01x05 - Double Jeopardy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x05 - Double Jeopardy

Post by bunniefuu »

Item nine.

Item nine is a communiqué from
the hasidic protection league...

Concerning recent
acts of vandalism...

At the king david home
for the jewish aged.

Keep in mind the aforementioned
hasidics are heavily armed,

Patrolling on and
around the area,

And are within their rights...

As long as they don't brandish
or step onto public areas, per se.

Item 10... The british
rabbi renko takes charge.

Concerns a directive
from divisional commander

Swanson... Bless you, my son.


The boarding of
canine mascots...

By the officers
of this precinct.

About time. And that means you.

Now, said officers will either
get rid of said alleged mascots...

Or be subject to disciplinary
action and possible suspension.

Get rid of the dog.
Get rid of the dog.

The last item on the agenda...

The last item on the
agenda is operation duckling.

Now, a complete list
of those involved...

Will be posted upstairs
by the front desk.

Now, keep in mind this
particular assignment...

Is no laughing matter. Uh-oh.

In fact, I wish I could be out
there with you on this one.

Those officers participating
in operation duckling...

Will reconvene
here in one half hour.

And those on regular
patrol, let's roll.

All of you, let's be
careful out there, huh?

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Macafee's dirty. He's gotta be.

But I'll be damned if I know
where he does his laundry.

We've had cops on close
surveillance 24 hours a day,

And he doesn't gamble,
he's not a womanizer,

He's got no debts, he's
not into the shylocks.

The dude doesn't
even own his own car.

Bank accounts then? We
checked that out yesterday.

He's got a joint
checking with the wife.

Nothing heavy. And a
modest savings account.

I even called in a favor from a
friend of mine who's into garbology.

What? He's a garbologist.

A p.i. Who specializes
in trash analysis.

He went through macafee's
garbage and didn't find a thing.

In other words,

You're asking us to believe that ralph
macafee is importantly on the take,

Yet there's absolutely no
trace of what he does with it.

The man doesn't even
have a safe deposit box.

Miss davenport was kind enough
to steer officer larue's case my way,

But I'm no houdini, gentlemen.

I can't help the man if I
have nothing to work with.

Maybe if we get
into his house...

You have absolutely no
grounds for a warrant.

Besides, what's the point? What are
you gonna find? Rembrandts on the walls?


Why don't you try for a delay?

I can talk to skip
fitzgerald in the d.a.'S office.

He owes me one. I don't know.

J.d.'S pretty strung out, ma'am. I'm
not so sure that's such a hot idea.

Why don't you people come to
some kind of consensus with larue...

And then get back
in touch with me?

I'm running late as it is. Joyce, educate
them. Nothing personal, you two.

Pleased with himself, isn't
he? Is he the best we can do?

Don't underestimate
him. He's good.

And larue's isn't exactly
what I'd call a glamour case.

Stay on him, neal. I'll see
what I can do from this end.

Right. Uh...

Meet me outside
macafee's house at 11:00.

What could hurt?

"Absolutely no
grounds for a warrant."

Larue might want to plead
diminished capacity. He drinks.

Suppose he was under
the influence at the time.

We could work with an approach
like that. Sounds trendy enough.

Old skip fitzgerald have a
weakness for that, does he?

I shouldn't even be here, frank.

But as long as I am... At
your request, I might add...

I suggest you start being a little
more realistic about john larue's future.

I've got a reminder
for you, counselor.

John larue is not just
one of your indigent types.

A fast shuffle with
good old skip fitzgerald...

You've got some interesting
problems with perspective.

A deal is struck, and
on to the next case.

He's innocent.
Suffice it to say...

He's also a cop,
a damn good one.

The issue here is not john
larue's innocence or guilt.

The issue is how best to preserve what
is already dangerously tainted bacon.

There is fire in that woman.

Yeah. I noticed that myself.

Hill street
station. Ah, hold on.

Do we have anyone
who can speak spanish?

Hey, you, mister.
Can I help you?

It's me, hair ball... Belker.


Holy smokes! Belker, you
look absolutely gorgeous.

Look at that hairdo. What'd
you do, blow the hairs dry?

And that face...
Smooth as baby buns.

Could I ask you a personal
question, leo? Yeah.

Would you like a
ruptured spleen?

Ah... No.

Oh, yes. That's a
good-looking ensemble, mick.

Understated elegance,

With just the most careful
dash of color in the tie.

- Well thought out.
- Thank you.

Oh, since you're assigned
to operation duckling,

I suggest you head for the
locker room with all due haste.

Operation duckling. Me?

Could i, uh...

Look, sarge,

I got a date tonight
with a woman.

She's picking me up at 6:00. Shift
ends at 5:00. What's the problem?

Don't give me "the
shift ends at 5:00."

This kind of undercover
operation is over when it's over.

Ah, yes. The vicissitudes
of police work.

Belker, I empathize.

I need some help over here.

I need some help over here. I don't
know how to work one of these things.

What is this?
This is ridiculous.

Bobby, go like this.
Ah, I don't believe this.

I joined the police
force for this?


Somebody wanna get a crow bar and
help me get out of this? I can't breathe.

Take this.

Cowboy, you better cover me.
Otherwise, your behind is mine.

That some kind of ghetto thr*at?
Like, "I'm gonna steal your rib sauce"?

What do you think? You gonna do
something about those armpits, cosmo?

Looks like you're nursing
a squirrel under each arm.

Hmm, nicely done, nicely done.

That cigar is a nice touch, but I think
we got to lose that mustache, fido.

Nobody touches my upper lip.

They're requesting crisis
intervention assistance.

See if you can raise goldblume.

No, wait. He's here.
Henry? Uh-huh.

Got a jumper on hobart street. I
think you'll wanna get over there.

Who's there now? Four
units from jefferson heights.

Just let me get rid of shep's
lunch, and I am on my way.


Henry, how goes the w*r?

Morning, leo. Listen,
I got an emergency.

Would you take this stuff off
my hands, please? For shep, huh?

Yeah. Uh, one feeding a day.

Three cups, mixed in with enough
hot water to form a delectable gravy.

Got ya.

In half a dozen instances, this
guy's used mace to stun his victims.

He's fast and he's
strong, so be alert.

Be sure to cruise the
isolated areas of the park.


Your more attractive decoys...

Will undoubtedly be harassed.

Be patient. Don't move in unless you're
absolutely sure something's coming down.

Uh, ray calletano here will be
your ramrod in this operation.

He'll be monitoring your
wires on the field radio,

Along with alf chesley.

All right?

Fay, how are you?

I'm fine, phil. Hey, do you
know where, um, frank is?

Are you all right? Sure.

I just have to work out the
plans for frank jr.'S weekend.

Oh, he's busy downstairs, but
he should be up in a few minutes.

Can I fix you a cup of
freshly brewed coffee?

That's the best offer
I've had all morning.

I don't believe that
for one minute, fay.

Mmm. That's good, phil.

Mm-hmm. It's a blend of
colombian and venezuelan.


All is well? Sure.

Well, as well as can be
expected, you know. Yourself?

Oh, good. Very good.

How about that
young friend of yours?

Cindy? Oh, terrific.

Things couldn't be
better between us.

Uh, actually, fay,

Can I be perfectly
blunt with you?

Of course.

I mean, you're an older
woman. That's perfectly blunt.

No, I mean mature.

Well... You know, as they say,
you have been around the park.

Phil, what are you
trying to get at?

Well, I have this problem.

It's of a male-female nature,
if you know what I mean.


If you're talking about
an occasional dysfunction,

There's nothing to worry about,

Especially with someone like cindy,
where you're under pressure to perform.

No, no, no. My relationship
with cindy is more domestic.

We do a lot of cooking together.

Then the problem's not sex?

My problem is that I
met this other woman.

She's a lot older than
cindy. Well, most of us are.

But in spite of her age,

Oh, she has an insatiable
appetite... For life.

Phil, don't you know most women
don't even reach their sexual prime...

Till they're in their late 30s?

Look, if you find this too
embarrassing, I understand.

Hey, I'm not embarrassed.

You know, I've always been monogamous
by nature, but this other woman...


I'm a sophisticated man, fay, but
grace gardner is something else.

You wouldn't believe the collection
of exotic creams this woman has.

Grace gardner?
Sam gardner's widow?

You know her? Oh,
forget I said anything.

I don't know what came over me.

Hey. No, please. Don't worry
about it. Who am I gonna tell?

Grace gardner?

Yes. She's a remarkable woman.

Energy, talent,
college education.

Wonderful muscle tone. Mmm.

Oh! Phil esterhaus, you sly dog!

You mean to tell me you've got
two adoring women on your hands?

You must be exhausted.

Well, I could use a nap.

Makes you wonder what
sam d*ed prematurely of.

Oh, check it out.

Oh! Hey, can I
borrow that dress?


Does your mother
know you're out? Whoa!

Oh, man, will you look at this?

- What'd you hit him with?
- Say, back off!

Hey, what'd you hit him
with, man? Look at this.

It slipped my mind.
Is he still breathing?

That'll teach you to mess
with my main squeeze, you animal.

- You get away from him!
- Hey, back off!

You damn hussies, get out of
my way. Just step by when I go by.

You book 'em all. Book 'em all!

But it's an emergency.

My car is in the shop, and I am going
to lose my job if I don't get there.

Now, I have the money.

Policy requires a thousand-dollar
deposit. Look, I'm sorry, lady.

I know it's unfair to
people like yourself,

But individuals have been
known to skip with a car.

She's not gonna
skip with the car, rob.

I can't rent you a car without a
bank credit card, lady. I'm very sorry.

Well, you tell me then...
How am I going to get to work?

Uh, les?

See if you can call a
cab for this lady here.

That's a 20-mile ride!

I can't pay that
just to get there.

Lady, look, I'm sorry.
Policy is policy.

Come on, man. Ease up.
You are the company.

She's not gonna
steal your lousy car.

You ease up, j.d. Hey,
how about it, rob?

Take a look at her, for
god's sake. She's okay.

- I don't know that.
- I do.

You do, do you, huh? Yeah.

Oh, you know such a lot. You're
such an excellent judge of character.

Your life's unfolding
like a bad umbrella...

Because you read people so well.

- Big-hearted guy.
- You don't run a successful
business on heart, kiddo.

All right. I'll tell you
what. I'll rent the car.

- She skips out on you,
I'll make good on it.
- You'll make good on it?

You can't even make good on the
shape of your head. Look at you.

You don't have a nickel to your
name. You're in hock up to your eyes.

You blow in here at 10:00 in
the morning stinking of booze.

And the only reason I haven't canned your
act up till now is your sister'd k*ll me.

"Oh, he's having a difficult
time. It's a difficult period.

He'll come out of it."
Sure. The hell you will!

Take your stinking
charity and shove it in

Your exhaust pipe,
kiddo, 'cause I've had it!

- I quit!
- Come on, man. Let's go.

You don't have to hold
me. I'm okay. Be cool. Be cool.

Hey, look, it ain't worth it.

Don't let the chump get to you. That's
all he wants to do. Come on, baby. Come on.

Hey, look here. Here,
man, take this here.

Now, pay your rent, get outta
town for a couple of days, go fishing.

I can't take your money. Yeah,
sure you can. You'll pay me back.

I can't handle it.
I'm busting up inside.

My nerves... I wanna hit
him so bad. Uh-uh-uh-uh!

Hey, look, j.d. You
got to handle it, man.

Now, I can't make this case on macafee
and scrape you off the wall too, you know?

Okay. Okay, I'm cool.

Are you sure, babe?

Yeah, yeah. Go on.
I'll be all right. Okay.


That's his i.d. From his
wallet. Name of martin hobbs.

Twenty years old.

So what happened?

Well, he stood on the top floor over there
for maybe 10 minutes after we got here,

Then he jumped.

Look, don't stand in their way.

There was no way
to talk him down?

No. No way. There was
too much crowd noise.

Your usual crud came
out of the woodwork.

That's his sister over there.

Name of jonetta burns, mrs.

Thank you. Stay
away from the body.

I don't care. She's
a friend of mine.

Excuse me, mrs. Burns.
Detective goldblume.

This young man was your brother?


Did martin live here with you?

Yeah, he did.

Do you have any idea what might
have, uh, c-caused him to do this?

They turned him down at
mechanics vocational school.

He couldn't get no job.

Do you know if he was
using dr*gs of any kind?


He never used any dr*gs.

He took good care of his
body. He was an athlete.

He didn't smoke
or drink or nothin'.

Maybe, every once in a while,
he'd smoke with his friends.

Coming through.

But then, you know, his girl broke
up with him, and that really hurt him.

And the babies.

I got three little ones at home,

And they're crying all the time.

And he could hardly take care
of his own self, let alone theirs.

Goin' up on that roof...

All he wanted to do
was... Just do something.

You know, make some money.

All these people out here...

One of 'em yelled
up at him, "jump.

Jump. Don't jive
us, man. Do it."

What's the matter
with people anymore?


Boy, I wish I knew, ma'am.

Damn it!




A flat, man?

You have a problem, huh?
What's happening, neighbor?

What are you doing
around here? Huh?

He's a traveling
salesman. I got a flat tire.

Oh, flat tire. A flat tire.

- A real pain in the butt.
- That's damn bad!

He must be a traveling salesman...
Pinstripe and gabardines.

Brother's all right.

Hey, you need some
help, man? No, thank you.

I think I got it.

Give the man a hand.

Check this out, man. Come on. Check
it out. What's he got in the trunk?


Hey, look at this. Say,
is this cat unbelievable?

I like that. I really like that.

Set of cars in the ghetto.

Okay, who's got the jack?

Who's jack? Jack?
You seen a jack?

I didn't see no jack, man.

This it? Oh, that jack!

This your jack, jack?

It's not that easy, jack.

All right. Yeah. I could
probably use the lug wrench too.

Probably could
use the lug wrench.

Okay, okay.

Okay, fellas. Give me the
tools. Uh-oh. He's serious.

What are you doing up here anyway,
gray meat? You take a wrong turn?

Just passing through, son, and I'm
definitely not looking for any trouble.

But trouble may be
looking for you, son.

Mmm. Tell him! Look, guys.

Give me the tools back, I'll
fix my tire, and I'll be on my way.

Hey, check the radios in there,
man. Don't touch that radio!

How much you holding, gray
meat? Damn it, that's enough.

- Come back here with that!
- You didn't answer
my question, gray meat.

You on a toll road, man.

Breaker, breaker, gray meat.

Mmm. Mmm.

Yeah. You didn't think
about this, did you?

What you gonna do now, huh, son?

- What I got is this g*n!
- Cool, man.

Detective henry goldblume,
hill street station.

And if you're looking
for trouble, son,

you just found it.

Say, brother.

The man's getting in...

He ain't gon... He ain't
gonna use that g*n.

He ain't gonna do...
Call me a chump, sucker?

Why don't you sh**t? You
ain't gonna sh**t nobody. Chump!

You know, I got about a half a
dozen degenerate conga players...

Sittin' up there on hippie hill
smokin' illegal herbs and spices.

I'd like to jump up and
down on it. Hey, ray.

Officer briese just checked in
to emergency with a twisted ankle.

I warned him those spiked
heels were treacherous.

It's the big gray one, captain.
They've lived here 12 years.

It ain't exactly the
heights, you know?

Maybe they got
rembrandts on the walls.

Yes? Maureen.

Frank furillo.

Is everything all
right with ralph?

Of course it is.

I... I didn't mean to scare you.

That knock on the door... It's-it's like
the phone call in the middle of the night.

Come on in, frank.

This is detective
neal washington.

How do you do?
Ma'am. Fine, thank you.

I really am sorry
if I frightened you.

I needed a word with ralph,
and I was in the neighborhood.

Oh, he's out with eugene.

They're buying a motorbike.


How old is he now?


They're going partners with
the money eugene has earned.

You can guess who's
gonna do the riding.

They grow up fast.

Oh, i, um...

I was sorry to
hear that you and...

Fay. Fay were divorced.

- I'm really very sorry, frank.
- Well, it happens.

Police work... It's very
hard on a marriage.

You and ralph seem
to have done all right.

Eighteen years, five kids.

I guess we were
luckier than most.

What the hell's scaring my
wife half to death all about?

You ever hear of
knocking, macafee?

You got something to say,
you say it to me, frank, direct!

You leave my wife and kid
out of it. Do you hear me?

Do you hear me? Outside.

That direct enough for you?

I'd like to meet you
off-precinct, frank.

Anywhere, anytime.

Just make an appointment.
That's all it takes.

I got a bad temper, frank.

This whole
business with larue...

I don't relish it, especially you
protecting your own at my expense.

You weren't there. You
don't know what came down.

He sold you a bill of goods.

See you in court, macafee.

We used to know
each other, frank.

More's the pity.

Hill street station.

I got your number
too, sunburn. Oh, yeah?

Well, I don't have
yours yet, sergeant,

But you better believe I'm
gonna stay on the line till I get it.

If you don't get off my back,

You're gonna be one dead cop.

Hey, henry.

Hill street station.
Go ahead, please.

That's it. That is bloody it!

All right!

Whoever you are...
You know who you are...

This bottle has my name on it.

I paid for this orange
juice out of my own pocket...

With the expressed
intention of drinking it myself.

You know, I don't mind sharing.

In fact, I enjoy sharing.

But I am sick and tired of people
taking food out of my mouth...

Without any... Any
consideration for me...

Or-or any sense
of what is right...

Or what people have to consider if they're
gonna live together like human beings!

- Henry.
- Don't "henry" me, frank,
because I'm sick of it.

And I don't care. I do not
care, frank. I don't care.

I mean, i-if they wanna k*ll each other,
let 'em, 'cause I don't care anymore.

If they wanna... Wanna
live like animals, go ahead.

Come on in. We'll talk about it.

There's nothing to
talk about. I'm fine.

Hill street. Can you
hang on a second?

Just stay away
from what is mine.

That includes my sandwiches,
my orange juice and me.

I've never seen him like that.

Sometimes I wonder if henry
isn't in the wrong business.

I think we all
wonder that, francis.

But the great, big, grand...

First-prize-winning question is,

Was the big crisis

Scared enough to use this
fine psychological w*apon here?

You bet. You bloody bet he was.

Don't be so hard on
yourself, henry. Oh, yeah?

In 12 years, I never so much
as unsnapped my holster.

Before frank found out, I
never even used to load it.

Lighter that way.

I swore when I signed on... We
all swore a lot of things, henry.

What is the matter
with those people, alf?

Are we past fixing
it up between us?

Because if that's the way it is, I
mean, what the hell is the sense?

Alf, I did not mean
that the way it sounded.

So what's the worst of it then?

Them scaring the hell out of you,
or you getting your feelings hurt?

What's the
difference? It's over.

Mostly, I think they
hurt your feelings.

You figure you're
owed something...

For all that love
and compassion...

You carry in you.

Alf, I understand what you're trying
to do, and I appreciate that very much,

But right now I'd like to
be alone, if you don't mind.

Okay, henry. Alf.

Thank you.

I mean that.

They had no way of
knowing what you are, henry.

And if they did, I suspect
it wouldn't have mattered.

So you put that g*n back in
your belt and leave it there...

Until that big miracle happens.

I've never been to a jewish funeral.
I don't wanna start with yours.

Hang in.

Hey, I don't believe
I caught your name.

Two things, captain, and
then I'll get out of your hair.

On my way out of
here this morning,

While awaiting a
change of light at the

Corner of dekker avenue
and people's parkway,

A g*ng of puerto ricans
ripped off my hubcaps.

I mean, in broad daylight,
while I was in the car!

Boy, does that gall me! Do
you wanna file a complaint?

What do you think I'm doing
now, hyperventilating?

Phil, would you get me a 4-16
form for mr. Warnick here?

Now, as far as
larue is concerned,

Timing-wise, I think we might
be able to finesse his situation...

With skip fitzgerald
over in the d.a.'S office.

I think he and joyce davenport
may have a little thing going,

So what we do is
consolidate his negotiation...

With a half a dozen others we have
pending, specifically, the sharkey case.

Sharkey? Sharkey's
looking at m*rder one.

What's that got
to do with larue?

You just let me handle
that, captain. Thanks, phil.

The point is that skip
fitzgerald's hot to horse-trade...

For a quick
disposition on sharkey.

Now, if larue pleads no contest,

Skip'll wave prosecution and toss it
back to the police board of rights...

To do whatever they think
larue's got coming to him.

I don't mind reminding you that
I'm carrying larue on the cuff...

As a favor to joyce davenport.

Which translates into what?
His future at your convenience?

Partly that. Partly good timing.

Partly that I'm pretty
damn good at what I do.

Nothing like packaging
defendants, is there?

A new trend in class action.

Phil, would you see if you
could raise larue for me, please?

Right, francis.

I'll see that he
gets your message.

Oh, now, don't look so down in the mouth,
captain. I know what you're thinking.

You haven't the slightest
idea of what I'm thinking.

How many hispanic youths?

Ten, maybe 12.

What colors were they
wearing? What colors?

g*ng jackets. Were they
wearing matching jackets?

No, not that I recall.


Why don't you just buy yourself another
set of hubcaps? Those kids are long gone.

I have no illusions
about recovery, captain.

I just thought you might be
interested in identifying who they are.

I know who they are. In fact, you
might enjoy negotiating with them.

They have no illusions either.

Hill street station.

Turn your radio
down. I can't hear you.

Hi. Hello, grace.

I slept the whole morning away.

I haven't done that in years.

Usually, I'm up and out.

You're feeling all
right, aren't you?

I feel wonderful, phil.

We didn't overdo anything, hmm?


You have time for
a cup of coffee?

Well, um,

I'm sort of coffee'd out, grace.

I didn't sleep
much... Last night.

I know.

You're not sorry it
happened, are you?

Sorry? No. No way.

Strike that thought from your...

Hello, mrs. Gardner.

Hello, morgan.

Some friends are giving a
little dinner party tonight.

I thought if you were
off-duty early enough...

Tonight? Hmm.

Well, I don't know
about tonight, grace.

Phil, we're not kids.

If there's something
wrong, let's discuss it.


Look, i-i know it's
difficult in here.

I'm, um,

Measuring a few
things downstairs.

Hill street station.
Can you hold, please?

Furillo. It's
washington, captain.

Detective scanlon
picked up macafee coming

Out of division and
followed him up here...

To the new rochella manor
condominiums on roosevelt parkway.

Now, on his way, he made
two shopping stops...

An italian deli by the
name of tomasita's...

And a whatchamacallit...
A kid's toy store...

The, uh... The toy bazaar.

Bought a big box of
something. Good. Stay on him.

As soon as he leaves, we'll do a rundown
of whoever it is he's visiting up there.

I don't think he's visiting anyone,
captain, unless they're visiting him.

Run that one by me again.

Well, while I was trying to check
out the names on the mailbox,

The security guard
comes over to i.d. Me.

So I flat-out asked him. He
says macafee lives there.

He owns the condo.

Hello? Captain?

Southwest squadron
radio is still out.

Lamonica, you and sneed
sashay over there on the double.

Bates... Lucy. Yeah, lieutenant?

I know your book is good, but
let's hear from you regularly, huh?

Thank you.

Hill street. Hill street.
This is southwest,

Lieutenant. Sorry for
the loss of contact.

Nice to finally hear
from you, southwest.

Stay with us. No! No!

Bates! There it is...
Code 2 duckling. Bates!

Position, 6 southwest. Who's
with her? Code 2 duckling.

No! No! Help! Help! Who
the hell is with her?

Let me go! We're
on our way, sir.

Renko, hill, get
there! Get the captain.

Right away, sir. Bobby!

Jellybean. Come on.
Give me a jellybean. ♪♪

No! What do you mean "no"?
Come on. Open your present.

Come on. He's gonna
open his present.

Come on. Open your present.
You know how to open a present.

What do you think it is?

Do you want a jellybean? Here.

What are you waiting
for? Open your present!

Mrs. Macafee? Yes.

I'm captain frank
furillo. Please come in.

Thank you. We're sorry to disturb
you. This is detective washington.

We'd just like a word with
detective macafee, if you don't mind.

Sure. Come on in.

Oh, boy. Look at that.
Some men are here.

Get up, honey.

Thanks for not saying
anything up there. I mean that.

How do you want to handle this?

Cash? All right, frank.
Come on. Loosen up, will you?

Everyone knows
you're a good cop.

Don't take everything
I say so seriously, huh?

How do you want to
handle this? I don't know yet.

Maureen and me, we've
been married 18 years,

Ever since we graduated
high school in june.

Eighteen years and five kids.

You don't just get up
and walk out on somebody.

Not maureen. She...

It would k*ll her.

The kids growing up, hating my
guts... I couldn't do that, frank.

And I couldn't stand the
thought of losing sariko.

I had to make an honest
woman out of her, frank.

She's an old-fashioned woman.

I guess I got a weakness
for old-fashioned girls, huh?

Fertile myrtles, both of them.

You know, kids cost, frank.
You know that. They cost.

They need.

They should have everything
that we never had before, frank.

My oldest, carly... She's
going to nursing school.

She's gonna be a surgical nurse.

What do you wanna
do about this, macafee?

You've got two
wives and eight kids...

And a lot of dirty money.

And you've got larue hanging
out there by his fingernails.

Larue... He's a lame
player, a slow thinker.

No, he's not! He had
a lame day, is all.

Yeah, tell me more. I'm 10
times the cop he ever will be!

I got 11 decorations, frank...

Two for valor.

You know I'm up for lieutenant
next january? You know that?

This is not happening.

I don't believe this
is happening to me.

Don't let it happen, frank. I
don't wanna lose everything.

One of us...

Find a way, will you? Please?

One of us has to go
downtown and explain it.

I think you'll be
better off if you do it.


Now, macafee.

You do it now.

Did anybody see the morgan file?

Did anybody claim this apple?

Going once. Who's
that? Is that him?


He's sick.

Lucy's down at the
emergency room.

We're all gonna punch out.
We figure it's her collar.


Hey, belker. You
got a visitor, babe.


Mick, i-i'm debbie kaplan.

You're, uh...

You're a very nice person.

I mean, you're much
nicer than I ever expected.

By that I mean
you're not a real dog.

Thank you. You're pretty
nice-looking yourself.

Hey, you guys. It's love.

Mm-hmm. I can tell.

Would you like to sit down?

How'd it go at internal
affairs? Piece of cake.

They chewed my leg a little
and slapped my wrist. That was it.

J.d., You lie the way
the rest of us breathe.

I happen to know they gave you an official
reprimand and six months' probation.

You've been skating
on thin ice, my friend.

Next time you fall through,
I may just let you sink.

You're a hell of a cop when
you're on your game, j.d.

Don't blow it. I won't.

You got my word on that.


Oh, hold on. Do we have
anyone who can speak spanish?

- You all right, phil?
- Mmm.

Uh, henry mentioned you had
to go off on a personal matter.

Nothing serious, I hope.

Oh, not in the way
you think, francis.

Not health or
anything of that nature.

- Uh, do you mind, uh...
- Please.


Have you ever had two women...

Totally in love with you?


Uh, I can't say as I have.

Well, not to my knowledge.

But I take it you and...

It's no laughing matter.

When I told her about
the other woman,

Cindy locked herself
in the bathroom.

I finally had to
kick down the door.

Then I had to reset the
hinges and put it back up.

I mean, you can't not
have a bathroom door.

Did you finally get it
worked out satisfactorily?

Did you get it worked out, phil?

Oh. I really don't
know what I'm gonna do.

I'm basically of the
monogamous persuasion.

Oh, after today,

You have no idea how
refreshing that is to hear.

Hill street station.

I've got to yield to
you on this one, frank.

I thought larue was
as dirty as original sin.

He may be a little rough around the edges,
counselor. I'll yield to you on that one.

But he's too smart a
cop to go on the gimme.

This time, but pay attention.

Larue's a time b*mb.

And you don't wanna be too
close when he goes off again.

Come here.



First-rate digits,

Marred only by
neglected fingernails.

Who does he think he
is, anyway, paul newman?

Who, larue? Macafee.

Try to keep up with the
conversational flow.

What I don't understand is how he was
able to handle two wives emotionally.

When you couldn't
even handle one.

How do you suppose you and fay
might get along under the same roof?

I might ask the same of
you and skip fitzgerald.

Oh, good old skip fitzgerald.
You think of him that way, do you?

Mmm. We've had
lunch a few times.

He might make a good
addition to the partnership,

But you'd always be
senior member, frank.

Ooh! Pretty close
clip, counselor.

Oh. Sorry. Here, let me.

Ooh! Don't answer that.


Oh, hi, skip! Aw, you!

No, you're not
bothering me at all.
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