01x19 - Destruction and Salvation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x19 - Destruction and Salvation

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

The strong will survive...

and the weak...


Your opponent...

is me!


As long as he has that recovery magic,

I won't be able to finish him off!

What should I do?

What are you doing, Stupidsta?

You're the first peasant...

that I, a royal, ever acknowledged.

Hurry up and

defeat that guy, Asta!

Yeah, leave it to me.

I'll throw enough at him from the both of us!

...that weakling, disappear!

Like hell I'll let that happen!

I don't have any magic,

but I've got...

my friends!

I don't really get it, but I did it!

I would always close my eyes

And cower at reality

I can't stand the idea

Of just making excuses to give up

Stand right there

I don't want to be near you

Any minute now

Just wait right there

(The decisive battle is still a long way off)

Black and blue

I'll give up on giving up

And get the world on my side

I'm looking for the reason I'm alive

Every time somewhere under this sky

Break through the tearful nights

And head where the light shines

I want to keep my promise

I'll deliver it to you

shape of love

Destruction and Salvation

I messed up...



Mimosa, I'm fine now, so please
just take care of Asta!


I'm not sure if my remaining
magic will be enough.


Brat! Open your eyes!

Where's all that energy you just had?!

You can't die before I k*ll you!


Can you hear me, Asta?

You're not alone!

Mars, is the training painful?

When things get rough,
remember the faces of those you love.

We were born to protect the people
of this kingdom that we love so much.

Once we become strong enough to protect
this kingdom, we'll be allowed to go outside.

You'll probably make it out first, Mars.


I mean, you're the strongest
out of all of us, Mars.

I'll be waiting for you when that happens.


Until you get out, too, Fana.

Sure! Let's go see the
outside world together.

This is your final test.

k*ll each other.

The sole survivor will be allowed to go
outside as our kingdom's mage warrior.

If you refuse, you'll all be disposed of.

I'm sorry, Mars.


I have no other choice.

Please die.

Looks like Mars is the one who survived.

Then let's implant him with the magic stones.

Let's go ahead and give him
Fana's powers, too, since she was

the last one he k*lled.

Now we'll finally have the
ultimate mage warrior.

I'm... fine alone,

because I have extremely powerful magic.

Those without magic are weak.

And the weak will die.


...still moving!

It can't happen...

Someone as naïve as you
cannot win against me!


His flame recovery magic should've
been negated by Asta's attack.

This is the perfect opportunity
to finish him, but...

Just a little more... Just a little more,
and I can break through these restraints.



No matter what spell I pick from
my grimoire, I won't make it in time.

I won't let him die here!

Did Yuno just do that?

What just happened?

The spell... has been broken.

Yuno! What did you do?

Was that magic? What did you use?

I'm not sure.

You're not sure?

There was a little girl, and...

A little girl?


You must be tired.

Let us talk later.

More importantly,

we've defeated him for sure this time.

These are...

the characters from that scroll.



Is this a trap?

The dungeon is falling apart!

Celestial Wind Ark!

Everyone, get on!

We're getting out.

We're ready, Yuno.

Mimosa, take care of Asta.

I will.


You shouldn't talk now.

Save him... please.

What are you saying?

He tried to k*ll us!


came to conquer this dungeon.

Not... to k*ll...

an enemy.

It might be a waste to let
someone that strong die here.

It's too late! We won't make
it out in time. Let's go!

Where's the exit?

Mimosa can't use her
Magic Flower Guidepost right now.

Go right. I'll guide us out.

Got it.



Keep going straight.


I managed to hit it.

More coming!

Got it!

I've already acknowledged
you as my... as our friend!

We won't let...

...Asta die.

We'll save Asta!

We'll get out of here...


We made it out.

We did it.

That was fun!


We'll head over there.

Man... We sure were lucky
they created a path for us.

Because of this old man's ultimate
trump card, Hermit's Thick Smoke,

they never realized we were
close by the whole time.

Anyway, thank goodness you're alive.

I'm sorry, Mars.


I have no other choice.

Please die.



My wounds...

If I didn't do that, you wouldn't have...



Oh? Are you awake, Mars?


Great work back there.

Thanks to you, I was able
to get all this treasure.

Now the people of our kingdom,
as well as my daughters,

will be able to eat delicious things.

I remember everything.

Make sure you go see the world outside.

For me... as well.


You saved me. Thank you.

Well, how about that?

You can actually say things like that.







Hmph! As long as you're okay, Stupidsta.

It's unbelievable.
Your recuperative ability is amazing.

He's resilient, if nothing else.

What'd you say, Yuno?!

I'm more than just resilient... ow, ow, ow...

I-I'm so sorry! I didn't have
enough magic to fully heal you.

I just did what I could for now,
so you probably shouldn't move.

N-No worries.

You saved me. Thanks.

N-No problem at all!


I thought you were going to
die before I got to k*ll you.

I won't die. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...

Not until I become the Wizard King.

Not a chance.

I'm the one who's going
to be the Wizard King.

Hup. Ow, ow, ow, ow...

Don't use my body as a crutch.

What's the big deal?
It's not like I'm hurting you.

You two...


I'm so...


I'm so ashamed that I didn't acknowledge
you just because you were peasants!

Both of you are...

magnificent Magic Knights
of the Clover Kingdom!



You're suffocating us.

Lord Four-Eyes... it hurts.

What?! And after I just...

Who knew you were such a good four-eyes?

What do you mean by that, you fool?!

You're just too serious, Klaus.

Hey, hey, Yuno!

Let's fight sometime.


Hey, Noelle. Your clothes are all ripped up.

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Oh, he died.


I couldn't help myself! Stupidsta!

Wake up!


What are you staring at?



Ow, ow, ow...

My dry emotions gaze at the me from that day

And push me forward

(I can't find a place to go)

Even the faintest light can
still break through the darkness

And change the flow of time

(I will keep believing in you)

In this ever-vivid place

(Break free yourself)

In order to grasp my endless dream

If there is a path that I should choose

(Do you wanna try? Do you wanna try?)

Wherever it may lead us

Until my life comes to an end

I will accept any pain that comes my way

(We can try again, we can try again)

Even if we can't see tomorrow

Holding onto feelings too intense to voice

I'll keep screaming them in my heart

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

So You Can Actually
Say Things Like That

So You Can Actually Say Things Like That.

You saved me. Thank you.

Well, how about that?

You can actually say things like that.

I can.

Then how about this?

She sells seashells by the seashore.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I can.

She sells... she shells... seashore.

Peter Piper picked...
a pick of peckled pippers.

How much wood could...
a woodchuck... chuck...

So you can't.

I can.

She sells she shells by the she shore.

Peter Piper pipped a
pep of pippled peppers.

How much wood could a
woodchuck... could... chuck...

I can't!

We did it! Did you see that?!

I did it, Sister!

Wait, what?! We just met the Wizard King!

Black Clover, Page 20:
"Assembly at the Royal Capital."

Page 20
Assembly at the Royal Capital

Being loud is my magic!
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