01x36 - The Search

Episode transcripts for the TV show "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". Aired: September 5, 1983 - 1985.*
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The most powerful man in the universe, He-Man, holds up his sword to Skeletor saving the planet from evil forces.
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01x36 - The Search

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

And to what do I owe

the rare honor of your visit,

[Zodac] My race has sworn
not to interfere

with the affairs of mortals.

I come only with this warning:

grave danger faces all of us
this day.

A danger so enormous,

the mind can scarcely conceive
of it,

and its origin is
right here in Eternia itself.

But what can it be?
You must tell me.

Easier to show you
with my thought projector.

[beeping and whirring]

But this is unbelievable.

Yet it is true,

and it is happening now.

Something must be done
to stop it.

But you are forbidden
to interfere,

and I may not venture
beyond these castle walls,

except in the form
of the falcon.

There is only one person
on this planet

who may prevent
this catastrophe.

The one
with the powers of He-Man,

the man called Adam.

[heroic music]

It looks peaceful enough.

Those rumblings
the villagers heard

must have been
mild earth tremors.

Come on, let's go.

[Teela] We still have
to search that far ridge,

and the king ordered you
to accompany me

on this patrol, Prince Adam.

Yeah, well, I've developed
enough character for one day.

I mean, look around.

There's absolutely nothing
mysterious going on here.

Hey, easy on the speed, guys.

Me and Cringer can't keep up
with you.

[thunder cracks]

We better hurry
before that storm hits us.

What's the matter, Teela?
Afraid of a little thunder?

Oh, well, time to be going.

Adam, there's still time
to check out that ridge

without getting drenched.

I'll be waiting for you there.

[motor roaring]

Wait a minute.

Are you by any chance implying
that you can beat me

to those hills?

Ha! Imply, nothing!

That is a scientific fact.

Not in my book, it isn't!

[Teela] Well, there's only
one way to find out.

Yeah, well, find this out.

[blasting off]

There's more than one way

to get a prince
to scout a ridge.

Oh, yeah?

I can beat the whole bunch
of you.

[shimmering tone]


Maybe I should stick to jogging.

Whew, acting like a fun-loving
prince sure is hard work.

Hey, slow down!


Better tell Man-At-Arms

that this thing's due
for a checkup.

[falcon squawking]


Adam, there is great peril.

You must come
to Castle Grayskull at once.

But what about Teela? She's sure
to come looking for me.

Send your Sky Sled
back to the palace.

She will follow it.

Good thinking.

Hurry, Adam!

I'll just program
the autopilot

to return to the palace.

[motor roaring]

We've got to get
to Grayskull at once.

What's up, Adam?

I don't know,
but it sounds like trouble,

and the only way
we'll get there in time

is as He-Man and Battle Cat.

Couldn't we just hop
a nearby Attak Trak?

By the power of Grayskull!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

I have the power!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Teela] Adam?

Adam, where are you?

[Sky Sled whooshing]

Imagine, hotfooting it
back to the palace

and leaving me here
to get soaked.

Ooh, just wait
till I see him again.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Sorceress] You have a great
challenge facing you, He-Man,

perhaps the greatest
of your life.

Have you ever heard
of the Starseed?

I thought it was a myth.

[Sorceress] It is no myth.

It is real,
and it is right here in Eternia.

Let me show you in the mirror.

Eternia is an unusual planet,

for we are located directly
in the center of the universe.

It was here where we now stand
that the expl*si*n took place

which created the universe
billions of years ago.

At the very center
of our planet,

there is a small piece

of the energy left
from that expl*si*n:

the very energy
which set the stars burning

and the planets spinning,

the Starseed.

Speak a thing to the Starseed,
and it makes it happen.

It can do anything.

It is all-powerful.

For untold ages,
the location of the Starseed

was known only to a chosen few
of the Cosmic Enforcers,

but its location is
no longer a secret.

At this very moment,
Skeletor is tunneling his way

to the center of Eternia.

Can you imagine what would
happen if he gets the Starseed?

He could easily capture
Castle Grayskull.

Worse. You must get the Starseed
before Skeletor does.

But how?

Skeletor's got
the drilling machine, not us.

Follow him through the tunnel
he's drilling and overtake him.

Lastly, a warning:

no mortal can touch the Starseed

without succumbing
to its dark side.

The Starseed will tempt you
to do evil.

You must fight it.

Now go.

Every second brings Skeletor
closer to the Starseed.

[thunder cracking]

Orko, we found it.

I don't like that creepy noise.

Skeletor's drilling machine.

How do I let myself get
into these fixes?

No time for cold feet, Orko.

We're the only ones standing

between Skeletor
and the Starseed.

All right, all right,
I'm coming, I'm coming.

I only hope
the rest of the universe

appreciates what we're doing.


Beast Man, Mer-Man,

can't we drill
through this rock any faster?

The rock's too hard, Skeletor.

Too hard?

My drilling machine is

But if we push too hard,
the drill point will be blunted.

Must drill faster!

Must have the Starseed.

[alarm sounding]

An intruder!


That muscle-bound meddler.

Let me take care of him.

No. I have anticipated this.


Looking for something, He-Man?

You know why I'm here, Skeletor,

and I'll stop you,
whatever it takes.

Ha! Within the hour,

no force in the universe
will be able to stop me.

Least of all, you.


[Skeletor] Not even He-Man
can pound his way

through a half-mile
of solid rock.

[rocks crashing]


We'll never stop Skeletor
in time now.

You've trapped He-Man,

but you've trapped us as well!

How will we get out?

when I have the Starseed,

I'll be able
to move mountains.

He-Man, we got to do something.

Skeletor could get his hands
on that Starseed

any minute now.

It could take me hours
to dig through this rubble.

I don't suppose you could
whip up a quick spell

to get rid of all this rock.

I can sure try.

By the powers
of dusk and dawn,

I bid you, barrier, now be gone.

[shimmering tone]

At the rate you're going,

we'll be down here for years,

Stand clear.

[heroic music]



Good work, my friend,

but I'm afraid
we may be too late.

When Skeletor gets his hands
on the Starseed,

he will finally
rule the universe.

and I'll be
his second-in-command.


He said I could be

Why would he want
a fuzzy-faced creature like you

ruling under him

when he could have someone
with my brains?

Why, you fish-faced meathead.

Silence, fools!

The Starseed must be near.

Absolute power is
within my grasp.

[Battle Cat]

[He-Man] What is it, cat?


A gap.

It's too narrow,
but it could be widened.


Stand clear, both of you.

I think we can get
this rock pile to settle down.

♪ ♪


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

Come on. We may make it yet.

[Beast Man] Push!

The machine can't go
through that crystal.

It will break the drill.

can't you even move a rock?

[He-Man] Skeletor!

Making that pair
do your dirty work?

I'm surprised you didn't bring
some of your slaves.

You flipping fool.

Within minutes, the whole cosmos
will be my sl*ve.

Not if I have anything
to say about it.

Not so fast, He-Man.

[laser zapping]



Now, He-Man,
here are my orders.

Obey you? Never!

[Skeletor] You will,
or your little friend becomes

my personal property.

I want you to clear away
this rock.

You bag of bones.

I'll whip up such a spell
and get out of here.

You're gonna be in such trouble.

You couldn't conjure
your way out of a gunnysack,

you pipsqueak.

You'd better move, He-Man.

[Battle Cat growls]

We have no choice, Battle Cat.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


[snarls] Move, sl*ve.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Beast Man] We must be nearly
there, Skeletor,

but how will you know
the Starseed when you see it?

I'll know. Don't worry.

Oh, yeah? I've got
the beginning of an idea.


I found it! Onward!

The Starseed must be here


Uh...uh, oh demons!


[bubble pops]


Hey, I'm free!

I got to get out of here.

We'll never make it
past those monsters

without Skeletor's force field

Blasted drill won't work
in this crystal.

Skeletor, if you want
to get out of this,

you'd better accept my terms.


Very well.
What do you want?

I'll arrange it so you can

use your force field projector
on them,

but then you must leave
this place.

And let you get the Starseed?

In a few seconds,
they are going to be

the only authority here if you
don't agree with my terms.

- All right.
- No! No, Skeletor.

Quiet, fool.
I know what I'm doing.

Maybe we can lure them
into using those crystal rays

on themselves.

Cat, jump on its shoulder.

[He-Man] Battle Cat, jump!

[laser zapping]

why, it's the Starseed!

But what if Skeletor gets here
before He-Man?

Yep, I've got an idea.

Maybe I can find something
that looks like it.

Not quite.

I'm gonna do this right
if it takes all day.

Ah-ha! This is close enough.

[demon roaring]

Skeletor, use your
force field projector, now!

Now for you, He-Man!

Oh, no, you don't!


Stop He-Man,
whatever it takes.

Whoever captures He-Man will be
my second-in-command.

I figured you'd go back
on your word.

I have you now.

No. He's mine.

[suspenseful music]

Haste makes waste, fellas.

See you later.

Let's go, Cat!

[Battle Cat roars]

The Starseed.

It's mine.


Mine, mine.


At last, it's mine.

Don't be so sure of that.

One of these is
the real Starseed,

but which one, Skeletor?

It must be mine.
I was here first.

Hear me, oh, Starseed,

encase He-Man in chains,
which not even he can break,

then, send him away
to the furthest planet

of the coldest star
in the universe.

A fake!


Courtesy of me.

That means
you have the real one.

You know better
than to oppose me now, Skeletor.

I hold the power
of the Starseed.

The universe could be rid
of your evil.

I could rid the entire universe
of evil.

Nothing could stop me.

No one would dare oppose
my will.

Whatever I want, I could have.

We're not so far apart,
are we, He-Man?

I can see why you wanted
the Starseed so badly.

The feeling of power is...
very strong.

what are you saying?

You're becoming evil, He-Man.
I can sense it.

Then join forces with me.

Together, we will rule.


To rule the universe.

He-Man, the Starseed will
tempt you to do evil.

You must fight it.

What...what am I saying?

Remember your virtue,

your duty.

I could use this
to stop you, Skeletor.

No, no.

But if I use this power
against you,

then I'm no better than you are.


Come on, little friend.

We have a date
with the Sorceress.

[heroic music]

♪ ♪


Greetings, He-Man.

We have brought the Starseed
for safekeeping.

He-Man, you have succeeded
admirably in your test.

- Test?
- Yes.

You see, some time ago,
you were given great powers.

So great, in fact,
that from time to time,

it is necessary
to test your virtue.

That is why I, myself,
allowed Skeletor to learn

of the Starseed's location.

You did? But why?

Because by refusing to use
the power of the Starseed,

even on one as evil as Skeletor,

He-Man has proved himself
truly worthy of his powers.

Remember, He-Man,

that true goodness comes
from knowing

when not to use force.

Farewell, noble He-Man.

[button chimes]

both: Good-bye, Zodac.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

where have you been?

Well, I was getting soaked,

and I figured
we'd searched enough,

so I came home, only I got lost.

You figured
we'd searched enough, hmm?

You got lost?

- Uh-huh.
- Ha-ha!

May I remind you
that you're a prince?

Don't you have
any sense of responsibility?

Well, everything is all right,
isn't it?

That's not the point!

Suppose those rumblings
really had been something.

Something? Like what?

Well, suppose there'd
been a real problem, like,

well, like, Skeletor.

Oh, it wouldn't have been

that He-Man and Battle Cat
couldn't handle.

And Orko.

You said it, little friend.

And Orko.

There are times
when everybody dreams

of becoming very rich
or powerful,

but what they don't think about
are the problems

and responsibilities
that go with it.

In today's story,
He-Man was tested,

and he proved his worth
when he was able

to resist the temptation
to use his great power

for any selfish gain.

He knew that it's
just as important to know

when not to use force

as it is to know when to use it.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪
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