01x22 - Wild Magic Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x22 - Wild Magic Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Th-There's an emergency!

Th-The capital!

The capital is under attack!

The Clover Kingdom fell under attack
while the Wizard King was absent.

The royal capital was in flames,
and people fled from the dead.

You're stronger than me, right? Right?!

Get out here, Magic Knights!

I get it! There are people
out there who need our help!

I'm gonna go!


Where do you plan to go?

We don't even know the full situation yet,
and you can't sense magic at all!

I'm going to where it's noisiest!

D-Do you think you're
an animal or something?!


Let's see what you've got!

Wait for me, Asta, my rival!

I'm sure you'd rather not take orders
from me, but listen well, Magic Knights!

I'll go after Leo and that Black Bulls boy,

and after I've joined them,
we'll head to the north district.

Silver Eagles, I ask that you
head to the central district,

where the magic is strongest.

Blue Roses, head to the east district!

I'd rather not take orders from a man,
but I suppose I don't have a choice.

Golden Dawn, split into two teams and head
to the west and northwest districts!

Let us go.

I guess we'll just have
to save dessert for later.

If we fail to protect the royal capital,
we'll bring shame upon the Magic Knights!

Do not let the enemy escape, no matter what!


Little girl... Do you
like the Clover Kingdom?

I-I love it!

So please... stop this.

Well, I hate it!

So the town... the people...

And you, too, little girl...

I'll destroy you all!

The members of the Magic Knights moved out,

and when Asta arrived...

Then I'll protect them!

I would always close my eyes

And cower at reality

I can't stand the idea

Of just making excuses to give up

Stand right there

I don't want to be near you

Any minute now

Just wait right there

(The decisive battle is still a long way off)

Black and blue

I'll give up on giving up

And get the world on my side

I'm looking for the reason I'm alive

Every time somewhere under this sky

Break through the tearful nights

And head where the light shines

I want to keep my promise

I'll deliver it to you

shape of love

Wild Magic Dance

Wh-What's going on?

North District

Someone finally shows up,
and it's a Black Bull.

And a little kid to boot.

Get away from her, you crazy bastard!

You fool! You won't be able to stop
my army with that rusty sword!


I was so scared!

You really acted fast!

It's dangerous, so stand back.


Ah, I see. You're the one
with the anti-magic.

You've heard of me?

Man, gimme a break!

No one asked the bottom-ranked Black Bulls

or a piece of trash like you with no magic

to show up here!

Do it!

Central District

Don't think you're going to get away with...

What? What do you want?

I'll give it to you, just—

It's the Silver Eagles!

Captain of the Silver Eagles
Nozel Silva

Member of the Silver Eagles
Solid Silva

The Magic Knights have come to save us!

The captain is here! We're saved!

Member of the Silver Eagles
Nebra Silva

Lord Nozel! Lord Solid!

Lady Nebra!

Citizens, fall behind us.

West District

What are these things?

Every time we knock them down,
they get up again!

I was planning to have dessert when we
got back, but I think I've lost my appetite.

East District

Whoa, these things are gross, Sis!

Indeed. I feel nauseous just looking at them.

Also, be mindful of your tone.

Oh, I'll be more careful!

Stay away from me!

Northwest District

There are so many!

Not a chance...

Do they have some kind of weakness?

It matters not. There's no point
in wasting time trying to find it.

North District

They're disgusting...

Is my rival safe?

We can look for the
Black Bulls boy later, Leo.

These things possess magic,
but they aren't alive.

In that case...

We'll just have to crush them
until they can't get back up!

See if you can take my magic!

Flame Magic: Spiral Flames!

Flame Magic: Sol Linea!


Steel Creation Magic: Fierce Spiral Lance!

Goodness, you fight in such a vulgar manner.

You should at least

die in elegance and beauty!

Glass Creation Magic: Verre Fleur!

Shatter before my magic!

Sand Creation Magic:
Sand-Armored Heavy Guard!

Wind Magic: Towering Tornado!

If you're hurt, please come see me!

I will heal you with my
Dream-Healing Flower Cradle.

Filthy creatures, stay away from me.

Quit grossing my Sis out!

Earth Creation Magic: Raging Mother Goddess!

Call me "Captain."

I will not allow anyone to touch me.

Briar Creation Magic:
Corpse-Hunting Briar Trees!

You're all eyesores!

Water Creation Magic: Slashing Sea Serpent!

Mist Magic: Solid Mist Clones!

Oh, dear. They weren't much fun.

Accept your punishment.

Mercury Magic: Rain of Silver.

Punishment for the crime of
daring to thr*aten the people

of this country.

Flame Creation Magic: Leo Rugiens!

Burn to ashes!

Th-They're amazing!

The Magic Knights!

They're so powerful!

They're too amazing!

How'd you like that?

That voice!


Don't tell me he managed to mow down
that many of them with just a sword!

He's so strong!

What a stupidly straightforward
way of fighting!

He's just too interesting!

This is why he's my perfect rival!

My magic runs my own mana through corpses,

making them move in any way
I want. It's wraith magic.

That guy's att*cks instantly cut through
the mana in the corpses and erases it!

I guess that's all of them.

Th-Thank you, mister.

It's too early to thank me.

Why are you attacking
innocent people, you jerk?!

I'm going to defeat you, no matter what!

Number Four, Jimmy...


Everyone who doesn't understand my magic...

is a sinner!

Why are you attacking
innocent people, you jerk?!

I'm going to defeat you, no matter what!

Number Four, Jimmy...


Everyone who doesn't understand my magic...

is a sinner!

They keep coming, one after another...

But they're no match for me.

Just a few more...

You're okay now.

One after another...

Are you all right?

Goodness, you saved me.
I'll treat you to some gelato later.

Take that, and that, and that, and that!

Every rose has its thorns.

Mist Spider's Threads.

Water Creation Magic: Holy Water b*llet!

That brat's your prey this time, Jimmy!

Hey! You just keep bringing out these
creepy things one after another!

No fair, you jerk!

My wound opened up even more?

Jimmy got you with one of his
specially made curse shells.

It's loaded with curse power.

Even scratches won't stop bleeding.

I'd be real careful if I were you.


I won't be able to swing
my big sword fast enough!

You sure are a pain for a brat
that doesn't have any magic.

But Jimmy's still got
lots of curse power left.

Oh, but before we deal with you...

Jimmy, finish off that eyesore
of a brat back there first!

Who are you aiming at?!

Oh, right. I guess you Magic Knights
protect the people.

Just abandon her already!

Uh-oh. There's no point in getting hurt
just to protect others, is there?


What do you gain from protecting a little
brat like that, you hypocritical loser?!

I'll protect her, even if I
don't gain anything from it!

Will you? I see. Then stay right there

and swing your sword around until
you bleed to death, you moron!


I have to help him.

You can't even control your magic.
You're such an embarrassment.

You've basically been exiled
from the Silva family.

I'm surprised you had the nerve
to return to the Noble Realm.

You do not belong here.


failure that k*lled our mother.

I-I can't... Someone...

Someone... Please, someone help Asta...

Thank y—


Ow! What was that for?!

Black Bulls girl,

you're not letting what your
siblings said get to you, are you?

There's no time for that on the b*ttlefield!

One wrong decision and a life could be lost!

You're standing here right now
as a member of the Magic Knights!

If you joined the Magic Knights
of your own free will,

then steel yourself and get stronger!

Steel myself?

Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of.

However, staying weak is!

He's right...

He's the one who proved that to me!

If he can do it, I can also...

become stronger!


The weak will always die weak!


I won't make it in time!

Who the hell are you?


What are you doing, Stupidsta?

I can't bear to just sit and watch this.

I'll help you, so you'd better be grateful!

Got it!

There's no way he can stop
you if you can move freely.


Looks like you're back to normal.

I was never feeling down!

You stupid brats!

Don't get so full of yourselves!

I shall assist you, my rival!

Get that bastard good!
Show me your true power!

Uh... Thank you very much!

There's no need to thank me!

And I was going to do that anyway!

Not yet! I'm not done yet!


You did it!


You don't fight like any other mage!
You're just too interesting!


Don't let that ridiculous
attack get to you, Jimmy!

Hey, Jimmy!

Stop blabbering.

Come at me yourself!

Wha? Don't get cocky, you little brat!

Come forth, Alfred.

Number Two, Alfred.

Go, Alfred!


My dry emotions gaze at the me from that day

And push me forward

(I can't find a place to go)

Even the faintest light can
still break through the darkness

And change the flow of time

(I will keep believing in you)

In this ever-vivid place

(Break free yourself)

In order to grasp my endless dream

If there is a path that I should choose

(Do you wanna try? Do you wanna try?)

Wherever it may lead us

Until my life comes to an end

I will accept any pain that comes my way

(We can try again, we can try again)

Even if we can't see tomorrow

Holding onto feelings too intense to voice

I'll keep screaming them in my heart

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!





I'm Asta. Nice to meet you.

So, you haven't actually said
your name in the show yet.

Could you tell us what it is?

Yes, my name is Rades.

(Hai, ore no namae wa Radesu desu.)

Radesdes? I see.

So where did you come from, Radesdes?

No, it's not Radesdes.
You don't need the "des."

We don't need the des?
So your name is just Ra?

Who're you calling Ra?

Well, you said there was no "des."

It's Rades! I just mean
you don't need the "des."

It's Radesdes, but you don't need the "des"...

So if you take out all the "des,"

It's just Ra?

I'm telling you that's not right!
I'm Rades! Rades!

You better remember that, you useless brats!

The Magic Knights are no match for me!

I, Rades, am the strongest of them all!

Black Clover, Page 23:
"The Crimson Lion King."

Page 23
The Crimson Lion King

Controlling corpses is my magic!
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