04x08 - Midway to What?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x08 - Midway to What?

Post by bunniefuu »

k*ll him, bobby, k*ll him!

Watch it, back.
Come on!

coming tonight
on "hill street blues..."

Officers-- everybody,
hands on the table!

What are you doing?

Mom and pop crime gets treated
like the brinks job?

Cope preempt another division's

A reasonable attorney
is gonna wonder why.

Not that I haven't
thought about it.

About what?

Us...in the same room,
without clothes.

They put a death trap
on the street.

Did someone offer you money
to appear here and testify?

Did they, mr. Tully?

That was my car
back there!

Well, you shouldn't have been
parked in a handicap zone!

You got what you deserved,

Oh, yeah? Well, you
take a look at this, buddy!

You are under arrest!

Mr. Seltzer's in the market
for a trade.

- My security fund.
- Which contains?

A lot of voices.
A lot of conversations.

Captain, I just finished
listening to those bookie tapes.

- And?

- There's something
you gotta hear.

[Overlapping chatter]

Item seven.

Sports fans,
concerning tonight's

Fistic extravaganza--

The police athletic league's

Inter-precinct boxing

Now, I advise an early arrival
as the first event

Pits midtown middleweight
all simmons

Against this precinct's own
prize pugilist,

Officer bobby hill.

[Cheers and applause]

Float like a butterfly,
sting like a bee.

He gonna be the champ
of the metro p.d.

[Cheers and applause]

He's a poet,
and he knows it.

My feet got it too--
they're long fellows!

I hope you'll exhibit
the same enthusiasm

Whilst purchasing tickets
from officer schnitz.

Proceeds go towards reinstating
the p.a.l. Boxing program

For underprivileged youth.

Item eight.
Officer evans and domico,

Continue on sector "c" patrol,

for coffey and bates,

Entering the testimony phase

In the shears-heiser
taxi death trial.

Hey, lucy, is there gonna be
a wrap today?

Well, maybe, they're trying
to get a plea bargain

On heiser this morning.

Well, for those of you
on the outside,

We're pushing here
for any kind of conviction.

Now, we all know that
top hat cabs owner,

Bernard heiser, has been
putting death traps

On the streets for years.

Hey, go get him, joe.


Now, let's all get tough
on top hat's vehicles, huh?

Okay, let's roll!

And let's be careful
out there, huh?

[Overlapping chatter]

That's over $1,000 raised

Do you know that daryl ann
wants to come tonight?

- Really?
- Yeah.

She says she likes
the fights.

Can you imagine a sweet
little thing like that

Liking a prize fight?

- How you feel, bobby?
- Okay. Pretty good.

I was wondering how heavy
to be you tonight.

I don't know, leo,
I once saw al simmons

Rip the door off
a cadillac.

What'd he do that for?

Guy tried to run over him.

- He's over the hill.
- You're gonna m*rder him.

I don't know, cof.

Twice city golden gloves
welterweight champion.

- Twice department...
- Ten years ago, renko.

- ...middleweight champion.
- Ten years ago!

Hey, our money's
on you, kid.

I wouldn't bet the farm.

We'll be right back.

- My bet's on you, too, bobby.
- Thanks, leo.

I mean, he's as old
as you are.

bobby, I wonder if I could
give you a pointer for tonight.

I don't need to know
anything else about boxing--

Bear with me
just a moment, will you?

ballantine, stay right here.

I want you to hit me
with your left.


Now the axiomatic
principles of [indistinct]

Is that the same energy used
to block

Is released to launch
the att*ck.

- Come on, ballantine.
- Yes, sir.


You all right,

Uh, yes, sir,
I think so.

You ought to keep that left
a little higher.

Yes, sir.

[Siren blaring,
chatter over radio]

[Maudlin piano music]


Captain, how come we're
going out

To crush the bookie

I thought bookmaking
was illegal.

And I thought it was
handled by vice.

How come we're doing
their job?

I went over there
a couple of days ago.

Like, the front's
a candy store,

And I'm gonna get some gum.

They were doing business
pretty openly.

You mean
right out front?

No, but the traffic to the back
room was pretty obvious.

I called vice
and reported it.

And they haven't made
the bust?


You think maybe
there's a [indistinct] in vice?


Captain, if there's cops
on the take--

One step at a time.

When you and your partner
first arrived

At the scene of the accident,

Who was sitting behind
the wheel of the cab?

That man there,
raymond shears.

and was there anybody else
in the cab

With mr. Shears?


So, then, officer bates,
it might be correct to say

That my client,
mr. Heiser,

Was nowhere in proximity
to this incident.

- Is that right?

- Except he owns
the cab company.

Please instruct the witness,
your honor.

Just answer the question
that's been put to you, officer.

No, he was nowhere
in proximity.

As a matter of fact,
isn't it true

That mr. Heiser's arrest
is part

Of a personal vendetta
by the police department and

The district attorney's office?
- Objection. Objection!

I don't know what
you're talking about.

And that mr. Heiser is,
in fact,

The object of a blatant
legalistic witch hunt!

Leading, your honor, beyond
the witness' competence.

Change your tone of voice,
mr. Bernstein.

Stricken as calling
for a conclusion.

Jury is to disregard.

No further questions.

You may step down.

Next witness.

the people call
mr. William tully.

You've testified, mr. Tully,
that you were 50 feet away

From the incident,
that you saw the cab

Operated by my client
drive up on the curb.

And I quote,

"It was like it had no steering,
brakes, or nothing."

They put a death trap
on the street.


Have you ever had training
in auto mechanics, mr. Tully?

No, ma'am.

But cars don't go
up on curbs

Unless there's something
the matter with them.

- Thank you, mr. Tully.
- Or the driver's drunk.

Now, drunk, you say,
mr. Tully.

Did you smell
the defendant's breath?

Did you administer
a breathalyzer test?

Could you have passed
a similar test at the time?

Move to strike.

Jury will disregard.

Did the d.a. Or the police
offer you any inducements

For your testimony today?

No, ma'am.

Did anybody?

Like who?

Like anybody.

Did anybody offer you
an inducement?

What do you mean

Offer you money,
anything of value?

A free ride on a case?

Sort of to lie?
Absolutely not.

To do what, then?

Did someone offer you money
to appear here and testify?

Did they, mr. Tully?

Well, now, hold it.

Let me ask you
a hypothetical.

I go to florida
in the fall.

Now, if somebody was to lay
a few bucks on me

So I could stay around here--

Who offered you
a few dollars, mr. Tully?

Answer the question, sir.

The guy with the cop.

Dead guy's brother.

Otherwise he would have
left town.

He wouldn't have honored
his legal subpoena.

[Bangs gavel]
quiet! Quiet!

will you instruct the jury

As to the proper way
to assign bought testimony?

- Objection.
- Overruled.

The people's only eyewitness
in this entire case,

And his testimony can be
bought and sold

For the price of a meal.

No further questions,
your honor.

You may step down.

Will the defense be
putting in a case?

No, your honor.

Very well.
Summations at 2:00.

Adjourn for lunch.
One hour.

What about the other
eligible witnesses?

There's dilaudio
and gilbert.

These guys make tully look
like nobel prize material.

Tully's been discredited now.

Find gilbert fast.

I'll review his statement.
We'll put him on after lunch.

Look, I'm sorry, he was my--

I know,
he was your brother.

what do you want?
What do you want?

Don't do that!

What's goin'--
hey, don't do--

Don't do that.

Police officers!
Everybody, hands on the table!

What are you doing,
feeding the fish?

Get those out of there.

Tell him to stop it.
Come on.

Where the hell are you
going, mouse?

You are under arrest.

What seems to be
our problem?

Ain't no problem,
mr. Seltzer.

We're just busting
your place.

I can see that.
I mean what's our problem?

Hey, look, you, mr. Seltzer,
you're under arrest.

Detective washington here is
gonna read you your rights.

Now, come on over here.

You're under arrest, ben.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can
and will be used against you

In a court of law.

In other words,
what seems to be happening here

Is actually happening?

You got it, ben.

This is a hell of an--

I mean, this is really
actually taking place.

At least get my coat.


Here's that rainy day.

look, I only work here!

What office are
you guys from?


Hey, what do you think
you're doing?

What the hell do you want?
Get out of my way.

Get out of my way.

You okay?

No, no, no, no.

I just want to get back
in the chair.

Let me get off
the ground, okay?

I can do it.
Get your hands off me.

I said get your hands
off me!

That was my car
back there!

You shouldn't have been parked
in a handicap zone.

You got what you deserved,

Oh, yeah? Well, you take
a look at this, buddy!

You are under arrest!

You know, I really like
that girl.

I mean, no one's gonna
mistake daryl ann

For a rocket scientist,
you understand.


That's good, that's good,
that's good.

Have some water.
Come on, come on.

Oh, renko,
I don't know, man.

I think I'm
going down.

Two minutes on the bag.
Come on.

- Renko...
- Two minutes on the bag.

It used to be a lot easier, man.
I'm just dead.

I know it, kid,
but no pain, no gain.

Don't be lame,
don't go insane.

- Oh, mama.
- Don't call for your mama.

Call for al simmons.
Pick up your faith.

Ready, time, go!

[Rapid trainer chatter]

Uppercut, uppercut!

You know,
she's just so nice.

I mean,
she's so natural.

And I think I'm real
sweet on her,

You know what I mean?

Okay, now...

Stick it to him!
Stick him, stick him!

Okay, rabbit punch.
He's going fast.

He's throwing punches
in bunches.

[Indistinct trainer chatter]

Come on, man,
give me ten more seconds, man.

Come on, now, think of
al simmons' ugly face.

Give him the meat hook.

One more!
One more! One more!

You know what?

I think she's kind of sweet
on my too.

I mean, she's real pretty.
Don't you think she's pretty?

Andy, I got no wind.

Andy, I got no wind.

If I don't get him
inside of 30 seconds,

I'm gonna die.

Now, that is the kind
of defeatist bull-pucky

That'll put you away
every single time.

I don't want to hear
one more word like that.

I'm 34 years old, andy.

I ain't been in a ring
in six years.

But you've been in fights.

But not in the ring.

Can I help you, bud?

I know you,
don't i?

Sugar ray robinson.

No, that's not it.

- Wait a minute.
- Bobby hill.

- Right.

You're a fighter, too,
aren't you?


Yeah, irish bobby shields.

Hey, we busted you
on a b&e two years ago.

Good to see you again.

- How you doing?
- Good, good.

Real good.

It was a 16-month bit.

Got out, uh,
three weeks ago.

Couple fights
coming up.

No kidding.

Right out of the box.

Still got that jab,
you know.

So, uh, didn't I read you won
a sweepstakes or something.

Lottery, yeah.

Yeah, so I got
these fights coming up,

But I lost my mouthpiece
in the joint.

So, I mean, I been using
toilet paper.

You know, wad it up.

It beats the hell
out of your gums.

That's too bad.

so I was wondering,

You know, if somebody
could pop

For a mouthpiece
for the fights,

Then it would really
help me.

And I could pay you--
I could pay you right back.

'Cause, uh...

It costs $80.

I don't think so, bobby.

So...you got a fight
or something?

Yeah, I have it tonight.

Three rounds, huh?

You need a good
corner man?

I come cheap.

Thanks anyway,
I got it covered.


You make a big meal
of lunch.

Don't eat too much
after lunch.


You take care, bobby.

Pancakes and liver.

That's it.

Bobby. Bobby.

Take care of yourself, man.

Double sawbuck.

Hey, thanks a lot.

You know,
I saw you fight once.

How'd I do?

-You won.
- Oh, great!

Oh, that's--
that's really good.

That's good.

Take care of yourself.

I told you guys

All you gotta do is
listen sometimes.

Okay, leo,
we got 30 minutes.

We need to get this guy clothed
and down to the courtroom.


How 'bout some
dr. Dentons...with feet?

Come on, leo.

I'll see what's
in lost and found.

Wool scratches me.

I gotta have polyester
or wool-blended!

- Okay, ja--
- oh, mama!

Irv luboff.

He's with luboff,
fine, and gold.

Great law firm.

You gotta shorten your name
to be a partner.

Come on.


Don't do that.


Gaffney, gerry.

Gerry with a "j" or a "g"?

"G," as in "gimp."

[Laughs, snorts]

What the hell's
so funny?

trying to catch me.

Man, I had you b*at if it hadn't
been for that other car.

I was gaining.

Aw, you were sucking dust.

How fast could you go
in that thing?

I been clocked at 23
on a straight.

See, I got a slightly narrow
wheel base

On a 27" diameter.

Double-butted tubing
in the frame,

And I sit two inches lower
in the seat.

Plus, I work out.

I can curl 150 pounds
and do chin-ups all day long.

And one of these days I'm gonna
break 25-miles-per-hour.

But beyond that, the chair
has got stability problems

That I gotta work out.

Maybe I should have arrested you
for speeding instead.

Hey why don't you
charge yourself

For parking
in a handicap zone?

That'd be a first,
wouldn't it?

You got no right
to go around

Defacing other people's

You got no right
going around

Violating other people's rights!

Look, man, you can do
whatever you want with me.

You wanna throw me in jail?
Throw me in jail.

But I'm telling you,
as soon as I'm back out

On the street again, and I see
somebody in that space

Who doesn't have
a right to be,

He gets the paint!

Your chief of police,
he's in that space,

He's gonna get the paint.

The president
of the united states

Is in that space,
he gets the paint!

What's the matter?

I gotta go to the john.

That way, and make it quick.

What are you waiting for?

Is the stall

I don't know.

'Cause if it ain't,
I'm gonna need some help.


All right.

You're gonna have to
pick me up and put me down.

Come on, man,
I don't have all day!

All right.

Up[ to there.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

All right.

[Gerry grunting]

Move the chair.

Pull my pants down.

I got a bag on my leg,
so watch that.

Watch the bag, man.

All right, grab me
under the arms again.

All right.

- Over there.
- All right. You ready?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

All right, come on.

Come on, man!

- I'm sorry.
- Get me up.

Get me up!

Get out of here.

Come on,
get out of here, man!


I-- absolutely.


Irv luboff, captain.

I represent benjamin seltzer
on these bookmaking charges.

He's in interrogation.

He's also in the hill street
station house.

Which strikes me
as a little odd

Since gambling enforcement's
been coming out of division vice

Ever since the haywood

Well, it's back in the precincts
for today.


The statutes are
on the books, mr. Luboff.

What's it to you
who enforces them?

A mom and pop crime gets
treated like the brinks job?

Cops preempt another
division's jurisdiction?

A reasonable attorney
is gonna wonder why.

Maybe the department's
just after its own.

It's a free country.

You're entitled
to your speculations.

Is that what it's about,

You may think some of the cops
were on the take.

Make your point.

'Cause if that's
what you're after,

I think ben seltzer
can help you.

Captain, I've been
in the business a long time.

Long before
the haywood commission.

I've seen a lot of cops
come and go,

And they weren't all scouts.

I ain't a violent man,

I know how to take care
of myself in other ways.


My security fund.

Been in cold storage
15 years,

Right next to
the missus' firs.

Mr. Seltzer's in the market
for a trade.

Reduction to a misdemeanor

In exchange for his
security fund.

- Which contains?
- A lot of voices.

- A lot of conversations.
- Whose?

Oh, there are so many,
so long ago.

Listen, captain,
then tell me

Can we do business?

I have nothing more to say.


Yeah, we got a reel-to-reel

See me when you're through.

My client has duplicates
in another location.

I know definitely
it jumped the curb.

Like this.
Almost clipped me.

I had to dive
out the way myself.

Why did you wait until now
to come forward, mr. Gilbert?

Ma'am, I told the police
what's happening.

They said
they didn't need me.

Which I could understand.

Have you been drinking today?

Yes, ma'am.

Yes, I have been.

But that don't stop me from
remembering the sight of death!

That cab come up there
like a demon.

Like the driver was
trying to turn the wheel,

But he couldn't do nothin'.

Like I was saying--
t-4-6-9... 2!

That's the license plate number.

The cab was like a demon.

Like the devil's car.

Just k*lled that poor,
innocent man!

No further questions

Witness, step down.

people rest.


Hey! Hey!

I'm buck naked.
I'm buck naked.

I'm buck naked!
I'm buck naked!

I'm buck naked.
I'm buck naked!

Cover him up!


I'm buck naked,
buck naked, buck naked!

I'm buck naked!

Hey, I'm buck, naked!

Get out, I got it.

You were pretty good
in there.

You articulated that stuff

About what your types
go through pretty good.

Yep. I should have been
acquitted too.

You got a fair sentence

I notice he didn't do
nothin' to you.

Okay, so now I get to
educate the police for 20 hours

On disabled rights.

Now, you suppose the judge means
20 one-hour lectures,

Ten two-hour lectures?

Who am I supposed
to lecture to, each precinct?

no, the police academy.

That'd be where
it would do the most good.

Maybe you ought to
think on it a while.

You know there are over
30,000 wheelchairs in this city?


I've been thinking about
going undercover

As one of you guys.

Maybe you could
give me some pointers.

Forget it.


'Cause that's something
you can't fake.

It takes soul.

how's it going?

You gonna get
that heiser guy?

Who knows?

Our last witness
flashed the jury.

Jury's in?

So soon?
What does that mean?

Has the jury reached
a verdict?

We have, your honor.

Will the defendants
please rise

And face the jury?

The jury will announce
its verdict

In regard to raymond shears.

The jury finds the defendant
guilty as charged

Of voluntary manslaughter.

In respect
to bernard heiser?

The jury finds the defendant
guilty as charged

Of voluntary manslaughter.

Motions, people?

Serve notice to the d.a.
As per ccp3719,

Notice of intent
to appeal.

Ccp4020, motion to
vacate verdict.

Mr. D.a.?

Uh, motion to vacate
is groundless.

Could you all be seated,

As regards to motion
to vacate verdict,

You have nothing more to say?

The people's case,
the jury's verdict

Is self-evident,
your honor.

Not to me they aren't.

The crimes committed
in this matter are heinous.

Therefore, it grieves me
all the more to say

That the conduct
of the police

And prosecution in this case

Have been far below
what minimal standards

Of judicial equity require.

What evidence was
brought forward

On which defendants
could be convicted?

The only eyewitnesses were
a hireling

And a pantsless inebriate.

I conclude that the guilty
verdicts are against reason,

and prejudiced.

And I hereby vacate them.

[Bangs gavel]

Prosecution will, of course,
take its appeal.

[Alarmed murmuring]

Hey, can they do that?

Your honor, this jury heard
and weighed

Four days of testimony,
three days of experts.

- This is wrong.
- Quiet. Quiet!

But they're criminals!
These are criminals!

Ease it. Easy.

And you, judge,
you're a criminal.

[Bangs gavel]
silence or contempt!

Can he do that,
just change the guilty

To not guilty like that?

For the record,
people will appeal.

Can we win in appeal?

You kidding?
One chance in ten.

This court stands adjourned till
10:00 a.m. Tomorrow morning.

You know,
those guys were bums,

But they spoke more truth
than you did up there today.

Behave yourself, officer.

- Let's go.
- That's not right.

I don't know, fay,

That man's just formed
a women's rights commission.

I think it's a safe bet,
if he's called

To meet with you again,

He's got something special
in mind.

Uh, well, you can tell me
all about it at dinner.

Don't be nervous.
Just be yourself.

I'll pick you up at 8:00.

Vacated the verdict?

Rare, but it happens when
a judge gets fed up enough.

Damn it, did my guys
do that bad a job?

No, they didn't.

It's just a funny set
of circumstances.

Your client got off.
Why the long face?

It's just...
Something's not kosher.

Heiser looked like he didn't
have a care in the world.

And it's true,
the eyewitnesses were weak,

But their testimony was sound.

You're talking about a judge

With an impeccable
service record.

I'm running late.

See you tonight.

Oh, hi, ms. Davenport.

Captain I just finished
listening to those bookie tapes.


There's something
you gotta hear.

Man, I'm telling you, I don't
have to fill this thing out.

The judge said--

Sir, I already explained
to you,

Nobody lectures without first
setting a day and a time

With me, and I don't have
any open dates until the 19th.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I should have known

You guys wouldn't be
interested in hearing

What I had to say,
but this whole thing is bogus!

Whoa, whoa.
Calm down.

What do you want?

Come here.

Come here.

What the hell was
going on back there?

"The predicament
of the disabled."

I wrote out my lecture.

It's a good title.
I like that.

Yeah, well, when I asked
four-eyes for a room,

He immediately says no dice.

I can't get on the schedule
for a month.

You gotta wait your turn.

Aw, you too, huh?


If you think you're going off
to paint more cars,

You're wrong.

No, I was thinking dynamite
this time.

You go back up to the desk
and you get a date

To talk to the men.

You don't leave here
until you do that.

You think you can stop me
from leaving?


Because I'm in a wheelchair,
you think you can handle me?

Well, if I can't,
I'll find six cops who can.

All right,
I'll get on the schedule.

You like fights?


Yeah, I guess.

How 'bout going
to the fights with me?

Would you like to do that?


I don't know if this place
has a ramp, though.

We'll work it out.

I mean, I got
a police escort, don't i?


You wanted to see me,

Yeah, would you close
the door, please, howard?

I want you to hear something.

Uh, it's from
a few years back.

morning, officer.
What's your pleasure?

the crullers, please.


the crullers.

A box of crullers.

oh, det. Douglas' crullers.

that's right.

here you go.
Everything's in the box.

Bottom of the box.


don't eat it all
in one place.


det. Douglas wouldn't
like that.

[Door opens, shuts,
bells jingle]

badge number 1146.

Patrolman h. Hunter.

Payoff for douglas
and cawley.

[Turns off tape player]

You're on tape three times.

It's all pretty much
the same conversation.

When it happened,
I was six weeks on the force.


A couple of detectives
tapped me to do the run

Once a week
at this pastry shop.

The money was out of sight--
it was in a box of crullers.

Did you take any?


Not that that makes
any difference.

But you knew the contents.

Not to begin with.

Until one of the sergeants
in the precinct

Told me how it was.

How was that
for the most naive

Rookie story you ever heard?

You were 28 years old, howard.
You were hardly a kid.

In the back of my mind,
I knew it from the start.

Then why?

I don't know.

I, uh--

I'd just gotten back
from vietnam.

After what I'd seen
over there--

The corruption
in the very fabric of things--

It seemed no different here.

I decided that...

It was beyond me
to address all that.

That others could govern
their lives,

I would govern mine.


The fact is
I was too much a coward

To confront
those detectives, frank,

And I put in
for a transfer instead.

And when that transfer
didn't come for two months,

I continued to make
the pickups.

We have to be practical,

Because of the amount of time
that's gone by,

You can't be prosecuted,

But this information's
gonna have to circulate.

It's gonna be
in your jacket.

I understand that you
initiated this operation, frank.

There's nothing I can do
about it now, howard.

- It's gone too far.
- No, no, no.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm glad it stands revealed.

15 Years ago, I was handed
the broken saber.

And I have kept it hidden
under my tunic all these years.

I have failed the people
who gave me their trust.

I've failed you, frank.

And for that I'm sorry,
and I apologize.

Howard, it's just
poor judgment.

But in the context
what what I fully expect

To continue to be
a highly distinguished career.

May I go?

Hey, andy,
remember four years ago

At floogie's, when al simmons
took on

The riverview jc
football team?

- Yeah.
- He slaughtered 'em, right?

He put six of them
in traction.

Hey, the guy was using
a two-by-four.

Hey, you're not worried,
are you, bobby?

No, he is not.

Come on, bobby, we gotta
pick up daryl ann.

Hey, catch you
over there, babe.

come on, come on, come on.

Hey, no sweat, kid,
all right?

Simmons couldn't win
a geriatrics tournament, man.

The guy's history.

He's the same age
as I am.

come on!

Hey, hey, lieutenant,

You better snap it up

If we're gonna make it
to the bout.

- What?
- The bout.

You know, the fight.
Bobby's fighting.

Oh, the fight.

Well, I'm afraid I won't
be able to go, john.

Lieutenant, if you're worried
about what was on that tape,

Don't be.

Everybody makes mistakes.

Hell, ask the man
who knows.

As a matter of fact,
I was thinking about midway.

Midway to what?

It was a sea battle,

It changed the course
of the w*r in the pacific.

At one point,
three squadrons

Of obsolete american
torpedo bombers

Flew unprotected through
murderous enemy fire

To press home the att*ck.

They knew they were flying
to almost certain death,

But they went.

Only one plane survived.

Do you know what courage
that took, john...

To go out and meet
that fate?


You know, I think about
those things on veteran's day.

I do.


Boy-- boy you talk
about your massacres, huh?

Bobby's gonna put that bum
in four different hospitals.

Lieutenant, you gotta come.


I'm sorry.
[Clears throat]

Uh, lieutenant, look,

I've been down this road.

You gotta put it behind you.
You gotta forget about it.

You have any idea how many
generations of hunters

Have served king and country
on the field of combat?

All-- all performed
with dignity and honor.

a million years ago,

You got pinched
to run a few bucks

For a couple of lowlife

Hey, it ain't exactly like
selling the h-b*mb

To the russians.

I have to take a shower.


Yeah, yeah, hey, okay.

Hey, you do that, huh.

It'll give you
a new perspective,

And then we can go
to the fight.

I'm not going.


What are you gonna do?

[Shower running]

[Daryl ann]
you get enough to eat,
bobby hill?


Real good, daryl ann.

Well, it's a good thing
you don't have

A weight limit to make.

You know, I had a girlfriend,
dated a bantam weight.

Little, tiny, itty-bitty guy.

Always sticking his finger
down his throat.

Daryl ann.
Daryl ann, do you think

You could put a cork
in it, please?

Well, I was just trying
to help bobby relax.

Try silence.

Well, who d*ed
and made him the pope?

Keep talking, baby.

Have some gum.

Here, give me one, too.

30 Seconds, renko.

30 seconds.

Bobby hill, you're gonna
kick this guy's butt.

In the middleweight division,

A first-round
elimination bout,

In the red corner,
weighing in

At 161 1/2 pounds...

Cutting it close,
aren't you?

I made it, didn't i?

Al "the enforcer" simmons.

[Cheers and boos]

I hope you brought
your money, leo.

You bet on this, schnitz?


And in the blue corner,
at 163 pounds,

Representing hill street,
bobby "blueberry" hill!

[Bike horn honking]

You're told to break,
you break clean.

"Blueberry" hill?

Yeah, fats domino was
a real heavyweight.

In the event of a knockdown,

You go to the furthest
neutral corner.

Come on, bobby!

Come on!

All right, fellas,
let's shake hands.

Let's have a clean fight,
no one gets hurt.

Three rounds of boxing.

The guy's a real chump,

He couldn't hit the ground
falling out of a tree.

Bobby's dead.

Simmons is gonna k*ll him.

And move, pace yourself,
we'll take the decision.

30 Seconds, renko.
That's max.

Whatever's right.

[Crowd chanting]
bobby, bobby, bobby...

[Bell rings]

- One...
- Stay down.

...two, three...

Get up!

- ...four...
- Stay down!

...six, seven, eight...

- Get up!
- ...nine...

You okay, you okay?
What's your name?

- Hill.
- Okay.

Come on, bobby.
He's goin'!

Break. Break!

k*ll him, bobby.
k*ll him!


One, two, three, four,

Five, six, seven,

Eight, nine, ten.

He's out!
[Cheers and applause]

I thought for sure
he was gonna ask me

To be the token female
on some token commission.

But I got the genuine feeling
that he cares.

You know, he really
listened to me.

Ozzie's a good man.

I think you'll be a valuable
part of his administration.

You know, I think so,
too, henry.

Thank you.

To you, fay.

I don't know anyone
who deserves happiness more.

Would it embarrass you
if I told you I love you?

Of course not.

I don't mean I love you,
I want to go to bed with you.

I mean I love you.

Not that I haven't thought
about it.

About what?

You know, us...
In the same room...

Without clothes.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to embarrass you.

I know, that's nothing
strong between us.



You're beautiful.

And I have thought about us
making love to each other.

Now, let me tell you why
that would be completely wrong.


Well, for one thing,
there's frank to consider.

Now, I know that
he's remarried,

And you and I are
single adults.

But that's not the point.

I mean, you two have
to work with each other.

And besides, you know,

When sex enters
a relationship,

It gets all tense
and possessive and--

Henry, what you and I have
is so special.

I mean, I would cut my wrists
before I'd do anything

To jeopardize that.

Maybe you're right.

You're not angry, are you?

Of course not.

Why risk it?

Onward and upward.

Walk you to the door?

Oh, no, that's okay.

Thank you,
henry goldblume.

For dinner and for you
and for everything.

You're welcome.
Kiss the kids for me.

I will.
They're with my mother tonight.

Good night.

Oh, henry,
this is wrong.

No, it's not.

Well, are we gonna do this

Or are you gonna come in?

[Classical music playing]


Something esprit de corps.

A quick,
extemporaneous haiku.

Wind shatters dark

Leaves of fortune.


You stand testament

Of my...


Clean application
of pressure.

Function of simple
algebraic equation.

Be a man about it.

I love you, mom.

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