02x20 - Centennial

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
Post Reply

02x20 - Centennial

Post by bunniefuu »

Yuli! Look.


come over.

What is it?

Big news,

I... I sorry. I not read
English so good yet.

What it says?

Oh, that, uh...

Well, I ain't real good
at reading out loud.

"Turnpike construction

"Governor David p.
Applewood today announced

"the largest
road building program

"in the history
of the state.

14 turnpikes are in the
approved construction project."

Mr. Hanson:
14 fine roads...

You know what
that means?

Yeah, not as many busted wagon wheels.
That's what that means.

Prosperity like we never knew.
That's what it means.

Easier to get things to
market: Wheat, corn, hogs.

Not to mention
lumber, huh?

Ja, lumber,
you betcha!

New markets
for me,

new markets
for everybody.

Last year
was good.

Next year will be
the finest ever.

But you're doing all the business
you can handle right now.

Ha ha! I'll build a bigger mill.




Charles: Slow down.
What's the hurry?

Oh! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Guess what.


We're 100 years old!

Well, I swear they don't
look it, do they?

Not us... we,
the whole country.

The United States of
America is 100 years old

this fourth of July.

Oh, that's
a big pile of years!

We're having a
celebration in school.

Mary: A centennial

Laura: They're having
them all over the place.

They got a big one in Philadelphia,
and there they have...

Charles: The biggest
machine in the world,

10,000 exhibits,
marching bands,

and fireworks
every night.

How'd you know?

It's been
in the papers.

That's how they get
people to come.

Uh, please, centennial...
It means 100 birthdays?

That's right.

In this case, it means the
100th birthday of our country.

It seems to me we ought to
have some kind of celebration.

Laura: Like the one
in Philadelphia?

Not that big, but we can
have a picnic or something.

Ja, a town picnic!
It's our duty.

We have the band, and we
can get the fireworks.

With all this good
news flying around,

we could have a rip-roaring
fourth of July

nobody would
ever forget!

Mr. Hanson: Ja,

we should make signs
to spread the word.

Oh, pa,
I almost forgot.

Us kids, we
got a problem.

I'm going to
make the flag,

but we haven't
got a flagpole,

so we were

if you could
make one for us.

Me! I make.

That's an awful lot
of work, yuli.

No. I very good with the drawknife.
I make quick.

Thank you,
Mr. Pyatakov!

Yeah, thanks a lot.
Come on, Mary.

We got to tell ma
right away.

I think with those two
spreading the word,

you're not going to
need those posters.

Ja! Ha ha ha!

I tell you, Caroline,

this state is growing
by leaps and bounds.

Can you imagine that?
14 new turnpikes.

Caroline: Whatever they are.

They call them
prosperity roads.

Hanson's already talking about
building a bigger mill.

That would mean a lot more
work for you, huh, pa?

Mm-hmm, half pint, a lot
more work for everybody.

Do you think this
looks all right, pa?

Come here.
Let me see.

Oh, yeah.
That's a nice job.

It's awful big,
though, isn't it?

We want it big.

To go with the new

Now that I have
this pattern done,

it ought to go
real fast.

Mm-hmm, but not tonight.

It's bedtime now.

Mary: Yes, ma.

You know, at the
centennial celebration

in Philadelphia,

they have the battle of
Lexington every day.

Do you think we could have
something special like that?

I don't think we could
have anything that big.

Oh, I know
that, but...

Hey! We could have a tea party
like they had in Boston.

Well, now,
that's an idea.

We could all raid
oleson's store

and then throw all
the tea in plum creek.

Ha ha ha!

Laura: Let's
do that, pa.

Yeah, but not tonight.
Off to bed.

Good night.

Sweet dreams.

Good night, ma.
Good night, pa.

Charles: Good night.

- Good night.
- Sweet dreams.

You know something? This is going
to be the best birthday ever.

Yuli: Break... Fast.


Ha ha!








What means breech?

Uh, back end of the g*n
barrel... where you load it.

Oh, breechloader!
I have heard this.

No, no, no.
Viktor make rule.

In this house,
only English.

Oh, you two so busy.
All day at the mill,

then school, then chores,
and then books?

When do you eat?

When you put food
on the table.

Oh, yes.
Ha ha ha!

Oh, this English
very hard.

Many words!

One word have
many different meanings.

You read good, papa.
Better every day.

Reading good,
but food also good, no? Eh?

Lord... we give thanks
for this... Boontee...


Bountiful repast,

in this fine country,

and we hope that our loved ones
will come here soon, also. Amen.



Tell mom
about the flagpole.

Oh. 6 months
in U.S. of America

and 4 months in walnut grove...

And I will make flagpole

for 100th birthday
of this country.

Big honor, no?

Yes! But why
they pick you?

Oh, because papa
can do anything.

No. They need flagpole
for to celebrate,

and I say I make best flagpole,

and so my friends at mill,
they say go ahead!

Good friends, no?

Good friends.


Oh, sorry...
Good meal. Good meal!

Thank you, Joe.

Thank you,


Keep 'em
layin' there!

This is the most mail
we ever got at one time.

I'll handle 'em.

Aren't you supposed
to be working?

Well, Mr. Hanson doesn't like to
see a woman doing heavy lifting.


Here, what are you doing,
trying to get me in trouble?

For kissing your own wife?

No, for kissing
the postmistress.

Oughta be a government regulation
against it or something.

Isaiah, wait a minute.

For Mr. Pyatakov. It's
been here almost a week,

but he just never comes
to pick up his mail.

Would you give it
to him for me?

Consider it done.

♪ Old Dan Tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a frying pan... ♪



When do you
get that fixed?

Not today.
The shaft's bent.

Iy! I got new orders: Davis,
makay, Parker, Wilson.

I think every farmer in hero
township is building a new barn.

Yeah, well, not me.

You should look
into it, Charles.

A bigger barn,
dairy stock,

and with the new

cheese and butter
will be money crops.

Well, where am I going
to get the lumber?

The mill's busted.

Only until you get it fixed
like I'm paying you for.

Yes, sir.

That prosperity we're talking
about must have showed up.

A whole pile of mail come
in at the post office.

Ja, but you're supposed to be
working here and not carrying mail.

I was just
helping out.

Yuli, I got
a letter for you.

Hey, Edwards?


Check inside.

See if we have a spare
shaft, will you?

All right.

"Notice of past due date.

Property taxes
in ar-re-ars... Arrears."

What it means? Hmm?

Let's see.

From the county clerk.

Says your property taxes haven't
been paid for the last 7 years.

Unless they're paid
by the end of the month,

property will go up
at public auction.

Is... is not my letter.

I only buy farm
4 months ago.

Big mistake, no?

It probably
is a mistake,

but I'd still get over to redwood
falls just to make sure.

Yuli: Sure, I go
when I not have to work.

You go now, yuli.

You sure
it's all right?

Ja, I am sure.

You come back tomorrow when
the mill is running again.


Probably wasn't
his letter.

That's what them government
people do best... make mistakes.

I hope you're right.

Thank you,
Mrs. Edwards.

Good day, Mr. Makay.

What's good about it?

Well, the sun is shining,
it's not too hot,

and tomorrow we start
cutting your order.

My order. You mean the
order for the barn lumber?


Well, you can
forget about that.

You can cancel
me order now.

Wait a minute.
You said...

I know what I said, but they
just took all my money...

All of it!

There you go.

Sure got a bow
in it.

Yeah. A little heat and a
sledge will take care of that.

No hurry.


No hurry
to get it fixed.

I got to
shut down anyhow.

What are you
talking about?

All my orders
were canceled.

Here's your bad news.

County clerk.

What's the matter?

Doubled my property tax
plus a road assessment.

I wonder if they've
done that to me?

I imagine everybody
in the township.

Difference between making
a profit this year

and just about
breaking even.

What's the matter with
them government people?

Don't they know a man can't
make a living like that?

I don't think
they care.

So no hurry
finishing with that.

Building new roads, what was
wrong with the old roads?

They were fine.

Who told them that we
needed all them new roads?

None of us.

Can I help you?

Yeah, I'd like
some sugar.

Let me ask
you something...

Who said we needed all
them fancy turnpikes?

I've never seen the
post office so crowded.

But who voted
for it?

Not the farmer that they're
taxing to pay for it.

What do you think of the way
they're taxing us, Ingalls?

Hurts, no doubt
about that.

They've more than
doubled my taxes.

It says in the paper
that we can protest.

And I think we ought to.

I was thinking
about a protest,

I just don't think
It'll do any good.

We all ought to
march over there to

redwood falls and tell
them no-nothing's

where they're heading.
That's what I think.

I'm sure that
those no-nothings

as you call them,
Mr. Makay,

know a good deal more
about what they're doing

than a lot of people
who stand around

weeping and wailing because
they got what they voted for.


This is from the office
of the county clerk.

Why, this is highway robbery!


Gave that Seth pauley
a piece of my mind.

Did the whole thing without
leaving his office.

I resent that,
and I told him so.

Seth pauley?
Which one is he?

He's the county clerk, the man
who just doubled my taxes.

Taxation without
representation, huh, pa?

Well, not quite,
half pint.

We've got

The trouble is,
we never see them.

County assessor
was here.

You can get the
vinegar now, Laura.


When you were
at the mill.

I told you.

Well, I remember
you told me,

but he was only here
for 10 minutes.

I thought he was just hand
shaking to get votes.

Charles, do you think
that's blue enough?

Charles: For what?

The flag.

The stars
go on the blue.

Yeah, that's fine.

We had 9 cents in our
school collection.

Mrs. Whipple wouldn't
take any money.

She said the cloth
was her donation

to the centennial

I doubt very much that there's
going to be a picnic.

No picnic at all?

I don't think the people are
in the mood for a picnic.

Some of the kids said that
their folks wouldn't come.

Well, can't say
as I blame them.

I don't feel much
like celebrating, myself.

I'm going to go
for a walk.

Mary's flag
is half done.

More than half.

Yes, and it's going
to be beautiful!

Will you please
hurry up?

I'm trying to think
of what to say.

When you say
your prayers,

you're not supposed to ask for
anything for yourself, are you?

You're not
supposed to, no.

Like if I asked that pa got
over being mad at America

and he'd change
his mind

about taking us to the
centennial picnic.

That would be asking for something
for me and you, wouldn't it?

Yes, it would.
Come to bed.

If you put it
in your prayers,

it would be the same
thing, wouldn't it?

Of course.

Well, then,
how do we do it?

How do we do what?

Put it in our prayers that
pa will be happy again

and take us to the
centennial picnic.

I really think the lord has more
important things to think about.

Well, he marks the
fall of every sparrow.

Isn't that what reverend
Alden always says?

I think so.
Please come to bed.

If he can worry
about sparrows,

he can worry
about people.

And I won't ask
for anything for me.

Just hurry up.

And bless
our whole family,

and especially make pa happy again
and not mad at America. Amen.

I didn't have to ask. If
pa isn't mad at America,

he'll celebrate
the centennial,

and he'll sure take us
to that picnic.

Good night!

Women marvel at the stunning
array of sewing machines,

while the youngsters
are much taken by

the several new-fangled
soda fountains.

There were also countless
exotic displays

from foreign countries:

Stuffed crocodiles
from Egypt,

beehives from england,

and a model pagoda
from China.

Now, I'm sure you all
know what a crocodile is

and a beehive,

but who can tell me
what a pagoda is?


It's a boat.



It's one of them
funny hats.

Wrong again.

A pagoda is
a Chinese temple.

A place of worship.

Well, I'll read
more about

the Philadelphia
centennial tomorrow.

In the meantime, I think we
should get back to work.

Miss beadle?

Yes, Mary?

Our pa said there might not
be any town picnic.

At recess, some of
the kids said

their folks
didn't want one.

Our pa said he wouldn't
go even if there was one.

My pa's mad at
those taxers.

He won't go and
he won't let us go.

Well, I'm very sorry
to hear that.

Yes, Viktor?

My father's making
the flagpole.

Well, there you are.

We'll have a flagpole

and Mary's making
a flag.

The centennial is part of
the history of our country.

Why, we could have
the celebration

right here in
the schoolroom.

All in favor say "aye."

All: Aye!

Hello, Charles!

Hey, Edwards!

You're getting
caught up, are you?

Yeah, a little bit.

What brings you
out here?

Oh, well, ever since
the mill shut down,

I've been running
government errands.

No pay, but it gets me in
good with the postmaster.

Here. She said
give this to you.

My letter to the county clerk...

How come she didn't post it?

There wasn't
no need.

There's going to be a man
in school all day tomorrow

listening to protests.

Oh, yeah?
I'll be there.

Yeah, me, too.
Better get there early.

I think there's going
to be a big crowd.

I can't stand around
here all day jawing.

Government business.
See you later.

All right. We'll
see you tomorrow.

Mr. Edwards:
Morning, Charles.


Thought you went
to redwood falls.

He did. He was
just telling me about it.

Twice. The county clerk... he
too busy to see me.


Those long trips
for nothing.

Maybe today.

I told you
to get here early.

I should have taken my own advice.
See you later.

Good luck.

I saw him when he
first came to town,

all gussied up
like a circus horse.

Got to be
the county clerk.

No, he's deputy clerk.
His name is snell.



That sounds like something
eating me cabbage plants.

You, sir,
come in.

Did you hear
yuli say

the county clerk was
too busy to see him?

Ja, I heard.

Picking the pockets
of the poor...

That's why
he was too busy.

Them politicians
are all alike.

Do you know what
we pay the governor?


$5,000 a year
for doing nothing.

Says 7 years' taxes?

That's right.

That's wrong.

I only buy the land
this year.

Well, I understand that,

but when you
buy land,

you assume the tax liability.

Assume liabil... what?

That means
you've got to pay.

One year only, not 7!

No. When you buy the
land, you buy the debt.

I'll tell you, Mr., uh... Is
it pie-ya-tack-ov?



Mr. Pyatakov,
I suggest

that you see the county
clerk right away.

Yeah, I try.

Lady say he too busy
to see me.

Oh. Well, I'll
give you a note.

Oh, good.
He fix big mistake, no?

All I can tell you
is that

you'd better talk
to him right away.

Where's nels?

Oh! Oh, my goodness! I was
afraid I was going to be late.

I know you don't want
to go in there alone.

Well, Harriet, I'm perfectly
capable of hand...


Oh, yes.
Come along, nels.

How did it go?

He nice man.
He give me note.

This time I get in to see county
clerk, and he fix everything.

I hope so.

He will. You'll see.

They can't plow,
they can't plant,

but they sure know how to
tax us into the poorhouse.


You feel this
assessment is too high?

Yes, much too high.

Well, then I take it
that your mercantile

is not the biggest business
enterprise in walnut grove.

Oh, but it is.

Well, the porches
make it look big.

Oh, nels. It's not only the biggest
mercantile in walnut grove,

but in all
of hero township as well.

Thank you,
Mrs. Oleson.


You... you have living quarters
in back of the store.

You might
say that, yes.

1 room or 2?

Well, uh, 3.


Yes, and 3 more

I didn't know that.

Mrs. Oleson:
Oh, yes.


Oh, my! We have the best
furniture that money can buy.

It's completely



Mr. Oleson:
2 horses.


One buckboard.



Any other

Nels, we have a whole storeroom
full of farm machinery!

That is
inventory, dear.

It's also


And you own it.

Mrs. Oleson: Yes.

I'll need a list.

2 harrows.

2 harrows.

4 plows.

4 plows.

One disk.

Only one. Hmm.

You just mark my words.

Someday they will tax
a man for what he earns!

An income tax?


Never happen
in a thousand years.

You just wait.

If a man had to pay a
tax on a talking wife,

I would have been bankrupt
the day I was married!


Next, please.


Well? What happened?

The deputy clerk made it
real easy for me.

He brought a pen
and some blank checks.

Took just about every
penny we've got.

Well, at least we had
the money to pay it.

The thing that makes me angry
is I work from sunup to sundown

trying to put a little money
away for a rainy day,

and they just come
along and grab it.

Oh, it hurts,
I know,

but we've
come through worse.

Why, there was a time we had to
borrow 12 nails from Mr. Edwards

because we didn't have the
money to pay for them.

Remember, Charles?

Yes, I remember, and I hope
he doesn't ask for them back

because we haven't got enough money
in the bank to buy 12 nails.



We lose the land.

Oh, no!

It's all right.
It's all right.

There's nothing papa
could do, mama.

It's all right.
All right.

All right, all right.

8-inch frying pan.

25 cents.

Oh! Public
servants, indeed!

The way they act, you'd think
that we were the servants

and they were
the ones in charge!

Yes, dear.

If you want my opinion,

it won't be the meek who will inherit
the earth, it will be the politicians!

Yes, dear.

Customer, nels!

Yes, dear.

Charles: Hi, nels.

Oh, hello, Charles.

I'd like
some baking soda

and a pair of work
gloves, please.

5 cents
for the baking soda,

27 cents
for the gloves.

Ah! Just a minute!

Oh, Harriet!

Well, I know Mr. Ingalls
is an old customer,

but fair for one
is fair for all.

37 cents. Now, we can't
make any exceptions.

That was 5 cents for the
baking soda, right?

Yes, and you wanted
the gloves.

I changed my mind. Thank you.

But there's
a tax increase,

and we have no choice
but to...

Pass it on
to the customers.


Wait a minute!

Got good news...
An order from Springfield,

and makay is going to
build his barn after all.

Makay must have gotten somewhere
with his tax protest.

He says no,
but he also said

that his cows need a warm
place to live this winter,

taxes or no taxes.

So we are ready
to start cutting

as soon as you can
come back to work.

I'll be ready
in an hour.

All right. Edwards will be here.
I could use yuli.

I wanted to send a message by his
son, but he's not in school.

I can stop by his
place and tell him.

Oh, good.

Man: Howdy there!

How are you?
Whoa, boy, whoa.

We're looking
for the butterhill road.

The, uh, pya... uh,

Martha, give me
that deed.

I got it here
on the deed.

Yuli pyatakov farm, about
40 acres, more or less.

Whoa, boy.

Do you know
where that is?

Yeah. You go straight
across the bridge.

It's down the road
about a mile.

You'll see it
over on the right.

Go right up to the top of the hill.
You can't miss it.

Thank you very much.

You all friends
of yuli's?

No, I've never
seen him.

We just bought the farm
yesterday... house, barn, land.

It was a tax sale?

Yes, sir. Steps of the
courthouse yesterday at noon.

My name's jule Taylor, my
wife Martha, my son thad.


Charles Ingalls.
This is Lars hanson.

Pleased to meet you.

I think this is
a nice little town.

We're going to like
it here very much.

Well, we'll
be seeing you.

See you.

Yuli should have
told us.

I'll go out
and see him.

Least I can do
is say good-bye.


How are you?

Oh, Mr. Ingalls.

I was looking for yuli.
Is he gone already?

No, he's still here.

They camped over there on
the other side of the hill.

He asked me if he could stay on
the property for 2 or 3 days,

and I told him
he's most welcome.

That was very nice
of you.

Thank you, but it's him and his
family who are the nice ones.

You ought to see
the inside of this house.

The floors, the windows,
everything... just as clean as sunrise.

the pyatakovs.

Well, good luck
with the place.

I'll see you
in church.

All right.

Beautiful song.

Mrs. Pyatakov.

I could hear you singing,
coming over the hill.

What's it mean?

Oh, it means, uh... Eagle,
you fly so high,

you spread your wings,
you free.

My soul, also, like
eagle, want to be free.

Words like that.

Yuli, we heard
what happened in town.

Why didn't
you tell us?

Why should I worry
my friends?

You cannot change
the law.

Well, it's a bad law
that takes a man's land.

Charles, my friend,
is not the law's fault.

I think I buy
this farm cheap.

Of what I do not know,
what I cannot read,

is he sell me
the taxes bill.

Then it's still
a bad law.

Without laws,
nobody pay taxes.

No taxes, how you build
roads or pay for schools?

I got along fine in Kansas
without roads or schools.

Prairie grass, you don't
need roads so much.

You and your wife,
you can teach children.

But me, when I first
come here,

I cannot teach Viktor
how to read the English

because I do not know
the English.

Walnut grove school
teach him.

He teach me.

Before you come here,
just now,

I read...

Church, uh...
Press, speech.

I read many times
number 1 bill rights.

Article 1, papa.

Article 1, yes.

"Congress shall make
no law about religion

or free exercise...


"Or abridging
the freedom..."

What it means?

Abridging means to
shorten, take away.

Is good word.
See? He knows.

Other countries, only the
rich can go to school.

Here, everybody.

Your papa's
a hard man to sink.

They take away your land,
and you're still smiling.

Why not?
We have our health,

we have good wagon,
good team, tools,

a few dollars
in our pockets,

and free homestead land
in south Dakota.

Is no other country
in the world

a man can make a mistake and
start all over with free land.

You make me feel
pretty selfish.

I came out here
to talk to you.

I thought it would
make you feel better

to have somebody
to talk to.

Turns out, it's
the other way around.

You should read
the freedoms.

I'm going to
do that, yuli.

We're going to
miss you.


Good luck.

I wish you'd have
heard him.

Not a complaint,
not one word.

He hasn't lost faith in this
country, I'll tell you.

He knows he and his family
are going to be all right

because this country, the same one
we've all been yelling about,

is the best darn country
in the whole world.

You don't have to
convince me.

We can all thank our lucky
stars we're living here.

I knew that as well
as yuli does,

but I got so caught up
in my own problems.

I'll tell you
something else.

The 100th birthday of this
country is a darn important day,

and we're going to
celebrate it,

no matter matter what
anybody else does.

Would you mind
telling the girls?

They're just about

Minnesota is going to
secede from the union.

Have I been that bad?

Not just you...

Well, I'll straighten
that out right now.

You'll have to go out
to Taylor's lake.

They're out there
finishing the flag, and...

They thought you
might not approve.

I have been that bad.

I'll talk to them.

Those stars
sure are pretty.

Thanks. Just don't know
how many to put on.

30... 37.

Colorado's coming into the union in August.
That will be 38 stars.

Charles: Hey, let me
have a look.


I must say, you did a
beautiful job on that flag.

How come you're working
on it way out here?

Well, we know how
you're feeling.

And you think
I'm wrong.

Yes, sir, I do. We've
got hard times now,

but did you know
that way back,

before the declaration
of independence was signed,

things were
a whole lot worse?

British soldiers marched
into your house and stayed.

And you had to feed them
and everything.

It seems to me
I've read that.

Laura: And after the
declaration was signed,

they had to fight
a big w*r.

The revolution.

Right from the first,
there's scarcely been a time

when America didn't have
some sort of trouble.

General Washington had a lot
at valley forge.

That's true, pa.

And President Lincoln... that w*r
just about tore our country apart,

but we came through.
Every time we came through.

Every time our country just got
bigger and stronger and better.

That's why I think we should
celebrate the centennial.

Well, now that
you explain it to me

like that, I think
you're right.

You do?

I sure do.

I'll have your mom make us
a nice picnic lunch.

We'll celebrate the centennial
after church on sunday.

Both: Thanks, pa.

Now, come on. Get
your things together.

We'll be late
for supper.

What do you think we ought
to have on the picnic?

Fried chicken, pa.

Today's sermon is based
on a theme from "ecclesiastes".

"In the day of prosperity,

there's a forgetfulness
of affliction...

And in the day of affliction,

there's no remembrance
of prosperity."

Now, gloom and despair
are abroad in our land today.

I've never seen such long faces
as I have in my recent travels.

And it's true
that one of our number

has suffered grave hurt,

losing almost all he possessed.

But for the more fortunate...

It would be wise to cast aside
these dark thoughts

of taxes and road assessments...

And be thankful instead
for the roofs over our heads

and the food on our tables,

harvest that promises
to be bountiful.

Look to heaven and remember...

There are seasons
in the affairs of man.

This... evil winter
of affliction will pass.

And the smiling summer
of prosperity will come again

as it has so many times before.

Meanwhile... be strong.

Eh, sorry.
We not mean to be late.

We're glad you came.

We heard you were
leaving the community.

We were afraid
you'd already gone.

No! We not want to go

before we say good-bye
to all our good friends.

And... we bring flagpole.

With all the trouble
you've had,

you took time
to make us a flagpole?

Oh, is nothing.

Well, I think it's
something very special.

A man loses his land and still
takes the time to keep a promise.

Taking his land... 'tis a no-good
country that can do that.

No, no, please, reverend...

I have heard
much wrong ideas

about what happened to me
and my family.

I would like to get all
straight, if you don't mind.

Reverend: Please do.

I make... Foolish mistake.

I lose the land,
so my fault.

Now, you be happy
you live here.

Is fine country.

I have seen many countries.

I know.

You have freedoms here...

Freedom worship,
freedom meetings,

freedom speech,
freedom press,

they have no place else
in the whole world.

In Russia, we pay 2, 3 times
as much taxes as here

and not for schools and roads,
no... For the czar's pockets.

And the man who is brave enough

or fool enough to complain
about the taxes,

he goes to jail.

They come in the middle
of the night,

and they take him away.

No trial,
no jury freedom... he's gone.

Nobody ever sees him again.

So you know how much
this freedom means?

Where I was born,
I pay my taxes,

but the tax collector,
he thinks I'm hiding something.

So the cossacks come.

They not tell me why.

They take away everything...
Land, animals, tools, food.

They throw us off the land
with only the clothes we wear.

In my prayers,
I give thanks

that my family
and I could come live here.

And I ask god
that all the others

we left behind
could also come here

to the home of the freedoms...

United States
of America...

Best country in the whole world.

I think that concludes
our service for today.

I think it's time we put up
Mr. Pyatakov's flagpole.

And I'll say amen
to that!

Mr. Hanson:
Yuli, Mrs. Pyatakov, Viktor,

we all want you to know
from our hearts

that every time we see this flag
fly from this pole,

we will remember you.

I... I think the time

for a dedication
speech is now,

and it is up to you, yuli.

United States flag of America,

long may she wave!
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