15x19 - Inherit the Earth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Supernatural". Aired: September 2005 to November 2020.*

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Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as "hunters" fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth.
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15x19 - Inherit the Earth

Post by bunniefuu »

You want to evaporate every kernel of existence because the Winchesters won't do what you say.

- [Screams]
- Dean: Jack's powerless.

And Billie wants us dead.

That's Chuck's Death Book?

Only Billie can read it.

Stop k*lling my people!

I didn't hurt your friends.

You k*lled me, Dean.

It was Chuck all along.

Everybody's gonna die, Cass, everybody.

Why does this sound like a goodbye?






[Car alarm blaring]


[Brakes squeal]



Everyone's gone.

You see anybody on the way here?



I couldn't save anybody.


It wasn't Billie. It was Chuck.

- What?
- Where's Cass?




He saved me.

Billie was coming after us, and Cass summoned the Empty.

It took her.

And it took him.


Cass is gone.


This can't be happening.

It is, Sam.

I think everyone's gone.


[Cellphone beeps]


Hey, it's Jody.

I can't get to the phone right now, so leave a message.

[Cellphone beeps]

Jack, I'm sorry.


[Cellphone beeps]


Hey. You know who it is.

You know what to do. Catch you later.

[Cellphone beeps]


[Wind howling]

[Country music playing]


[Beer dripping]




♪ I am lonely ♪

It brings a whole new meaning to the term "sudden death."

Dean, do you think we're it?

Sam: All that's left?

♪ We never had... ♪

[Chuckles] Yeah.

You, me, Jack.






[Door closes]



So, um, what now?

I did this.

We could have just given Chuck what he wanted, you know, his grand finale.

But I resisted. I pulled the thread.

I thought we could beat this game, do it better.

We tried to rewrite him, and the whole world paid the price.

- Sam, we can...
- We can what?

There's nothing left, Dean.

No one left to save.

Everybody's gone.

You can't just give up.

What other choice do we have?



Think he'll show?


He better.


Chuck: Hey, guys.

Enjoying a little alone time?


Alright, Chuck. You win.

Well... sure.

I always do.

Me being me.

Is that it or...

We'll give you what you want.

That's right. The whole Cain-and-Abel thing.

Us dead. Whatever.

I'll k*ll Sam. Sam will k*ll me.

We'll k*ll each other. Okay? You pick.

But, first, you got to put everything back the way it was.

The people, the birds, Cass.

You got to bring him back.

We're surrendering.

We're giving up.

Yeah, no.

I mean, I appreciate the white flag, but, frankly, it's too little, too late.

I'm kind of enjoying this story now.

You can't.

Oh, no, see, I'm the almighty.

I really can.

I mean, picture it.

The two of you...

And your little lapdog Jack...

Rotting on a lifeless planet, knowing it's this way because you wouldn't take a knee.

Eternal shame, suffering, and loneliness.


That's deep.

That's sophisticated.

That's a page-turner.



[Breathes deeply]







Look out.

You okay?

- [Bottles clinking]
- I feel terrific.


[Indistinct whispering]


Guys, I'm... feeling something weird.

Yeah, me, too, pal.

We need aspirin.

I'm sensing a presence.

There's something out there... besides us.

Sam: Something like people?

I don't know.

How are you sensing anything?

I thought you were all powered down.

I'm not sure.

But I feel it.


[Brakes squeal]


[Gas pump whirring]

[Dog whimpers]


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Look at you. Hey.

[Dog whimpers, sniffs]

Wow. [Laughs]

How did Chuck miss you?

Whoever thought finding a dog would feel like a miracle?

Come on, Miracle. Come here.


Check it out.

You found a dog?


I guess Chuck didn't get everything.

I mean, maybe there's people he missed, you know?

Look, either way, this guy's coming home with us.

You're gonna let a dog sit in the Impala?

Relax. I'm not giving him shotgun.

Unless you're cool with that.

I'll get Jack.

[Dog whimpers]

Don't worry about him.
He'll warm up to you.

Maybe we'll let you sleep in his room.


Here we go. Good boy.

Hey. Come here.

You know, believe it or not, you're the best thing that's happened in the last few days.

Yeah, you are. Good boy.

[Dog whimpers]





Dean: Unbelievable.

Can't even save a friggin' dog.

Yeah, maybe that's the point.

No one left to help.

No one but us.


[Thunder crashing]


[Brakes squeal]


You sure about this, Jack?

Whatever you're picking up on is in there?

In there or very nearby.

Guys, I have no idea what we're walking into.

[Thunder crashes]

[Door closes]




Michael: So... you survived.


[Thunder crashes]

When the rapture first began, I took refuge here.

It is St. Michael's, you may have noticed.

Are you hiding out from your dad?

I'm sure he's aware I took your side against him.

I've avoided using any powers that might attract his attention.

And Adam?


[Thunder crashes]

I'm sorry to say.

Exterminated by my father, like everyone else.

Poor bastard never caught a break.

How did the three of you manage?

Apparently, your old man has a sense of humor.

He thought it would be hilarious to watch the three of us on an empty planet.


What, are you, uh... doing some reading?

I never spent much time on Earth.

I was... curious about the perception of God and Heaven.


Amazingly, the believers loved him.

They have for thousands of years.

I guess my efforts were more effective than I'd hoped.

[Thunder crashes]

Y-Your efforts?

When God left Heaven, I was certain of his return.

So I made sure all of the angels and prophets burnished his image on Earth.

The all-knowing, all-seeing, all-caring God.

[Thunder crashes]

Daddy's boy.


And now?

After seeing what Chuck's done?


We reached out to you.

You ignored us.

That was then.

[Thunder crashes]

This is now.

Tell me what you need me to do.

[Thunder crashes]


Alright, Michael.

Here's the book we've been telling you about.


That's one of Death's books.

Dean: Yeah, but this one is about God.

And how to k*ll him.

Sam: As far as we know, only Death can open it.

But, um... we're hoping, uh... maybe you can, too.




[Breathing deeply]


I'm sorry.



Sam: So, where does this leave us?

We need that book open, and we're out of options.

Where's it leave us?


I'm sure Chuck's ready to make a move.

[Cellphone rings, vibrates]


- [Beep]
- Cass?

Castiel: Dean. I'm here.

[Groans] I'm hurt. Can you let me in?



Wow! Way to treat a pal.

No, you're not our "pal."

Okay, be honest with me, please.

Would you have let me in if I said it was really me?

You're dead.

Uh... yeah, not so much.

Um, after pop nutted out and m*rder*d pretty much everyone in the world, the Empty booted me with orders to find the missing God Book and use it on Chuck.

Uh, normally, I'm not very good at following orders, as you guys know, but, uh, you do not want to mess with the Empty, man.

Total "B," especially after

Jack blew up all over her, and she k*lled Death.

[Chuckling] I mean, guys, never a dull moment.

But that's the past.

What's up?!

We're a team again, guys.

Oh, that is not happening.



Alright, team.

I don't want to bring ants to your picnic, but that ain't gonna cut it.

Okay, think about it.

If the Empty pulled me off the bench, it's 'cause the Winchester charm ain't enough, right?

And I did anticipate a little bit of pushback, so I did bring a token of good faith.



Who is she?

Oh, this is Betty.
Betty... Betty, say hi.

- [Muffled]
- No, no, no. Say hi to the boys.

[Chuckling] Just getting it straight.

Oh, did I mention Betty is a reaper?

I'm doing a fly-by, right? Okay.

I'll say that again. Betty is a reaper.

Yes, we heard you.

So what?







Oh, no, this is...
This is the first reaper to check out since Billie, right?

So... wait for it.

Wait for it.


- And...
- [Gasps]

Meet the new Death.


[Chains rattling]





- Wow.
- You okay?

[Spits] Yeah.


Wow. Look at that.

I mean, she's got the whole Death starter kit going with the decoder ring.

Isn't that awesome?

And that, whatever that is. Yeah.

I'm good, right?

So, do you have it?

The book. Hand over the book.

- Wow. Slower than they look.
- Yeah.

Okay, the end of God is in the special book, and if you give Betty the book, Betty can read it.



Uh... not a group project.



Look at you, bro.

The almost-mighty.


Hmm. I cheated.


Are you seriously thinking about trusting him?

Uh, I wouldn't exactly say "trust."

Mikey, Mikey, come on, man.

I get the bitterness.

For all you did for the old man, you got no better from him than me.

The son voted Most Likely to Suck, and that sucks.

I did what I did because it was the right thing to do, not to get his love.

Alright, well, that's a good thing,

'cause the man had no love to give...

Not to you, not to me, not to... humanity.

You see that now, right?

[Clears throat]


I have opened the book.

- And?
- And it's in here... all that you want.

I know how God ends.

Wait a second. You're sure about this?

Of course I'm sure. I'm Death.

You've been Death for an hour.

"Behold, in the end, there is the ending of he who created the beginning."


"And, thus, it will be..."



Yeah, this is what Pop wanted to get his hands on.

Hmm. Did I say that out loud?


Yeah, Pop was the one who let me out of the Empty.

I'm sort of the new favorite now.

What did Dad say about you?

[Laughing] Oh, yeah.

"Mikey's a cuck."

[Laughs] You're a cuck.





Wow, you are really getting rusty at this, buddy.



So... buddy... you're gonna have to make a decision now.

Uh, dump the losers and join Gramps and me on the winning team.

[Imitates crowd cheering]

Of course, this is the only way you're getting out of here alive,

'cause you're not strong enough to fight me now, so...

What do you say, kid? What do you say?

Come on.


Somebody's behind me?


You don't learn.







Thanks for the blade.

How you doing? You okay?

Yeah, a bit winded.

I haven't been in a battle like that for several centuries.

[Door closes]

- Yeah, well...
- [Bottle hisses]

...glad you were here.

- Chuck's getting desperate.
- [Cap rattles]

He knows something's up.

Wouldn't take the chance of showing up himself.


He sent Lucifer.

Brought him back from the dead.

He didn't even reach out to me.

- Did you want him to?
- Of course not.

I mean, he clearly he knows the God Book could be lethal to him.

But it's actually fairly useless without Death to read it.

Yeah, well... at least it's open.

Sam thought that he recognized some of the symbols in the writing, thought they might be some form of Enochian.

So he's gonna use the Book of the Damned, see if he can't figure out the end.

And by that, I mean... the end.



How's, uh, Sam doing? Any progress?

I hope so. He's been in there a long time.

- [Clears throat]
- Oh. Why don't you ask him yourself.

Sorry. It's slow going.

But I think I was able to piece it together.


The spell. There's a spell.

It has to be done at a particular place... at an exact angle from the sun.

But it will release an unstoppable force that will find Chuck... and finish him.



Let's light it up.


Wait. What happened? What's wrong?






And, listen, I appreciate the heads-up about all this.

It's always been my destiny to serve you.


The thing is, it's kind of late in the game.

You did side with the Winchesters.

- I can't forgive that.
- Father, no.

That was a lapse of judgment, I admit, but I swear I...

Save it!



Chuck: And you two.

You know, eternal suffering sounds good on paper, but as a viewing experience, it's just kind of... eh.

So we're done.

I'm canceling your show.


Well... one for the road.



[Both groaning]




Eh, what the heck.

I can get my hands dirty.

Fellas, give it up now.

- [Bone cracks]
- [Screams]

[Bone cracks]

[Bone cracks]



Come on, guys.

Just stay down.


That's enough, guys.

Guys, come on.


Just stay down.


Fellas, give it up.



That's enough, guys.

Guys, come on.

That's enough.


[Both laugh]

Why are you smiling?


You lose.



Hey, Jack.










What... What did you do?

We won.

So this is how it ends.

My book.

See for yourself.



There's nothing there.

Oh, there is.

But only Death can read it.

That's right.

So we had to come up with a plan "B."

That wasn't too hard, though, when we realized that Michael really is a daddy's boy.

[Laughing] Oh, yeah. "Mikey's a cuck."

See, he didn't take it too well when he found out that you asked Lucifer for help.

Oh, he was desperate to be the favorite again.


Since we couldn't read the book, we had to come up with a story about finding the spell, which we knew Michael would feed straight to you.

All that prep work we did to turn Jack here into a cosmic b*mb?

- Oh.
- [Screams]

Dean: Well, it turned him into sort of a-a power vacuum.

He's been sucking up bits of power all over the place.

So when the two heavyweights... Your boys...

Showed up to duke it out, ohh.


That charged him right up.

See, we knew Michael would warn you and you'd show up here.

And you did. And you k*lled your own son.

And you beat the crap out of us.

Releasing all kinds of power.

God power.

Jack absorbed it all.

- It made him...
- Well, it made him unstoppable.



This... This... This is why you're my favorites.

You know, for the first time, I have no idea what happens next.

Is this where you k*ll me?

I mean, I could never think of an ending where I lose.

But this, after everything that I've done to you... to die at the hands of Sam Winchester...


Of Dean Winchester, the ultimate k*ller...


It's kind of glorious.


Sorry, Chuck.




See, that's not who I am.

That's not who we are.

What kind of an ending is this?

His power.

You sure it won't come back?

It's not his power anymore.


Then I think it's the ending where you're just like us and like all the other humans you forgot about.

It's the ending where you grow old, you get sick, and you just die.

And no one cares.

And no one remembers you.

You're just forgotten.



Guys... wait.


[Engine revs]



No, wait. G-Guys...

Guys, wait!

Guys, wait!

Guys, wait!

Wait, wait, wait!

Please wait!






[Brakes squeal]

[Engine shuts off]


Alright, kid, you really think you can pull this off?


[The Youngbloods' "Get Together" playing]



[Indistinct conversations]

♪ Love is but a song to sing ♪

In other news, yes, it's that time of year again.

You guessed it.


♪ You can make mountains ring ♪

♪ Or make the angels cry ♪

[Horn honks]

[Bells jingle]

♪ Though the bird is on the wing ♪

♪ And you may not know why ♪

♪ Come on, people, now ♪

♪ Smile on your brother ♪

♪ Everybody get together ♪

♪ Try to love one another right now ♪

Woman: Thank you so much.

[Dog barks]

♪ Come on, people, now ♪

♪ Smile on your brother ♪

♪ Everybody get together ♪

♪ Try to love one another right now ♪

♪ Right now ♪

Way to go.

- ♪ Right now ♪
- I mean it.

Way to go. [Chuckles]

So... does this mean you're the new...

I mean, what do we call you?

Who cares what we call him?

Look, all that matters is he got us back online.

Hey, what happened to Amara when Chuck...

She's with me.

We're in harmony.

You gonna come back with us to the bunker?

What do you mean? Of course he's gonna come back to the bunker.

He's the man with the plan. He's top dog.

He can do whatever he wants now. Come on.

You know what? We'll spruce the place up.

We'll get some recliners.

We'll get you one of those big-screen TVs.

Dean, I'm not coming back home.

In a way... I'm already there.



So you are him.


I'm me.

But I know what you mean.


What if we want to see you?

You know, or have a beer or whatever?

I'm around.

I'll be in every drop of falling rain, every speck of dust that the wind blows, and in the sand, in the rocks, and the sea.

It's a hell of a time to bail.

You got a lot of people counting on you, people with questions.
They're gonna need answers.

And those answers will be in each of them.

Maybe not today, but... someday.


People don't need to pray to me or to sacrifice to me.

They just need to know that I'm already a part of them and to trust in that.

I won't be hands on.

Chuck put himself in the story.

That was his mistake.

But I learned from you and my mother and Castiel that... when people have to be their best... they can be.



And that's what to believe in.



I'm really as close as this.





See ya, Jack.


[Clears throat]

[Breathes deeply]

It's pretty quiet.


To everyone that we lost along the way.


You know, with Chuck not writing our story anymore, we get to write our own.


You know, just you and me going wherever the story takes us.


Just us.

Finally free.

[Jackson Browne's "Running on Empty" playing]



♪ Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels ♪


♪ Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields ♪

♪ In ' , I was and I called the road my own ♪

♪ I don't know when that road turned into the road I'm on ♪

♪ Running on ♪

♪ Running on empty ♪

♪ Running on ♪

♪ Running blind ♪

♪ Running on ♪

♪ Running into the sun ♪

♪ But I'm running behind ♪


♪ Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels ♪


♪ I don't know how to tell you all ♪

♪ Just how crazy this life feels ♪

♪ Look around for the friends ♪

♪ That I used to turn to to pull me through ♪

♪ Looking into their eyes, I see them running, too ♪

♪ Running on ♪

♪ Running on empty ♪

♪ Running on ♪

♪ Running blind ♪

♪ Running on ♪

♪ Running into the sun, but I'm running behind ♪

♪ Honey, you really tempt me ♪

♪ You know the way you look so kind ♪

♪ I'd love to stick around ♪

♪ But I'm running behind ♪

♪ Running on ♪

♪ You know I don't even know what I'm hoping to find ♪

♪ Running blind ♪

♪ Running into the sun, but I'm running behind ♪

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