02x05 - Episode Five

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Downton Abbey". Aired 26 September 2010 to 25 December 2015.*
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Beginning in the years leading up to World w*r I, the drama centers on the Crawley family and their servants.
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02x05 - Episode Five

Post by bunniefuu »


Amiens, 1918

[William finishes helping Matthew dress.]

Matthew Crawley: Am I ready?

William: Only you can answer that, sir.

Matthew Crawley: They're going to chuck everything they've got at us.

William: Then we shall have to chuck it back, won't we, sir?

Matthew Crawley: Quite right.

[Matthew grabs his helmet and they head out. The men in the trenches read letters from home, smoke, and pray.]

Matthew Crawley: Now, there's no point pretending this is going to be easy!

[Matthew turns to a soldier standing next to him.]

Matthew Crawley: How are you, Thompson? You've shaken that cold?

Thompson: I'm all right, sir, thank you.

Matthew Crawley: Good man. We're nearly there, chaps! Just hold fast! Won't be long now.

Wakefield: We're with you, sir.

Matthew Crawley: I know you are, . I can't tell you how much lighter that makes the task.

[Matthew holds his watch, waiting as the seconds tick down.]

Matthew Crawley: Brace up.

Officer: Make bayonets!

[The soldiers pull out the bayonets and fix them on their g*n barrels. Matthew blows a whistle and the men climb out of the trenches yelling as they charge the enemy. Soldiers fall from g*nshots and bombshells.]

[Suddenly we're in the Downton kitchens. Daisy stands frozen for a moment at the stove.]

Mrs Patmore: Daisy, what's ever the matter with you?

Daisy: Someone walked over me grave.

[Mrs Patmore rolls her eyes and walks off with a pot.]

[The battle continues on the front.]

Matthew Crawley: Forward!

[We're back in the Downton library. Mary swoons and drops her teacup.]

Lady Mary: I'm so sorry.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: What happened?

Lady Mary: I don't know. I suddenly felt terribly cold.

[Back at the front, the British continue to advance. Matthew and William briefly find shelter in a dirt crater.]

William: I won't be sorry when this one's over!

[They climb out of the crater just as a bombshell flies towards them.]

William: Sir!

[William jumps in front of Matthew. The b*mb explodes and they fall back into the crater. The troops continue to advance and the Germans surrender. William and Matthew lie unconscious in the crater, William draped over Matthew's legs and torso.]

[The door opens into the dark room. O'Brien comes in with a lamp and tugs Cora awake.]

O'Brien: My lady. My lady, wake up.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: What on earth?

O'Brien: You better come downstairs.


Mr Molesley: I didn't know what else to do when I saw the telegram. I knew it was urgent. So, I hope it was right.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Quite right. Mrs Crawley won't mind my opening it. The main thing is, he's not dead. Not yet, anyway. They have patched him up. They're bringing him to the hospital in Downton.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: When do they think he'll get here?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: It doesn't say.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: But how do we contact Isobel? And how will she get back?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: One thing at a time. I'll ring the w*r office in the morning.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: Maybe they know she's out there. Perhaps she's with him now.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: They wouldn't have sent a telegram here, and she'd have rung. No, it's the usual balls—usual mess up, I'm afraid.

Mr Carson: Ahem. Beg pardon, my lord. But we're all very anxious to know the news.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Yes, of course.

[Robert walks over to the door where the servants are gathered.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: It appears that a few days ago, Captain Crawley was wounded. It's serious, I'm afraid, but he's alive and on his way home to the hospital in the village.

Mrs Hughes: Where there's life, there's hope.

Daisy: What about William? Is he all right?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: I'll find out what I can tomorrow. I'm not sure there's much more we can do tonight.

Mr Bates: William's father would have had a telegram if anything had happened.

Lady Edith: I'll drive over in the morning.

[Robert nods to Carson and everyone leaves. Mary goes to her father.]

Lady Mary: Whatever you discover, tell me. Don't keep anything back.

[Robert kisses Mary's cheek and she leaves.]

[Anna walks into the courtyard where Bates is shining shoes.]

Anna: Lady Edith's back. William was caught in it. He's gone to some hospital in Leeds.

Mr Bates: I'm very sorry.

Anna: I might've known. We couldn't be the only household left untouched.

Mr Bates: Will he come through it?

Anna: Her Ladyship said it sounded bad, but we don't know more than that. Can you walk with me to the church this afternoon?

Mr Bates: If you want me to.

Anna: Because I'd like to say a prayer for them. For both of them.


Dr Clarkson: We only cater for officers.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Dr Clarkson, I am no Jacobean revolutionary, nor do I seek to overthrow the civilised world. We just need one bed for a young man from this village.

Dr Clarkson: And if it were within my power, you should have it.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Sir, you don't understand. William's father cannot afford to leave his farm and move to Leeds.

Dr Clarkson: I'm very sorry. Really. But this is a military hospital, and it's not up to me to challenge the order of things.

Lady Edith: I'll nurse him. I'm happy to do it. It wouldn't add to your work load.

Dr Clarkson: If I were to break the rule for you, how many others do you think would come forward to plead for their sons? The answer is, and must be, "no".

[Violet and Edith leave the hospital.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: It always happens. When you give these little people power, it goes to their heads like strong drink.

Thomas: I'm sorry for him. I am. I don't mind Captain Crawley. He's a better man than most of them.

O'Brien: And William, too. He's not a bad lad, whatever you say. I wish I'd not written that letter to Bates's wife telling her he's back here.

Thomas: What's that got to do with it?

O'Brien: With everything else going on, I know she'll come up here and make trouble.

Thomas: Don't blame me, it wasn't my idea.

[Daisy comes in with some food.]

O'Brien: Any news?

Daisy: Only that the doctor won't let William come to the village.

O'Brien: He never.

Daisy: It's for officers only, he says.

Mrs Patmore: His poor father's staying there with him, spending money he's not got, and travelling miles to do it.

Daisy: It's not right.

Thomas: No, it bloody well isn't.

[Everyone stares at him.]

Thomas: Well, I'm a working-class lad and so is he, and I get fed up seeing how our lot always gets shafted.

[Mary r*fles through her sewing kit.]

Lady Mary: I thought I'd take some things down to the hospital. Then I can wait and sit with him when he arrives. I've read somewhere that it's very important not to leave them alone when they're first wounded so no sign goes unnoticed. They can't spare a nurse to watch over every man, so that's what I can do.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Your mother's written to Lavinia.

Lady Mary: Good. Yes. I'm glad someone's thought of that. She must stay here and not be at Isobel's by herself. [Surprised by her composed reaction, Robert regards Mary.]

Lady Mary: What?

[Robert realises his daughter really loves Matthew, enough to accept giving him up to Lavinia.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Nothing.


Mr Bates: You should've had a church wedding.

Anna: Don't be silly.

Mr Bates: No, I mean it. You in a white dress, me looking like a fool.

Anna: I'd rather have the right man that the right wedding.

Mr Bates: Well, it won't be long now.

Anna: How long?

Mr Bates: Hard to say. But don't worry, the decree nisi means we're safe. The decree absolute's only a formality. I'm just sorry it cost so much.

Anna: She could've had my shoes and the shirt off my back if it would only make her go away for good.

Mr Bates: She's gone now.

Anna: I suppose I could feel guilty in my happiness, knowing the troubles they're all facing back at home. But, in another way, it only makes me more grateful. Let's pray. Let's pray together.

[They approach and kneel on the bench and hold hands for a moment before they turn to the altar and pray.]


Mrs Patmore: Don't worry. The old lady'll sort something out now she's got the bit between her teeth.

Daisy: I'm not worried. Not in that way. I feel sorry for William, that's all.

Mrs Patmore: Well, of course you do. We all do. I expect you're glad now that you let him have his little daydream.

Daisy: No, I'm not glad. I feel I've led him up the garden path with all that nonsense, and I'm ashamed. I'm so ashamed.

[Daisy starts to cry.]

Mrs Patmore: Oh. Shh.

[Vera Bates enters.]

Vera Bates: Hello.

Mrs Patmore: Mrs Bates, isn't it? Well, what do you want?

Vera Bates: Don't sound inhospitable, Mrs Patmore, when I've only ever known a welcome in this house.

[Violet shouts awkwardly into the telephone.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Yes! Ye-- the minister! Ye-- Well, how many Marquesses of Flintshire are there? Y-- Wha-- (aside to Edith) Is this an instrument of communication or t*rture? (into the phone) Well-- Hello? D-- Shrimpy? Y-- It's Aunt Violet! Y-- Very well, very-- Y-- And Susan? Y-- Oh, well g-- good. Good-- I won't beat about the bush, dear. Who might we know on the board of Leeds General Infirmary?


Vera Bates: Excuse me! It is not settled. It wasn't settled by me that you'd come back here and take up with your floozy again. As far as I recall, that was never settled.

Anna: How did you find out he was here?

Vera Bates: Wouldn't you like to know.

Mr Bates: What does it matter? Just say what you want. Spit it out.

Vera Bates: You thought you got the better of me, but you were wrong.

Mr Bates: I never th--

Vera Bates: I'm going to sell my story anyway about Lady Mary, about the Turkish gentleman, about Miss Smith here.

Anna: That's got naught to do with me.

Vera Bates: Well, that's not what I heard.

Mr Bates: You gave your word. I gave you the money and you gave me your word.

Vera Bates: Well, guess what? I was lying.

Mr Bates: If I hadn't come back to Downton, back to Anna, would you have stuck to our agreement?

Vera Bates: Well, we'll never know now, will we?

Mr Bates: You're angry because I'm happy.

Vera Bates: Maybe. But you won't be happy long.

[Vera leaves.]


Lady Sybil: Can you drive me to the hospital?

Branson: Aren't you needed here? I've already taken Lady Mary down.

Lady Sybil: I know. I want to be with her when Captain Crawley arrives. They can manage without me here for a while.

Branson: Is she still in love with him?

Lady Sybil: I don't want to talk about it.

Branson: Why? Because I'm the chauffeur?

Lady Sybil: No, because she's my sister.

Branson: You're good at hiding your feelings, aren't you? All of you. Much better than we are.

Lady Sybil: Perhaps. But we do have feelings and don't make the mistake of thinking we don't.

[Sybil steps into the car angry and closes the door.]

[Mr Mason sits by his son's bedside.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: And has Lord Flintshire's order been acted on?

Doctor: It has. There's an ambulance waiting. Although, no one quite knows how you managed it.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: What exactly is the matter with him?

Doctor: His body's sustained too much damage. He cannot recover.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: But he looks so normal.

Doctor: Appearances can be cruelly deceptive. The force of the blast has fatally injured his lungs.

Lady Edith: But if he's lived this long...

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Would it make any difference if he stayed here? Or are you just making him as comfortable as can be?

Doctor: That's it. There's nothing more we can do for him.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: So, you agree with our plan.

Doctor: I don't know about you, but I'd rather die in a familiar place surrounded by familiar faces.

[Mr Mason approaches.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: There you are, Mr Mason.

[Mason salutes her.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: It seems we have everything settled. We'll be away before long.

Mr Mason: He'll be forced to do better, if we can just get him back to where he knows. I feel sure of it.

Doctor: I shouldn't--

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Shouldn't worry too much. We'll know much more when he's rested.

Mr Mason: I'm very grateful, milady. To both of you.

Lady Edith: Let's get him ready.

[Edith and Mr Mason walk over to William. The doctor looks at Violet.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: See, sometimes we must let the blow fall by degrees. Give him time to find the strength to face it.


Dr Clarkson: Right. They're here.

Lady Sybil: May I stay to settle him in?

Dr Clarkson: Very well.

Lady Mary: I want to help, too.

Dr Clarkson: Lady Mary, I appreciate your good intentions, but I'm concerned that Captain Crawley's condition may be very distressing for you. Might I suggest that you hang back until the nurses have tidied him up a little?

Lady Mary: I'm not much good at hanging back, I'm afraid. I won't get in your way, I promise. But I will stay. You have volunteers, don't you? Well, that's what I am. A volunteer.

Dr Clarkson: All right. Everyone to their posts!

Lady Sybil (to Mary): You stand there.

Dr Clarkson: Yes, this gentleman's second in.

Nurse: Yes, Doctor.

[Mary stares at Matthew as they bring him in.]

Dr Clarkson: Number two, Nurse Crawley, here. Yes.

[Mary watches them bring Matthew in.]

Dr Clarkson: Yes, just here. Gently, gently, gently.

Lady Sybil: Yes, sir. Take him under his feet.

[Mary, Sybil, and a stretcher bearer lift Matthew onto the hospital bed.]

Lady Sybil: Cousin Matthew, can you hear me?

Stretcher Bearer: He's breathing, but he's not been conscious since we've had him. They filled him full of morphine.

Lady Sybil: (nods) Thank you.

[Mary looks at the card attached to Matthew's shirt.]

Lady Sybil: What does it say?

Lady Mary: Probable spinal damage.

[They exchange a worried look.]

Lady Sybil: It could mean anything. We'll know more in the morning.

[Sybil picks up Matthew's uniform and Mary's stuffed dog falls out.]

Lady Sybil: What's this doing here?

Lady Mary: I gave it to him for luck. He was probably carrying it when he fell.

Lady Sybil: If only it had worked.

Lady Mary: He's alive, isn't he?

Lady Sybil: I should wash him. This bit can be grim. Sometimes we have to cut off the clothes they've travelled in, and there's bound to be a lot of blood.

Lady Mary: (nods) How hot should the water be?

Lady Sybil: Warm more than hot. And bring some towels.

[Daisy peers through a window at the stretcher bearers carrying William into a bedroom.]


Thomas: You should never have told her Bates was here.

O'Brien: Don't I know it. And she was even worse after she'd seen him than before, ranting on about a scandal that would bring the roof down on the house of Grantham. Silly mare.

Thomas: What scandal? O'Brien: I thought she'd just come up and take a bite out of Bates. That's what it sounded like.

Thomas: Then you should've asked more questions. You know what they say, the devil is in the detail.

O'Brien: I'm not standing by while she brings misery and ruin on my lady.

Thomas: You started it.

O'Brien: Oh, yes, you're very important, aren't you? Very know-it-all with all of us at your beck and call.

Thomas: I'm sorry if you're angry, but don't take it out on me. You did it.


Lady Mary: Whom is she going to sell it to?

Anna: She didn't say. Just that there was nothing we could do to stop her. Mr Bates has given her every last penny to keep her quiet, but she's tricked him, and now he's got nothing left to bargain with.

Lady Mary: Well, we both know what I must do.

Anna: But how can you ask Sir Richard for help without telling him the truth?

Lady Mary: I'd rather he heard it from my lips that read it over his breakfast.

Anna: Suppose he won't do anything? Suppose he throws you over?

Lady Mary: That's a risk I'll have to take. I'll go up to London tomorrow afternoon. It's a request that demands to be made in person.

Anna: What about Mr Matthew?

Lady Mary: Miss Swire will be here to keep him company. I think I can take some time off to save my own neck.

[Edith tends to William.]

Lady Edith: Why don't you go home now, Mr Mason? We'll see you tomorrow.

Mr Mason: Are you sure you don't mind sitting up with him?

Lady Edith: He won't be alone. Not for a moment. I promise.

Mr Mason: He looks so perfect, lying there.

[Mr Mason leaves.]

Mrs Patmore: But he does look perfect. Are you sure they've got it right?

Lady Edith: I'm afraid so. If only I weren't.

[Robert peeks in on Dr Clarkson's examination of Matthew's spine. Mary stands inside the screens, watching.]

Dr Clarkson: Do you feel that?

Matthew Crawley: (nods) Mm-hmm.

Dr Clarkson: What about that?

Matthew Crawley: No.

[Robert opens the screen and Mary looks up and sees Lavinia across the room.]

Dr Clarkson: And that? Mm?

Matthew Crawley: No, nothing.

Dr Clarkson: Nothing at all?

[Mary and Robert go to Lavinia and Mary smiles comfortingly at her as she takes her hands and kisses her cheek.]

Lavinia: Do they know any more yet?

Lady Mary: They're examining him now.

Lavinia: So he's conscious?

Lady Mary: Just about.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Have they found out what happened?

Lady Mary: A shell landed near them. The expl*si*n threw Matthew against something.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Go on.

Lady Mary: Dr Clarkson thinks...there may be trouble with his legs.

[Dr Clarkson joins them.]

Dr Clarkson: Not good news, I'm afraid. I'd say the spinal cord has been transected. That it is permanently damaged.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You mean he won't walk again?

Dr Clarkson: If I'm right, then no, he won't.

[Lavinia starts crying and Robert puts a comforting arm around her shoulders.]

Dr Clarkson: It's a shock, of course, and you must be allowed to grieve, but I would only say that he will, in all likelihood, regain his health. This is not the end of his life.

Lady Mary: Just the start of a different life.

Dr Clarkson: Exactly. Lord Grantham, I wonder if I might have a word.

[Robert steps into the corridor with Dr Clarkson and Mary steps forward to comfort Lavinia.]

Lavinia: Have you got a handkerchief? I never seem to have one in moments of crisis.

[Mary hands her one.]

Lavinia: Thank you.

[In the corridor.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You mean there can be no children?

Dr Clarkson: No anything, I'm afraid.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: But isn't there a chance that might change?

Dr Clarkson: The sexual reflex is controlled at a lower level of the spine to the motor function of the legs. Once the latter is cut off, so is the former.

[Meanwhile, Lavinia is recovering.]

Lavinia: Right.

[Lavinia walks bravely toward the screens around Matthew and Robert returns as Mary makes a step toward them.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Give them a moment together.

[Mary nods.]

Lady Mary: What was Clarkson saying?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Nothing to worry you about.

[Lavinia steps into the screens. Matthew smiles.]

Matthew Crawley: My darling.

[She sits in a chair next to him.]

[Mrs Hughes picks up a basket and gets onto a bus. She arrives at a house and knocks on the door.]

[Ethel takes food out of the basket Mrs Hughes bought, a baby in her other arm.]

Mrs Hughes: If he could only see the child.

Ethel: He won't. I've written again and again. I've offered to bring him to any place he wants.

Mrs Hughes: I wasn't going to tell you this, but he's coming on a visit this week to see his old pals.

Ethel: Help me, Mrs Hughes. Let me come to Downton and show him the baby!

Mrs Hughes: Oh, certainly not! I won't have that.

Ethel: Well, then ask him to meet me! I know he'd listen to you. I'll give you a letter. One more can't hurt. Make him read it in front of you.

Mrs Hughes: I--I'll do no such thing.

Ethel: But please!

Mrs Hughes: He'd say it was none of my business, and he'd be right. Besides, don't think I approve of what you've done, because I don't.

Ethel: Haven't you ever made a mistake?

Mrs Hughes: Not on this scale. No, I have not. Sorry to disappoint you.

Ethel: So, you won't do anything?

Mrs Hughes: I'm feeding you out of the house, quite wrongly, I might add. I have a good mind to stop that.

Ethel: Now I'm the one who's sorry.

[Mrs Patmore ushers Daisy down the corridor to William's guest bedroom.]

Mrs Patmore: Now, go in.

Daisy: I don't know what to say.

Mrs Patmore: It doesn't matter. He's dying. Just say nice, warm, comforting things. Make him feel loved. You don't have to be Shakespeare.

Daisy: But--

[Mrs Patmore pushes Daisy into the room.]

William: There she is. Come over here where I can see you.

[William holds out his hand and Daisy takes it.]

William: I think it were worth it if I get to hold your hand.

Daisy: Don't be daft.

William: I've never slept in a room as big as this. Where are we?

Lady Edith: At the end of the south gallery. Now take this.

[Edith hands William a tonic.]

William: Any news of Captain Crawley?

Lady Edith: He's doing much better. Thanks to you.

[William drinks the tonic.]

William: Dad'll be here in a bit. Can you stay for a minute?

Daisy: I ought to go down. It's not fair on Mrs Patmore.

Lady Edith: She won't mind.

William: Because I did want to ask you something. Daisy, would you ever marry me now and not wait for the end of the w*r like we said?

Lady Edith: You mustn't worry about all that for the moment now, William. You're here for rest, not excitement.

Daisy: That's right. There's no need to worry about it now. First let's get you better.

William: But would you think about it?

Daisy: I must go. They'll be sending out a search party soon. Just rest.

[William nods and Daisy leaves.]

[Mrs Hughes looks over an applicant's paperwork.]

Mrs Hughes: It would be very unusual.

Jane Moorsum: I know that. Of course it would. But I believe I could make it work.

Mrs Hughes: And if your child were ill?

Jane Moorsum: My mother knows what she's doing. She's brought up five of her own.

Mrs Hughes: Even so--

Jane Moorsum: And they're only in the village.

Mrs Hughes: I'll discuss it with Mr Carson. There's nothing wrong with your references. But of course, they are from before you were married.

Jane Moorsum: I'm a good worker. And I must earn.

[Matthew lies in bed, his eyes closed. He sees Mary calling to him in his mind, blue sky behind her at Downton Abbey.]

Lady Mary: Matthew. Matthew.

[Matthew opens his eyes and sees Mary sitting at his bedside.]

Lady Mary: Are you feeling a bit less groggy?

Matthew Crawley: Where's Lavinia?

Lady Mary: She's gone back to unpack.

Matthew Crawley: How's William? I know he tried to save me.

Lady Mary: He isn't too good, I'm afraid.

Matthew Crawley: Any sign of Mother?

Lady Mary: Not yet. But I'm sure she's making her way back by now.

Matthew Crawley: I've still got this funny thing with my legs, I can't seem to move them. Or feel them, now that I think about it. Did Clarkson mention what that might be?

Lady Mary: Why don't we wait for Lavinia? And then we can all talk about it.

Matthew Crawley: Tell me.

Lady Mary: You've not even been here for twenty-four hours. Nothing will have settled down yet.

Matthew Crawley: Tell me.

Lady Mary: He says you may have damaged your spine.

Matthew Crawley: How long will it take to repair?

Lady Mary: You can't expect them to put timings on that sort of thing.

Matthew Crawley: But he did say it would get better?

Lady Mary: He says the first task is to rebuild your health, and that's what we have to concentrate on.

Matthew Crawley: I see.

Lady Mary: And he says there was no reason why you should not have a perfectly full and normal life.

Matthew Crawley: Just not a very mobile one.

Lady Mary: Would you like some tea? I would.

[Mary gets up from her chair.]

Matthew Crawley: Thank you for telling me. I know I'm...blubbing, but I mean it. I'd much rather know. Thank you.

Lady Mary: Blub all you like. And then, when Lavinia's here, you can make plans.

[Mary starts crying as she leaves.]

[Mrs Hughes takes a breath and then approaches Major Bryant who is sitting down to cards.]

Mrs Hughes: Major, might I have a word?

[The Major makes a "yeesh! what could that be?" expression to his friends and follows her to the front hall.]

Major Bryant: What is it?

Mrs Hughes: I have something for you.

[Byrant looks at the handwriting of his name on the letter she holds out, but doesn't take it.]

Major Bryant: Thank you.

Mrs Hughes: I wish you would read it.

Major Bryant: Do you know who wrote it?

Mrs Hughes: Yes, I do. And I know how anxious she is for an answer.

Major Bryant: All due respect, I don't believe it's any of your concern.

Mrs Hughes: If you'd only s--

[She waits for a nurse to pass out of earshot.]

Mrs Hughes: If you'd only see the child. He's a lovely wee chap.

Major Bryant: Mrs Hughes, the last thing I'd wish to be is rude, but in this case, I really must be left to my own devices. Now, I'll say goodbye. It's time I was making tracks.

Mrs Hughes: Goodbye then, Major.


Sir Richard Carlisle: Who'd've thought it? The cold and careful Lady Mary Crawley. Well, we know better now. I'm surprised you haven't given me some extenuating circumstances.

Lady Mary: I have none. I was foolish, and I was paid out for my folly.

Sir Richard Carlisle: And when I've saved you - if I can - do you still expect me to marry you, knowing this?

Lady Mary: It's not for me to say.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Of course, we both know that if we marry, people - your people - will think you've conferred a great blessing on me. My house will welcome the finest in the land, my children will carry noble blood in their veins. But that won't be the whole story, will it? Not anymore.

[Mary stands up.]

Lady Mary: Sir Richard, if you think it pains me to ask this favour, you'd be right. But I have no choice if I am not to be an object of ridicule and pity. If you wish to break off our understanding, I'll accept your decision. After all, it's never been announced. We may dissolve it with the minimum of discomfort.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Forgive me, I don't mean to offend you. I'm simply paying you the compliment of being honest. No, in many ways, if I can manage to bring it off, this will mean we come to the marriage on slightly more equal terms. I think that pleases me.

Lady Mary: So you'll do it?

Sir Richard Carlisle: I'll try to do it, yes.

Lady Mary: You must act fast.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I'll send the car for her, as soon as you've left.

Lady Mary: Please let me know what it costs. I'll find a way to reimburse you.

[Richard takes her hand.]

Sir Richard Carlisle: Nevermind that. As my future wife, you're entitled to be in my debt.


Mr Carson: We've a bit of a conundrum, my lord. As you may know, we're short of a housemaid. We've had an application from a local woman Jane Moorsum, but she's married and she has a child, a son.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Well, surely her husband should be--

Mr Carson: She's a widow, my lord. The late Mr Moorsum died on the Somme. There's no other earner, so she has to look for work. I said I would ask you.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Well, if Mrs Hughes agrees, I think we must do what we can for the widows of our defenders.

Mr Carson: Very good, Your Lordship.

[Cora enters as Carson's leaving.]

Cora, Countess of Grantham: What was that?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: We're taking on a new maid.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: He should've talked to me, not you.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Well, they thought you were too busy to be bothered with it.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: I am busy. And that reminds me, I can't come with you to the Townsends. You'll have to make some excuse.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: But we gave them the date.

Cora, Countess of Grantham: You'll think of something.

[Daisy and Mrs Patmore whisper together in a corner.]

Daisy: You always said I wouldn't have to marry him when it came to it.

Mrs Patmore: Daisy, he's dying. What difference does it make?

Daisy: All the more reason. I can't lie to him at the end. Don't make me be false to a dying man.

Mrs Patmore: Well, what matters now is that poor lad knows some peace and some happiness before he goes.

Daisy: I can't.


Lavinia: I don't care if you can't walk. You must think me very feeble if you believe that would make a difference.

Matthew Crawley: I know it wouldn't. And I love you so much for saying it. But there's something else, which may not have occurred to you straightaway This is very difficult. We can never be properly married.

Lavinia: What? Of course we can be married.

Matthew Crawley: Not properly.

Lavinia: Oh. I see.

Matthew Crawley: That's why I have to let you go.

Lavinia: But...that side of things, it's not important to me, I promise.

Matthew Crawley: My darling, it's—it's not important now, but—but it will be. I think it should be. And I couldn't possibly be responsible for stealing away the life you ought to have.

Lavinia: I won't leave you. I know you think I'm weak, and I don't know what I'm taking on.

Matthew Crawley: How could you? For God's sake.

Lavinia: I'm not saying it'll be easy for either of us. But just because life isn't easy doesn't mean it isn't right.

Matthew Crawley: I won't fight with you. But I won't steal away your life. Go home. Think of me as dead. Remember me as I was.

[Branson's reading the newspaper when Sybil walks up.]

Lady Sybil: Mary's telephoned. She'll be on the late train. It gets in at eleven.

Branson: All right. How's William?

Lady Sybil: It's so sad. Edith's taking care of him, but there's nothing to be done. We're waiting, really.

[Edith sees Branson staring off into space with a serious expression.]

Lady Sybil: What is it?

Branson: They shot the tsar, and all of his family.

Lady Sybil: How terrible.

Branson: I'm sorry. I'll not deny it. I never thought they'd do it. But sometimes a future needs terrible sacrifices. You thought that once.

Lady Sybil: If you mean my politics, you know we've agreed to put that to one side until the w*r is won.

Branson: Your lot did. But Sylvia Pankhurst was all for fighting on.

Lady Sybil: Don't badger me, please!

[Sybil begins to march off, but Branson grabs her waist and she stops in surprise. She meets his gaze and he lets go of her waist and puts his hands in his pockets.]

Branson: Sometimes a hard sacrifice must be made for a future that's worth having. That's all I'm saying. That's up to you.

[Sybil leans toward him and looks down at his lips. Surprised to see her reserve fading, Branson waits for her to give in, but she stops herself and pulls back. He sighs disappointedly as she walks back to the house.]


Sir Richard Carlisle: You understand it would have to be exclusive. I couldn't have you peddling different versions of this story to my competitors.

Vera Bates: Of course I understand. But I can't help it if they pick it up once you've published it.

Sir Richard Carlisle: Indeed you can't. No more can I, but I would control the timing. You'd have to sign a binding contract to that effect today.

Vera Bates: I expected that.

Sir Richard Carlisle: And I warn you, I am unforgiving when anyone breaks a contract with me. One word out of place and you'd find yourself in court.

Vera Bates: I expected that, too. But I'm curious, how did you hear about me?

Sir Richard Carlisle: I know everything that goes on in this city.

Vera Bates: And what's the hurry?

Sir Richard Carlisle: I'm a newspaper man. When I hear of something good, I have to make sure of it straight away. I'm sorry if I rushed you.

Vera Bates: Tha--that's all right.

Sir Richard Carlisle: You must dislike the Crawleys very much to want to subject them to trial by scandal.
Vera Bates: My husband works for them. We're not on good terms.

[Daisy absentmindedly sifts flour.]

Mrs Patmore: How is he?

Mrs Hughes: (sigh) His father's with him now and he seems to understand the situation.

Mrs Patmore: Poor man.

Mrs Hughes: Daisy, William's asking to see you.

Daisy: I can't go. Don't make me go.

Mrs Patmore: Do you care so little for him?

Daisy: It's not that. I'm very fond of William, and I'm very sad, but I've led him on and led him on and made him think things that aren't true.

Mrs Patmore: He wanted them to be true. He was happy to think they were true.

Daisy: But that doesn't make it all right.

Mrs Hughes: Shall I tell him you won't come?

[Both Mrs Hughes and Mrs Patmore give Daisy a stern look. She takes off her apron and leaves.]

[Daisy enters. William's voice is hoarse.]

William: Will you leave us a moment?

[Mr Mason and Edith leave the room.]

Daisy: There's no need to make 'em leave.

William: There is a need. Come here.

[Daisy sits in the chair next to his bed.]

William: I know I'm dying.

Daisy: You don't know--

William: I'm dying, Daisy. I'm not going to make it. I don't have long. That's why you've got to marry me.

Daisy: What?

William: No, listen. You'll be my widow. A w*r widow with a pension and rights. You'll be looked after. It won't be much, but I'll know you've got something to fall back on. Let me do that for you, please.

Daisy: I can't. It would be dishonest. Almost like cheating.

William: But it's not cheating. We love each other, don't we? We'd've married if I'd got through it, spent our whole lives together. Where's the dishonesty in that?

[Mr Mason and Edith wait in the corridor. Edith enters the room when Daisy comes out.]

Mr Mason: He's asked you, hasn't he? I knew he would. You'll do it, won't you?

Daisy: I don't think he should be bothering about it now.

Mr Mason: What else should he be bothered with? You're the most important thing on earth to him, Daisy. You wouldn't disappoint him, would you?

Daisy: Suppose the vicar won't do it? He may want to wait till William's well enough to go to church.

Mr Mason: But that time's not coming, is it?


Lady Mary: Lavinia?

[Mary finds Lavinia crying in bed.]

Lavinia: You're back.

[Mary nods.]

Lavinia: How did you get on?

Lady Mary: All right, I think. How about you?

Lavinia: Matthew's told me to go home. He says he won't see me again. He feels he has to set me free, as he put it. I've tried to tell him I don't care, but he won't listen.

Lady Mary: Then you must keep telling him.

Lavinia: Yes, but you see, it isn't just not walking. Today he told me we could never be lovers, because all that's gone as well. I didn't realise. It's probably obvious to anyone with a brain, but I didn't realise.

Lady Mary: No. No, nor did I. [Mary sits on the bed as she tries to process this news.]

Lavinia: And he feels it would be a crime to tie me down, to tie down any woman to the life of a childless nun. He thinks I'd hate him in the end. I'm sorry if I've shocked you, but there's no one else I could talk to about it, and when you came in, I--

Lady Mary: I'm not shocked. I'm just stunned. And desperately sad.

Lavinia: I'll die if I can't be with him.

[Robert reads the newspaper.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Good God Almighty. "The engagement is announced between Lady Mary Josephine Crawley, eldest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Grantham, and Sir Richard Carlisle, son of Mr and the late Mrs Mark Carlisle of Morningside Edinburgh." Is this why you went to see him? Why didn't you say it'd be in today's paper?

Lady Mary: I didn't know.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Well, surely he asked your permission?

Lady Mary: I don't think asking permission is his strongest suit.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: That's very high handed. You can't let him get away with it.

Lady Edith: Well, it's done now.

[Mr Carson steps forward.]

Robert, Earl of Grantham: What is it?

Mr Carson: William's wedding, my lord. If it can be arranged for this afternoon, the indoor staff would like to attend.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: We don't yet know if Mr Travis will agree to do it.

Mr Carson: I'm afraid he has very little time to make up his mind.


Reverend Travis: This boy is in extremis. How can we know that these are his true wishes? Maybe the kitchen maid somehow hopes to catch at an advantage.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Well, what advantage would that be?

Reverend Travis: Some widow's dole given by a grateful nation?

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Mr Travis, can I remind you William Mason has served our family well. At the last, he saved the life, if not the health, of my son's heir. Now he wishes before he dies to marry his sweetheart.

Reverend Travis: Yes, but—

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: You cannot imagine that we would allow you to prevent this happening in case his widow "claimed her dole".

Reverend Travis: No, but--

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I have had an interest in this boy. I tried and failed to save him from conscription, but I will certainly attend his wedding. Is that an argument in its favour?

Reverend Travis: Of course, but—

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Finally, I would point out your living is in Lord Grantham's gift. Your house is on Lord Grantham's land, and the very flowers in your church are from Lord Grantham's garden. I hope it is not vulgar in me to suggest that you find some way to overcome your scruples.


Mrs Hughes: You can't have expected much more. Not when those letters all went unanswered.

Ethel: I don't know what I expected, but you can't help hoping.

Mrs Hughes: Have you found any work?

Ethel: Bit of scrubbing. There aren't many places I can take the baby.

Mrs Hughes: What do you tell them?

Ethel: That my husband died at the front.

Mrs Hughes: It's funny, we have a new maid, Jane, who really is a w*r widow with a child and we respect her for it. But then, we believe her story.

[A secretary tries to stop Vera Bates from storming into Carlisle's office.]

Secretary: Mrs Bates, I really must insist that--

Vera Bates: You tricked me! Well, aren't you going to deny it?

Sir Richard Carlisle: Certainly not. I tricked you to protect my fiancé's good name.

Vera Bates: That's one word for her. I can think of a few others.

Sir Richard Carlisle: You better not speak them aloud if you know what's good for you.

Vera Bates: I don't want your money, I don't want that contract.

Sir Richard Carlisle: It's too late for that. And I warn you, if I so much as read her name in anything but the court circular, I shall hunt you, and ruin you, and have you locked up. Is that clear?

[Stunned, Vera thinks for a moment.]

Vera Bates: It doesn't end here, you know. Not for John Bates. Lady Mary might've got away, what do I care? But he won't. You tell him.

Sir Richard Carlisle: That's entirely your own affair.

[Vera marches out.]

[Robert flips through the library catalogue. Jane stumbles in noisily with cleaning supplies.]

Jane: Where do we start?

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You tell me.

[Jane's jaw drops.]

Jane: Oh! Y--your Lordship, I-- I do apologise. I thought Mrs Hughes said we were to clean in here.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You must be the new maid.

[The telephone rings.]

Jane: I am. Jane. And it's very kind of you and Her Ladyship to take me on.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Not a bit. We all owe your late husband a great debt.

[Jane nods, upset.]

Jane: Thank you.

[Mrs Hughes enters.]

Mrs Hughes: Milord, there's a telephone call for-- Jane? Whatever are you doing? You're wanted in the drawing room, not the library, to clean it while the men are out of it.

[Robert watches Jane hurry out.]

Mrs Hughes: She's very willing, but she's not quite there yet. I am sorry.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: Oh, don't be. What about that call?

Mrs Hughes: For Lady Mary. They're waiting now.

Robert, Earl of Grantham: You might just catch her if you hurry. She's on her way to the hospital.

[Daisy stares into space, dressed for her wedding. Mr Carson enters with a bouquet of flowers.]

Mr Carson: His Lordship asked Mr Bassett to bring these in for you.

Anna: Aw, how lovely. Here. Daisy, sit down.

Daisy: I shouldn't be doing this. It's just a lie, you know it is.

Mrs Patmore: You're doing it out of the goodness of your heart.

Daisy: The falseness of my heart, more like.

[O'Brien talks to Thomas on the stairs.]

O'Brien: She's not quite the blooming bride.

Thomas: I don't think it's the same when you're marrying a corpse.

O'Brien: Are you going?

Thomas: Why not? I won't mind shaking William's hand before he goes.

[They let Mrs Hughes descend the stairs between them.]

O'Brien: Is that sentiment or superstition in case he haunts you?

[Back in the hall.]

Mrs Hughes: You look lovely, dear. Just to say, the vicar is ready for us.

Mr Carson: Let's go up, then.

[Mr Carson offers Daisy his arm. Anna hands her the bouquet. Daisy slowly stands up, takes the bouquet and Carson's arm and allows herself to be led to her wedding. The bed is woven with vines of flowers. Daisy and William hold hands. Edith and Violet attend along with Mr Mason, Anna, Bates, Mrs Hughes, Carson, Mrs Patmore, Thomas, O'Brien, and another maid.]

Reverend Travis: Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in the time of man's innocency, signifying unto us the mystical union of Christ and--

[Violet dabs her eyes with a handkerchief.]

Reverend Travis: If any man can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.

[William gives Daisy a small smile and she gives one back.]

Reverend Travis: Hand me the ring.

[Mr Mason pulls the ring out of his vest pocket. Anna and Mr Carson are also on the verge of tears. William puts the ring on Daisy's finger. Edith sees Violet crying and puts her hand on her shoulder.]

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: (sniffle) I have a cold.

Reverend Travis: You may now kiss the bride.

[Daisy leans over the bed and kisses William.]


Matthew Crawley: She's better off in London.

Lady Mary: If you say so.

Matthew Crawley: Do you know why I sent her away?

Lady Mary: I think so.

Matthew Crawley: Then you'll know I couldn't marry her. Not now. I couldn't marry any woman.

Lady Mary: And if they should just want to be with you? On any terms?

Matthew Crawley: No one sane would want to be with me as I am now. Including me. Oh, God. I think I'm going to be sick.

[Mary picks up the sick bowl and helps Matthew sit up.]

Lady Mary: It's all right.

[Mary rubs his back as Matthew vomits into the bowl.]

Lady Mary: It's perfectly all right.

[Matthew lies back down and starts to chuckle as Mary wipes his mouth clean.]

Lady Mary: What is it?

Matthew Crawley: I was just thinking it seems such a short time ago since I turned you down, and now look at me. Impotent, cr*pple, stinking of sick. What a reversal. You have to admit, it's quite funny.

[Isobel enters and watches Mary sitting with Matthew.]

Lady Mary: All I'll admit is that you're here and you've survived the w*r. That's enough for now.

[Mary gets up and takes the sick bowl with her. She meets Isobel.]

Lady Mary: You're back. He'll be so pleased. [Isobel looks at the sick bowl.]

Isobel Crawley: You've become quite a nurse since I last saw you.

Lady Mary: No, no. It's nothing. Sybil's the nurse in this family.

[Mary leaves and Isobel walks to Matthew's bedside.]

Isobel Crawley: It's the very opposite of nothing.

[Matthew sees Isobel and starts breathing hard with relief and tears.]

Matthew Crawley: Mother.

[Mary walks up the steps, upset.]

Lady Mary: Bates. What's happened? How's William?

Mr Bates: He's nearly there, my lady.

Lady Mary: I'm so sorry. Actually, Bates, I'm glad I've caught you. Sir Richard Carlisle telephoned me earlier. He says he's paid Mrs Bates for her story. She cannot speak of it now without risking prison.

Mr Bates: She won't do that.

Lady Mary: So, I hope we can all forget it.

Mr Bates: It's forgotten already, milady.

Lady Mary: Thank you.

[Mr Bates turns to go.]

Lady Mary: I'm afraid she was very angry when she knew she had been silenced.

Mr Bates: I can imagine.

Lady Mary: He says she made threats against you. "If I go down, I'll take him with me," that sort of thing. I'm sure she didn't mean it.

Mr Bates: Are you, milady?

Lady Mary: Well, you'd know better than I.

[They go their separate ways. Anna meets Bates in the hall with a tray.]

Anna: Lady Mary's back.

Mr Bates: I've just seen her. She says it's worked. Sir Richard has put a gag on Vera.

Anna: Thank God. So everything in our garden is rosy again?

Mr Bates: I hope so. I certainly hope so.

[They smile at each other and Anna continues down the hall with the tray.]

[Mrs Patmore enters. Daisy is sitting on the bed and Mr Mason on the chair next to it. Mrs Patmore takes Daisy's hands.]

Mrs Patmore: You must be so tired, my love. Why not let me take over for a while and go and lie down.

Daisy Mason: No thank you, Mrs Patmore. I'll stay with him. I won't leave him now, not while he needs me.

Mr Mason: He doesn't need you no more, Daisy.

[William has just stopped breathing.]

Mr Mason: He doesn't need none of us no more.

[Mr Mason takes Daisy's hand.]
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