03x17 - Mr. Solomon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Blacklist". Aired September 2013 - current.*
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Former government agent Raymond "Red" Reddington (James Spader) has eluded capture for decades. But he suddenly surrenders to the FBI with an offer to help catch a t*rror1st under the condition that he speaks only to Elizabeth "Liz" Keen (Megan Boone), a young FBI profiler who's just barely out of Quantico.
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03x17 - Mr. Solomon

Post by bunniefuu »

<i>Previously on The Blacklist...[/i]

Yes, I want to marry you.

Anything happened to me, this was to go to Elizabeth, just so she'd know.

You said the name Masha Rostova had been lost to history until the manhunt.

Now it's out there, and someone's looking for me?

It's my mother!

I am asking you to help me.

Walk away.

He came. How do you want me to handle it?

I take it I'm not actually being transferred to Leavenworth.

Ms. Hitchin doesn't like loose ends.

You understand.

Of course.

[ Vehicle doors closing ]

Actually... I helped put those protocols in place.

She wanted me to be sure to thank you for your years of service.

I suppose a gold watch would have been too much to hope for.

Let me guess.

You blew a tire, stopped the transport to change it, and shot me as I tried to escape?


I pulled over to take a leak, you grabbed Joe's g*n, took you down after you shot him in the leg.

Nobody's sh**ting me in the leg.

My bad.

You shot him in the head.


You heard me.


[ g*nf*re ]

[ Shell casing clatters ]


And who might you be?

Are you serious? What about the rings and the photographer?

And the dress and the flowers and all that stuff.

We don't need it.

They had a cancelation at the church this afternoon.

I say we go for it.

Hold on.

I thought we were gonna try to do things right this time.

Doesn't this feel right?

To do it now, today at St. Cecilia's, where we wanted to do it the first time?

It feels kind of crazy.

I mean, there's other dates available.

April 25th. I'm due on the 22nd.

All right, so let's say we could get this done today, which I... I really don't know if we can.

It's not gonna be perfect.

But it will be a lot better than waiting a week or two and having you roll me down the aisle.

If that's what it takes, I will roll you wherever you need to go.

But are you absolutely sure about this?

Come on. It's me and you.

[ Chuckles ]

We usually do like six impossible things before breakfast.

I love it when you misquote Lewis Carroll.

[ Laughs ] I know. That's why I do it.



Wait until the wedding night.

72 hours ago, Matias Solomon escaped from custody while being transferred to a holding facility.

How does that happen?

The official story is he overpowered a guard, wrestled away his g*n, and managed to k*ll the entire transport team before vanishing like the proverbial will-of-the-wisp.

And the unofficial story? The Cabal?

Apparently not, considering all of the dead men were assets of the Cabal.

Yesterday, Solomon reached out to an associate of mine-- a man with a very specialized field of expertise.

Solomon was inquiring about the storage and transport of tactical nuclear weapons, which would be troubling enough on its own, but coupled with the fact that your Air Force is scheduled to transport just such a w*apon down the New Jersey Turnpike, I'm afraid your wedding plans will have to wait, Lizzy.

Is that what this is really about?

Getting me to delay my wedding?

This is about preventing Matias Solomon from getting his hands on a nuclear w*apon.

I'll take it to the task force.

I was hoping you'd say that.

But I'm not going to get involved.

What I am going to do is get married.

And I hope you can be there.

Both of you.

Thank you, Elizabeth.

[ Door opens, closes ]

I just got off the phone with Justice.

Reddington was right about Solomon.

He escaped from a transport vehicle three days ago.

He left a pile of bodies behind him.

Why didn't we hear about this?

Looks like a covert Cabal operation, an execution gone wrong.

And the nuke?

Ran into a brick wall with the Office of Secure Transportation.

They refused to acknowledge whether they had any weapons in transit.

The w*apon Mr. Reddington was talking about is the latest generation of so-called "gravity bombs."

It is completely maneuverable and has an adjustable yield, so you can choose whether to destroy a small city or just a couple of blocks.

Liz: That's convenient.

Did you get your information from Beyoncé herself?

Oh. Uh, sorry.

Playlist for the wedding reception.

Which I really need to discuss with you.

Um, about the wedding-- Uh, it's this afternoon.

Uh, I thought you and Tom hadn't set a date.

Which is what I came to talk to you about.

Let me guess-- soon as you told Reddington, he gave you the case.


Which I'm not taking, but I think that you should, even if it means you can't make it.

Aram: Hang on. No, no, no, no.

I'm not even done with the playlist.

I don't have your wedding gift.

I was gonna lose a few pounds to fit in my new slim-fit suit, which is houndstooth, by the way...

Look, it's very small. Just a few friends.

I would love it if you could be there, but preventing Solomon from getting this w*apon is much more important than coming to watch me remarry my ex-husband.

I've got a meeting with General Baxter at the Pentagon.

I'll find out if there's actually a threat here.

In the meantime, reach out to Homeland and Nuclear Security at the DOE.

See if Solomon's on anyone's radar.


Look, I meant what I said about you taking this case, but if you happen to be done in time, I would love it if you could perform the ceremony.

Liz, I'm flattered, but I'm not qualified.

You can get ordained online. It takes like 10 minutes.

Uh, look, there's a minister, but we don't know him, and I'd just much rather you say a few words.

Assuming I can get away, I'd be honored.


The service is at 4:00.

No pressure.

This is everything?

We load it in here, we're good to go.

All right, then.

Let's go steal ourselves a nuclear warhead.

Hey, you.

How we doing?


We got the rings, and I got a place to hold the ceremony.

You know, it turns out I am amazing at impromptu wedding planning.

I had no idea. How you doing on your end?

I picked up your suit from the cleaners, and I dropped it at the apartment.

And Reddington, how'd he take the news?

Today is not about him.

It's about you marrying a woman who is eight months pregnant.

You're right. We're screwed.

Should I downgrade your bouquet of roses to daisies?

I told you peonies. And don't forget the candles.

Candles, peonies-- my first honey-do list.

I'll, uh, call you in an hour.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

General Baxter: Let me be clear, Harold.

I'm not gonna confirm or deny any mission details about the movements of our nuclear arsenal.

Rolly, my CI is reliable.

If he says your convoy's gonna be hit on the Jersey Turnpike, it's gonna be hit.

Duly noted.

If you were gonna ignore me, you could have had the courtesy to do it over the phone.

I had you come here because I want to make it abundantly clear-- this is a military operation.

You and your team need to stand down.

General Baxter, you have a problem.

I can help.

It's not a request, Harold.

Tell your people to stand down.

Yeah, look, that's just not gonna happen.

No. It's not.

We can't protect the convoy directly, so let's focus on Solomon.

He's burned with the Cabal, so he's gonna need a team.

I can check with Mossad.

See what mercs they're tracking in the area.

And have Aram put together a list of equipment they might need to pull this off.



Uh, playlist for the wedding.

It's definitely a work in progress, so...

You heard Cooper.

We got a lot of work to do, guys.

If there's any way that we can get there, we will.


We good?

Yeah. Fine.

It's, uh, your big day.

This is about you and Tom.

Look, I know the two of you have--

It's not about him and me.

It's about him.

I mean, he laid a hand on you.

As far as I'm concerned, there's no coming back from that.

I get where you're coming from, and I love you for saying it.

But I kept him prisoner in the hull of a ship and tortured him for two months, so in my book we're even.

Hey, I said my piece.

If I can be there for you today, I will.

Mr. Cooper, genius.

What? What is it?

No wonder he is the Assistant Director.

The way his mind works, his attention to detail, I can't believe he's living in his office.

I'm sorry. What?

Did I just say that or think that?

He's living in his office?

Oh. No.

I mean, not living living. He's-- he's working living.

He's here all the time. Point is, he was right.

Uh, to handle a nuclear w*apon, Solomon and his men will need something to shield themselves from the radiation.

The Hunt Valley Nuclear Research Facility.

Right outside of Baltimore.

They were robbed an hour ago by a group of armed men who took an isotope transfer cask.

All right, let's go.

You guys are a little late to the party.

We've already got Homeland, DOE, and the FBI interviewing the staff, but I was told to help you with whatever you need.

We're part of a special task force.

Yeah, you seem pretty special.

It must have been very traumatic this morning.

Well, it wasn't fun.

About the worst we had before that was a bunch of anti-nuke yahoos climbing the fences and spray-painting the joint.

Show them what we got.

That's definitely Solomon.

Yeah, he's the one.

Said something about stealing a nuke.

The other, she was talking about payloads and guidance systems.

Let's see if Aram can ID her.

Look, if I give you a secure e-mail, can you forward this footage?

Yeah, no problem.

[ Door opens, closes ] _

I thought you said it was bad luck to see each other before the wedding.

[ Footsteps ]



Even worse luck to see me before the wedding.

I thought we had an agreement.

We're done. Gina, what are you doing here?

Just doing a favor for a friend.

[ g*n cocks ]

The Major: Hello, Jacob.

Long time no see.

Tell me you got something, Aram.

What about the B-52s?

The planes?

The band. Total crowd pleaser, right?

"Rock Lobster."

Aram, please focus.

Uh, yeah, right.

I've ID'd the woman in the video as Nez Rowan.

Sending you her info now.

She is ex-Navy, where she was a nuclear weapons specialist.

I guess we now know why she's on the team.

Yeah, she also goes by about a half-dozen other aliases.

Been a freelancer for the past eight years.

Do you have anything to trace her?

Actually, one of her preferred aliases-- Harper Waters-- is currently checked into a motel in Baltimore.

All right, send us the details and have a TAC team meet us there.

Desk clerk confirmed our target's in room five.

We were able to snake a camera through the air duct from the adjoining room.

There's another door, opens to the parking lot outside.

I've got a second team there.

All right, we're gonna breach from the hallway.

Don't let her get out that other door.


Navabi, you in place?


[ Indistinct shouting ]


[ Indistinct shouting ]

Man: South corridor, clear.

Command six, do you have eyes on the target?

Go, go, go!

[ Engine revs ]

We've got a silver SUV. En route.

Man: Copy. En route.


[ Indistinct shouting ]

We have a runner. Move, move!

Female suspect on the move. Team one, move up.

[ Engine sputters ]


Next one's in your head.

Hands where I can see them now!

See, we've got you on video at the Hunt Valley robbery.

We got a motel room filled with classified documents and two wounded agents, one in critical care who may never walk again.

The only thing you've got going for you at this point is that he's not dead.

I was unarmed.

Oh, that doesn't matter.

You're an accessory.

And if your crew succeeds in its attempt to hit that convoy and steal the nuclear device, you're gonna get a needle in your arm, just like your boss, Mr. Solomon.

The only reason I mentioned I was unarmed was because it might factor into the deal you're gonna offer.

You've got nothing to bargain with.

I'm a professional.

I pledge allegiance to the highest bidder.

I have no loyalty to Mr. Solomon or anyone else beyond the terms of our business arrangement.

Once they left me in that motel, our contract was null and void.

But if you make me an offer, I will tell you what you want to know.

No deal.

Yes. Deal.

Full immunity. No jail time.

And witness protection.

Solomon and his friends are very motivated and very powerful.

And if their plan goes south, they'll know who talked and they'll be very, very peeved.

Before you throw me in the hole, tell the geniuses at the Pentagon we know the convoy on the turnpike is a decoy.

Then let's see how fast they want to cut a deal.

The Major: You are a genuine anomaly.

The St. Regis program has consistently produced reliable operatives, except for you.

Is there a question coming?

Where do you think we went wrong?

When did you start to feel love for Elizabeth Keen?

I don't know. I just know that it happened.

And I'm really glad that it did.

Even now?

Especially now.

You were my finest accomplishment.

And my biggest disappointment.

Mine too.

Get up.

Get up.

Turn around.

Get on your knees.

Goodbye, Jacob.

[ Silenced g*nshots ]

Was that your plan?

'Cause a little sooner would've been nice.

To tell you the truth, up until I pulled the trigger, I hadn't made up my mind yet.

Well, have you made it up now?

Those last few weeks, when I thought you were dead...

I actually missed you.

But I meant what I said.

You're my greatest disappointment.

[ Door opens, closes ]

I've acquired new intel regarding your convoy.

I thought I made myself abundantly clear on this issue.

We have a suspect in custody, a nuclear weapons specialist.

She claims the convoy on the turnpike is a decoy.


I'm here.

Listen to me.

We've got to find out everything this woman knows, immediately.

Look, she's asking for immunity.

I don't care. Give it to her.

Give her whatever she wants.

Rolly, the truth.

Is the nuke vulnerable?

A minute ago, I would have said no.

I thought you'd come around.

Your deal is contingent upon your intel being valid.

Start talking.

The real convoy is coming in on 95 at 1550 hours.

There's an abandoned van parked under the overpass at mile marker 22 packed with a 1,500-pound ANFO b*mb.

They're gonna blow the bridge right before the real convoy gets there...

Shutting down the traffic.

Once the convoy's stopped, they're gonna hit it-- hard.

26 seasoned mercs with enough firepower to retake Omaha Beach.

Hey, tell all your Feeb buddies to pack extra pairs of shorts!

[ Door slams ]

They're gonna need them.

All right, I've got a satellite view of the overpass, but if there is a van, we can't see it from the air.

Who's on site?

Maryland State Police is coordinating with the Office of Special Transport.

They're shutting down the 95 and rerouting the convoy.

expl*sive Ordinance Disposal is en route.

No, I'll take the call.

I got plenty of backup.

It'll make a huge difference to Keen if neither of us is at that wedding.

Go. I'll be okay.

Give her a hug for me, okay?

Yeah, I will. Be careful.
[ Knock on door ]


[ Door opens ]

What brings you here?

You need an update on the Solomon case?

I just got off the phone with Agent Navabi.

She thoroughly briefed me on the situation.


Then you're here for the wedding?

No, Lizzy.

I'm here to ask you, to implore you, please, don't do this.

I'm telling you, no matter what you believe, Tom is not the man you think he is.

You're wrong.

You don't know him.

He's a criminal.

No. He's changed.

Men like Tom don't change.

You're attempting to build a life with a man who is fundamentally dishonest.


I am attempting to build a life with the father of my child.

A normal life with two parents who love one another.

With everything you know about me, can't you see that?

Can't you see how important that is to me?

To my child?

You were wrong about him once.

What makes you so sure you're not wrong this time?

Do you really want your child to pay the price for that mistake for the rest of his or her life?

Get out.

I want you to go. Please?

I don't want you here.

♪ you came to me in peace ♪
♪ I gave you what you wanted ♪
♪ but no more than just enough ♪

[ No audio ]

♪ and now I'm on my knees ♪
♪ have mercy on my soul ♪


♪ I am here to return your love ♪

What is it?

I just...

I didn't expect to feel this nervous.

[ Sighs ]

♪ let anyone that trust in me ♪
♪ be seen and be heard ♪


♪ and, Lord, if I had known ♪

It's okay to be scared.

What you're doing... it's a huge step.

What am I doing?

You're trusting Tom.

Taking a leap of faith, one you know could end in disappointment, but it's because you love him.

Thank you.

You are the closest thing I have to a real father.

I'm also officially ordained as a minister of the FirstChurchofLifeandEnergy.com.

And if this is what your heart is telling you to do, Liz, that's all that matters.

♪ for someone you love ♪

I'm so glad you're here.

♪ you do it all for someone you love ♪

One less thing to worry about.

[ Chuckles ]

♪ someone you love ♪
♪ you do it right for someone you love ♪

Ressler: Come on. Come on. We got to move.

Commander, convoy's already been diverted.

What's our status?

Traffic's about to be shut down. The EOD just pulled up.

All right, well, hurry it up.

Get everybody back, set up a perimeter.

Solomon and his team must be close.


Raymond, we should turn around.

You're upset.

I'm sure Elizabeth didn't mean--

Why didn't she escape with the others?


The mercenary Agents Ressler and Navabi arrested at the motel.

She could have fled with Solomon, escaped in the SUV with the others.

Agent Navabi said she broke off on her own, tried to get away in a second vehicle.

Hand me the phone, Dembe. I need to see that vehicle.

♪ deep in my imagination ♪
♪ you're wild with wanting me, too ♪


♪ when are you coming over ♪

It's Aram.

I mean, uh, Agent Mojtabai.

[ Chuckles ] Whatever.

I recognize you from--

Mug shot?

Uh, no.

Uh, from your description.

[ Chuckles ] Thanks for coming.

Whoa. Quite a grip.

Sor-- I was, uh...

Yeah, this car looks great, man.

I know. Right?

It's, uh-- It's my grandfather's.

Oh, wow.

Going to be a pretty sweet getaway car, right?

Uh, not that you would know.

Or ever, uh, like, uh, need one.

A getaway, y-you know?



Have you seen Liz?

Ah, right. Yes.

Uh, she's inside.



I'll just-- I'll leave the keys in the visor.

Tom: I told myself no more secrets.

And I promised you that I would be completely honest, no matter what.

Today the Major found me.

Gina told him where to find me, and he came into our apartment and tried to k*ll me.

But he's dead.

And I, uh...

You k*lled him?

Uh, no.

A-Actually, Gina did, but that's a long story.

Look, what I want you to know is that it happened because I made it clear that I'm out.

I'm done with those people and that life.

But there are things that I did, and-- and-- and I might be done with those things, but I can't promise you that those things are done with me.

And I can't promise you that it's not gonna happen... tomorrow or next week or-- or five years from now.


And I would understand, frankly, if you didn't want to deal with any of--


It's me, remember?

Your ex-wife who shot the Attorney General and was publicly branded a Russian sleeper agent.

I know a little something about baggage.

But I love you.

And I am willing to help you carry yours if you can help me carry mine.

[ Police radio chatter ]


Not enough hazard pay in the world to convince me to open those doors.


Come on. Come on.

There wasn't anything inside.

You're sure?

Look, I know who you are, and if there was something to tell I'd tell you, but there was nothing inside the car.


Man: Door's unlocked.

Doesn't look rigged.

Here we go. Cracking it open.

What the...?

What is it?

Nothing. It's completely empty.

The van's completely empty.

Something wrong, boys?

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the car means nothing.

Maybe she was just unlucky.

Why didn't it start?

What do you mean? Starts just fine.

Drove it up onto the flatbed myself.

She's a sacrifice.

Solomon isn't after that w*apon.

It's a distraction to keep us looking one way while they go another.

He's after Elizabeth.

Listen, give me two two-man teams going north and south.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

All right? Thank you.

Reddington, the suspect lied about the location of the attack on the convoy.

There is no attack. There never was.

The target is Agent Keen.

You need to get to the church, Donald.

What are you talking about?

Ever since Elizabeth went public as Masha Rostova, still waters have been stirred up and old grudges have surfaced.

And now someone out there is singularly focused on coming for her.

Coming to k*ll her?


To abduct her.

They're sending Solomon.

In retrospect, that's a perfect choice.

He knows us intimately. He knows about the task force.

They gave us a false trail, and we followed the scent.

Donald, if I'm right and this was all an elaborate feint, all that matters is that you get to that church now.

On my way.

We are gathered here today in celebration of Elizabeth and Tom.

In my years on this Earth, I've been blessed with some truly remarkable friendships.

And I've come to believe that friends are indeed the family we choose.

We are here today to witness the beginning of a new family, inspired by the love of a man and a woman who have found, in each other, their truest friend.

Two people who choose each other.

Now, each choice brings with it blessings as well as hardships.

Choosing a partner means choosing that person's life to become your life.

Their joy becomes your joy, as do their burdens.

Nobody gets in.

The sum of our choices are a weight that each individual carries alone.

But as man and wife, as partners, you choose to shoulder that weight together.

And all of us here today... we celebrate the choice you've made.

[ Door opens ]

Elizabeth, I'm sorry, but we need to go.

What are you doing here?

Men are coming for you. We need to leave now.

Solomon never intended to take that w*apon.

He was contracted by an employer to take you.


They're here.


Keep clear of the windows.

Everybody, stay low.

Aram, get these people out of here now.

Stay down, stay down.

Stay down, stay down.

[ Crying ]

I'm sorry, Lizzy.

You have a team in position?

[ g*nf*re ]

We have a perimeter.

Agent Ressler's en route.

In the meantime, we'll have to hold the fort.

[ g*nf*re continues ]

[ Groans ]

The others?

[ Panting ]

Great. We're surrounded.

[ Dialing, ringing ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]



You know why I'm here. Send her out.

It's curious.

I thought you were the Cabal's most loyal soldier.

And yet here you are, under the patronage of a new benefactor.

I was loyal to the Cabal.

Right up until they tried to k*ll me.

I'm totally violating my non-compete agreement, but... what the hell?

So where do we go from here?

I was instructed to deliver Masha Rostova to my employer and that's what I intend to do.

Send her out, and this can all be over.

So, this is your big plan-- an as*ault on a building filled with armed FBI agents?

Honestly, Matias, I expect better from you.

First of all, you and I both know that you are outmanned and outgunned.

The plan was to grab her today, no matter where she was.

Grocery store or house of God, it makes little difference to me.

And for the record, I take no offense that I wasn't invited.

Came together rather nicely.

They went with ruby fringe tulips and pink peonies.

You'd be impressed.

I'll tell you what, then.

I'll call you back in a couple of minutes.

Give you some time to consider my offer.

And then I'm coming in to check out the flowers myself.

[ Cellphone beeps ]


[ Vehicle doors closing ]

Your target is Elizabeth Keen.

She's to be taken alive and unharmed, but please... feel free to k*ll anybody else.

[ Crying ]

All right, don't worry.

My friends, they are the best at what they do.

[ Cellphone beeping ]

There's no signal.

They're jamming it.

When Solomon calls back, they'll have to stop.

You'll have a few seconds to get a message out.


It's her, isn't it?

Solomon's employer. It's my mother.

Who else would call me Masha Rostova?

Lizzy, your mother is dead.

Then who is it?

Who? You owe me this.

I'll tell you what I know as soon as I know you're safe.

We're not all out of options here.

Nobody has to get hurt.

Lizzy, you are not going out there under any circumstances.


You want me to ask those poor, terrified people what they think?

[ Cellphone rings ]


Hello, Matias.

Matias: What's it gonna be?

Is she coming out, or am I coming in?

I'm coming out!


[ Beep ]

There seems to be some disagreement on that score.

We'll need a little more time to sort this out.

You've had all the time that you're gonna get.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Brace yourselves. They're coming.

[ Groans ]

This is on you.


All of this, indeed, is on me.

Your SOS get through?

[ Sighs ] Let's hope so.

[ Whimpering ]


Concentrate your fire up front.

Drive them toward the back of the room.

They'll attack the front first.

Try and drive us out the back.

Most of his men will be there.

Once you breach the front doors, it'll be quick.

Pin them down, and we'll come in through the back and put it to bed.

Harold, we need to barricade that back door.



Give me a hand.

It's our only way out.

If we get out at all, it'll be through the front.

Most importantly, you need to keep Elizabeth out of sight.

No one's keeping me anywhere.

Liz, if anything happens to you, if you get hurt or taken, none of this means anything.

Don't you get it?

I'm the only one in this building they're not gonna sh**t.

Exactly. So if they don't know where you are, they're going to be a lot more careful about where they point their weapons.

Feels familiar, eh?


[ g*n cocks ]

Let's hope this ends better than that did.

Light 'em up.

[ Sobbing ]

The baby.

Like you said, you're the only one they're not gonna hurt. The baby is safe.

[ g*nf*re continues ]


[ g*nf*re stops ]


Harold, some cover.

[ g*n clicks ]

I'm out.

Dembe. The bag.


[ Whispers ] Liz. Liz.



We will get you out of this.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Please don't ever do that again.

No promises.


[ g*n slids ]

We just heard from Operator 46.

The police have been alerted and are three minutes out.

Take the doors.


[ Woman screaming ]

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.


Oh, God. What?

Okay, hold on, hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

Hold on, hold on.

Hold on. You're okay. You're okay.

[ Woman whimpering ]

Right there. Stay with me.

Stay with me. It's gonna stop.

No. No.

Oh, God. [ Groans ]

[ g*nf*re ]

Tom, get her out of here.

You ready for this?


♪ you took your hits with the bruises ♪
♪ on the soles of your feet ♪
♪ well, who's to say if they're deserved? ♪
♪ but you're turning reckless now ♪
♪ I hear you saying through your teeth ♪
♪ that you'll take them down first ♪
♪ but I saw you flinch ♪
♪ when the doctors got their claws in you ♪
♪ I saw your smile start to crack ♪
♪ it's not so funny when you're sunk ♪
♪ and there ain't nothing you can do ♪
♪ and your options are all dead ends ♪
♪ but there's no way out ♪
♪ I'll let you build your home with me ♪
♪ till the clocks run down ♪
♪ when your looks run out ♪
♪ call me and I will come and fix you ♪
♪ get your feet on the ground ♪
♪ when there's no way out ♪
♪ call me and I will come and bury you ♪
♪ all safe and sound ♪
♪ when there's no way out ♪
♪ I'll let you build your home with me ♪
♪ till the clocks run down ♪
♪ when your looks run out ♪
♪ call me and I will come and fix you ♪
♪ get your feet on the ground ♪
♪ when there's no way out ♪
♪ call me and I will come and bury you ♪
♪ all safe and sound ♪
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