04x19 - We're So Screwed: Part 1: Fetal Attraction

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Farscape". Aired: 19 March 1999 –; 21 March 2003.*
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American astronaut John Crichton finds himself thrown across the universe when an experimental mission goes bad.
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04x19 - We're So Screwed: Part 1: Fetal Attraction

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Farscape...

We're not gonna give up on her, John.

I gave you a chance.
Where is Crichton?

I don't know.

I'm gonna need your help,
mister Scarran half-breed.

Aeryn... for wormholes.

I will help... if you taste.

I know why she's reacting like this.

- Stop!
- Do not interfer.

She's with child.

A Scarran heat probe will k*ll
the pregnant Sebacean.

Whose child is inside you?

- Is it John Crichton's?
- I don't know.

If this is Crichton's child...

... we could learn all he knows
about wormholes from his fetal DNA.

Get me out! Out!

And now, on Farscape.

The Scarran border station
has given us permission to dock.

Moya senses three other vessels present.

One is our own transport pod.

That means Sikozu made it okay.

Getting here is the easy part.

She'll be fine.

The Scarrans will just think
she's another Kalish bureaucrat.

Yah, I'm supposed to be a Peacekeeper.

I love waiting to see how things go south.

All vessels enroute to Katratzi must stop
for inspection and quarantine.

The procedure takes five solar days.

Any vessel lacking the proper security
clearance beacon will be destroyed on sight.

That's very reassuring.

We... will find her.

We'll get Aeryn back... no matter what.

Docking completed.

Permit station personnel to board,
but monitor them.

I understand, Captain Wentrask.


We must assume that all comms
transmissions are being intercepted.

But our comms are secure.

Let's just pretend they aren't.

Captain Wentrask?
I am Dr. Trayso Talnell, Chief Medical Officer.

Yes, yes, yes. Another Kalish functionary.
Are these necessary?

Your entire vessel must be checked
for contraband and contaminants.

We have neither aboard.

I should hope not.

A... Peacekeeper?

How remarkably perceptive.

How do you come to have
a Peacekeeper aboard?

What gave you the impression
I answer to you?

With due respect, Captain,
you will either respond to my inquiries...

or you will be denied entry into Scarran space.


The Peacekeeper is a spy for the Scarrans.
Also on board we have a Nebari and a Hynerian.

They are spies as well.

The hierarchy...

will not look kindly on a Kalish
who obstructs their delivery.


Do you have anything to eat
on board the station?

Refreshments may be obtained
in the station commons.

Be aware that no weapons are permitted
on the station and...

you will be checked.

Our sentinels are programmed to sh**t
and k*ll any armed visitors.

Keep an eye on that.

All the visitors you get...

all the fantastic technology
you get to work with...

- Looks like she's found a new friend.
- One of her own kind.

Oh... and not too bad looking at that.

Sikozu thinks with her head, not her kuzitza.

Yah. That's her problem.

We were smart to send her ahead.
The Kalish are definitely running things round here.

The Kalish are a conquered species.

They serve the Scarrans in order to survive.

You mean they're collaborators.

... Diplomatic missions
throughout Tormented Space...

you must lead an interesting life.

I suppose so.

I'm getting tired of the incessant travel though.

I envy you your stable position here.

Running the station isn't stable... it's boring.

Karohm, your work isn't boring in the slightest.

Maybe we should trade jobs.

I must get back.

- Meet me later.
- In a while.

Got anything to tell me?

- Aeryn is here.
- Say that again.

- Aeryn is here.
- Where?
- In the Scarran freighter.

The Scarran freighter has finished its time
in quarantine and is leaving in half an arn.

This won't harm the baby.

But it will keep you docile.

You see, I could make things
so much easier for you.

If only you'd trust me.

Subtitles: PK SUB-66

"We're so screwed - Part 1: Fetal Attraction"

Half an arn.
What can we do in half an arn?

Grab our g*ns and we kick in some doors.

We wouldn't even pass through this station.

The Scarran sentinels are programmed...

to k*ll any non-station personnel
carrying weapons.

We have a hole card.

D'Argo and Noranti are hanging back in LoLah.

If D'Argo's ship att*cked a Scarran freighter...

a fleet of Scarran warships would
instantly be dispatched after us.

Besides, the freighter has Aeryn as a hostage.

We have a far greater chance here
than at any Scarran military base.

Hence we need to keep that freighter here
long enough to come up with a plan.

Pass me all that food.

It's a hell of a time to be eating, Rygel.

I have an idea. Get me more.

The freighter will be clear to depart
within a quarter arn.

Time enough for a refreshment.

A Scarran captain...

with a Charrid sidekick just like Sikozu said.

Many weaknesses.

- Povek natrenko.
- Povek.

May we speak?

Leave us.

Now listen carefully.
My name is Captain Wentrask.

My mission...

demands absolute secrecy.
My proof code is zenark devra zenark prida.

Ministry of Dissimulation?

Well, don't worry, Captain.
You have little to fear from me.
I have no interest in spies and their...

intricate games.

I am Jenek and command a freighter.

You have your mission and I have mine.

So, as it should be.

- A half-breed.
- Of no concern to us.

Ready the ship to leave.

It's time.

You're doing good.

You're doing great.

Why do you keep on struggling?

You know it won't do you any good.

Must I keep sedating you?

Must you keep making things
difficult for yourself?

There's no point in fighting.
You know that.

That's enough.
You're gonna bust a gut.

That's enough all right.

- Give me a microt.
- The Sebacean...

From the freighter.
Sikozu thinks she's a nurse.

Not good.
It's another person you're got to fool.

This will be convincing. Stand back.

Hey... you all right?

Don't feel well.

What's the matter with him?

Maybe it's your lousy food.

Yes. I'm sure of it.

Have you ever had an emesis
of this severity before?

Just once, but they cured it.

And, what was the cause?

A touch of dermafollica.

That's a highly contagious disease!

Oh, don't worry.
They said it was dormant.

We're in lockdown until further notice.

Anchor all vessels to their docking ports.

No... you can't keep us here.

I can, and uh... I must, uh...

under the quarantine policy of, uh...
your hierarchy.

Have you any evidence the
Hynerian's condition poses a risk?

No, but I must err on the side of caution.

I'm unfamiliar with Hynerian Dermafollica.

However, I, uh... have asked the medical
database at Simstef for information.

They're transmitting it now.

I've also sent out a request
for all vessels in the sector...

for doctors or healers
with any knowledge of the disease.

That's not procedure, but, uh...

under the circumstances, it's a very good idea.

Thanks for suggesting it.

I don't know why everyone's afraid of a few germs.

Yah, me neither.

This will k*ll them.

These will k*ll anything!


I'm Trayso Talnell, Chief Medical Officer.

Thank you for coming.

Utu-Noranti Pralatong, Alleviator and Healer.

And this... is my personal assistant.

You may stay here if you choose.

Yes, Healer.

A Luxan assistant?

Oh, yes. Luxans make fine pilots,
exceptional bodyguards and superlative lovers.

- Data from Stimstef.
- Thank you.

Apparently we've brought you here for nothing...

This isn't Dermafollica at all.

Oh, it's too soon to tell, I'd say.

Per this report, he should have exhibited
signs of skin sloughing by now.

May I see that?

Yes... well, you see,
Dermafollica is very difficult to diagnose.

The bacteria that causes the virus
is effectively undetectable.

Yes, but none of the other symptoms are present.

Hence, unless anything else
manifests itself in, say...

ohh, an arn, I can safely lift lockdown.

I'm going to examine the patient.

And you're sure that what
you had was Dermafollica?


I barely survived.
Four of my wives didn't.




- Was that absolutely essential?
- Absolutely.

So tell me, do you wannta get outta here?

Well, it's getting late now.

Maybe we should find someplace
where we can calm down. Get comfortable.

Got a suggestion?

What news, Healer?

None yet.
We'll just have to wait.

Maybe you'd like to go out and see my ship.

Is it a very big ship?

Size isn't as important as speed
and maneuverability.

Oh yah?
Well, that's what they all say.

Come with me and I'll prove it.

Excuse me.

Hey, Nebari girl.
How about I buy you a drink?

I was here first.

Your point?

Much better.

Rygel's scam seems to be working.

So you know.

One of the voices on the medical distress
transmision was Sikozu's, so we played along.

Smart Luxan.

It seems your caution was justified.

His skin is sloughing.

The lockdown will remain in effect.

How contagious is this disease?

It can infect non-Hynerians and those
it does infect it kills without warning.

Frell that.
I'm gonna lock myself in an airlock.

I'm afraid it's far too late for that.
This virus is so pervasive that...

everyone on this station or any vessels
docked to it has already been exposed.

So what do we do?

I can attempt to concoct a cure.

However, my ship is understocked.
I need herbs, medications, healing potions.

Do you have any sort of medical supplies?
I mean, even a simple remedy kit wil do.

No. No one may board my vessel.

I have a facility on board my Leviathan.

I offer it for your use.

Escort her.

Thank you.

That was a nice job, Granny.
You scammed 'em.

- I couldn't scam Trayso.
- But you did. He believes Rygel's sick.

That's because I made Rygel sick.

- No, you made him look sick.
- No, I made him sick.

- With what?
- Dermafollica.

The virus is dormant in his system.
I merely reactivated it.

Can you deactivate it?

I hope so.

And, what if you can't?

He dies.

Are you tekked?

What are you trying to do, what?
k*ll Rygel?

No. He won't die.
I can make a cure.

- You sure about that?
- I'm almost certain.

- How long has Rygel got?
- Plenty of time, if I'm not disturbed.

Is this bug contagious?

Some varieties can be.

What about this variety?

- I'll fix it.
- You've already fixed it! You've...

you've infected us
with the frelling Hynerian plague!

Not infected... exposed.

Anyway, you can't get it.

I can't?

- Nebari are immune, as are Scarrans.
- And Sebaceans?

Are Sebaceans immune?


You'll k*ll Aeryn even before
we get a chance to save her!

Don't you say that!
Don't you dare say that!

I will fix this!

You wanted a plague, I gave you one.

Without real symptoms, the lockdown is lifted,

Aeryn is on her way to the Scarran base...

and you... are frelled.

Now, I did what I had to do.

I suggest you do the same.

You don't understand.
I have a patient I must protect.

Your passenger has already been exposed,
as have we all.

But the facilities on Katratzi
are much more likely to have a cure.

- Oh, so you'd expose them as well, would you?
- Scarrans are immune to this disease.

But Kalish aren't.

I won't be held responsible for loosing a virus
that could prove catastrophic to my own people.

Your vessel isn't leaving, Captain.

The Healer has requested that we allow
the patient to be moved aboard the Leviathan.

- Easier to take tissue samples that way.
- What?

Release the Hynerian from isolation?

Given the pervasiveness of the virus,
isolation is pointless.

See to it.

What in the frelling yotz were you thinking,
you madwoman?

You're a plague... a withered,
three-eyed, bad-smelling pestilence!

- You can shout at me later.
- I'll be dead later!

You'll be dead sooner if I don't devise a remedy.

The more you yell... the more you distract me.

Noranti's is the only possible course, John.

- And what has it bought us?
- Time!

And what are we doing with that time?

Can't answer that? Right.

That's why someone's got to get on that freighter.

Sikozu is working on it.

- If she could access schematics of the freighter...
- Schematics are not going to give us Aeryn's location,

her condition, or tell us
how many guards there are.

Someone has got to go in.

- You don't possibly believe
that Captain Jenek will give you a tour?
- Grasshopper!

You aim too high and Jenek is not
the only one with access.




You're Sebacean, right?

Can't remember the last time
I saw a Sebacean woman.

It's got to be at least half a cycle.


So... that's a long time without companionship.

I don't do aliens.

Well, I don't do Peacekeepers,
so why waste your time?

What's that?

This is something for a special friend.

It's the Sebacean cure
for Hynerian Dermafollica.

Or a vial of dust.

You're a medical worker, right?

I could let you analyze it...

- but as you say, why waste your time?
- Where'd you get that?

Sorry, I don't kiss and tell...

but you can be sure
you're not gettin it anywhere else.

Hynerian Dermafollica rarely infects Sebaceans.

But when it does,
you're dead before you know it.

I hate odds like that...

don't you?

So... what do you want for it?

I just want to share.

- No admittance, Peacekeeper.
- He's with me.

Give me a microt.

So this is your med bay?

Spare bunks.

Fun later... cure now.

- It's a dehydrated concentrate, is it not?
- Right. Dilute it ten to one, saline.

There's enough there for both of us.

No more?

No. Why?

Another Sebacean needs treatment.

You b*stards...


It's too bad for them.

Aeryn, wake up!

Stop. Hold still.
Ho... Hold still. I need to...

I need to unbind this.
No, it's me. I'm real. Aeryn!

Leave her alone.

Don't do anything stupid.

Scarran hierarchy paid good crindars for me.

They wouldn't want their package
delivered damaged.

He claimed it was a cure
for Hynerian Dermafollica.

But was it genuine?

No... it's a fake.

- Why the deception?
- Cause... horny.

I am... looking for a Sebacean woman.

You att*cked me and attempted
to release one of the patients.

No offense, but she's sexier than you.

What would you have done had you gotten her?

Taken her back to my ship...

frelled her... made babies.

What are you doing to my Peacekeeper?

Your Peacekeeper was aboard my ship...

attempting to recreate.

Is that true?

Yah. More or less.

If you'll excuse us...

I will deal with him.

I said...

I will deal with him.

That's a hell of a thing.

John, how did you lie to Jenek's heat probe?

Was it... Katoya's training?

Nah, I told him the truth.

Just not the whole truth.

Aeryn's in there.

We gotta get her out.

Sikozu is gathering information which
will help us put together a rescue plan.

We will free Officer Sun.

The Rosrob Center sent us all their data
on Dermafollica, but it isn't much.

And I still can't get a response
from the Diagnosans on Coldjen.


Why don't you take a rest interval?

I can monitor communications for you.

This... will boost your Hynerian antibodies...

and cleanse you of the disease.


Unfortunately, it won't cure
anyone other than a Hynerian.

And that's a problem?

I mean...

has anyone else contracted the sickness?

No, not as yet.

And they may not.

But there's always a chance.



Hey, you with the big ship.

Hey, you okay?

We may have another victim. Come on.

Somebody? Somebody call the healer.

Hey, what're you doing?
Don't run away. Get...

It's okay. It's all right. It's okay.

We're... we're gonna get the healer.

Dermafollica has proven fatal
to a Kalish traveler.

Captain Jenek requests your presence
aboard his vessel.

No, no, no, no.
I must find... this remedy.

- He may come here if he chooses.
- No! He wants you to go to him.

The healer needs more resources
than are available to make a cure.

If there's anything aboard your vessel
that would assist...

You must realize we have a common problem.

We both have cargo that needs protecting.

I'll solve my own problems.

The Scarran freighter is not
only docked to the station,

but it is tied to its power grid as well.

From station control, I can force a
power surge that will disrupt the circuits
of both the station and the freighter.

That'll knock out the lights,
the alarms and those ugly Scarran DRD's.

For how long?

Only until emergency overrides activate...
maybe thirty microts.

Okay... once we rescued Aeryn,
we've got to get Moya off that station.

Yes, I think I've worked out
how to bypass the docking locks.

You think?

What were you doing with Karohm all this time?

What about the window stickers
this joint's supposed to give out?

- Security beacons. We'll need some.
- If we rescue Aeryn...

- Don't say... 'if'.
- I'm sorry. Yes.

When we rescue Aeryn, we simply
starburst away from Scarran space.

What if we starburst deeper
into Scarran space?

Or if the freighter takes off with Aeryn?

If the freighter escapes,
then we abandon all hope.

We abandon all hope of leading long and
prosperous lives and we follow the freighter.

She's still learning.

You don't have to use force.
I want to find a cure as much as you do.

You will find a cure and we will have it first.

Nurse! Assist them.

Nurse, didn't you...

- Check the patient.
- I'll do it.

Save your strength. Don't try to speak.

- She doesn't appear to be infected.
- Neither was my nurse.

If she's infected, can you cure her?

I think I can, given time.

The female is pregnant.
Her fetus must be saved.

Is there a suitable recipient for a transplant?



Anyway, it wouldn't do any good.

All the females here are equally
at risk from this disease.

What about the Nebari girl?
Nebari are immune.

Go to the Leviathan
and bring back the Nebari.

We can't take our weapons through the station.

Then take a transport pod
and board from the outside.

Hey! Get out of my way, fek-face.

Get her.

Get up!

Guard the door.

Get your frelling hands off me!

They took Chiana by force
and you just let them?

I was unaware until it was too late to prevent it.

Recriminations can wait.
We must act.

Are you ready?

As the doctor said, save your strength.

Oh... we can't let them.

It won't happen. I won't let it happen.

They can't do it without Chiana
and they won't find her.

Bring her.

Prepare for the procedure.

What the frell's going on?

- I'll sedate her.
- No!

No, stop. Stop!

This is wrong!
This patient has been drugged.

She is weak.
She may die from this procedure.

I don't care.

My only concern is for the safety of the fetus.

- Trayso!
- Please...


Hold still.

No. No.

- What are you giving her?
- Something to ease the pain.

She doesn't need anesthetizing.

Give it to the Nebari girl instead.

No, I won't!
This is the patient who needs anesthe...

... you're not going to cut...

Get that thing frelling away from me!

Very strong.
She'll make an excellent host.

She had better.

If the fetus dies, so will the both of you.

Captain Jenek.
Captain Wentrask is in the station commons.

- He demands an urgent word, sir.
- Does he?

Very well.

What do you want, Wentrask?

- I require... your cooperation.
- But you can't compel it.


I know that your prisoner
is the Peacekeeper Aeryn Sun ...

and that you are taking her
to Katratzi for Minister Ahkna.

I also know that if my mission fails,
your mission becomes irrelevant, as do you.


Step back!

I... was just checking
to see if some more med...

Someone's been downloading
the station codes and schematics.

It had to be you...

but I'm disappointed.

You know this can't succeed.

We'll k*ll them both and the fetus as well.

No choice but to try!

What the hell is taking so long?

The lights should be out by now.

The procedure's success depends upon
the swift transfer of the fetus.

Therefore, we should open
both subjects simultaneously.

- I'll go check it out.
- Right.

Listen to me, Karohm.

Two, possibly three females are being held
against their will on the Scarran freighter.


Prepare to begin.

They pose the Scarrans no threat.

Their imprisonment is completely unjust.

I believe you.

- Then will you help me?
- Of course not.

I'm going to lock you up.

How wrong was he?

Okay... now can you do
what you said you were gonna do?

Dr Trayso...

... in my opinion,
this patient's body is overstressed.

Therefore, the fetus will be debilitated.

I think...

we should let her regain her equilibrium
before we begin the procedure.
- We don't have time !

What you fail to realize is...

that Ahkna's only interest in your prisoner...

is as a means to the possible information
that John Crichton possesses.

Now my Peacekeeper defector
can give you John Crichton himself.

Now which mission...

do you think is more vital?

All right.

That's unlocked the docking ports on Moya,
on your ship and my transport pod.

Now for the power grid...

Are these the security beacons?


- There are three lives here and I will not...
- Dr Pralatong, I beg you!

Show time.

- Karohm, what's going on?
- Stand here.

Stop! I'll k*ll her!

- I'll cut her throat!
- He wouldn't dare.

If the baby dies,
Jenek'll burn him dead, so sh**t.

I'll do it. I'll k*ll her.

Kalish are supposed to be smart.

Who do you think I believe?

All right.

sh**t me.

You should have k*lled him.

My body count's already too high.

The release is over here.


Do it.

Check the ship.

- Yes, I must check mine.
- No. You stay here.

- Are you done?
- Almost.

If I jam the docking port controls, the freighter
won't be able to break free and follow us.

How'd you do that?

I... it was nothing. I... I merely cross-coupled
the emergency by-pass conduits... let's go!

Emergency power will come on any microt!


Drop the w*apon.

- Turn off that light.
- Granny, do what he says!

Back to our vessel.

You work for the Scarran, right?

Yes. Why?

Security is tight for visitors
so you shouldn't be carrying.

Carrying what?

A g*n!

D'Argo, please! Please help her.

Ralnaht, report.

I'm fine. You can put me down...
at least for now.

Pilot! What's our status?

Moya is free of the docking collar.

- Reactivate all starburst systems.
- Done.

Who are you, and what is your mission?

Any communication from Scorpius?

No. Nor is he responding to the comms.

Lo'Lah and our transport pod have
also been released from their ports.

Okay, well bring them aboard
with the docking web.

- What about Scorpius?
- What about him?

- Well, he might've been captured...
- Or k*lled.

We can only wish.
Pilot, starburst as soon as you can.

- We are leaving.
- Preparing for starburst.

Why doesn't she ever listen?

It's all right. Aeryn!
It's all right.

You're here.

Is this real?

It's real.

You're on Moya.

You're safe.

What about the baby?

The baby's fine.

Everything's gonna be okay.



You don't look as bad.

I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

You nearly k*lled me.

No I didn't.

But I did k*ll others.

By my actions...

I have taken innocent lives.

Welcome to Moya.

In my time as Dominar,

some of my actions resulted
in the deaths of the undeserving.

Even when the cause is just,
it's a hard thing to accept.

I must seek forgiveness...

... from the Divine Eternal.

I can't help you there...

but I can extend you my forgiveness.



- You're not dead.
- Of course not.

I am the... undead.

It's not funny.

The son-of-a-b*tch said
he took you out of my head.

Scorpius, he upgraded me to...
Harvey two point oh.

One of my many improvements.. .

utter loyalty to Scorpius.

- That's not an improvement.
- Oh, but it is.

His course is the correct one...
eliminate Scarran threat.

You know I don't give a damn
about his agenda.

You must... go back for him.

Go back to sleep before I drive
a stake through your heart.

He knows everything you know, John.

What did you say?

I said,
Scorpius knows everything you know, John.

What... did you say?

I said,
Scorpius knows everything you know.

Meaning what?

Another new feature.

Scorpius can hear me.


I've been sharing the contents
of your head with him...

memories, thoughts, dreams...

wormhole technology.

No... you're lying.

And eventually they will t*rture
the information out of him...

and everything they all wanted to know about
wormholes will be theirs... courtesy of John Crichton.

Leave me alone!



it's all right.

You have to go back for Scorpius.

Tell her John, tell her!

You must rescue Scorpius. Tell her!
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