01x40 - A Black Beach Story

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x40 - A Black Beach Story

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

The Eye of the Midnight Sun considers
the Clover Kingdom their enemy.

Their goal is to defeat the Clover Kingdom
and create their own independent nation.

They believe that once they
gather all the magic stones,

they will transform into their true
forms and inherit great power.

But in order for them to
attain their true forms,

they need three more magic stones.

It was discovered that one of those
stones lies in the Underwater Temple,

within a strong magic region.

I'm counting on you, Yami.

And you, Asta...

A Black Beach Story

We were able to complete our
mission yet again today.

I'm sure our great Captain
Vangeance will praise us.


But Yuno...


Sylph, was it? Your spirit
magic is indeed powerful.

But you need to stop fighting on your own.

We are a team!

Yuno is ignoring him brilliantly.

Got it? Next time, don't ignore my orders
and defeat all of the enemies instantly!

We will do things according to my plan!

Are you listening to me, Yuno?

I am.


That scream...

I think it came from over there.

I wonder if there's an incident.

Let's go!

Give it up!

No, wait!

That voice...

A robbery?!


What's going on?

Th-That's my line!


Yes, little Golden Dawn boy.

Little boy?

We're going to the ocean tomorrow.

Noelle doesn't have a swimsuit,
so I was helping her pick one out.

I even told her she could borrow one
of mine, but she doesn't want to.

It was just strings!

How could I possibly wear that?

I-I see.

Then that scream earlier...

That's because Vanessa
suddenly took off my clothes!

Well, it makes no sense to try on
swimsuits while still wearing clothes.

It's your own fault for
taking forever to undress.


Not a chance.

What about this one, Noelle?

I told you, there's no way I could wear that!

All this fuss over nothing.

Picking out swimsuits to go to the beach?

Are you lot just fooling
around instead of working again?

How rude! This is for a mission.

A mission?


An s-e-c-r-e-t one...

Want to come along, little boy?

How adorable.

We don't have any spare time
on our hands, so I'll pass.

I'd love to go to the beach, but we
also have another mission tomorrow.

I see. That's too bad.

I-It's my Meal-Saving Prince!

I would've loved to see you
in a swimsuit, Noelle.

Wh-Wh-What are you talking about?!

I wonder what he'll say if
he sees me in my swimsuit...

I'll send you pics later.


She's so sexy! She looks...

so delicious!

I-I'm flattered!

Devour me—



Huh? Where's my Meal-Saving Prince?

The Golden Dawn kids already left.


I guess you've already
picked out your swimsuit.

Now we just need you to hurry
up and pick one, Noelle.

What about this one?

I told you, I can't wear that one!

Then how about this one over here?

Over where?

It's a little expensive, though.

The price doesn't matter.
It's pretty and cute.

But... it doesn't seem to cover very much.

Also, what's all that flashy decoration for?

All eyes will be on you at the beach.


I wonder if Stupidsta will notice me.

Maybe he'll at least
compliment me if I wear this...

Like I care if he notices me or not!

Um... What would you like to do?

I'll buy it, okay?!

Keep the change.


Are you ready, you bastards?!

My goddess Marie... I wanted
to take you to the beach.

I wonder if whales are stronger than sharks.

Sharks have very rough skin.
Did you know that?

Why are you two on my Crazy Cyclone,
totally expecting a ride from me?!

Well... I can't fly on a broom, so...

The same goes for me. Did you already forget?

How stupid are you?

Who do you think you are?!

Why don't you guys ride
on someone else's broom?!

You have royalty like me
offering to ride with you.

You should be thankful, you peasant.

Seriously, who do you think you are?!

Is Captain Yami still asleep?

He said he wanted to check
something out and left earlier.

Really? It's pretty unusual for
him to actually do some work.

That's Mr. Yami for you!

All right! Let's go!

Crazy Cyclone, blast off!

The place where Asta and the others are
headed is an oceanfront town called Raquey.

Raquey has very strong mana,
causing it to be hot year-round.

This makes it a popular resort getaway
for royalty, nobles, and Magic Knights.

Why didn't you just use your spatial
magic to get there, Finral?

I've never been to Raquey before.

I can't use my spatial magic to go
to places I haven't been to before.

Tch. You're so useless!

Now we have to fly over.

Seriously, I have seniority over you!

I'm surprised you've never
been there before, Finral.

I figured you were flirting with
all the girls on the beach there.

It's always better to save
the best things for last.

That's why I haven't gone yet.

I'm so excited to go to Raquey!
Wait for me, girls!

Hey, wait. The guy who's always
awkwardly exhaling steam isn't here.


I'm right here!

So wait, that was Grey?

Then where's the real Gordon?!

Huh? Guys? Are you still asleep?

Isn't it time to leave soon?

Wait... Did they already leave?

We should be able to see it soon.

See what?

The ocean.

I can't wait! I've never seen it before!

Me, neither!

But I still don't see any sign of it.
Is Raquey still pretty far away?

No, it shouldn't be.

What are you talking about?

We've been looking at the
ocean for quite some time now.

Don't tell me...


It's so huge, I couldn't even tell!

It's beyond my wildest dreams!

So this is the ocean?!

This is amazing!

The ocean... It's so huge!

Awesome... This is so cool!

I wish I could show Yuno and
the other runts this view, too.

What about me?!

And someday, I'd love to
bring Sister Lily here, too.

Seriously, what about me?!

The sunset's so beautiful, Asta.

Yes... But Sister Lily...

You're even more beautiful.


I became the Wizard King.

So, Sister...

Whoosh! Open!

Marry me.

Of course!

Just kidding!

What's he smirking about?

He'd better not be remembering that k-k-kiss!

W-Wipe that smirk off your face!

I-I-It's not like I'd ever
kiss him or anything.

I'm going to show off this swimsuit
I bought yesterday in front of him!

D-Don't get the wrong idea!

I'm just going to show him that
I'm way better than Rebecca.

I'm so embarrassed!

But I want him to see me...
But this is still really embarrassing!


Hey, Stupidsta! Wh-What do you
think about this swimsuit?

How do you like my awesome swimwear?!

Whoa! What the heck is that, Magna?!

Isn't it awesome?! This is something that
Mr. Yami also uses! It's called a loincloth!


Let's swim to our hearts' content in this
ocean that's as big as Mr. Yami's heart, Asta!

You got it, Magna!

Hey, you two.

What do you think of my swimsuit?
Doesn't it look great on me?

It's not that different from
how you usually dress.


I guess a virgin delinquent like you
can't understand adult charm.

Who are you calling a virgin delinquent?!

Wanna go for a run?

Man, you're on fire, Magna!

Shut up, you blasted fools!

What do you think, Marie?
I made it look just like you.

Yeah, thanks!

Hey, Brother, show me the ocean!

Of course. With pleasure.

Look, Marie. This is the ocean.

That's amazing! It's so big and beautiful!

Next time, we can come here
together and splash around!

Hey, it's pretty cold...

Hey, it's Asta! I want to play
with Asta in the ocean someday!

H-Hey... What do you think?

I'm giving you permission to
look at me in my swimsuit.

Anyone who tries to tempt my Marie shall die!

Hey, Asta!

Mirror Magic: Reflect Ray!


It's so salty!

Wait, huh?! I can't breathe!

I can't swim!

Seriously, look at me already!


So, so many hot girls in swimsuits!

All right! Let's go flirting!

Grey! Transform into me!

Yeah! Check it out, yo!

Okay, Grey! We'll be twins, and our selling
point can be our snappy dialogue!

What time is it?

Leave it to me!

This goes hand-in-hand with the beach.

If it's food, I know it
like the back of my hand.

So good!

Nothing beats having drinks on the beach!

Charmy, you need to move more to the right!


Weren't you helping Finral
pick up some girls?

Yeah, but I got bored, so I left him behind.

A little more to the left!

I told you, to the right!

The left!

I can tell... Just a little more...

Just... ten more steps!

I thought I was a goner!

Hey, Asta, my swimsuit...

You're right there!


What are you doing, Miz Charmy?!

If you had hit anyone else, they'd be dead!

Hey, watermelon juice.

You don't get it at all!

Hey! My swimsuit!

Hey, Asta. It only occurred to me after I
turned into you, but your muscles are gross.

You should use your transformation
spell for something more useful, Grey!

You're wasting it!

My swimsuit!

Oh, yeah...

Now what?!

It's just like I thought! Running on this
sand is excellent training for my legs!

Look at me in my swimsuit, you idiot!

You still can't control your magic?!

You saved my butt this time, but seriously!

Aw, it went out.

Hmph. All I can manage without a staff are
defense spells that remain stationary.

Why are you bragging about that?!



So this is the famous Raquey Beach.

The ocean is calling my name!

Sekke, should we really be playing around?

Isn't that all we really do?

Well, I did such a good
job on that last mission...

that the Wizard King gave me a hundred stars!

< Lies >


Captain Jack praised me, too!

And most importantly, I saved all
the kids from those evildoers.

< This Is Somewhat True >

It wouldn't hurt for me
to spread my wings a bit.

Hey, beautiful ladies.


Where are you from?


Ah, I see. Want to come play with me?




Wait a sec!

Look at that loser trying to pick up girls.

Go on, you two. Go pick up some girls.

Huh? What about you, Sekke?

You stupid bah-hastard!
I can't do something so vulgar.

I'll meet up with you guys after you
successfully pick up some girls.

This jerk! He's planning to show up
and act like he's doing us a favor!

The only reason you got to come here is
because of me, the Magic Knight, right?

I gave you a chance. Now, go on.

Oh, jeez...

Guess we don't have a choice.

Look, there are some ideal
babes right over there.

Bah-ha! Don't worry about me! Let's go!

You go...

Hey there, cuties!

Wanna come talk with us about
how awesome magical girls are?

Get lost, insects.


She's from the Black Bulls!

Wait, does that also mean...

Take this, damn it! expl*sive Scattershot!


Hup! Hup!

Die! Reflect Ray!



Oh, dear...

Did we just run something over?

Who knows?

I think we ran into something.

Nyom, nyom, nyom...

Wait! Hey! We came here to
look for the magic stone!

Why are you all playing around?!

And you're not?

C-Captain Yami...

All right, gather round, you idiots.

I picked up some info while
you were messing around.


Apparently the Underwater Temple
really is at the bottom of the ocean.

But the mana kicks up the
ocean currents so much that,

ordinarily, even a first-class
mage can't get near it.

But on the night of the full moon,

the mana becomes weaker.
We might be able to get in then.

C-Captain Yami is actually,
seriously doing his job!

I'm seriously going to m*rder all of you.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...

Like the name suggests, the Underwater
Temple is on the ocean floor.

We can't just walk to it.

So Noelle...

Take us there with your water magic.


Give us a ride there.

B-But I'd need incredible magic
control in order to do that.

I can't! You should ask someone else.

I-I mean, if I fail...

You're right.

If you fail, the fierce currents will
take us all under, and we'll drown.

This is a top secret mission
entrusted to only the Black Bulls.

No one else can do it.

You do it.

The next full moon is a week away.

Learn to control it by then.

Surpass your limits.

Sea Dragon's Lair... Right now,
it's my only spell.

Developing it further should
be the quickest way.


Vanessa taught me some magic control
tricks before, but none of them have worked.

Maybe I just don't have the
ability to control magic.

But even if I don't have talent,
I won't run or make excuses!

I'll just keep working...
until I figure it out!

This time for sure...

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

So you were training too, Asta?

And you too, Noelle?

A-As if a royal like me would train.

Let's train together, then.


If you lose control again,
I'll be able to stop you.

H-Hmph! That won't happen again.

Training with just the two of us...

W-Well, if you insist,
I guess I wouldn't mind...

Um, Asta?

I hear something.

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Look at Me!

Look at Me!

Hey, Stupidsta. Look at me!

How do I look in this swimsuit?

You're all sparkly.

Isn't it heavy?

That'd probably work great
as part of a scarecrow.

You sort of look like a cow back in Hage...

Wh-What are you staring at?!



But you told me to look!

Ugh, I'm so embarrassed...


Bah-ha! Did you all enjoy yet another
appearance by me, the great Sekke Bronzazza?

I'm even more bah-hawesome on the beach!

Black Clover, Page 41:
"The Water Girl Grows Up."

Page 41
The Water Girl Grows Up

One, two, three, bah-ha!
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