03x15 - Wes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "How to Get Away with m*rder". Aired: September 2014 to May 2020.*
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"How to Get Away with m*rder" revolves around a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant criminal defense professor, who become involved in a twisted m*rder plot that promises to change the course of their lives.
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03x15 - Wes

Post by bunniefuu »

It's me.

[Audio distorts, rewinds]

I've done awful things to her.




[Cellphone ringing]


Lahey here.

Davis: Gibbins walked out on us. You know anything about that?

Why would I?

I don't know where he is.

This goes against my better judgment.

Then trust mine.

The cops are gonna come here. Don't answer the door.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]


Come on.

Annalise: This is Annalise Keating.

Leave a message.

Annalise. It's Wes.

I just got to the house.

Please, come home.

His name is Connor Walsh.

The D.A. brought him to the station yesterday.

No offender with that name in our system.

No, he's not an offender.

He's been kidnapped, and he's being held against his will!

Have you been ingesting illegal substances?

My client here is understandably upset about his boyfriend being missing.

While your lack of urgency in this matter could be construed as insensitive at best but h*m* at worst, we'll ignore that if you at least let us file a missing-persons report.

When did you say he went missing?

Last night around 7:00 p.m.

Seriously? Not even a full 24 hours?

No, but...

You sure he's not just trying to get away from the two of you?

Because I can relate.

Janice: You need an appointment to meet with the District Attorney.

I know, but Mr. Denver is in his office right there, correct?

D.A. Denver... You don't get to know where he is.

Well, what if I told you that I had super-juicy information about a case he's working on?

Carl, I need security up here.

No, no, Janice, Janice, no, no, hang up the phone.

Yeah, another entitled law student.


[Sighs] There he is.

Hey, hey, hey! There he is!

[Toilet flushes]

You know "pissing contest" is just a metaphor, right?

Just tell me where you're holding him.

Who are you talking about?

Connor Walsh.

What? You lost him?

You lost him after he discovered the burner phone you used to frame my client.

That's a good story.

Be careful who catches you in here.

[Cellphone rings]

You find him?

Denver, yes, not Connor.

What'd he say?

He's playing dumb, but he's scared.

Are you almost there?

I'll call you after.

[Receiver clicks]

[Cellphone locks]

[Gear shifter clicks]

Canada's only a few hours away.

You want to make a run for it?

I've been running for 10 years.

Donald: Ms. Keating?


Right this way.

Sylvia: Annalise.

Asher: We could pull the fire alarm at the police station, find Connor that way.

Oh, so you can get arrested for real this time?

He probably already signed an immunity deal.

How many times do I have to tell you he would never do anything like that?

Laurel: Until you finally get that you're wrong!

I need you guys to sit down.

What is that supposed to mean?

I'm sorry. I raided your fridge.

Think about the amount of times that he's lied to you... When he cheated on you, when he chopped up Sam's body into little pieces.

Michaela: Okay, can we please just be nice to each other?

He's been kidnapped, Laurel!

Maybe you coped fine in that situation, but Connor didn't grow up in a drug cartel.

He's not properly prepared to be a hostage.

My dad owns a telecommunications company, so way to go with the stereotypes.

I need you all to shut up so I can tell you something!

What? Is it... Is it about Connor?

No. It's Annalise.

Something happen to her?

She's meeting with Sylvia Mahoney.

Would you like to start with a cocktail or a glass of wine?

Sparkling water is fine.

Feel free.

The same for me. Thank you, Clara.

So... you called me.

I don't know what you think I've done to you.

I just know I want it to stop.

So I'm here to say let's just put the horrors behind us, move on, keep the people we love safe.

A truce?

You don't think that's a bit naive?

Practical is what I think it is.

It's delusional.

In what world do I not get answers for what you've done to my family?

What I've done?

Do you want me to sit here in the middle of this restaurant and list them off?

I lived through the terror you and your husband enacted on me once already.

I'm not here to do it again.

That we enacted on you?

You took my son from me.

That was a car accident, Annalise.

Clara: Here we are.

We have several specials today if I can take just a minute of your time.

Not now, Clara.

How dare you whine to me about how your life's been ruined, what you've lost?

My husband was gunned down in the middle of the street, my own son framed.

I had nothing to do with that.

There is no peace to be had if you keep lying to me, Annalise.

I have no reason to lie.

You have every reason in the world.

You need to shut up and listen!

You're wrong.

I swear on my son and your husband's graves, it wasn't me.

You offered me a deal...

Seven years if I squeal on Annalise...

And now I'm saying I'll take it.

And I'm saying it's too late.

Why? You got someone else to turn on her?

[Chuckles] Yep.

Because I'm a moron, and I'm going to reveal my entire case to you.

You don't know enough about Connor Walsh.

Whatever he testifies to in court is gonna get thrown out.

What's all the fuss about Connor Walsh with you people, huh?

Goodbye, Frank.

[Receiver clicks]

[Latch clicks, door opens]

[Door closes]

You hungry?

Bacon, egg, and cheese.

So, I turn on Annalise, and I get a sandwich?

You get... blanket immunity and a sandwich.

But if you're not ready to do that...

I'm gay, so not eating for 48 hours is only gonna up my shirtless-selfie game.

[Chuckles] You're right.

We only have 48 hours to hold you from the time your intake paperwork is filed.

If it's filed.

This is so illegal.

So is k*lling your professor's husband.

I'll give you some time to think.

[Door opens]

Sylvia: I don't know how you expect me to believe anything you say.

Then the both of us are just wasting our time.

That boy, who stood next to Wallace when he was shot then pointed the finger at my son, worked for you.

"That boy"... Is that what you call him?

Well, I'd say that's nice considering what he did to my family.

Well, what about what you did to him?

And don't deny it. You ran a DNA test.

I didn't need that test to tell me who he was.

Your husband took what he thought he deserved, r*ped that woman, and a life came of it, a black boy that he and you could never love.


But he's dead now, and that was you.


You got rid of your family's shame because that's what your family does.

You're wrong!

It makes car accidents happen. It burns down houses...

You're confused!

And pays off D.A.s to put me in jail, whatever it takes...

Christophe wasn't Wallace's son.

He was Charles'.

He was my grandson.

I'm really looking forward to this.

Me too.

And thank you.



Is this your boy?

My babysitter didn't show. I don't usually bring him.

Oh, you're not in any trouble. Don't worry.

What's your name?


Nice to meet you, Christophe. This is my son, Charles.



Okay, ti chou, let them get to their party.

Nice to see you.

You too.

Sylvia: Do you see now how wrong you've been?

He was my flesh and blood.

Charles is your flesh and blood, too, and Wes was the one person who could send him to jail.

I had nothing to do with what happened to him.

You had everything to do with it.

You left him to grow up alone and poor all while supporting your son, the r*pist.

That's not what happened.

How are you still defending him?

I'm his mother.

That's my job.

No, it's your job to raise a good son.

Oh, how would you know?

I'm the only real mother at this table.

I was a mother.

He just came out of my body dead.

Okay, that's enough.

I held him against me.

I felt his skin go cold in my hands.

You took everything away from me... his life and mine.

You are wrong about so much.

She's lying!

I don't think so.


It's just a feeling.

A feeling is a weird way to evaluate the situation.

Can I say something?

You think Denver did this alone?

I didn't say that.

Then who is he working with?

I don't know. We'll find out.

Excuse me! Please.

We all want to find out who k*lled Wes, but shouldn't Connor be the more pressing issue here?

Oh, my God.

Oliver, I told you... Nate's on it.

Okay, but if he doesn't find him, I have another idea.

Uh, kiddie porn.

I read that the Russians put it on their enemies' computers.

So maybe we could just do that to Denver.

Say we'll expose his predilection...

That we planted... if he doesn't release Connor.

That means we'd have to get kiddie porn.


Okay, then, how are we gonna get Connor back?

I'm doing everything I can.

I don't know that!

Or I don't know if I believe that.

Because the way you all talk about him, it's like you think he's some horrible person.

But I know him, and I love him, and I don't think it's okay that we're just sitting around here waiting for him to get hurt.

Asher: [Munching]

[Bag crinkling]

Do you want one?

What happened?

You don't shove stinky food in a pregnant lady's face.

I thought they only got sick in the morning.

They get sick all the time.

And why are you always eating?

I'm stressed.

Yeah, join the club.

Okay, you all need to leave.

What about Connor?

We don't have a plan.

Because I'm eating your food?

This is my house, so I get to decide when you leave.

We'll call you as soon as we know anything.

I promise.


You have it, or are we going to keep playing games?

Games are a hell of a lot more fun than whatever it is we're doing.

Just give it to me.

Get out.

Lovely seeing you, too.

What's that?

Wes Gibbins' phone.

You had it this whole time?

Or we found it in your car when we brought you into custody, proving that you k*lled Wes.

Why are you doing this?

Do the Mahoneys have something on you?

Or are they paying you? Do you...

Do you have lame political aspirations and they're funding your campaign?

'Cause this is corrupt and illegal and stupid.

Sign the deal, or we arrest you by the end of the night.

[Door slams]

Are they right?

Did Sylvia play me?

I take that as a yes.

If she cared so much about her grandson, then why was it you who protected him and not her?

And she's hurt people before...

You, the baby.

That was Wallace.

Are you sure?

Where are you going?

To get drunk.

I'm going to a meeting. Don't stay up.

♪ Look outside ♪
♪ The wilderness ♪
♪ The wilderness is calling our names ♪

[Keys clacking]

Whatcha reading?

[Laptop clicks]

Oh, God.

I forgot.

Oliver: Yeah, hi.

Uh, as I told the last two people I talked to, I'm calling to follow up on a missing-persons report I filed.

Connor Walsh.

No, that's the name of the missing person.

I'm Oliver Hampton.

♪ If you feel like ♪


♪ The spark has gone ♪


♪ We just need a place ♪
♪ Where we can belong ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Look outside at the raw beauty ♪
♪ The good work of a billion years ♪
♪ The blackest wine in front of me ♪
♪ Drink up, little boy, and wash down your tears ♪

Oliver: No, I don't care if I'm not officially next of kin.

I'm his boyfriend.

Yeah, yeah, "boyfriend"... Like, like, we're gay.

We do lots of gay things with our penises.

What does the hell does that have to do with anything?

Asher: Michaela.

I know. It's stupid to study.

It's not like I'm actually retaining anything.

I just needed to feel... normal.

I need to tell you something.

As you know, this year has been the most awful of my life.

And thinking about what Laurel's going through and what's happening with poor O-man right now, it just...

I realized that I think we should tell each other things while we still can.


I love you, Michaela.

A lot.

And I know that you probably hate that I'm saying this right now 'cause that's the message that your face is sending me, but...

I couldn't have gotten through any of this without you.

I love you.

I do.

I love you.



♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh ♪

I think Laurel just called for me.

♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Look outside at the raw beauty ♪
♪ The good work of a billion years ♪

Laurel: You're gonna have to respond to him at some point.

The only appropriate response to "I love you" is "I love you."

Okay, but do you?


I don't know.

[Sighs] Because it was Asher who said it or...

I said I don't know.

I mean, how does anyone know?

How did you know with Aiden?

I think I just loved the idea of Aiden, that he was my Barack.

Don't judge me.

[Sighs] I'm not.

I had a bad childhood.

I never learned the proper way to love or be loved.

It's not my fault.

Okay, well, just...

[Sighs] You'll just know when you know.

Or at least, that's what everyone always says.

When did you know with Wes?

[Breathes deeply]

When it was too late.

♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh ♪
♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh ♪
♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh ♪
♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh ♪
♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh ♪

[Exhales deeply]

♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh ♪


♪ Look outside ♪
♪ The wilderness ♪
♪ The wilderness is calling our names ♪
Is Denver blackmailing you? Paying you?

Look, I'm just trying to make sure no one gets in trouble.

I think you should worry about yourself.

[Cabinet drawer closes]

It's a shame.

She used to be a good detective.

Better than you.

I still know when a boat I'm on is sinking.

Where's Connor Walsh?

You ever consider you're the one on the boat?

'Cause tying your fate to Annalise...

Well, I just don't get it.

Your M.E., Atwood, whatever other people in this station you've got doing dirty work for you, there's gonna be a trail.

Is it the sex?

Do you get off by being used by women above your pay grade?

You're sounding like a guilty man right now.

You're her trained dog.

I've been working in your office for months, gathering what I need to take you down.

There's nothing there.

Then how come I got a file full of evidence proving corruption, conspiracy, civil-rights violations?

I'm putting you in jail with that bitch!

And that is the only place you're going!

You're fired... just in case that wasn't clear.

Davis: On your feet.

Connor: What's going on?

Connor Walsh, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Wes Gibbins.

You have the right to remain silent.

No, this is a set-up.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Wait, wait, I'll... I'll give you what you want.

Your immunity deal is off the table.

What if I know something that could put her away?

And what is that?

[Pounding on door]

Davis: Philly P.D. Open up.

We have a warrant to search the premises. Stay where I can see you.

Oh, my God.


They know there's a copy of Annalise's phone.


How do you think?

Got it.

Bonnie: Annalise.


What's wrong?

The police found a copy of your phone in Oliver's apartment.


Oliver said there was nothing on it.

Nothing he found.

Wes left a voice-mail that night.

Wes: Annalise, it's Wes.

I just got to the house.

I was at the police station.

They found Rebecca's body.

They're saying you did it... all of it... even Sam.

You can't go down for what I did.

There's no way I could live with myself, so just...

[Sirens wailing]

Please, come home.

He was scared... as was I.

And I didn't want the police to hear him confessing.

Or you didn't want them to hear how it incriminated you.

It incriminated all of us.

But Oli didn't find any voice-mail, which means it's gone.

That's not true.

Deleted messages go into the un-allocated data fold.

I might have missed it.

So the police could still find it?

Now can we blame Connor?

Oliver: No, I'd told him there was nothing on it.

He probably thought it was harmless.

Or he took a deal.

This isn't Connor's fault.

Now, I have a way to fix this, get Connor back, but we have to give Denver another suspect.

Frank... He already confessed.

Annalise's case is tied to Frank's.

The Mahoneys... We know that they did this.

It's not the Mahoneys.


"No" what?

It's the only way, Laurel.

Who is it?

[Scoffs] Wes.

No, I'm not gonna let you do that.

Honestly, Denver's never gonna buy that.

Maybe we should just go with Oliver's kiddie-porn idea.

You pretended you love him, and now you're gonna sell him out to save yourself.

To save us all.

God, he was good. He was the only one of us...

He would want us to do this, and you know that.

Now you're turning him into a m*rder*r.

He was a m*rder*r.

And you?

I assumed it was Frank, but maybe Rebecca was you.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

You need to calm down.

Or maybe it was the both of you?

Maybe we all just need to take a deep breath.

How convenient... Now Wes is gonna go down for Sam and Rebecca, and the two of you get off.

Well, you know what? You need to grow the hell up!

I'm doing this for you... Each of you...

So you don't have to go to prison and get naked in group showers and crap in front of people that might r*pe you.

It's death in there.

And this horrible thing that we must do... it's life.

He would want us to do this.

You never knew him.

You don't know what he would want.

[Door opens and closes]

Are you mad at me?

No. Why would I be mad at you?

Please stop.


[Sighs] I'm doing these for your benefit.

Maybe you'll actually love me if I have abs.

Oh, God, just... let me explain, please.


"I don't know" is the truth.

I really, really wish I did know so that I could honestly say it or not say it, but what I don't think is fair is for me to say it just because you want me to or because you said it first.

Yeah, I only want you to say it if you mean it.


I felt better before this conversation.

[Rapid knocking on door]

I need a favor, and you both need to say yes.

That's not really a fair way to ask for a favor.

I don't think Annalise's plan is gonna work.

I think that Denver is gonna see right through it, and Connor may be already cracked.

Either way, we go to jail, and the one thing that I can't handle about that is not knowing what happened to Wes.

That's not right. It's not okay.

So I just need your support on this.

What's "this"?

Just say yes, and then I'll tell you.

[Sighs] Why hasn't she called yet?

She'll call.

Annalise: We're both losing right now.

And we're going to keep losing as long as we stay at each other's throats.

It's just gonna get bloodier.

We could fight to the death, or we can put all this behind us.


I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna find on my phone.

Wes: They found Rebecca's body.

They're saying you did it... all of it... even Sam.

You can't go down for what I did.

There's no way I could live with myself, so just... please, come home.

Wes k*lled my husband.

He confessed to it on the voice-mail he left that night.

And that he k*lled his girlfriend, Rebecca Sutter.



Your detectives called him to the station that day, confronted him about what he'd done.

He had the chance to sign the deal and pin it all on me.




Why didn't he?

Well, because no one knew the Wes Gibbins I did.


The boy who showed signs of aggression and v*olence at an early age...


Who was suspected of stabbing his mother, Rose Edmond...


A law student who was confined...


To psychiatric care for threatening to take his own life.

But in the end, there was always the monster.


Wes: [Gasps]

Why are you doing this?


Annalise: So he k*lled himself.

[Muffled screams]


[Grunting stops]

Better to die than go to jail.

A su1c1de by fire?

Well, it's your job to sell that.

[Gas hissing]

All I know is I've given you what you need to drop my charges.


Connor Walsh found the burner phone you used to frame me in your possession.

He'll testify to that in court.

You think anyone will believe him?

You want me to come after you the way you came after me?

You mean k*ll me?

You're the only k*ller in this room.

Oh, please.

That boy's blood is on your hands.

Maybe you didn't do it yourself, but you're behind it, and both of us know that.

He was burned like a piece of trash, and you deserve to feel the same pain.

But you know what? I'm gonna let you win.

So take the gift.

Take it, or I'll come for you.

I'll find every cop you've paid off, every defendant you've framed, and I'll keep coming at you until I have your head on a stick in front of the courthouse.

Give me my deal.

[Door opens]

Where is he?

Did it... Did it not work?

Oh, my God.

I was so worried about you.

I know.

I thought something awful happened to you.

It didn't. I'm... I'm okay. I'm okay.

Where is everyone?

[Sighs] You got this.

Excuse me.

Would you recommend this place for dinner?

I'm from out of town, and I didn't come to New York for terrible food.

The food's okay. Drinks are better.


Buy me a drink, and I'll see if I agree.

You could at least tell me your name.

Buy me that drink, and I'll tell you everything.

I know Kate was our scheduled speaker, but she's running a little late.

So, would anyone like to start?

I'll go.


My name is Annalise, and I'm an alcoholic.

All: Hello, Annalise.

I lost someone.

He was a student of mine.

Wes: They found Rebecca's body.

They're saying you did it... all of it... even Sam.

You can't go down for what I did.

There's no way I could live with myself so just... please, come home.

Obviously, this points to Gibbins being behind both the Sam Keating and Rebecca Sutter murders, thereby casting doubt on our entire case.

That depends on how it's interpreted by a jury.

I no longer want to bring Ms. Keating's case before a jury.

Excuse me?

I can't in good conscience continue to prosecute her now that Mr. Lahey has brought me this voice-mail.

Since the night of the crime, he's been adamant our office has had the wrong suspects.

I had no hard evidence till I found the voice-mail.

You're going to get destroyed in the press.

The Attorney General...

I have no other choice, Your Honor.

I got this one wrong.

Annalise: I'm a professor.

I knew him before that...

Since he was a boy.

His mother died and left him alone.

I...tried to look after him.

I just kept picturing you in some well, putting the lotion in the basket.

It wasn't that bad.

I know.

Just... You're the most important thing in my life, so whatever you want, I'm here.

We can move to California.

We can make a million babies if you want.

Good, let's get started, then.

Connor, I'm serious.

I know.

No, Connor, no, I'm really serious.

Marry me.

I mean it.

Marry me.

I didn't do it because I was trying to be some saint.

I did it out of guilt.

I hurt him in ways that I couldn't even admit in this room.

Look, you miss Wes. I get that. I do.


I miss my dad... every day... so much, and he was a giant ass, but... this is not a good idea, Laurel.

What's happening?

I just couldn't leave him alone.

And I know why.

I lost a baby in a car accident, but...

[Door closes] it was much worse than that.

Frank: [Sighs]

It should've been me.

I know that, so...

I'll do whatever you want.

Go after the people who did this, find them.

I'm here for you.

Annalise: I just couldn't keep him out of my head.

I mean, I would just... worry if he did his homework or if he had any friends.

And on Christmas, it would just make me sick worrying if he even had any presents. I...

I told myself to stay away.

What was broken in me was broken.

No one could fix it.

And then I did the opposite.

What happened?

He invited me back to his place.

He's getting a cab right now.

Then go. We'll follow you.

No, we won't!

We're gonna confront him there.

No, I can't.

This is for Wes.

No, it's for you, and I'm sorry, but you're not the only one who knows what love is here.

I think I love you, too.

Oh, my God. Stop.

Are you sure?

Laurel: Hey, the guy who k*lled Wes is outside, and we have a chance to finally confront him!

No, because that would make us insane, stupid people.

How do you suddenly know?

We are not doing this right now!

Okay, I'm leaving.

Laurel! Laurel!

He's a r*pist and probably a k*ller.

I know. It's fine. I have this.

What is that?!

Are you... Are you insane?!

I took him into my life, into my home.

He needed someone to look after him, someone to love him, and I wanted to be that person.

I wanted to protect him.

I tried so hard.

Stop that girl!

All I did was ruin him.

I mean, if I had just left him alone, he would've been fine, but I just...

I just wanted to... I wanted to love him.

I wanted to hold him tight.

I wanted to keep him safe... this boy, my student, who was really just a stranger to me.




Hey. Give me a hug.



It's me.

We have a little problem.


"Smart" might also be a compliment your daughter likes to hear.

Jorge: You're a member of this family, and you reap the benefits, m'ija.

Don't ever disappear on me like that again.

At least tell me he's dead.

Yeah. But it got kind of messy.

Laurel: [Sighs]

What are you doing here?

I'm in town for work.



Michaela: Laurel!

Who is this?

This is Dominick. He's a... He's a family friend.


Annalise: That's a lie.

He wasn't just a stranger.

He was, um...


[Voice breaking] He felt...


He... He felt...


[Crying] He felt like my son.

[Gasps, sobs]

He felt like my son... because he was.

He was my son.

He was my son. He was my son.




And he's gone.


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