02x08 - Series 2, Episode 8

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Broadchurch". Aired March 2013 - April 2017.*
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A former city detective with a scandalous past now works to solve the high-profile m*rder of an 11-year-old boy in a small coastal town where the media frenzy could tear the community apart. Season 2 focuses on how the community of Broadchurch rebuilds itself.
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02x08 - Series 2, Episode 8

Post by bunniefuu »

There were two girls. Lisa Newbery, 19, was babysitting for her 12-year-old cousin, Pippa. Pippa's parents went away for the night to a friend's wedding. They came back the next day, and both the girls were gone. Pippa, the 12 year old, she was found three days later.

Lisa... Officially she's still missing.

Our main suspect was a man called Lee Ashworth, but he had a solid alibi.

Lee's my husband.

You have to be satisfied that you are sure of the defendant's guilt.

You are the judges of fact.

You must put aside any emotion and approach this in a cold, analytical way.

They're saying I might be the k*ller.

'You're saying Pippa's pendant belonged to Claire?'

You took this? You had this all along?!

There's a verdict. Jury are coming back in.

Have you reached a verdict on this defendant?


Is this the verdict of you all, or as a majority?

A majority.

Will the defendant please stand?

Do you find the defendant, Joseph Michael Miller, guilty or not guilty?

Not guilty.


Mr Miller, you have been found not guilty.

You're free to leave the dock.

Thank you, My Lady.

Members of the jury, thank you for your careful attention to the facts and for delivering your verdict.

You have discharged your duties honourably.

This has been an...

This has been an extremely difficult and distressing case, and, as such, this court excuses you all from any future jury duty.

Thank you.

You OK?

Claire Ripley, I'm arresting you on suspicion of the m*rder of Pippa Gillespie and Lisa Newbery.

You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?

Right. Go.




How is that justice?

It's not.

Go and be with your family.

I wanna k*ll him, El.

I know.

Me too.

Er, come with me. Come on.

What does it take to destroy lives forever? 12 people.

12 ordinary, stupid, easily swayed, hard-of-thinking arseholes!

Alec, I'm so sorry!

I arrested this woman at 2:32 PM.

She's aware she's under caution. Take her to the nick for me.

I rang the custody suite. They know she's coming in. I'll sit with you.

No, no. I need Miller.

Yeah. Course you do.

Claire just handed me this pendant. You two should have plenty to talk about.

Are there any restrictions on where he can go?

Not now.

How do we get him back in court?

He k*lled Danny, and he's got off by playing the system.

You can't appeal once someone's been acquitted, unless compelling new evidence comes forward.

I don't believe this.

So, this is what happens.

Our lives get put through hell, and a guilty man walks free.

I'm sorry.

Where do you think Dad's gonna go?

Don't worry. You'll be safe.

One of the uniformed lads will swing by Lucy's in case he comes home.

Has he got keys to your place?

No. I changed the locks months ago. We'll get through this, OK?

It's gonna be all right, Mum.

How are the family taking it?

Maybe you should've asked that before you took on the case.

Oh, don't be a sore loser.

Then, don't be a shitty winner.

I trained you so much better than this.

All the people you could've helped, and you take on a child k*ller.

All I ever wanted was for you to prove me wrong so that you could show the world how brilliant you -


You wanted a mini-you. You know the difference between us?

I don't see the nobility in this job.

I see a loaded, lopsided game, full of people justifying their cynicism as a higher calling.

It's street-fighting in wigs, that's all.

There are wins that help you sleep at night, others that keep you awake.

I'd stock up on the sleeping pills.

Right. Miller, listen to me.

That anger you're feeling, that rage - that's exactly how I woke up every day for the past two years.

Don't you dare tell me to let it go!

Oh, God, no. I want you to stoke it!

I want it to burn hard in you. I need someone as angry as me right now, cos we're gonna close the case on Claire and Lee Ashworth today!

After what just happened, you think I'm gonna go with you?

I do.

You can't change this, but you can make sure another k*ller goes down.

That fury is fuel. Do something with it.

The pendant is the lever to get them to confess.

We'll go in hard, work that verdict off on two very deserving people!

(Mobile rings)


Claire's in custody.

We believe she has evidence relating to Lisa and Pippa's deaths.

"What evidence?"

I can't talk. I'm just heading over there now.

Um, she turned down a solicitor. She came to me, said she wanted us to know the truth now.

You haven't had a falling out, have you?

"Just do me a favour. Don't leave the area."

I'm sure I'll want to talk to you very soon.

Are you ready?

It was Joe.



Time to stop playing games.

I need your help.


I've been found innocent!

You have to help me come home.

Tell me how you came to have Pippa Gillespie's pendant, Claire.

Have you arrested Lee yet?

Is that what this is about?

You brought us the pendant as a way of sending a message to Lee?

Why did you tell my husband I was pregnant, or that I'd had an abortion, when I told you in confidence?

That's a breach of trust.

You wanna talk about trust?

How the Gillespies used to trust you to take their daughter to school?

What did you do on those journeys? You start grooming her for Lee?

Why did you force me to have sex with you, Alec?

We have never had sex, Claire.

Why have you been holding me against my will?

Is there any truth to this?

Of course there bloody isn't!

You asked me to help you because you were worried your husband would come after you.

You hurt me physically, Alec!

You were sad because your wife had another man's cock in her mouth, but you shouldn't have forced me to have sex with you!

Stop the interview.

Don't touch that.

I have to take these allegations -

Sit down, Miller!

You wanna keep going with these allegations? Fill your boots!

We'll stop now. You can report those offences. I'll be arrested.

You want that? We can do that. Say the word.

That's not why you're here, is it?

You're here because of Lee.

So, what are you thinking?

We bring Lee in. He gets a fright, seeing that.

And then, instead of betraying you... you're banking on him realising that he needs to stay close to you because of what you know.

I don't know anything! (LAUGHS)

I don't!

You know what happened to Lisa Newbery and Pippa Gillespie.

You're wrong.

I don't think I am, not when I look in your eyes.

I'm not scared of you, Alec.

Yeah, well, you should be.

Why have you got Ricky Gillespie's office number in your mobile?

Oh, you're piping up now, are you? Had a little peek at my phone?

Thank you for that, mate(!)

Why would you be calling Pippa's dad?


Did Ricky send you the bluebell?

Oh, he did!

Why has Ricky got a picture of bluebells on his office wall?

Has he?

What happened that night, Claire?


You're kidding me!

Ssh, ssh, ssh!

He can't BE here!

He said it's the only place he can go.

No. I mean he can't come back to this town.

And I've told him that.

So what did you call me for?

Because I need to tell someone else what I'm gonna do.

How are we meant to survive this?

I know what we have to do. I just dunno how we do it.

What do you mean?

The system won't give us justice, then, we have to do it ourselves.

I'm gonna break her in there.

Listen to yourself. You're too wound up!

Me?! You haven't met yourself!

I will do whatever it takes to get those two in prison.

(Mobile rings) Stop fiddling.

Something is bugging me.


Oh, perfect. Stay there. OK.

I need someone to go to Lee and Claire's and get a photograph.

Talk to Tess. I've got to do something.


Come on! Where is it?

Where's what, Lee?

Before I called you, I had someone following you.

I'm arresting you in connection with the murders of Pippa Gillespie and Lisa Newbery.

(Car engine)



(Door bangs)


Agh! (GASPS)



No! Help!

Yeah, of course I'm happy. I just wanna go home.

Yeah. I-I've gotta go.

I bought gin.

Go away.


I can take a loss, but this one mattered.

Now the whole town knows I failed.

It hurts.

Yes. Well, life does.

I never said being back in the world would be painless.

I want to make it right for them, Maggie, and I can't.


None of us can now.

Do you think they'll be strong enough?

This what you after?

Wow, that was quick!

I'm really good.

Yes! Look. See, there it is. That and that, which also makes sense of these two receipts.

Oh, Miller, that is outstanding!

So, I found this at the bottom of the old case files.

What's it for?

A stub for a job I was doing the following Monday.

Oak boards.

So you bought this Saturday morning, the exact amount, everything you needed?

Yeah. And then I done the job on Monday.

Yeah, I know. I checked.

So, why did you go back to the same supply yard first thing Monday and buy the exact same stuff again?


A second, identical purchase.

Nobody thought to query it. Obviously I'm a bit more fussy.

What happened to the stuff you bought on Saturday? Why did you have to buy it again?

I didn't get enough.

This was taken a week before, as you were installing your own floor.

Those boards are not the same boards that are on that floor now.

'Those are dark-oak floorboards. What's down there now is light oak.'

Same light-oak boards you bought Saturday morning, and again Monday.

What did you use those boards for, Lee, between Saturday and Monday?

What happened on the floor, Lee?


No. Something did.

What were you looking for at the cottage, Lee?

Is this what you were looking for?

For the tape, DI Hardy is showing Mr Ashworth a clear plastic evidence bag, AH1, containing a pendant.

Where'd you get it from?

From your wife.


This is the evidence that proves Pippa Gillespie was in your car the night she died.

This is the missing evidence that nearly k*lled me... and now I've got it.

You know what I think this was? Her insurance policy.

She didn't trust you... just like you never should've trusted her.

She has stitched you up.

And she never told you about the baby.

When you're in love, you think you're gonna be interlocked forever.

Love's all-encompassing when you're in it, but... really, you can't trust anyone.

Not even the people you love.

Ultimately... we're all alone.

You more than anyone right now.

So set the record straight, and we can all get released from this.

Come on. You must be so tired of lying!

No-one's coming to your rescue. This is it. Last chance.

Did you k*ll Lisa Newbery?

Why won't he leave me alone?
Where's Pippa?

Asleep. I should probably get back to her.

No. Go get her. Bring her over.

You can both stay here till he's gone.

I was just walking past.

Do you have to be such a w*nk*r?!

Oof! Argh!

Get back to burning your animals!


Oh, get off me! Look at that!

You punched me!

Final warning. Stay away from her.

But I love her.

Get over it, or I'll break your leg.

Go on. Jog on!

You hit him!

Yeah, well, it's quicker than talking.

He did get a bit of a nosebleed, though, poor sod.

Well, you got blood on your shirt.


Where's Pippa?

She's asleep in your bed. She barely woke up.

You had sex with Lisa Newbery that night?

All this time you've been denying it.

Then what?

You k*lled her?


No. Claire.

You don't have a clue!

(Panting and grunting)

Ricky came home from the wedding?

Get your clothes on!

Calm down!

Where's Pippa?

She's upstairs!

I trusted you with her!

Lee was helping me.

Don't give me that!

I've been out there the last 15 minutes.

Watching us? You bastard!

What you call me?

You're pissed. Calm down.

I've seen you looking. You're pissed off that I f*cked him, not you!


Is that how you talk to me?

Stop it!

No! Get off me!

Call me a bastard again!

(Thumping crack)

Where was Claire?

This little box contains Lee's taped evidence.

You are lying, Claire. You've changed your story a dozen times, and blamed everyone but yourself. Now it's time to tell the truth.

Lee's told us Ricky k*lled Lisa, but what happened to Pippa?

It's me. You here?

Hey! What you doing here, sweetheart?

What's wrong?

(Sobs) I think there's been an accident.

What do you mean?

Hey, hey, Pippa! You should be asleep!

I thought you were at a wedding.

Is Lisa all right?

No, she's not.

She's, er... I'm afraid Lee's really hurt her.

What? What?!


You should be in -

You didn't...

Claire, I need you to go to Pippa and sit with her.

I've told her you'll bring her medicine to calm her down. Here.

Claire! Give her some of that. It'll help her sleep.

I'll deal with her in the morning.

Claire's not part of this.

Shut up.

You're all over her body. You're inside her.

Her blood's on your floor. I'll get the van. You clean up in here.

You go to the police, and I'll put it all on you.

Claire, you can't give her that. You can't give Pippa that.

When he goes out to bars, he puts Rohypnol in there.

We've got to go to the police.

Did you have sex with her?

Did you have sex with her, Lee?


What have you done?!


Here you go.


How long were you sitting on the stairs, hm?

Come on. It's all right. I won't tell anyone. I promise.

Had you been there long?


Was the door open?

But you heard something?


I heard Lisa and Lee.


They were having sex.


Then I heard the fight.


OK. Thank you for telling me the truth, sweetheart.

Lee hurt Lisa, and Dad said...

It's all right. It's all right. Thank you for being honest.

You've done really well.

Now, I don't want you to worry.

You just need to rest.

Your dad has left you something.

Er, some medicine, just... calm you down, help you sleep. We'll get all this sorted out.

I want you to take a big gulp of that.

A big gulp of that. That's a good girl.

Well done.

I don't like it.

No. It's horrible, isn't it? Medicine always is.

But it's gonna help everything.


Snuggle down, now.

Come on. Snuggle down.

Snug as a bug.

I'm just downstairs.

I'm worried about Lisa.

Everything's gonna be all right.


We've got to clear this mess up.

Pippa heard you having sex.

She thinks you k*lled Lisa.

Did you give her that stuff from the flask?

She'll be asleep now.

What are you doing? Where's Pippa?

Look, I'll explain.

We haven't got much time. Just drive. Just drive!

(Owl hoots)

(Starts engine)

Stay back from me.

Quiet! What are we doing? Where's Pippa?

Tell me where she is, now!

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!

Where is Pippa?

You need to stay calm, right?

I gave her some stuff from your flask, like you said.


What was in there? That wasn't just whisky, was it?

What happened?

She had a reaction. She couldn't breathe.

She was choking, and it was... It was just so, so fast.

What are you telling me?

We couldn't call an ambulance Ricky, not with what you've done... to Lisa, with blood all over the floor!

We...couldn't save her.

She's gone.



I'm so sorry.

No. You don't say that!

Lee said he knows somewhere peaceful, somewhere you used to go, where she won't be found for a while.

That's why we're here. You can go and look. I'll wait here.

I'll wait here.

(Door clangs)

Ricky! Gimme the keys.

Listen. I've got to tell you this.

I've buried your hip flask in the woods here.

I know exactly where, but nobody else will be able to find it.

If you feel like you wanna talk to the police, or you blame us, remember, I know where your hip flask is that contains traces that k*lled Pippa.

It's just a precaution. That's all. Nothing else.

You've thought it all through, haven't you?

I've got to think of the future.

I only came home that night to tell him I was pregnant.

We've got a pretty clear picture of the events of that night.

But we wanna hear it from you. We know you k*lled Lisa.

But where did you bury her body?

No comment.

No, no, no, no. Don't do that.

Cate broke your alibi weeks ago.

There were hours when she didn't see you at the wedding.

She assumed you were off sleeping with a bridesmaid, Tiffany Evans.

But Tiffany said otherwise.

And I did a lot of checking with every cab company in your area.

Unfortunately for you, the cab company that took you home have got a computerised system. They keep really good records.

Your journey details, times, all paid up.

No comment.


My daughter was the same age as Pippa when this happened.

My heart went out to you. I knew how you felt.

I couldn't let you down. That's what I always thought.

Two years, never letting go! I nearly k*lled myself over this, and you're gonna "no comment" me?!

So, is there anything else you want to say to us?

I got my punishment that night.

What did you do with Lisa's body?

Lee was working at a church. There was a funeral the day before.

So... best place to hide a body.

A grave.




Did you not find any traces of Rohypnol in Pippa's body?

Passes through the system in 24 hours.

We didn't find her for a few days. And besides, they watered it down.

You did it. You got them.

Done my penance.

I just keep thinking of all the damage done... all those lives.

(Mobile beeps)

That's Beth. She's here. Do you mind if I...

No, go.

Well done. Go on.

I think you're wrong, by the way.

You're wrong, what you said to Lee in there.

We're not all alone.

Hope you're right about that.

I wasn't sure you'd come.

I can't believe you asked.

Anyway, I never miss a chance to be belittled.

I want to work with you.

(Laughs) You wanna what?

I'm not ready to stop. In fact I'm just getting going again.

You don't want to end on a loss.

No, I bloody don't, and especially not to you.

Why would I ever want to work with you again?

Because I bring prestige, which matters.

Don't protest!

I'm brilliant. I'd be your conscience, challenge what you do, and I still think you need that.

I think you're wrong about the law. I understand why, but it is a calling. It is noble.

And I think... you need to get that back.

I don't need a tutor.

Yes, you do. We all do.

It wouldn't work. I'm sorry, but no.

I've done some work on this.

They're wrong about your son's case.

I think there could be grounds for appeal.

Where did you get these files?

They're the originals you sent me.

And you kept them, even though you don't like me very much.

I don't have to like you. But I have to believe in you.

I've spent too much time here recently being afraid.

I need a way back in.

Get out.


What's the matter? You worried about what could happen?

Get out!

Mark, what are you gonna do to me?

Please, don't!


I trusted you.

Oh, my God!

Sit down.


Sit down!

Do you know how many knives there are in here?


I counted 'em while I was waiting.

Thought which'd be best to use on you.

I'm sorry!

No, no, no.

Don't open your mouth. You don't get to speak.

You could've kept... one bit of your humanity.

You could've faced up to what you've done... taken your punishment.

Been a decent human being.


What am I saying?

You're not that. You can't ever have been.

When you die... no-one will mourn for you.

We could k*ll you in here, dump your body on a beach.

And no-one'd care. No-one'd notice.

But we're more than you. We... I will not be broken by this.

We all get to live.

But you... you've no life left. Not here.

I was found innocent.

Shut up! Just shut up, you piece of shit!

I'm sorry.

You're not sorry!

If you were sorry, you'd have pleaded guilty.

You heard what she said. You are leaving. You are never coming back.

And you will never see either of your children again.

You can't do that.

Oh, I can do that.

If you try and see them, if you follow them, if you go to their schools, if you contact them in any way, I will k*ll you.

And unlike you, I will face the consequences.

You are dead to us. Do you understand?

Now you're coming with us.


Your bags are in the cab.

It'll take you to Bournemouth train station.

A vicar friend of mine will meet you there and make sure you get on the train to Sheffield.

I've got you into a halfway house.

From there... you're on your own.

You think you can banish me?

We're sure of it, Joe.

What time's your taxi coming?

Um, about half an hour.

You don't have to wait.


I couldn't have done this without you.

No, you couldn't.

And you didn't.


Don't be nice to me. It's not how it works.

All right.

So, where are you gonna go?

Er, I dunno. Um...

Close to Daisy. I need to be near my daughter.

Yeah. Quite right.

Well... OK. Thanks for everything.


Yeah. Not hugging you.

Look after yourself, Miller.

What about Joe?

Er, it's been dealt with.

I miss him so much.

Me too.

We haven't shown you this place, have we?

We can't never come here. We can't... miss out.

Not on somewhere this beautiful.

We lost your brother here, darlin'.

He would've loved you.

Would've loved having a little sister to boss around.

I have to reclaim it for you now, Lizzie.

And for us.

Keep our love as strong as steel.

That's the way we win.


Hey! You're late!

Yeah, but we've got crisps!


Hello, Fred!


Yeah, he likes that, don't he?

He's a cutie, ain't he?


How you doing?

All right.

Hey, pretty girl!

She's got a little red nose.

Oh, you have!

(Both laugh)

Hello. How you doing?

All right.


Have you said hello to everybody?


Where to, then, sir?
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