08x08 - Eel Nino

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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08x08 - Eel Nino

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ With the edge of
surrender in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]
I'll be ready ♪

♪ [Never you fear]
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]
I'll be ready ♪

♪ [Never you fear]
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

-[Tranquil piano music]

-[Frantic music]


-Lani: there is something
very odd about this hole.

-You mean besides
the fact that it's

In the middle of our beach?

-Where's the sand?

Should be a big
pile of back dirt.

-April: this is weird. I
mean, how could this happen?

-Santa ana syndrome.

-Santa what?

-Feel that warm wind?

That's the santa ana's.

-Hot offshore winds that
blow in from the desert,

And blow just about
every weirdo in town

Down to the beach.

-Lani: how come there
are no tire marks?

-My guess is the rake
came by this morning

7And wiped them out.

-Maybe whoever did
it, didn't have tires.

-Ah, interesting
theory, aliens.

-Beam me up, scotty.

-I think it's a
fraternity pledge prank.

Or some contractor trying
to save money on sand.

-The truth is out there.

-Come on, it's
not the x-files.

Hello? Go ahead,
open up your towers.

I'll call county and get
somebody to come down here

And fill this thing in.

See you.
-See you

-Lani: well, it could be.

-Hey, max, good
to see you, man.

Thanks for
coming so quick.

You're a lifesaver.

-Ah, it's my
job, no problem.

Beach can be
pretty treacherous

If you don't
take care of it.

People don't
think about that.

Hey, young fella,
I'm talking to you.

-Yeah, I hear you.

-Every morning for 15 years,
I've been driving that rig,

Nobody ever notices.

You lifeguards
get all the glory,

Because you're the guys
watching the water.

Nobody cares about the
guy watching the sand.

I'll take care of
it, young pup.

[Upbeat music]

-This is lani, tower 16.

I need backup, I've got
two jet skiers down.

-[Tense music]

-Baby. Baby, come on.

Carla? It's
me, sweet baby.

-Here, take hold of this.

-She's my wife.

-Please let go of
her, so I can help.

She's breathing.

She's gonna be okay.

-Have the back board
and z-car ready.

It could be a spinal.

[Tense music]

-What are
you waiting for?

-She's hurt, I
can't take her

Through the surf
line like this.

Cody, look out!
There's a sandbar!

-Got it.

All right, let's get her
up on the paddle board.

Lani, support her neck.

-Lani: okay.

-Cody: okay, on
three, nice and easy.

One, two, three. Up.

Okay, let's go,
let's swim her.

Down, easy.

She's got a
pulse and breathing,

But she's not responsive.

-What happened?

-Her jet ski hit a sandbar.

-Okay, support her
neck for transfer.

-Here we go, on
the count of three.

One, two, three.

-We ride here everyday.

There's always
a nice channel.

That sandbar just
came out of nowhere.

-Cody, he's right.

There was nothing out there
when I worked here yesterday.

-I guess we've found
our missing sand.

Okay, ready? Lift.

Let's go.

-I can never get that
thing to work right.

The machine is no substitute
for the real thing anyway.

When you're out on the dory,

And you're pulling
through the water,

And the wind and the
spray is in your face.

You're fighting the waves,
that's the real workout.

This weather
makes me restless,

I need some way to work
off this excess energy.

-I can ask mitch if we
could take the dory out

Tonight after work.


See you, tonight.

-[Dark music]

-Did you see that?


-I don't know.

Right there.

-Manny: it looks like
an injured sea lion.

-Manny, be careful.

-It's dead.

-I saw something moving.

There's something
else in there.

-[Dramatic music]

-Manny: we'd
better tow it in.

-Cody, if this is
some kind of joke,

You're gonna be working the
switchboard all summer long.

-Cody: mitch, I swear,
the garage was locked.

The trucks were just gone.

-Who would steal
a lifeguard truck?

I mean, they're
too easy to spot.

-Hobie: so, have you
heard of club insomnia?

-Sheryl: you mean
that new coffee place

With the live jazz?

-Hobie: yeah, I
was thinking about

Taking april
there this weekend.


-Why? You don't
think I should?

-No, no, it's just that
she's a little older than you.

-Not that much.

-Besides, I heard
she likes manny.

-I know. I don't mind
a little competition.


-Sheryl: a sea lion?


-Hobie: it's dead, I
wonder what happened.

-It probably got
caught in a net.

-Maybe not. Look at this.

-Ugh, no. No thanks.

-Looks like something
tried to eat this thing.


-Mitch: hey.

-Hobie: hey.

-Wow, third one in
the last few days.

The same scorched fur.

Where'd you find it?

-Just off the zuma
bluffs, right by tower 17.

-Pretty close to where april
and I were rowing last night.

Any idea what k*lled them?

-Dr. Meyer at the
malibu aquarium said

The one we found last night
d*ed of massive heart failure.

She said it looked like
it had been electrocuted.

-Yeah, but we don't have any
downed power lines off zuma.

Do we?

-Not that I know of.

-Well, what about a fisherman
with a taser? Or a stun g*n?

-What about an electric eel?

-[Chuckles] yeah, an
alien electric eel?

-I'm serious.

-Hobie, in the 25
years I've been here,

I've never seen one
electric eel in the bay.

Besides, whatever k*lled this
thing has to be awfully big.

Hey, monica, get me dr.
Meyer on the phone, huh?

-Monica: okay.

-Send it down
to the aquarium.

See if she can figure
out what's wrong with it.


-[Beeping faster]

-[Ominous music]

-Line 1, mitch.


-Cody: mitch, it's cody.

I got a guy digging a
big hole on the beach

Out in front of tower 26.

-Keep an eye on him,
I'll be right there.

-Got it.

-Mitch: I don't
believe this.

-Prospector: get
you own, beach boy.

This bay belongs to me.

-Mitch: what?

-The law of the sea says,

Whatever salvage
I find is mine.

-A, salvage rights don't
apply on land, buddy.

And b, this is a lifeguard
truck, it belongs to the county.

-Listen, I'll trade
the lifeguard truck

For that snazzy
watch you have.

-I'm not trading
anything, pal.

This belongs to the county.

-Over my dead body.

-Mitch: hey, hey!

Hold on to him.

I'm gonna call

And get every lifeguard
I can down here

And tell them to
bring some shovels.

-I'm gonna call
my attorney!

-Okay, sure thing.


-You guys are keeping
me pretty busy,

Must be the wind.

-Mitch: thanks max,
we sure appreciate it.

-Sure you do.

-Hey, mitch, we've got
a long distance swimmer

Pretty far out.

Want me to go
check him out?

-You mean old jonah?

Ah, it's okay, he's been
swimming here everyday

Since I was a rookie.

-Been swimming here everyday
since I was a rookie.

Don't worry about him,
he's a tough old bird.

-You guys are amateurs,

It takes years to know
how to comb the beach.

If you'd be reasonable
about my fee--

-I'm not gonna give
you a finders fee

To find one of my trucks.

Look, do me a favor, really.

Just go away before
I lose my temper.

-Hey, do you know
that I'm a taxpayer?

You be polite to me or
I'll call my lawyer.



-Don't say a word.

-[Menacing music]

-Mitch, it's jonah, I
think he's in trouble.

-Call it in, we'll
handle this one.

-Kmf, this is 295, we have a
victim 100 yards off tower 15

Send backup immediately.




-No pulse, let's
get him in, huh?

-All right.

-Mitch: easy, easy.

-He's not breathing.

-No pulse, we're doing cpr.

-Cody: let's go.
Bring it, bring it.

-One, two,
three, four, five.

Get a defib in here!

One, two,
three, four, five.

-Mitch, we were right there,
he had no time to drown.

-Come on, jonah, I know
you're still in there.

One, two,
three, four, five.

Come on, jonah!

One, two,
three, four, five.

-All right, he's shockable.


-We got a pulse.

He's breathing.



How's jonah?

-Well, he's still
in intensive care.

But they think he's
going to pull through.

-Was it a heart att*ck?

-They don't know.

It might have been a stroke.

We won't know for sure until
they run some more tests.

-What do you say?
It's been a long day.

We grab a pizza,
huh? Get out of here?

-Ah, I'd love to, but gotta
take a rain check on that.

I'm here to see april.

-No problem.

-Hobie: see you
back at the house?


Down at tower 15
by the wind chairs.

-Thanks, dad.


And santa ana's.

-Hey, april!

-Hi, hobie.

-How's it going?

-Great, and you?

-Never had a better day.

Anyway, I came out here to ask
you if maybe this weekend--

-Did you hear that?

What a beautiful sound.

-Hobie: I know, I've
always loved these chairs.

-Must be the santa ana's.

You know, when the wind
blows through the pipes,

It sounds almost magical.

-Yeah, it sure does.

-So, manny told
me about this place

Called the cave of sirens.

Have you ever been there?

-Actually, I've never been
inside, but I know where it is.

-Well he says, that when the
santa ana's go through the cave

It sounds like the
ocean is singing.

-Maybe I should take
you there some time.

-I was gonna
go with manny.


-Maybe we should do it.

It would give us
a chance to talk.

-Well, that'd be great.

Tomorrow's my day off.

-Mine too.

-I'll meet you at
baywatch around nine?


-All right, I'll
see you then.

Hey, you don't need a ride back
to headquarters, do you?

-No, I'm waiting for lani.

We're supposed to
run back together.

Oh, there she is.

-All right, see you then.


-Got a report of stingrays
in the water at tower 12,

So be sure you shuffle
your feet out there, huh.

You be careful,
a lot of rips.

-[Cody groans]

-They ought to
be all right

Once we get the fuel lines
flushed and hose them down.

If it is aliens, they got
a sick sense of humor.

-You know, the garages
weren't broken into.

But since the county garages
have the same set of keys,

That leaves only several
hundred suspects.

You've got maintenance
staff, mechanics, lifeguards.

-What about a
backhoe driver?


-Should've heard
him the other day,

Complaining about how
nobody notices what he does

Until something
goes wrong.

-Like a hole that
needs filling in.


Let's go pay max a
little visit, huh?

-[Serious music]

-Hey max!
Stop that thing.


Max, stop!

We need to talk.

Come on down.

Come on down.

I've got a very dirty
lifeguard truck here,

And I think maybe
you know why.

Come on, get in.

-Hey, lani.

-Hey, how you doing?

-What's up?


-Hey, have you seen april?


-Where is she?

-I'm sure I should say.

I don't want
you to get upset.


Why? What's going on?

-She went to the cave
of sirens with hobie.

-With hobie?

I don't know, I'm sure it's
perfectly innocent though.

I mean, april's not
attracted to hobie.

-She's not in complete
control of her emotions.

I'm sure she'll be fine once
the onshore breeze picks up.

But until then, I wouldn't
take any chances if I were you.


-April: hobie,
I think I hear it.

-All right, the cave's gotta
be around here somewhere.

Let's go down
and check it out.

-April: okay.

-Hobie: one, two, three.

-[Eerie music]

-Dr. Meyer: this is a
sketch of the jaw marks

From the sea
lion you sent over.

I couldn't find anything
to match it until--

-What are you
talking about?

There aren't any electric
eels in the area.

-Well, normally
there aren't.

-When did that change?

How'd they get here?

-Well, the only
thing I can think of

Is that during the
northridge quake,

One of our holding
tanks cracked.

We lost some lab specimens,
including an electric eel.

-And you never
mentioned this to anyone?

-It's so far from
their natural habitat

We assumed it
wouldn't survive.

-But it did.

-Well, apparently.

-Apparently, it grew.

-Yeah, to have a
bite radius like that,

It would have to be
ten inches around,

And as much as 20 feet long.

-Doctor, could an eel this
size emit a charge big enough

To stop a sea
lion's heart?


-What about a
70 year old man?

-Fully charged, an eel
like that could probably

Take out arnold

-All right, if one of
these things did escape

From your holding facility
where would it be living now?

-Judging from the location
of the dead sea lions,

I'd say somewhere in a
cave below zuma bluffs.

-Hobie: oh, wow.

Hey, what do you say we
go in that cave back there

And go check it out?

-I don't know.

The water's so murky, we
shouldn't go exploring.

-Don't worry about
it. Just hold my hand.

-I don't see them.

They must be around here.

They must be
underneath the caves.

-Grab the spare air,
come on let's go.


-Hobie, wait.

I think we need to
clear something up.

I probably should've
said something

Back at the
musical chairs but--

Well, I really like
being with you,

And I thought that if
we were alone somewhere

It would be easier.

Of course it isn't.

-I think I know what
you're gonna say.

-You do?

-You like manny.

-But that doesn't mean that
we can't still be friends.

I like you too.

It's just that
with manny [yelps].


What's wrong?

-Something rubbed
against my leg.

Scared me half to death.

-Guess we should
get out of here.

-[April screams]

-Hobie: get on the rock!

I got you.

-Manny: let's go.

-[Ominous music]

-Lani: come on!

Come on, manny!

-[Manny groaning]

-Come on, manny!


Manny! Grab my hand!



-[Dramatic music]



I got him.

-Come on, come on!
Get out of the water!

-Cody: all right,
here you go. Careful.

Get him up there.

-Mitch: easy, easy.

-He's not breathing.

-Cody: we'll give him cpr.
-I'll get the defib.

-Cody: two breaths.

One, two,
three, four, five.

One, two, tree,
four, five. Breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five. Breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five. Breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five. Breathe.

-We're charging.

All right, we're charged.

Analyzing, clear patient.

He's shockable. Shocking.

Check pulse.

-He's still not breathing.

-Cody: still no
pulse, continue cpr.

One, two, three,
four, five. Breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five. Breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five. Breathe.

-Stand clear.

-Cody: clear.

-Mitch: analyzing.

He's shockable.

-Defibrillator: shockable.


Check patient.

-Cody: check pulse.

check patient.

-He's breathing.

-Cody: we got a pulse.

-What was it,
an eel, huh?

-It was huge, I'm
surprised it didn't k*ll me.

-Yeah, you're lucky.

That thing takes a couple
of minutes to recharge.

You gotta get
him to a hospital.

I'm going after
hobie and april.

-All right, I'll
call for backup.

-You're gonna be fine.

You're okay.

-Cody? You got any gloves?

I got a feeling I'm gonna need
all the insulation I can get.

-Here you go, hope they
don't bite through it.

Air's on.

-Give me that defib.

In case april and hobie run
into that eel down there.

-Right on.

Good luck.

-You're gonna be fine.

-[Eerie music]


Look out, you gotta
get out of the water.

-You all right?

-Well, the tide's coming
up and there's a giant eel

In here that's
trying to k*ll us.

-Yeah, I know. It got manny.

-Oh my gosh, is he okay?

-Mitch: yeah, he's
gonna be all right.

We gotta get the
hell out of here

Before that
thing comes back.


-All right.

You stay here.

And stay out
of the water!


-You all right?

-Yeah, I'm all right.

You gotta sh**t that
thing in the head.



-[Dramatic orchestral music]

-Dad! k*ll him!


-Dad, come on.

Come on, dad.

-The defib!

-The defib!

-Hobie: we'll shock him!

-April: mitch!

-Hobie: dad! Here!

-Mitch: do it, hobie!


Still charging!


-[Mitch screaming]

-Hey, what's up man?

So what's up with max?

Is the county going
to press charges?

-Oh, the judge
ordered him to undergo

A psychological
evaluation first.

-So it was the santa
ana syndrome after all.

-Nope, max just snapped.

-Feel that ocean breeze.

Thank goodness the
santa ana's are over.

-Lani: we'd never
had gotten in trouble

If you'd listen to me.

-I'll remember
next time, "no men."

-So, everything's
cool? You're not mad?

-I guess I'm glad
I got jealous.

Otherwise, you'd still be stuck
in that cave with that eel.

-Next time I want to I
want to impress a girl,

I think I'll just stick
to a dinner and a movie.

-Yeah, and
also, make sure

She doesn't already
have a boyfriend.

-So, we're
still brothers?

-Always will be, man.

-There's the
girls. Let's go!

-Manny: what's
up ladies?

-Hobie: who's in the mood
for a game of frisbee football?

-I am. What
are the teams?

-You and me
against them?

-Yeah, that sounds fair.

-Yeah, right.

-Oh, come on. We
can take them on.

They may look tough but
they're a couple of wimps.

-Wimps? Who you
calling a wimp?

-Hobie: let's get
it on, let's go!

-Hey guys.

Malibu aquarium has sent a team
out to the cave this morning

And they said they have
never seen anything like that

In their lives.

-And you didn't believe me

When I said it was
an electric eel.

-Dr. Meyer thinks it
was the santa ana winds

That drew him
out of the cave,

And somehow the winds
made him restless.

-And hungry.

-Oh by the way, dinner
at my house tonight

For all of us,
8 o'clock.

Hope you like smoked eel.

See ya at
eight! All right!

-April: come
on you guys!

-[End theme playing]
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