02x11 - Freedom's Last Stand

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x11 - Freedom's Last Stand

Post by bunniefuu »

Here. What's this?

I'm on a liquid diet. Right on.


Operation smash and snatch.

As most of you
are no doubt aware,

We've had a serious outbreak
of vehicular purse-snatching...

Visited upon ladies
driving through the

Mckinley projects
vicinity these past weeks.

Due to a shortage of female decoys,
the less hefty and bearded of you...

Will find, at your lockers,
a varied selection...

Of wigs, dresses and
appropriate foundation garments.

Brady, lyle, allbright,
knox, peterson, larue.

What? Further
details to be included...

In lieutenant
calletano's briefing...

Immediately following your
post-haste wardrobe change.

Item 10 is a, uh,

Precinct-wide memo from captain
furillo concerning entrapments.

Messieurs et mam'selles...

Having pounded some
pavement in my day,

I can well understand a certain
professional zeal, as it were,

Vis-à-vis batting averages and
the squad room arrest pool.

But, uh, let us be mindful of
the judicial climate out there.

These collars don't do any of us any good
languishing in the d.a.'S lame beef file.

I would particularly recommend this
caution to a certain female vice officer...

Seen loitering outside
the bus terminal

Men's room in a "love
me, I'm sick" t-shirt.

Finally, for those
of you interested...

In the 10th annual inter-departmental
grand tourney poker finals,

As of 4:00 this morning,
after 12 hours of

Spirited play at an
unnamed downtown hotel,

The tally stands...

Midtown down 80,
west delavan up 60,

South park down 20... Okay.

Hill street down 140.

Of course, a lot can change in
three and a half hours, people.

Those of you desiring
more current standings...

May direct dial klondike 5-4461.

Hold it! Realizing full
well that many of you, as i,

Have a considerable monetary
interest in this competition,

Let us, nevertheless, show
a modicum of discretion...

And keep the precinct phones
clear for somewhat more...

Sanctioned business, shall we?

All right, that's it.
Let's roll. And, hey!

Let's be careful out there.

I'll get it now.
I'll get it now.

Get out of my way,
hairballs. Give me the phone.

What? I got nearly a two
percent interest in this clambake.

What room are they in? 406.

Any of you girls wanna go out with a
member of the sanitation department?

Belker, dogbreath. What's this I
hear about us being 140 in the hole?

Hey, how many times are
you gonna call? Wait a minute.

Will you just relax, mick? That
was four hours ago. Take a guess.

I don't guess. Just give
me the numbers, will ya?

We're up 500.

Read 'em and weep.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

A certain amount
of paper-shuffling

Comes with the territory, frank,

But, I mean, there are computers downtown
getting more job satisfaction than I am...

Sounds as if this is
building to something, henry.

You know that smash and snatch
operation ray's running today?

Come on, frank, they
can use an extra hand.

Last time you went out undercover you
ended up getting booted out of the house...

And sleeping on my
couch for three nights.

Size 14, henry.

Don't worry, frank, I think
my marriage is safe in this.

This is it, son. Fear,
loneliness, despair.

Voices screaming
in the night. Prison.

Officer, I've got one
for booking here.

I hope the rats in the holding
cells have been fed today.

Mick! Partner. ¿Qué pasa?

Didn't I tell you a thousand
times to stay out of here?

What are you doing with him?

I caught the young lad
spray-painting a school, mick.

I thought I'd bring
him in, give him the old

Scare treatment, and
then kick him loose.

It seems to be working.
Are you kidding?

This dirtbag has 20
priors. One for as*ault.

People don't scare
him. He scares people.

My brother was a lot like that.

We finally had to tie him down
and run an ocean through his head.

He's better now. Can't
you do anything right?

What, did your mother throw
your brains out with the bath water?

What... Keep talking, pig, and
get a shiv in your whitewalls.

The captain's my friend. I think
I'm getting through to him, mick.

He's gonna take me
on a field trip to venus.

After labor day. Look,
bobby, it's the ozone brothers.


Excuse me, ray, but
unless you want to hear...

The most disgusting

About this man's
off-duty persona, I'd leave.

I'll call you right back.

Excuse me, mrs. Furillo.

I found this...

In frank jr.'S t*nk
toy commander set.

According to him, it's a memento
from last weekend at your place.

Uh... What kind of a man invites
his son over for the weekend...

And then allows him to get a look at
his father making love to his cookie?

Nobody allowed anything. He
let himself into the apartment.

With the key that you gave him.

Well, if you hadn't brought him by an
hour and a half before you said you would,

He wouldn't have seen
anything in the first place.

These things happen all
the time. It's no big deal.

I think we're talking
irreversible trauma, frank.

Well, I fail to see
what's so funny, mister.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm
not laughing at you.

It's just... It's-it's good to see you're
finally getting over hal's death.

Don't change the subject.

We're talking about your son's
emotional well-being here, not mine.

Look, if you don't make a big
deal out of it, it'll just go away.

Oh, sure.

So what if he becomes just
one more self-centered male...

Who think women exist
for just one purpose.

I bet she hasn't even missed it.

Remember, you are
the hope of america.

In your hands resides the power that will
ultimately lift humankind to the stars.

Excuse me. It's you!

4000 B.c. The princess zuma,
daughter of pharaoh amenhotep,

Whose likeness graces the
wall of the great temple at amon.

Excuse me... The lips, the eyes,
the regal slope of the nose...

The sheer, overwhelming
majesty of your beauty.

They taunted you, a woman of
uncommon intelligence, a free spirit.

They did not understand
your sensitivity...

Or the fiery compassion
that raged within you.

You vowed that you would return,

And now you're back,
o princess of the nile!

Um, could you let
go of my hands?

I think you have
the wrong person.

You're right. The light's
bad in here. My mistake.

Ray, I have to grab a
couple of your men.

Frank, I'm already shorthanded
as it is. What can I tell you?

Larue, washington. Got a prescription
fraud call about 20 minutes ago.

X-cel pharmacy down on
elmwood and north. Sorry, ray.

Oh, god. Captain, thanks
a million. Thanks a million.



Can I talk to you for a
minute? Sure, art, come on in.

I know how busy
you are. No, it's okay.

I want you to know that I
appreciate what you're doing for me.

But I don't see you taking the heat
for me from the sullivan commission.

There's no heat, art. Their
investigation has nothing to do with you.

I wish I could
believe that, frank.

I was subpoenaed two hours ago.

When do they want you?

Friday, at 3:00.

I'm not ready for this.

Frank, I can't sit in a room with three or
four people without getting the shakes.

I'll lose it in front
of the grand jury.

Take it easy. Just
try not to worry.

You have a seat.
I'll be right back.

Other than stonewalling,
which I doubt he's capable of,

Delgado's got
two choices, frank.

He can either refuse to appear, in
which case he'll be held in contempt,

Or he can plead delay of appearance
on account of medical grounds.

That wouldn't be too
far from the truth.

After 19 years on the hill,
the man's a walking breakdown.

I'd call his doctor as soon as possible
and have your man admitted to county...

For observation
for a week or two.

Sullivan ought to be
out of business by then.

I owe you one.

In that case I'll let you
treat me to a hot lunch...

Before you tangle with that
jury this afternoon. Just say when.

They have a lovely dining
room at the hotel françoise.


Oh. I just thought you'd like
to know, francis, we're up 1,250.

Refresh my memory, phil.

The 10th annual
inter-departmental poker finals.

Phil, in case you've forgotten,
this entire precinct...

Is up to its ears in a
grand jury investigation.

In deference to which, I've asked the men
to move it out of the station this year...

To a hotel over on... Don't
tell me. I don't want to know.

Who's playing for our
side? Bates. Lucy bates.

Bates? Uh-huh.

Judas h. Priest. Oh,
non, non, non, mon ami.

Cette femme est une
"gambler" formidable.

Doggone it, webster!

I know morphine addicts that can
type faster than that. Move over.

Now, you see? Two
hands, webster.

Ten fingers. Rhythm,
focus, dexterity.

Right, I'll have
it ready for you.

Hey, larue, he just called.

He'll be a little late. You guys see
anything you want, police discount's 20%.

No kidding?

Let me tell you about the
smells women love, neal.

You see this stuff here?
This is a little-known,

But highly effective product that
simulates the scent of a male's sweat.

And I always thought you smelled
that way naturally. You think I'm jiving.

Women go crazy. Hey. Watch.

Excuse me. Miss,

My partner and I are police
officers, and I was just...

Oh, please don't arrest
me. I'm seeing a psychiatrist.

I can't help myself.
Look, I'll just...

I'll just put everything back.

And I won't do
it again, I swear.

Sir? I'm looking
for ms. Davenport.

Oh, captain furillo, ms.
Davenport can't make lunch today,

But she wanted me
to give you this note.

You sure have a great
way of preparing your

Clients for their court
appearances, counselor.

I thought you needed
to relax a little. Hungry?

- No.
- You want to keep
your strength up.


You know, the sullivan
commission can't do a thing to you.

Now, listen to me. They can't arrest
you, or charge you or discipline you.

All they can do is recommend.
So what's really bothering you?

Oh, they're so damn sanctimonious,
sitting up there in the state capital...

Buying three-martini lunches with my tax
dollars and telling me about corruption.

They haven't a clue how
tough it is down here. Mmm.

Sorry, no sale. Try again.

You're so smug, you tell me.

You're afraid that after 16
years of being mr. Perfect,

They'll all suddenly think
you're just another crooked cop.

I just don't want to be known
as another george haluska.

- What's so terrible about that?
- You tell me.

Is he a lousy cop? Does
he run a lousy precinct?

Is the crime in south ferry
worse than it is on the hill?

His cops are on the take.
And none of yours are.

Not to my knowledge. And
certainly not with my blessing.

You can't work in
garbage for 20 years

Without occasionally
getting your hands dirty.

My hands aren't
dirty. Isn't it true...

That you are knowingly
falsifying arrest records,

Duty rosters and pay vouchers
for officer arthur delgado?

Come on.

The man's a walking casualty. You'd
do the same under the circumstances.

I'm not so sure.

And what really
troubles me is your belief

That you somehow
have a right to function...

Under a different set
of rules, because you

Have an absolute corner
on the morality market.

A dangerous assumption,
furillo, sanctimonious-wise.

All right.

What's your best legal
advice, counselor?

I'd go in there loaded with as
much information as I could muster.

Tell them about art delgado.

Tell them about the building and
code inspectors in south ferry.

And if you have to, give
them george haluska.

Because if you don't,
chief daniels will.

You're tough. Mm-hmm.

But you give good
succor. Watch it.

Do you have to be
back right away?

Why, what do you have in
mind? Aid of another type.

I'll have two breast of
chicken, two salad plates,

Two orders of ice cream, two
more beers and some potato chips.

Yes, sir. Mick, couple of
beers. Couple of beers.

Couple of beers, two burgers...
How we doing on that poker game?

Going good. Last time I heard,
we were up nearly a grand.

All right. Yeah!

You work here? Yeah.

Dunello, health
inspector. Back there.

Thank you.

We got an insect infestation
inspection in progress.

- Yeah, right.
- Got it.

Sir, things like that, you have to
make some... Hell of a business here, kid.

I was in your
lavatory. It's a mess.

Among other things, you don't have
your regulation health department sign,

Requiring your employees to wash
their hands, which is no big surprise,

Because you also
got no running water.

Well, you know the pipes burst
in this place last night, so...

What are they... What are they
supposed to do, wash up in the toilet?

Also, you got signs of marginal
infestation all over the place.

I really ought to shut
you down. Hey, look at that.

What? Roaches. Right
above your griddle. There!

Now, listen to me. I
need to know how much

It's gonna cost us to
keep this place open.

Well, we're looking at a hundred today,
with a regular inspection every tuesday.

I can't pay that. Look at
my help. I can't pay that!

Hold it!

Hold it!

Help me! I'm a police officer!

All right, you...

How ya doing? Fine.

- Got the prescription? I called.
- Coming right up.

14.63's the damage. Out of 20.

- - Thanks. Take care now.

You too.

Hey, yo! Hey, hold it right
there, my man. Police officers.

Hey. You're under arrest. You
have the right to remain silent.

If you give up the right to remain
silent... What's goin' on? I'm a cop!

All right, I'm gonna go into my
pocket very slowly, get my i.d.

Nothing more. Okay?

I'm on special investigation out of
midtown, under captain jerry fuchs.

We're investigating druggists who fill out
a prescription scribbled on toilet paper.

Now, this guy in
here just sold me...

200 Amphetamine pills
written on a prescription pad...

We got out of the evidence bin... The
doctor has been dead for six months.

Figures. The guy there
called us about you.

Said it was your third
prescription this month. That's funny.

I guess I can scratch
him off my list, huh?

We're doing about 20 pharmacies.

- Who's your lieutenant?
- Moe jacobs. You know him?

Yeah. Good guy. So why don't you
check it out with him, if you want?

No. That's cool. What we
got here is a classic case of...

The left hand not knowing what
the right one's doing. Typical.

Well, look, if you guys
don't mind... Hey. Hey, look.

Sorry we jumped
you, huh? Forget it.

Henry, did you
get hit by a truck?

I'm telling you, phil.

You like to think your fellow man
shares your regard for human life.

But then you get involved in a
brawl out there, in broad daylight,

Where you're literally fighting
for your life, and what happens?

No one helps you. I'm dressed
like a woman, no one lifts a finger.

I i.d.'D myself as a police
officer, no one helps.

What kind of a world
are we living in, phil?

It's a sad commentary.
No doubt about it.

Phil, would you book this piece
of dirt for me? Oh, good idea.

Hey, why don't you get
yourself cleaned up?

I'll get somebody to
take you to emergency.

I'll clean the blood. I'm
gonna get a cup of coffee.

Henry, are you all right?

I'm fine, frank. In
fact, I'm damn fine.

I don't think of myself as a violent
man, but it sure is nice to know...

I can still go 10
rounds when I have to.

Well, I suggest you climb
out of that dress, sugar ray,

And get yourself
over to county general.

You need stitches. Not to
worry, frank. Boy, do I feel pumped.

Joe coffey there?

- Yeah, coffey here. What?
- How's it going, man?

She's got kings full
over nines. I gotta go.

I don't know. He said it's been going
on for two months, or something.

Sure about that? Okay,
thanks, babe. Appreciate it.


Narcotics ain't running
nothing on druggists.

Cleary's supposed to
be on harbor patrol.

I don't like it, man. Maybe
we shouldn't get involved.

What do you say? I
think we got to, babe.

Maybe he's selling, maybe he's using.
Either way, the prescriptions are forged.

Maybe if I talked to him,
captain. I've been there.

If he were one of our
own, j.d., Maybe. But he's not.

Bring him in. Right, captain.
Come on, lover, let's go.

I've had it. You can finish
this hand without me.

Come on, grebey, what are you
gonna do? You gonna call, or what?

- I'm thinking.
- Yeah, well, I'd like
to go home sometime.

So go. Who says she needs
angelo dundee? All right.

I guess I'll call,

And, uh, tell you what...

Let's throw in another 500,
just to make it interesting.

What? That's why they
call it "guts," blondie.

Call or fold.

He's bluffing.

Call. Let's see 'em.


Four deuces.

I can't believe it.

I'm gonna be sick.

You're good,
kid. But I'm better.

Eddy need a ride? Yeah. Yeah.

Let's go. Lunch is on me.

How'd we make out?

We won two bucks. Two bucks?

What's that, about
six cents an hour?

A $2,000 turnaround in one pot.

I don't believe it.

Well, at least you didn't lose.

My back's k*lling me.

We gotta get out of here.

Hey, just relax. We can
hang out here for a while.

The room's paid
for till tonight.

Hey, let me under here. Joe.

Hey, relax. You can't give a
good massage over material.

I'm the trainer. Mm-hmm.

Oh, I gotta lay
down. Oh, I'm so tired.

As long as we got
the room, right? Okay?


Hey. Come on. We're...
We're both keyed up.

You're all keyed up.

Joe, don't.


I started night law school in
september, so, uh, by christmas,

I don't know, everything...
I was sort of backed up.

Things were going bad, so...

It just seemed like the easiest,

The most harmless thing to
do would be to get a few pills.

A few more pills.

Hey, I never dealt.
I got a problem.

Uh, maybe I'm a disgrace.
I don't know about that.

But I never dealt. Where'd
you get the forms, dan?

Uh, evidence file on a doctor's
office burglary. Case was closed.

Step outside for
a minute? Please.

So what's it gonna
be with this guy?

It's none of my business, and
you're his commanding officer, jerry,

- But I think he's salvageable.
- He's what?

I've seen too much unnecessary
wreckage in this department lately.

Come on, frank,
listen to yourself.

The guy's a loser.
He's a liability.

Give him 90 days
for an inpatient at

Hilltop, and we might
still have a good cop.

But if you cut him loose, we're just
gonna have another empty space in the line.

Since when are we the judges?

You went to the wall for charlie weeks and
he makes this guy look like joan of arc.

That was then, frank. Now's now.

You should know that
better than anybody else.

What makes him so different from all the
guys at the ferry that we're busting down?

He's different,
jerry, and you know it.

This isn't corruption, this is
a young guy with a problem.

I'm no hero, frank.

I have no itch to sit in
sullivan's witness chair.

Let me have your
g*n and your badge.

It's the last hand of the
night. We're up a grand, easy.

Everybody's droppin' out, and then that
bozo from the heights... What a weasel.

Sorry about that,
pal. She had kings full.

Wired all the way. She
bets 500, he raises her,

And then turns over four deuces.

Such are the vicissitudes
of fortune, bates.

Hey, look at it this way. You spent 30
hours in a hotel room with six guys.

And you averaged
six cents an hour.

Hey, don't let it
bother you so much.

That's not what's bothering
me, and you know it.

Come on, luce, you were... You
were lying there on your stomach.

Since when don't I have the
right to lie down on my stomach...

After playing poker
for 30 hours straight?

Well, since when don't I have the
right to give you a back massage?

Y-you said your back hurt.

Joe, don't talk like an
infant. You were kissing me.

Well, I'm attracted to
you. I mean, is that a crime?

You were coming on to me, just like
you do with every other woman you meet.

Yeah, well, I didn't see you
offering a whole lot of resistance.

I just don't ever wanna hear this
coming back to me from any of the guys.

Well, who do you think I am?

I wouldn't do that.


I just feel so
exposed sometimes, i...

Like, if I make one mistake...
You know what I mean?

Well, do you know how I
feel about you? Really?

The last thing in the world I'd
ever want to see is you get hurt.

I wanna look out for you.



You know, sometimes I
feel the same way about you.

And you were great in my corner.

And, would it be a fair deduction,
based on your prior testimony,

That you run a fairly tight ship on the
hill, that you keep abreast of events?

We try to. Yes. Good.

Ms. Jackson.

Would you explain to
the jury what this is?

It appears to be a standard .38
caliber s & w service revolver.

Yes, indeed, it is. One
seized with two auto

Theft suspects this
morning in claremont.

Unreported as missing on
any departmental records.

And registered to
one andrew j. Renko.

- Who is andrew j. Renko,
- An officer in my precinct.

Officers lose weapons from time
to time. There's no crime in that.

If this isn't an example of gross
administrative laxity, captain, what is?

Thousands of taxpayers' dollars are
being flushed down the hill street toilet,

And not just in bizarre incidents
like this unaccountably lost firearm.

Isn't it true, captain furillo,

That the abuse is so widespread,

Your chief has sent a spy
into your midst to uncover it?

That spy, mr. Peck,
simply illustrates...

That my department does a
fairly good job of policing itself.

Yes. We'll find out just how good
a job when your chief daniels...

Shows up right after you to
discuss his celebrated "scam saloon."

Now, moving on to another shining
example: the hill street postage meter.

Oh, come on, mr. Peck, surely
this $2 million commission...

Hasn't been reduced
to counting paper clips?

Why don't you put up or shut up?

All right. Art delgado. At last.

Now, this jury has
already heard testimony...

As to the organized system by
which officer delgado received pay...

For no work whatsoever.

Last time, when you asked me
about "serious wrongdoings,"

The name art delgado
didn't even occur to me.

I wonder, mr. Peck, have you told
your jurors anything about art delgado?

You mean about his no-shows? About
his manifest unfitness for police work?

Officer delgado has served
this city for more than 29 years.

After nine years of service,

He lost all seniority because
he took a year's leave of absence.

Today, he's still six months
shy of a 20-year pension.

If you pull the string on him now,
he gets 40% of a 15-year disability.

I respectfully submit, you
can't even feed a dog on that.

I've brought along a summary of
officer delgado's service record:

Four medals of valor, five
humanitarian citations, three sh**t-outs.

Are we now simply to
discard officer delgado?

Yes, we've been carrying
him until his retirement.

I would feel only shame
if we'd done any less.

Take care to what you're
confessing to, captain.

Then along comes
this commission,

With cynicism and a
hunger for headlines.

Whatever we did for art
delgado, I take responsibility.

Why don't you prosecute
me? Smear me in the press?

Destroy my reputation, if you
can. But I'll not sell out art delgado.

I'll not.

Now, am I dismissed, mr. Peck?

No further questions.


You should know that it has
been determined to remand you...

Into the custody of your
commanding officer for discipline.

Under the circumstances,
consider it a slap on the wrist.

Well, frank, how did it go?

I'm remanded to you for a slap on
the wrist. Consider yourself slapped.

It won't work, it's gone
too far. They're yours.

Come on, frank. What
are you doing? Cool down.

Cool down? You set me up! You
put me in the jackpot. You used me!

Of course I did. So what? I'm
the chief and you're the captain.

Frank, why are you
always quitting on me, huh?

What is it, the italian
grand opera streak?

Come on, frank, I can't go into the
jury carrying an extra badge and g*n.

What about art delgado?

All right, what about him?

I want assurances he'll be taken
care of. No problem at all, frank.

I have friends over at paramount
security. We'll send him right over there.

That's not good enough. Paramount
security is not good enough.

And let's face it, art
delgado's not good enough.

He couldn't separate paper clips
at paramount security anymore.

For god's sake, what
then? He stays on the force.

His year's leave is recredited so he
gets a 30-year retirement instead of a 20.

Frank, I'd have to go to
the city council on that.

Then go. And I also
want him given a complete

Medical shield against
those vultures in there.

Frank, give me a break. The timing's
not right on that, and you know it!

It never is. Within the month.

Or you can go into that jury and brag
about how you bagged an 18-year captain.

Meanwhile, I'll grab a few
headlines for my own side of things.

Okay, frank. One month.

I owe you, and this is it.

Just put these away, will you?


I'm sorry you've taken
all this so hard, frank.

But I gotta tell
ya, I feel great.

For the first time in three weeks,
this morning I had a normal sit-down.

I can't tell you
what a joy it was.

Went in there with the
sports section, and it was un...

Chief daniels.

It's gonna be a great day
for the department, frank.

Two burgers, well
done. I said rare, man.

No, you didn't. You said
well done. No, I said rare.

Well done.

Yeah, well, anyway, so
you girls are stews, huh?

You fly? I don't like flying
much myself... See, I usually...

I get sick, or I hear the
landing gear go down.

And I think it's a b*mb going
off, or somethin' like that.

Back kind of soon, aren't
you? Yeah, just driving by.

Saw you got three
deep at the bar here.

What do you want?

Ah, you do more business,
you create more problems.

I said, what do you want?

Hey, boy, watch your tone,
would you? More money.

Everybody, freeze!
Nobody gets hurt.

Don't move.

Oh, boy.

This ain't made
of soap. Come on!

I don't want you to think
I'm being cute, or nothing,

But you, i... I just want
you to take a look around.

Nobody wants to sh**t.

Why don't you just back
out the door, nice and easy?

Nobody's gonna sh**t.
Go on, nice and easy.

Stop this criminal act!
Stop this criminal act!

We get 'em, mick?

Sure we got 'em, captain.
You keep still now.

My neutro-warp generator failed.

Should've stopped the b*llet. My
fault for not checking the batteries. I...

You gotta keep quiet. I
don't want any talking now.

I can take any amount of pain.

Put the suffering of all
the world on my shoulders.

I can take it. I can take
it. And I ain't afraid to die.

Will you shut up?
Nobody's gonna die.

I tell you what, you die, you hairbag,
I'll kick your butt across the block.

You're looking at
the wrong thing, mick.

You're looking at
this. This isn't me.

I'm eternal.

I live in the alley cats
and the buses in the street.

You can't k*ll me,
because I'm the city.

Dada-da-da! I am the city.

The power's in the
glove, mick. It always was.

It's yours now.
You gotta take it.

Here, you take this.

You know we're
buddies, don't ya?

You know we fight
the same fight.

There, mick. Out there.

Gangsters, mad scientists,

Mutant cave
creatures... Villains.

They're daring us
with their arrogance.

We've got to save the city.

Gotta make it beautiful again.

We gotta feel the wind in our faces,
see the stars over our shoulders.

It's all so clear,
mick. I mean, i...

I can almost reach
out and touch it.


Oh, captain...

No sense of responsibility,
integrity, loyalty, generosity or truth.

Period. None. Nada.

A sense of bowel
movements, yes. That he's got.

I wouldn't be the most disappointed person
in the world if you quit the department.

A man with your background and smarts.
There are all kinds of things you could do.

Mm-hmm. Like what?

I bet you could get a job teaching.
In a university or a law school.

You know, in two
more years, I'll be a 20.

Maybe then I'll start
thinking about it.

I figured you'd say that.

I prayed he wouldn't take it.


When I offered daniels my
g*n, I prayed he wouldn't take it.

Funny. I sort of wish he had.
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