
an allergic reaction.

Where's your cellular phone?



-It's pretty quiet
out here today, huh?

-Dispatch: unit five to kmf295.

-This is unit five, go ahead.

-Respond to cabrio
beach for a bee sting

With possible
anaphylactic shock.

Code three.

-Unit five, 10-4!

[Siren blaring]

-Boy: don't lose it!
-Just hang in there.

Everything's gonna be
ok, help's on the way.

[Siren blaring]

You guys hear that?

Hey cody, get over
here, bring the oxygen!

-All right, come on,
give me some room.

Did you get the stinger out?
-Hobie: yeah.

-Let's go, help me
get her in the truck.

-Hey, newmie, how's
it goin', mate?

-Save your breath, logan,
the answer's no.

-The answer to what?

-I heard you were lookin'
for a set of wheels.

-I'll get it back
to you by 10 o'clock.

10:30 At the latest.

-Wish I could help.


-Come on, newmie,
I'm desperate!

How desperate?

-What do you mean?

-Cody's gonna be
working a 24-hour shift,

He's not
gonna be using his car.

-Cody madison wouldn't
give me the time of day.

-You're right.

[Suspense music plays]

[Rock music playing]

[Tires screeching]

[Suspenseful music plays]


[Tires screeching]

[Car crashes]

[Siren blaring]

-Logan: everything's
gonna be ok.

We need to get
her to a hospital.

-I've just called
for an ambulance.

What happened here?

-I was walking down the beach
and I saw this car swerving.

The lady tried
to get out of the way

And bashed into the parked car.

-What happened to the person

Who was driving
the other vehicle?

-He took off.

He was big, maybe, uh, 6'3",

He was 250 pounds.

He, he had a dark beard.

-I'll run his car
through the dmv

And find out who he is.

A hit and run is
a felony offense.

-I know.


-I still don't get it,

I mean, this afternoon
you were so out of it,

And now you're fine.

-They gave me a
sh*t at the hospital

And in a couple
of hours I was better.

-No way, what'd they give you?

-Some kind of antihistamine.

Forget the name
but I'm gonna have

To carry it around with me
in case I ever get stung again.

-I strongly suggest
against that one.

-That's my plan.

The emergency room doctor said

I got there just in time.

Another five minutes

And we wouldn't be
having this conversation.

You saved my life, hobie.

-Hey, all I did was
make a phone call.

-That's not how I remember it.

I remember you staying calm,

And holding my hand,

And making me feel like
everything was gonna be ok.

Thank you, hobie.

-Hi, mr. Buchanan.

-Hi, terri, it's, um,

It's nice to see
you up and around.

-Actually, I was
just on my way out.

I wanna get home
before my mother calls.

I'll see you tomorrow, hobie.

-Yeah, see you tomorrow.
-Terri: bye.

-Bye, terri. [Chuckling]

-Aw man, I thought you
were gonna be on a stakeout.

-I thought we had an agreement

Not to have any girls
over unless I'm home.

-We weren't doing anything.

She was just thanking me
for saving her life.

-Good thing I came home.

-I need help out
here in a hurry!


12, Unit 3zta is two minutes.

-Man: two minutes?

They're codar.

I hate this.

He's busting out out there

And I am stuck behind
this damn switchboard.

-You'll be fine,
you'll be fine.

-Go ahead, unit two.

-Man: tower 10
needs assistance.

-Yes, I'll send a call
car as quickly as possible.

-Man: all right,
great, thanks.

-Stephanie's trying
to make me quit.

That's why she's doin' this.



Lifeguard, call
car from baywatch.

Unit two has rollerbladers
down on bike path

At tower 21.

-Man: ok.
-You know what?

I'm not gonna quit.

And she better not try
to fire me, either.


Come on, give me five, buddy!


All right!

This is great, huh?
You having a good time?



Stay in your seat, son!

Stay down! Whoo!

Here we go, whoo!

We're surfing, buddy!


You gotta stay in the seat!

Hang on! Whoo!

You gotta stay down, bud.

Wait a second, get
back in your seat.

Come on.


-Boy: daddy! Daddy!

-Stay in the boat!

-I need backup, tower 9.

-Sorry, tower 9, I don't
have any available backup.

-Well, find some!

-Take over the board.

[Siren blaring]

-Help! My son!

Help, my son!


-Boy: daddy!

Help me, daddy!

-Hang on!

Hang on!

Hang on!

-Boy: help me!
Help me!

-Hold on!

Coming over!

It's all right!

Stay there.


-My son!
-Your son's all right.

Just calm down, ok,
your son's all right,

One of our lifeguards has him.

He's in your boat.

We're gonna be taking
you to the marina.

Letch! Letch, bring
this man to first aid,

Then to the marina.

-Letch: you got it!


I couldn't have made it
much longer out there.

-I'm just glad
I could be there.

-Kmf295, out.

Need to talk to you.

-Man: oh, they're
out on the rock!

-What are you
doing here, neely?

-I was saving a life.

-The switchboard was
your responsibility.

-Look, mitch needed backup.

There was no one else available.

-There were two
lifeguards at headquarters.

-Mitch needed the best.

-Who's best is debatable.

But who was available is not.

-What are you
gonna do, stephanie?

Are you gonna fire me?

-So how was your
first all night shift?

[Sea lion barking]

-C.j.: Kisses!

Come on!

-Caroline: c.j., What are
you doing with a sea lion?

-Oh, relax.

I found him on the
beach yesterday

And he was stuck in a net...

-And so I set him
free and he swam away,

And then today I went there
and he was there again.

I think he likes me.


-How do you know it's a him?

-Look, she said he's
following her around.

-Very funny.

I think he got loose from
one of those water shows.

He's trained.

Come on, baby.

Let's get you something to eat.

Come on!

Come on, that's a good boy.

-[Laughing] you
know what, caroline?

I think he looks a lot
like your boyfriend.

-Actually, I thought he
looked a lot like you.

[Clearing throat]

-Hi, can we help you?

-Yes, we're looking
for cody madison.

-That's me, what's up?

-We'd like you to
come with us, please.

-Wait a minute,
what's this all about?

-Well, there was a hit
and run accident last night

And your car was involved.


-You, you gotta
have the wrong guy,

Cody was on duty all
night last night.

-Were you with
him at about uh...

7:45 Last night?



No, but I know him and
if he says he was here,

He was here.

-This is ridiculous,
I didn't do anything!

-Then this won't take long.

-Female officer:
let's go, sir.

-I guess I don't have
much choice here, do i?

-Female officer: no, sir.
-We'll get it all sorted out

Down at the station.

-You better get
someone to cover for me.

-Female officer:
right this way.

[Music plays]

-Mitch: what's going on?

-They're taking me in.

They think I was involved

In some kind of hit
and run accident.

-Where's your car?

-It's gone!

Someone must've stolen it last
night while I was on duty.

-They did, mate.

I'm the one who saw
the accident, officers.

This isn't the guy who was
running from the scene.

-You saw someone in my car!

Why didn't you call me?

-I didn't realize it
was your car until now.

-Officers, cody was on
a 24-hour shift last night.

There's no way he
could be involved

In a hit and run accident.

-Yeah, so we've heard.
We're still taking him.

Excuse me.
-Mind if I tag along?

-Suit yourself.
-Watch your head, buddy.

-look at him!


He's so cute!

-Yeah, really cute.

Probably cute in the water
on stage at sea world.

Now he's just,

I don't know, he's kinda
disgusting and smelly.

-C.j.: He's not smelly.


C.j., Can you
please control him?

-He's just a little
frisky, that's all.


He is destroying
the first aid room.


[Alarm blaring]

-Ah, come on,
c.j., Do something!

Come on!

Oh, god, c.j., Get
him away from me!

Come on!
Control him!


C.j., We need to talk.

-I know, I know.

I'm gonna call the sea
mammal rescue team.

Hopefully they'll
be able to locate

Whoever lost him.

-Ok, well I have the
number in my office

So see me there, soon.

-Take care of that seal.


-Seal charmer.

-Hey, thanks again, mitch.

I really appreciate it.


Tell me what happened.

I want the whole story.

-Don't worry, he's clean.

-Someone stole my car
and ran a lady off the road

And then bolted from the scene.

-I understand you
were there, huh?

You saved the lady's life.

-Yeah, I just
got her breathing,

Started again there.

-Police said you have
them a description

Of the guy
who ran from the car.

You ever see him
around here before?


He looked like some
sort of vagrant.

-Well, I hope they catch him

And I hope they throw
the book at him.

-Caroline: thanks
for the ride.

-Glad I'm able to give you one.

Figured my car was
gonna be totaled.

-Well, it doesn't
look damaged at all.

-Ah, except for this mess.

Hey, you like salsa music?

-Yeah, I love salsa music.

Do you lambada?


I want you to hear this new cd.

If I can find it.


That's not it.

Just a second, sorry.

All this stuff in here.

Well, well, look at this.

Recognize it?

-Hey, this is logan's.

What's it doin' in your car?

-That's a good question.

-Hey, mate.
How's your car driving?

-You should know.

-What are you talking about?

-Talking about your
little joyride last night

After you borrowed my car.

-Me? You must be crazy.

-Am i?

I heard you needed wheels
for a business dinner.

No one around here
would loan you theirs,

So you just decided
to help yourself to mine.

-You know what,
I don't need to listen to this.

-Look familiar?

-I've been looking for that,
where'd you find it?

-In my car.

You wanna tell me
how it got there?

-Well, I was in your car
two or three times last week.

Could've fallen off anytime.

-Or maybe it fell
off last night

After you forced that
lady off the road.

-The truth is, you have
no idea when I lost it.

And I don't appreciate
being accused of a crime

You have no proof I committed.


Can I speak to you
for a moment?

-Sure. What's up?

-Just looking
at the schedule here,

I see you put cody on what
had been an open shift.

-Well, cody needs
the extra money for school.


I didn't know we do
things on a need basis.

I thought we work on
seniority around here.

Those hours should
have been mine.

I mean the least you could've
done was check with me.

-Ok, you're right.

I should've contacted you first.

But that's not the
real issue here, mitch.


Well, what is the real issue?

-The real issue is
that you haven't exactly

Been mr. Reliable lately.

I mean, I called you
twice last month

And you couldn't make it

'Cause you were out playing
detective or something.

Is lifeguarding really
your first priority?

-Yes, it is!

-Uh, is this a bad time?

Sounds like you guys
are having a problem.


Nothing two intelligent
adults can't work out.

-Assuming the two adults

Behave in a rational manner.

-You know, uh,

If you can't settle
it by talking,

You might want to consider
a paintball challenge.

-Paintball challenge?


You can be the team
captain of one,

You can be the team
captain of the other.

The winner of the game
wins the argument.

-I don't think so.

-Why not?

I think it's a terrific idea.

-Oh sure, mr. Navy seal.

I'm sure a challenge like this

Really gets your macho
blood flowing, doesn't it?

-I've never known you to
walk away from a challenge

Unless you are uh, afraid.

-Look, mitch, I know
what you're trying to do here.

It is not gonna work.

I happen to be a firm
believer in non-v*olence.


-That's a great
thing about paintball.

You can work out
your aggressions

And no one gets hurt.

Besides, it puts men and
women on an equal level.

-Uh, I wouldn't
exactly say that.

-Really, you think
just because you're a male,

You're better at it than me?
That is so sexist.

-Uh, no, it's not.
-Yes, it is.

-I'm sorry, but uh, it's not.
-Yes, it is.

-No, it's not.
-Yes, it is!

-All right, enough!

You're on.

-sh**ting people
with paint g*ns?



-All right. [Laughing]

Mitch, watch out!

-So you're telling me
I'm gonna get the opportunity

To nail my big sister
with a paintball.

Where do I sign up?

-Well, as long as cody's
on the other team,

You can count me in.


-As long as fowler's
on the other team.

[Jazzy music playing]

-♪ Da da da da da da! ♪

What do you think?
♪ Da da! ♪

♪ Da da da da da da! ♪
-That's hot.

Where you going?

-♪ Da da da da da da! ♪

Going to a hot new
club called zanzibar.


That's the place to be seen.

That's right, and if
I'm gonna be seen,

I'm gonna be seen
in this dress.

♪ Da da da da da da! ♪

♪ Da da da da da da! ♪

♪ Da da da da da da! ♪

[Seal barking]


C.j.! C.j.?

[Seal barking]

-I'm so sorry.

I forgot to tell you
he was in the bathtub.

-You forgot to tell me

That there was a sea
lion in the bathtub?

-Well, he didn't mean it!


-I'm ok.

I am gonna go into the room
and change into something drier.

In the meantime,
I really want you to think about

Where your flippered friend
is gonna spend the night

Because it's not gonna be here.

[Seal barking]

Oh, c.j.?

Who's paintball team
are you gonna be on?


-All right, listen up!

Whichever team
successfully captures

The other team's flag
and brings it back

Into your own territory
wins the game.

When I blow the whistle once,

The game begins.

If I blow it twice,

Everything stops in case
there's an emergency.

All right, synchronize
your watches.

1300 Hours.

Game's over in one hour.

-I can't wait you
get you in my sights.

-Unless I get
you in mine first.

-You're going
out early, fowler.

-In your dreams, mate.

-You know uh, hope you won't
hold it against me

When my team kicks your butt.

-I wouldn't be so
cocky if I were you.

-Oh, ho ho!

-Remember, this is
all in the name of fun.

-Yeah, it'll be fun
to get you off my back

About that schedule.



[Paintballs f*ring]

-Hobie: let's go! Let's go!

-Stephanie: watch out!

-C.j.: Stephanie!

-Logan: you're history!

-Stephanie: logan!

Wrong team! We're on your team!

-Logan: sorry!
-Stephanie: come on, c.j.,

Let's go!



You're mine!


-Hobie: I'll
write you up, terri!

You're going down!


See ya!

-c.j.: Gotcha!


we take no prisoners!


-Stephanie: yes!

-Mitch: very funny.

-Ha ha ha!


-Man: all right!

Hey, there goes letch,
get him, get him, get him!



[Mimicking sea lion barking]



-Cody: you hit me, logan,

You're on switchboard
for a week!

-Logan: in your dreams.

You can't hide!



You're history,
fowler! [Laughing]

-Leave it to you to
sh**t me in the back.

-It's all part
of the game, mate.

-You know what? You've had
got a bug up your butt

Ever since
you got on the beach.

Let's settle this
once and for all.

-Come on, man, come on!




-Mitch: hey, what the
hell's going on up there?


-Cody: I'm gonna get you!





-Hang on!

-You're not gonna
drop me, are you?

-Give me a little
credit, madison,

I won't let you die over
a difference of opinion.

-I'm slipping!

-The problem is, so am i.

-We got a problem.
I'm going up there.

-Oh, man.

-Hey, what's up?

Oh, no.


-Time for the truth.

Were you the one
who took my car?

-Show a little gratitude,

I'm trying
to save your life.


-Hobie: what's
going on out here?

-Cody: hang on!


hold on, I'm coming!

I'm almost there!

-Oh, man.

-Ok, I got you.


-Here, take my g*n.


-Come on!
All right, easy, easy.


Easy, easy!



You all right?


-Don't you think you guys

Are taking this game
a little too seriously?

We're not out to try
and k*ll each other.

Supposed to have fun.


Did you or didn't you?

-Well, if I did, would
you despise me any less?

I did what I had to do.

-I thought you said
you found his owner.

-I did,
he's coming to get him.


-You're really
gonna miss him, huh?


Well, I wish
there was some way

We could stay together.

-Come to work for
shoreline attractions.

You'd like that,
wouldn't you, max?

-Oh, max!
That's your name.


And I'm ryan edwards.

Thanks for taking
such good care of him.

-Hi, it's my pleasure.


-So how'd you
manage to lose him?

-We do trained animal
shows on the beach.

Last week we were doing
a benefit up the coast

And he got away.

You had us worried
sick, you little cocker.

-Well, I guess
this is goodbye, max.

I'm gonna miss you.

-You can come and see
him in the show anytime.

-No, I think I wanna
remember him just like this.


-You're welcome.

-Thank you
for the extra hours.

I guess this means
the w*r is over, huh?

-Guess again.

I'm gonna count
to five, buchannon.

-No. That's not fair.



-Stephanie: two...
-No, no, no!




-Ha ha ha, missed me!



[Closing theme playing]
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