02x02 - Episode Two

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Downton Abbey". Aired 26 September 2010 to 25 December 2015.*

Moderator: Fielran

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Beginning in the years leading up to World w*r I, the drama centers on the Crawley family and their servants.
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02x02 - Episode Two

Post by bunniefuu »


April, 1917

[A man rides a bicycle toward the abbey. A new valet, Henry Lang, prepares Robert's clothes. William works downstairs.]

Servant: A letter for you, William.

[Mrs Hughes brings some flowers into the library and sees Mr Carson feeding the fireplace.]

Mrs Hughes: Why on earth are you doing that?

Mr Carson: Someone's got to.

Mrs Hughes: Yes, indeed, they do. And that someone is William or one of the maids. You're making work for yourself, Mr Carson, and I've no sympathy with that.

Mr Carson: I'm not asking for sympathy.


Mr Lang: I don't think y-you should be in--

Robert, Earl of Grantham: What? Oh, for heaven's sake, man! If something's wrong, put it right!

[Lang fixes Robert's uniform.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: I'm sorry Lang, I don't mean to snap.

Mr Lang: Nothing to worry about, my lord.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: (sigh) You've been in the trenches, I have not. I've no right to criticise.

Mr Lang: I'm not a soldier now.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You've been invalided out. That is perfectly honourable.

Mr Lang: Is it? I know people look at me and wonder why I'm not in uniform.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Then you refer them to me and I'll give them a piece of my mind. Hmm?

[They nod to each other.]

[Mrs Patmore reads a letter at a table, distressed. Daisy enters.]

Daisy: Penny for your thoughts.

Mrs Patmore: They're worth a great deal more than that, thank you very much.

[William enters with his letter.]

Daisy: What is it?

William: My papers. They've come. I've been called up.

Mrs Patmore: Oh. You never have.

Daisy: What does it mean?

William: I'm to report for my medical next Wednesday, and once I'm through that, I go to Richmond for training.

Daisy: And then you...go to w*r?

William: Will any luck. I'll be beggared if it's over before I get there.

Mrs Patmore: Well, if they'd listen to me, it'd be over by tea time.

William: Daisy, I wonder, would you give me a picture to take with me?

Daisy: I haven't got one.

William: Well, then have one taken on your afternoon off, please.

Mrs Patmore: That's enough. Let her get on with her work.


Cora, Countess of Grantham: How's Thomas coming along? I wish he could be treated at our hospital here.

O'Brien: Well, it's only for officers.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Of course.

O'Brien: Although, ideally, he'd love to be transferred there to work.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: He won't be sent back to the front?

O'Brien: Not with his hand the way it is.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: It's such a pity he isn't under Dr Clarkson. We might have been able to influence him a bit.

O'Brien: I should hope so. Why, without this family and all the money you've spent, his precious hospital wouldn't exist at all.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Perhaps I'll ask his advice, you never know.

O'Brien: I was sure you'd have a good idea of what to do for the best.


Matthew Crawley: Fancy a tour in England, Davis?

Davis: I assume you're [?] me on, sir.

Matthew Crawley: Not at all. General Sir Herbert Strutt has asked for my transfer to be his ADC. He's touring England to boost recruitment and he's remembered that I know Manchester and Yorkshire pretty well. It'll mean a couple of months at home and a promotion to captain. I can't object to that.


William: I've only got a few days before the medical, milady.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Go and tell your father.

[William nods.]

Cora, Countess of Grantham: You don't mind, do you, Carson?

Mr Carson: We must manage with no footman at all from next Wednesday. It'll be no different if we start now.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: And you've always got Lang.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: We wish you every good fortune. Don't we, darling?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: We certainly do.

[Robert reaches to shake William's hand.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Good luck, William.

William: Thank you, milord.

[Mr Carson and William exit.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: So, both my footmen have gone to the w*r while I cut ribbons and make speeches.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: And keep people's spirits up, which is very important.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: By God, I envy them, though. I envy their self-respect, and I envy their ability to sleep at night.


O'Brien: Mr Carson doesn't like the smell of cleaning materials in the servants' hall, not just before luncheon.

Ethel: Go on, Miss O'Brien, we don't want to be unfriendly, do we?

O'Brien: You obviously don't.

[O'Brien sees Lang's fingers shaking as he struggles to put the cap on the cleaner bottle.]

O'Brien: Nevermind. Finish it now you're started, but don't blame me if Mr Carson takes a bite out of you.

[Lang puts the bottle back on the table. Mr Molesley clears his throat as he enters.]

Mr Molesley: Hello, Mr Lang. Everything all right?

Mr Lang: Why do you say that?

Mr Molesley: No reason. I only meant I hope you're enjoying yourself. I know I would be in your shoes.

O'Brien: You never tried for the job, did you?

Mr Molesley: I never got the chance. I no sooner heard that Mr Bates was gone when he arrived.

[Molesley laughs, but no on joins in.]

O'Brien: What brings you here, Mr Molesley?

Mr Molesley: I was wondering if Anna was anywhere around.

Ethel: I could find her if you like.

Mr Molesley: Oh, no. Just give her this.

[He holds out a book and puts it on the table.]

Mr Molesley: We were talking about it the other day. I came across a copy in Ripon.

[Molesley leaves and Ethel picks up the book to read the title.]

Ethel: Elizabeth and Her German Garden. Whatever's that about?

O'Brien: It's about an invitation to talk some more, that's what.


Cora, Countess of Grantham: Goodbye, Dr Clarkson.

[Cora starts walking away.]

Dr Clarkson: Lady Grantham.

[She stops and Clarkson walks out to her.]

Dr Clarkson: I'd love to help, but it's not within my power to hook men from hither and thither as I please.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: It's not at all what I was asking.

Dr Clarkson: Forgive me, but I thought you were saying that you wanted Corporal Barrow to come and work here when he's fully recovered.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: I think it a credit to him that he wants to continue to serve in this way. After he's been wounded.

Dr Clarkson: Well, that it may be, but it's not for me to decide what happens next.

[Cora nods disappointedly and leaves.]

[Mr Carson struggles to open a bottle of wine. He has to stop to take a breath.]

Anna: Mr Carson, are you quite well?

Mr Carson: Oh, leave me alone.

[He struggles some more and pulls the cork out of the bottle.]

[Mr Carson serves the family luncheon.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: But after twenty-four hours, it just doesn't do it.

[Carson bumps into Violet's chair.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Are you all right, Carson?

Mr Carson: Of course. That is, er, perfectly all right, Your Ladyship, thank you.

[Mr Carson goes to pour Robert a glass, but he holds up his hand.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Er, no.

Lady Edith: Cousin Isobel says Matthew's coming home in a fortnight. He's touring England with some general.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: We'll have a dinner when he's here.

[Mr Carson stops to look at Robert. He's not pleased.]

Lady Mary: I was going to ask Richard Carlisle about then. For Saturday to Monday.

[Carson takes a breath at the thought of another dinner.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: You be careful, Mary. Sir Richard Mustn't think you're after him.

Lady Sybil: Isn't that the truth?

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: The truth is neither here nor there. It's the look of the thing that matters. Ask Rosamund. It'll take the edge off it.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Well, that'd be nice. Like before the w*r.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: How can we manage a great pre-w*r house party without a single footman?

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: My dear, Rosamund is not a house party. She's blood.

Lady Edith: I saw Mrs Drake when I went into the village. The wife of John Drake, who has Long Field Farm.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Yes. What did she have to say?

Lady Edith: Apparently their final able-bodied farmhand has been called up. They need a man to drive the tractor.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Well, hasn't Drake recovered from his illness? I thought he was better.

Lady Edith: No, he is. He's much, much better. But he doesn't drive. So I told her I could do it.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: What?

Lady Edith: I said I could drive the tractor.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Edith! You are a lady, not Toad of Toad Hall.

Lady Edith: Well, I'm doing it.

[Mary and Robert smile at her determination.]

[Edith cycles to the farm.]

Lady Edith: Don't look so bewildered. It's simple. I will drive the tractor.

Mrs Drake: Well, can you do that?

Lady Edith: Absolutely. Can you hitch up the plough or whatever it is I'm dragging?

John Drake: Of course.

Lady Edith: When would you like me to start?

Mrs Drake: (laughs in shock) Well, I better get you something to wear, then.


Anna: Oh, I like a bit of life in a house, but I-- I just hope Mr Carson doesn't spontaneously combust.

Mrs Patmore: Erm, I had a letter yesterday.

Anna: Yes?

Mrs Patmore: It's my sister's boy. He's--he's with the Lancashire Fusiliers, only he's gone missing.

[Mrs Patmore puts on her glasses and pulls out the note.]

Mrs Patmore: Erm, "missing presumed dead" they call it.

Anna: Oh, no. How did it happen?

Mrs Patmore: Well, that's just it. They can't find out how it happened, why it happened, whether we can be sure it did happen or he isn't lying prisoner somewhere.

Anna: Why not ask His Lordship? He'll have friends in the w*r office. They can dig something up

Mrs Patmore: Oh, well n-- I don't like to bother him.

Anna: Why not? He's got broad shoulders.

Mrs Patmore: Oh.

[Ethel watches Lang mend a jacket.]

Ethel: Oh, it's ever so fine, Mr Lang. However can you make those big hands do such delicate work? I expect there's no end to the things they could manage.

O'Brien: Giving you a slap for a start.

[Ethel pulls back and pouts.]

O'Brien: That is good. Very good. I like to see a proper skill. These days, blokes think they can be a valet if they can smile and tie a shoelace, but there's an art to it, and I can tell you've got it.

Mr Lang: My mother taught me. She was a lady's maid like you.

O'Brien: Well, she knew what she was about.

Mr Carson: Oh, Mr Lang.

[Lang stands hurriedly.]

Mr Carson: As you know, Sir Richard Carlisle arrives later and the Crawleys are coming for dinner tonight. I really can't have maids in the dining room for such a party, so I'd be grateful if you'd help me and play the footman.

Mr Lang: Me? Wait a table?

Mr Carson: Oh, it's not ideal, but I'm afraid I've no choice. The footman's liveries are in a cupboard just past Mrs Hughes's sitting room. You should find one to fit you.


Robert, Earl of Grantham: I'm not sure what I can do, but I'm happy to try. What's his name?

Mrs Patmore: Archie. That is, Archibald Philpots. He was in the Lancashire Fusiliers. They think he was in northern France.

[Robert writes it down.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You realise the most likely outcome is that he has, indeed, been k*lled?

Mrs Patmore: I understand, milord. But we'd rather know the worst than wonder.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Mm.

[Anna walks down the corridor and Molesley enters.]

Mr Molesley: Ah.

Anna: Oh. Hello, Mr Molesley. What are you doing here?

Mr Molesley: I asked inside and they said you were over in the laundry.

Anna: Lady Mary wants to wear this tonight. I wasn't sure it was done.

Mr Molesley: I was really wondering if you'd had a chance to read that book.

Anna: You only gave it to me yesterday.

Mr Molesley: Of course, of course. But, when you have read it, I hope we can exchange our views.

Anna: That'd be nice. But perhaps we might bring some of the others in. We could have a sort of reading club.

Mr Molesley: We could do that. Er...or we talk about it together, just we two.

[Miss O'Brien walks by.]

Anna: Heavens, it's later than I thought. I must get on.

[O'Brien fixes Cora's hair. Robert enters.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: I'm off to change, but I wanted you to know I sent a note down to Clarkson, which should do the trick.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: What did you say?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Only that I gathered you'd asked a favour and, given that the estate shoulders the hospital costs, it did seem a little unfair if we weren't allowed a few perks.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Quite right. Thank you, darling.

[Robert smiles at her and exits.]

O'Brien: Well done, my lady.

[John Drake hitches the tractor to a tree stump while Edith sits in the driver's seat]

Lady Edith: Ready?

John Drake: Ready!

[Edith has trouble with the clutch.]

Lady Edith: Come on, damn you.

[Edith changes gears and moves the tractor forward. It pulls the tree out by the roots. Drake cheers. Later, they drink in the barn.]

John Drake: To the victor the spoils.

[They toast.]

Lady Edith: Did you plant that tree?

John Drake: Steady on. It must be forty years old.

[They chuckle.]

Lady Edith: It's not a flattering light.

John Drake: My father planted it. But you have to be tough with free trees, not let them outstay their welcome.

Lady Edith: Farming needs a kind of toughness, doesn't it? There's room for sentiment, but not sentimentality.

John Drake: Beautifully put, if I may say so, my lady.

[Edith smiles at the compliment.]

John Drake: You should be a writer.

Lady Edith: Thank you.

[Mrs Drake comes in with a basket.]

Mrs Drake: How you getting on?

John Drake: Very well, I think.

Mrs Drake: And it's not too hard for you?

Lady Edith: Not at all.

John Drake: She's stronger than she looks.

Mrs Drake: I brought you something to eat, my lady. Though, I'm afraid it's not what you're used to.

[The dog sniffs at the basket.]

Mrs Drake: Hey, it's not for you.

[Thomas walks to Downton. O'Brien meets him in the courtyard as he smokes.]

O'Brien: So it is you. Ethel thought I must have a soldier fancy man.

Thomas: She the new maid?

O'Brien: Yes. She's a soppy sort. So, tell me, was Dr Clarkson thrilled to have your services?

Thomas: It's Major Clarkson now, but yes. I don't know how you did it.

[O'Brien smiles.]

O'Brien: What about your blighty?

[She nods to his hand. He pulls off the glove, showing how it was maimed by the b*llet.]

O'Brien: My god.

Thomas: It's not so bad. And it lived up to its name and got me home.

O'Brien: You better come inside.


Thomas: Where's William?

Daisy: Training for the army.

Thomas: I thought he might've died for love of you.

Daisy: Don't be nasty, not as soon as you're back.

Thomas: Imagine Carson without a footman. Like a ringmaster without a pony.

Mrs Hughes: We'll have none of your cheek, thank you, Thomas.

Thomas: I'm very sorry, Mrs Hughes, but I'm not a servant anymore. I take my orders from Major Clarkson. Who's this.

O'Brien: Ethel, the new maid I told you.

Ethel: When I saw you out there I didn't realise I was dealing with an ex-footman.

Thomas: I'm the one that got away.

Ethel: Gives hope to us all.

[Carson enters.]

Mr Carson: Ethel? Get ready to help with the luggage, they're nearly back with Sir Richard.

O'Brien: We've got a visitor, Mr Carson.

Mr Carson: I've seen him.

[Carson never bothers to look at Thomas and exits.]

Thomas: Where's Mr Bates?

O'Brien: Gone. Replaced by Mr Lang.

Thomas: So not all the changes were bad.

[Anna ignores him and continues her sewing.]

[Branson drives the car up to the front door and Sir Richard Carlisle gets out and greets Cora.]

Sir Richard Carlisle: Hello.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: We're so pleased to have you here, Sir Richard.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Lady Grantham.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Welcome.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Thank you.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: I hope the train wasn't too tiring.

Lady Rosamund: Hello, Mary.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Not a bit. No, I got a lot done.

Lady Mary: Hello Aunt Rosamund.

Lady Rosamund: Brother, dear.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: How are you?

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Lovely to see you Rosamund.

[The family goes inside while Branson talks with Sir Richard's servants.]

Lady Mary: He's nice, isn't he?

Lady Rosamund: To be honest, he spent the entire journey reading his own papers. But I'm sure I'll love him dearly if he'll ever look up from a page.

[Rosamund and Mary enter the house. Cora comes out for a moment.]

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Branson, when you've finished unloading, run down to the hospital and remind Lady Sybil that we expect her here for dinner. And tell her I mean it. Really. They're working her like a pack horse in a mine.

[Cora turns to go.]

Branson: I think she enjoys it, though.

[Cora stops and turns around to put him in his place.]

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Please tell her to come home in time to change.

[Branson nods grimly and returns to the car.]


Lady Sybil: I can't possibly come! Really, Mama is incorrigible!

Isobel Crawley: It's not poor Branson's fault.

Lady Sybil: But what is the point of Mama's soirees? What are they for?

Isobel Crawley: Well, I'm going out for dinner tonight and I'm glad. Is that wrong?

[Thomas walks in with some blankets.]

Isobel Crawley: Thomas, you can cover for Nurse Crawley, can't you?

Thomas: I can.

[Thomas starts making up a bed and Branson approaches him.]

Branson: So you're back, then. Safe and sound.

Thomas: That's not how I'd put it with my hand the way it is, but yes. Major Clarkson's found me a place and I'm grateful.

Lady Sybil: Can you give Lieutenant Courtenay his pills?

Thomas: Of course I can. I'd be glad to.

[We see Lt. Courtenay sitting in a bed with his eyes covered in bandages.]


Mrs Hughes: Is everything under control?

Anna: Mr Lang seems a bit nervous.

[Mrs Hughes dismisses it with a wave.]

Mrs Hughes: Stage fright. But what about you?

Anna: Oh. I'm a trooper. And we can't complain, can we? Not when you think what's going on in France.

Mrs Hughes: Still. A broken heart can be as painful as a broken limb.

Anna: Don't feel sorry for me, Mrs Hughes. I'm not. I know what real love is and there aren't many who can say that. I'm one of the lucky ones.

Mrs Hughes: If you say so.


Sir Richard Carlisle: So the fashion for cocktails before dinner hasn't reached Yorkshire?

Lady Mary: I could get Carson to make you one, but I won't guarantee the result.

Mr Carson: Mrs Crawley, Captain Crawley, and Miss Swire.

[Mr Carson steps aside for them to enter.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Ah. Isobel.

[Matthew steps forward.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Well, now. Still in one piece. Thank God.

Matthew Crawley: Touch wood.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: I never stop touching it.

Lady Mary: Do you know Sir Richard Carlisle? My cousin, Captain Crawley.

Sir Richard Carlisle: How do you do?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: And his fiancé, Miss Swire.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I know Miss Swire. Her uncle and I are old friends.

Lavinia: Well, old acquaintances, anyway.

[Across the room, Sybil speaks with her aunt.]

Lady Sybil: What do you think Mary sees in him?

Lady Rosamund: Besides the money, you mean?

Lady Sybil: It must be more than that.

Lady Rosamund: For you. Not necessarily for her.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: What is General Strutt like?

Matthew Crawley: Well, you know. Rather important. And brave. He got the [?] in Africa.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Is there any chance it might be permanent? That we can count you out of danger? It would be such a relief.

Matthew Crawley: I wouldn't want that, I'm afraid. He's promised to get me back to France when he's done with me. How's your new appointment with the North Ridings working out?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Oh, that. It seems I won't be going to the front after all. I made a mistake. They only wanted a mascot.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Mary tells me you're in newspapers?

Sir Richard Carlisle: Well, I own a few.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Ah. That must be quite a responsibility at a time like this, you know, in a w*r. When it's so important to keep people's spirits up.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Lady Grantham, my responsibility is to investors. I need to keep my readership up. I leave the public spirits to government propaganda.

[Mary approaches.]

Lady Mary: So now you've met Granny. I warn you, she has very strong opinions.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Oh, you need have no fear where that's concerned, my dear. We're more than evenly matched.


Mr Carson: Where are the spoons for this?

Daisy: Just here.

[Daisy hands them to Carson.]

Mr Carson: Oh my God, I've forgotten the sauce.

Anna: Mr Lang's bringing the sauce, and the Melba toast.

Mr Carson: Right. Right. Good.

Anna: Now, Mr Lang, are you ready?

Mr Lang: I think so. Now, it's always the left, and not ladies first?

Anna: No. Just follow Mr Carson. Start with Old Lady Grantham, then His Lordship, then just go on round. You must have done this before.

Mr Lang: Not since the w*r started.

Daisy: I don't think I ever knew that. Why i'n't it just ladies first? Wouldn't it be more polite?

Anna: That's the way it's done on the continent, and we don't like foreign ways here.


Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I gather your footman Thomas has returned to the village. No.

[Violet refuses the sauce Lang offers.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Crikey. Where did you see him?

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: At the hospital. Seems he's working there.

[Lang walks around Carson, past Robert to serve Lady Rosamund.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: I wonder how he wangled that.

Mr Carson (whisper to Lang): Get back behind me!

Sir Richard Carlisle (background): Not as well as I should.

[Carson and Lang switch places and Lang serves Robert the sauce. Robert and Rosamund speak in low tones to avoid being overheard.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: What do you make of our [?]?

Lady Rosamund: He's an opportunity. Mary needs a position, and preferably a powerful one. He can provide it.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You don't think she'd be happier with a more traditional set up?

Lady Rosamund: Will she have the option?

[Lang continues down the table to Rosamund.]

Lady Rosamund: Thank you, but I already have some.

Mr Carson: No, no. Give that to me.

[Lang tries to hand Carson the sauce, but Carson drops it and it spills all over Edith.]

Mr Carson: I--I do apologise, my lady. I-- Mr Lang, get a c--

[Mr Carson seizes up.]

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Carson?

[The entire table stands up to help Carson.]

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Carson, what's the matter?

Lady Mary: Carson, it's all right. Everything will be fine.

[Isobel sits Carson down in her chair.]

Isobel Crawley: Edith, go with Branson and fetch Major Clarkson. I'll telephone and explain what's happened.

Lady Edith: What about my dress?

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Edith! We'll get you a coat! Come.

Lady Mary: Sybil will know what to do until the doctor comes.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: You'll find there's never a dull moment in this house.

Matthew Crawley: Lady Sybil and I will take him upstairs. Mrs Hughes will show us the way, please.

Lady Mary: I can help.

Lady Sybil: No, let me. I know what I'm doing.

[Still rather incapacitated, Carson still protests.]

Mr Carson: I'm sure that's not necessary, my lady.

Lady Sybil: It's not milady now, Carson.

Mrs Hughes (whisper): Mr Lang!

Lady Sybil: It's Nurse Crawley.

Mrs Hughes (whisper): Mr Lang! Come on.

[Mrs Hughes leads him to the doorway where the maids are standing.]

Mrs Hughes (whisper): Anna and Ethel, I must trust the dinner to you.

Ethel: Well, I'd say the first course is a thing of the past.

Mrs Hughes (whisper): Then clear and lay the hot plates. Daisy, you fetch the beef and the rest of it, and Anna, you'll have to serve the wine.

[The girls take off.]

Mrs Hughes (whisper): Mr Lang, you can clear up the mess.

O'Brien: I'll do that.

Mrs Hughes (whisper): There's no need.

O'Brien: I don't mind.

Mrs Hughes (whisper): I thank you. Mr Lang, you better go downstairs.


Robert, Earl of Grantham: Well...Clarkson's seen him. It's definitely not a heart attack, but he does need rest.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: He's working much too hard. For a start, he's just got to let the maids serve in the dining room.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Quite right. There is a w*r. Even Carson has to make sacrifices.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Poor Lang. He looked like a rabbit in front of a snake.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: I don't understand it. He seemed so solid when I met him, even taciturn. Now he's a bundle of nerves.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: I heard what you said to Matthew about the regiment.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Everyone else knows what a fool I made of myself, why shouldn't he?

Cora, Countess of Grantham: I don't think you're a fool. Isn't that enough?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: No. Maybe it should be, but it isn't.

[Lang stands in his room, eyes closed, bombs and g*nf*re echoing in his mind.]

O'Brien: You all right, Mr Lang?

[Lang is startled out of his trance.]

O'Brien: You're not, are you? I've seen shellshock before, you know. I had a brother with it. My favourite brother, as it happens. And I was his favourite, too. They sent him back and he's dead now.

Mr Lang: They won't send me back. I'm a gonner as far as they're concerned.

O'Brien: You shouldn't be working yet.

Mr Lang: I must work. I don't know what to do, else. I have to work.

Mrs Hughes: Mr Lang, I thought you'd gone up.

O'Brien: He wanted to hang up the livery before it got creased.

Mrs Hughes: We can discuss the dinner another time. I'll say goodnight.

O'Brien: Goodnight, Mrs Hughes.

Mr Lang: Goodnight.

[Mary knocks on Mr Carson's door, then opens it.]

Lady Mary: May I come in?

[Carson struggles to sit up in bed.]

Mr Carson: How very kind of you, my lady, but do you think you should?

Lady Mary: Let's hope my reputation will survive it. And rest easy, please.

[Mary sits in the chair near the bed.]

Lady Mary: I gather it isn't too serious?

Mr Carson: Agh, I've been very stupid, my lady. I let myself get flustered. I regard that as highly unprofessional. It won't happen again.

Lady Mary: You mustn't be too hard on yourself.

Mr Carson: I was particularly sorry to spoil things for Sir Richard, knowing he was a guest of yours.

Lady Mary: Don't be. I think he found it all quite exciting.

Mr Carson: Will we be seeing a lot of him?

Lady Mary: I don't know. (shrugs) Maybe.

Mr Carson: And Captain Crawley. Is he happy with the changes, so to speak?

[Mary looks down and Carson reads her feelings.]

Mr Carson: May I give you one piece of advice, my lady? Tell him what's in your heart. If you still love him, let him know. Then even if he's k*lled - and he may be - you won't be sorry. But if you don't tell him, you could regret it all your life long.

Lady Mary: And what about Miss Swire?

Mr Carson: (scoffs) Miss Swire. As if any man in his right mind could prefer Miss Swire to you.

[Mary smiles and Mrs Hughes enters.]

Mrs Hughes: Oh, I'm so sorry, milady. I didn't know you were in here.

Lady Mary: I was just going. Carson's been boosting my confidence.

[Carson smiles affectionately at her and she leaves.]

Mrs Hughes: That's something I'd never have thought she was short of.

[Thomas sits on the bed next to the blinded Courtenay.]

Thomas: What about you, sir? What did you do before the w*r started?

Lt. Courtenay: I was up at Oxford. But I only ever planned to farm. Farm. And sh**t. And hunt. And fish. And everything I'll never do again.

Thomas: You don't know that, sir. We've had cases of gas-blindness wearing off.

Lt. Courtenay: Rare cases, and much sooner than this. It doesn't help me to be lied to, you know. I'm finished. And I'd rather face it than dodge it.

Thomas: I better go.

[Robert and Cora, and Mary and Sir Richard walk through woods and fields.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Where's Rosamund?

Cora, Countess of Grantham: She's with your Mama, trying to talk her into the idea of Sir Richard.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You don't sound very enthusiastic.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Are you?

[A few paces behind.]

Sir Richard Carlisle: Can we stop for a minute?

Lady Mary: Don't tell me you're tired.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I'm not tired, I'm hot. This tweed is too thick.

Lady Mary: It looks more suited to sh**ting than walking.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I had it made for the weekend. I didn't know there was a difference.

Lady Mary: It doesn't matter.

Sir Richard Carlisle: That's like the rich who say money doesn't matter. It matters enough when you haven't got it.

Lady Mary: I know you don't care about our silly rules. You're always very clear on that score.

Sir Richard Carlisle: You make me sound rude, and I hope I'm not that. I mean to learn how to do things properly, and I'm sure you could help me a lot. But I'm not ashamed of being what they call a self-made man. I'm proud of it.

Lady Mary: Is the point of all this to test me in some way?

Sir Richard Carlisle: Maybe. Are you shocked by my bold and modern values?

Lady Mary: Oh, Sir Richard, you flatter yourself. It takes a good deal more than that to shock me.


Lady Rosamund: But Mama, who do you imagine is out there with more to offer?

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I am not a romantic.

Lady Rosamund: I should hope not.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: But even I will concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood

Lady Rosamund: That is charming. Especially from you. But Mary seems to have...blotted her copy book in some way.

[Rosamund waits, trying to gage her mother's reaction.]

Lady Rosamund: So she needs a suitable marriage that will mend her fences.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Well, how do we know Carlisle is suitable? I mean, who is he? Who'd ever heard of him before the w*r?

Lady Rosamund: Sir Richard is powerful and rich, and well on the way to appear rich. Of course, he may not be all that one would wish, but Mary can soon smooth off the rough edges.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Well, you should know.

Lady Rosamund: What do you mean by that? Marmaduke was a gentleman.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Marmaduke was the grandson of a manufacturer.

Lady Rosamund: His mother was the daughter of a baronet.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Maybe. But they were no great threat to the Plantagenets.

Lady Rosamund: The point is, I made up for any social deficiencies, and he provided me with a position. It was a good exchange, and it worked well.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: How can Matthew have chosen that little blonde piece?

Lady Rosamund: You speak so eloquently of the human heart, Mama. You must be aware of its...vagaries.

[Thomas reads Lt. Courtenay's post to him.]

Thomas: "Things cannot be as they were and, whatever you might think, Jack has your best interest at heart."

Lt. Courtenay: Stop.

Thomas: Who's Jack?

Lt. Courtenay: My younger brother. He means to replace me. It's what he's always wanted.

Thomas: Yeah, well...

Lt. Courtenay: I'm sorry. I mustn't bore you.

Thomas: Don't let him walk all over you. Go fight your [?].

Lt. Courtenay: What with?

Thomas: Your brain. You're not a victim, don't let them make you into one.

Lt. Courtenay: You know, when you talk like that, I almost believe you.

Thomas: You should believe me. All my life they've pushed me around...just 'cause I'm different.

Lt. Courtenay: How? Why are you different?

Thomas: Nevermind. Look. Look, I d-- I don't know if you're going to see again or not, but I do know you have to fight back.

[Courtenay pat's Thomas's knee in thanks. Thomas grasps his hand back.]

[Rosamund pauses on her walk when she hears Lavinia.]

Lavinia: How dare you thr*aten me.

[Carlisle has a hold on Lavinia's wrists.]

Sir Richard Carlisle: How dare I? Oh, I assure you, I dare a great deal more than that.

Lavinia: You can't. You wouldn't.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I didn't say I would. I was merely reminding you it was in my power.

[Rosamund lingers on her walk and Lavinia and Carlisle catch sight of her.]

Sir Richard Carlisle: Lady Painswick.

Lady Rosamund: Lady Rosamund.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I'm sorry. I'll get these things sorted out before too long.

Lady Rosamund: It's not important.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Miss Swire and I were just talking about old times.

Lavinia: Happy old times, I hope. Will you forgive me? I want to write some letters before dinner.

[Edith continues to help out on the farm.]

John Drake: Let's have a rest. We've earned it.

[Drake fetches a couple of beers.]

John Drake: I should've gone in for a glass. I don't suppose you can drink out of a bottle, can you milady?

Lady Edith: I wish you'd call me Edith. And of course I can drink from the bottle.

[They drink.]

Lady Edith: Would you like me to teach you to drive?

John Drake: Not much. Then you wouldn't come here no more.

[Edith smiles.]

John Drake: Although, that wouldn't matter to you.

Lady Edith: Why do you say that?

You're pretty and clever and fine. You're from a different world.

[Mrs Drake comes around the cart with a couple of pails and a sour expression.]

Mrs Drake: Is something wrong?

John Drake: No. Just having a break.

Mrs Drake: Because you want to get into town to fetch the bone meal. And be back in time to feed the cows before it's dark.

Lady Edith: They could always have a midnight feast.

[Drake and Edith laugh. Mrs Drake nods and glares at her husband.]

[Sybil and Thomas are teaching Lt. Courtenay how to walk with a cane.]

Thomas: That's it. That's right, sir. If you move the stick fast enough, you don't have to slacken your pace.

Lady Sybil: And check the width of the space as well as any possible obstruction.

Dr Clarkson: Lieutenant Courtenay!

[Clarkson approaches.]

Dr Clarkson: Well done. You're making good progress.

Lt. Courtenay: Thanks to my saviours.

[Sybil smiles and Thomas salutes the major.]

Dr Clarkson: So you'll be pleased to hear that we're all agreed that it's time for you to continue treatment elsewhere.

Lt. Courtenay: What?

Dr Clarkson: At Farley Hall. You're not ill anymore. All you need is time to adjust to your condition, and the staff at Farley can help with that.

Lt. Courtenay: But, sir, these two are helping me here.

Dr Clarkson: Nurse Crawley and Corporal Barrow are not trained in specialist care.

Lt. Courtenay: Please. Don't sent me away. Not yet.

Thomas: Sir, surely we--

[Dr Crawley sh**t Thomas a look.]

Dr Clarkson: Lieutenant, you must know that every one of our beds is needed for the injured and dying from Arras. Mm?

[Dr Clarkson pats Courtenay on the arm.]

Dr Clarkson: Corporal, I'll see you in my office.


Thomas: Sir, I only meant to say that Lieutenant Courtenay is depressed.

Dr Clarkson: I will not leave wounded soldiers freezing or sweating under canvas because one junior officer is depressed!

[A knock at the door.]

Dr Clarkson: Yes!

Lady Sybil: I thought you may want to know what I think.

Dr Clarkson: Why should I? Nurse Crawley, I may not be your social superior in a Mayfair ballroom, but in this hospital, I have the deciding voice. Please help him prepare his belongings. He leaves first thing in the morning.

[Mrs Hughes sits by Mr Carson's bed, giving him the household updates.]

Mrs Hughes: Anna and Ethel will wait at the table and I will supervise. What's wrong with that?

Mr Carson: Nothing. Except that it's how a charted accountant would have his dinner served.

Mrs Hughes: I can think of worse insults.

Mr Carson: If you say so. B--but I don't want Lang allowed anywhere near it. Oh, Mr Bates, where are you when we need you?

[Mrs Hughes stands.]

Mr Carson: Can you bring me the wine ledgers and I'll make a selection?

Mrs Hughes: His Lordship's already done that. Just try to rest.

Mr Carson: To rest? Or to feel redundant?

Mrs Hughes: Both, if it'll slow you down for a minute and a half. The world does not turn on the style of a dinner

Mr Carson: My world does.


Lady Rosamund: How does he know Miss Swire?

Lady Mary: What?

Lady Rosamund: Miss Swire. They were in the garden when I came back from Mama's.

Lady Mary: I suppose they met in London.

[Anna enters.]

Anna: Would you like me to come back later, milady?

Lady Rosamund: No, come in. I was just leaving.

Lady Mary: How's Carson getting on?

Anna: Oh, much better, milady. Mrs Hughes is having a job keeping him in bed.

Lady Mary: He gave me some advice last night.

Anna: Oh yes? Was it good advice?

Lady Mary: It was about honesty. He thinks I should say what I really feel.

Anna: Sounds a bit wild for Mr Carson.

Lady Mary: Do you think he's right?

Anna: Well, they do say honesty's the best policy, and I think you regret being honest less often than you regret telling lies.

[We see a pool of blood on the floor, and a nurse rushes out of the ward. Lt. Courtenay has slit his wrists.]

[Thomas cries.]


Dr Clarkson: He must've smuggled a razor into his bed. There was nothing to be done.

Lady Sybil: It's because we ordered him to go.

Isobel Crawley: We don't know that.

Dr Clarkson: This is a tragedy, I don't deny it. But I cannot see what other course was open to me. He have no room for men to convalesce here and Farley is the nearest house I can send them to.

Isobel Crawley: There is a solution and it's staring us in the face. Downton Abbey.

DR CLARKSON (scoffs)
Would the ever allow it?

[A revelation occurs to Sybil and Clarkson.]

Dr Clarkson: Or even consider it?

Lady Sybil: I think they would. After this, I think they can be made to.


Lady Mary: But Sir Richard, you don't have to

Sir Richard Carlisle: Richard. Please.

[Mary nods.]

Sir Richard Carlisle: You see, I want you to marry me.

Lady Mary: Why?

Sir Richard Carlisle: Because I think very highly of you.

Lady Mary: Very highly. Goodness.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I mean it. I think we'd do well together. We could be a good team.

Lady Mary: Now that sounds better. But I can't help thinking that tradition demands a little mention of love.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Oh, I can talk about love and moon and June and all the rest of it, if you wish, but we're more than that. We're strong and sharp, and we can build something worth having, you and I. If you'll let us.

Lady Mary: Your proposal is improving by leaps and bounds. You must give me some time, but I promise to think about it. Properly.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I'm counting on it.

[He tips his hat to her and boards the train.]

[Branson carries a basket to the hospital where wounded soldiers are piling out of hospital trucks. Sybil settles the wounded while Isobel directs them to their beds. Branson brings the basket to Sybil.]

Isobel Crawley: Right to the other end, that way.

Branson: Her Ladyship had Mrs Patmore make this up for you so you could eat something during the day.

Lady Sybil: Oh, I won't have time.

Matthew Crawley: Clarkson.

[Matthew nods to the doctor as he enters.]

Isobel Crawley: Oh, Matthew. I'm afraid I'm very busy, as you can see.

Matthew Crawley: I just want to help.

[Dr Clarkson points some stretcher bearers to a bed.]

Dr Clarkson: It's right over there.

[They move the man onto a bed and Matthew wanders aimlessly among the beds in shock.]

Branson: Is it what you thought it would be?

Lady Sybil: No. No, it's more savage and more cruel than I could've imagined, but I feel useful for the first time in my life, and that must be a good thing. Matthew, are you busy?

Matthew Crawley: No, of course not.

[Matthew helps a man into bed.]

Matthew Crawley: Quite safe.

[Isobel continues directing the wounded.]

Branson: So you wouldn't go back? To your life before the w*r?

Lady Sybil: No. No, I can never go back to that again.

[Sybil goes about her work and Branson watches her for a moment.]

[Mary approaches the Crawley's house and finds Lavinia crying in the garden.]

Lady Mary: Lavinia? What's the matter?

Lavinia: Are you looking for Matthew?

Lady Mary: I was. But it's not important.

[Mary sits down next to her.]

Lady Mary: Tell me what it is. Please.

Lavinia: He has to go a day early. Tomorrow morning, in fact.

Lady Mary: Only to meet his general, surely? Not back to France.

Lavinia: But he must go back one day. And I can't stop thinking about what I'd do if anything happened to him.

Lady Mary: I know he'll be all right.

Lavinia: No you don't. None of us do. We say that sort of thing, but we don't know. If he died, I don't think I could go on living.

[Matthew approaches.]

Matthew Crawley: What you doing?

Lavinia: Excuse me.

[Lavinia walks past Matthew to the house.]

Lady Mary: Lavinia's a bit upset.

Matthew Crawley: She's awfully cut up that I have to go early, but it's only to Coventry, which doesn't sound too dangerous.

[Mary smiles.]

Matthew Crawley: If you're looking for Mother, she's at the hospital. I've just come from there.

Lady Mary: Actually it's you I came to see.

Matthew Crawley: Oh? How can I help?

Lavinia: Mary, can you stay for luncheon?

Lady Mary: I can't. But thank you.

[Lavinia returns to the house.]

Matthew Crawley: So, what was your mission?

Lady Mary: Just to say...

[Mary hesitates, but she can't say it.]

Lady Mary: We hope you're still coming for dinner tonight.

Matthew Crawley: Certainly we are. Why wouldn't we?

Lady Mary: Sure? It'll be your last evening.

Matthew Crawley: Why? Don't you want me?

Lady Mary: Of course I want you. Very much.

Matthew Crawley: I'm sorry you've had a wasted journey.

Lady Mary: Not at all. I needed an excuse for a walk. I'll see you at eight.


Anna: Ethel said you wanted me.

Mr Molesley: No, no. I just needed a word with you.

Anna: If it's about that book, I'm afraid--

Mr Molesley: No, no. It's not about the book.

Anna: What is it then?

Mr Molesley: I understand that Mr Bates is gone. For good.

Anna: Yes. I believe that's true.

Mr Molesley: So, I was hoping we might be able to see a little more of each other.

Anna: Mr Molesley...I take this as a real compliment.

Mr Molesley: But it's not going to happen.

Anna: No. You see...if you had a child and that child was taken from you. If--if the child was sent to the moon, there'd never be one day when they were out of your thoughts. Nor one moment when you weren't praying for their welfare, even if you knew you'd never see them again.

Mr Molesley: And that's you and Mr Bates.

Anna: That's me and Mr Bates. But thank you.

[Molesley puts on a smile and Anna leaves.]

[Edith and Drake finish up some chores.]

John Drake: I've kept you too long. You better get back or they'll come looking for you.

Lady Edith: We've done a lot, haven't we?

John Drake: We have. I'll be forced to invent some tasks. They'll be no need for you to come much more.

Lady Edith: Then start inventing, please.

John Drake: I will. 'Cause I'd hate it if you were to stay away.

Lady Edith: So would I. I'd absolutely hate it.

[Edith and Drake kiss.]

John Drake: I can't believe I've done that.

Lady Edith: I'm awfully glad you did.

[Mrs Drake watches them.]

John Drake: You'd have me thrown in the Tower.

Lady Edith: Only if they give me the key.


Mrs Patmore: Fold it in, don't slap it. You're making a cake, not beating a carpet.

[Robert walks in.]

Mrs Patmore: Oh. I'm sorry, Your Lordship. I didn't see you there.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: It's quite all right, Mrs Patmore. I wonder, is there somewhere we could have a word?

Mrs Patmore: Er, er...

Mrs Hughes: Why not go into my sitting room?


Robert, Earl of Grantham: Please sit.

[He closes the door and they sit.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: I do have some news of your nephew. I telephoned the w*r office and they've just come back to me, but I'm afraid it's not good news.

Mrs Patmore: I--I knew he was dead all along. I-- I said so to my sister. I said, "Kate", I said, "He's gone and you'll have to face-- "

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Mrs Patmore, it's worse than that.

Mrs Patmore: What can be worse than being dead?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Private Philpots was shot for cowardice on the 17th of February.

Mrs Patmore: Oh my God.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: This explains why the regiment was reluctant to supply information.

[Robert stands up and opens the door while Mrs Patmore begins to cry.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Mrs Hughes, could you come in, please?

[Mrs Hughes enters and Robert closes the door.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Mrs Patmore has had some bad news. Her nephew has been k*lled.

Mrs Hughes: Oh, he never has.

Mrs Patmore: And that's not all.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: It is all. Mrs Patmore.

[Mrs Hughes takes Mrs Patmore's hand.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Let us make sure it is all. Your sister needs to know no more than this. We cannot know the truth. We should not judge.

[Robert nods to Mrs Hughes]


Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I think it's a ridiculous idea!

Lady Sybil: Why?

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Because this is a house, not a hospital.

Lady Mary: But, Granny, a convalescent home is where people rest and recuperate.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: But if there are relapses? What then? Amputation in the dining room? Resuscitation in the pantry?

Cora, Countess of Grantham: It would certainly be the most tremendous disturbance. If you knew how chaotic things are as it is.

Isobel Crawley: But when there's so much good can be done.

[Violet slams her cane on the floor.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I forbid it. To have strange men prodding and prying around the house, to say nothing of pocketing the spoons. It's out of the question.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: I hesitate to remind you, but this is my house now. Robert's and mine, and we will make the decision.

[Cora gets up and takes a drink from Mrs Hughes.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Oh, I see. So now I'm an outsider...who need not be consulted.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Since you put it like that, yes.


Robert, Earl of Grantham: What was it like at the hospital today?

[Matthew looks haunted.]

Matthew Crawley: At the front...the men pray to be spared, of course...but if that's not to be...they pray for a b*llet that kills them cleanly. For too many of them today, that prayer had not been answered.


Mrs Patmore: Er, we'll eat in about twenty minutes.

William: Good. Would you have any to spare for a poor traveller?

[William does a marching stop in his uniform.]

Daisy: William, I don't believe it.

William: Pinch me. I am your dream come true.

Daisy: You're like a real soldier.

William: I am a real soldier, thank you very much. Now come and give me a kiss.

Mrs Patmore: Ooh, we'll have none of that.

[Daisy rushes to hug him.]

William: Won't you let a Tommy kiss his sweetheart, Mrs Patmore when he's off to fight the Hun?

Daisy: Have you finished your training?

William: Not yet, but it won't be long now.

Mrs Patmore: Well, on the eve of departure, we'll see, but right now, put her down.

William: So...

[William stands at attention.]

William: What do you think?

[Daisy brushes his uniform with her fingers.]

William: Smart, ain't it?

[Mrs Patmore heaves a sigh, thinking of her nephew.]

[Lang reads at the table. William walks in.]

Anna: William? What a treat to see you. And how smart you look. Welcome.

William: Thanks.

Anna: Supper won't be long. I'm just going up to clear the dining room.

William: Shall I help?

Anna: Of course not. You're in the army now.

[She smiles at him and leaves.]

Mr Lang: So, still full of the joys of warfare?

William: I'm not sorry to be part of it, Mr Lang, and I can't pretend I am.

Mr Lang: Oh, yes, you're part of it. Like a metal cog is part of a factory, or a grain of sand is part of the beach.

William: It's all right, Mr Lang. I understand. And I'm not saying I'm important, or ought like that. But I believe in this w*r. I believe in what we're fighting for and I want to do my bit. 

Mr Lang: Then God help you.

[Edith talks with Lavinia, Isobel speaks with Robert and Cora, and Matthew talks with Mary.]

Edith: Today I drove the tractor...

Isobel Crawley: More serious than her [?], surely not.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: I think it's given us all..

Matthew Crawley: Edith seems jolly tonight.

Lady Mary: She's found her metier. Farm labouring.

Matthew Crawley: Don't be so tough on her.

Lady Mary: That's like asking the fox to spare the chicken

[Matthew chuckles.]

Matthew Crawley: What about you? Last time, you told me good news was imminent.

Lady Mary: Would you be happy if it were?

Matthew Crawley: Of course. I've found someone now. And I want you to do the same.

[Mary smiles politely.]


William: "If you had taken another minute to make up your mind, sir, we'd all have marched over the cliff."

[The servants laugh at William's tale.]

William: And I'll tell you something else as well--

[Daisy walks up to Mrs Patmore.]

Mrs Patmore: William's got more to say than a [?] candidate.

[Daisy stands there nervously, bursting to say something.]

Mrs Patmore: What's the matter?

Daisy: I know it's my fault, but I wish I hadn't let him think that we're, like, sweethearts. Because we're not. Not by my reckoning, anyway.

Mrs Patmore: Huh. Too late for second thoughts now, missy. Now, you don't have to marry him when it comes to it, but you can't let him go to w*r with a broken heart or he won't come back.


Lady Mary: What a time we've had. Poor Sir Richard must've thought he'd come to a madhouse.

Anna: I don't expect it'll put him off.

Lady Mary: I'm going to accept him. Do you think I should?

Anna: That's not for me to say. If you love him more than anyone in the world, then of course you should.

Lady Mary: It's not as simple as that.

Anna: Oh? It is for me. But then, I'm not Your Ladyship.

Lady Mary: Did you love Bates more than anyone else in the world?

Anna: I did. I do. I'll never love again like I love him. Never.

Lady Mary: Well, there you are then. One day you'll meet someone else and you'll marry. Perhaps it'll second best, but it doesn't mean you can't have a life.

Anna: I think it does. For me.

[Carson serves the family breakfast.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Are you sure you should be doing this, Carson? We've managed very well with Mrs Hughes.

Mr Carson: Quite sure, my lord. And breakfast is not a taxing assignment.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Edith, this is a message for you. Mrs Drake writes that they've decided to hire a man, so they won't be needing you anymore.

[Edith is stunned.]

Lady Edith: Is that all she says?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Oh, well, she's very grateful...Here we are. She says "[She and Drake] send their thanks to you for giving up so much of your valuable time." I expect it's rather a relief.

Lady Edith: Oh, I wouldn't say that. Not entirely.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Has Lady Sybil gone already?

Mr Carson: She had a half past six.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: She would.

[Edith is still trying to process the blow.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Carson, have they told you we're to be turned into a hospital?

Lady Mary: A convalescent home. I'm afraid we've all bullied you into the whole thing. I hope you're not dreading it too much.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Not dreading it, exactly, but it's a brave new world we're headed for, no doubt about that. We must try to meet it with as much grace as we can muster.

[Robert opens the rest of his post. Edith is still reeling.]
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