03x18 - Mr. Solomon: Conclusion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Blacklist". Aired September 2013 - current.*
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Former government agent Raymond "Red" Reddington (James Spader) has eluded capture for decades. But he suddenly surrenders to the FBI with an offer to help catch a t*rror1st under the condition that he speaks only to Elizabeth "Liz" Keen (Megan Boone), a young FBI profiler who's just barely out of Quantico.
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03x18 - Mr. Solomon: Conclusion

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Blacklist...

I want to keep the baby. Our baby.

[ Sniffles ]

They had a cancellation at the church this afternoon, I say we go for it. We do it now, today.

Red: I'm afraid your wedding plans will have to wait, Lizzy.

Navabi: Solomon and his friends are very motivated and very powerful.

[ g*nshots ]

And who might you be?

Solomon was contracted by an employer to take you.

Your target is Elizabeth Keen.

Red: Brace yourselves. They're coming.

She's to be taken alive and unharmed.

Get her out of here.


Is there any sign of them?

No, but don't slow down now.

Did you get hurt back there? Either of you?

I don't think so. I avoided the b*ll*ts, anyway.

Well, you always wanted a shotgun wedding.

[ Groans, laughs ]


It's okay. It's all right.

We're gonna get through this, all right?

All they did was stop a wedding.

They can't touch what we have.

Reddington's lying to me. I know it.

If my mother wasn't trying to abduct me, why'd Solomon ask for Masha?

Do you really think this woman is gonna hire a team of mercenaries to kidnap her own daughter?

If that woman knew Reddington, she would.

She'd know it's the only way to pry me out of his grip.

But where's she been all this time?

And why'd Reddington say she's dead?

Well, I got a more pressing question for you--

Where the hell are we going?

[ Beeping ]

Team Leader, this is Operator 4-6.

I have eyes on tango, moving south on Brightwood Avenue.

[ g*nf*re ]


I beg to differ. We've got Masha contained inside the church.

That's a big negative, Team Leader.

Target is southbound in a festive black sedan.

Suggest you break off current engagement.

All teams, continuous fire for 15 seconds, and then full withdrawal.


What are they doing?!

They just realized she's gone.

They're keeping us pinned so they can launch a chase team.

You need to get out of here.


[ Sirens wailing ]

[ Tires screech ]


[ g*nf*re ]

Navabi: They're pulling back.

They heard the sirens.

Half of Metro PD must be out there by now.

[ Wailing continue ]

[ g*nf*re ]

[ Engine starts ]

We got to get out there. Let's go.

[ Tires squealing ]

[ g*n clicks ]


Well, thanks to construction delays in Columbia Heights, I have a fixed position for tango.

Sending the nav... now.

[ Beeping ]

[ Horns blaring, indistinct shouting ]


Hi! Congratulations.

Yeah. Best wishes.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Okay, you promised to tell me what's going on.

Who sent the army?

Are you okay?

[ Honking continue ]

What do you think?

That was supposed to be our wedding?

Who's honking?


Tell Tom to drive you to the Mill Shop on L Street.

I'll send you the address and meet you there.

It's owned by a friend-- Yong-Sun Hopgood.

He'll provide safe haven.

We need to get you off the street quickly before Solomon finds you.

I'll take it under advisement.

[ Tires screech ]

Son of a bitch. Are you okay?

I wish people would stop asking me that.

Liz, what are you doing?

Don't worry. They're not gonna sh**t me.

[ Tires squealing ]

They're gonna get the tires. Hang on.

[ g*nf*re ]

Liz, what the hell is wrong with you?

Give me that.


[ g*nf*re ]

Get down!

Where'd they go?


We've got to keep moving.

No, Tom, I can't run.

All right, all right, all right, I know.

[ Sighs ]

In here.

[ Breathing heavily ]


Okay, I'm sorry.

I know you told me to stop asking if you're okay.

Yeah, I know. I'm not okay.

The car wreck. Something hurts inside.

Okay, hold on. Let me find something for the pain.

[ Drawer opens ]


What about the baby?

I don't know. I'm not trained for this.

[ Sighs ] Oh, my God. We're terrible parents.


[ Door creaks ]

Operator 4-6: Team Leader, police are approaching the area.

[ Door closes ]

What is it?

[ Gasps ]

Oh, my God, the baby!

[ Breathing heavily ]

Ressler: No.

Give me a shoutout.

No word on the escape vehicles yet.

We got federal, state, and local agencies in on the search, but media outlets have been alerted.

Stay on it.

Armor-plated SUVs don't just vanish.

Look, I wouldn't count on it.

Whoever gave Solomon soldiers-- They gave him good ones.

I mean, they wore flexion gloves.

There's no fingerprints on anything, not even these.

Green-tipped. Armor-piercing.

And that's all they left behind.

They even dragged away their dead.

Any word on Keen?

Reddington's getting her to a safe house.

He'll notify us when she's landed.

I have something.

When Dembe fought off one of the men, his helmet came off.

I found this EarCom in one of the nearby pews.

It's like nothing I've ever seen.

Good work.

See if Aram can track down the manufacturer.

Our priority is to identify that attack team.

[ Breathing heavily ]

I need a little help here!

Let's get her on a gurney.

What happened?

Oh, she was, uh, in a car accident and she said she was fine and then she started bleeding.

How many months?

Uh, eight.

Is the baby okay?

We're gonna check her out. Get an IV started.

Send off a trauma panel. Get her on a fetal monitor.

[ Exhales deeply ]

Operator 4-6: Team Leader, incoming from the north.

Two Metro PD cruisers. 40 seconds out.

Operator 4-6, you got eyes on the target yet?

Negative. Too many points of exit.

Metro PD now 20 seconds out.

May I suggest you implement an exit strategy?

She's hurt.

Operator 4-6, where's the nearest hospital?

Vectoring you to Mary Margaret on Central Avenue, two blocks north of 27th.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Your bleeding seems to have stopped on its own.

Did the painkiller help?

Is the baby okay?

That's all I care about.

That's all she cares about, but I need them both healthy.

Well, the heartbeat looks okay, and baby's moving around.

All good signs.

But the OB's heading down now just to make sure.

Now, in the meantime, we're gonna run some more tests, see if there was any other trauma from the accident.

Thank you.

[ Cellphone vibrating ]

[ Sighs ] I don't want to talk to him.

What do you want?

Red: Elizabeth. Here. Now.

I'm right in front of the place. Where is she?

There was an accident.

Is she hurt?

We don't know.

I mean, we don't know how bad she--

She was bleeding. We're at Mary Margaret Hospital.

Can you put her on?


You need to leave.

Mr. Kaplan will be there in five minutes to pick you up out back.

[ Sighs ] Did you hear a word Tom just said?

I can't protect you in a hospital.

You can't protect me in a church, either.

Let me rephrase that.

I cannot safeguard you and the dozens of innocent patients and medical personnel who'll be caught in the crossfire when Solomon and his storm troopers put together where you are.

I know how desperately you want to protect your baby, Lizzy.

So think.

[ Exhales deeply ]


You'll be fine, sweetie. Nothing to be afraid of.

I'm taking you to a private ICU with the county's top emergency-care team.

I know what that means.

I'm right here.

[ Groans ]

I'm right here.

[ Gasps ]


My water just broke.

Oh, wow. This is-- This is happening.

Um, w-w-what is our ETA?

Three minutes out.

Ohh! From where?

Three minutes out from where?

An abandoned warehouse?

Because I let a fugitive, a k*ller, a sociopath into my life...

I know.

...now I am being hunted by God knows who's chasing me, but they've got body armor and as*ault r*fles, and I have to give birth to my child-- to a baby-- in a filthy warehouse!

It's a nightclub.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

No, it's not.

Your baby deserves more than we can provide.


Welcome, Dr. Korpal.

What have we got?

A 31-year-old female 32 weeks pregnant status post MVA with abdominal pain and bleeding.

RH status?

Unknown, but her labs are cooking.

Okay, he's in.

I should have known it'd be you on call.

Liz, what happened?

Nothing good.

It's okay. Let me take a look.

Uh, since when are you an OB?

As an ER physician, I'm trained in the emergency aspect of all the specialties.

I saved your ass, didn't I?

Damn it, Reddington. Where's Liz?

Circumstances prevent me from sharing more information at this time, Harold.

Whoever employed Solomon's services, they know too much.

They're breathing down our necks even now, listening, watching.

I can feel it.

Who att*cked us at the church?

I don't know.

I'm hoping your team finds something at the scene.

We need to put down this threat quickly.

I'll be in touch when I can.

Hey, Reddington, wait.

Kaplan: Of course, it's a risk for all of us, but it's possible, right?

What's possible?


She suffered a placental abruption, likely from the crash.

It's when the placenta rips away from the walls of the uterus.

As a result, the baby's not getting enough oxygen.

The heart rate is plummeting.

If I don't perform an emergency C-section in the next 10 minutes, her baby's going to die.


It's pointless trying to identify a manufacturer.

That EarCom is pure black market.

Nitride transistor technology, a built-in terahertz radio.

We're back to square one-- chasing shadow warriors.

Uh, not exactly.

There were no prints on the outside of the EarCom, but I pulled partial fingerprints from the button battery inside.

Asa Jacobi.

First Air Cavalry Brigade.

Missing, presumed dead during the Iraq w*r.

He left a wife behind.

Track her down and pay her a visit.

See if there's anything there.

[ Door closes ]

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Perimeter defense is in place-- exits, rooftops, and lookouts on all avenues of approach for a six-block radius.

Everything will be fine, Raymond.

Oh, for God's sake, Dembe, spare me the mystical reassurance.

Everything is not fine.

Where the hell was the perimeter defense at that damn church?

You should have deployed four teams, five teams.

Look at her lying there in this barbaric situation with her child's life at risk.

Everything is not fine.

She never should have been at that Godforsaken church.

Kaplan: Stop it, Raymond!

This has little to do with Dembe and nothing to do with that poor girl in there.

She's been telling you for months that you're a danger to her baby.

This is on you, Raymond.

Nobody else.

You were wrong to make her believe you could keep her safe.

You made us all believe.

Operator 4-6, this is Team Leader.

We lost the target. Last seen at Mary Margaret Hospital.

Do you have a visual? Over.


But fresh hospital intel just in.

"Suspected placental abruption with vaginal bleeding.

Variable fetal deceleration present."

Sounds like tango's about to pop out a bun.

Given her medical condition, she can't be far away.

Let's canvass these areas.

As soon as I get this epidural in, you're gonna feel a whole lot better.

[ Sighing ] Okay.

And we'll be ready to go.

And you get to stay awake the whole time.


Wow. Okay.

Why is she in so much pain?

Her baby's not receiving enough oxygen.

It's fighting to stay alive inside her womb.

Trust me, that's a good thing, but I need to work fast.

Push another five of morphine.

Nik, please just tell me nothing's gonna happen to the baby.

The moment you hear your baby cry, you'll know that everything's going to be okay.

Now, you're gonna feel some pressure as I insert the needle.

Take a deep breath.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Just stay with me, all right? I'm right here.

It's fine. We're having a baby.



I love you.

You're gonna do great.

This just isn't how I pictured the birth of our baby.

How'd you picture it?


Okay, hold on.

[ Paul Anka's "You're Having My Baby" plays ]

♪ having my baby ♪
♪ what a lovely way of saying how much you love me ♪
♪ having my baby ♪
♪ what a lovely way of saying what you're thinking of me ♪
♪ I can see it ♪
♪ I can see it ♪
♪ face is glowing ♪
♪ I can see it in your eyes ♪
♪ and I'm happy you know it ♪
♪ that you're having my baby ♪

You ready?

♪ you're the woman I love and I love what it's doing to ya ♪

Starting a low transverse incision now.

♪ you're having my baby ♪
♪ you're the woman I love, and I love what's going through ya ♪

She has some adhesions.

♪ the need inside you ♪

Hand me the bovie.

Adhesions? Is that bad?

♪ I see it showin' ♪

It's common.

Let me guess. You had your appendix out.

Um, when I was 15.

♪ and do you feel it growin'? ♪

You're doing fine, Liz.

Ready to open the peritoneum.

♪ are you happy you know it? ♪

Metzenbaum scissors.

Adson pickups.

♪ that you're having my baby ♪
♪ I'm a woman in love ♪
♪ and I love what it's doing to me ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ having my baby ♪
♪ I'm a woman in love ♪
♪ and I love what's going through me, yeah ♪
♪ didn't have to keep it ♪
♪ oh, no ♪
♪ wouldn't put you through it ♪

Uterine incision is complete.

♪ you could have swept it from your life ♪

You ready to meet your baby, Liz?

♪ but you wouldn't do it ♪

Definitely. Please.

♪ said you wouldn't do it ♪
♪ no, no, no ♪
♪ and you're having my baby ♪
♪ I'm a woman in love, and I love what it's doing to me ♪


♪ having my baby ♪

Almost there.

Why's the baby so quiet?

Dr. Korpal, there's no respiratory effort.

Ambu bag.

Tom: What's happening?


Nik? Nik, tell us what's wrong.

Is everything okay?

[ Crying ]


Sometimes they just need a reminder it's time to breathe.

All right.


You have a healthy, beautiful baby girl.


A girl!



Liz: I still like Agnes.

[ Tom chuckles ]

You know my feelings.

Besides reliving childhood traumas, it's an old lady name.

But with babies, everything that's old is new again.

[ Chuckles ]

Besides, it was Sam's mother's name.

He's the only family I ever knew.

Red: Congratulations, Elizabeth.

May I see her?

No. Get out.

Please, go away. Make him go away.

It's been a long day. She's had a lot of dr*gs.

It's not the dr*gs.

This is my daughter.

I'm begging you.

Just wait out here.

Let me talk to her.



Agent Navabi found Asa Jacobi's wife.

She's living in Phoenix, and she has had no contact with her husband since he went missing.

A dead end.


Aram: For the first few years after his disappearance, she got a series of unusual phone calls.

She could hear breathing on the line, but the caller wouldn't speak.

Prank calls aren't unusual.

They are when they always fall on your wedding anniversary.

So I traced the wife's phone records.

Those calls were all made on pay phones, but they were paid for with calling cards.

You find a billing address?

Yep, and the accounts used to pay those bills also paid for this mid-century Columbia Heights charmer.

Been under single ownership for the past 20 years, only there is no owner.

It's an alias.

Get Ressler and Samar there now.


Man: We're clear!


Looks like no one's home.

Man: Downstairs!



What the hell is this place?

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Keep an eye on things here. I'm gonna get some air.

[ Woman speaking indistinctly ]

Liz, she's beautiful.

I'm sorry, Dembe.

I know, Raymond.

[ Alarm beeping ]


What is it?

[ Baby crying ]

Kaplan: Doctor!

Liz, what's wrong?

My chest.

Hey, she can't breathe.

[ Crying continues ]

[ Beeping continues ]

Give me the baby.

What's wrong with her?

O2 levels are dropping. Get her some oxygen.

I need a stat EKG, cardiac panel, and a VQ scan.

EKG stat.

What's happening?

I have to get back to you on that.

[ Crying continues ]

Tom: Nik, do something.


I checked with Aram.

Those cables belong to a cross-country fiber-optic network.

Whoever tapped them can intercept digital communications across half the eastern seaboard.

Hold on. Something's happening.

I think someone's shutting it off.

[ Keyboard keys clacking ]

[ Whirring ]

[ Sighs ]

Team Leader, one of your men was just compromised.

His tactical error just led the FBI to one of our fiber taps.

And due to inherent security risks, he cannot be allowed to remain in the field.

What kind of error?

I believe he lost his EarCom.

Which one of you lost his earpiece?

That'd be me, sir.

Well, it's been found.

Oh, good. Yeah.

[ Sighs ]

When you fall prey to errors, you become prey.

Somebody clean that up.

Nik: The scan confirmed my fear.

The placental abruption caused amniotic fluid to leak into Liz's blood, producing a severe inflammatory reaction.

Are you with me, Liz?

I'm gonna put you on a BiPAP machine.

It forces your lungs to expand and helps you breathe, okay?

I'll be right back.

I need to be straightforward.

The BiPAP is a Band-Aid.

The amniotic fluid will cause Liz's lungs to swell.

The next stop is heart failure.


She needs to be intubated and put on a ventilator as soon as possible.

You mean induce a medical coma.

I know it sounds scary, but it'll allow us to control her breathing and force oxygen into her system.

I just don't have that equipment here.

Tell Mr. Kaplan whatever you need.

We'll have it here immediately.

[ Liz wheezing ]


It's okay.

We're gonna need you to take slow, deep breaths.

Breathe with the machine.

Just breathe, babe. Just breathe.

[ Beeping ]

That looks right. Okay, let's go.

We need it in OR now.


Nik: Pull up 20 of etomidate and 100 of sux.

[ Liz wheezing ]

Tom: Liz, you can do this.

When you wake up, I'm gonna take you away from here.

We're gonna be lying on a beach under the sun.

Just you, me, and our little baby girl.

I promise you.

[ Wheezing ] If things go sideways, you're gonna take our baby to that beach, right?

Don't say that. They won't go sideways.

We have too much to look forward to.

Nik: I need to put you under now.

You're about to get very sleepy.

Once she's tubed, I'll need a post chest intubation X-ray and ABG.


I'm sorry I kicked you out.

It wasn't fair after all you've done for me.

I've done nothing for you, Lizzy.

I'm scared for my little girl.

Nik: Push the meds.


It's the children whom the world almost breaks who grow up to save it.

I don't want that for her.

I wasn't talking about her.

I was talking about you, Elizabeth.

Liz: Oh, Raymond.

I do love...

[ Monitor beeping ]

[ Monitors beeping rapidly ]

[ Crying ]

Do something!

We've maxed out the vent settings.

Her lungs are too damaged. They're shutting down.

There's nothing more I can do here.

"Here." What do you mean, "here"?

In the hospital, there's a device called the ECMO.

It allows us to oxygenate her blood out--

Can we get one here?

There's no time.

Then we're going to the hospital.

Tell the paramedics we'll need the ambulance.

Solomon knows we haven't left the city.

We have to assume they're monitoring the area.

A convoy traveling at high speed--

You'll be intercepted and att*cked before you can get there.

I'll handle that.

I want a full protective detail to stay on site.

I'll ride in the ambulance, stay with Liz.

I still have the Browning, but I need clips.

No, you stay here.

Like hell I'm staying here.

She's my wife-- will be my wife.

And she'd insist you stay and protect her child.

[ g*n cocks ]

You're a father now.

Morgan, I have something for you and Danny.

Whatever you need, boss.

[ Cellphone rings ]


We have a medical emergency.

We're at 1438 West Randall, laying a course for Mary Margaret Hospital.

We'll be duck hunting.

I can have an escort there in six minutes.

We don't have six minutes.

You're gonna have to meet us on the way.

We're losing her, Harold.

We're losing Elizabeth.


Team Leader, I have eyes on a white ambulance heading south on Randall's Lane at high speed.

None have been officially dispatched in that grid.

Solid copy, Operator 46.

Are they taking the on-ramp to the highway?

Unclear. Without that data node, I have blind spots.

All teams on Map Grid 32-V, tango in a white ambulance.

Find them.

[ Monitor beeping rapidly ]

What's her status?

Blood pressure and heart rate are crashing.

I'm giving her atropine now.

I want a dopamine drip on standby.

Keep her heart beating, Nik.

Please, just keep her heart beating.

Recycle her blood pressure now and every five minutes.

[ Sirens wailing ]

Aram, where are we going, pal?

We need eyes. Take us to Keen.

Yeah, hang on.

I just got a visual on her ambulance.

Charting intercept course.

Okay, take your next left.

I'm gonna route you around traffic.

[ Wailing continues ]

Team Leader, the target location has been acquired.

Pulling up coordinates now.

Routing you south-southwest on Langford.

Target in white Ford ambulance.


[ Tires screech ]

[ Monitor beeping rapidly ]

Nik: Dopamine.

[ Tires screech ]

[ Tires screech ]

Hands in the air!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Hands in the air! Step out!

What's going on? We're just responding to a call.

What do you mean, the wrong ambulance?

Use your Tinkertoys and find the right one.

They're making fools of us.

Patience is our ally, Team Leader.

Searching for the precious cargo now.

[ Sirens wailing ]

Cooper said something about duck hunting.

What did he mean?

A decoy. They're using a decoy.

[ Tires screech ]

How much farther to the hospital?

2 1/2 miles.

An ECMO team is standing by to receive her.

Her heart's barely contracting.

If she's not on bypass within the next few minutes...


[ Tires screech ]

Oh, my God.

Engage targets, but do not k*ll Elizabeth Keen.

The driver's been hit.

Squeeze every five seconds.

[ g*nf*re ]

♪ leave a lighthouse in the wild ♪
♪ 'cause I'm coming in ♪
♪ a little blind ♪

Nik: I'm losing her.

No, you're not.

She's not responding to medication.

Then do something else.

[ Flatline ]

She's in V-fib. Charge the paddles.

[ Paddles whine ]


[ Thud ]

Charge again.

[ Paddles whine ]


♪ shining a little light ♪

[ Thud ]

♪ to bring us back home ♪

[ Flatline ]

[ Piano solo ]

[ Flatline ]



Charge again.


[ Thud ]

What's happening? Why isn't it working?


[ Thud ]

[ Flatline ]

♪ 'cause I know I've seen you before ♪

[ Sighs ]

♪ won't you shine ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh-oh ♪

[ Sighs ]

♪ a little light ♪

Come on, Lizzy.

Please, don't go.

♪ ah, ah-ah ♪

Please, don't go.

♪ ah, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

[ Sirens wailing ]

[ g*nf*re ]


[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

Check the bodies. Collect the g*ns.


[ Shouting continues ]

I had to call it.

There was nothing else I could...

[ Sighs ]

I'm so sorry.

Back up!

Go on, back up! Keep everyone away!

[ Sirens wailing, helicopter blades whirring ]


You need to leave, Raymond.

The police are here.



I don't want Elizabeth in the morgue.

I want our people to handle this.

I'll take care of everything.

This way. Come on.

[ Grunts ]

I got you.

[ "Theme From Blinking Lights" by Eels playing ]

[ Door opens ]

♪ da-da-da da da da ♪

[ Engine starts ]

♪ da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da da ♪
♪ da da-da-da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da ♪
♪ da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da da ♪
♪ da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da da ♪
♪ da da-da-da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da ♪
♪ da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da da ♪
♪ da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da da ♪
♪ da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da ♪
♪ da da da ♪
♪ da-da-da da da da da ♪

[ Baby fussing ]

It's okay.


[ Fussing continues ]

I should have stayed with her.

There's nothing you could have done.

Was she in pain?

At the end?

No. She never woke up.

[ Breathes shakily ]

I can't do this alone.

Without her.

[ Sniffles ] I don't know what to do.

You'll learn fast.


[ Fussing ]


Do you mind?


Her name is Agnes.


That's a good name.
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