01x43 - Temple Battle Royale

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x43 - Temple Battle Royale

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Asta and the others finally
arrived at the Underwater Temple.

But once they got there...

You guys are after the
magic stone, aren't you?

If you want it, why don't
we play a little game?

...a mysterious old man called the high priest

and nine temple mages were waiting for them!

The high priest told Asta and the other
Black Bulls, who were separated,

that if they wanted the magic stone, they
must battle the temple mages, nine-on-nine.

Victory goes to the first team
to wipe out the other team,

or whichever team has the
most members left in the end.

Yay! This is awesome!

A blood-soaked battle! I'm super pumped!


There should be ten of us...
We're missing one.

That's so easy to understand!

All right! Bring it on!

That's funny...

I can't seem to sense any magic from you.

Guess I picked a loser.

Wanna find out if I'm
actually a loser or not?

Temple Battle Royale

Now, then, why don't we watch from here?

I've got plenty of food and drink!

Hey, you old geezer,
don't leave me out of the game!

I got all pumped up, but now I'm sad.

You're a bit too strong.

All the people outside, as well as myself,
are very excited for this game.

It'd be no fun if it were to end quickly.

Looks like you really do get it, gramps.

You've got good taste.

I do, don't I?

Ooh, it looks like a few
match-ups have already begun.

All right. If any of mine lose, I'll k*ll 'em.

So cold... Damn that geezer.

He's gonna pay for this!


You're at a total disadvantage with
fire magic in a place like this.

Looks like I win.

I'd rather not pick on
frail-looking guys like you.

Are you gonna fight me?

I know you guys.

You're the Black Bulls, aren't you?

You're the weakest of the Magic Knights.

Marie's waiting for me.
Hurry up and come at me, damn it.

Just so you know, it's pretty pointless
for you to wave around that rusty sword.

My mollusk magic can
parry any kind of attack.

I see...

Isn't this exciting?

Oh, by the way, what are your knights' ranks?

They're all junior magic knights.

I'm surprised you even know
about that, living down here.

According to your ranking system,

my temple mages would be more
powerful than intermediate knights!

Those juniors don't stand a chance!

What? Really?

Well, that's not good...

Unless those idiots are actually
stronger than usual for their titles.


Don't think I'm gonna get discouraged
just because I'm surrounded by water.

I'm gonna serve all of you up like grilled fish!

He must've been one of the weaker ones.

So... I wonder where
all the strong ones are?

Good grief.

I need to finish this nonsense quick
so I can go back to doting on Marie.

This... isn't right...

My mollusk magic should be able to
deflect any kind of physical attack.

My sword is anti-magic! That junk won't work!


Next, next!

Good job, you idiots!
Beat the crap out of them!

Those fools let down their guard!

Hey, gramps, I forgot! We should
bet on which team is gonna win!

I bet 10,000 yuls on the Bulls!

Grr... The battle's just begun!

They won't be able to defeat the
remaining priests so easily!

Especially the Three Great Priests,
who are on par with senior knights.

Badump, badump...

Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak...

Whew... Man, that was close.

There's no way I could fight
a guy who looks that strong.

I've been trying to get to the places I
marked outside, but I can't for some reason.

That means I can only use my spatial
magic to get to places I can see.

Oh, I forgot to mention this,

but you won't be able to leave my
playground until the game's over.

Whoa! Are you watching me, gramps?!

Hey, Finral, why the hell are you hiding?
Hurry up and fight, or I'll k*ll you!

Huh? Yami?!

Wait, are you with the old guy?

We're enjoying some food and drinks
while we watch you guys fight.

What?! Come on, make him
stop this violent game!

What? It's fun to watch
because it's so violent.

That's right!

When did you two hit it off so well?!

It's definitely no fun if
you're not gonna fight.

Don't let that coward get away.

There we go! Nuisance spell activated.

Game Magic: Monster Toy.


How entertaining! I should use more of these!

Hey, you old geezer...

Let's do this one next.
This'll probably k*ll them!

Are you sure you're actually on their side?

Nice drawing, though.

Now, then... Let's see how
the others are holding up.

That bastard Grey turned into a crab,
and I don't know where he went,

so I'll just have to k*ll him later.

Oh? Is Charmy battling?

S-Such destructive force...

Th-The Underwater Temple is amazing.

And so is its seafood!

S-So good! Munchy, munchy...

This is the best I've ever had!

So this is the Underwater Temple's seafood!

I wish my meal-saving prince
could have some, too!

Okay! This entire ecosystem is mine!

I'm going to eat absolutely everything!

That one there... What exactly is she doing?

Heave-ho! Heave-ho! What a huge haul!

Found you!


My, what a cute little target. I almost
feel bad that I'm going to defeat you.

So you're finally here.

But right now, I'm overflowing
with undersea mana.

If you want me to chew you up
the way I chewed up those fish,

bring it on!

Song Magic: Mother Lullaby.

I feel so nice...

Why, yes, I can still eat more...

One down!

Just so you know, sleeping counts as a K.O.

How do you like the power
of one of my Great Priests?

She's not getting any food for a week.

Now, then...

I wonder if I'll see those two next.

All right! My clothes are finally dry!

Let's see... Who am I gonna fight next?

Hey, Luck. I guess you're still alive.

Yup! I defeated one of
the enemy guys already.

I headed this way because I felt a
strong presence over here, but...

Looks like I was right...

All right... let's decide who
gets a piece of 'em fir—

Hey! No fair, Luck! You bastard!

Ya snooze, ya lose, Magna!

Lightning Magic: Thunderbolt Destruction!

Water Creation Magic: Sea God's Shield.

It's tough! My lighting should work
pretty well against water, though.

Well, well, aren't you lively?

What the heck are these things?!

This ki... Someone's there.

Come on, Grandpa. Do you really have
to hit us with your nuisance spells, too?

Well, whatever. That was a good warm-up.


He took out something that huge?
Who the heck is he?

Hey, there!

You're Asta, right?

Huh? Yeah, that's right...

I've heard about you! You use a strange
sword that cancels out magic, right?

Uh, yes... Wait, who'd you hear that from?!

Never mind that! Check out this dance!

The hell?! He just started dancing!

But it's a really cool dance!

Do you think they'd like this
dance up on the surface, too?

Heck yeah!

The name's Kiato!

My dream's to become a dancer who
captivates the whole kingdom!

He just started talking about his dream?!

Although people from the Underwater Temple
can go to the kingdom's beaches,

we can't go to the capital.
It's against the rules.

But if we win this fight, Grandpa said...

Oh, the high priest is my grandpa.

Anyway, he said we could use the high
priest's authority to go up to the surface!

I'm gonna make a name for myself
and become a super famous dancer!

He just told me all about this huge dream!

Hey, wait a sec...

This all seems pretty familiar.

So listen...

I'm gonna take you down
for the sake of my dream!

He's fast!

I have my own dream, too!


I wanna become the strongest man
who protects the Clover Kingdom,

the Wizard King!

So for that dream...

I'm gonna take you down!

I like it!

Then let's bet our dreams on
a head-to-head showdown!

Bring it on!

Wh-What am I going to do? I haven't
learned a single attack spell yet.

Hey, there! I finally found you!

Sh-sh**t! I'm in trouble!

Y-You want to take on
a royal such as myself?

You've got some guts! This is your
chance to run away if you want!

First off, I'm glad you
could make it, Noelle!

H-How do you know my name?

Oh, right. I guess you can't
tell with this thing on my face.



I've been waiting for you, Noelle!

Kahono... I had no idea you were
from the Underwater Temple.

Why did you help me learn magic?

I was actually looking for people who
wanted to come to the Underwater Temple

while I practiced singing on that beach.

You see, when we have guests, Grandpa...
I mean, the high priest, always holds games.

If I win, I'll be able to go to the surface

and make my dream to
become an idol come true!

Your dream? Then you used me?!

Huh? No.

It's true that I wanted to help you,
since you were working so hard,

and it's also true that I wanted
to become friends with you.

But from now on, we'll fight fair and
square as opponents in this game!

No! We're supposed to be friends!


Friends are people who can clash over
things that are precious to them,

but keep smiling together even then!

Song Magic: Mother Lullaby.

What is this spell?

I-It's going to make me...

Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Lair!

Now you're ready to fight?

Song Magic: Destructive Beat!

Come on, now, Noelle!

You'll never win if you just keep defending!

What do you think you're doing?!

She only let off some magic
energy, but look at that force!


Huh? What're you doing, Noelle?

An attack like that won't
have any effect on me.

Aim straight! That sucked!

Shut up!

I still can't control my magic
when I'm attacking, you idiot!

That's not it. You're already
controlling your magic, Noelle.


You're subconsciously trying
not to attack people.

You must not want to hurt anyone.

But are you sure you're okay with that?

Why did you come here, Noelle?

Didn't you come here to
make something come true?

If you don't fight for it and win it,

you'll never get what you want!

I... want to be useful to everyone!


This guy's really strong!

And what's with his moves?

It's like his mind's gone somewhere else.
It's really hard to read his ki!

I think he's even throwing off my senses.

Is this his magic?

It's just like I thought.

If you're going up against a real sword,

your anti-magic sword is nothing
more than a lump of iron!

And if I add in my dance magic,
you won't be able to follow my moves!

How do you like my grandson? Isn't he strong?

Yeah, the kid definitely
knows how to handle a sword.


Come on, now! Just surrender already, Asta!

This isn't good! I'm about to lose!

He really is like water.
There's no way to catch him...

Wait, maybe brute strength
isn't the way to go here!

I probably shouldn't try to capture water,
since it has no distinct shape!

Anyway, I need to calm down.

That's it!

I will also become like water!

Monkeying around won't get you anywhere!

Don't sell a monkey short!

I can't use magic!

And that's why...

I'll recreate magic with my body!

Pretty sure there are limits
when you can't use magic!


In that case...

I'll use this chance...

to go beyond my limits!

Jeez... Just how athletic is this kid?

My idiot's ability to pick
things up quick is even greater!

What a rude man... Trying to set up a sneaky
trap for a defenseless woman like me.

You can't really complain if you
fall for a trap yourself, can you?

Seriously? Vanessa's usually drunk and
useless before she gets warmed up.

We're in top shape today.
I should've bet more, damn it.

These guys aren't junior mages at all!

But man, that lady's got some nice boobies.

Hey, old man. Could you get
that magic stone ready?

A really dangerous lot called the
Eye of the Midnight Sun is after that stone.

It'd be in your best interests
to just hand it over to us.

The best part of a game
is turning the tables.

You can't get lamer than bluffing, old man.

I'm not bluffing!

If my son and grandkids get serious,
we'll turn things around in an instant!

My son is the strongest mage
of the Underwater Temple!

Uh-oh... I think you're getting tired, Magna.

You can take a little break.

I couldn't feel better, you idiot.

You butt out, Luck.

Sorry to drag you into
my dad's game like this.

Dad? You're that geezer's son?

He's strong... His magic
is as deep as the sea.

No doubt about it... He's definitely
the strongest one here.

You two should come at me at once.

I'd rather not hurt you
any more than I need to.

At the very least, I'll end
all this in an instant.

Water Creation Magic: Sea God's Hammer!

You ain't ending anyone, you bastard!

I'm not done having fun yet!


Wh-What was that?

Wh-Wh-What the heck's going on?!

Looks like you're having fun.

Why don't you let us join in?

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Why Don't You Let Us Join In?

Why Don't You Let Us Join In?

Looks like you're having fun.

Why don't you let us join in?

Munchy, munchy...


I-I must've come to the wrong place.

Munchy, munchy... Have a bite.

Have a bite, 'kay?

Well, if you insist, I guess I'll... join in.

I'll let you join in...

After you stir that pot.

Those who will not work do not get to munchy!

Stir, stir, stir...

Put your back into it!
It's not all about strength!

I see... This is quite deep.

And so, Vetto realized his dream to become
a chef and gave up on the magic stone.

Then everyone lived happily ever after!

That probably won't happen, huh?

Of course not!

To make the Eye of the Midnight Sun's
dream come true,

I, Vetto of the Third Eye,
shall obtain the magic stone!

Black Clover, Page 44: "The Pointlessly
Direct Fireball and the Wild Lightning."

Page 44
The Pointlessly Direct Fireball and the Wild Lightning

My beast magic shall destroy everything!
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