05x04 - Home and Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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05x04 - Home and Away

Post by bunniefuu »

I love you.

I love both of you.

And I'm really sorry.


- ...in any danger

And no one is making me do...

- ...need to go to the police.

- BUCK: Chim, come on.
- Jee is not safe...

- Chim, I know you're home...
- Better...

I can hear you.

- Better off without me.

...really good care of her,

- and she...

You don't need to go to the police.

- ...any danger,

- and no one is making me...

...need to go to the police
or come looking for me.

- Chimney?
- ...come looking for me.

- ...come looking for me.

- Chimney?
- What is it, Buck?

- Nobody's making me do this.
- What are you doing?

- ...need to go to the...

What do you think I'm doing?
I'm trying

to figure out
what happened to your sister.

Nothing happened to her, Chim.

- She just left.
- That's it?

She just left?
And that makes sense to you?

Listen, sometimes Maddie, um...

she likes to put distance

between herself and her problems.

So what's the problem
in this instance...

Is it me or is it her daughter?

You know what her problem is
'cause she told you.

She-she felt like Jee
wasn't safe with her right now.

Here, let me show you something.

- ...or come looking for me.

I'm not in any danger and no one

- is making me do this.

Did you see that?
Did you see that, right there?

See what?

She shakes her head as she's
looking right into the camera.

It's like she's telling me

to believe the opposite
of what she's saying,

almost like-like there's someone
making her do it.

That sounds crazy, doesn't it?

- No.
- It does, and I know it does.

But I just-I just need to know.
I just...

I need to make sure
there's no one out there

- that's trying to hurt her.
- No. No,

Chimney, Chimney,
no one wants to hurt Maddie.

Doug did.

Doug is dead.

Is he, though?

I mean, did you see a body?
Did anybody see a body?

Come on.

The day after Maddie disappeared,

she withdrew $ ,

out of a settlement account
from a bank in Oxnard.

Doesn't it sound like maybe
somebody's trying to coerce her?

- No.
- That money came from Doug's estate.

You know he would have
considered it his.

Do you really believe anything
you're saying right now?

I really don't want to hate her, Buck.

I don't want to believe
that she could do this to us,

to me, to Jee-Yun.

Just got to give her time.

She's gonna come home.

How do you know that?

'Cause I know my sister.

Yeah, well, I did, too.
Now I'm not so sure,

which is why I have
to keep going back to this.

This is the only thing
that she left me with.



Not the only thing.

Jee, I'm coming.



ROSALIE: Okay, everyone switch places.

Harry, I'm gonna talk
to your mom and dad a bit,

and then I'll give them right back.

You okay out here for a second?

- Can I have my phone?
- Oh, yeah, yeah, sure.

Be right back, okay?


So, how's he doing?

Has he said anything
about what happened yet?

We're still building a rapport.
How's he been at home?

Uh, it's hard to tell.

Uh, he hasn't opened up there, either.

Oh, he barely looks at me
when I come over to see him.

He still hasn't been back
to the house yet?

No. After the... kidnapping,

he wanted to stay at Michael's place,

which, of course, was understandable.

Like you said, these things take time.

Mm-hmm. In general, yes,
but in this case,

I would encourage you
to bring him back to the house

sooner rather than later.

Even if he doesn't want to be there?

Allowing him to stay away
is telling him

that you agree the house is scary.

Instead, what we want to say is

that the man who took him is
scary, and that man is gone.

It's important to signal to him
that the world

he's always known is still safe.

How do we do that?

You know, bring him back to the house?

Uh, should you be there?

You should make it
as normal as possible.

If Harry picks up on your anxiety,

then he'll be more anxious, too.

- All right, we'll...
- We'll think about it.

JOSH: Can you believe it?

The prodigal daughter has returned.

She's back? Really?

I thought that was just a rumor.

JOSH: She walked in those doors

and immediately took over
a priority one.

MAN: We have an armed suspect
in play, two innocents.

- Readying to enter.
- CLAUDETTE: Copy, .

Um, that's not Maddie.

- JOSH: Claudette Collins.
- Rescue , hold position.

- Suspect is still in the house.
- JOSH: She used to work here

years ago until she was poached
by Valley,

but I lured her back.

Homeowner is in the rear
bedroom and non-responsive.

Once I give the all-clear,

you've got French doors off the back.

MAN: Copy. is standing by.

Home invasion robbery.

The homeowner and his grandson
managed to hide,

but it sounds like Grandad's
having a heart attack.

Lonnie, the paramedics
are real close, I promise,

but they can't enter the house yet.

- Do you still hear the intruder?
- Yes, yes, I can hear him.

And what about your
grandpa? Is he breathing?

No, no.

- He's dying. I think he's dying.
- Okay, honey.

- You've got your earbuds in, - right?
- Yes, yes.

Good. You're gonna need
both your hands. I'm gonna

- talk you through - doing compressions.
- No, no, I-I can't.

- They're gonna hear.
- You can. You can do this.

Put one hand on top of the other
and press the heel

of your palm against the center
of your grandpa's chest.

- Okay.
- Now, keep your elbows locked.

You're gonna push hard as you can.

You want to see his chest
go down, over and over.

Don't call out.
I'll get you started. You just

huff and puff on my count.
And don't stop till I tell you.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

One, two. One, two.

One, one. One, one. Two, two.

Good, good. Keep pushing,
Lonnie. You're doing great.

Five-Adam- ,
suspect in the front study,

hard right as you enter the house.

MAN: Copy, Dispatch. We're going in.

Lonnie, the police are coming in.

- It's gonna be loud.
- LONNIE: I can hear them coming.

Don't be scared by the noise, okay?

- Okay.
- Are you still pushing?

- Uh-huh.
- Good.

I think he's coming closer.

Five-Adam- , you need to go now.

- MAN: All right, team, on me. Let's go.

Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Move, move, move!


OFFICER: Five-Adam- .

Suspect in custody. House is secure.

Copy, . Sending rescue in.

, suspect's in custody.

- You're clear to enter.
- WOMAN: Copy that.

MAN: He's right over there.

WOMAN: This is .

Patient's stable with normal rhythm.

- Prepping for transport.
- Copy, .

- Lonnie, are you still there?
- LONNIE: I'm here.

Paramedics tell me your
grandpa's heartbeat is back.

- You did real good. Yeah, you did real good.
- Thank you.

That's all right, honey.
You're welcome.


Okay. All right. A little...
a little oxygen, please.

Come on. Come on.
Social distance, please.

Thank you. Here you go. (LAUGHS)

Wow. That was really something.

Just doing my job.

Guess they put you right back to work.

Didn't even give you time
to put on your uniform.

- (SHORT CHUCKLE) Claudette doesn't

- wear the polo.
- Mm-mmm.

- Oh. She doesn't?
- No.

BOTH: Does it look like I'm
FaceTiming with these people?


Can't believe you remember that.

Seriously, though,
I couldn't look this corny

and do what I do.

I'm just talking about
the shirt, so no offense.

- Hi, Claudette.
- Linda Bates?

I did not expect to see you.

I had ten bucks
you'd wash out in six months.

- Which you still owe me.
- Whatever.

- It's good to see you.
- You, too.

And I don't mind losing ten bucks.

- Which you still owe me.
- Okay.

- Everyone seems really excited

to have you here. May Grant.

You may grant me what? That coffee?

What? Oh, no. It's-it's my name.
Unless you want it.

Yeah. This is a latte?

- Uh, yeah.
- Yeah, this'll work. Josh, I like

your interns. They come prepared.

- Oh, I'm not an intern.
- May's been

a dispatcher for almost a year.

Oh. So we're hiring fetuses now?


CLAUDETTE: Is there nutmeg
in the breakroom?

- Cinnamon, I think.
- Ugh.

It's a good thing I'm back.

- Yes, it is.
- Need some spice up in here.

- LINDA: Good to see you.
- CLAUDETTE: You, too.

Hey, at least she didn't
steal your lunch money.

Why do I feel like that's next?





Oh, uh, let me fix your bow.

- Mom. It's fine. No one cares.
- Cassie, honey,

where are your parents
watching from? We'll find 'em.

Can't make it.

- They have a big open house today.
- ELLEN: Oh.

Well, I'll send them copies
of all the pictures.

It doesn't mean they don't care.

Yeah. I mean,
they obviously donated money.

CASSIE: Really. It's fine.

Besides, you're going to lunch

with us after the game, right?

So we would've had to ditch 'em.

Makayla's absolutely right.

- You're coming to lunch with us.
- Yeah.

Get together.

Give the float about a -foot
lead. Then you can go.

You guys enjoy your big day.

You don't know it,
but you're peaking at .


Yo, Mr. Foster.
Uh, could you get that?

- MAN: Yeah, Mr. Foster, go long.


Thank you.

Blue Jays! (HOOTS)


Let's give it up for our Jays!





Really? Really?


Come on.

One way or the other. Right or left.



No, no, no. No.



What's your exact location, sir?

. What's your emergency?

WOMAN: Someone
just drove into the parade.

- They hit a bunch of people.
- We have been

notified, and help is
on the way. Thank you, ma'am.

Folks, we have a mass-casualty event.

Pulling the calls into one file.
Linda, there should be traffic

police already on the scene
for the parade.

Get them on the radio,

ask for a preliminary count
on victims.

, ,

, respond
to major traffic collision,

corner of La Vista and Bradley.

Vehicle versus pedestrians,
reports of multiple injuries.

- Also, notify the battal...
- Battalion Chief Nine,

we have a multiple-injury T-C, corner

of La Vista and Bradley.
Dispatching units now, sir.


This is Captain Nash, . Dispatch,

send an additional four task forces

and five RA units to the scene.

BUCK: All right, pull 'em, right here.

Sir, can you hear me?

No belt, no airbags.

You think he did it on purpose?

Callers told dispatch he was

honking like crazy
just before the crash.

Doesn't sound like somebody
who's trying to hurt people.

Tag him and keep moving.

♪ ♪


Let's go.

MAN: Hey, you all right?

- Miss?
- Eddie.

MAN: Are you okay? Miss?


She's gone.

MAN: Paramedics over here!

Let's go.

We'll roll over on three.

One, two, three.

Got a weak pulse.

Airway's clear.

HEN: Multiple fractures,
severe abrasions.

She's lost a lot of blood.

- I'm opening a line.
- Yeah.


- What's your name?
- Makayla.

- Makayla.
- Okay, Makayla.

- Makayla.
- We're gonna take care of you.

EDDIE: Uneven pupillary response,
probable TBI. She needs to be

on the next ride out of here.
Hey, guys!

Hey! Hey!

- I need your help.
- Come on.

- What is it?
- Mr. Foster's trapped.

Hey, Cap!

TINO: I tried to pull
him out, but-but I can't.

Okay, it's a good thing
you left him where he is.

- What's your name?
- Tino. That's Mr. Foster.

Okay. Tino, just give us
some space, okay?

Word has it you're Mr. Foster.


Okay. I'm Bobby. Is
Tino one of your students?

- Science.
- Oh, that's my favorite subject.

Listen, can you squeeze my finger?


I can't feel a thing. Is it bad?

Well, it's tough to say anything
at this point,

but we're gonna get
you stabilized, and we're gonna

get you out of here.
Does that sound good?

- Okay.

Got a probable spinal injury.
We're gonna have to

extract him really gently
to avoid any further damage.

That's easier said than done.
He's tangled in there good.

BOBBY: Okay, we do
it slow and we do it safe.

You got it. Let's go!

- JACK: Makayla! Makayla!
- ELLEN: Makayla!

- Makayla! Makayla!
- Let's go.

- JACK: Makayla, honey! Makayla!
- Makayla!

We're looking for our daughter.

- Makayla?
- ELLEN: Yes. She's a cheerleader.

She was riding on the back
of the convertible.

Your daughter was injured
in the accident,

but she's stable and already
on her way to the hospital.

- Which hospital?
- EDDIE: All casualties

are being rushed
to First Presbyterian.

What about her friend Cassie Shaw?

She was with our daughter.

There was another girl.

She didn't make it.

I'm sorry.

ALBERT: It's been months.

They haven't let me out
on a single call.

I don't think my captain's
as nice as yours.


All I do is roll hoses,

I make coffee, I clean.

This isn't being a firefighter.

- I-It's being a maid.
- I could use a maid.

Okay, what is so interesting
about your mail?

Seeing as how you've never
actually lived in a place

where your name is on the lease,

this is called a bill. You pay them.

- Ha, ha, ha.
- This one keeps the lights on.

And this one makes sure your
niece doesn't freeze at night.

I forgive you for being snappish.

I know you're not irritated with me.

I don't know. I've got plenty
of irritated to go around.

Howie, maybe it's time
you went back to work.

I would help take care
of Jee-Yun, and I know

Anne and John would, too.
They said so.

My head wouldn't be
in the right place,

not with Maddie out there
with all of this.

Maddie just needs some time, bro.

I'm sure she'll come back
when she's ready.

Did Buck put you up to this call?

'Cause this dialogue is starting
to sound really familiar.

Uh, he... may have mentioned

you... you could use some bucking up.

Oh, believe me, I've already
been bucked up, Albert.

I don't need any more...

What is it?

It's a letter
from my health insurance saying

that they paid for Jee-Yun's ER visit.

Jee-Yun went to the ER?

Uh, this is the first
I'm hearing about it.

Says it was a day before Maddie left.

Hey, C-collar. Come on, let's go.

- Here we go. Got him, Buck?
- He's good to go.

BOBBY: All right.
Tino seems pretty loyal.

- He hasn't left your side.
- Tino, you're still here?

Yeah, I'm not going anywhere, Mr. F.

Ah, a football player
who likes science.

Thing is, he doesn't.

It's kind of throwing me.

I don't get it, Tino. I thought
you hated me. You forget

I almost got you kicked off
the team for poor grades?

Yeah, well, you got me
to bring those grades up.

You were pushing me, for my own sake.

I'm not gonna play football
forever, right?

You just hang in there, all right?

We're gonna get you out of there.

- All done, Cap.
- BOBBY: All right,

let's get you out of there, Hugh.

Uh, Cap?

Do we know
what that truck was carrying?

BUCK: Whoa.

Chlorine gas! Everybody get back!

We have a hazardous materials
release at the parade site.

We need to issue
a shelter-in-place notification

to every phone
within a quarter-mile radius.

- People need to stay indoors.
- This is Los Angeles .

This is Los Angeles .

We have an incident involving
a hazardous materials...

...release in your area, and
advise you to shelter in place

until further notice.

BOBBY: Everybody back! Chlorine gas!

I want everybody
in breathing apparatus.

Put rubber bands on the sleeves
of your turnouts,

protect your skin.

Evacuate this area.
Anybody who can walk,

I want 'em back a thousand feet.
I want

the fire inside this truck
knocked down

and I want a stream of fog
on top of that smoke.

We still have a victim pinned down

and I want to keep that smoke
away from him.

We haven't forgotten about you, Hugh.

This is Los Angeles .
We have an incident

involving a hazardous materials
release in your area

and advise you to shelter
in place unless further notice.

I'm sorry? I don't know
what the material is.

What time is your son coming?

I think this should probably
be cleared up by then.

- (BEEP)
- Ma'am, you will be

notified when this incident
is over. You have a good day.

You never guess a time,
or any other facts, to people.

Read them the script, and then
move on to the next call.

Is that clear?

BOBBY: Buck, how much
longer until you get him out?

BUCK: Almost there, Cap.

Okay. Good to go!

BOBBY: Okay, guys,
let's get him out of there.

One, two, three. Up.

Nice and easy. All the way up.

Gently now.

All right, Hugh.
After this, you're gonna have

a pretty interesting
science class to teach,

and I'm guessing,
some pretty attentive students.

HUGH: Thank you.

RAVI: Fire's contained, Cap.


did you tell your mother
where these tomatoes came from?


The roof garden.

Harry helped Ms. Wallace
plant these a few months ago.

- Hmm.
- Literally the fruits of your labor.

- Do you like 'em?
- They're all right.

- Can I be excused? I have homework.
- Yeah, sure.


I need a drink.

- You want one?

So much for not sharing
our anxiety with him.

Worst parents ever,

or just honorable mention?

We got him back in one piece.


Look, we have
been through plenty before.

We'll figure this one out, too.


Uh, uh, Dr. Green, excuse me?

Um, the front desk told me
who you were. I apologize.

I'm Howard Han, and this is Jee-Yun,

who I think you may know already.

- Uh, I'm her father.
- What can I do for you, Mr. Han?

I received this form in the mail
from my health insurance,

and I was just hoping
that you could explain it to me.

All right, if you have
any billing questions, you...

No, no, it's-it's not
a billing question. Uh, uh,

it says right here that
my daughter was brought in

for an ER visit,
and-and that you treated her.

Yes. How is she?

Uh, the baby is fine,
but her mother is not.

Uh, I'm kind of losing it here.

I-I-I... I just need to know
what happened to her.

I think maybe you should speak
to Jee-Yun's mother about this.

No, no, no, I-I can't speak
to Maddie about it

because the day after she
brought Jee-Yun in to see you,

she left, and I-I don't know
where she is.

Please. Um...

She left me a message saying

that the baby wasn't safe with her.

Which, if you knew her, that's just...

it's crazy
because she's a great mother.

She just doesn't know it yet.

Or she doesn't believe it,
I guess. Uh...

You see, she-she...
she has postpartum,

and it's been really tough on her.

And I know that she's tired.

I mean, we both are, but, uh,

she's had to do most of it alone.

You see, uh, the day that
she brought Jee-Yun to see you...

That's the week
that the world went crazy,

more than usual.

Uh, see, I'm a firefighter, and

I was on call the whole time, so, uh,

I didn't get to go home, and, uh...

I really didn't check on her
a lot. I tried.

I tried a lot, but the power was out,

and the phones were down
half the time.

And there was a giraffe on
Hollywood Boulevard. (LAUGHS)

I'm-I'm so sorry.

I'm-I'm not crazy. I'm-I'm just
completely in the dark here,

and I just need to know
what's going on with her.

(SIGHS) With the both of them.
That's all.



Evidently, Ms. Buckley
was bathing your daughter,

and Jee-Yun slipped under the water.

- Well, f-for how long?
- Probably a few seconds.

But Ms. Buckley couldn't
be sure, which is why

she brought Jee-Yun in to be examined.

Just to be safe.

Yeah, that's right.


I-I'm so sorry. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you so much.

- Best of luck to you.
- Thank you.


Can I talk to you a second?

Of course. What's up?

So... Claudette.


You've known her for a while, right?

Yeah, we came up together.

- Has she said anything to you?
- About what?

- About me.
- No. Why?

It seems like
maybe I've done something

to rub her the wrong way?

- What do you mean?
- It just feels like

ever since she got here,
she's had it in for me.

- Ever since she got here?
- Yeah.

You mean since... this morning?

Has it really only been a day?

Not even a full a day. May,

- what's going on?
- I don't know.

I mean, I know
she's a legend or whatever,

and everybody loves her.

But I think she hates me.

May, you're imagining things.

Am I? She took over one of my
calls and kind of snapped at me.

I'm sure it wasn't personal.

Sure felt personal.


Claudette's a big personality.

But she's got an even bigger heart.

Have you tried talking to her?

I think that would be a bad idea.

- Do you want me to talk to her?
- No, no.

Then it just looks like
I'm running to the boss.

Might just make things worse.

Uh, it would for sure make it worse

if Claudette heard she had a boss.

- I'm kidding. My advice?

Talk to her,
just tell her how you feel.

I'm sure there's just
a misunderstanding, and

the two of you can work it out.



- Not my favorite day.
- (SCOFFS) Yeah.

- This one was brutal.
- Yeah.

You did great out there.

w*r zones are my thing.

Excuse me. Henrietta Wilson?

We're Makayla Tannor's parents...
The cheerleader who was injured?

- Makayla. Of course.
- We just wanted

to say thank you for s-saving
our daughter's life.

I assure you,
it-it wasn't just me. It was...

Thank you.

Thank you for giving us back
our little girl.

Of course.

You're welcome.

Did you guys know the other
girl that was riding with her?

Cassie. The girls have been best
friends since they were little.

Cassie spent as much time
at our house as Makayla did.

Oh, God. How are we gonna tell her?

- It's gonna be okay, baby.


- ELLEN: Oh, God.
- JACK: Cassie's parents.

- Lynn and Tommy.
- Ellen.

Jack. (CRYING)

This can't be happening, can it?

ELLEN: No. No, it can't.

- It's a nightmare.
- LYNN: They said our baby is here.

Have you seen her?
Have you seen Cassie?


They said we have to... identify her.

Would you like me
to help you find you a nurse?

Yeah. Yeah.

Is that her blood?

Is that our baby's blood?

- Did she say anything?

Sh... She was gone when we
got on the scene. I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

- We should have been there.

We're never there.

- We missed her whole life.
- LYNN: I want to see my baby.

I want to see her.

Why isn't anyone helping us?

Why don't you let me
show you where she is?

- I can take you.
- Okay.

Oh, my, God. Makayla?

She's in recovery.

Thank you, Lord.




It's not her.

(GASPS) It's not her.


That's not our daughter.

TOMMY: That's Makayla.


TOMMY: That's Makayla.

Hey, Claudette, do you have a minute?

I got to get home and feed my cat.

You have a cat?


So I feel like we got
off on the wrong foot.

- Oh?
- Yeah. I mean, what happened today?

What happened today
was a learning opportunity.

Yes. Exactly. I'm so glad
you see it that way.

I mean, I know you're a lot more
experienced at this than I am.

- I know I look young, and I am.

But I'm also good at this,
and I've been trained

by some very talented dispatchers,

and I've learned important
things from all of them.

And when I make a mistake,
it's usually just once.

I learn from it.

- Apology accepted.

- No. Um...
- Oh, and next time,

you don't have to tell
me how good you are.

Just show me.

Good night.


Hey, thank you for doing that.

- How did it go?
- It's a complicated question.

Where are the Tannors?

They're in with their daughter.

Except they're not.

What do you mean?



Hey. I'm sorry. I'm still at work.

I saw the news
about the parade. You all right?

Yeah, I just have an insane
amount of paperwork to finish.

How about you?
How did today go with Harry?

(SIGHS) It's a process.

I sure could use sinking
into the arms of my man.

I will bring them home to you
as soon as I can.

- I'll see you soon.




Dental records confirmed it.
You were right.

The girl in the morgue is
Makayla Tannor, not Cassie Shaw.

Oh, God.

The Tannors are in there now
with the Shaw's daughter,

thinking it's theirs.

I'm going to break it to them now.

Actually, would it be okay
if I told them?

Hen. Are you sure?

I think I owe them that.


- Mr. and Mrs. Tannor?

Please, come on in.

It-it might be best if we, uh...

if we speak in the hall.

ELLEN: We'll be
right outside that door.

I, um...

I... (SIGHS)

I-I have no idea
how to even... tell you this.

What? Is there something wrong
with one of her tests?

No. Uh...

we made a terrible mistake. I...

I made a terrible mistake.

The girl in there, when-when
I... when I asked her her name,

she kept saying "Makayla."

But she wasn't telling me her name.

She was...

she was only thinking
about her friend.

- And so, we just assumed...
- JACK: Wait.

Wait. Are-are you telling us

the girl in this room
is not our daughter?

Mr. And Mrs. Tannor, I'm-I'm
so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

Makayla succumbed
to her injuries at the scene.

- No. No.
- The girl in the room is Cassie Shaw.

- Your daughter is downstairs.
- No.


♪ ♪

And the people went

Into their hide, ay-oh

From the start they didn't know

Exactly why


Winter came and made it so

All look alike

Look alike

Underneath the grass would grow

Aiming at the sky

The curse ruled

From the underground

Down by the shore

And their hope grew with a hunger

To live unlike before

The curse ruled

From the underground

Down by the shore


Maddie took Jee-Yun
to the emergency room.

Uh, o-okay.

It was during the blackout.
There was some kind of accident.

Maddie was bathing her and the
baby slipped under the water.

That's what she meant when she said

Jee-Yun wasn't safe with her.

- But Jee-Yun is fine.
- Yes, exactly, she's fine.

But Maddie is out there
somewhere, beating herself up

because she lost grip
of a slippery child.

She needs to know that
this wasn't her fault.

And she'll figure that out
if you give her time.

Time? She needs me.
I'm going after her.

Well, sh-she said sh-she didn't
want you to do that, right?

Buck, you're not listening.

She exiled herself because she thinks

she's a danger to the baby.

I can't leave her alone
like that, believing that,

thinking the worst of herself.
She needs to know.

Know what? That you love her?

That you support her? Chim, she knows.

What she needs is time,

and she will come home.

Why weren't you surprised?

When I told you
that Jee-Yun almost drowned,

you didn't even blink.

It wasn't until I said that
I was going after Maddie...

Did you know?

- Ch-Chim, Chimney...
- She told you? Is that it?

She called you and you
already knew about this

because she told you?

Where is she, Buck?

I-I... I don't know.

- She wouldn't tell me.
- Eight... days.

You have waited eight days

while you have seen the hell

I've been going through,
and you didn't tell me?

She-she said she was fine, you know?

She-she just needed
to figure some stuff out.

And she-she was
more worried about you.

She-she asked me to check in
on you and Jee-Yun

and make sure that you're okay.


I am not okay.






- Athena. Hey.
- Oh.

- Sorry. Didn't hear you come in.

It's all right.
Looks like you've been busy.

What happened?

He was in our house.

I know.

This is the house where...

where my babies grew up,

where they said their first
words, took their first steps.

(SIGHS) This patio...

...was full of memories

of barbecues and birthday parties.

And now it's the place
where that man came in

and snatched my son!

He's gone now.

He can't hurt this family anymore.

I'm supposed to bring Harry back here,

tell him he's safe,

that this is still his home.

How do I do that...

...when I'm not sure
it'll ever feel like

home again?

- Hey, hey, come here.

EDDIE: Well, there's
nothing wrong with his aim.


He got you good.

Look, I get why he's mad.
What am I supposed to do?

She begged me
not to tell him we talked.

- She's your sister.
- Thought I could help them both.

Could, uh, convince her to come home

and stop him
from spiraling out of control.


Kind of feels like I
failed on both fronts.

You were always gonna fail.

Well, that's dark.

Look, you love Maddie,

and you love Chimney,

and you're the guy
who likes to fix things.

But maybe this isn't
something you can fix.

He-he kept on saying that, you
know, she could be in trouble,

she needs our help.

But I know she's gonna be okay.

He just doesn't know her the way I do.

Or you don't know her the way he does.

When you think of your sister,

you see this person
you've always looked up to.

The woman who's taken care of you.

But maybe that's not
who she is right now. This time,

maybe she's the one
who needs taking care of.

You think he's gonna forgive me?


Kidding. I'm kidding.

- Maybe.

- Ice goes on the eye, bud.
- Okay, I got it.


Hey, just don't tell Dad.

He'll freak about how much sugar
I'm giving you right now.

- He won't care.
- Since when?

Since I got kidnapped
by a crazy freak.

Look, this ice cream's
not just for you.

I had a pretty crappy day
at work yesterday.

A new dispatcher.
Old dispatcher, really.

I think she has it in for me.

- She was really getting on my nerves.
- That's my job.

Well, you haven't been talking.

So I guess someone else felt like

they needed to pick up the slack.

Mom and Dad won't stop hovering.

"What are you watching?"
"What are you reading?"

Pretending like
they're not checking in

on my damaged mental state.

You were already pretty damaged.

Hey, I just... They're worried, okay?

They probably feel a little
guilty that it happened.

Yeah, well, they should.
Dad was standing right there,

and he didn't even notice
the guy walking off with me.

And Mom...

She was the reason the guy was there.

I know I'm not supposed
to be mad at them, but...

Hey, no. Be mad at them,
if that's how you feel.

Just don't bottle up your emotions

and put on a happy face
for other people.

That never works, and it will
never make you feel better.


Tell me how nice you were
to that mean lady at work.

Way too nice.

Yeah? Well, there's always tomorrow.

Yeah, there is.

There you go.

Need anything else? Game device?
Pretzels? Magazine?

All right. Let's go find Mommy.

Just make one quick stop first.





Seriously, Chimney?

You were gonna call me
on your way out of town?

Or leave you a heartfelt voice mail.

Actually, I was calling to see
if we could come by right now.

- You're really doing this.
- I'm really doing it.

You're not here to try
and talk me out of it, are you?

Hell, no. I'm here to see
if you wanted a driving partner.

What would your wife
have to say about that?


After yesterday,
I think she'd understand.

Yeah. Eddie told me about that.

So many life lessons.

They just keep coming, don't they?

I'd like to go just a few days

without learning anything,
anything at all.

Right? (LAUGHS)

So do you even know
where you're going?


I know that she made a withdrawal

from some bank in Oxnard.

I thought I'd start there.

Oxnard. (LAUGHS)

Some really, really important journeys

start there, don't they?

Yeah, I heard that.


Are you sure you're coming back?

Not without her.

Then you go find her.

You go find her.


Be safe, okay?

- (CHUCKLES) Hey, you know me.

I do. Hence the request,


Karen's a lucky woman.

So's Maddie.

Let's hope she sees it that way.

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