02x13 - The Red Thread of Fate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x13 - The Red Thread of Fate

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

Let me see what you can offer.

My magic is in

never giving up!

Witch Queen unleashed
Asta's Anti Magic Power Restrainer

and revived the power.

What is this?

It's like I've fallen into a cold lake.

It's chilling to the bone.

My mind is working insanely fast.

And this power

keeps flowing into me.

I thought he was
that person's blood relative,

but it looks like I was wrong.

Your sudden mutation

prevented your body
from holding the power inside you.

You are just a defect.

But because of that,

you are able to wield that sword.

You are not special at all

and you have nothing.

But that is the reason
why you are truly remarkable.

Black Meteorite!

Asta defeated Ladros
with the power of awakening.

Ladros turned over a new leaf
because of that.


Controlling blood.

That's my magic.

I'll have you work as my sword

for the rest of your life.

Witch Queen has always wanted
to obtain Asta's Anti Magic.

She has put Asta under control.

This is your first task.

k*ll everyone here with your own hands.

How is that possible?

Asta, don't do it!


All right.

Who should we k*ll first?

I have an idea.

The girl from the royals,
we shall start from you.


Don't do it!


Pull yourself together, Asta!
Stay conscious.

This won't do. He can't hear us.

Asta, don't do it!

Can't you recognize me?

What goes around comes around.

The royals of Clover Kingdom
are going to be m*rder*d by this fellow.



Wake up now!


It's time to bid goodbye.


No, please don't do it!

Do it now.

This guy has lost consciousness.


Does that mean
he is not completely under control?

I won't let you k*ll me.

Don't think that
you can control Asta to k*ll me!

Hold on.

The magic power is pathetic.

I will free myself now.

What is this?

Puppet Bloodflow can bond
with the blood in the victim's body

and put the victim under control.

You can never break it
no matter how much you struggle.

It works the same on you
even though you are born without magic.


You are indeed stubborn, but…


Please make him stop!

I will never leave the forest again.

I will never go against you again.



In order to ensure that you are free
from any silly thoughts,

I must wipe them out today.

Divination tells me Vanessa will
eventually come back to this forest alive.

She will summon the one thing
that I yearn for to this place.

Hence, I didn't try looking for you.

However, I didn't expect

that the thing
that I am looking for is a human

who possesses the Anti Magic Sword.

What do you get when you go outside?

You found meaningless companionship
with a bunch of humans with flaws.

In the end, those people
lose their lives because of you.

You will never escape from me.

Our bond is unbreakable.


That's because you are my daughter.

We are a family.

I am your family?

You belong to me.

You must be lying.

That means it's real.

Speaking of which,
cakes in that town are quite delicious.

I feel like going there.

Excuse me! Please help me out!

I want to leave this place.

Please help me. Don't go away.


Your Majesty.

I wish to leave here as soon as possible.

I don't want to stay here anymore.

It is really lonely to stay alone.

For how long do I have to be here?

Your Majesty.

Unlike what Your Majesty said,

Thread Magic is not powerful magic

that can bring me out.

No. One day, you will master
the art of controlling fate.

It is clearly shown in the divination.

How is that possible--

You asked how long
you have to be here, right?

Let me answer you.

Before you activate the magic power
to manipulate fate,

you are not allowed to leave.

You are my family.

If we are family, you should let me out.

I can't do that.

I will decide your fate.

Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, I beg of you!

Hold on, please let me out!

It is impossible. I don't have the power.

The cake shop in the town
has closed down, right?

That's too bad.

Do you know?

There is a huge city outside the forest.

There live many people
who don't belong to Witch Queen.

Vanessa, I have listened
to this story so many times.

The other witches go there for fun, right?

They might go there for a date.

Do you want to escape from jail

and check out the city?

There's no way I can do that

because I can't go against Her Majesty.

Come on, cheer up.

Do you want me to beg Her Majesty?

It is impossible.

You are just a doll created
by me with magic.

If I can't do that,

you can't do that either.

You're right.

You are actually talking to yourself.

I really hope that one day soon,

you can find some real friends.

It is impossible.

It is impossible for sure.

I will remain like this
for the rest of my life.

I won't be free.

Why are there noises coming from outside?

There is a man.

An intruder is barging in.


-Come on, I'm just cultivating.
-A man?

Why is a man not allowed in this forest?

This is the first time I have seen a man.

By the way, the short-tempered
old woman is so capable.

Darn it.

This man is fighting against Her Majesty?

By the way, where is this? Why is it here?

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

Well, I am…

I am imprisoned by Her Majesty.

You are imprisoned here?

It means you are a bird in the cage.

I have never left this place.

Are you serious?

Isn't that pathetic?

You will be happy to hear this.

As I've opened up a hole,
you can leave now.

It is impossible.

I can never escape from Her Majesty.

It's my fate to be here.


"It's my fate to be here"?

Sure. Mr. Fate, is it?

I hate that guy.

Who would want to comply with that?

Even if I have to destroy fate,
I'm going to do whatever I want.

However, it seems that

I can't defeat
that short-tempered old woman.

That's why I need to go now.

All right, Ms. Birdie. See you later.

Hold on.

What should I do?

I have no idea.
The choice is in your hand.

I am a bird in the cage.

In that case,
I should be covered in feathers.

I should be flying in the sky.

I am going

to make my own decision.

What I got from the outside world is…

It's not you.


A person like you is not my family.

Everyone in Black Bull is!

My family is now

dying in front of me.

If I don't stop everything,

what is the point of staying alive?


If I do have the power…

My magic is in changing fate.

What is this?

Red Thread of Fate?

Is that the one?

I didn't imagine it to appear like this.


So she has discovered it?

The power to manipulate fate.

If that's the case, just give it a try.


Just a touch?

Nothing special happened?

It's time to repent

for being disrespectful
to the Witch Queen.


As expected, it is imperfect.

You will be educated

by the perfect me moving forward.

So don't worry.



What happened?

The royal girl should
have been chopped, right?

It's time to repent

for being disrespectful
to the Witch Queen.

Didn't I just say that not long ago?


Did I make any mistakes?

Don't do it!

In that case, it will end now.

Don't do it!

Could it be…

In that case,
let's use this fellow instead.

How about attacking the cat right away?

Puppet Bloodflow has been undone?

So I have operated it wrongly?

This is precisely the power
to control fate.

The magic power is intimidating.

It means that the destiny of any person
whom the cat touched

will be beneficial to the person
who uses the power.

Vanessa can't see the fate
where her comrades get m*rder*d.

She can only see the scene
where they escaped the attack.

The cat is innocent.
Hence, it doesn't know how to escape.

Vanessa, I am glad that you have awakened.

I have been waiting for this moment

for a very long time.

Blood Magic,

Puppet Bloodflow.


This way, you
and your magic power belong to me.

That power is a good fit
for the perfect me.

Come on, fate, take my side.

That was…

What happened?


Domina, Mariella!

It seems that you are safe.

How is that possible?

That is impossible.

My perfect magic has never
gone out of control before.


This must be the fate manipulating power
that you mentioned before.

I don't really understand the power yet.

However, there is
one thing I know for sure.

This magic

will only side with those
that I have a bond with!

You and I

have no bond.

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

Vanessa Saw It.

Princess, please be my wife.

Sure, Your Majesty. I am so happy.

Can I really be your wife?

Yes, I want you.

You are as beautiful as
the Witch Queen from Witches' Forest.

I don't deserve that compliment.

How could you say that I am
as beautiful as the Witch Queen

who is well-received by everyone?

Yes, it is true.

You are as elegant, gentle, and proud
as the Witch Queen.

Your Majesty, I am so happy.

My dear Princess.

When those kids are not around,
the base is so quiet.

It means I can take my time
to poop in peace.

However, it is way too quiet.
It's almost time to come back.

Black Clover, Page , "I'm Home."

Welcome back.
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