05x01 - Da Da

Episode Transcripts for the TV show, "The Resident". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Doctors at Chastain Memorial fight against the corruption in Americas health care system.
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05x01 - Da Da

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Resident...

The CEO job is yours if you want it.

You're damn right I do.

Your name's on everyone's lips.

The CEO who made Chastain $ million.

Yeah, we made a huge profit,

but now we're in business
with Big Pharma.

AUSTIN: What's her deal?

Billie's the most promising
neurosurgery resident.

Or was, until she

wrecked one of Conrad's
patients and got fired.

Who'd have thought you and Dr. Devi

would be so perfect for each other?

You guys must have a name
picked out by now.

Giorgiana Grace Hawkins.

- GIGI: Mama.
- Mama isn't here.

We talked about that.

She's gonna be back tomorrow night.

You are with Da Da now.

Can you say "Da Da"? Huh?

Da Da. Da Da. No, not the bag.

- Okay.

It's Mommy. Hey, sweetheart.

NIC: Hey, how's it going so far?

You've only been gone for
minutes. So far so good.

I'm worried GiGi will
be upset without me.

Don't forget Mr. Giraffe.

He's already packed.

I already miss her. Let me talk to her.

No, you're driving.

- Then I'll pull over.

Keep going. I got this. I'm Super Dad.

I am turning back.

No, don't. Look, you're
making GiGi cry saying

you're gonna turn back.

She wants to spend time with her daddy.

Just enjoy the spa retreat,

and I promise I won't
drop GiGi on her head.

Okay, I love you. Bye.

Eh, I know you want to
just hang out with me.

That's why you're crying.
Right? And this bag.

You were probably crying about this bag.

We need a daddy bag. That's a mommy bag.

♪ Love you most of all... ♪

You need to eat.

You skip breakfast way too often.

Oh, smell that coffee.

- You're too good to me.
- Half-caf,

- just the way you like it.
- Eh!

- I have news.
- Mm-hmm.

Chastain is in the black
for the first time ever.

Well, kudos.

Speaking as a former
CEO, don't rub it in.

Oh, please. You have
plenty to be proud of.

You're doing more surgeries
than anyone, except AJ.

You're a patient magnet,
and our top earner.

Well, now that Cain's gone,
I suppose that's true.

I hear he's raking in
the coin at Johns Hopkins.


What is that?

MALE VOICE: We control your systems.

Soon we will send our demands.

First, a demonstration of our power.

Watch what crashes first.

It's a ransomware attack.

♪ Called a bad seed,
banging on the street ♪

♪ Hanging around the
wolfpack every night... ♪

That's my thank-you for last night.

That birthday feast you made me.

You did it up nice.

I aim to please.

That tandoori fish...

Was almost as good as the long, slow,

- delicious dessert.

♪ All right. ♪

So how about we stay
at my place tonight?

That's two full nights in a row.

- Devon...
- What?

You don't think everyone doesn't
know about us already?

I don't want to be looked
at that way at work.

What way?

Like the girlfriend.

Okay. I get that.

Well, we'll keep talking
about it, all right?

Fine. Your place.

(CHUCKLES) No. No, no, no, no.

I mean moving in together.

Enough of this back-and-forth.

- I like my place.
- And I like mine.

But if we put our money
together, we can get

something special.

And I could wake up to
you every single day.

IRVING: Devi, Pravesh, ER stat.

Five traumas headed to Chastain.

Multiple victims. Car versus charity K.

Wasn't Dr. Austin doing a K today?

- _

All right, Winston, buddy, we're here.

We're going to the emergency entrance,

and you're gonna meet
the finest team of doctors

I work with.

Hey, car came down the belt line.

Drunk driver. My velociraptors

and spectators got hit. Winston Robards.

He'd be dead if my best runner
didn't push him out the way.

All right, let's move him.

All right, on three. One, two, three.


- Good morning, Marion.
- Hi.

I'm so sorry. We have
multiple traumas incoming.

- I gotta run.
- You agreed to wait for minutes,

- Dr. Hawkins, to help with GiGi's transition.
- I know. I know.

But this is an emergency.

- And when will Nic be back?
- Tomorrow night.

All right, I think we can
hold out until then.

When I'm out of sight,

pull Mr. Giraffe out of the backpack.

That's her comfort animal. Okay, GiGi.

It's okay. Have fun with
Marion and the other kids.

You like the giraffe?

♪ ♪

Where's the girl who saved me?

She was in the ambulance
right behind you.

I have to meet it.


DEVON: Ignore that alarm, Mr. Robards.

Your pulse is strong.

Check the leads and make
sure they're on right.

His heart rate is .

Are you having chest pains?

No. My arm hurts, but that's it.

I'm fine, really.

His heart rate is normal.

This thing must be broken.

Hey, we need a new monitor, please.

Something's wrong. I can't
access patient records.


-year-old pedestrian
versus drunk driver.

Possible abdominal injury.
Head lac. Bleeding controlled.

Tachy. BP / .

AUSTIN: All right, Esty.

All right, honey, just
hang in there, all right?

I'm not leaving you, but I'm
tagging in another all-star.

This is Dr. Hawkins.
Conrad, this is Esty Hartman.

This is my right hand at the
Georgia Youth Association.

And her dad, Ronan.

ESTY: Daddy, it hurts.

- I'm right here, baby. You're in great hands.
- One, two,

- and three.

RONAN: She'll be okay, right?

She tried to help the blind pedestrian

get out of the path of the
car, and they both got hit.

I see a little black and
blue around your eyes.

Does your head hurt?

Mm-hmm. But this hurts a lot more.

There's possible internal bleeding.

Dr. Devi, ultrasound, please.

ESTY (GROANS): It hurts.

LEELA: Free fluid.

- AUSTIN: What the hell?

- We've been hacked.
- Oh, my God.

DEVON: The ER is going haywire.

Can we have your attention?

Chastain is experiencing a cyberattack.

Our systems have been compromised.

Divert all ambulances.
No new admissions.

- HUNDLEY: Okay.
- Dr. Sutton. Dr. Bell.

A -year-old may need
an emergent ex-lap.

- Also a scalp lac...
- RONAN: What's going on?

... with possible basilar
skull fracture.

- RONAN: What's going on here?
- Daddy!

W-What's happening to my Esty?

- Daddy. Daddy, help me!
- BELL: Okay, we've got you.

Just hang on, your dad
will join you in a bit.

- AUSTIN: Be right back, Ronan.
- Daddy!

Dr. Hawkins, what's going on?

Is this attack going
to compromise her care?

Here's how you help your daughter.

You stay calm and she stays safe. Okay?

You panic, she panics.

(STAMMERS) Where's she going?

Imaging. I'll keep you updated.

- Is Dr. Austin gonna stay with her?
- Yes.

Will you, too? Please.

I will.

Back to paper charting.

Use your heads, remember the basics,

take manual vitals.

And if you don't remember
how, ask Hundley.

They just sent me their demands.

What do they want?

$ million.

♪ ♪

- Synced and corrected by[font color="# BFFF"] Firefly[/font] -
- [font color="# ffff"]www.addic ed.com[/font] -

- $ million?
- This is insanity.

How could you let this
happen on your watch?

It's happened to hospitals so far.

Health care involves
huge amounts of data

and relies on high tech.

A group called Ryuk out of Russia

collected over $ million
from health care providers

in ransom just last year.

Well, we're not adding
to their windfall.

The health of our patients
must be our focus.

- If we don't pay, people die.
- The ER is already crippled.

Next they might target
Dialysis, Labs, Imaging,

ICUs, ORs.

Dr. Voss has called in the FBI,

but we are looking at a ticking clock

that will go off long
before help arrives.

Fix this, both of you,
or you're both fired.


- All right, we're good.

The ransomware hasn't hit Imaging yet.

AUSTIN: Let's hope they
can't crash all our systems.

Hey, Esty, don't worry.

That machine will not hurt you one bit.

Yeah, it's not as bad as it looks.

It looks hella scary.

Well, it's nothing a
velociraptor can't handle.

Especially my favorite one.

How's the blind man?
Is he gonna be okay?

CONRAD: Just a broken bone.

You saved his life.

And the other kids? Riley?

AUSTIN: Riley's fine.
So is Mary Charles.

See? That's Esty.

She's in pain, she's scared,

and yet she's thinking about
everyone else but herself.

Hang in.

I'll go update your dad
and I'll be right back.

Hey... you're in good hands now.

So, we just took Esty to CT.

I'll let you know the minute
we have a full picture

of her condition, okay?

Okay. Thank you.

I-I-I... I can't lose her.

I-I'm reeling here, I'm...

Sit down, sit down.

I-I know everyone says that
their kid is special, but...


She's something else.

She's compassionate, loving.

She's my whole life.

You know, her mom left
a year after she was born.

It's always been just the two of us.

I get it.

I'm a father, too.

I can imagine how awful this is for you,

but rest assured, we are
doing everything we can.

- Okay?

I'm sorry. Just give me a minute.

Hey, Marion, is everything all right?

Dr. Hawkins, I don't mean to interrupt,

but GiGi is inconsolable; we
could really use your help.


Tell her I'm coming.


It's okay. It's okay.

Da Da's here.

- Da Da's here.

- GiGi...



(OVER PHONE): ♪ Whoa, my love ♪

- ♪ My darling ♪

♪ I've hungered for your touch... ♪

That's sweet.

I'll have to try that next time.

Sorry I haven't been back sooner.

DEFCON here.

Hospital's under a ransomware attack.

I heard. No sign of it here.

Text me right away if that changes.

If I'm not available, call my dad.


Okay, Da Da's gotta go.

- Can you say "Da Da"?

Da Da. Da Da.

- Da Da!

GIGI: Mama.

- Work on that, honey.

Can you say "bye-bye"?

- Bye-bye.
- CONRAD: Bye-bye.

How we doing, guys?

There. Basilar skull fracture.

Good call, Conrad.

There's no evidence of bleed.

We should be able to get
away without operating.

Well, we may not be so lucky
with her abdominal injuries.

Looks like a Grade splenic lac

with a ruptured sub-capsular hematoma.

- BILLIE: Oh, no.

It's the ransomware.
They've hit Imaging.

CONRAD: Spread the damage,
upping the stakes or something?

BELL: It's the worst
possible time for this girl.

What's going on?

AUSTIN: They could hit the ORs.

Can you please let me out of here?

BELL: ... she could just
die while we're waiting.

CONRAD: I thought you said
the splenic lac was a Grade .

I can't be sure. The
images disappeared...

It's a Grade . I'm sure of it.

I've just... I've trained myself

to absorb visual data very quickly.

Her vitals are stable.

Grade can be managed
non-operatively, so we wait.

AUSTIN: And we watch her like a hawk.

We do serial abdominal
exams and blood counts.

Take her to the OR if anything changes.

All right, Esty, let's
get you out of there.

How you feeling?


♪ ♪

- She's unresponsive.
- I'll call a code. Grab that crash cart.


Heart rate's going to and climbing.

Help me get the pads on her.

She's hypotensive. over palp.

Finally, a monitor we can trust.

CONRAD: She's in unstable tachycardia.

We're gonna have to
shock. Charge to .

And clear.



- And she's back.

Why did we need to shock a -year-old?

- We almost lost her.
- Which is why my hand is on this pulse.

We need to figure out what's going on

before she crashes again.

I don't know what you're gonna
say; we've got a bum hand.

With one wild card.

I anticipated this could happen,

and last year I got cyber
insurance for Chastain.

Well, that's a brilliant move.

The insurance company
will pay something,

even if the board won't,
but not $ million.

So we negotiate.

Dobroye utro. As by now,

you've seen your systems
are fully under our control.

The damage we can do is unlimited.

We know we have to pay you, and we will,

but the figure you've
asked for is too high.

It's more than we can possibly...

Don't try to play us for fools.

We-we have all of your
financial records.


I can get you $ ,
by the end of today.

Because you insult us,
we now want $ million.

And don't forget...

KIT: If we don't pay, people die.

- People die. People die.

(DISTORTED): People die. People die.

People die.


We finally got her settled.

I'd really rather you
not stir her up again.


I just watched a -year-old nearly die.

I just want to hold my baby, you know?

I am so sorry.

This is a lot harder than
I thought it would be.

If it's any help,

it is for every parent.

Doc, Doc!

They can't reschedule
my routine colonoscopy.

- I am not drinking that chalk soup again.
- Okay.

Just go back upstairs and ask them for

a fit screening test.

You can do it yourself at home. No prep.

Hey, Winston.

So, I can't access your X-rays,

but based on my exam, you
have a fractured radius

below the elbow here.

We're gonna have to
reset the bone, okay?

It's going to hurt.

We can't access anything
for the pain right now.

Not necessary. I'm a hearty farm boy.

My father's remedy for
everything was rub dirt on it.

I trust your father wasn't a doctor.

Full-time alcoholic.

But he loved all ten of us
till his last drunken day.

Go ahead, reset the bone.


All right. All right, you ready?


Okay. Okay.

All right, deep breath.


You're very brave.

Listen, you're gonna need a splint,

but the cast room is backed
up, and so is Transport.

You may need to hang out
here with us for a while.

Happy to. And thank you.

We'll be back.


Come here.

What's going on?

I've never experienced
anything like this before.

We're just trying to keep our
heads above water down here.

How's the girl?

She went into V tach.

- V tach? Why?
- We don't know.

Without imaging, it's just,
it's a total nightmare.

It's okay, come here. It's all right.

It's gonna be okay.

What kind of monsters extort blood money

by threatening the lives of sick people?

These scammers are everywhere.

I have an old college
friend, a brilliant one,

who made it her mission to
turn the tables on hackers

who are stealing from old people online.

That happened to my uncle once.

They pretended he had
a bank refund coming in,

got him to give them the
number of the account,

and then they took his
entire life savings.

Nice, but...

possibly inappropriate in this moment.

Thank you. Thank you for
helping me remember her.

I'm gonna call her. Well, actually,
maybe she can help us.

- Devon...
- Thank you.


I just... I can't believe
I almost lost her.

Do you have any idea why this happened?

We don't know for sure,
but our full team is on it.

And we're gonna do as extensive
of a workup as we can,

despite this ransomware attack.

It just feels like everyone
I love disappears.

- If anything happens to Esty...
- Don't go there.

Any heart problems in the family?


I had an EKG once. They
said it was negative,

my heart was fine.

I have one brother...
he's healthy, too...

but our-our father died
young of a heart attack.


Okay, give me a minute.

- Are the OR's running for emergency surgeries?
- For now.

But we expect they could
be hit at any moment.

Anyone critical who can be moved

is being transported to Atlanta General.

We should probably transfer
Esty just to be safe.

Talk to my team. Be right back.

How are we looking? Can we
move her to Atlanta General?

Neuro exam is still stable.

No electrolyte abnormalities
to explain the V tach.

Tox reports are negative.

Daddy, I don't feel good.

I'm here. I'm right here. What's wrong?

Daddy, my shoulder hurts.

How about here?

(PAINED GROAN) Yeah, that hurts, too.

Much more than before.

Sir, you should step outside.

The shoulder pain is referred
pain from the abdomen.

Her splenic lac must be worsening.

Her pressure is trending down. / .

BELL: Well, she's too unstable.
We need to get blood into her,

and we need to find a way
to operate as soon as we can.

Our ORs are vulnerable to attack.

Well, if this gets any worse,
she could bleed out and die.


- Daddy!
- LEELA: It's okay. We're gonna help him.

- CONRAD: His heart's racing, just like Esty's.
- Daddy!

- CONRAD: Ambu Bag.
- AUSTIN: Give me the defib pads now.

ESTY: Daddy?!

LEELA: It's okay. Everything's
gonna be all right.

AUSTIN: All right, charging. .



♪ ♪

All non-emergent surgeries
canceled. I can help.

Great. Uh, can you handle

the extensor tendon injury in Three?


Hey, Nolan, I have to go upstairs.

I called in a friend who might
be able to help Chastain

with this attack; it could be a while.

- Yeah, go ahead. I got you.
- Okay.

Oh, and when you get a chance,
can you take Winston

- down to the cast room?
- Sure.

Hey, give me directions.
I can find my way

with my cane.

I'm sure the elevator has braille.

No can do, buddy.

Let me finish up here and
I'll take you myself, okay?



What happened?

Your heart went into a dangerous
rhythm called V tach,

and you passed out.

It's the same thing
that happened to Esty.

You mentioned you had an EKG?

Yeah. I got, uh, hit with a line drive

at an Atlanta Braves game.

Passed out. A few minutes
after, they, they took me

to the, uh, ER.

- EKG was normal.
- Which ER?

Atlanta General.



AUSTIN: It's not V tach.

Anterior ST elevation.
He's having a heart attack.

Amy, we need of
aspirin, sublingual nitro,

and , units of heparin.

Run to the pharmacy.

- Is the CATH lab up?
- Last time I checked.

Fluoro is still working.
I'll take him there.

I'll meet you as soon as I can.
I got to call Atlanta General.

The ORs have lost power
and they have no imaging.

We have critical patients
who need surgery.

It's life or death right
now. We have to act.

KIT: We must pay the ransom,
and we must pay it now.

If that means I'm fired, so be it.

We have to get the bank to
move quickly with the money.

We will pay in cryptocurrency.

They will dictate the process.

If you refuse to do this,

you'll have blood on your hands.

Dr. Voss, sorry to interrupt,

but I have someone who
might be able to help you.

This is Jessie Bhattacharjee,
an old friend,

who made a crusade of exposing
phishing scammers online,

the kind that raid personal computers.

- This is a whole other league.
- We know.

But the exploit I created
hasn't been deployed

on your particular malware.

With a little tweaking, it could work.

DEVON: There's a chance

that we can turn the
tables on these hackers.

KIT: It's too late.

They want the money now.

We need the ORs. They've lost power.

Okay, get to work.

And just stall as long as you can.

CONRAD: I've been waiting ten minutes.

This is urgent.

WOMAN (OVER PHONE): Okay, okay, hold on.

I think I got it. EKG on Ronan Hartman

from last August.

Um, no ischemic changes.
Nothing going on.

What I'm looking for is
subtle and easily missed.

Coved ST elevations in V

or V , like you see in
Brugada syndrome. Look again.

Hmm. I'll be damned. Yes.

Subtle, but it's there. Brugada waves.

Text me an image. And thank you.

Yes, we've agreed to
your terms. $ million.

There's a minor glitch on our end.

We're waiting for the bank
to release the funds

so we can convert to cryptocurrency.

HACKER: Why should we b-believe you?

The money is coming.

We just need a little more time.

This is Mr. Robards.

He has a fractured radius
just below the elbow.

I'll be right with him.

Can you have him wait over there?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Winston, just gonna chill out here

for a minute, okay, buddy?

- You okay?
- Yeah, it's nothing.

- Just a hell of a headache.
- Uh-huh.

All right, Winston,
I'm gonna need you to

hang out here for a second, okay?

I'm gonna have you hold onto that, okay?

Thank you, Dr. Nolan.

Thank the whole ER team for me.

It's more than our pleasure.
Take care, all right?

CONRAD: Ronan has Brugada.

Likely his father did, too.

Esty must have inherited it.

Strong work.

All right, a family history
of sudden cardiac death.

Well, they both need defibrillators.

But that's the least of his problems.

Ronan's heart couldn't
tolerate the rapid rhythm.

He's having a massive anterior wall MI.

Severe blockage of the left main.

Tight narrowing of the LAD.

This is a widow-maker, Hawkins.

This isn't amenable to stent.

The ORs are down, and
if we don't operate now,

he'll be dead in an hour.

Esty's running out of time, too.


Devon, it's me. I need your help.

Listen to me carefully.


Where are we at?

We've given her two units of blood,

and she's still hypotensive.

Her splenic bleed is opening up.


Halo sign. This is spinal fluid.

BELL: The skull fracture.

Created a tear in the dura,
the lining of the brain.

She doesn't just need a splenectomy.

Now, with this CSF leak, she's
at high risk of infection.

That's just great.

Let's start her on vancomycin
and ceftriaxone.

- Esty will need neurosurgery, too.
- BELL: No, that's impossible.

We don't have an OR,
or imaging of any kind.

We do of her spleen and brain.

I drew what I saw
after the CT went down.

You have an incredible visual memory.

- And you're an artist.

It's Devon.

Talk fast, friend. Two
lives are on the line.

We found a power station.

Does it have enough juice?

Just enough to light up one OR.

We'll have to bag intubated patients,

repurpose defibrillators
to monitor heart rates,

and hand-crank the bypass machine.

We're on our way with two patients.

He's tanking. Please tell
me there's an OR ready.

We'll have to handle
two patients at once.

We only have one OR in the
hospital with any power.

Excuse me.

I've been waiting to get
a cast for some time now,

and it's starting to really hurt a lot.

And this sling helps a little, but...

I-I'm so sorry.

Our tech just went home sick,

and I don't feel great myself.
I'll find someone else

to do your cast for you.

Will you be okay down here
alone for a few minutes?

Yes, but please, I-I, I
don't mean to be a pain,

but I've been here all day,

so please don't make
me wait much longer.

I'll have someone with
you as soon as possible.

BELL: Need more suction.

Lap pad.

AUSTIN: Bell, I need
your assist on the CABG.

BELL: My hands are a
little full at the moment.

AUSTIN: Yeah, well, mine are, too.

I have a massive anterior MI,

and you seem to have capable assistants.

Well, I'm just finishing
the splenectomy.

Okay, Leela, I'm gonna need
you to take it from here.

LEELA: Got it.

I know her anatomy well from the scans.

And I can help, as soon
as I patch the dura here.

All right, let's put him on bypass.

Talk to me.

His arteries are so calcified,
we can't find

a good landing zone.

It's a tough graft.

Needle driver to me.

Devi, Sutton, how's it going?

Found the bleeder at
the resection line. Got it.

BILLIE: Still working
on patching the dura.

I'm using AlloDerm, but
I can't stop the CSF leak.

Leela, harvest a piece of omentum.

I need to use the lining of her abdomen

to patch the dura and seal her brain.

On it.

- Okay, we are there.
- All right, stop bypass.


AUSTIN: He's in V fib.

Charge to and give him an amp of epi.


- Clear!



- Clear!

- Damn it!

- Clear!

- All right, someone,

someone with another idea.

Okay, the grafts are
patent. There's no clot.

- A good arterial flow.
- Why did this happen?

Because his ventricle was too sick.

It couldn't tolerate being on bypass.

No, that-that's unacceptable.
We can't call it.

He's going through
multisystem organ failure.

We have to keep trying. Think of Esty.

I am thinking about Esty!

I'm the one who has to tell
her that we lost her father!

BELL: Ea-Easy. Steady.
Ev-Everyone. Just...

even with full power, it
would have ended this way.

They call it the widow-maker
for a reason.

Leela... stop cardiac massage.


Time of death: : .




Hello? Hello?



Somebody help.



Help me.

I'm almost done updating the exploit.

We'll stall them as long as possible.

HACKER: Time is up.

- Where's our money?
- KIT: Good news.

The bank has released the funds.

The entire board is here

to witness this transfer.
It will be done.

However, the crypto exchange
you directed us to

has flagged the transaction but

says it should be approved

- momentarily.
- You are lying.

All of your data will be destroyed.

KIT: Please, we're almost
there. You'll have all...

... all of your money very soon.

Be patient.

It's done.

I'll send proof of payment now.


Hello, fellas.

So, which one of you is Russian?

Because your IP address
says you're in Baltimore.

Oh, I wouldn't bother fleeing.

The FBI are on their way to greet you.

Log out, log out.




My heart is breaking for this girl.

Mine, too.

Life hangs by such a
fragile thread, man.

One minute, I'm talking to
him, and then, the next...

You know what? I'm
the one telling people

not to get emotionally involved,

but Esty...

she's a special girl, man.

And her father will not see her...


He won't walk her down the aisle.

You know, you did everything
humanly possible.

The-the man had a time
b*mb in his chest.

Yeah, we could have lost them both.

We almost did.

BELL: You know, the
silver lining for Esty is

that Conrad diagnosed her Brugada.

And when she recovers,
she'll get a defibrillator.

And without that, she
would have died young

like her father and her grandfather.

But she's gonna be alone, Bell.

CONRAD: Well, her father
mentioned Esty's mother.

She left shortly after Esty's birth.

So I had our social workers
reach out to them.

They're working hard to find her.

'Cause, yeah, maybe they will.

The woman left Esty already.

There's no way she's gonna
love her the way Ronan did.

Well, I have hope.

It's hard not to love a child like Esty.

She has an uncle.

Her father listed his
brother as next of kin.

I'll call him.

He should be here when you tell her.

I have to pick up my daughter.



(LAUGHS) Yeah. Oh, they're very nice.

- Can I borrow those?
- DEVON: Wow.

- KIT: She's gorgeous.
- MARSHALL: The nursery called me.

Grandpa to the rescue.

Incredible job, man,
jerry-rigging that OR.

Yeah, well, it takes a village.

And luckily, we have one.

MARSHALL: That's not all Devon did.

His, uh, buddy Jessie,
a gray-hat hacker,

beat the attackers at their own game.

Yeah, we got them on camera.
Now the FBI can track them down.

All systems are secure and back online.

The hospital power has been
restored, including the ORs.

- You know what a lucky man

- you are to have this little one?

Yes, I'm aware of
exactly how lucky I am.

Never more than at this moment.

I have to go sign out
my last few patients.

- I'll wait for you.
- No.

No, you go on home.

I'll go to my place, you go to yours.

- We'll sleep. (LAUGHS)

Something we don't do a lot of

when we spend the night together.

LEELA: And... we can

talk about moving in together

over coffee tomorrow morning, okay?


I'll see you.

Hey, guys, get out of here.
Next shift is coming.

Yeah, fine. No argument there.

We're getting a beer. Come along.

- You're buying.

We must get hammered.

Um, not yet. I'm almost finished.

Hey, I don't see that
Winston ever checked out.

Did-did he get his cast?

Nolan took him down there.

Yup, took him there in
person, safe and sound.

He must have left without signing out.

You can check on him tomorrow.

Hey, Shelly,

I'm gonna go down

and check on my patient
Winston Robards, okay?


Hello? Hello?


Winston? Winston?

Hey, Winston? Wake up, buddy. Come on.


Hey, can I get some help in here?

(COUGHS) Winston?


You know, apart from work,
I spend % of my time alone.

Me, too.

Tonight I just especially
am kind of feeling it.

- Yeah.
- Hey, do you... ?

Do you want to get a bite?

That's really, really sweet, but

- I am just whipped, and...
- Yeah, of course you are.

That's... No, that's, uh...
Forget I asked. It's, uh...

You know, it's not like
I meant anything by it.

- Good night.
- Night. Good night.


Till tomorrow.

♪ She never says "I told you so" ♪

♪ And if she's mad, you'd never know ♪


♪ Exactly what it is you've heard... ♪



I know you love Mr. Giraffe.

♪ "It's nothing, oh, just never mind" ♪

♪ "Forget about it ♪

♪ Can't you see I'm fine?" ♪


♪ I get I've blown it ♪

♪ I don't know quite how ♪

♪ The mystery's on ice for now ♪

- ♪ What do you want me to do? ♪
- _


♪ What do you want me to say? ♪


♪ What do you want me to prove? ♪

♪ Should I just get out of the way? ♪

♪ What do you want me to say? ♪




Okay, honey. Okay.


Da Da will have to do
until tomorrow night.

Da Da.
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