01x15 - The Third Wheel

All episode transcripts for the TV show "The O.C.". Aired August 2003 - April 2007.*
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A troubled youth becomes embroiled in the lives of a close-knit group of people in the wealthy, upper-class neighborhood of Newport Beach, Orange County, California.
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01x15 - The Third Wheel

Post by bunniefuu »

Opening scene - We open on an aerial view of the water, then the houses. We are now in the Cohen kitchen.

Hailey is sitting at the dining room table with ear phones in her ears moving along to the music. In front of her she has a full glass of juice and bagels on a plate. Sandy comes in patting his stomach, he goes to the empty basket that the bagels came out of, then glares at Hailey, not impressed. Of course Hailey is obliviously eating the bagel. Ryan now comes in, he pats Sandy on the chest as he walks passed, and Sandy tips the basket out, hopeful! Ryan goes to the cupboard and grabs a glass, he then goes to the fridge and pulls out the carton of juice, he brings it to the counter and pours it into his glass, 1/4 of a glass comes out if that! Ryan glares at Hailey who of course is drinking from her big glass. Sandy has given up on the bagels and pours himself a cup of coffee. Seth now comes in, he picks up the paper that is sitting on the counter. he goes through it clearly looking for a certain part, he looks over at Hailey who has the section that he wanted. he throws it down in frustration. Kirsten now enters, the 3 guys are all glaring at Hailey now. Kirsten comes and stands with them, she picks up the empty basket and looks at Hailey, who is still oblivious to them all glaring at her. Kirsten puts her hands on her hips. the 4 of them walk out of the kitchen

Sandy: she's eatin us outta house an home

Kirsten: (whispers) Sandy it's just a bagel

Sandy: no-no-no it's never just a bagel

Seth: mom as someone who's basically just ben a shut in for the last seventeen years of his life I can pretty much say with great authority (points) that that woman never leaves the house

Kirsten: she's got nowhere else to go

Ryan: that's because all her friends wanna kick her ass, sorry about the language

Sandy: why? I'd like to kick her ass (Seth nods)

Hailey: (yells off screen) Kirsten (the 3 guys groan and roll their eyes)

Kirsten: (cheery) coming

Hailey: (still off screen) there's no more coffee, will you make some?

(Sandy is mouthing 'no-no-no-no-no-no-no (uses hands for emphasis)

Hailey: (still off screen) the good French roast kind not the harvest blend

Kirsten: (to Sandy) ill talk to her

Sandy: (walking away) oh, that means ill have to survive on English muffins (Seth follows, not happy)

CUT TO: The pool house - Ryan is putting schools books into his bag. Seth comes in

Seth: (knocks) (whistles) Marissa? Marissa hello, she's gotta be here somewhere

Ryan: hillarious

Seth: yeah kay listen to me Hailey is always in the living room alright an Marissa's always in here. look at me I'm lost ok what happened to Seth Ryan time, that was quality time

Ryan: ok, I know I've ben a little bit (moves head)

Seth: uh whipped?

Ryan: I'm not whipped (Seth raises his eyebrows at him) I'm free to talk now what's up

Seth: hey squeezing me in before school nice I like that but actually ill take it, ok here's the thing um Anna an I have decided to take it to the next level an I need some advice

Ryan: your gonna have sex?

Seth: no that's a good idea though um...we're gonna tell Summer that we're dating and as much as I fear Summer hurting me what with the rage black outs an all I'm actually more scared about hurting her feelings. we've become friends now an I feel like I don't wanna, I don't know if I wanna (knock at the door, it's Marissa and she walks in)

Marissa: (cheery) hey! you guys ready to go?

Seth: yeah no we were just talkin

Marissa: (holds Ryan around the neck) oh really about what? (kisses Ryan on the cheek)

Seth: uh just guy stuff you know hunting an shaving an shoes actually uh the cleats for-for the-the sports (Ryan frowns at him)

Marissa: hmm ok well come on (heads out)

Seth: (to Ryan) hey later can we please finish this chat, put a little Seth Ryan time on the books

Ryan: yes yes absolutely (heading out) just gotta check with (stops and turns around)

Seth: (points) oh you forgot your balls

Ryan: you an me tonight! (smiles)

Marissa: (grabbing Ryan) (laughs) come on! (pulls him out the door)

(Seth makes a whipping action, and the sound is heard)

Theme Song - California by Phantom Planet

Harbor school - Ryan and Marissa are walking through the halls

Marissa: have we become one of those couples

Ryan: who lose all their friends?

Marissa: and can't do anything without each other

Ryan: I don't think so, you think so...it'll be good a night apart

Marissa: (smiles) yeah plus I'm kinda sick'a you (playfully pushes his shoulder)

Ryan: I'm sick'a me too (smiles)

Marissa: I gotta go

Ryan: yeah and I got the (turns around) (turns back to her)

Marissa: (hopeful) walk me?

Ryan: ill walk you! (he puts his arm around her shoulders and they walk off)

CUT TO: Anna and Seth in a class room sitting together. they are being cutesy with each other. Seth flicks the page over that Anna is trying to read, and she playfully hits him

Seth: oww

Anna: (laughs) don't make me

Seth: don't make you what? (holding her hand)

Anna: hurt you

(Seth goes to playfully bite Anna's hand then he sees Summer come in and stops)

Summer: what's up?

Seth: hey, what is up (Summer sits down at their table)

Summer: (to Seth) I was talkin to her

Seth: that's cool (goes back to what he was doing)

Summer: I wanted to know if you had plans this weekend

(Anna mumbles something)

Seth: what Anna is trying to say is she's not gonna do anything, we're both (Anna looks at him) not doing anything, that's what we're both doing (Summer looks at him) but infact we're doing nothing but, doing that by ourselves

(Seth puts his head down, as does Anna)

Summer: thankyou Cohen, you just reminded me (laughs) that I need my bio text book, cause we're studying monkeys (leaves the table)

Seth: ouch

Anna: I hate liars, an now I am one of them, I thought you said you were gonna talk to her

Seth: I am gonna talk to her I...I-I don't know how

Anna: fine, I will tell her then

Seth: no you cant I have to do it, look tonight me an Ryan are gonna have a little conference, good will strategy meeting we're gonna figure out the whole thing

Anna: (laughs) oh boy that makes me feel so much better!

Seth: sure then we'll be to do this (he shuts her book again)

Anna: Seth

(Seth tickles her around the neck, while still writing)

Anna: (laughs) I have to study (tickles him back)

(they both tickle each other then Summer comes back in, they both stop suddenly)

CUT TO: Cohen house - Sandy and Jimmy are in the living room

Jimmy: (shrugs) I started my own business right outta college and now (sighs) I'm a father of 2 and I've got one line on my resume

Sandy: (thinks) d'ja ever mow your lawn as a kid

Jimmy: yeah

Sandy: great! Jimmy Cooper landscaping your first job (Jimmy raises his eyebrows) and now you're an entrepreneur

Jimmy: I don't even have any references

Sandy: (smiles) sure you do, your clients (Jimmy looks at him) (realises) who's money you stole, right

(sound of a door opening)

Hailey: is that Jimmy Cooper

Jimmy: (smiles) h-hey, Hailey! huh you look fantastic (hugs her) how you doin?

Sandy: she's got no jobs no friends an no prospects, an I say that with love (Hailey glares at him)

Jimmy: sounds like we got alot in common

CUT TO: Sandy and Kirsten carrying groceries into the kitchen

Sandy: so, did you guys have the talk?

Kirsten: (puts the bag down) yes (Sandy looks at her) we almost did (Sandy sighs) its jus we were having so much fun and all we've done is fight for so long it was nice to just hang out an be sisters (hands Sandy some flowers) ill find out if she has a plan

Sandy: you know what her plan is, she's gonna stay here and mooch off us, until she can go make a withdrawal from the bank of dad and then she'll take off again for a couple'a years

Kirsten: Sandy she said she wasn't gonna do that this time

Sandy: wh-wh-so she's gonna stay here an mooch off us forever?

Kirsten: she's not mooching

Sandy: oh really, oh yeah then how'd she get all those new clothes she bought huh, from the salary she doesn't make? from the trust fund she drained

Kirsten: (smiles) bought'cha bagels (throws them to him)

Sandy: oh an that fixes everything?

Kirsten: yes it does

Sandy: (looks at the bagels) sesame! (smiles) (Kirsten smiles at him) ooh that's a start...(serious look) I'm gonna hide em

CUT TO: Jimmy and Hailey walking out to the yard

Hailey: so yeah now I'm broke an sleeping at my sisters

Jimmy: hey, I'm broke and uh...my wife is sleeping with your father (Hailey laughs) fantastic (laughs)

(they both sit down on the steps)

Hailey: we've really done well for ourselves

Jimmy: who knew back in the day when Kirsten an I were babysitting you an you were watching silver spoons, that we'd both turn out to be so uh (shakes his head) (Hailey frowns & shakes hers)

Hailey: complicated, and it was golden girls

Jimmy: oh that's right, that's right (laughing) you-you loved golden girls

Hailey: (laughing) and its pretty impressive that I was ten years old and totally relating to the lives of seventy year old women

Jimmy: blanch was seventy? she aged really well

Hailey: (smiles) (serious) I'd love to hang, hear how you made such a mess of your life

Jimmy: same...although I bet your story doesn't involve a fist fight at catillion

Hailey: no but I bet yours doesn't contain half a pound'a hash and a border guard in Budapest

Jimmy: (laughs) (shakes his head) no

CUT TO: Kirsten and Sandy still in the kitchen - Kirsten is putting flowers in a vase

Kirsten: it's nice that you an Jimmy are friends again

Sandy: yeeaahh I guess I cant blame a guy (pulls back Kirsten's hair at her neck) for wantin to kiss my wife (smells her neck then kisses it)

Kirsten: (smiles) mmhmm

Sandy: y'know it feels like we never have any time alone anymore

Kirsten: (turns around to face him) only that's not true (puts her arms around his neck) we have moments (kisses him)

Sandy: I want more moments

(Jimmy & Hailey walk in)

Hailey: uh-hm

(Kirsten & Sandy see them and stop)

Hailey: (to Jimmy) god they are so whipped

Jimmy: I gotta go pick up Marissa, Sandy thankyou

Sandy: any time

Jimmy: (to Hailey) ill see you uh tomorrow

Hailey: yes

Jimmy: (leaving) yes

Hailey: Jimmy an I we're gonna hang out tomorrow night, catch up

Kirsten: hang out like, out?

Hailey: mm hmm

Sandy: I bet you have alot to catch up on

Hailey: hmm (leaves)

(Sandy & Kirsten look at each other)

Sandy: tomorrow night?

Kirsten: tomorrow night

CUT TO: Harbor school - Ryan is walking in the parking lot. Luke is there looking at his truck

Ryan: hey man, how's it goin?

Luke: I've got a flat tyre

Ryan: cause you ran over a nail? (he crouches down to look)

Luke: mm (points) somebody slashed it

Ryan: (looks at Luke then stands) want some help?

Luke: thanks, I got a spanner in the bag

guy: hey Luke why doesn't your dad help you with that tyre, I'm sure he'd like to bend over (laughs)

(Luke & Ryan look at each other, not saying anything)

Luke: New Years resolution, punch people less (drops the back)

Ryan: yeah I had the same one

Luke: (sighs) you think I'm getting what I deserve? after all these years of bein a jack ass

Ryan: definitely (smiles) but hey why don't we jus get outta here the tyre can wait

Luke: that sounds terrific

CUT TO: Cohen house - Luke is playing a video game. Seth and Ryan are standing back, watching

Luke: (yells at the TV) GO -go-go break that tackle, go yeah!

Seth: (to Ryan) today's playstation for the sports games (walking away from Luke) listen to me, you said Seth Ryan time ok this isn't Seth Ryan time this is Seth Luke Ryan time an you know what guess what there's no such thing as Seth Luke Ryan time

Ryan: well maybe Luke will have some good advice (shrugs)

Seth: what'does that guy know about juggling women, c'mon (Ryan looks at him)...ok quite a bit yes but he wasn't good at it

Ryan: he's...havin a bad day

Seth: hey I'm havin a bad day ok I'm havin a bad week

Ryan: (sighs) some kids at school slashed his tyres

Seth: (softly) damnit...what'd you think he wants on his pizza?

Luke: oh hey Cohen check out the replay on this tackle (Seth cringes) I broke this bitch in half

Seth: (to himself softly) Luke has a gay dad Luke has a gay dad (turns around)(over enthusiastic) cant wait to see it buddy!

(phone rings. Ryan answers it)

Ryan: hello

Marissa: hey

Ryan: (smiles) hey

Marissa: I'm at Oliver's and he just ordered way to much food (Ryan's smile goes) look I know you said you wanted to spend tonight apart but he asked me to call you see if you wanted to come by

Ryan: your at Oliver's?

Marissa: well Summer had plans an then I saw Oliver at therapy an he said if I wa- (Oliver gives her food) mmm that's so good (Oliver: its Moroccan)

Ryan: what's Moroccan?

Marissa: mm the food jus come, ok see you soon

Ryan: (yells to Seth & Luke) how do you guys feel about Moroccan?

Luke: (to Seth) I think I really hurt that guy (Seth just nods, clearly bored)

CUT TO: The pent house - Ryan, Seth and Luke are now there with Marissa and Oliver. Everyone except Oliver is sitting in a circle around the food, on the floor. Oliver comes in and sits between Marissa and Seth. Ryan is on the other side of Marissa

Ryan: hey where's the silver ware

Oliver: no man Moroccan you eat with your hands (sits)

Seth: hey no wonder Luke seems to be enjoyin it so much

Oliver: (to Marissa) how good is the cous cous

Marissa: (with food in her mouth) mmm amazing

Ryan: (with food in his mouth) its pretty good

Oliver: (points) no that's the kefta, cous cous is the other thing (Ryan looks uncomfortable)

Seth: (with food in his mouth) dude I cannot believe you live in a penthouse man this place is redonculous (Oliver smiles)

Marissa: yeah its always ben my fantasy to live in a hotel, like Eloise

Oliver: yeah well I guess but uh as my parents travel so much it can kinda get a little lonely

Seth: hey man if you ever need any company (puts his thumb up)

Oliver: thanks cause you know they might be gone a while, opening a new hotel in Paris

Marissa: (to Oliver) I love Paris (Ryan looks at her) I could spend all day walking the champs Elysees

Seth: I like Paris (puts up his thumb) I love baguettes (puts up his first finger for emphasis)

Luke: dude French chicks don't even shave their armpits

Oliver: (to Ryan) you ever ben to Paris Ryan?

Ryan: (feels out of place) no not yet...I hear the louvres cool

Oliver: no, do not go near that place (Ryan feels even more out of place) totally over rated, the Mona Lisa's like the size of the postage stamp, now the Rodin museum an the Musee Picasso(?) (motions as if to say 'wow') (Ryan rolls his eyes) but y'know where my family's ben spending most of their time, Switzerland, snowboarding the alps is unreal

Luke: (impressed) you boarded the alps? ohhh shh the closest I've ever come is whistler

Oliver: oh my family's got a place in big bear we should go one weekend (Ryan looks at him out the side of his eyes)

Marissa: (to Oliver but looks at Ryan) hey you think you could teach Ryan ta board

Seth: yeah if you can get him on a chair lift (Ryan looks at Seth, as if to say 'thanks man')

Oliver: (getting up) first 2 days you'll be on your ass but we'll get you there (Ryan makes a motion with his hand as if to say 'sure')

(Oliver turns the stereo up)

Marissa: I really like this song

Oliver: (sitting back down) y'know there playin'a morrow

Seth: yeah but its all sold out

Oliver: you wanna go?

Seth: yeah but... its all sold out

Oliver: ill call there manager tomorrow, there amazing live (Ryan looks up at the ceiling)

Marissa: (impressed) you know Rooney?

Seth: that would be...awe-some

Luke: I've never heard of em but uh I got nothin ill go

Oliver: (Marissa & Oliver both look at Ryan) Ryan?

Seth: come on man, we'll all get to hang out

Marissa: it'll be fun

Ryan: (unconvincingly) ah huh, cool (Ryan half smiles, Marissa smiles at him)

Oliver: alright, then its settled we're going

Luke: alright

Seth: nice

Marissa: this is gonna be great

(Ryan says nothing, but he doesn't look happy - poor guy)

CUT TO: The Cohen kitchen the next morning - Ryan and Seth are in there. Seth is eating at the counter.

Ryan: (shuts the fridge) so now your eatin with silver ware, next thing ill see you at the louvre

Seth: (swallows) ah no you wont because uh like Oliver said its lame (Ryan looks at him) now listen can we please focus on the crisis at hand for one second ok, Summer now the way I figure it I've got many many options at my finger tips

Ryan: yeah like the truth that's a good one (walks to the table & sits down)

Seth: hey no argument there buddy but what I'm talkin about is my messenger of truth ok, my delivery system of honesty, the way I tell her now listen I could call her that's one

Ryan: ok

Seth: (scratching his chin as if in thought) yeah it is ok but its just ok (walks over to Ryan) I think it lacks any real uh spark or imagination (sits)

Ryan: but its effective your voice on one end of the phone hers on the other, I'm dating Anna (winks) she'll hear you

Seth: yeah but the phone is a rather blunt instrument no now what about (taps his top lip) shshshshw text messaging huh (Ryan frowns at him) I could black berry her think about it that feels very hip (Ryan raises his eyebrows) it feels edgy it feels twenty first century

Ryan: (looks unsure) kinda cold

Seth: mitten's required yes uh (goes to drink his coffee) oooh (Ryan looks at him, hopeful) (puts both fingers up for emphasis) a carrier pigeon! how cool would that be think about it (cutesy voice) a little message all rolled up in his cute little talons Summers a fan of the pigeon

Ryan: (looks at him) your a coward!

Seth: am I or am I just too sensitive to the feelings of others

Ryan: (thinks) coward, definitely

Seth: (drinks his coffee then swallows dramatically) (getting up) fine ill tell her Monday...actually I think Tuesday y'know what dude I might jus give it till Friday (Ryan shakes his head) because that way she can have the weekend to sorta let it marinate

Ryan: (turns around) you could do it today

Seth: nooo because today will soon be tonight an tonight will be Rooney, an Rooney will be awesome

(Hailey comes in)

Hailey: Rooney, I saw them open for the vines in uh LA last year

Seth: yeah? big whoop we're seein em tonight

Hailey: (frowns) really I thought it was sold out

Seth: mmhmm it happens they are but I also happen to be dialed in alright I got the hook ups, or at least Oliver does an I'm gonna ride his coat tails (drinks his coffee)

Hailey: Oliver (smiles) as in (to Ryan) Oliver the guy who wanted to kiss your girlfriend on New Years

Ryan: (shakes his head) morning Hailey (Hailey makes a cutesy face at him)

Seth: its not like that he's got a girlfriend

Hailey: w-wait so if he has a girlfriend (to Ryan) why is he always hanging out with yours

Ryan: couldn't tell ya but thanks

Seth: hey the guy seems cool right

Ryan: I don't know we don't really seem to have alot in common

Hailey: besides your girlfriend

Ryan: keep twistin the knife, feels good

Seth: whatever he got us backstage passes that's good enough for me

Hailey: backstage (to Ryan) so now you have to worry about your girl with Oliver and rock stars

(Ryan sighs and goes to the counter where Seth & Hailey are. Hailey pours the rest of the cornflakes into her bowl)

Hailey: mind if I finish the cornflakes

Seth: (to Ryan) hey at least she asked, its a start

CUT TO: Sandy and Kirsten at the car, taking out plants

Sandy: well at least she's leavin the house, its a start

Kirsten: mm (smiles) and we'll have the place to ourselves

Sandy: yes we can eat bagels

(they both put plants down on the front steps)

Kirsten: and I can wear my robe! (laughs)

Sandy: or not... I could have the remote back she's crammed that poor Tivo full of every E true Hollywood special, I think she's lookin for tips

Kirsten: that's nice Sandy

Sandy: well I'm just sayin she's clutterin up the Tivo...and a clear Tivo equals a clear mind

Kirsten: are we ok... with the kids... going to that concert

Sandy: mm yeah

Kirsten: well what if Rooney is like...death metal (laughs) Satan worshipping...speed freaks

Sandy: honey, honey, honey that went out in like the late 90's (Kirsten looks at him) I saw it on a special on E, listen ill run Rooney up my proverbial flag pole but you have got to speak ta Hailey

CUT TO: The pool house - Ryan and Marissa are there, and Marissa is playing a Rooney CD for Ryan

Marissa: so?

Ryan: yeah its...well its my first time hearin it so uh

Marissa: well that's why we're doing a run through now so that you'll of heard it all before tonight

Ryan: (sits on his bed) right...so we're goin a'night

Marissa: naaah its your first concert, we have free tickets backstage passes, your right we should skip it

Ryan: (smiles) that's not what I'm sayin

Marissa: what are you saying

Ryan: (putting on his shoes)...have you met Natalie?

Marissa: no but I hear she's great

Ryan: an Oliver is...I mean

Marissa: (smiling) is someone jealous

Ryan: (turns back) this song is good...turn it up, really really loud

(Marissa turns the song up then comes down and sits next to him, she turns his head to her and kisses him)

Marissa: Oliver will be with Natalie (he leans his head back on her shoulder) Rooney is a really good band, and tonight we're gonna have fun

Ryan: (softly) I know, there wont be dancing right

Marissa: mm ill dance, you can watch

Ryan: (smiles) works for me (kisses her)

(he lies back on the bed and she moves on top of him)

CUT TO: Seth's room - Sandy is in there with Seth, and he's moving along to Rooney which is playing

Seth: (staring at him, turns the song off) IIII think that's enough

Sandy: what?

Seth: there was almost a knee bend man you were about to find the beat

Sandy: and?

Seth: and need I remind you of cousin Jeffrey's bah mitzvah (picks up his tie) you almost wiped out a half a dozen thirteen year olds on the dance floor (walks over to the mirror to put his tie on)

Sandy: well its that YMCA song it requires alotta movement

Seth: (putting on his tie) well man I'm just tryin'a spare casualties

Sandy: (sighs) (sternly) so at this concert tonight anyone there gonna be doin dr*gs

Seth: ah I hope so otherwise its a lame ass concert

Sandy: anyone named Seth gonna be doin any dr*gs

Seth: noooo nobody named Seth Cohen, I promise, I gotta stay sharp an focused tonight cause its my first date with Anna

Sandy: it is?

Seth: mmhmm

Sandy: ah so you an Summer finally had the talk

Seth: oh yes almost several times

Sandy: Seth (puts his head down)

Seth: father

Sandy: the sooner you tell her the better your gonna feel about everything

Seth: (puts on his jacket) yeah see I don't really believe that to be the case I'm sorta feelin like the longer I wait ta tell her the longer ill feel great!

Sandy: the best advice I can give ya is this (fixes Seth's tie) its from Steven Segal and his classic film hard to k*ll (Seth looks at him) the anticipation of death is far worse then death itself

Seth: (Sandy touches his hair) great so then we both agree that Summers gonna k*ll me (fixes his hair)

Sandy: look if your old enough to go to a concert alone, if your old enough to embark on a real relationship...you are old enough to be a man

Seth: (nods his head) well...she's not gonna be there tonight so...ill tell her Monday

Sandy: good, now get goin your mother an I want some time alone

Seth: (walking out) hey! there's a visual that I don't wanna take with me tonight

Sandy: (following) well son your moms a hottie (shutting the door) an I got her

CUT TO: Outside the concert - there is a huge queue to go in - Marissa, Ryan, Anna, Seth and Luke are waiting by the door for Oliver

Marissa: (looking) I don't see him

Ryan: maybe he's inside

(they walk in to where a girl with a list is standing)

door girl: excuse me are you on the list

Marissa: ah yeah we're with Oliver Trask

door girl: (looks through the list) who's Oliver Trask

Marissa: you don't have his name or

door girl: (shakes her head) no I don't have his name (Ryan & Marissa look at each other) I've never heard his name that's why I'm asking who's Oliver Trask

Ryan: thanks you've ben very helpful

Marissa: (pulling Ryan away) I'm just gonna call him an see where he is

Luke: there's alotta freaks here huh Cohen

Seth: yeah, good job Luke that should help make us alotta friends (looks at his watch) damnit

Anna: what?

Seth: (disappointed) well dude there gonna go on soon if Oliver's not here in the next couple'a minutes we're gonna miss their first song (Anna gasps) they only have like one album ok so you factor in your standard cover that's like 12 songs

Anna: (laughs) oh no but hey I mean c'mon if we don't get in...we're sittin out front tonight right

Seth: why what're we gonna do (plays with her finger)

(Summer walks up)

Summer: (smiling) hey I hope you guys aren't waiting for me

(Seth & Anna both look shocked/disappointed)

Seth: hi Summer

Summer: Cohen, hey Anna

Anna: Summer

Summer: hi

(Seth looks at Anna and she pushes him - Marissa is on her mobile, she hangs up)

Summer: who were you talking to?

Marissa: it jus goes straight to voice mail

Luke: (to Seth) dude dude (points) look at that freak

(Seth gasps then turns around, disbelievingly)

CUT TO: The 6 of them walking in the parking lot

Summer: hey I drove alone Anna will you ride with me?

Seth: wait you guys wanna give up so early, maybe I can grease a few palms

(Oliver is at the back gate)

Oliver: hey

All: hey

Oliver: there you guys are

Luke: what's up? (does a handshake thingy with Oliver)

Oliver: what's up (to Anna & Summer) hi

Anna: (takes his hand) hi

Summer: (takes his other hand) hi

Seth: we thought you were a no show (does handshake thingy as well)

Oliver: what happened (puts his hands out) I-I thought I said back door (points)

Ryan: nah you didn't

(in the background we hear car doors and talking. Rooney have arrived)

Summer: (excited) the bands here, its all happening

Oliver: (to Rooney as they walk passed) what up guys

(there is a bit of small talk here, they all are basically talking over each other)

Luke: which ones Rooney?

Summer: their all Rooney members (everyone laughs)

Oliver: (to door guy) hey man this is my posse

(Luke, Summer, Seth & Anna walk towards the gate, Marissa & Ryan hang back)

Marissa: (hugs Oliver) hey, so where's Natalie

Oliver: yeah we had another fight, this whole long distance things tough, looks like I'm dateless tonight

Marissa: hey no, no way (walking) we'll be your date (to Ryan) right?

Ryan: (un convincingly) yeah, right
CUT TO: The Cohen house - Kirsten and Sandy walk down the stairs together

Kirsten: soooo should we fire up the hot tub?

Sandy: oh interesting, open a bottle'a wine

Kirsten: (puts her head on his shoulder) oooh I like it

Sandy: first stop Tivo I'm gonna erase all'a Hailey's programs

(Hailey comes around the corner)

Hailey: (holding a pizza) hot pizza

Sandy: (shocked) Hailey?

Hailey: hey you guys your just in time

(Jimmy is sitting on the couch with the 'operation' board game)

Jimmy: (to Kirsten & Sandy) Dr, Dr

Sandy: James (Kirsten has her mouth open)

Hailey: what's up?

Kirsten: uh I-I jus thought that you were going out tonight

Hailey: we were but then (points at the TV) I found out there's a golden girls marathon on lifetime, and I decided to dig up all my favourite board games

Jimmy: we're havin a throw back to the old (playfully knocks into Hailey) baby sitting days

(Kirsten & Sandy are speechless)

Hailey: why don't you guys join us

Kirsten: great (laughs) that would be great

Sandy: (looks at Kirsten) ah-huh

(Jimmy makes operation buzz)

Hailey: (to Jimmy) oooh I love this episode hey this is-this is the one where Rose adopts the pig

(Kirsten & Sandy look at each other, no longer happy/lovey dovey)

Jimmy: she adopted the pig?

Hailey: ah huh

CUT TO: The concert - Luke, Seth and Anna are backstage with Rooney, Oliver comes in and sees that Luke is watching the guitarist

Oliver: you play?

Luke: a little

Oliver: (gives him backstage pass) here man

Luke: (reads) all access sweet

Oliver: (to the band member, referring to a guitar that's sitting next to him) hey, its cool?

band member: its cool

Oliver: (to Luke) hey check it out (gives Luke the guitar)

Luke: seriously?

Oliver: yeah

Luke: (puts the strap over his head) its awesome...I...I've just got a few songs that I wrote uh (strums the guitar) (sings) the first time (strums) I saw your eyes I knew (strums) we'd get it ooooon

Oliver: ok I'm jus gonna (motions with his head but Luke's engrossed in the song)

(Oliver walks over towards Seth & Anna standing together)

Anna: Seth all I'm saying is you have to tell her tonight!

Seth: noooo I don't

Oliver: hey

Seth: hey

Anna: hey

Oliver: (hands them the B.S passes) here you go

Seth: hey thankyou

Oliver: sooo Luke he's...

Seth: yeah we don't let him out much

Luke: (still singing) no he didn't yes he did doodoodoodoo whoosh

Oliver: yeah... but you guys are cool, havin fun?

Seth: everything's awesome (does handshake thingy with him)

Oliver: glad to hear (walks away)

Anna: (laughs) uh yeah (turns to Seth) everything is not awesome!

Seth: listen to me ok if I don't tell Summer tonight then later on when I do tell her she can remember what a fun time she had at Rooney ok an that would cheer her up

Anna: there's never gonna be a good time to tell her, I mean if you think about it tonight's not a bad night, there's alotta guys here, there's alot of cute guys older guys an there's alot of musicians, girls like musicians

Seth: maybe your right...are we flattering ourse-, am I flattering myself to even think that Summer will care I mean me compared ta (points) that dude or-or-or or that guy

Anna: right

Summer: are you checking out dudes again Cohen (Anna laughs)

Seth: (laughs nervously) no

Anna: but there are plenty of them out here tonight aren't there Summer, alot of musicians (Summer looks around) infact you know what I think I'm gonna go find some myself (turns to Seth) why don't you an Seth talk, you know about anything(?)

Summer: um Cohen you an Anna uh

Seth: (frustrated) me an Anna what? ...what? (laughs)

Summer: (look at him) um will you guys stand with me at the concert, Marissa's like on a date and I'm all alone tonight so

Seth: (nicer then before) (nods) ok that would be nice

(Luke is still singing badly)

CUT TO: Oliver outside by himself, he makes a phone call on his mobile. he looks nervous and on edge

Oliver: yeah hey man...yeah I thought your boy was spose to be here like an hour ago NO ok no excuses...no I don't-I don't care who you send alright just make sure its good and it gets here quick!...alright (hangs up)

CUT TO: Inside the concert - Ryan and Marissa are standing together (Marissa is in front of Ryan, Ryan has his arms around her) Oliver comes over

Oliver: hey I cant see I'm stuck behind a row of giants, come with me (holds Marissa's arm to lead her)

Marissa: ok, lead the way

Ryan: (doesn't look impressed) (follows & almost runs into a waiter) sorry

(pans to Anna & Seth standing together)

Anna: hey, did you tell her, what'did she say?

Seth: uhh

Anna: (looking around) did she leave

Seth: no Summer is bringing some refreshments for her friends

Summer: Seth said you were thirsty

Seth: yeah, you are thirsty aren't ya (hands Anna her drink)

(Anna smiles, Summer smiles back)

Anna: (hits Seth in the arm) (mouths) you didn't tell her!

Seth: (mouths) I'm sorry

Anna: I gotta pee (to Summer) you gotta pee

Summer: ill come with (they both walk away)

Anna: (turning back to Seth) (mouths) I'm telling her

(Seth looks worried)

CUT TO: Cohen house - Kirsten, Sandy, Jimmy and Hailey are in the living room playing connect four

Kirsten: (laughing) you know the night that mom and dad came home early from palm springs (Sandy looks like he is having as much fun as Seth did)

Jimmy: an we flushed all that beer down the toilet

Hailey: (laughs) yeah alotta good that did

Jimmy: I know

Hailey: (laughs) dad caught you guys throwing out the empty beer bottles

Kirsten: I thought you were sleeping

Hailey: face it sister everything I know, I learned from you, you were a bad influence...back in the day, how do you think I learned how ta piss off dad

Kirsten: (impressed) well the student becomes the master

Hailey: (laughs) yeah and the master becomes dads sl*ve, helping to turn paradise into a parking lot (Kirsten's smile goes) (laughs) or at least a three car garage

Sandy: uh-hm

(everyone is clearly uncomfortable)

Jimmy: hey oooh (puts the chip in) connect four!

Sandy: congratulations (standing) next Saturday yahtzee

Hailey: no wait, stay, battleship? uno?

Kirsten: (standing) y'know Sandy's right its late...an besides...I have a show home waiting for me in the morning

Hailey: (with attitude) jus what Orange County needs another one'a dads show homes, airlifted from the mc mansion factory (Jimmy stands) an dropped from the sky

Jimmy: the one the bluff that you mentioned that's-that's a great house

Hailey: yeah if by great you mean over built over priced and exactly like this one

(Kirsten & Sandy just look at her)

Sandy: ooooh nice, Hailey nice

Hailey: I was kidding

Kirsten: I'm laughing on the inside

Sandy: I'm not, your living in our home, your insulting my wife (Hailey looks at him, no longer smiling) your drivin my whole family crazy

Hailey: is this true?

Sandy: yeah an we all know what your doin here

(Jimmy looks uncomfortable)

Jimmy: she didn't mean anything its jus...sisters (puts his hand on Hailey's back)

Sandy: no all this talk about plans about growing up, its shtick...its a routine...and its tired

Kirsten: you know who's tired me so why don't we just stop

Sandy: no honey stop protecting her (to Hailey) your not even nice to Kirsten and she is the only reason why we're putting up with ya

Hailey: well (stands) you wont have to put up with me for much longer, ok (walks away, knocking over connect four)

(they stand there not saying anything)

Jimmy: (sighs)...sorry

Kirsten: oh its not your fault Jimmy

Jimmy: no I meant...the board game

(they both look at him)

CUT TO: The bathroom at the concert - Summer and Anna are standing at the sink together

Summer: (sings) thankyou for bein a friend (Anna looks at her) (touching up her lipstick) travel down the road an back again

Anna & Summer: your heart is true, your a pal and a confidante

Summer: (laughs) you like the golden girls?

Anna: yes

Summer: there's a marathon on this weekend on lifetime, I cannot get that song outta my head

Anna: I - LOVE - the golden girls, I mean its not Roses fault she just is that way

Summer: your Rose?

Anna: yeah

Summer: I'm Blanch!

Anna: aww

Summer: y'know, its kinda weird that I relate to a seventy year old woman but

Anna: how good was the episode when there was a black out

Summer: um how bout when Rose adopts the pig

Anna: and then Sophia loses her glasses an then she thinks that the pig is a baby

Summer: yeaah

Anna: its so funny (they both laugh)

(Summer goes back to doing her lipstick and Anna looks at her, you can tell she cant bear to tell now)

CUT TO: Out the front of the Cohen house - Jimmy walks out the front door and Hailey follows

Hailey: Jimmy (Jimmy turns back) wait...sorry about that in there, my little...tantrum

Jimmy: oh listen its-its complicated between you an your sister it always has ben

Hailey: you gotta go?...like right now

Jimmy: yeah I don't know if I ever told ya Hailey but I'm an extremely...important person and um (Hailey laughs) so I have ta

(Hailey sits on the step)

Jimmy: yeah no, Marissa's at a concert (sits next to her) uh-hm yep nothin but time

Hailey: (smiling) for a few minutes didn't tonight feel like the good old days

Jimmy yeah no actually it was more like two kind of... pathetic people grasping for the old days

Hailey: right (laughs) that to

Jimmy: I mean look the good old days I mean they w-there exactly that, would you really wanna be back in high school

Hailey & Jimmy: yeah

Jimmy: I would to oooh

Hailey: an you think I'm pathetic

Jimmy: yes I do...its uh sad really

(Hailey smiles, then kisses him)

Hailey: (smiles) I always had a crush on you, you know that

Jimmy: uh no I-I y'know y-you were eight when I went away to college so I-I wasn't (she kisses him again) look uh your um (raises eyebrows) Kirsten's sister

Hailey: (raises eyebrows) so I've heard all my life

Jimmy: (sighs) look you know we don't wanna make (stands) a complicated situation even more complicated right I mean (sighs) the last thing we need is having Sandy or Kirsten catching us (sighs) unless that's (sighs) what you we're hopin for (Hailey looks away) look your sister is amazing and Sandy is such a great guy...(Hailey looks at him) I think your lucky ta have them lookin out for you, I know that I am...I'm gonna go

Hailey: (half smiles) ok

(Jimmy gets in his car, and they smile at each other)

CUT TO: The concert - we see the band for a little bit, then we see Marissa and Oliver standing together, moving their heads to the music, and smiling at each other - then we see Ryan who doesn't look happy - a bit more of the band - then back to Ryan who gets knocked into by some guy - more of Marissa and Oliver - more of the band - more of Marissa and Oliver, still smiling - Ryan trying to make his way through the crowd, it doesn't look like he's enjoying himself. he finally gets to where Oliver and Marissa are

Ryan: (to Marissa) hey I'm gonnoo ah

Oliver: hey this is great right

Marissa: perfect

Ryan: (looks at Oliver) (to Marissa) come here a second

Marissa: kay

(Marissa & Ryan push through the crowd)

(Oliver rubs his nose, scratches his head and looks nervous/edgy like before - Ryan & Marissa make their way through the crowd, Marissa stops near a brick wall & Ryan pushes her against it & kisses her)

Marissa: (laughs) what're we doing?

Ryan: this is better

Marissa: wait but we're missing the concert, an we cant ditch Oliver

Ryan: Oliver's fine. he's friends with the band

Marissa: and with us. hey I thought you said you wanted us to hang out with friends

Ryan: you've known him for 2 weeks how good a friend can he be

Marissa: (sighs) look he's in recovery tryin'a stay clean, I don't know we can talk about stuff, he tells me things what he's going through

Ryan: not like me, right

Marissa: I didn't say that (Ryan doesn't say anything) (sighs) look I know you didn't wanna come here tonight so I mean I guess if you wanna leave

Ryan: (looks at her) right, later (walks away)

Marissa: (shocked) w- (watches him disappear in the crowd)

(we see the band, then we see Ryan pushing his way through the crowd, he goes by Luke & Seth standing together)

Luke: (really badly singing) sh-sh-shoo shake it, sh shake it up sh-sh-shoo shake it

Seth: (looks mortified) hey Luke

Luke: (still singing) sh shake it up

Seth: hey man you know who sings this song

Luke: (yells) Rooney whoohoo (laughs & jumps up & down) Rooney

Seth: (to himself) I wish he'd keep it that way

Luke: (yells) yeeeeaaah Rooney!

(Seth just has his mouth open, disbelievingly)

(more of the band, then we see Ryan coming out of the door to outside, he starts walking then hears a noise and talking)

Oliver: (o.s) what the hell man

(we now see Oliver is being held against the fence by a man)

Oliver: (pushes the guy) get off'a me

(Ryan sees & runs towards him)

Ryan: hey! hey (grabs the guy who has Oliver, around the waist)

Cop: (pushes Ryan off) get off'a me, I'm a cop (shows his badge)

Ryan: (confused) what? there's gotta be some kinda mistake

Cop: (handcuffing Oliver) yeah his he just tried ta buy three grams'a coke from me

(Ryan is stunned. The cop leads Oliver away)

Oliver: Ryan go back inside, don't tell anyone

CUT TO: Inside the concert - Ryan is pushing his way through the crowd again, we then see Seth at the bar trying to buy some drinks

Seth: excuse me uh...barkeep sir (the bar keep stands picks up glasses then crouches again, completely ignoring Seth) if you could jus (makes a motion like he's trying to physically grab him out of frustration)

(Ryan walks up)

Ryan: hey

Seth: hey

Bar keep: (to Ryan) what can I get ya?

Seth: how did you do that? (Ryan looks at him) the usual

Ryan: mountain dew

Bar keep: how many

Seth: unfortunately three

(Ryan puts up 3 fingers to the bar keep)

Seth: so Anna's telling Summer that we're a couple an when they get back I will officially be in a relationship with Anna, y'know unless Summer kills me in which case you've ben like a brother to me

Ryan: glad to hear it cause I kinda need your keys an your phone

Seth: yeah, you ok?

Ryan: I'm fine its...Oliver

Seth: what! what's goin on (hands him the keys and phone)

Ryan: tell ya later?

Seth: yeah alright, your gonna miss a hell of a show though man (Ryan walks away) an Rooney's not bad either (turns back to the bar, he still doesn't have the drinks)

CUT TO: The Cohen kitchen - Kirsten walks in, Sandy is already in there

Kirsten: has Jimmy gone

Sandy: yeah...is she alright?

Kirsten: I knocked, she didn't answer

Sandy: well maybe she's given us the house back for the night

Kirsten: or maybe she's packing an when we wake up in the morning she'll be gone an frankly...id rather have her here where I can keep an eye on her then anywhere else

(phone rings)

Sandy: well you cant keep her here forever I mean its no good for her an its no good for us (answers the phone) hello...hey what's wrong...where are ya...ill be right there (hangs up) Ryan's at the police station

(Kirsten looks worried)

CUT TO: The concert - Seth is finally given the drinks, he throws the money at the bar keep and looks fed up. he picks the drinks up and starts to walk away. Rooney just finished a song

Rooney: thankyou Newport beach, goodnight everybody thankyou (cheers & clapping)

(Seth rolls his eyes, and cant believe it. he starts walking through the crowd. Anna comes up behind him)

Anna: Seth!

Seth: hey

Anna: where have you ben?

Seth: I've ben at the bar (points) how did it go

Anna: it was amazing they played the whole album

Seth: no not with Rooney how did it go with Summer (Summer comes up behind him, but they don't see her) did you tell her?

Summer: tell me what?

(Seth turns around and doesn't say anything - we now go backstage, Seth & Anna are standing in front of Summer who is sitting on the couch eating)

Summer: so your a couple

Seth: no

Anna: yes (Anna looks at him)

Seth: th-that is we wanted to tell you first before we officially became a couple which now yes we are

Summer: so you chose Anna

Seth: nooooo (Anna looks at him) kind of yeah uh she came over on New Years Eve

Summer: (to Anna) but you were with me on New Years Eve

Anna: um ac-technically Summer you were with that guy Allan remember (Summer frowns) and you kept insisting that I go find someone to kiss so...I did

Seth: yeah I was taking out the garbage she was in the driveway you know how these things go

Summer: ok...well congrats (eats carrot)

(Seth & Anna look at each other)

Seth: your not...mad

Summer: eh uh-uh

Anna: (relieved) oh good because I really didn't want this to affect our relationship in any way

Summer: well Anna I have ta say that Rose would've never pulled that New Years stunt on Blanch

Seth: (mouths) rose

Anna: I know, I'm sorry

Summer: although... Blanch would've done it to Rose so (shrugs)

Seth: uh so... can we still all hang out, will you be cool with that

Anna: cause we both really like that if we could hang out

Seth: yeah

Summer: (smiles) sure, you guys we can totally hang out, I mean infact what're you guys doing right now

(Seth & Anna look at each other)

CUT TO: The police station - Sandy comes into where Ryan is sitting on a bench

Sandy: so, there gonna let him go (sits)

Ryan: really? how'd you do that?

Sandy: I'm jus that good, an I use to play poker with these guys

Ryan: thanks for doin this, you didn't have to really

Sandy: (sighs) is this kid a friend'a yours?

Ryan: he's a friend'a Marissa's (sighs) they met in therapy, said he's ben clean for a while but

Sandy: well they busted him tryin'a buy coke, an then he told me that his parents are out of the country for a month, can you believe that, apparently the kid lucked out on his own

Ryan: yeah imagine that huh

Sandy: (laughs) ill never understand it

Ryan: I hope not

Sandy: I'm glad you called me

Ryan: me too

(Oliver is led out by officers)

Sandy: (stands) I'm gonna finish up your paper work, you sit tight, ill be right back

Oliver: (sits) so, thanks, Seth's dad seems cool

Ryan: he is

Oliver: so why'd ya do this for me? I mean you don't even like me

Ryan: I don't really know you

Oliver: well if its any consolation, I don't like myself very much right now either

Ryan: (sits forward) so what happened?

Oliver: (sits forward) uh I don't know, Natalie didn't show an then I saw you an Marissa...an your friends...they hate me I have no one (Ryan looks down) my parents are gone, my friends (laughs) if you can even call em that (Ryan looks at him) they all disappeared when I got clean now I...(shakes his head) huh

Ryan: there's Marissa, Seth likes your taste in music...and Luke pretty much likes everybody at this point (smiles)

Oliver: (smiles) what about you? I mean you mus like me a little to get me outta jail

Ryan: noo that was Sandy (smiles) (phone rings, he looks at it) Marissa

Oliver: oh...you gonna tell her

Ryan: no (hands Oliver the phone) you are (walks away)

Oliver: (takes it) hey...yeah its Oliver

CUT TO: Cohen kitchen - Sandy comes in, in his robe. he grabs the last bagel, then goes to the fridge and gets the butter.

Sandy: hey whoa hey hey hey hey

(Hailey has the bagel in her hand, he grabs it back)

Hailey: I cant have half

Sandy: there are other bagels

Hailey: not salt bagels

Sandy: do you know why that is, cause you ate them all an several sesame

Hailey: (sincerely) I haven't ben the best guest, I know...an what you said tonight

Sandy: oh hey hey III connect four was happening it-it it gets my blood up

Hailey: (smiles) well...you were right

Sandy: so what's the plan, you'll hit Caleb up for more cash, an then what? Europe this time, Iceland, Bolka

Hailey: (frowns) I don't know (smiles) you know I see how happy you guys are an I think, why cant I have that

Sandy: cause you don't want it

Hailey: how do you know what I want, I don't even know what I want (sits at the table)

Sandy: you could stay here, I mean not here exactly but y'know get a home (sits next to her) a job, settle down

Hailey: no...see that's the thing, all I know is what I don't want

Sandy: (eating half the bagel) well that's not entirely true (pushes the other half to her) an the rest...you'll figure out, good night (kisses her cheek)

Hailey: (kisses back) good night (smiles)

CUT TO: The pool house - Ryan is lying on the bed. Marissa comes in

Marissa: (knock) hey

Ryan: hey (begins to sit up)

Marissa: no wait don't get up (she lays on top of him, with her head on his chest) thanks

Ryan: he's not a bad guy Oliver he's-

Marissa: (laughs) this may come as a shock to you but right now I don't wanna (softer) talk about Oliver (kisses him)

(Seth & Anna walk in)

Seth: (stops) oh hey

Anna: oh

Seth: wow uh kissing sorry (they stop & look over) about that, listen we're all gonna hang out inside but you guys are obviously alone together so uhhh do that
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