06x21 - Last Wave

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x21 - Last Wave

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrenders in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Whoa, this is like
blowing me away.

How are you, kaye?

-I'm good, what a surprise.

-You look fantastic.

-You know my brother?

-Uh, yeah, we used to be good
friends back in the old days.

So, you two are brothers.

Well, it's no wonder you're
so good in the water.

-Half brothers, mom remarried
after dad passed away.

-Looks like he's
having some trouble.

Let me go help him.


-Logan: I hate to
butt in like this

But I'm a big fan of yours.

My name's logan fowler.

-Well, nice to meet you, logan.

-I'm c.j. Parker.

-Hi, c.j.

-I saw you win the australian
invitational back in '87?

-Those were some
awesome swells, huh?

-Yeah. I remember we all
wanted to surf like you.

This is really cool.

-We got to get back
to headquarters.

-Logan: are you
here for the big wave

Competition in malibu?


-Logan: cool, I'll
see you there, okay?

-Logan: see ya, kaye.

-I've got to get back to class.

-You always were
great with kids.

Any of them yours?

-No, I'm not married.

-Me either.

So, maybe we could
get together sometime.

I'd really like to hear
how you're doing, kaye.

-You know, I definitely
think we should set a date

As soon as stephanie
gets out of the hospital.

I mean, provided everything
goes well, you know.

Hey, did you get a chance
to look at the list

Of caterers I gave you?

-No, I've been
busy, but I will.

-Oh, well, I've been busy too.

It's just that, you know,
planning the wedding,

It keeps me occupied.

-Hey, steph will be fine.

I'll look at them
tonight, okay?


-What are you doing here?

-I heard the food
was the best in town.

You might want to put
these in some water.

-You don't waste
any time, do you?

-Not when it comes to
the love of my life.

-Excuse me, but the
love of your life

Was always the biggest
wave that you could catch.

-Those days are over
or they will be soon.

This is my
last competition.

I'm retiring from
professional surfing.


-Well, for one thing, I'm
not getting any younger.

And hanging with trevor
has made me realize

How much I've been missing.

I've never really shared
my life with anyone.

Except you.

-That was 10 years ago, wes.

-Hey, remember when
you gave this to me?

-Yeah, after you won
your first contest.

-I've worn it ever since.

-That doesn't mean we can
just pick up where we left off.

-Why not?

-Things have
changed, I've changed.

I'm not your little
beach bunny any more.

-I'm not looking
for a beach bunny.

-Thank you for the flowers.

-Hey, steph, we're going to have
to rearrange the schedule.

Newmie is not available.

You're not steph.

-No, I'm not, she's
taking a shower.

I can't believe this.

This computer just drew
into an inside straight.

-So, you guys going to
dinner or something tonight?

-No, a movie, you know,
patient's not really supposed

To eat 24 hours
prior to surgery.


So, everything's gonna be okay,
you know what you're doing--

-It's a fairly routine
procedure, sure.

-What are her chances?

-Okay, you want some numbers?
I'll give you some numbers.

A patient with
localized melanoma

Has a survival rate of 91%.

-What if it's not localized?

-If it spreads to lymph glands,

The survival rate drops to 14%.



-It's okay, I'm used to
everyone talking about me.

-Tom: you look great.

-Listen, would it be all
right if we skipped the movie

And just took a walk
along the beach?

That okay?

-Yeah, of course, sure.

Besides, you need to get
a good night's sleep.

-I'm more concerned
about my doctor

Getting a good night's sleep.

-Ah, listen, let's get out
of this guy's hair, okay?

He asks a few too
many questions.

-See you later, mitch.

-Good night.

And steph?

Have a good time tonight.

-Hey. Don't worry about me.


-You better not give
anyone my schedule.

-I wouldn't think of it.

Now, go on, get out of
here. Have some fun.

-Mitch: hey.

Well, thank you very much.

-You're welcome,
how you doing?

-Great, what's this I hear
about you and wes masters?

-What did you hear?

-The usual gossip, so how come
you never told me about him?

-Do you know wes?

-Only by reputation as
being one of the greatest

Big wave riders in the world.

-Yeah, says
he's giving it up.

He wants to settle down
and start a family.

-You mean like settle down in
like settling down with you?

-We used to go together
all through high school

And college and we talked
about getting married,

But then he had to
follow his dream.

-So, what happens now?

-I'm not sure.

Seeing him brought back
a lot of old feelings.

-Good feelings?

-Yeah, but that
doesn't mean we're gonna

Be getting back together.

I mean, I'm not
sure wes is capable

Of having an
adult relationship.

-Well, we all grow
up sooner or later.

-I know, but it still
seems he's got a lot

Of little boy left in him.

See what I mean?

-Somebody dropped something.
-Kaye: hi.

-Wes: how you doing?

-Wes masters, this
is mitch buchannon.

Mitch, this is wes masters.

-Wes: nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you.

[Chuckles] I wish
my son were here.

You're his all time hero.

-Oh, he's a surfer?

Well, we should go catch
some waves sometime.

I'm sure going to be around.

-I'll tell him, look,
I got to take off,

Stephanie is being
operated on today.

-Oh, yeah, give
her my love, okay?

-Yeah, I will.

See ya. Nice to
meet you, man.

-I thought you were going to
be surfing this morning.

-Yes, slight change in plans.

That is if you can
cut out of here.

-Wes: let's go.

[Kaye laughing]
come on.

♪ The current's taking us

♪ The current's telling us where to go ♪

♪ Sometimes it carries us further apart

♪ Sometimes it points us back home ♪

♪ It points us back home ♪

♪ You remember me

♪ Setting out to see, miles away

♪ But I remembered you back on the shore

♪ And I am returning to stay ♪

♪ Returning to stay

♪ We both followed our dreams

♪ Riding the waves of each new
♪ possibility

♪ They've changed directions it seems ♪

♪ They rise and they fall, ♪

♪ But the tides are in currently

♪ Bringing me back to the best dream
♪ I ever had

-Wow. You still build
a heck of a sand castle.

Even if you're not a
beach bunny any more.

-Ah, ah, ah, let me finish.

-What happens when you finish?

-Well, we move in and we
live happily ever after

Or until the tide
washes it away.

-Oh, no, I don't want
the tide to wash it away.

I want to stay just
like this forever.

-Oh, I've heard
that before, wes.

-I know, but things
are different now.

I'm through chasing
after the perfect wave.

That's not what's
important to me any more.

You know, kaye, I don't
think it was just coincidence

That we ran into each other.

I think it was meant to be.

Somebody up there is trying
to tell us something.

-Kaye: like what?

-What's this?

-Pictures taken
in cabo san lucas.

-You're wearing the
swimsuits I designed.

-Which is exactly why
I want you to help me

Produce my poster.

My follow up to the
inside sports cover.

-How much help are
we talking about?

-Well, that's the
thing, I need someone

To run the business end.

Raise some money, develop
a marketing strategy

And to set up a
distribution deal.

That is your area
of expertise, logan.

-Well, I could do it,
but the question is

Is it worth the effort?

-Well, I'd bring you
in as a full partner.

We'd split
the profits 50/50.

-I'll think about it.

-Think fast, I wanna
get moving on this.

-I can't believe how well
stephanie is handling this.

She's like a rock.

-I know, if it were me, I'd
be falling to pieces by now.

-Shows you how
vulnerable we all are.

It could be any one of us.

I don't even walk
out the door any more

Without putting on sunblock.

-Stephanie: hi.

-Hi, ladies.

How you feeling?
-Stephanie: good.

-Good, well our
anesthesiologist is here,

So we'll get this
show on the road.

The waiting room's
down the hall, girls.

-Hey, who's watching the water?

-Oh, please, don't
worry about the water.

-Mitch, don't worry
about me, okay?

You guys can
go to work, okay,

All of you,
go back to work.

I'm in good hands.

-Shall we?


-Mitch: see ya.

-Kaye: hi, mitch.

-Have a good one, huh?

Hey, big guy.
What's your name?

-Trevor masters, my brother
wes is going to ride the waves.

-Is that why you're
watching the water?

-No, I'm trying to figure
out where the waves come from.

-Well, if you're wes'
brother, then you must be

In kaye's sailing
class, right?

-Yeah, right.

-Well, let me see if I can
help you figure this out.

You know when a gust
of wind comes along

And catches your sail?

That same gust of wind
presses on the surface

Of the ocean and makes a wave.

Without that wind, you
can't sail and your brother

Over there can't surf.

-So, the wind helps
both me and my brother.


-Hey, wes, let's go, man.


-Kaye: have fun.

♪ And I want you to know

♪ Where the sun and the sea kiss ♪
♪ I'll go

♪ 'Cause I don't want to miss anything

♪ To feel alive

♪ Oh yeah

♪ Now that the wind is behind

♪ All of these mountains we climb

♪ It's movin' like a symphony

♪ Nature's choreography now

♪ And I want you to know

♪ Where the sun and the sea kiss
♪ I'll go

♪ 'Cause I don't want to miss anything ♪

♪ To feel alive

♪ Oh yeah

♪ All of this view takes to see

♪ Blue as the sky's now we're free

♪ Dropping and sh**t' thru

♪ Like an arrow, me to you, now

♪ And I want you to know

♪ Where the sun and the sea kiss I'll go ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't want to miss anything ♪

♪ To feel alive

♪ And I want you to know

♪ Where the sun and the sea kiss I'll go ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't want to miss anything ♪

♪ I feel alive

-Dear god.



Kaye, go to the truck
and call for back up.

-Help me!

-Trevor, trevor,
everything's going be okay.

-Mitch: stay right
there. Take the can.

-Got to get him
out of the surf!

-I got you, just
relax, take the can.


-Come on, newmie,
give me your hand.

-I'm going back for
the guy on the rocks.

-I'm stuck!

-Hold on, buddy,
I'll get you out.

-My leash!

-Hold on.

-No, my leash is stuck.

-Mitch! Mitch!

Help me with this guy!

Here! Take him!

-Mitch: I got him.

-Newmie: look
out! There's a wave!

[Newmie shouting]

-Mitch, go back! Newmie
hasn't come up yet.

-Get him aboard!


[Crowd clapping and cheering]

-What took you so long?

-Better late than never.

All right, all right, we're
almost there. Hang on, hang on.

-Kaye: wes! Wes!

There's a piece of wes'
surfboard floating in the water!

He never came in!

-Newmie: mitch,
do you see him?

-There! There!

-Mitch: call headquarters.

Make sure there's an
ambulance waiting at the dock.

-No pulse, start cpr.

-One, two,
three, four, five.

One, two,
three, four, five.

One, two,
three, four, five.

One, two,
three, four, five.

Come on, wes!

One, two,
three, four, five.

One, two,
three, four, five.

One, two,
three, four, five.

-I was hoping it
was all a dream.

So, what happened?

-We don't know.

-We haven't seen tom since
you came out of surgery.

Hey, how do you feel?


-I'm gonna go find him.


-Well, I don't know what
else to say except...


-Yes, what, what
does that mean, yes?

-Yes means your sister
is going to be fine.

Her melanoma did not
reach the lymph nodes.

-You got it all?

-Every last cell.

As of this point, you
are 100% cancer free.

-Thank you.

-It's my pleasure.

-Kaye, I spoke to the
doctor who performed

The autopsy on wes.

He said he d*ed from
a blow to his head.

He didn't drown and
he didn't suffer.

Just thought you might
want to know that.

-It was just too
good to be true.

Getting him back,
falling in love.

It was just
too much to ask for.

-You know it was a
freak accident, don't you?

I mean, wes had ridden
much bigger waves.

-I know.

-Mitch: how's the
little guy holding up?

-Not too well.

His mom thought sailing
might take his mind

Off of everything.

But now he just seems so
terrified of the water.

He won't go near it.

-That's a pretty
natural thing.

It's gonna take him awhile.

It's gonna take you
awhile, too, you know?

You don't just bounce
back from a loss like this.

-I've a problem here.

-What's that?

-I like them all.

-Yup, they're very beautiful.

I have to admit, the
camera really loves you.

[Phone beeping]

-Neely: did you know
your phone's off the hook?


-Well, well, making
wedding plans?

-Why? Does that surprise you?

-You're actually going
through with this.

Somehow I just can't imagine
you being the loyal husband.

-You keep thinking I'm like
you, neely, well I'm not.

-Oh, really? So you intend to
remain faithful to caroline?

-I don't see how that's
any of your business.

-Okay, fine.

But just so you know,
I have a strict policy

Against dating married men.

-How very principle of you.

-Don't tell me you
haven't thought about

What it'd be like.

This is your last chance,
logan. It's now or never.

-Stephanie: hi.

How's my favorite patient?

-Ready to go home.

-Well, I think I can get you
discharged tomorrow morning.

-Oh, thank you.

-Actually, you could go
home tonight, but well,

I just wanted to make sure.

-Make sure what?

-Oh, no, no, no.
Nothing like that.

I just wanted to make sure
that we had some time alone.

I mean, you're always
with your sister or c.j.

Or your baywatch friends
and we never get time

To be one on one.

-That's pretty sneaky.


-And I wanted to see
how you're enjoying

Your gourmet meal.

Made the jell-o myself.

-Oh, hail to the chef.


-God, you're beautiful,
you know that?

You really are.

When you smile, it's like
your whole face just glows.

-I can't help it. I'm happy.

-Well, I'm happy too.

Stephanie, there's
something I got to do.

I wanna tell you something. I
am wild and crazy about you.

I'm in love with you. I
want you to be my wife.

Will you marry me?

-Oh, tom.

-Is that a yes or a no?

-That's a yes.
Definitely yes.

-Hey, I heard everything
went great with stephanie.

Why didn't you call me?

-I tried to call you.
Your phone was busy.

-The blasted phone
was off the hook.

-So, I decided to
go by your apartment.

-When was that?

-I saw you with neely.

Next time you decide to
cheat on your fianceé,

Why don't you have
the common sense

To pull down the shades.

Take it.

-Look, can't we
talk about this?

-God, you're so pathetic.

-Tom: okay, now, take it easy.

Nice and easy, there you go.

-mitch: hey, you!

[Mitch chuckling]

Welcome back, huh.

-Look, you're gonna
have to keep her

In the office for awhile.

-Believe me, I'll keep
her on the switchboard

For two years if you want.

-What is this?

-Tom and I are engaged.

-Oh, my god,

You top dog, yeah.

-Oh, my god, what
a beautiful diamond.

-Well, it cost me
two months' salary,

But it's the best
investment I've ever made.

-Caroline! Come on, come on!

-It's beautiful.

I'm really happy
for both of you.

-Caroline, wait. That's it?

I thought you'd be a
little more excited.

I mean, we're both
getting married.

We can have the double wedding

We've always talked about.

-Oh, well, that's
not going to happen.

Logan and I are
not getting married

Because we just broke up.

-Oh, caroline, I'm
sorry. What happened?

-Hey, steph.


-Let's just say I got a
little glimpse into the future

And it wasn't a
very pretty sight.

-Hey, trevor.

-Do you ever get
afraid of the water?

-Remember that story I
told you the other day

About the wind
and the waves?


-See that wave
way out there?

-Trevor: yeah.

-Feel the wind?
-Trevor: uh-huh.

-There's a little
bit of your brother

In every one of those waves.

Every time you feel the
wind, he's right there too.

So, whenever you go
out in your sail boat

And you catch the wind...

It's your brother
pulling you along.

♪ Our hands are tied to all
♪ these reasons

♪ A twist of fate at such a cost ♪

♪ We say goodbye

♪ And through the ever changing seasons

♪ We know your love will never die

♪ It carries on

♪ So we say goodbye

♪ We meet the storm that's come to shore

♪ We give it all but god wants more

♪ I'm waiting as I feel your arms
♪ around me

♪ Lord, I'm coming home

♪ As time goes by you nd so many things

♪ Have come to pass

♪ But you will nd the hurt has faded

♪ Til only love remains

♪ Its left to light the water gold ♪

♪ My body's bruised but not my soul

♪ I may be gone but I'll live on ♪

♪ Love, it carries on

♪ And I am free

♪ So we say goodbye

♪ We meet the storm that's come to shore ♪

♪ We give it all but god wants more

♪ I'm waiting as I feel your arms
♪ around me

♪ Lord, I'm coming home

♪ As time goes by you nd so many things

♪ Have come to pass

♪ But you will nd the hurt has faded

♪ Til only love remains

[End theme music]
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