01x04 - The Dragon Reborn

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wheel of Time". Aired: November 19,2021 to present.*
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Based off the novels... follows Moiraine, who takes five young people on a journey, believing that one of them might be the reincarnation of the Dragon, a powerful individual prophesied to either save the world or destroy it.
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01x04 - The Dragon Reborn

Post by bunniefuu »

[MOIRAINE] The Dragon has been
born again, and it's one of you.

Our only chance is to
reach the White Tower

and the other sisters of the Aes Sedai.

This power,

it's meant for women.

What in Light's name? Go.

I'll find you.


I've heard about the bond between

an Aes Sedai and her Warder.


Surely you've heard of the Tinkers.

The people who steal your gold

- and your children.
- [DANA] I see you in my dreams... all five of you...

but only one of you matters.

- Only one of you can be it.
- Five?

- Be what?
- The Dragon.


You can't outrun a Fade.


She's a Darkfriend, boy.

Moiraine Sedai.

Liandrin Sedai.

[LIANDRIN] We captured a man
calling himself the Dragon Reborn.


[SOLDIER] He destroyed the gates.

[SOLDIER ] His army's everywhere.


My king, we need to
get you away from here.


- No. Come with me.
- Go!






You will never wear the silver crown.

The crown?

What does a crown mean
to the Dragon Reborn?


you really believe it, don't you?

[ELUSHA] Be done with it, Logain.

[KING] I sent word to the White Tower.

The Aes Sedai will come for you.

[LOGAIN] Those women.

They should be following me,

not fighting me.


But they are afraid.

Afraid the Dragon will
break the world again,

throw us back thousands of years,

just like the last one did.

They forget the Dragon is just as likely

to save the world

as break it.

[ELUSHA] You don't need to
convince this man of anything.

He's beneath you.

k*ll him.

You would like that.

You've gone mad already.


He'll betray you.

Just like your parents.

Just like your sister.

None of them understand who you are,

what you're going to be.

♪ ♪

There's a place for anyone at my side.

Even my enemies.


The last Dragon broke the world.

But I plan to bind it.

♪ ♪

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♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Thank you, Kerene.


You've held back armies.

Healing one wound
shouldn't have strained you.

It hasn't.

He has.

I want to meet this false Dragon.

[KERENE] He may be false,

but there are thousands
following him, true believers.

[MOIRAINE] But you
don't believe it, do you?

[KERENE] Only Liandrin,
Alanna and I are strong enough

to shield him from using the One Power.

Even then, we have to work in pairs.

Can he hear us?

Hello to you, too.

We plugged his ears with weaves of air.

[MOIRAINE] I heard he
conquered half of Ghealdan

and had the king himself at his back.

How did you get to him?

A plan after your own heart.

We crept into his camp and
shielded him as he slept.

A little lightning,

and his army all ran
home to their mothers.

[KERENE] Let's hope so.

I've set wards.

They'll let us know
if anyone approaches.

And the madness.

How far gone is he?

[LIANDRIN] He's the same as any
man who can channel, worse even.

He actually proclaimed
himself the Dragon

and tried to march on the Tower.

And we don't need a trial to
mete out the proper punishment.

The Amyrlin Seat commanded us

to bring him to the Tower for trial.

She will decide what
he deserves, not us.

I've regained enough strength.

Let me share the burden.

That's Moiraine for
you, selfless to a fault.


We can't afford any gaps in the shield.

Liandrin will wait to drop
hers until yours is in place.

♪ ♪



[LIANDRIN] You feel it
now? That's half his power.


You're still dropping that shoulder.

[LAUGHS] It's too early to be so tired.


- How's life at the Tower?

[STEPIN] More problems.

Fewer Aes Sedai to handle them.

And the Amyrlin Seat?

Still seated.

Not any fonder of Moiraine, though.

I heard her thr*aten to
fetch you two home personally.


Do you know, I never
really understood your taste

in traveling companions.

- She's not a companion.
- Oh.

She's barely company.

- Probably stubborn as a mule, too.

[GASPS] Cheap trick.

I thought the next shift was yours.

Did Moiraine step in for you?

If she's not careful,
she's going to win you over.

I have nothing but
respect for Moiraine Sedai.

Well, I'm sure your shifts
together will pass quickly then.

Even if we had something in
common, I'd never know it.

It's hard having a
conversation with someone

who won't say anything.

Lan is just as bad when he wants to be.

Can you imagine their dinners?



Liandrin is gaining
traction with the others.

We won't gentle Logain without a trial.

Rumor has it the Reds
have been doing just that

across the countryside.

Even Liandrin won't
cross the Amyrlin Seat.

The Amyrlin isn't here.

And you need to...

And I promise I'll get some rest.

You worry more than you used to.

I sleep less... so I have the time.


- How'd you sleep?
- I didn't.

Look, I don't trust these people.

There's something about
them that doesn't...

If either of us feels
like we should go, we go,

no questions, all right?

We're heading east for Tar Valon.

You're welcome to join us...

for as long as you can stand us.

How do you know we
aren't bandits or worse?

You were wandering the
Caralain Plain in rags

without food or gold.

If you're bandits,
you're not very good ones.

It's not often villagers come
down from the Mountains of Mist.

Uh, we're from Whitebridge.

We got separated from a trading caravan.

Is that so?



[ARAM] Coming?

Hyah! Keep up.

I think I see a farm up ahead.


Hey, girl, shush.

What's going on with you, huh?


What's this gleeman doing with us?

First time we met him,
he stole our money.

We sorted that out.

He did save our lives... if you recall.

Did he? Dana said there
were Darkfriends everywhere,

that a Fade was coming for us.

What if he k*lled her
to make us trust him?

Well, that would be... smart.

Maybe there's some
hope for you after all.


There was one other thing that she said.

That the Dragon could
be one of five of us.

Me, you, Perrin, Egwene.

Who else?

You get used to it.

He looks like he's just sitting there.

I mean, I always knew women
couldn't see men's weaves,

but the experience itself, it's...

[CHUCKLING] It's like
holding a cat in the bath.


[ALANNA] You remember that dog you had

when we were Novices?

What was her name?

She wasn't mine. Novices
aren't allowed pets.

But she slept every
night in your bed, though.

I presume Kerene has asked you

to use our friendship to
get information out of me.

Not for a day or two still.

When you're expecting it less.


You could have easily been Blue Ajah.


One Warder would never do. [LAUGHS]

When I chose Green,

I thought it was so heroic.

The Battle Ajah...

warriors trained to defend humanity

from the Dark One at the Last Battle.

But I never thought I'd see it myself.

There have been false Dragons before.

Women and men who've claimed the
title for power or personal gain.

False or no...

... his strength is more
than anything I've ever seen.

It's just another sign.

The end of this Age is here.

If it is, and we find
ourselves at the Last Battle...

... I'm glad we'll have
your strength on our side.

I know the last one broke this world,

and we can't let that happen again,

but what if the Dragon is
supposed to be there with us,

but we've let the Reds gentle him?



That was her name.

The dog who wasn't your dog.



I like your braid.

It's Nynaeve, isn't it?

Sorry if I'm mispronouncing it.

I can't quite place the accent.

That's because you
haven't heard me speak.

I'm imagining you came over
here because you want something?

You Aes Sedai always do.

So I think I'll ask the questions first.

Depending on how well you answer,

maybe I'll give you what you want.

How long have you known Moiraine?



We wait until dark,
then sneak into the barn.

Be out before sunrise.

Wouldn't it be easier to just ask?

- Whoa.

[THOM] Figured you for a better rider.

[MAT] Figured you for
a better horse thief.

This mare's afraid of her own shadow.

[MR. GRINWELL] A man could get
suspicious of strangers in his woods.

We're just passing through.

Most people stay on
their horse for that.

We'll get back on them,
keep riding, if you let us.

So you can double back at night?

Quite a risk to me and my family.

Countryside's full of soldiers

who abandoned that
rebellion in the South.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We
haven't been honest with you.

We were going to rest in
your barn just for the night.

You'd have never known we were there.

You don't want to k*ll us.

If you did, you'd draw that bow

with your fingertips, not your fist.

And if I wanted to k*ll you,

I'd have kept my mouth shut just now.

Never did like this thing much.

What do you say, love?


Plenty of space in the barn...

... once the stables are mucked out.

And she chose the Blue Ajah,

which fits, really.

They're nothing more than little spies

who exaggerate their own importance.

And the Reds are any different?

We protect the world from people
who would misuse the One Power.

Even other Aes Sedai.

[LAN] Liandrin.

Mind if I join you?

I was just leaving.

The Red tent is open to all women.

Feel free to join us for dinner...

... if you tire of cold chicken.

That woman's a snake.

Is the White Tower
full of women like her?

Uh, you'll find out soon enough.

Will I? You took us half a day

in the wrong direction to get here.

The Aes Sedai will get Logain
to the Tower as fast as they can.

If your friends aren't there already,

there will be resources
we can use to find them.

We promised we would.

You are welcome around our fire.

If you promise not to
shove anyone into it.

[PERRIN] Have you seen
anyone else on the plains?

[ARAM] You're lucky we saw you.
We usually don't pass this way,

but there are soldiers
on the roads down South.

A group this size should
be able to defend itself.

Have you seen any weapons here?

The Tuatha'an follow
the Way of the Leaf.

Have for thousands of years.

We forswear v*olence and
all instruments of it.

What happens if you're att*cked?

We run if we can, endure if we cannot.

You'd let yourself be k*lled?

"The leaf, in its
time, falls to the dirt

that nourishes the
tree that, in its time,

grows the leaf again."

Nothing is ever lost.

The Wheel returns all.

As I heard every time I lost
a toy when I was a child.

- I'm still waiting.

Have you ever been in battle?

Picked up a w*apon? A
sword? Bow and arrow?

An ax?

And, tell me, has your
life been better or worse

since you picked up that ax?

♪ ♪


[MAT] Is he just gonna stand there

and let us do all the work?

A gleeman must stay fresh
before a performance.

Yeah, funny how that offer came up

when they were handing out pitchforks.

You all right?

I need a break.




- [ELSE] Mister?

I'm sorry. Mama sent me.

Said to thank you and give you
this for all your hard work.


No, um... I'm sorry.

You, um... [SNIFFS]

You surprised me is all.

Thank you for the bread.

What's your name?

- I can't tell you.
- Why not?

Mama says you're strange and
told me to give you her message

and come right back.

But you didn't.


My sisters never listen either.

Where are they?

Safe at home.

With your mama and papa?


You can take Birgitte back for them.

She protects me when everyone's asleep.

I can't take your doll.

Oh, I have many more.

Birgitte's always
wanted to see the world.

Maybe he caught something
in Breen's Spring.

I knew another lad the same way.

Owyn, my nephew.

Boy spent half his life
getting into trouble,

the other half getting out of it,

and a good part of mine
helping him at both.

Then, one day, he went sour.

Snapping at family and friends.

Jumping at shadows.

Animals had their hair
up whenever he passed.

Nobody could figure out what happened

until he threw a rock

without using his hands.

Mat's got all the signs, lad.

Mat would tell me.

He's not an idiot.

Neither was Owyn.

I'm a gleeman.

Don't you think I've
told him the stories

since he was a little boy?

How at the end of the last Age,

the Dark One corrupted the One Power...

... so men couldn't use
it without going mad?

And still he lied to me.

What happened to him?

The Aes Sedai found
him while I was away.

The Reds.

They gentled him.

Cut him off from the One Power forever.

He got to keep his life, at least.

Men, women both, once
they've tasted the Power,

if they're cut off from
it, it's no life anymore.

They just...

... slip away.

A few weeks after those women left,

Owyn was sitting at the dinner table.

He yawned.

And then he picked up a steak knife...

... and slit his own throat,
like it was nothing at all.

I'm gonna stay with
you as long as I can,

keep you safe.

But whatever we do, we have to
keep Mat away from those women.

You know a lot for a simple gleeman.

We call ourselves gleemen

because a silly name
makes us less frightening.

Nothing is more dangerous
than a man who knows the past.

- [STEPIN] The mare flung him

ten feet into a pig trough.

And that was the end
of al'Lan Mandragoran,

tamer of horses.


- [NYNAEVE] Fancy name.
- [MAKSIM] Yeah.

For a shit horseman.


So, how'd you get
stuck with him, tell me?

Uh, Moiraine and I were
traveling past her village,


I tracked him.


I like her.

You Warders are more fun than you look.

[MAKSIM] Except me, of course.

I look fun.

Uh, don't encourage him.


But you serve them.

We don't.

No bond is closer than an
Aes Sedai and, uh, her Warder.

Not husbands and wives,

not parents and children.

Do you know what "Aes Sedai"
means in the Old Tongue?

"Servants of All."

It is they who serve the world.

And what does that make you?


And tired.


Especially Lan.

How he keeps up with Moiraine.


You should talk.



He's right.

We're exhausted.

The three of them don't... ?


[LAN] I'm feeling a bit

tired myself.



He is ten years too old at least.

Is he as strong as Egwene?

I don't know.

I don't think so, but I don't know.


Oh. The dreams, Trollocs.

The Dark One isn't after Logain.

Perhaps He is.

I don't think the Dark
One has any more idea

who the Dragon is than we do.

I don't know if that's
terrifying or comforting. Hmm.

We lost them.

Twenty years we hunted,
and we lost them.

I lost them.

Your losses are mine.

And mine yours.

I shouldn't have had a drink.

You always get emotional when I drink.






Come on.

Everyone keeps talking about "the Song."

What is it?

Ah, it's, it's nothing.
It's a silly tradition.

Well, your grandparents
seem pretty serious about it.

In the last Age, our people
supposedly knew a song

that brought harmony to the world.

It was lost in the Breaking,

but if we can only find it again,

people will live in peace and happiness

for the rest of their days.

You don't believe it.

There's a lot I believe in,

but only old fools and
children believe in the Song.

Are you sure you
haven't already found it?



[MAN] Thank you.

[ILA] You honor us.

Anyone can do that.

You find peace in the work.

That's the honor.



Some of your people
don't look so peaceful.

Sarai was a hired k*ller.

Those who renounce v*olence

usually know its evil only too well.

There are some things
you can't run away from.

We're not running.

There's only one way to end v*olence.

Everybody everywhere has to stop.

And it will take time.

You really think that's possible?

If I can change two
people's minds, just two,

well, then I've left the world
a better place than I found.

And if those two each
change two more minds,

well, then, eventually...

Even if you're right, you
won't live to see this peace.

I don't do it for myself.

And neither will the
rest of your people here,

or their grandchildren,

or their great-grandchildren's

I love my people,

but I don't do this for them either.

Well, then for who?

I had a daughter.

Aram's mother.

[STAMMERS] He doesn't even remember.

One day she went out foraging,
and bandits stumbled on her.

She had no gold, no jewels,

nothing... of value except her life.

When I found her, I could tell

that they'd k*lled her for sport.

I sat with her body
for hours, just staring

at the broken spear in her chest.

Trying to work up the courage to grab it

and hunt down the beasts,
as they had hunted her.

Why didn't you?

Because I wanted revenge.

That doesn't sound like
the Way of the Leaf.

What greater revenge
against v*olence than peace?

What greater revenge
against death than life?

I couldn't protect my girl
in this turn of the Wheel,

but one day, long after I'm gone,

after Aram and his
grandchildren's grandchildren,

the Wheel will turn out
my daughter's soul again.

I do what I can to forge a
better world for her then,

where she can enjoy the life
she should have had with me.

♪ ♪

Who is he?

The man that holds your heart?

Have you lost him?


No, I'd know if I had.

You know, we leave the
wagons when we turn .

To live in the world for a while,

see if what we were born
into is what we would choose.

Some farm.

Some set sail.

Some even take up arms, I hear.

How many come home?


But not all.

Leaf doesn't fight the wind.

And sometimes the wind
blows away from the tree.


I'm here.

You know that, right?

No matter what happens, I'm here.



[ECHOING] Perrin!




- Mat!
- [EGWENE] Rand.


- No.

- It's all right. I got you.

I got you.



Where's Mat?


Grab him.

Let's get out of here now.

I see you.

[THOM] The Fade!


[THOM] Get him out of here!

- [RAND] Come on.




- [MAT] What?
- [RAND] Come on.

Come on.

Run. Run.

Run. Run.




You've spoken to everyone else.

Did you plan to talk to me?

It's far harder to
keep a shield on someone

than to break out of it.

Look at him.

Not a bead of sweat on his
brow, not a tremor in his lip,

while we're almost ragged.

We have hundreds of miles
yet to the White Tower.

You really think we can
keep this up the whole way?

If he were to break out,

the Three Oaths would
allow us to gentle him.

The White Tower and the women
within it have stood for , years,

not because we do what is expedient

but because we do what is right.

The law applies to us just
as much as it does to him.

And you, a Red, should be
the one reminding me of that,

not the other way around.

♪ ♪


[NYNAEVE] I'm sorry. I
didn't mean to intrude.

You didn't.

What was that?

It's a ritual of my people.

Seven times for the
Seven Towers of Malkier...

... for the home we lost...
the home we shall find again.

In this life or the next.

[NYNAEVE] You pray often?

When I need to.

Ayend'an Atha'an'shari'a marath
allende'nesodhin an'ara'rhiod

e'fel loviyagae zavilat'a'veren Ba'asa.

Well, I didn't know
you knew the Old Tongue.

I don't.

It's the last thing my
parents ever said to me

when they hid me in the cellar
during an attack on our village.

I used to say it whenever I was scared.

Why did you stop?

People don't go to
Wisdoms for ignorance.

I don't even know what the words mean.

Do you want to?

It's what the last king of
Manetheren said to his wife...

... before the battle
they knew they'd lose.

"We shall go into the land... "

"... so our children
can always hold us... "

"... and will never be alone."

You're not exactly
what I thought you were,

al'Lan Mandragoran.

And what was that?

A lapdog with two legs.



Well, you are exactly
what I thought you were,

Wisdom al'Meara.

And what is that?



- What is it?
- My wards.

Looks like his army didn't run
home to their mothers after all.


[STEPIN] Logain's army, they're here.

- How many of them are there?
- Don't worry.

I'll save some for you.

♪ ♪


No army can get past seven full sisters.



We need to get to the cave.

To the Dragon!


- Let's go.
- Move.










Come on.


The others will be here soon,

so we don't have much time to talk.

Why should I believe
you're the Dragon Reborn?

I can hear them when I channel.

All of them.

Whispers of a thousand
Dragons that preceded me,

a thousand lives... I've led.

And they're teaching me
how to do better this time.

Isn't that why the Wheel turns
our spirits out again and again?

To learn.

The Wheel doesn't want anything.

It can't.

Any more than a river or
the rain can want something.

It's people who want.

What do you want?

I want you to know that
the voices in your head...

... those are the whispers of madness.

And as strong as you are,

your power is a trickle.

It's a pinprick of candlelight
against the raging sun

that will be the Dragon Reborn.






♪ ♪







- [ALANNA] Go, get to Logain!
- Kerene.

- We'll hold the army!

- Come on.

♪ ♪



Liandrin, you're drawing too much.

You'll burn out.

I don't care.

He k*lled our sister,

and I will cut him... down.











No... !

Like a raging sun.

Link with me! Now!

[LIANDRIN] Let the
hand of the Tower fall

on you, Logain Ablar,

and take back that which nature itself

does not wish you to hold!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

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