01x03 - Cool Runnin'

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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01x03 - Cool Runnin'

Post by bunniefuu »


I refuse to believe that it's five in the morning.

I refuse to believe that two hours of witty conversation and nonstop charm, have been terminated because you decided to play Dudley Do-Right.

She was all over me, Crockett.

I mean, that woman was so fine, she could kick-start a 747.

[Jamaican Accent]

Did you bring the money, mon? Crummy two-key deal.

Probably won't even get past the preliminary.

Code 1-9, heading west towards Biscayne.


[Tires Skidding]

[Police Radio, Indistinct]

Hey, hey! This was supposed to be a lightweight deal.

Yeah, that's what we thought till the fireworks started.

Boy, it's been a real all-star season for drug rip-offs.

Ten in the last three weeks.

Seven by the same group.

What do we know about these guys? Hey, hey! Not now, will you please? Take a walk.

They come well prepared.

Interarms KG-99 machine pistols and they're not in the habit of leaving witnesses.

Well, we gave Homicide the license number.


Where did Switek and Zito get a line on this deal? They put a wiretap on the guys that got sh*t.

Look, go home, you guys.

Get some rest.


I mean it.

- Heads up! - Whoa! Yo! Hey, youngblood! I hope that didn't take too much out of ya.

What, are you gift wrapping that corn? You hear how close we came to busting Echaveria Friday night? The Colombian supplier? Mm-hmm.

Hey, Calabrese, how you comin' with that lobster? Terrible.

You got a billy club around here? A billy club? I'd just mace this sucker first.

Now, we're having dinner with him up in Lauderdale, doin' our "Loose Money From Detroit" routine.

Where's the tin foil? Throw me the foil, baby.

Yeah, things are gettin' real familiar.

We're about to start talkin' numbers when all of a sudden this bailiff Jake knows from the county courthouse tips his Seven-and-Seven to us from the bar.

You could have made this guy with a red cane.

I'm talkin' civil servant right down to his size 14 wing tips and Mason ring.

- So, Echavera - "Echevierra.

" Echevierra gets hinky and immediately backs out of the whole deal.

Hey, Ricardo, hand me that fork there, bud.


So, how did Echevierra know that he was tipping his drink at you? Didn't I tell ya? He's a friend ofJake.

So, your dealer didn't know that.

Come on, guys.

Where's your imagination, your initiative? Okay, coach.

What would you have done? I immediately get in the guy's face, ask him, " Who's the yo-yo in the button-down shirt blowin' kisses at you from the bar?" Then I'd accuse him of being a cop, and then I'd storm out of the joint and refuse to even talk to him for at least two weeks.

By then, the guy'd be beggin' to make you a deal.

- That's street corner theater.

We do that kind of stuff all the time.

- Uh-huh.

Yeah, well, maybe waitin' around two weeks for an "if-maybe" might be your guys' style but Bobby and I areJumpin'Jack Flash and Captain Go-Fast.



Yeah, right.

! I see.


New blood on the block.

- I see.

- You don't believe me? You don't believe me? All right? Well, this fella right here says that we make more busts for more weight - than you two by the end of the month.

- Ooh.

Oh, I don't know.

Are we on? Put it away, kid.

I don't want to take your money.

Hey, Teresa, do these guys ever punch out? Yeah, once a month, he takes me to see Serpico.

Too bad.

He could've used the company.

- Okay, baby face, you're on.

- All right! You're on! [All]

Ooh! And now for the pièce de résistance.

Oh, yes.


Man's work.

Hey, Gina, Gina, let me help.

A man comin' through.

[Shouting, Hooting]

[All Groaning]


I can't believe it.

! Tubbs, that was $28.

95! I hope he likes the local waters.

Don't really have much to tell you.

We were sittin' on Frito and Perez for about a week.

Some middleman called, offered to set him up with a couple of guys and three keys of coke.

The middleman, what was his name? Desmond.


Desmond Maxwell.

Talks with a [Imitates Accent]

Jamaican accent, mon.

Desmond Maxwell.

[Loud Buzzing]

Well, that's our ten o'clock and it's early.

I still got to reload the camera here.

Yeah, sure.

Try to blend in, will ya, guys? [Whistling]


? Nobody ?? All right.

All right.

All right.

All right.

Yeah, buddy.

All right.

What's up? What's up, y'all? Daytona 365 party car! Rocket to the moon.

? I've got the look you want to know better ? ? I've got the glasses that's all together ?? Let me show you what I got, my man.

I got Dunhill, all right? I got Vuarnet, all right? I got "Carrora.

" These glasses are real good.

There's glare resistance, water resistance contender tough to Cazzie and a lot less dangerous to wear.

Sunglasses? That's it? I thought you said when you phoned we was gonna do some business.

Yo, man, you better be glad I'm a Pisces and don't offend easy.

Outside I have a car, that car has a trunk.

You dig music man? I got Duran Duran Front-runner of fashion pop.

I got Blondie.

I got Toots and the crazy Maytals.

I got those tapes and more.

I guess you need something to play with them.

How about What's wrong, baby? You don't like music? How about VCRs? I got one Hitachi in the trunk that represents 50 back at the warehouse.


What's that? Termites, man? No, no.

Construction next door.

Hustler '82.

! I got back issues.

I got Playboy, Oui, Boobs and Buns and Gent.

What's wrong, homeboy? You don't like books? I'll tell you what I got.

I got two gross Calvin Klein underwear.

Let me tell you what colors I got.

I got ivory and shell pink.

[Laughs Nervously]

But I know this being the beginning of the season, I'm quite sure you fellas wanna, like, shop around.

I can always come back next week.

I hope you got a good lawyer in them pockets of yours, motormouth.

[Laughs Nervously]

Yeah, man.

[Laughs Mockingly]

[Man #1]

Where you gonna be? [Man #2]

Yo, man.

! Like a total miscarriage of justice! Hey, Bobby, Jake.

Say, we heard about your friends in the van.

- You guys okay? - Everything's cool.

And you let 'em get away? Guys, where's your sense of initiative, imagination? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Can you guys do a little homework for me? No way, champ.

We got a business appointment.

- Who's your backup? - There's no money involved.

Just a preliminary.

Oh, by the way, Crockett, I made a reservation in my checking account this morning.

Yeah, well, it'd better be a withdrawal.



We're gonna wanna circulate this guy in some suburban lockups for a couple of weeks till the burglary operation wraps up.

We don't want him yappin' over six counties.

You must be jokin', man.

You're lookin' at Mr.


You couldn't t*rture nothin' out of me.

Name? Nugart Neville Lamont The Noogman.

You got some pretty legs, mamma.

You can call me, "Noogie," that's if you wanna boogie.


Yo, yo, excuse me.

That's some motivating perfume, mamma.

I ain't ashamed to tell ya.

What's that, Je Reviens? Estée Lauder? White Linen.

No, that's that '82 private stock.


Trudy, you got that info on Desmond Maxwell? My computer drew a total blank.

Keep checking.

Stop it.

I don't know about you, Detective This is a municipal building but I'm getting very bored with for goodness sake! This strangers on the train routine.

I was thinkin' maybe I'd pick up a couple of pounds of cracked crab and maybe a couple of bottles of - [Clears Throat]

Special delivery, Sonny.

Thank you.


Let's see.

Where was I? Oh, yes.

A couple of bottles of D.


And throw 'em on ice.

Then we'll sail out off Key Biscayne, a little music.

A little Hmm? I'm sorry.

Where were we? Oh, about ten miles out into the Atlantic.

That your bank statement or did you just win a lottery? "The Superior Court of Florida That Caroline Crockett does hereby petition for dissolution of marriage from James 'Sonny' Crockett.

" There ought to be a law against form letters.

Sonny, we can always take a rain check on dinner.

Absolutely not.

I've been expecting this a long time.

Eight o'clock? You keep that sorry excuse for a reptile below deck, and you've got yourself a deal.

It's a date then.


I just got a ballistics report.

Ten-to-one it's an U*i.

That kind of spray pattern gets serious.

Yeah, so what's your guess, Professor? Definitely machine pistols.

Interarms KG-99.

So, it's the same rip-off scheme that's tied into all the rest? Yeah, Opa-Locka last week.

Overtown three days ago.

That sh**ting at Dadeland Mall where the ten-year-old kid was hit.

We're into some major, major crazies here.

Uh, Sonny, your informant wants to talk to you.

What informant? That joker? He's no informant.

I think he is now.

Yeah, man, where you takin' me, homeboy? What you doin' to me, man? Yo, easy, man.

I'm the Noogman.


You know who you're dealin' with? I'm the noogie-noogie-woogie.

Okay, Tubbs, you can unveil the Mona Lisa.

Just as I thought: Tacky.


Let's hear it.

I've been doin' some thinkin'.

I'm much too young and too fine to do any more time.

So, I'm gonna do you fellas a favor.

Like what? Put a sock in your mouth? Mirth, I love it.

But seriously fellas, I couldn't help overhearing on the radio earlier about a couple of Colombians that got bumped this morning.

Now, I may be able to do something for you on that one.

- Oh, yeah? Like what? - Well, I don't know who the sh**t were, but a homeboy of mine set up the deal.

A fella by the name of Desmond Maxwell ring a bell? So, you fellas wanna do business together or what? [Laughs]

I'm kind of thirsty.

Y'all got any Perrier around? With a twist.


Fella by the name of Desmond Maxwell.

AJamaican dude.

What's in it for me? Well, if you come across anything, a hundred bucks and a brand-new VCR.

Front loaded? You know that, homeboy.

All right.

Take care of that for me.

How much more of this hot comedy we gonna put up with this dude? Well, Jamaica town is only ten blocks square.

Give me a break, man.

I will serve no swine before his time.

Yo, see that dude over there? My man makes a living burning down cleaners.

Yo, Ramon! [Man]

What's up, man? Peoplejealous of the Noogman.

What's up, homeboy? How you feel, man? My man makes a living selling stolen gravity boots.

Hey, Lamont, spare us the Fortune 500 of the sleazoid set, will ya? Yo, man, I'm gettin' a little rusty around the edges.

I need a little pick-me-up.

You know I got a friendly right around the corner.

You wanna get high? Well, you know, it serves the purpose.

You understand what I'm sayin'? What's up? Listen, little squirrel, we don't work our informants that way, you got it? All right.

Forget I said anything.


Buggy ride with a damn junkie.

Yo, man, I ain't no junkie.

I'm a speed freak.

Yo, hold it! What day is it? The day you go to jail, buddy.



Desmond plays dominos every Tuesday afternoon.

Man, I swear to God.

Just give me one more chance and I swear to God if I'm lying, may God strike me down right here! Pow! Don Rickles and you know that.

[Loud Chatter]


What's up, homeboy? What it look like? What you got? Yo! Hey! Did you hear that? What, man? Two-minute warning, pal.

Look, pay dirt.

Is that Desmond? No, no.

That's Desmond's main man.


They used to promote dogfights down in Sweetwater.

Yo, yo, man.

Give me $80.

Get out of here.

Wait till he comes back out.

Come on, man.

You think he wants to be seen passing info at the bar? Is you drunk, man? Give me some money.

All right.

Here's 60 and it better be good.

Don't even worry about it, man.

Y'all wait here.

Yo, yo, homeboy! What's up homeboy? How you doin'? What's up, my man? How you feelin'? What's up? Big ups.

I'll be back.

You trust this dude? Man, you'd better get used to working with informers.

Down here they account for about 80 percent of all of our cases.

I hope he steps it up.

I gotta meet Caroline and her lawyer in an hour.

The divorce? I got confirmation of the court date this morning in the mail.

Man, I'll tell ya.

It sure takes the wind out of your sails to see it there on the calendar.


Yo, yo, cabbie! Yo, cabbie! [Horn Honking]

Oh! There you go.

I was just lookin' for you guys.

April Fool's is over, yellow socks.

There's a lead I have to check out right away, man.

Desmond's in Lauderdale.

Shut up.

No, no.

You go out of your way to help young kids and animals and look what you go through.

You little worm.

How did you hear about Desmond? From the police report.

He must've lifted it off of Don's desk.

You know, that's another six months on the "D" yard softball team, yellow socks.

All right.

All right.

I'll be honest with you, man.

I don't know this guy Desmond.

I've been in jail for a year, all right? When I got in the streets, I thought I could use my old connections to help me out, but I don't know nobody and that's the square biz, homeboy.

I must have lost my mind givin' this grease stain 60 bucks.

- Get up, you.

- But you guys been real good to me.

You know what I'm sayin', homeboy? From now on, you ride in the backseat.


Detective Crockett.

Hi, Caroline.

Oh, hi.

Oh, honey.

Oh, nothing.

It's just an accident.

Caroline has informed me that there won't be any problems with the settlement properties, insurance, responsibility of debts.

It seems like a very amicable divorce.

Yeah, it is.

In fact, I don't even know why we need you.

Good afternoon.

Our specials today are the cold pasta salad, the boneless squab stuffed with foie gras and theJohn Dory, sautéed.

Give me a bourbon, straight up.

As far as the custody matter is concerned, you'll be able to spend as much time with your son as travel and your work schedule will allow.

What travel? Ten minutes on the expressway? I've made a very hard decision, Sonny.


Billy and I are moving back to Atlanta.

I've got a firm job offer from Stanhope Clinic and you know what that means to me.

Plus, Billy has his cousins and his grandparents there.

No way, Caroline.

No way are you takin' my kid out of this state.

Sonny, we already agreed he should stay with me.

Now, you just have to accept that I have my own life now.

Yeah, well, I have my own life too and a big part of that includes being a father so, forget it, Caroline.

No damn way.

Now you know why I hired a lawyer.

I'm not gonna back down, Sonny.

I'm sorry.

Okay, Caroline.

I'll buy into this game.

I'll buy in all the way.

Oh, Mr.



Yeah, Tubbs.

Where? [Sirens]

[Police Radio, Indistinct]

Stay back.

Stay back.

Bobby d*ed instantly, and Jake's just holding on by a thread.


It's just a preliminary meet.

It was supposed to be a preliminary meet.



They both got hit with machine pistols.

The same guys that tried to get us? Have to wait for ballistics.



We found this recorder on Bobby and this was still in it.


There he is.

Hey, brother, what it is? What it is, mon? Jamaican.


Hey, you alone? [Man]

Just me, mon.

You got the cash? [Bobby]

When do we get to see the dope? Where the hell's their backup? They didn't request any.

It was supposed to be an introduction.


Ri-Right now? They were gonna try and pop 'em.

Why? [Man]

Right here, mon.

Take a look.


All right, Miami Vice.

You're under arrest.

! They're out there all alone.

Why are they playin' gunslinger? [Bobby]

Put your hands on the bench right now, man! Jake, look out.

! [g*nshots]


Bobby, I'm hit.


[Car Engine Starts]

[Car Door Closes]

[Engine Grows Fainter]

[Jake Coughs]

ThrThree Ja Make.


He's tryin' to identify them.

Three [Coughs]


[Indistinct, Labored Speech]


May cans.




Lester, is there any way that you can clean up that last part? I can pull up the low and phase out some of the background.

- Do it.

- Ballistics.

Extractor marks on the casings are from an Interarms KG-99.

Sonny, I called the D.



Boys, and there's nothing current on Desmond Maxwell in this state, but he did some federal time up in Atlanta.


Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah.

It looks like somebody else we know did time with Desmond Maxwell in Atlanta.

Who? Our old buddy, Noogie Lamont.

The little twerp's holdin' out on us.

? What's love got to do Got to do with this ? Give me a cigarette.

I left mine in the machine, homeboy.

? What's love but a secondhand emotion ?? Yo, what's up, y'all? Run it down.

What it be like? And you know that.

You did time with Desmond Maxwell in Atlanta.

We want an introduction.

D-Desmond Maxwell.

That's a dangerous individual.

It's your only way out, Lamont.

Out? Who wants out? Three squares a day.

Stimulating conversation.

Daytime soaps and a great dental plan.

Besides, I'm a lover not a fighter.

Desmond Maxwell is a stone cold k*ller.

So, you're a lover, huh? Did you ever hear of a guy by the name of BoogalooJones? Who hasn't? Well I hear that he's sittin' all by himself in a cell up on "C" block, and I heard he just loves guys like you.

[Laughs Nervously]

You wouldn't.

He would.

He's totally without scruples.

What's it gonna be, lover boy? Wh-What do you want me to do? Set up a drug deal between Desmond and us.

?? [Reggae]

? All right ? ? Ooh, yeah ? ? Whoa, yeah ? ? We're jammin' ? ? I wanna jam it with you ? ? We'rejammin'? ? And I hope you like jamming too ? ? Ain't no rules, ain't no vows We can do it anyhow ? ? I and I will see you through ? ? Every day we pay the price of the living sacrifice ? ? Wejam until thejam is through ? ? Ooh, yeah We'rejammin'? ? To think thatjammin' was a thing of the past ? ? Hey, we'rejammin'? ? All right Hey ? ? I wanna jam it with you ? ? Ain't no b*llet can stop us now We neither beg nor we won't bow ? ? Neither can be bought nor sold ? ? Every day we pay the price We are the livin'sacrifice ? ? Life is worth much more than gold ? What's the setup? Desmond don't like to make deals on the street, but because of the family ties, he said he'll see what he can do.

All right? So, just chill out, homeboy.

? Ooh, yeah ? ? We'rejammin' Jammin'? ? And I hope you like jammin'too ? Desmond, my man.

What's up? What it look like? Oh, these are players.

Meet Sonny Bates.

Rico's Montego Bay by way of Brooklyn, and I brought 'em here to do some business with you.

- They cool, man.

I'm tellin'you.

- [Imitates Jamaican Accent]

Cool runnin', mon.

?Jah rules all creation ? What on your mind, mon? Sit yourself down.

We're hopin' that 300K can get 10 keys of some majestic blow.

Take us back to Fun City.

I don't deal with strangers.

Hey, brother man.

What you talkin' about stranger? Didn't you do time with Noogie? Hmm? True? Friend of a friend.

I used to spend some time at StarJam in Montego.

We probably know a lot of the same people.

I know the StarJam.

Noogie, get me some cigarettes.

You got it, homeboy.

Let's not waste any more time.

We got 300 grand, cash.

We'll be at this address until midnight.

After that, we and our money are a memory.

? Ooh All right ? ?? [Scatting]

? We'rejammin'? Cool runnin', mon.

You know you just gave that dude Noogie's number? Yeah, I figured it'd read better than the downtown precinct.

You gonna tell Noogie? If I do, he wouldn't go through with it.

Besides, he'll be covered.

It's called "baitin' the trap," Tubbs.

You know what you're doin', man? You're hanging that dude out to dry.

Yeah, I'm endangerin' the guy's life, and I'm not tellin' him.

- Hey, man, you're cuttin' too many corners.

- What? You don't? [Sighs]

I'm sorry, Tubbs, but I've known Jake and Bobby since the academy.

I brought 'em along, man.

? I wanna jam with you ? If somethin' happens to him, it's gonna haunt me for a long time.

And guess what? I'm doin' it anyway.

We'll set up surveillance and three teams of backups.

? All right ? Yo, man, I'm free, the cigarettes ain't.

You can thank me later, homeboy.

? I wanna jam with you Oh, yeah ?? [Phone Rings]



Where you guys been? We just picked up the sh**t.

The guys that sh*t Jake and Bobby? Yeah.

They're down at Homicide.

We'll be right there.

Noogie, operation's canceled.

Oh, yeah.

Seriously? You're off the hook, blood.

- All right.

! - What? - So are you.

Homicidejust grabbed the sh**t.

All right.

It was nice doin' business with you fellas, man.

Noogs, you take care of yourself, you hear? All right, man.

You know you're all right with me, homeboy.

You my man.

You know that.

You too, man.

Y'all take care of yourself.

Yeah, you do the same.

Yo, mamma.

When you gonna let me bust? He ain't nothin'.

Yo, what's up? What's up? What's up with this? Yo, yo.


What you be talkin'? m*rder? I've just been drivin' with my brother when the man is comin' down on us.

I don't m*rder no man, no how.

You and your friend were found drivin' the van seen at the sh**ting this morning, Tyler.

Same make, same model.

Identical plates.

Look, man.

Don't make it any worse on yourself now.


I already told the other officer we found the van abandoned at 123rd and the river.

The keys were still in it.

I don't m*rder no man.

God be my judge.

If his story was any more lame, it'd be on crutches.


Any leads on the third guy? Give me another 20 minutes with Uncle Rod there, and we'll be battin' a thousand.

Looks like to me you've already had your share of playin' time.

Hey, so he got banged up a little.

It happened during the chase.

I must've missed that on the arrest report.

What chase was that? The one around the table in there.

I caught up with him about the third go-around.

By the time I got finished, he couldn't stop singin'.


That's real smart, Alessi.

Cool it, Crockett.

Prime suspect in a cop m*rder Come on.

And you risk gettin' the entire case thrown out of some appeals court because of your bush league, backroom, rubber hose techniques.

Crockett, what Crockett, that's enough! Alessi, you're gonna have to answer to Internal Affairs.


That guy's definitely Haitian.

Well, same as his friend.

I could've sworn those voices on that tape wereJamaican.

Jamaican, Haitian, on a body bug with 40 dB's of static, how you gonna tell the difference? I can tell.

Come on, Tubbs.

Let's go over to the hospital and see how Jake's doin'.

Gina called me from there just 20 minutes ago.

No change.

Still in a coma.

Get some sleep, both of you.

Crockett, I just finished transferring the tape.

They already busted the guys, Lester.

I spent the last three and a half hours decoding, phasing and remixing this.

Now you don't wanna listen to it? Okay.



Three Ja mai cans.

ThreeJamai ThreeJamaicans.

They may not have known the difference.





[Faster Speed]

Red EI do ra do.

Red Eldorado? They were driving a red Eldorado? The Haitians claim they found the van this morning.

TheJamaicans dumped the van after our sh**t and picked up a new car.

Homicide's got the wrong guys.

The sh**t are still at large, and Noogie's out there by himself.


Hello? Yeah, Noogie? This is Tubbs.

I got something I gotta tell you.

I got something to tell you, man.

There's three dudes here that wanna put that deal together.

You hear me? All right.

We have ground entrances and exits here, here and here.

There's a second story fire escape on the north end.

sharpsh**ter Team One will be posted at 2401.

Team Two, 2403, Team Three, 2400, Team Four, 2402.

Tracy, you and your unit will handle the tear gas grenades.

Coordinates will be alerted when we give our first warning with the horn.

- Whoa.

Wait a second.

Do you have any idea what you're dealin' with here? - Yeah, t*rrorists.

You start in with that bullhorn routine, and Lamont's a dead man.

None of my men are risking their hides for some lowlife.

Unless you've a better idea in mind, I'd like to move on now.

Yeah, well, he's my lowlife, pal, and we put him into this spot, and I don't want him dead The m-man's sayin' we got somethin' else in mind.

Yo, man, all these g*ns are very, very unnecessary.

Yo, your friends drive a black Ferrari? Yeah, man.

? Christmas coming ?? [Over Radio]

If you hear me, blink your lights.


Move the sh**t back on 2401.

Okay, fellas.

Here we go.


Hey, Noogie.

What it is, homeboy? Everything cool? Well, what it look like? Oh, didn't know it was party time.

Where's your partner, mon? I only bring him around for the really big deals.

So, where's the cash? Yeah, right.

He's funny.

Let me see the stuff first.

- We have the stuff, mon.

- I checked it out, Sonny.

Everything's cool, man.

If Noogie says it's okay, then it's okay.

I got the cash in the car.

I'll go and fetch it.

Take it easy, mon.


What's this? You know, you fellas ain't showin' a great deal of good faith.

Why not shut up, boy? Okay, it's right here in the trunk.

[Electrical Crackling]

Nice big suitcase, Jimmy.

[Crockett's Voice]

Who's your backup? [Bobby's Voice]

There's no money involved.

Just a preliminary.

Oh, by the way, Crockett, I made a reservation in my checking account this morning.

Yeah, well, it'd better be a withdrawal.


[Both Laughing]


[Both Laughing]


Hold it.

! [g*nsh*t]

[Noogie Shuddering]



I don't wanna die.


You're not gonna die.


It's over.


You guys all right? Yeah.

You? Crockett.


Jake's out of his coma.

All right.

Y'all take good care of him, you hear? Stay cool, brother man.


Hey, Noogie.

We was just on our way to see you, man.

Hey, glad to see you're all right, man.

You guys are too late.

I'm outta here.

I brought you a present.

You know, you guys are somethin' else, you know that? You try to get me bumped by three crazed Jamaicans, and you buy me a box of candy and you think everything's cool? Let me see what kind of candy this is.

Turtles? I hate turtles, man.

You know what I'm sayin'? You know, you guys are lucky I see the overall picture.

I understand the nature of our relationship.

You know what I'm sayin'? You use me one time, and I'll use you the next.

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

What do you mean? What relationship? Right.

I'm a walking communications network in designer jeans, baby.

I was thinking of a five percent split but we've gotta think of expenses, dental and pensions.



! Yo.

- Noogie! - [Laughs]

What's happenin', Carlotta, baby, baby? Noogie! Noogie, you okay? Yeah, baby, it's superficial.

In the line of duty, but I'm okay, now, you understand, because the Noogman heal fast.

You know what I'm sayin', fellas? But anytime y'all need the Noogman, you know where I'll be at.

You know? You know what I'm sayin'? [Laughs]

What's my name? Noogie.

! ? Said the b*at don't stop till the break of dawn ? ? I said skip, jive, what can I say ? ? I can't fit 'em all inside my O.


? ? So I just take half Suss the mike ? ? Trick or trill ? ? I said, hey, baby, by the way, what's your name ? ? She said I go by the name of Lois Lane ? ? You can be my boyfriend You surely can ? ?Just let me quit my boyfriend called Superman ? ? I said, he's a fairy I do suppose ? ? Flyin' through the air in panty hose ?? [Laughs]

Nugart Neville Lamont.

The antidote to civilization.


Let's go seeJake.

Oh, boy, I tell ya.

It takes all kinds to make a world, you know? [Laughs]
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