01x20 - Assembly at the Royal Capital

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x20 - Assembly at the Royal Capital

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

I would always close my eyes

And cower at reality

I can't stand the idea

Of just making excuses to give up

Stand right there

I don't want to be near you

Any minute now

Just wait right there

(The decisive battle is still a long way off)

Black and blue

I'll give up on giving up

And get the world on my side

I'm looking for the reason I'm alive

Every time somewhere under this sky

Break through the tearful nights

And head where the light shines

I want to keep my promise

I'll deliver it to you

shape of love

Assembly at the Royal Capital


I was asleep for a week?

Honestly, how many days were
you planning on sleeping?

Noelle was so worried about you
that she kept checking on you.

I-I wasn't worried...

I was just wondering what we were
going to do if he didn't wake up.

Pretty sure that's called being worried.

Thanks, Noelle.

I was worried, too. But I'm glad
you all came back safely.

Getting rest is important, too,

because that's how much energy you
used up conquering that dungeon.

But it was a week...

Stop with this nonsense.

Do you think that my goddess,

my sister Marie, would enjoy
listening to all this?

Talk about something more interesting.

I only have 3,214 stories stocked up for her.

When exactly are you going
to tell her all those?

How are you feeling? Is the hole
in your stomach closed up yet?

Can you fight me now? Can you?

It's not completely closed up yet.
In fact, my stomach's so empty, I'm starving...

Everyone! The Sheep Cooks made breakfast!

Yum! So good! Delicious!

Jeez, calm down.


You're such a pig.

Now, now. He needs his nutrients.

Want a taste?

No, he can't!

So good!

Nice, nice! Your eating form is excellent!

The Sheep Cooks are delighted, too.

I think I'll have some
breakfast and go back to bed.

Captain! Good morning!


You finally awake, kid?
I guess you didn't die.

I-I'm alive!

Good work, even though you
always come back banged up.


Oh, yeah. Apparently, Magic Knights
Headquarters wants a report on the dungeon,

so if you can walk, pay them a visit.


A report?

The Magic Knights Headquarters?


Sounds like there'll be
lots of strong guys there!

I wonder if I can fight them.

You'd probably cause trouble if you went,
so you're not going, Luck.


Instead, there's a fighting mission,
so go on that with Magna.

Fighting mission?

Let's do our best, Magna!

Huh? Creepy!

Are you really Luck? Are you sure
you're not Grey in disguise?

Oh, there he is.

Ooh, pick me! I'll go instead!

I wonder what yummy things
await me in the Noble Realm.

Uh, there's no way you can go.
All you do every day is eat.


La... La!

Captain, I have to write a
letter to Marie, so I can't go.

Sure. No one asked you, anyway.

Can I go—

Clover Kingdom Royal Capital

This is awesome! It's this huge up close?

Oh, come on.

Could you calm down? You're embarrassing me.

So awesome!


I'm alone with Asta.

Wow! It's so huge!

How long must you keep saying that?

This is completely normal.


Well, hello! If it isn't the members
of the Golden Dawn!

Ah, it's been a week, Asta.

Are you here to give a report, as well?

Have your wounds completely healed?

Yeah! My stomach still hurts a little,
but I ate lots and slept lots, so I'm fine!

What are you, a kid?

Who are you calling a kid?!


You're the same age as me!

I'm better because of your
magic, Mimosa. Thanks.

Why'd she run away?

When you raised your hand, your arm was
shorter than expected, and it startled her,


What the hell?! Yuno, you jerk!


Damn it!


What's wrong, Mimosa?


I don't know what to do, Noelle.

I, um... Whenever I see Asta,
my chest feels tight.

Ever since that day,
all I can think about is Asta.

What in the world is wrong with me?


I wonder if he'll hate me
after I ran away like that.

Wh-Why him? He's a peasant,
he's stupid, short, loud...

I find all those things endearing.

And the contrast between that and his body...

Could this be...

No, no, no. That meathead is just...

Wait. Why do I sound so desperate?

No, no, no!

I don't feel anything for that idiot!

What are they moaning about?

Maybe they have a headache.

I believe headquarters is this way.

I guess there are things even
you don't know, four-eyes.

Indeed, there are.

He's apparently content with
being called "four-eyes" now.

He's much nicer to Asta now.

We don't often get to come to headquarters.

Y-Your Majesty!

I never expected you to welcome us yourself.

Who's that flashy old guy?

You fool! That's the current
Wizard King, Julius Novachrono!


This guy is the current...

...Wizard King?!

Well done acquiring this.

This magic was probably the most
important relic in that dungeon.

You can read that?


The most important relic! So cool!

I see...

He's so excited...

I guess the rumors about the Wizard King
being a total magic nerd were true.

Hey, would you try using this magic?


I'm sorry. I think it activated
in the dungeon once, but...

I haven't been able to use it since.


I see... Aw, that's too bad.

Sylph, the Wind Spirit of
the Four Great Attributes...

Apparently she's chosen him this era.

All I can say for now

is that this spell will grow with you and,
one day, become an extraordinary power.

Take good care of it.

Yes, sir.

Wizard King! My grimoire has
some weird scribbles in it, too!

Please look at it!

Hey, you're being rude.

This is...

This is?

Something I can't read at all.

I've never even seen this
writing in any documents.

This thing pops out of it! Take a look!

Ah, a second anti-magic sword!

I got mine to work.

A-Anti-magic... C-Can I touch that?

Go right ahead!

Thank... you?! It's so heavy!

Are you all right, Wizard King?!

I'm amazed that you can
actually swing this around.

My magical power... is being absorbed.

I see.

Thank you. You can have this back now.

Yes, sir.

This is beyond my abilities.

It appears you're able to wield it
because you have no magic.

How did you know I don't have any magic, sir?
And about my sword that cuts through magic?

That's a very good question.

Well, anyway, you all did
splendidly. Good work.

U-U-Um, d-d-do you have a moment?

What is it?


...do you become the Wizard King?

I see. So you both want
to become the Wizard King.

Any Magic Knight should have that aspiration.

You two! It's rude to ask
the Wizard King that directly.

Listen. The Wizard King must be proud
and have the trust of the people—


It's merit.

You can't protect others with pride,
and the trust of others comes with merit.

There is only one thing people
want from the Wizard King...

Merit that proves they are the best.

Gain merit.

Continuously gaining merit is everything.

Anyone who can't do that
can never stand at the top.

Bring it on!

Your newbies have very determined eyes,

William, Yami.

Now, then...

We're actually holding a decoration
ceremony for the Magic Knights who've been

awarded an outstanding number of stars today.


Decoration ceremony.

It's a ceremony where we award those who
have done exceptionally well and honor them.


I would love for all of you to join us.


I wonder what decoration ceremonies are like.

I have a bad feeling about this.

I could never have imagined this happening.

Now, then...

Can you give me better results than them?

Now, then... let us begin
the decoration ceremony.

Wizard King
Grand Magic Knight
Senior Magic Knight, First~Fifth Class
Intermediate Magic Knight, First~Fifth Class
Junior Magic Knight, First Class
Junior Magic Knight, Second Class
Junior Magic Knight, Third Class
Junior Magic Knight, Fourth Class
Junior Magic Knight, Fifth Class

Magic Knights of the Clover Kingdom are given
ranks to indicate their level of ability.

The ranks are further divided into sub-ranks,
with the Wizard King at the top.

If knights are awarded a prescribed number

of stars in the time before the
annual decoration ceremony,

they are given a new rank by the Wizard King.

With seven stars earned,
Leopold Vermillion of the Crimson Lion Kings,

I grant you the title of
Intermediate Magic Knight, Second Class.

You use the same flame
magic as your older brother,

the Captain of the Crimson Lion Kings.
Your power is overwhelming.

Make sure you don't go overboard.

Member of the Crimson Lion Kings
Leopold Vermillion

Evil needs no mercy.

With six stars earned, Sol Marron
of the Blue Rose Knights,

I grant you the title of
Intermediate Magic Knight, Third Class.

You're as dynamic as the men,
and your creative earth magic is amazing.

But you might be a bit
too much of a free spirit.

Member of the Blue Rose Knights
Sol Marron

The only one who can tie me down is my sis,

the captain.

With six stars earned,
Solid Silva of the Silver Eagles,

I grant you the title of
Intermediate Magic Knight, Third Class.

The maneuverability of
your magic is amazing,

Member of the Silver Eagles
Solid Silva

but I think you'd be even more amazing

if you stopped showing off your powers
and cooperated with others.

I'll keep that in mind, sir.

With nine stars earned,
Nebra Silva of the Silver Eagles,

I grant you the title of
Senior Magic Knight, Fifth Class.

The skillful illusions you create
with your mist magic are splendid.

Member of the Silver Eagles
Nebra Silva

Just make sure you don't play with
the enemy more than necessary,

or you might get bitten.

I thank you for the warning.

With seven stars earned,
Hamon Caseus of the Golden Dawn,

I grant you the title of
Intermediate Magic Knight, Second Class.

Just by looking at you, the enemy
would never expect your glass magic,

Member of the Golden Dawn
Hamon Caseus

and I bet they're completely boggled.

I thank you, Your Majesty.

With eight stars earned,
Shiren Tium of the Golden Dawn,

I grant you the title of
Intermediate Magic Knight, First Class.

Unlike your eloquent magic,
you're a very quiet fellow,

Member of the Golden Dawn
Shiren Tium

so you'd be better off if
you spoke your mind more.


With eleven stars earned,
Alecdora Sandler of the Golden Dawn,

I grant you the title of
Senior Magic Knight, Second Class.

You amaze me with your
diligence and flexible magic.

Member of the Golden Dawn
Alecdora Sandler

You can probably relax a
little more once in a while.

I am honored, Your Majesty.

The Golden Dawn has earned
a total of 71 stars.

They are the clear leaders.

I hope the rest of the squads do
their best to not fall behind.

Well done, all of you.

Now then, there's a simple reception
set up for you, so go enjoy yourselves.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I've invited some special guests today.

Make sure you get to know
each other very well.

Wizard King,

regarding that matter...

Something came up, so I have to
excuse myself, but have fun!


All those stares are beginning to hurt.

How are we supposed to enjoy this?

Why is the Wizard King
entertaining us like this?

Not to mention the Wizard
King went off somewhere...

The heck is this?!

I've never eaten anything like this!

So good!

How can you be so bold? You're amazing, Asta.

No, he's just unrefined.

So good!

U-Um, Asta...

May I join you?

Oh, Mimosa, were you eyeing this meat, too?

Huh? Oh... Yes, it looks quite delicious.

Vulgar peasant.

Why did the Wizard King
invite such lowborn scum?

I can't sense any magic from him.

Them capturing the dungeon
must've been sheer luck.

The way he eats is disgusting.

It's unnatural for him to be here. Filthy rat.

Man, listen to them tear into me.
Good thing I'm used to it.

H-He's so forgiving!

You also have a peasant in your squad.

The peasant who's forgotten his place
since everyone fawns over him

because of the four-leaf grimoire he has.

I could've handled capturing
that dungeon even better.

That's quite confident, crimson brat.

It's not like we expect
anything from that peasant.

We are the ones who embody Lord Vangeance
and the Golden Dawn's ideals.

W-With all due respect...

That goes for you as well, Klaus.

Aren't you ashamed, being here
with your lack of skill?


And Mimosa!

I heard that you were wounded early on
in the dungeon and left the front line.

To think that you're royalty of
the Vermillion line is laughable.

I-I'm terribly sorry.

N-No, Mimosa was...

Now, now. The most useless fool here...

is you.

Wouldn't you agree, Noelle?


H-How could you?

You can't even control your magic.
You're such an embarrassment.

You've basically been exiled
from the Silva family.

I'm surprised you had the nerve
to return to the Noble Realm.


You got a big head from one achievement.

Did you come here intending to bring
shame upon the Silva name?


You do not belong here.


failure that k*lled our mother.

There's no reason to run from these jerks.


I thought you'd all be amazing
since you were called here,

but you're no different from the rest of them!

Calling us peasants, rats,
embarrassments, failures...

Who cares if you think we're worthy or not?!

Just you watch! I'm going to—

That's enough, you scoundrel.

You shouldn't even be allowed to talk!


I won't shut up!

He just...

Listen up, you bastards!

I'm going to pile up merit,

become the Wizard King,

and shut you all up!

My dry emotions gaze at the me from that day

And push me forward

(I can't find a place to go)

Even the faintest light can
still break through the darkness

And change the flow of time

(I will keep believing in you)

In this ever-vivid place

(Break free yourself)

In order to grasp my endless dream

If there is a path that I should choose

(Do you wanna try? Do you wanna try?)

Wherever it may lead us

Until my life comes to an end

I will accept any pain that comes my way

(We can try again, we can try again)

Even if we can't see tomorrow

Holding onto feelings too intense to voice

I'll keep screaming them in my heart

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

My Magic

My Magic.

I'll show you my magic. It's hex magic.

In the next ten minutes...

you'll blink.

Let's Gordon!

Hey, Asta!

You're being rude to the senior
members of the Magic Knights!

Apologize, right now!

I'll even apologize with you!

Black Clover, Page 21:
"Capital Riot."

Page 21
Capital Riot

Making my glasses sparkle is my magic!
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