11x15 - Friends You Can Count On

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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11x15 - Friends You Can Count On

Post by bunniefuu »

What's this?

A bug.

Here, of all places?

You must be adventurous.

Going all the way to the Land of Lightning.

Speaking of bugs, why does this remind me of someone?

Um⦠Let's see.

"Friends You Can Count On" Hey, is it true that a w*r is starting?


My dad was saying we're going to pulverize the Akatsuki.

It's true.

A w*r that will decide the future of the shinobi world will begin.

Will you be going to battle too, Shino Sensei?

Are you scared, Sensei?


Sensei would never be scared.

No, you're wrong.

Are you scared?

No way.

But I'm confident that I will come back alive.


It's because I have friends that I trust.

All right.

If I can block both hands⦠So you two are the decoys and he's the main one!

However⦠Fire Style!

Fireball Jutsu.

Those who specialize in long-distance jutsu tend to be weak in close combat.

You're too weak.

But I guess that's what you get with an insect master.


Are you all right, Shino?

You're too weak.

But I guess that's what you get with an insect master.

I see.

He got away.

I'm ashamed of myself.

Don't worry about it.

We received more intel afterwards.

He's a jonin from the Village Hidden in the Waterfalls who went rogue and became a bandit.

It just couldn't be helped if you were no match for him.

I'll make the report to Lady Hokage.

We're very sorry.

Don't blame Shino.

I know.

But he's shut himself away in his house.

That guy has so much pride.

That's a problem.


I want you to help him get back on his feet.

How are we supposed to do that?

He wouldn't listen to us.

Well, this is an order.

I want you to go to the hot springs on the south side of the village.

Take Shino.

What do you want?

You're on to us.

Shino, how is your wound?

It's nothing to worry about.

What do you want?

What's wrong with us just coming to visit?

Aren't we all on Squad 8?

Don't worry about it.

There's nothing wrong with losing once.

Our enemy was a jonin, and we're not even chunin yet.

It's a given that he's going to be better than us.

Well, you have it in your head that you're strong, so I guess it came as a big shock.

K-Kiba⦠Or are you depressed about something else?

Don't tell me you're upset about Naruto's indifference towards you?

Don't let it get to you.

Unlike me, he can be pretty rude.

Oh, I get it.

The fact that you were the only one who didn't participate in the Sasuke retrieval mission is still weighing on you.

You were on a different mission then, so it couldn't be helped.

Get lost!


We're heading out to a hot spring in the southern part of the village.


Your wound will heal faster there and⦠I have no intention of going.

I figured you would say that.

But you can't refuse.

It's an order.

Man, he's so hard to be around.

He hasn't spoken a word to us.

You're just as difficult to be around, Kiba.

MORI-NO-YU HOT SPRING We're finally here.

Let's just rest up today.

All right, Akamaru, let's go take a soak.



Are you coming too?

Do you have a problem with that?


I hope that when he's naked, he's not covered in insects⦠Gross!

Aren't you coming in?

Well I guess seeing is believing!

I sure am!

He's pretty normal.

I think I stayed in too long.

What the hell is that?


Can we train with you?

What are you doing?


Why aren't you being up front with us?

Don't hide it.

You're practicing taijutsu, aren't you?

Let's train together!

Besides, that's why we came here.

What are you up to?

We're going to train with you and make you stronger.

This is the only way to help a proud guy like you get back on his feet.

And if we get some training in at the same time, we'll be k*lling two birds with one stone.

You're concerned about being forced into close combat while manipulating your insects, right?

That's why you're training in taijutsu.

So that you won't lose when you're targeted.

You're correct.

So let's train together.

Taijutsu training is more effective when you have a partner.

I-I may not be that skilled in taijutsu, but I think I can help.

I think the first thing is speed.

If you can overwhelm your opponent with a lot of moves, you can prevent him from weaving signs.

I have no objections.

I'll begin.

I'm going to pick up the speed.

Hinata is serious about this.

Hey, hey!

Aren't you upset that Hinata got the better of you?

No, I'm not.

That's because I don't judge people.

I can't get a rise out of this guy.

Shino, think of me as that bandit shinobi.

You're too weak.

But I guess that's what you get with an insect master.

You're starting to get the hang of it.


You're not always going to face a single opponent!

Pay close attention to your surroundings.

Beast Mimicry Ninja Art!

All-Four Jutsu!

Once you develop your speed and field of vision, next is visualization.

What's "visualization"?

Well, it's seeing through your opponent.

Like knowing his weakness and not letting him get the advantage?

Having a counterstrategy and always keeping it in mind when you fight?

Yes, exactly!

I see.

When you have a lot of moves, you're only thinking about what's directly in front of you, and you lose focus of other things.

But I don't need to worry.

I have one more brain.

Right, Akamaru?


I'm worried about the two next door!

Shino is really focused.

He's improving right before my very eyes.

Such amazing progress.

I've never sparred with Shino, but I didn't expect him to be this good in close combat.

Still, I cannot lose!

Now then.

Let's go with the final test, Akamaru!

Fang Over Fang!

What's the big idea?

You dodged that well.

That was the final test.

In ninjutsu, my Fang Over Fang ranks as the fastest.

Dodging my Fang Over Fang from a blind spot is quite impressive.

Your training is complete.

And that means Squad 8 has been revived.

No, I have no interest in being part of your three-man squad.

Why not?


Because I have no right to be part of it.

Without a doubt, I have grown stronger.

However, I'm not confident enough to watch your backs.



How dare you say that to us!

Hinata and I both did our best to help you get back on your feet!

And believe me, I'm grateful.

Don't give me that!

Stop it, Kiba!

I didn't think you were so pitiful.

It's Kurenai's Sensei's messenger pigeon.

Read this.

Shino, that bandit is near!

I'm going!

Oh, but it says not to engage until Kurenai Sensei gets here!

I know that!

We won't fight him.

Tracking is Squad 8's specialty!

So I'm going.

And this time, he's not going to get away!

I'm coming with you!

So long, Shino!

Shino, why didn't you avoid Kiba's punch earlier?

I know you can now.

That's because⦠I still believe that Squad 8 can count on you to protect us, Shino.

It's up ahead.


Found him!

Anyway, let's just track him!


This scent.

He's on to us.

Looks like he's not going to just let us track him.

Here he comes!

Fire Style!

Red Spider!

Damn it!

The only way to go is up!



We're surrounded.

You guys again.

You should know your place!

Blue Joro Spider!

I won't let you escape!

Fire Style!

Flame Hurricane!

It's over.

These are insects.



You again!

Blue Joro Spider!

I can't move like this!

I'll start with you first!



I know your weakness.

You're too weak.

But I guess that's what you get with an insect master.

Well then!


I will not lose to you.

That's because I'm not the same person I was back then.

If close combat isn't going to work, then⦠What?

I can't weave signs.

Not yet!

Not by a long sh*t!

How dare you hurt my friends!

How dare you insult me and my insects!

Shino is so strong.

Take that!

Iron Tackle!

Gentle Fist!

Let's go, Akamaru!

Let's finish him!

Kurenai Sensei!

I guess there's nothing for me to do here.

Of course not!

But it was mostly Shino's work.

Well, yeah⦠Looks like Squad 8 has made a full recovery!


Shino, I'd put my life in your hands any time.

Me too.

All right.

That's because⦠You don't have to reason with us!

I guess not.

Since I made it all the way out here, I thought I should have a soak in the hot spring.

It feels wonderful.

Imagine, b*ating him by yourselves.

You've really gotten strong.

But I admit I nearly panicked when it was just you and Kiba.

Kurenai Sensei, by any chance, were you watching us the whole time?

What are you talking about?

Don't tell me you knew that the ninja was hiding near this hot spring?

That was just coincidence, sheer coincidence.

Eww gross!

Will you cut it out?


You'll understand one day too.

There is no need to fear battle.

That's because our friends always have our backs.



We understand!

Who was that?

I can't remember.

Back in our academy days, all the girls admired and talked about that one strong and beautiful person.

That's why I decided to become the legendary kunoichi, Lady Tsunade.

That's the dream that I decided to chase after.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Ah, My Hero Lady Tsunade!

" This is a story from my past.

Tune in again!
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